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老年性痴呆患者与正常老年人脑电图对照研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:了解老年性痴呆患者的脑电图的特点。方法:选老年性痴呆(AD)患者46例,正常老年人48例进行脑电图(EEG)检查。结果:AD组EEG异常率86.96%,对照组EEG异常率39.58%,AD患者EEG的异常率明显高于对照组(P<0.005),AD患者EEG异常和痴呆严重程度有关。结论:EEG检查可作为AD的常规临床评价指标之一,特别在AD患者中能及时反映脑功能损害程度,对掌握病情进展和判断预后有着重要作用。  相似文献   

目的:为获得中国实验小型猪(CEMP)正常脑电图参考数据.方法:麻醉下,对CEMP行头皮电极描记额叶、颞叶、顶叶、枕叶的脑电图(EEG)波型并进行了两两样本间的t检验分析.结果:麻醉状态下CEMP的EEG模式以δ波为主,其时间指数为44%~75%,θ波时间指数为5%~32%,并经二次处理得出其脑电地形图(BEAM).结论:CEMP具有可以重复描记出的脑电活动,故可以将其用于神经系统疾病模型的研究,本实验研究结果可以作为该动物麻醉状态下的正常脑电活动的参考.  相似文献   

过度换气是脑电图检查常规进行的诱发试验。它所引起的脑电图改变 ,尤其在儿童是非常明显的。这种变化正常与否 ,目前误解较多。正常儿童过度换气的脑电图分析国内报道较少。作者选择了 6 8例正常儿童进行了常规脑电图检查。并作过度换气试验 ,现分析如下。1  对象与方法对象 :6 8例正常儿童均系农村小学在校学生。男 30例 ,女38例 ,年龄 8~ 12岁。均经体检未发现异常症状与体征 ,并详细询问了既往史与家族史 ,均无头痛 ,癫癎与痴呆等疾病。方法 :脑电图检查采用上海ND— 82B型脑电图机。按10 /2 0系统放置电极 ,单极和双极导联描记。…  相似文献   

目的:探索足月健康围产儿清醒脑电图的特点。方法:对1994年至1995年我院产科出生的200例足月健康围产儿进行了清醒状态下的脑电图描记。结果:(1)脑电图总体表现以07~3Hz,20~160μV,不规则非节律性δ波为主,优势部位在额和中央,δ指数20%~45%,左右对称性差,头前后波幅差别不大;(2)朝鲜族、汉族围产儿脑电图频率、指数均数之间无显著性差异;(3)剖腹产儿各脑区δ指数均数均低于顺产儿,θ指数均数均高于顺产儿。结论:围产儿脑电图以慢波为主,部位以额和中央明显;不同民族之间脑电图形式无差异;分娩方式不同脑电图表现亦不同  相似文献   

中学生人格特质的性别差异研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:探讨中学生人格特质的性别差异。方法:采用中国人人格量表(QZPS),对855名中学生的人格特质进行测试。结果:①中学生行事风格、才干、人际关系人格维度呈显著性别差异;乡镇组中学生善良、情绪性人格维度呈显著性别差异;城市组中学生善良、才干人格维度有显著性别差异。②初中生善良、情绪性、处世态度人格维度性别差异显著;高中生外向性、善良、才干、情绪性人格维度性别差异显著。结论:女生在人际交往中更具亲和力、情感丰富,诚信、重感情等内在品质更突出,利益导向更低;男生情绪更稳定,更有目标。高中比初中的性别差异更明显。  相似文献   

目的探讨正常足月新生儿生后3 d内振幅整合脑电图(aEEG)的特点,为新生儿临床脑功能监测提供依据。方法选择各参研医院母婴同室或新生儿室的正常足月新生儿为研究对象,依据胎龄分为37周~、38周~、39周~、40周~和41~42周胎龄组。采用首台国产aEEG仪记录正常足月新生儿生后1、2和3日龄的aEEG,每次记录3 h。采用半对数公式计算电压,分析正常足月新生儿aEEG背景波、电压、睡眠-觉醒周期及其影响因素。结果2008年5月至2009年5月纳入116名正常足月新生儿。①正常足月新生儿aEEG背景波呈现连续性波形。90.5%(105/116名)在生后1日龄出现睡眠-觉醒周期,所有正常足月新生儿在生后2日龄均出现睡眠-觉醒周期;②1个睡眠-觉醒周期的平均持续(69.9±18.7)min,其中宽带平均为(22.0±5.7)min,窄带平均为(47.9±17.1)min;③正常足月新生儿生后1、2和3日龄aEEG背景波最低电压分别为(12.8±3.4)、(12.1±2.0)和(12.5±2.6)μV,最高电压分别为(37.5±11.0)、(38.4±9.4)和(38.6±9.6)μV;④日龄、性别、分娩方式及母亲妊娠并发症对正常足月新生儿aEEG的宽带、窄带电压和时程均无显著影响,37周~胎龄组生后1~3日龄aEEG窄带电压上界较38~42周各胎龄组显著增高(P分别为0.014,0.001和0.000)。结论正常足月新生儿aEEG背景波为连续波形,存在明显的睡眠-觉醒周期;最低电压均〉5μV,最高电压均〉10μV。37周~胎龄组的正常足月新生儿生后1~3日龄aEEG窄带电压上界较38~42周各胎龄组正常足月新生儿显著增高。正常足月新生儿的aEEG表现不受日龄、性别、分娩方式及母亲妊娠并发症的影响。  相似文献   

目的检验性骚扰的性别差异是否存在于我国大学生人群。方法采用问卷法,被试为大学生(229人).采用t检验和方差分析。结果总体得分上男女存在显著差异(F=2.045,P〈0.001),具体表现为女生评断行为的骚扰程度重于男生。行为的类型有3类对性别差异也产生影响,分别是针对个人的贬抑态度;性提议;身体性接触。同时,骚扰者地位存在性别差异。结论性骚扰的性别差异认知的确存在于我国人群中,这也许是男女性价值观和社会化方式的影响不同,而法院在采用女性标准的同时也应该考虑男性观点。  相似文献   

助人行为也称利他行为,一个利他的人即使在无利可图或不期待任何回报的情况下,也会关心和帮助他人。助人行为涉及很多种形式,其中包括对他人提供力所能及的不求回报的帮助。这些行为被视为礼貌和恭敬,而在他人眼里,行为发出者也被视为有良好的教养、礼仪和细心的人。  相似文献   

癫是儿科常见的疾病,临床表现复杂多样,易与一些非癫性的发作性症状相混淆。EEG描记到性波对癫的诊断最有价值,但有部分癫病人发作不频繁,EEG描记不易捕捉到发作期,而发作间期又无异常放电,给临床诊断带来困难。我们于2002年3月至2007年1月共诊断143例发作间期EEG正常的癫病例并进行了视频脑电图(V-EEG)监测,现报告如下。1资料和方法1.1临床资料近5年中我科共诊治发作性疾病1106例,其中143例临床诊断为癫而发作间期EEG正常。143例中男79例,女64例;年龄3个月至16岁。其中52例V-EEG监测到一次或一次以上的临床发作且同步EEG异常而确诊,91例未监测到发作而根据临床表现及抗癫治疗有效作出临床诊断。1.2脑电检查方法采用美国Necolet脑电生理仪,参考国际10-20系统安放12个头皮电极,将EEG数据及同步录像信号存于计算机硬盘中。所有患者均记录清醒、睁闭眼反应(不能合作者被动闭眼)及自然睡眠状态的脑电及录像资料,记录时间16~24h,至少包括一个完整的清醒睡眠周期。主要分析发作间期及发作期的样放电表现。注意除外心电、拍打、肢体活动、电极接触不良等导致的伪差波。1.3...  相似文献   

目的:了解新生儿窒息后的惊厥与脑电图异常之间的关系。方法:对1998年1月-2000年12月我院收治的52例新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病(HIE)的首次睡眠脑电图(EEG)分析,观察脑功能状况。结果:重度窒息的EEG异常率100%,痫波发放阳性率达70%(21例),轻度窒息EEG异常率86%,痫波发放占55%(12例)。结论:缺血缺氧性脑病是引起新生儿惊厥的原因之一,窒息越重,EEG阳性率越高。EEG是检查脑细胞功能的最直接反应。尤其是HIE合并惊厥,EEG具有预测性的远期意义。  相似文献   

In this paper, our aim is to determine two photic stimulation frequencies, which would represent normal and diseased subjects, separately. Following features were extracted for this aim; linear prediction coefficients (LPC), subband wavelet entropy (SWE), subband wavelet variance (SWV), and relative power (RP). After extracting related features, analysis of variance (ANOVA) statistical test was used for the statistical evaluation of these features. According to the obtained results, wavelet transform-based entropy gave the best results to determine the representing stimulation frequencies. As a result, 29 Hz stimulation frequency was determined as the most representative frequency for normal subjects, whereas 8 Hz stimulation frequency was determined as the most representative frequency for diseased subjects.  相似文献   

The characterization of the EEG response to photic stimulation (PS) is an important issue with significant clinical relevance. This study aims to quantify and map the complexity of the EEG during PS, where complexity is measured as the degree of unpredictability resulting from local linear prediction. EEG activity was recorded with eyes closed (EC) and eyes open (EO) during resting and PS at 5, 10, and 15 Hz in a group of 30 healthy subjects and in a case-report of a patient suffering from cerebral ischemia. The mean squared prediction error (MSPE) resulting from k-nearest neighbour local linear prediction was calculated in each condition as an index of EEG unpredictability. The linear or nonlinear nature of the system underlying EEG activity was evaluated quantifying MSPE as a function of the neighbourhood size during local linear prediction, and by surrogate data analysis as well. Unpredictability maps were obtained for each subject interpolating MSPE values over a schematic head representation. Results on healthy subjects evidenced: (i) the prevalence of linear mechanisms in the generation of EEG dynamics, (ii) the lower predictability of EO EEG, (iii) the desynchronization of oscillatory mechanisms during PS leading to increased EEG complexity, (iv) the entrainment of alpha rhythm during EC obtained by 10 Hz PS, and (v) differences of EEG predictability among different scalp regions. Ischemic patient showed different MSPE values in healthy and damaged regions. The EEG predictability decreased moving from the early acute stage to a stage of partial recovery. These results suggest that nonlinear prediction can be a useful tool to characterize EEG dynamics during PS protocols, and may consequently constitute a complement of quantitative EEG analysis in clinical applications.  相似文献   

The topographic distribution of slow wave activity (SWA, EEG power between 0.75 and 4.5 Hz) during non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep was proposed to mirror cortical maturation with a typical age-related pattern. Here, we examined whether sex differences occur in SWA topography of children and adolescents (22 age-matched subjects, 11 boys, mean age 13.4 years, range: 8.7–19.4, and 11 girls, mean age 13.4 years, range: 9.1–19.0 years). In females, SWA during the first 60 min of NREM sleep was higher over bilateral cortical areas that are related to language functions, while in males SWA was increased over the right prefrontal cortex, a region also involved in spatial abilities. We conclude that cortical areas governing functions in which one sex outperforms the other exhibit increased sleep SWA and, thus, may indicate maturation of sex-specific brain function and higher cortical plasticity during development.  相似文献   

目的: 采用统计参数图(SPM)法分析健康成年人安静状态下大脑葡萄糖代谢水平的性别差异。方法: 对306例健康成年人进行静息状态下的18氟-脱氧葡萄糖(18F-FDG) 正电子发射型计算机断层(PET) 脑显像。采用SPM 5软件将男性组(n=218)和女性组(n=88)PET脑显像数据进行基于体素水平的图像分析。男、女性之间脑代谢水平进行两独立样本t检验,获得有差异区域的Talairach坐标值,并查出各坐标所对应的脑功能区。结果: 女性组总体脑葡萄糖代谢水平较男性组高。男性组脑葡萄糖代谢水平较女性组增高的脑区为右额叶旁中央小叶,而较女性组减低的脑区为左扣带后回、右颞叶中央后回、左额叶中央前回和右额叶上回。 结论: 安静状态下健康成年人脑葡萄糖代谢水平存在明显的性别差异。  相似文献   

Power spectral analysis and cortical coupling were computed on eyes closed EEG recorded from 80 normal volunteers: 20 females and 20 males aged 25-35 years and 20 females and 20 males aged 55-70 years. Recordings were from Fz, Cz, C3, Pz and Oz areas. The results indicate that with increased age there was a greater uniformity of EEG activity across the brain. Magnitude of EEG power was significantly less variable across recording sites for the old than for the young. In addition, cortical coupling values were reliably higher for the older subjects indicating a greater congruity among EEG patterns. The EEG power and cortical coupling measures were significantly correlated and thus may indicate an underlying mechanism common to both. The results support a theory of decreased central inhibitory function in old age and may reflect an age-related breakdown of functional autonomy of cortical areas. Gender had no significant effect on either EEG power or cortical coupling.  相似文献   

Sensation seeking has been characterized as a desire to seek novel, intense sensations, and the willingness to take risks in pursuing them. In two separate studies of young adults, we examined the relation between measures of sensation seeking and the pattern of resting frontal EEG asymmetry, thought to reflect a biological predisposition to approach new experiences. As predicted, high sensation seeking was related to a greater relative left frontal activity at rest in both studies, which may be specific to men. How greater relative left frontal cortical activity at rest is related to a tendency to engage in sensation-seeking and risky behaviors is discussed.  相似文献   

We determined whether women and men would alter their pattern of food intake after they had deprived themselves of food. We found that women consumed 12% less food after fasting and that men ate 28% more food after fasting. Serving more food on the test day did not increase food intake of women. Women, who ate at a nearly constant rate (linear eaters), consumed less food than those eating at an initially high speed which decreased over the course of the meal (decelerated eaters). Women decreased their food intake after fasting as their eating pattern became more linear. After fasting, men increased their food intake, and the rate at which they ate became more decelerated. Food intake of both women and men was normalized after fasting by providing feedback that encouraged them to eat according to the pattern they showed in the non-fasted condition. The results support the hypothesis that linear eating, and the dieting that elicits linear eating, are risk factors for the development of the abnormal linear eating pattern that characterizes patients with anorexia nervosa. The data also provide additional support for the use of behavioral feedback to normalize the pattern of eating for individuals who have difficulty maintaining their body weight.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine risky driving behaviors and negative driving outcomes in a large sample of adolescents and adults diagnosed in childhood with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) compared with demographically similar controls without ADHD. METHODS: 355 adolescents and young adults of the Pittsburgh ADHD Longitudinal Study (PALS) (n = 203 probands; n = 152 controls) were administered the Young Adult Driving Questionnaire. Parent and self-report of current ADHD symptoms and conduct problems were tested as potential mediators of the association between childhood ADHD and negative driving outcomes. RESULTS: ADHD group differences, of small to medium effect size, were found for number of tickets and accidents, and hyperactivity-impulsivity at follow-up emerged as a significant mediator of this association. Current conduct problems were associated with both risky and alcohol-impaired driving. CONCLUSIONS: Childhood ADHD elevates risk for driving-related problems, especially when symptoms persist. Co-occurring conduct problems capture some of this risk.  相似文献   



Cardiac autonomic dysfunction has been proposed as an important contributing factor to the increased cardiovascular risk observed in major depression (MDD). However, the evidence regarding alterations in heart rate variability (HRV) in otherwise healthy depressed subjects has been inconclusive.


A case–control study in 50 treatment-naïve young adults with a first MDD episode without comorbid psychiatric disorders and 50 healthy control subjects was conducted. Time- and frequency-domain indexes of HRV were determined at baseline supine and after 5-min of orthostatic stress at 60°.


There were no significant differences in the time- or frequency-domain variables of HRV between depressed patients and controls. However, a random-effect ANOVA model showed that during orthostatic stress depressed men had a reduced HRV and decreased parasympathetic activity compared to control subjects, while no differences were found between depressed women and controls.


These results suggest a sex-dependent relationship between major depression and cardiac autonomic dysfunction and provide one potential explanation for sex differences in the association of depressive symptoms with cardiovascular morbidity.  相似文献   

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