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目的了解在校本科医学生对捐精的认知及态度,为供精自愿者的招募、人工辅助生殖技术的更好开展提供参考依据。方法在河南省本科医学高等院校,按专业类型(临床、非临床等)、年级等特征进行分层整群抽样,自行设计编制问卷并以班级为单位进行现场匿名问卷调查,回收有效问卷1302份,采用SPSS18.0统计软件对资料进行典型相关分析。结果临床医学专业学生、非临床专业学生对捐精的知晓率分别为80.62%、78.49%,两者差异有统计学意义(P0.05);男、女生对捐精者是否应该获得补偿、是否应该在大学生之间宣传、和人工辅助生育的小孩是否有权利知道自己的出生方式的认知差异均有统计学意义(P0.01);是否是独生子女对捐精是否可以采用商业广告形式招募供精者、对捐精的看法、精子库开展方式认知均有统计学意义(P0.01);不同年级对捐精者是否和后代保持互盲、同意捐精者精液可以使几名妇女受孕的态度差异有统计学意义(P0.01);多因素Logistic回归分析结果表明,非临床专业(OR=2.357)、捐精和献血一样光荣,值得鼓励(OR=6.758)、了解捐精流程(OR=4.307)、捐精可以获得补偿(OR=2.585)是大学生捐精的主要原因。结论本科医学生对捐精认知且态度较好,专业、性别、是否是独生子女、年级以及对捐精理解是影响大学生捐精的影响因素,精子库可以放宽捐精者条件,针对性完善精子库建设。  相似文献   

目的:分析人类精子库的接待和招募工作质量,以及精源不足的问题。方法:本研究对湖北省人类精子库2011年9月至2012年4月的1 145例捐精者的招募工作进行统计,对捐精者淘汰原因进行分析,并对合格而未捐精者进行面谈和电话回访。结果:1 145例捐精者中,学生551例(48.12%),社会人群594例(51.88%);参与第一次精液质量检查后未继续捐精503例(43.93%),其中学生202例(占学生筛查人数36.67%),社会人群301例(占社会筛查人群50.67%);两次精液质量筛查均不合格432例(37.73%);实验室检查不合格45例(3.93%),其中解脲脲原体阳性16例;通过精液筛查和实验室检查的合格捐精者165例(14.41%),未能完成整个捐精流程21例(12.73%),最终完成捐献流程的捐精者144例。结论:人类精子库普遍存在筛查合格率低、捐精完成率低,如能让捐精者有效地完成捐精流程,有利于提高捐精者合格率及降低精子库的运行成本;通过接待时的面谈和电话回访对他们不能按流程完成捐精的原因进行分析表明,精子库需加强招募工作及捐精者第一次来精子库时的讲解,提高捐精者对精子库的满意度和信任度,以提高捐精者完成捐精流程率。  相似文献   

目的:了解重庆市人类精子库捐精志愿者精液质量,探讨年龄对精液质量的影响。方法:收集重庆市人类精子库899例捐精志愿者精液样本,根据年龄分为5组:22~25岁、26~30岁、31~35岁、36~40岁、40岁,使用Makler板人工计数,分别进行精液体积(ml)、前向运动(PR)精子百分率(PR%)、精子总活力[(PR+NP)%]、精子浓度、精子总数及正常形态精子百分率检测,并与世界卫生组织《人类精液检查与处理实验室手册》第5版(以下简称WHO第5版)的参考值进行比较;各年龄段的精液参数指标采用中位数表示,比较精液质量差异。结果:899例捐精志愿者精液参数第5百分位数精液体积(1.8 ml)、精子浓度(25.0×10~6/ml)、精子总数(100.7×106)和正常形态精子百分率(4.3%)均高于WHO第5版第5百分位数参考值,PR%(31.0%)、(PR+NP)%(38.0%)低于WHO第5版第5百分位数参考值;精液参数中位数精液体积(4.0 ml)、精子浓度(88.0×10~6/ml)、精子总数(333.7×106)高于WHO第5版中位数参考值,正常形态精子百分率(11.6%)低于WHO第5版中位数参考值,PR%(55.0%)和(PR+NP)%(61.0%)与WHO第5版中位数参考值一致。精子浓度在22~25岁、26~30岁、31~35岁、36~40岁、40岁年龄组分别为88.0(1.0~270.0)×10~6/ml、96.0(5.0~335.0)×10~6/ml、100.0(3.0~200.0)×10~6/ml、105.0(15.0~225.0)×10~6/ml、90.0(22.0~159.0)×10~6/ml,在各年龄组间有显著性差异(P0.05),精液体积、PR%、(PR+NP)%、精子总数和正常形态精子百分率在各年龄组间无显著性差异(P0.05)。结论:重庆市人类精子库捐精志愿者精液质量普遍较好。随着年龄的增长,精子浓度呈显著性升高,但40岁以后精子浓度呈显著性下降。  相似文献   

目的:分析合格志愿者捐精有效性,为提高精子库效益提供依据。方法:对重庆市人类精子库2015年4月至2019年6月440例合格志愿者捐精情况进行分析,统计其捐精情况、捐精不合格原因及精液细菌培养结果。结果:440例合格志愿者中,合格后未进行捐精11例(2.50%),合格后多次捐精不成功而淘汰28例(6.36%),完成捐精流程397例(90.2%),最后1次捐精结束后6个月未进行HIV复查4例(0.91%);完成捐精流程的397例志愿者共捐精2 965例次,合格2 159例次(72.8%),不合格806例次(27.2%),其中精子浓度、活力不达标684例次(23.1%),精液体积小于2 ml 33例次(1.11%),精液液化异常14例次(0.47%),精液细菌培养不合格75例次(2.53%)。结论:精液质量不达标是影响捐精效果的主要因素,人类精子库工作人员应重视首次接待,过程中加强沟通,消除顾虑,同时加强保健指导,预防污染,提高捐精成功率。  相似文献   

正人类精子库是以治疗不育症以及预防遗传病、性传播疾病等为目的,利用超低温冷冻技术,采集、检测、保存和提供精子~([1])。研究表明,供精者经过严格的筛查后,所提供的冷冻精液是合格的、安全的~([2]),这为供精人工授精或供精试管婴儿的顺利开展提供了有力的保障。然而,近年来,多省人类精子库都出现志愿者招募工作开展艰难、人数减少、合格率下降、精源短缺的现象~([3])。本课题旨在分析我院人类精子库供精者的筛查结果,探讨影响合格率的  相似文献   

目的:探讨捐精志愿者精液细菌分布情况及特点。方法:由于目前无男性精液细菌培养和菌落计数的参考值,依据男性尿路感染诊断标准(尿液细菌培养菌落数10~5cfu/ml应认为有感染,10~4cfu/ml可能为污染,10~4cfu/ml~10~5cfu/ml之间为可疑),重庆市人类精子库将菌落数≥10~4cfu/ml作为精液细菌培养不合格的界限。对2015年4月至2019年11月到重庆市人类精子库自愿捐精的3 160例捐精志愿者的精液样本进行细菌培养,采用英国synbiosis全自动菌落计数仪进行菌落计数,法国梅里埃VITEK2 Compact全自动微生物鉴定仪对菌落数≥10~4cfu/ml的样本进行菌种鉴定。结果:捐精志愿者精液样本无细菌生长456例,占14.43%,有细菌生长2 704例,细菌携带率为85.57%,其中杂菌污染143例,占4.53%,未被杂菌污染的精液样本中细菌培养阳性2 561例,占81.04%,包括菌落数10~4cfu/ml精液样本2 305例,占72.94%,菌落数≥10~4cfu/ml的精液样本256例,占8.10%。细菌鉴定结果中革兰氏阳性菌(G~+)占87.89%(225/256),革兰氏阴性菌(G~-)占12.11%(31/256),其中以表皮葡萄球菌(Staphylococcus epidermidis)、溶血性葡萄球菌(Hemolytic staphylococcus)、极小棒状杆菌(Corynebacterium)、粪肠球菌(Enterococcus faecalis)、金黄色葡萄球菌(Staphylococcus aureus)为主,分别占26.95%、16.40%、13.28%、6.64%、5.86%。结论:捐精志愿者精液样本细菌携带率高,种类多,以G~+菌为主。  相似文献   

目的:调查分析山东省部分地区适龄男性对于捐献的选择,捐精的认知、意愿、出发点及顾虑情况,为探索出在山东省内适合的、可提高公众捐精认可率的宣传方式提供依据,并为国内其他人类精子库志愿者招募工作的发展提供参考。方法:采用问卷调查法,选取济南市、青岛市及烟台市在校学生和社会人员作为调查对象。对上述调查对象采用完全随机的方法发放问卷,当场匿名填写并回收有效问卷2 000份,对问卷数据进行统计和分析。结果:在捐献的选择方面,仅11.35%表示可以选择捐献精子。在捐精的认知方面,49.85%被调查者知晓捐精对于身体健康无害。在捐精意愿的方面,仅9.95%表示已经捐献过精子和正考虑捐献精子。在影响被调查者捐精的顾虑方面,担心出现伦理问题、个人隐私泄露和捐精程序复杂、标准高等方面较集中。结论:目前山东省人类精子库的宣传方式相对单一,精子库未能将捐精相关的全部信息有效传递给适龄男性,适龄男性对于捐精多存有顾虑,宣传工作还有很多的问题需要解决。  相似文献   

供精者捐精的最佳时间研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的 了解禁欲时间对供精志愿者精液参数、精了形态及冷冻精液合格率的影响,为供精志愿者捐精最佳时间提供依据.方法 6414份精液样奉均来自2006年9月-2008年6月浙江省计划生育科学技术研究所人类精子库的1135例供精志愿者,年龄22至32周岁.对所有6414份精液标奉进行精液常规分析:其中的483例供精志愿者的精液标本进行精子形态学分析;5425份精液标木进行冷冻及冻后精液常规分析.结果 按禁欲时间分为3d、4d、5d及6~7d四组,各组之间精液量、精子密度及前向运动精子百分率有显著性差异(P<0.05),精液量、精子密度随禁欲时间的延长而增加,前向运动精子白分率随禁欲时间的延长而下降,各组之间的精液pH值无显著性差异(P>0.05);四组之间精子正常率、头部异常率、预及中段异常率、尾部异常率、胞质小滴发生率、畸形精子指数(TZI)及精子畸形指数(SDI)均无显著性差异(P>0.05);各组之间前向运动精子冷冻复苏率无显著性差异(P>0.05),但禁欲3d、4d、5d三组冷冻精液合格率均高于禁欲6~7d组,有显著性差异(P<0.05);结论禁欲3~7d,精液量、精子密度随禁欲时间的延长而增加,前向运动精子百分率随禁欲时间的延长而下降;禁欲时间对精子形态参数、前向运动精子冷冻复苏率无影响;禁欲3~5d的冷冻精液合格率明显高于禁欲6~7d,供精者捐精的最佳禁欲时间为3~5d.  相似文献   

目的通过MRI测量正常第二肩关节肩峰外侧点到肱骨头(A-H)之间的距离,根据不同性别、身高、体重、年龄进行分组,比较不同分组间的统计学差异。方法对200例健康成人志愿者采用1.5 T MRI设备测量中立位位置时A-H距离。根据不同的性别、身高、体重、年龄进行分组,并进行统计学分析。结果 200例健康成人志愿者中,测得A-H距离最大为14.8 mm,最小为7.8 mm。A-H距离男性大于女性,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。按身高分为160、160~169、170~179、≥180 cm 4组,除身高≥180 cm组与160 cm组AH距离比较差异有统计学意义(P0.05)外,其他各组两两比较差异均无统计学意义(P0.05)。按BMI分为18.5、18.5~24.99、≥25 kg/m23组,3组两两比较差异均无统计学意义(P0.05)。按年龄≤40、41~65、≥66岁分为3组,3组两两比较差异均无统计学意义(P0.05)。结论 A-H距离有性别及身高差异,体重、年龄各组差异无统计学意义,可以解释女性患者肩峰下撞击综合征患病率高的现象。  相似文献   

目的检测常规精液冷冻技术中冷冻保护剂、冷冻过程及冷冻时间长短对精子父源印记基因H19及母源印记基因MEST印记控制区域(imprinting control region,ICR)的DNA甲基化的影响程度。方法以10例符合精子库捐精条件的正式志愿者为研究对象,将每份精液样品平均分为4组:A组为新鲜精液,作为对照;B组加入同体积冷冻保护剂,不冷冻;C组加同体积冷冻保护剂,冷冻2d;D组加同等体积冷冻保护剂,冷冻两个月。通过亚硫酸氢盐克隆测序法分析H19及MEST ICR的DNA甲基化状态。结果四组(A、B、C、D组)H19基因ICR区的DNA甲基化率以克隆数计算时分别为58.70%、53.85%、49.46%和45.74%,以CpG岛数计算时分别为97.57%、97.33%、97.13%和96.56%,两者都有降低趋势,但组间差异均无统计学意义(P0.05);四组MEST基因ICR区甲基化率以克隆数计算时分别为41.10%、45.33%、47.30%和50.68%,以CpG岛数计算甲基化率时分别为1.77%、1.74%、2.00%和2.26%,有升高趋势,但差异亦无统计学意义(P0.05)。结论常规精液冷冻复苏技术对精子父源印记基因H19及母源印记基因MEST的ICR区甲基化程度未见明显影响。  相似文献   

An objective method for measuring sperm motion characteristics was developed on an Intellect 100 Quantel Image Analysis System suitable for various image cytometric applications. It provided overall analysis of percent motility (% MS) as well as individual and mean measurements of motion characteristics, including vigor characteristics such as curvilinear velocity (Vc), straight line velocity (Vsl), and trajectory pattern characteristics, that is, progressiveness ratio (PR) and amplitude of lateral head displacement (Alh). Evaluation of the method for reproducibility and accuracy showed reliable measurements of these parameters measured on a minimum of 70 motile sperm, sufficient to describe adequately the sperm population. A study was performed comparing motion characteristics of 30 semen samples falling in a normal range before and after cryopreservation in cryoprotector medium (CM). A mean motility rate of recovery (MRR) of 45% was obtained. Only sperm count and concentration in motile forms among initial semen variables correlated weakly with MRR. Velocity recovery rate (VRR) approached 1 with a marked variability among ejaculates. Distribution profile of Vc was highly modified by freezing in CM: spermatozoa that were initially fast and progressive were the most resistant to cryoaggression. PR and Alh values were little affected by freezing in CM. The tolerance of various samples from a given patient was highly variable for % MS and Alh and less variable for Vc and PR. This illustrates the difficulty in predicting the effect of freezing on motility characteristics and, therefore, of extrapolating from semen variables the ability of frozen-thawed samples to fertilize.  相似文献   

Sperm morphology has been associated with in vitro as well as in vivo fertilisation. The study aimed to evaluate the possible relation between the percentage of spermatozoa with normal morphology and the following sperm functional assays: (i) zona-induced acrosome reaction (ZIAR); (ii) DNA integrity; (iii) chromatin condensation; (iv) sperm apoptosis; and (v) fertilisation rates. Regression analysis was employed to calculate the association between morphology and different functional tests. Normal sperm morphology correlated significantly with the percentages of live acrosome-reacted spermatozoa in the ZIAR (r = 0.518; P < 0.0001; n = 92), DNA integrity (r = -0.515; P = 0.0018; n = 34), CMA(3) -positive spermatozoa (r = -0.745; P < 0.0001; n = 92), sperm apoptosis (r = -0.395; P = 0.0206; n = 34) and necrosis (r = -0.545; P = 0.0009; n = 34). Negative correlations existed between for the acrosome reaction, and DNA integrity, while negative associations were recorded with the percentages of CMA(3) -positive spermatozoa, apoptotic and necrotic spermatozoa. Sperm morphology is related to sperm dysfunction such as poor chromatin condensation, acrosome reaction and DNA integrity. Negative and significant correlations existed between normal sperm morphology and chromatin condensation, the percentage of spermatozoa with abnormal DNA and spermatozoa with apoptotic activity. The authors do not regard sperm morphology as the only test for the diagnosis of male fertility, but sperm morphology can serve as a valuable indicator of underlying dysfunction.  相似文献   

Spermatozoa from 15 fertile men were washed with Ham's F10 and incubated with two commercially available sperm nutrient media for 2, 4, 6, and 24 h. Both sperm capacitation medium (Irvine Scientific Co., Santa Ana, CA) and Pro-ception (Milex Products, Inc., Chicago, IL) proved to be capable of improving sperm motion characteristics. These media may be used for incubating sperm for intrauterine insemination or for in vitro fertilization.  相似文献   

为评价附睾或睾丸精子卵浆内单精子注射(ICSI)治疗阻塞性无精症引起不育的疗效,对31例无精子男性不育患者配偶进行超排卵治疗37个周期,获卵当日从患者附睾取精,其中24例获得活动精子,7例失败,改用钳取睾丸曲细精管从中分离精子以供ICSI。结果:共获卵453个,附睾、睾丸精子ICSI受精率分别为557%、617%,平均每周期移植胚胎37个,总妊娠率每周期297%。结论:只要获得活动精子ICSI,阻塞性无精症患者也有机会生育  相似文献   

The epididymal sperm transit time seems to have an important role in the process of sperm maturation, and it seems that alterations to the transit can harm the process. The aim of the present work was to evaluate the influence of altered sperm transit time through the epididymis on sperm parameters and fertility of rats, as well as the role of testosterone in the alterations. Sprague–Dawley adult male rats were randomly assigned to four different groups and were treated for 12 days: (i) 10 μg/rat/day DES, to accelerate the transit; (ii) 6.25 mg/kg/day guanethidine sulphate, to delay the transit; (iii) same treatment as group 1, plus androgen supplementation; (iv) control animals received the vehicles. Guanethidine treatment delayed the sperm transit time through the epididymal cauda, provoking increased sperm reserves in this region. Animals exposed to DES showed an acceleration of sperm transit time in the epididymis, and consequently decreased sperm density in both epididymal regions, the caput-corpus and cauda, and diminished sperm motility. In both cases sperm production was not altered. Testosterone supplementation was able to restore the transit time to values close to normality, as they were higher than in the control rats. The same occurred in relation to sperm motility. Rats exposed to DES presented lower fertility after in utero artificial insemination using sperm collected from the proximal cauda epididymis. Therefore, it was concluded that the acceleration of rat sperm transit time appeared to harm normal sperm maturation, thus decreasing sperm quality and fertility capacity, in an androgen-dependent way.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: We determined the feasibility of obtaining mature spermatozoa for intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) by percutaneous testicular sperm aspiration in men with nonobstructive azoospermia. We also compared the results of ICSI using spermatozoa recovered by open excisional biopsy versus percutaneous testicular sperm aspiration. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 84 men with nonobstructive azoospermia underwent percutaneous testicular sperm aspiration to recover testicular spermatozoa for ICSI on the day of ova retrieval from the wife. Percutaneous testicular sperm aspiration was performed with the patient under general anesthesia in the upper and lower poles of each testis. It was followed by immediate microscopic search of the aspirate to confirm the presence of spermatozoa. In the absence of spermatozoa open excisional biopsy was performed in the same setting. RESULTS: Percutaneous testicular sperm aspiration resulted in the recovery of mature spermatozoa in 45 men (53.6%). Of the remaining 39 men (46.4%) requiring open biopsy adequate spermatozoa were recovered in 28 (71.8%). Although the fertilization rate was significantly higher in the sperm aspiration group, the cleavage and pregnancy rates were similar in the 2 groups. CONCLUSIONS: Percutaneous testicular sperm aspiration was a successful initial approach to collect mature spermatozoa in a high proportion of men with nonobstructive azoospermia. It is safe, minimally invasive and well tolerated by all patients.  相似文献   

The influence of temperature during incubation on the degree of sperm nuclear vacuolisation was assessed by two different experiments. In a first experiment, motile spermatozoa from 24 patients were prepared by the swim-up technique and incubated either at room temperature or at 37 °C for up to 4 h. The presence of sperm nuclear vacuoles was determined by contrast-enhanced high magnification microscopy. No statistically significant difference was found in the degree of sperm nuclear vacuoles in both groups (RT: 45.6 ± 17.6%; 37 °C: 48.4 ± 17.0%) following 4 h of incubation. In a second experiment, spermatozoa from six patients were either prepared by swim-up or washed and incubated at 37 °C. After 4 h of incubation, a significant increase in sperm nuclear vacuolisation was found in washed sperm (from 51.5 ± 15.4% to 68.6 ± 9.0%; P < 0.05) but not in swim-up sperm (from 51.5 ± 15.4% to 48.2 ± 17.1%; n.s.). Our data show that the mode of sperm preparation does influence sperm nuclear vacuolisation at 37 °C (Experiment II). However, sperm nuclear vacuolisation is unaffected by temperature in motile sperm after preparation and isolation by swim-up.  相似文献   

Our study objective was to assess the effect of various sperm DNA fragmentation levels on clinical intracytoplasmic sperm injection outcome. This retrospective study included 392 patients who underwent ICSI and performed sperm DNA fragmentation testing before the procedure. Based on sperm DNA fragmentation cut-off values, the patients were differentiated into 3 groups as <20%, 20%–30% and >30%. According to the female status, patients were differentiated into favourable group (n = 259) with female age <35 years and anti-Mullerian hormone level ≥7.1 pmol/L; and unfavourable group (n = 133) with female age ≥35 years and anti-Mullerian hormone level ≤7.1 pmol/L. The patient's medical records were reviewed, and patient's demographic, laboratory data including semen analysis, sperm DNA fragmentation determined by means of sperm chromatin dispersion, hormonal profile and data regarding intracytoplasmic sperm injection cycle were collected. This cohort reported that the clinical reproductive outcomes of intracytoplasmic sperm injection showed no statistical significance with increase sperm DNA fragmentation levels. In sperm DNA fragmentation above 30%, favourable females had significantly higher clinical pregnancy rate and live birth rate than unfavourable females, while fertilisation rate and miscarriage rate showed no significance between the subgroups. High sperm DNA fragmentation is linked to poor semen parameters.  相似文献   

Sixty-one men referred to our laboratory for semen analysis, and subsequently judged to exhibit some form of sperm pathology, were asked to return for a second analysis, not less than 2 months after the first, in order to assess the stability of the pathological changes observed. In almost half of the cases, the referring physician had, on his own initiative, started hormone or antibiotic treatment. The sperm parameters studied included sperm count, sperm motility judged by laser-Doppler spectroscopy, and sperm morphology and viability. The motility characteristics included percentage motile, their average velocity, and percentage swimming in a progressive manner, and their progressive velocity. In untreated subjects, there was no significant difference between the first and second analysis in any of the sperm parameters measured. This was also true for both oligozoospermic individuals (less than 20 x 10(6) sperm/ml) and the group with higher sperm concentrations. All parameters were highly correlated on the two occasions. The average coefficients of variation of the paired observations were highest for sperm count (approximately 25%) and lowest for sperm velocities and the proportion of abnormal and viable cells in the ejaculate (1-9%). No major differences in the extent of variation could be detected between the low and high sperm density groups. In general, the unsystematic antibiotic and hormone regimens (clomiphene or androgen) used by the referring physicians had no discernable effect on any aspect of sperm quality, indicating the need for more controlled and standardized programmes of treatment.  相似文献   

目的:调查精子计数池深度对精子活力检测结果的影响。方法:利用Filmetrics间隙测量仪精确测量4种不同深度的Geoffrey精子计数池,然后按照WHO手册第5版的要求利用瑞祺CFT-9201型精子质量检测分析系统分析36例精液标本的前向运动精子百分率(PR)、非前向运动精子百分率(NP)和总活动率(PR+NP),并进行比较分析。结果:4种精子计数池的深度分别为9.8、12.7、15.7和19.9μm,测得的PR分别为(44.00±11.63)%、(41.96±12.62)%、(40.86±11.71)%和(37.78±11.38)%,NP分别为(13.54±3.01)%、(14.13±2.94)%、(14.91±3.02)%和(16.53±2.77)%,总活动率分别为(57.53±11.06)%、(56.08±11.97)%、(55.78±11.55)%和(54.31±12.11)%。精子计数板深度与PR呈显著负相关(r=-0.993,P<0.05),与NP呈显著正相关(r=0.989,P<0.05),与活动率呈显著负相关(r=-0.978,P<0.05)。尽管精子总活动率在4种不同深度的计数池之间没有显著差异,但PR和NP在9.8μm深的计数池和19.9μm深的计数池之间均有显著性差异(P<0.05)。结论:精子计数池的深度对精子活力的影响不容忽视,不同深度计数池获得的结果差异将会给临床医生对患者做出正确的诊断(如弱精子症)和采取合适的治疗措施带来一定的负面影响。不同深度的精子计数池应有相应的精子活力正常参考值范围。  相似文献   

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