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Intrathymic selection of murine TCR alpha beta+CD4-CD8- thymocytes   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The CD4-CD8- thymocyte population contains the precursors of all other thymocytes. However, it also contains a significant proportion of cells which express surface TCR alpha beta, and have little or no precursor activity. Like peripheral T cells, but unlike most other thymocytes, these TCR alpha beta+CD4-CD8- thymocytes do not express heat stable antigen. Both the origin and developmental status of these cells are unclear, and are the subject of this report. We have measured the proportion of V beta 8.1+ cells amongst TCR+HSA-CD4-CD8- thymocytes in MIs-1a versus MIs-1b mice, in order to determine whether they have undergone negative selection. The proportions were similar in both strains, in contrast to mature T cells, indicating that neither they nor their precursors had undergone clonal deletion. We also measured the accumulation of these cells over the early life of the animal and found that it was extremely slow. Our data also show that although TCR-V beta 8.1+ cells are reactive to MIs-1a in association with MHC class II, most mature TCR-V beta 8.1+ cells in MIs-1b mice are CD8+, suggesting an additional reactivity with MHC class I. We raise the possibility that TCR-V beta 8.1+CD4-CD8- thymocytes are derived from TCR-V beta 8.1+CD4+CD8+ thymocytes, and that the reactivity of TCR-V beta 8.1 with both MHC classes I and II has resulted in the down-regulation of both CD4 and CD8.  相似文献   

The pan-NK cell marker NK1.1, present in some mouse strains, is also found on a subset of TCRalphabeta+ lymphocytes termed NKT cells. These cells are primarily CD4+ or CD4-CD8- (double negative, DN), and both NKT subpopulations contain cells reactive with the MHC class I-like molecule CD1d. Murine NK cells express clonally distributed inhibitory receptors of the Ly49 family that bind to different alleles of MHC class I molecules and transmit negative signals regulating NK cell function. Ly49 receptors are also found on TCRalphabeta+ NK1.1+ T cells. To investigate the potential role of inhibitory Ly49 markers in the regulation of NKT cells, we have done a thorough analysis of their expression on different NKT populations. The CD4+ and DN NK1.1+ T cell subsets have traditionally been dealt with as one NK1.1+ T cell population, but we found dramatic differences between these two NKT cell subsets. We demonstrate here expression of Ly49 receptors on DN, but not on CD4+, NK1.1+ T cells in spleen and liver. Absence of the specific MHC class I ligand in the host was associated with elevated levels of expression and, to a greater extent than has been found for NK cells, increased the frequencies of Ly49-positive cells within the DN subset, while CD4+ NK1.1+ cells remained negative. In the thymus and bone marrow both NK1.1+ T cell subsets contained high frequencies of Ly49-positive cells. Results from in vitro stimulation of DN NKT cells further suggest that activation and expansion of NKT cell subsets are regulated by the Ly49 receptors.  相似文献   

C S Scott  S J Richards    B E Roberts 《Immunology》1990,70(3):351-356
Enriched CD4+CD8-/CD4-CD8-, CD4-CD8+/CD4-CD8- and CD4-CD8- cell suspensions were prepared from normal peripheral blood by selective immunomagnetic depletion of monoclonal antibody-defined lymphocyte populations. Subsequent examination of these modified cell fractions by two-colour flow cytometry provided a means of determining the expression of membrane T-cell receptor (TcR)alpha beta and TcR gamma delta chains by both major (CD4+ and CD8+) and minor (CD3+CD4-CD8dim+ and CD3+CD4-CD8-) lymphocyte subpopulations. Normal CD4+CD8- lymphocytes were almost invariably (greater than 99%) TcR alpha beta+, whereas lymphocytes expressing membrane CD8, which could be further subdivided according to differences in fluorescent staining intensity into CD3+CD4-CD8+, CD3+CD4-CD8dim+ and CD3-CD4-CD8dim+ components, were characterized by distinct differences in patterns of TcR chain expression. In contrast to CD3+CD4-CD8+ cells, which were predominantly (99%) TcR alpha beta+, CD3+CD4-CD8dim+ lymphocytes showed a significant proportion (33%) of TcR gamma delta+ cells (natural killer-associated CD3-CD4-CD8dim+ cells were uniformly TcR-). The highest proportion (62%) of TcR gamma delta+ cells was associated with the CD3+CD4-CD8- fraction, but these studies also revealed that a significant minority of this population was TcR alpha beta+. Despite some evidence for normal inter-individual variation, further analysis of membrane CD8 fluorescent intensities confirmed clear differential relationships for TcR alpha beta and TcR gamma delta chain expression.  相似文献   

The present report describes developmental, phenotypic and functionalfeatures of unconventional CD4+ TCRß lymphocytes.In C57BL/6 mice, the majority of liver lymphocytes expressingintermediate intensity of TCRß (TCRßint)are CD4+NK1.1+ and express a highly restricted TCR Vßrepertoire, dominated by Vß8 with some contributionby Vß7 and Vß2. Although these cells expressthe CD4 co-receptor, they are present in H2-l Aß (Aß)+/–gene disruption mutants but are markedly reduced in ß2-microglobulin(ß2m)–/– mutant mice and hence are ß2mdependent. Thymocytes expressing the CD4+NK1.1+ TCR ßphenotype are also (ß2m) contingent, suggesting thatthese two T lymphocyte populations are related. The CD4+NK1.1+TCRßlymphocytes in liver and thymus share several markers such asLFA-1+, CD44+, CD5+, LECAM-1 and IL-2Rßa. TheCD4+NK1.1 + TCRßint liver lymphocytes were not detectedin athymic nuinu mice. We conclude that ß2m expressionis crucial for development of the CD4+NK1.1+ TCRßintliver lymphocytes and that thymus plays a major role. CD4+ TCRßintliver lymphocytes were also identified in NK1.1+ mouse strains,there lacking the NK1.1 marker. We assume that the NK1.1 moleculeis a characteristic marker of the CD4+TCR"int liver lymphocytesin NK1.1+ mouse strains, although its expression is not obligatoryfor their development. The liver lymphocytes from +2m+/–,but not from +2m–/–mice are potent IL-4 producersin response to CD3 or TCRß engagement and the IL-4production by liver lymphocytes was markedly reduced by treatmentwith anti-NK1.1 mAb. We conclude that the CD4+NK1.1+ TCRßintliver lymphocytes are capable of producing IL-4 in responseto TCR stimulation.  相似文献   

目的分析CD3+TCRαβ+ DN(double negative)胸腺细胞的特性,推断其在胸腺发育中表型和功能的成熟过程. 方法分离纯化小鼠胸腺DN细胞,用多重染色的方法分析CD3+TCRαβ+ DN细胞的表型和TCR库,并与外周淋巴结的相应细胞进行对比. 结果 DN胸腺细胞为异质性细胞,包括CD3- DN细胞和CD3+ DN细胞,而CD3+ DN细胞又分为CD3+TCRαβ+和CD3+TCRγδ+ 2个亚群.其中,CD3+TCRαβ+ DN细胞体积较小,绝大部分细胞对可的松耐受,细胞中能与自身反应的Vβ3+和Vβ11+细胞比例极低,表型较为成熟,与髓质型SP(single positive)细胞相当. 结论 CD3+TCRαβ+ DN细胞不同于CD3-TCRαβ- DN细胞,是一个独特的细胞亚群,只有在经历表型和功能的进一步成熟后才能迁出胸腺,移至外周.  相似文献   

Intrathyroidal lymphocyte subsets were analysed in 13 euthyroid patients with autoimmune thyroid disease by two-colour flow cytometry and compared with subsets in peripheral blood. In both Graves' and Hashimoto's diseases, proportions of intrathyroidal CD5- B cells were higher than in peripheral blood. The numbers of such cells were correlated with serum levels of anti-thyroid microsomal antibodies. Proportions of T cells bearing alpha beta chains of T cell receptors (TCR alpha beta+ T; T alpha beta) and CD16+CD57+ natural killer (NK) cells were lower in the thyroid, but proportions of CD3hiTCR alpha beta-TCR gamma delta+ (T gamma delta) cells were not different. Proportions of CD4+Leu-8- helper T cells and CD4+CD57+ germinal centre T cells were higher and proportions of CD4+Leu-8+ suppressor-inducer T cells and CD8+CD57+ or CD8+CD11b+ suppressor T cells were lower than in the blood in both diseases. Proportions of CD5+ B cells were high in Graves' disease, and proportions of CD8+CD11b- cytotoxic T cells were high in Hashimoto's disease. Unexpectedly, CD4+CD8+ cells and CD3loTCR alpha beta lo/-CD4-CD8- cells were present in thyroid tissues of both diseases. These findings suggest that: (i) an imbalance in the numbers of regulatory T cells and of NK cells that had appeared in the thyroid resulted in the proliferation of CD5- B cells, which were related to thyroid autoantibody production; (ii) CD5+ B cells and cytotoxic T cells are important for the different pathological features in Graves' and Hashimoto's diseases, respectively; and (iii) intrathyroidal CD4+CD8+ cells and CD3loTCR alpha beta lo/-CD4-CD8- cells may be related to the pathogenesis of autoimmune thyroid disease.  相似文献   

We characterized and established relationships between the expression of membrane 2H4 (CD45RA) and UCHL1 (CD45RO) by enriched lymphocyte fractions prepared by selective immunomagnetic depletion of monoclonal antibody-defined populations. Cell fractions analysed in this study could be divided into two broad groups according to the presence (CD3+CD4+CD8-, CD3+CD4-CD8+, CD3+CD4-CD8dim+ and CD3+CD4-CD8-) or absence (CD3-CD4-CD8dim+ and CD3-CD4-CD8-) of the CD3 antigen. Preliminary studies confirmed a reciprocal relationship for CD45RA and CD45RO expression by major lymphoid components and further showed that the level or intensity of membrane 2H4 staining (2H4+, 2H4int and 2H4-) could be directly related to UCHL1 expression. As a reflection of their differential functions, the various CD3+ populations examined showed much greater heterogeneity in 2H4 and UCHL1 expression. CD3+CD4+CD8- cells generally showed significant proportions of 2H4+, 2H4int and 2H4- components, whereas the CD3+CD4-CD8+ population was characterized by a predominance of 2H4+ cells. The results of this current investigation further suggested a higher proportion of dual-positive (2H4+UCHL1+) cells and a much greater degree of inter-individual variation than previously suspected. In contrast to CD3+ lymphocytes, natural killer (NK) associated CD3-CD4-CD8dim+ and CD3-CD4-CD8- populations were mostly 2H4+ with only minor 2H4int components and very low expression of UCHL1. An additional observation of note was that the proportions of 2H4+ and 2H4- cells comprising the CD4+CD8- fraction in any given individual was highly correlated (P = 0.002) with the distributions of 2H4+ and 2H4- components within the CD4-CD8+ fraction. This suggests the possible existence of a common control mechanism for the acquisition of immunological memory by distinct lymphocyte populations and further indicates that individual variations in the distribution of 2H4/UCHL1 lymphocyte subpopulations may be a direct consequence of 'immunological experience' rather than age alone.  相似文献   

CD4+8? or CD4?8+ thymocytes have been regarded as direct progenitors of peripheral T cells. However, recently, we have found a novel NK1.1+ subpopulation with skewed T cell antigen receptor (TcR) Vβ family among heat-stable antigen negative (HSA?) CD4+8? thymocytes. In the present study, we show that these NK1.1+ CD4+8? thymocytes, which represent a different lineage from the major NK1.1? CD4+8? thymocytes or CD4+ lymph node T cells, vigorously secrete interleukin (IL)-4 and interfron (IFN)-γ upon stimulation with immobilized anti-TcR-αβ antibody. On the other hand, neither NK1.1? CD4+8?thymocytes nor CD4+ lymph node T cells produced substantial amounts of these lymphokines. A similar pattern of lymphokine secretion was observed with the NK1.1+ CD4+ T cells obtained from bone marrow. The present findings elucidate the recent observations that HSA? CD4+8? thymocytes secrete a variety of lymphokines including IFN-γ, IL-4, IL-5 and IL-10 before the CD4+8? thymocytes are exported from thymus. Our evidence indicates that NK1.1+ CD4+8? thymocytes are totally responsible for the specific lymphokine secretions observed in the HSA- CD4+8? thymocytes.  相似文献   

Newly generated ('virgin') rat thymocytes of the immature CD4+8+ double positive (DP) subset were treated in suspension culture for 2 days with the stimulatory pair of anti-CD2 monoclonal antibodies OX-54 and OX-55. Approximately 50% of the recovered cells had downregulated CD4 and CD8 and upregulated the T cell antigen receptor (TCR). CD2-stimulated, but not control thymocytes proliferated in response to TCR plus IL-2 stimulation. In vivo, postnatal injection of OX-54/55 led to a dramatic and selective increase in functionally mature CD4-CD8- double negative (DN) alpha/beta--TCR(high) thymocytes and peripheral T cells. These findings show that CD2 stimulation can promote T cell differentiation and suggest that DN TCR(high) thymocytes can be generated from DP thymocytes via alternative pathways of T cell maturation.  相似文献   

Activation of immature thymocytes or transformed T lymphocytes via T-cell receptor (TCR)/CD3 signalling can induce programmed cell death (apoptosis). Recent data indicate that anti-CD3/TCR monoclonal antibodies (mAb) also trigger apoptosis in activated (but not resting) mature peripheral blood T lymphocytes. Here we report that triggering of resting CD4-CD8-TCR alpha beta+ and/or TCR gamma delta+ via the alternative CD2-dependent activation pathway is able to induce programmed cell death. A pair of mitogenic anti-CD2 mAb provoked a dramatic rise in [Ca2+]i that was almost entirely sustained by extracellular fluxes, and the inhibition of membrane [Ca2+/Mg2+] ATPase. The resulting endonuclease activation was able to induce DNA fragmentation, as revealed by propidium iodide staining and gel electrophoresis. Induction of apoptosis was prevented by the presence of interleukin-4 (IL-4) as well as by endonuclease inactivation with 100 microM ZnCl2, but enhanced by the contemporary block of protein kinase C. Thus it seems that in resting T lymphocytes the strong calcium signal delivered by the alternative CD2 activation pathway may act as a negative apoptotic signal in both alpha beta and gamma delta T cells with low (non-major histocompatibility complex restricted) antigenic affinity, so limiting the extension of polyclonal T-cell growth.  相似文献   

The composition of the T lymphocyte population in swine is special in that in addition to the CD4-CD8+ subpopulations, CD4-CD8- and CD4+CD8- and CD4+CD8+ subpopulations are prominent in the peripheral circulating as well as in the resident T lymphocyte pools. Since the same phenotypes are characteristic of thymic populations, it was asked whether the unusual distribution in swine may result from an emigration of thymic precursor phenotypes to the periphery. This explanation was refuted, as all thymic subpopulations were found to express CD1, albeit with differences in antigen density, whereas all extrathymic subpopulations lack CD1. The cellular distribution of CD2 in swine is without precedent among all species studied. Whereas in sheep and cattle the extrathymic CD4-CD8- subpopulation is known to entirely lack CD2 and to have a low propensity for homing to lymphoid tissues, the CD4-CD8- subpopulation in swine splits into CD2+ and CD2- subsets, both of which do reside in lymphoid tissues. While CD2+CD4-CD8- T lymphocytes are rare in the circulating pool, this subset accumulates in spleen and lymph nodes. This may indicate a role for CD2 in homing. Thus the species swine is immunologically unique, not only because of having CD1-CD2+CD4+CD8+ T lymphocytes in the periphery, but also with regard to subdivision and homing behavior of its CD4-CD8- T lymphocyte subpopulation.  相似文献   

We have studied the nature of human CD4-CD8- (double negative) alpha beta T cells to determine whether they possess unique characteristics which could further differentiate them from conventional CD4+ or CD8+ (single positive) T cells. We observed that double negative TCR alpha beta+ T cells differ from single positive T cells in the following respects: (i) their T cell receptor (TCR) repertoire is different, as revealed by the analysis of 47 clones derived from three individuals and by analysis of peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) prior to in vitro manipulation; (ii) their in vivo CD3:TCR expression is lower before in vitro manipulation and expansion; (iii) their direct proliferative response to IL-3, which is not mediated by secondary release of other T cell growth factors. These characteristics have also been recently ascribed to murine double negative alpha beta T cells, which develop extrathymically and are considered to be a distinct T cell lineage. Our data suggest that, like their murine counterparts, human double negative alpha beta T cells may represent a distinct T cell lineage which might develop extrathymically.  相似文献   

Using anti-murine interleukin-2 receptor beta chain (IL-2R beta) monoclonal antibody (mAb), we have examined the expression of IL-2R beta on murine thymocyte subpopulations. We found that it was constitutively expressed on 1%-4% of thymocytes in an almost mutually exclusive fashion with IL-2R alpha. The expression of IL-2R beta is developmentally regulated. While it is expressed mainly on T cell receptor gamma delta+ (TcR gamma delta+) cells during fetal age, the major subpopulation expressing IL-2R beta in adult mouse shifts to CD4-CD8-TcR alpha beta+ thymocytes. A considerable portion of CD4-CD8- TcR alpha beta+ cells in other organs, including spleen, bone marrow and liver, was also found to express IL-2R beta. In fetal thymus organ culture, the above thymocyte subset was induced to expand in response to exogeneous IL-2, and the expansion was inhibited by addition of anti-IL-2R beta mAb, suggesting that IL-2R beta is functional in this subpopulation. However, in vivo blockade of the IL-2/IL-2R pathway with the mAb did not exert any effects on the appearance of CD4-CD8- TcR alpha beta+ cells both in the thymus and the periphery. This indicates that the development of CD4-CD8- TcR alpha beta+ cells is not solely controlled by IL-2 but also by other complex elements.  相似文献   

Using lectin (PNA) and monoclonal antibodies for Pgp-1, IL-2R, H-2k, CD3, and F23.1 (T cell receptor V beta 8), we characterized the 'radioresistant' CD4-CD8- double negative thymocytes at an early stage after 800 rad irradiation. Most of the CD4-CD8- cells on day 8 after irradiation expressed a high level of Thy-1, H-2k, and PNA, while a small proportion of these cells were CD3+ and/or F23.1+. The appearance of Pgp-1 and IL-2R on the 'radioresistant' double negative precursors was also sequentially examined from day 5 to day 9 after irradiation. The double negative thymocytes at day 5 expressed the highest level of Pgp-1 antigens and these cells gradually decreased in number from day 7 to day 9. By contrast, IL-2R was transiently expressed on the double negative cells on the day 7 and 8 after irradiation. These results indicate that progression of thymocyte development occurred within the CD4-CD8- thymocytes after irradiation. We further examined the homing ability of the double negative 'radioresistant' intrathymic T cell precursors to the periphery by intrathymic cell transplantation method. The double negative thymocytes proliferate and differentiate into CD4+CD8+ cells and CD4+CD8- cells but few CD4-CD8+ cells in the thymus, while only CD4-CD8+ cells were detected in the peripheral lymphoid organs 14 days after intrathymic transplantation of the double negative cells in the H-2 compatible Thy-1 congenic mice. These results suggest that the 'radioresistant' intrathymic precursors differentiate and mature in the thymus and migrate to the periphery.  相似文献   

In the present study, the requirements and characteristics forthe production of IL-13 by human T cells, T cell clones andB cells were determined and compared with those of IL-4. IL-13was produced by human CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocyte subsets isolatedfrom peripheral blood mononuclear cells and by CD4+ and CD8+T cell clones. CD4+ T cell clones belonging to Th0, Th1-likeand Th2-like subsets produced IL-13 following antigen-specificor polyclonal activation. In addition, EBV-transformed B celllines expressed IL-13 mRNA and produced small amounts of IL-13protein. Expression of IL-13 mRNA and production of IL-13 proteinby peripheral blood T cells and T cell clones was induced rapidlyand was relatively long lasting, whereas IL-4 production bythese cells was transient In addition, IL-13 mRNA expressionwas induced by modes of activation that failed to induce IL-4mRNA expression. IL-13 shares many biological activities withIL-4 which Is compatible with the notion that the IL-13 andIL-4 receptors share a common component required for signaltransduction. However, IL-13 lacks the T cell-activating propertiesof IL-4. Here we have shown that this is related to the factthat T cells fall to bind radiolabeled IL-13 and do not expressthe IL-13-speclflc receptor component Taken together, theseresults indicate that the differences In expression and biologicalactivities of IL-4 and IL-13 on T cells may have consequencesfor the relative roles of these cytokines In the immune response.  相似文献   

Intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes (i-IEL) of aged rats comprise CD4+CD8alphaalpha+ and CD4-CD8alphaalpha+ T cells expressing TCR alphabeta. In the present study, we compared characteristics between CD4+CD8alphaalpha+ and CD4-CD8alphaalpha+ i-IEL, which were purified by a cell sorter from the i-IEL of 6-month-old Lewis rats. Most of the CD4+CD8alphaalpha+ i-IEL were of the CD44(hlgh) phenotype, while CD4-CD8alphabeta+ i-IEL were CD44(low). Vbeta usage in the CD4-CD8alphaalpha+ i-IEL was much diversified, while CD4+CD8alphaalpha+ i-IEL showed a skewed Vbeta repertoire. The CD4+CD8alphaalpha+ i-IEL but not the CD4-CD8alphaalpha+ i-IEL proliferated in response to syngeneic spleen cells, which was partially inhibited by addition of anti-MHC class I mAb. The CD4+CD8alphaalpha+ i-IEL produced IFN-gamma and IL-2 but no IL-4 or transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta in response to syngeneic spleen cells, while CD4-CD8alphaalpha+ i-IEL produced abundant levels of TGF-beta but no IL-2, IFN-gamma or IL-4. CD4+CD8alphaalpha+ i-IEL proliferated in response to exogenous IL-2 but not to IL-15, while CD4-CD8alphaalpha+ i-IEL could respond to IL-15 as well as IL-2. These results suggest that a significant fraction of CD4+CD8alphaalpha+ i-IEL belongs to Th1-type T cells capable of responding to self-MHC class I, while CD4-CD8alphaalpha+ i-IEL are a unique population with a diversified Vbeta repertoire that respond to IL-15 in rats.  相似文献   

CD4+ alpha beta T cell populations that develop in mice deficient in MHC class II (through 'knockout' of either the Aalpha, or the Abeta chain of the I-A(b) molecule) comprise a major 'single-positive' (SP) CD4+ CD8- subset (60-90%) and a minor 'double-positive' (DP) CD4+ CD8alpha beta+ subset (10-40%). Many DP T cells found in spleen, mesenteric lymph nodes (MLN) and colonic lamina propria (cLP) express CD25, CD103 and Foxp3. Adoptive transfer of SP but not DP T cells from Aalpha(-/-) or Abeta(-/-) B6 mice into congenic RAG(-/-) hosts induces colitis. Transfer of SP T cells repopulates the host with only SP T cells; transfer of DP T cells repopulates the host with DP and SP T cells. Anti-CD25 antibody treatment of mice transplanted with DP T cells induces severe, lethal colitis; anti-CD25 antibody treatment of mice transplanted with SP T cells further aggravates the course of severe colitis. Hence, regulatory CD25+ T cells within (or developing from) the DP T cell population of MHC class II-deficient mice control the colitogenic potential of CD25- CD4+ T cells.  相似文献   

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