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Propagation of single motor unit action potentials (MUAPs) was detected by surface electromyography. Sixteen EMG signals were simultaneously recorded by a linear bipolar electrode array placed along the longitudinal axis of the biceps brachii. EMGs were obtained from 8 healthy adults at 10-40% of the maximum contraction. Single MUAPs were extracted by superimposing and averaging the EMG signals at the timing of potential peaks. Most MUAPs were triphasic and propagated symmetrically in opposite directions from the middle length of the muscle to the tendons. Some MUAPs showed more than 5 phases and asymmetrical wave forms on the proximal and distal recording sites. The asymmetrical wave forms were assumed to be caused by the scatter of myoneural junctions and by the time delay of the excitation at the junctions. The position of the myoneural junctions on muscle fibers was estimated from the source of propagation. The innervation zone of individual motor unit was found to spread up to 14 mm in the muscle fiber directions.  相似文献   

An advanced volume conductor model was used to simulate the surface-detected motor unit action potentials (MUAPs) due to current sources located at different depths within the muscle tissue of the biceps brachii. Seven different spatial filters were investigated by linear summation of the monopolarly detected surface MUAPs on a square array of nine electrodes. The criterion of the relative energy-of-difference (EOD) between the MUAPs was used to rank spatial filters for their ability to distinguish two motor units located at different depths. Using the same criterion pair wise combinations of spatial filters were ranked for their ability to generate different MUAP shape representations of the same motor unit. In both analyses, the bi-transversal double-differential (BiTDD) configurations and pair wise combinations involving a BiTDD configuration consistently ranked highest. Varying electrode spacing did not change the results in a relevant way. Based on the EOD calculations, a four-channel detection system using all available electrodes of the array is proposed. The implications of using only six electrodes, effectively reducing contact area of the sensor in half, are discussed.  相似文献   

Normal and myopathic propagation of surface motor unit action potentials   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
With the aid of a computer-assisted multichannel EMG system, the propagation of motor unit action potentials is analysed during isometric voluntary muscular contraction under normal and myopathic conditions. A linear array of 30 surface electrodes is fixed above the biceps brachii muscle, parallel to the longitudinal muscle axis and centered over the end-plate zone. The EMG is simultaneously recorded on all channels and displays the propagation of surface potentials on both sides of the innervation band. The mean muscle fibre conduction velocity is computed by a cross-correlation technique. Five adult patients in a late stage of progressive muscular dystrophy show a highly altered propagation behaviour of motor unit action potentials without a time shift between potentials of adjacent electrodes. A mathematical model is described which predicts such a behaviour and suggests that it must be due to a pathological longitudinal spread of end-plates in this patient group. In 5 boys with Duchenne muscular dystrophy and only moderate impairment of the biceps muscle the mean muscle fibre velocity was reduced (2.81 +/- 0.34 m/sec) compared to 17 healthy subjects (4.42 +/- 0.37 m/sec). Each myopathic patient examined could be separated clearly from the group of healthy subjects on the basis of the surface EMG analysis.  相似文献   

Motor unit action potentials (MUAPs) propagate bidirectionally along the muscle fibers. Whether or not the propagation of MUAPs can be detected with surface electrodes depends on the configuration of muscle fibers and innervation zones. The authors clarified the muscles from which the propagation of MUAPs is detectable with a surface electrode array placed along the muscle fibers. Twenty-six typical muscles in the arm, leg, trunk, neck and face were investigated under voluntary contraction, and in 19 muscles the propagation of MUAPs was detected. In these muscles the source of the bidirectional propagation marked the position of innervation zones. In the other 7 muscles, the propagation of MUAPs was not detected or was detected only under weak contraction.  相似文献   

Introduction: Far‐field potentials (FFPs) from muscles other than the abductor digiti minimi (ADM) may interfere with motor unit number estimation (MUNE) from that muscle. Methods: We identified the origin of each surface motor unit potential (SMUP) during hypothenar MUNE using the multiple point stimulation method in 20 control subjects by recording from individual ulnar‐innervated muscles with a common proximal reference (pref). Results: ADM SMUPs comprised 39.0% of the accepted SMUPs, followed by those from the fourth dorsal interosseous muscle (14.0%), the fourth lumbrical muscle (9.2%), and the second and third palmar interosseous muscles (8.8% each). The percentage of ADM SMUPs varied from 18% to 73% of accepted SMUPs among individual subjects. Accepted non‐ADM SMUPs were usually much smaller than ADM SMUPs, and many more non‐ADM SMUPs were excluded due to their small size. Conclusions: A large contribution from non‐ADM or non‐hypothenar SMUPs obscures the meaning of the MUNE value. Muscle Nerve, 48: 185–190, 2013  相似文献   

We developed the multi-channel surface EMG system using a matrix-type of surface electrode and with the aid of digital signal processing. The subjects were 14 normals (4-50 years) and 2 patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (7 and 8 years). The biceps brachii and the tibialis anterior muscles were investigated. The location of the motor end-plates and the measurement of muscle fiber conduction velocity were evaluated by the time shift of bipolar EMG arrays along muscle fibers, or by the distribution map of averaged motor unit action potentials (MUAPs). The lateral extension of a motor unit could be also estimated from the changes of averaged MUAP's amplitudes in the distribution map. Moreover in the biceps of 2 patients with Duchenne dystrophy, the mean muscle fiber conduction velocities were reduced compared to normal subjects, and characteristic propagation patterns of action potentials were obtained. In the 2-dimensional or 3-dimensional distribution map of integrated monopolar EMGs, the high density area agreed with the motor end-plate band.  相似文献   

It has been shown that multi-channel surface EMG allows assessment of anatomical and physiological single motor unit (MU) properties. To get this information, the action potentials of single MUs should be extracted from the interference EMG signals. This study describes an automatic system for the detection and classification of MU action potentials from multi-channel surface EMG signals. The methods for the identification and extraction of action potentials from the raw signals and for their clustering into the MUs to which they belong are described. The segmentation phase is based on the matched Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT) while the classification is performed by a multi-channel neural network that is a modified version of the multi-channel Adaptive Resonance Theory networks. The neural network can adapt to slow changes in the shape of the MU action potentials. The method does not require any interaction of the operator. The technique proposed was validated on simulated signals, at different levels of force, generated by a structure based surface EMG model. The MUs identified from the simulated signals covered almost the entire recruitment curve. Thus, the proposed algorithm was able to identify a MU sample representative of the muscle. Results on experimental signals recorded from different muscles and conditions are reported, showing the possibility of investigating anatomical and physiological properties of the detected MUs in a variety of practical cases. The main limitation of the approach is that complete firing patterns can be obtained only in specific cases due to MU action potential superpositions.  相似文献   

The number of motor unit action potentials (MUAPs) appearing in the surface electromyogram (EMG) signal is directly related to motor unit recruitment and firing rates and therefore offers potentially valuable information about the level of activation of the motoneuron pool. In this paper, based on morphological features of the surface MUAPs, we try to estimate the number of MUAPs present in the surface EMG by counting the negative peaks in the signal. Several signal processing procedures are applied to the surface EMG to facilitate this peak counting process. The MUAP number estimation performance by this approach is first illustrated using the surface EMG simulations. Then, by evaluating the peak counting results from the EMG records detected by a very selective surface electrode, at different contraction levels of the first dorsal interosseous (FDI) muscles, the utility and limitations of such direct peak counts for MUAP number estimation in surface EMG are further explored.  相似文献   

During multi-motor unit action potential (MUAP) analysis of the tonically contracted external anal sphincter (EAS), a mild interference pattern often obscures the baseline, affecting the algorithm's ability to determine accurate boundaries of detected MUAPs. To assess the equivalence of methods of editing and selecting candidate MUAPs from the EAS, 17 nulliparous women underwent concentric needle electromyography (EMG) of the EAS using multi-MUAP software. The selected MUAPs either were accepted without question ("automated"), or a subset was deleted due to a noisy baseline ("manual-deletion") or manually marked ("manual-mark"). A second examiner repeated the analysis. Each examiner found that the two editing methods were equivalent and yielded results that differed from those obtained by automated analysis of unedited data. However, there was a moderate difference in MUAP amplitude when the manual-deletion method was compared between the two examiners. Editing of selected EAS MUAPs during multi-MUAP analysis is required, and development of common protocols is essential to enable meaningful comparisons between similar studies.  相似文献   

New surface electromyogram (SEMG) techniques offer the potential to advance knowledge of healthy and diseased motor units. Conduction velocity (CV) estimates, obtained from indwelling electrodes, may provide diagnostic information, but the standard method of CV estimation from SEMG may be of only limited value. We developed a motor unit (MU) tracking algorithm to extract motor unit conduction velocity (MUCV) and motor unit action potential (MUAP) amplitude estimates from SEMG. The technique is designed to provide a noninvasive means of accessing fatigue and recruitment behavior of individual MUs. We have applied this MU tracking algorithm to SEMG data recorded during isometric fatiguing contractions of the tibialis anterior (TA) muscle in nine healthy subjects, at 30%-40% maximum voluntary contraction (MVC). The results reveal that MUCVs and MUAP amplitudes of individual MUs can be estimated and tracked across time. Time-related changes in the MU population may also be monitored. Thus, the SEMG technique employed provides insight into the behavior of the underlying muscle at the MU level by noninvasive means.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: A satellite potential is a late component of the motor unit action potential (MUAP) that occurs both in pathologic and normal muscle. We investigated the physiological mechanisms responsible for satellite potentials in normal muscle by relating the latencies of MUAP features to the timing of the underlying electrical events. METHODS: We analyzed 21 MUAPs with satellite potentials that had been recorded using a monopolar needle electrode from brachial biceps and tibialis anterior muscles in 10 normal subjects. We estimated the endplate-to-electrode, endplate-to-tendon, and satellite propagation times from the latencies, with respect to the MUAP onset, of the MUAP spike, terminal wave, and satellite. RESULTS: Satellite latencies ranged from 8.8 to 32 ms, too long to be explained by mechanisms involving regenerating axons or atrophic muscle fibers. The spike-to-satellite time intervals approximated either twice the spike-to-terminal-wave interval (17 MUAPs) or twice the terminal-wave latency (4 MUAPs). CONCLUSIONS: These results are consistent with the hypothesis that satellite potentials are due to retrograde propagation in a non-innervated muscle fiber that is connected with an innervated muscle fiber at one of the muscle/tendon junctions. Such a configuration could arise as a result of longitudinal muscle-fiber splitting.  相似文献   

Age effects on properties of motor unit action potentials: ADEMG analysis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We have measured the configurational and firing properties of 13,206 motor unit action potentials (MUAPs) from the brachial biceps, brachial triceps, and anterior tibial muscles in 10 young (20-40 years), 10 middle-aged (40-60 years), and 10 elderly (60-80 years) normal individuals, using an automatic method for decomposition of the electromyographic (EMG) interference pattern (ADEMG). Recording were made during stable isometric contractions at threshold, 10%, and 30% of maximum voluntary contraction using standard concentric needle electrodes. At supra-threshold forces, an average of 5.9 simultaneously active MUAPs were identified at each recording site. Mean amplitudes, durations, and numbers of turns all increased linearly with age in both low-threshold and high-threshold MUAPs (p less than 0.01), suggesting an ongoing process of progressive denervation and compensatory reinnervation. Mean MUAP firing rates decreased with age (p = 0.01) when force was measured proportionately, but not when measured absolutely. In a subgroup of 12 age-matched gender pairs, men had larger mean MUAP amplitudes, rise rates, and numbers of turns (p less than 0.05), probably reflecting larger muscle fiber diameters. These findings amplify previous observations from traditional analysis of lowest-threshold single MUAPs; establish a base of normative adult data for ADEMG; and further validate the clinical applicability of rapid, automatic EMG decomposition.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to quantify the changes in motor-unit action potentials (MUAP) and force during a standard motor-unit fatigue test. MUAP waveforms were characterized by the measurement of amplitude, duration, area, and shape (as reflected in a coefficient of proportionality). Fatigue-resistant motor units exhibited small, but statistically significant, changes in MUAP amplitude and area during the fatigue test, whereas fatigable motor units displayed variable changes in MUAP amplitude, duration, and area. For all motor-unit types, the coefficient of proportionality did not change, and hence the change in MUAP area was proportional to the combined changes in amplitude and duration. The between- and within-train changes in MUAP were also distinct for the fatigue-resistant and fatigable motor units. Although several mechanisms could be responsible for the changes in the MUAP as the fatigue test proceeded, the dissociation of the time courses for MUAP and force indicated that these MUAP changes were not the principal reason for the decline in force under these conditions.  相似文献   

In most myopathies, the duration of motor unit action potentials (MUAPs) is shorter than normal. However, polyphasic MUAPs of duration longer than 20% of the control mean, (long-duration polyphasic potentials, or LDPPs) may be seen. We therefore analyzed the incidence and meaning of LDPPs using quantitative MUAP analysis in 41 patients with different myopathies. The mean duration of all potentials was reduced in only 64% of patients because LDPPs increased the mean. When only simple potentials were considered, however, the mean duration was decreased in 95% of patients. This observation confirms the need to exclude LDPPs when calculating the mean duration of MUAPs for diagnosis. We found LDPPs most often in chronic polymyositis and in one patient with Becker Muscular Dystrophy. LDPPs are attributed to desynchronization of single-fiber potentials within the MUAP and may be due to slow conduction in regenerating muscle fibers.  相似文献   

We have used automatic decomposition electromyography (ADEMG) to measure the configurational and firing properties of 13,206 motor unit action potentials (MUAPs) in the brachial biceps, brachial triceps and anterior tibial muscles of 30 healthy adults (22 men, 8 women; mean age 48.6 +/- 16.9 years, range 20-76) at three levels of isometric contractile force: threshold, 10% of maximum voluntary contraction (MVC), and 30% MVC. In all muscles, the increment in contractile force from threshold to 10% MVC was associated with a significant (P less than 0.05, paired t-test) increase in mean MUAP firing rate and number of turns per MUAP. The increment from 10% to 30% MVC led to highly significant (P less than 0.005) increase in mean firing rate, number of turns, amplitude and rise rate. Each force increment was associated with an increase in the number of simultaneously-active MUAPs per recording site; and with a significant decrease in mean MUAP duration in all muscles, due to noise-dependency of the duration measurement. Quantitatively, the changes in MUAP properties with force were comparable to or exceeded the effects of age, gender differences, or intermuscular variability. Test-retest measurements 2 years apart in a subgroup of young adults showed good correspondence of mean MUAP properties with force standardization. These results demonstrate that contractile force is a major determinant of MUAP shape and behavior properties, and so must be precisely measured or controlled in clinical EMG studies.  相似文献   

Motor unit action potentials (MUAPs) were recorded from the biceps muscle of normal subjects and of patients with nerve or muscle diseases. Principal component analysis of the MUAP amplitude, area, area/amplitude ratio, duration, and the number of turns and phases produced three components that among them contained 90% of the variance of the data set. Thus the dimensionality of data was reduced from six to three. The first component reflected changes in the size of the MU, whereas the second reflected variations in the arrival time at the recording electrode of the action potentials of muscle fibers in the motor unit. The third factor reflected local loss of muscle fibers within the MU territory. Patterns of variations in the three components were different in patients with neuropathy and myopathy.  相似文献   

We compared the configurational and firing properties of 7270 motor unit action potentials (MUAPs) recorded with either concentric (CNE) or monopolar (MNE) needle electrodes from the brachial biceps and anterior tibial muscles of 10 healthy young adults (mean age 27 +/- 4.5 years) using automatic decomposition electromyography (ADEMG). In both muscles, mean MUAP amplitude, rise rate, and number of turns were significantly greater when recorded with MNE (paired t-test, P less than 0.001 in each case). Similar findings were observed at all three tested levels of isometric contractile force: threshold, 10% of maximum voluntary contraction (MVC), and 30% MVC. In contrast, there was no significant difference between electrode types on measurements of mean MUAP duration or firing rate (P greater than 0.05 in each case). These findings indicate that it is acceptable to generalize normative data on MUAP duration and firing rate from one electrode type to another, but that measures of MUAP amplitude and complexity require independent normative databases.  相似文献   

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