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Intentional iron overdose in adults is uncommon. Clinical consequences are variable and depend on the quantity of iron ingested and the delay to treatment. Severe iron overdose can lead to multi-organ failure and acute hepatic necrosis. Here, we report three cases of polypharmacy overdose including iron resulting in acute liver failure. Despite maximum supportive care including liver transplantation in two cases, all patients died. Iron poisoning may have an additive toxic effect in drug-induced acute liver failure and worsen outcome.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The Malone antegrade continence enema provides independence and improved quality of life in patients with fecal incontinence or intractable constipation. However, isolated reports of fatal hypernatremia after irrigation with normal saline have raised safety concerns about frequent colonic irrigation in children. Significant electrolyte abnormalities have also been reported with hypertonic phosphate and high colonic tap water enemas. Because our patients routinely use tap water for Malone antegrade continence enema irrigations, we examined the safety profile of this practice MATERIALS AND METHODS: In the last 3.5 years 71 patients at our institution have used antegrade tap water enemas for managing fecal incontinence or intractable constipation. Standard serum electrolytes were measured RESULTS: We obtained 101 sets of serum electrolyte measurements in 71 patients at a mean of 8.4 months postoperatively (range 1 to 33). A girl who presented with severe hyponatremia and hypochloremia had not used the Malone antegrade continence enema for several days. The most interesting finding was significantly elevated sodium and chloride in 1 case 6 weeks after surgery that was associated with tap water treated with a home softening system. Electrolytes reverted to normal 1 week after using untreated tap water CONCLUSIONS: We did not detect significant hyponatremia or hypochloremia in any patient using tap water for Malone antegrade continence enema irrigation. Although dangerous electrolyte abnormalities are rare, potential morbidity in those cases warrants periodic evaluation. Due to the elevated sodium content in softened tap water families should be alerted to use untreated tap water for preparing enemas.  相似文献   

The indiscriminate insertion of epidural or subarachnoidal needles or catheters in patients who are anticoagulated or are about to be anticoagulated carries the inherent risk of the potential development of a compressing vertebral canal haematoma, which may severely jeopardize the patient's (quality of) life. Although the isolated use of aspirin or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in general is no longer considered a problem, its combination with any form of heparin therapy is. Intraoperative heparinization during cardiac or vascular surgery can be safely performed provided a minimum time interval between the regional anaesthetic block and the subsequent heparinization is respected and indwelling catheters are removed after the disappearance of any remaining heparin effect. Similarly, central neural blockade in combination with the thromboprophylactic use of standard unfractionated heparin or low-molecular-weight heparins is possible if: (1) only thromboprophylactic heparin doses are used; and (2) a specific minimum time interval between the previous or the next dose of the anticoagulant and the initiation of the block or the removal of the indwelling catheter is observed.  相似文献   

BIS and Ramsay score in critically ill patient: what future?   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
BACKGROUND: The recent introduction of BIS has improved the concept of utilizing it as a method for the assessment of the sedation level, thus opening new frontiers in critically ill patients care. Its validity in measuring the hypnotic drug effects has been repeatedly proved, but it has rarely been used in ICU. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the correlation between BIS and Ramsay score and its fluctuations with the sedative dosage variations, as a possible utilization in ICU. METHODS: In this study, 20 patients with severe lung disease requiring ventilator support, were recruited. All patients were sedated with propofol and/or midazolam to maintain a Ramsay score of 4. Continuous infusion techniques were commonly used. At time 0 and every half an hour, the patients were evaluated by 2 investigators, using the Ramsay score and the BIS simultaneously. The BIS was calculated by a 1-min recording every time that the sedation score was recorded, for a total of 960 observations. In addition BIS was continuously recorded to establish a baseline value, when the patient was not stimulated. Ventilator settings, medications and vital signs were also recorded. RESULTS: With the increase of the Ramsay score there was a progressive decrease in the BIS score (Ramsay score=2, BIS=88 +/- 15.1; Ramsay score=6, BIS=52.2 +/- 10.7); between BIS and Propofol dosages and between Ramsay score and systolic pressure. CONCLUSIONS: The data obtained show a good correlation between Ramsay score and BIS.  相似文献   



The manipulations, casts, and Botox® method for treating idiopathic clubfoot is an alternative non-surgical treatment method. Botox®-induced reversible muscle paralysis of the gastrocsoleus enables a physician to manipulate and cast the clubfoot in greater dorsiflexion. Ultrasound is incorporated during the early treatment stages to monitor the underlying physiology of the muscle–tendon unit following Botox®.


Ultrasonographic evaluation was performed parallel to a double-blind randomized control trial administering Botox® or placebo to correct clubfoot. Patients underwent two-dimensional ultrasound to monitor the length changes to the gastrocsoleus and Achilles tendon unit at two time points: pre-injection (baseline) and 6 weeks post-blinded injection. Gastrocsoleus and Achilles tendon length measurements were analyzed among placebo, Botox® and contralateral controls using repeated measures ANOVA.


The baseline gastrocsoleus length of the clubfoot (322.4 pixels) before blinded injection appears shorter than controls (337.5 pixels), but fails to reach significance (p = 0.05). The complex length within each of the three treatment groups displayed no significant change between baseline and 6 weeks. The complex–tendon ratio and muscle–tendon ratio of the Botox® treatment group was significantly decreased compared to controls (p = 0.049 and 0.042, respectively). Briefly, when expressed as a proportion, an increase in Achilles tendon length and decrease in gastrocsoleus is observed when clubfeet are treated with Botox®.


Only in the Botox® treatment cohort did the muscle shrink to uncover tendon (seen as a decreased complex–tendon ratio and muscle–tendon ratio) over the 6-week interval to effectively increase tendon length with respect to the unit as a whole.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s11832-015-0633-4) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   



Orthopedic implant infections represent a serious complication for both patient and surgeon. In order to minimize this risk, it has become standard practice in surgery and orthopedics to add antimicrobial substances to the polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) bone cement. The aim of this study is to find new options for preventing infection by using alternative adjuvants in combination with PMMA. We hypothesized, that Octenidine, after being combined with PMMA, can be released in vitro and an antimicrobial efficacy of discharged Octenidine can be shown.  相似文献   

Medical therapy for lower urinary tract symptoms and benign prostatic hyperplasia with either alpha adrenergic receptor blockers or 5alpha-reductase inhibitors has become the most common treatment choice over the past 10 years, replacing transurethral resection of the prostate as the standard intervention. Both classes of drugs have demonstrated efficacy and safety in numerous randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trials. Because of the two different mechanisms of action proposed for these two classes of drugs, the idea of utilizing both to enhance efficacy appears logical and promising. However, few well-conducted trials are available to address the issue of combination medical therapy for lower urinary tract symptoms and benign prostatic hyperplasia, the majority of the data available coming from trials with significant design flaws. Two prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled studies have been conducted comparing the safety and efficacy of an alpha blocker-finasteride combination versus placebo in large numbers of patients. Neither one of the two trials suggests superior efficacy of the combination therapy, whereas some of the less well-controlled studies do. Recent evidence suggests superior efficacy of finasteride in men with large glands and higher serum prostate-specific antigen levels in terms of symptoms and outcome prevention. A trial addressing this specific patient population, in whom theoretically the most benefit might be gained from combining both classes of drugs to address symptoms and prevent outcomes, would be a welcome addition to our knowledge base.  相似文献   

Necrosis and glioblastoma: a friend or a foe? A review and a hypothesis   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Raza SM  Lang FF  Aggarwal BB  Fuller GN  Wildrick DM  Sawaya R 《Neurosurgery》2002,51(1):2-12; discussion 12-3
OBJECTIVE: Two main forms of cell death are encountered in biology: apoptosis (i.e., programmed cell death) and necrosis (i.e., accidental cell death). Because necrosis and apoptosis can lead to cell removal, one might intuit that they are both desirable in cancer treatment. However, in the setting of glioblastoma multiforme, a malignant brain tumor for which the presence of necrosis is an important diagnostic feature, clinical studies indicate that as the degree of necrosis advances, the patient's prognosis worsens. Despite the apparent importance of this form of cell death, the mechanism of development of necrosis in glioblastomas remains unelucidated. The purpose of this article is to try to resolve this dilemma by hypothesizing the mechanism of necrosis formation in these tumors. METHODS: On the basis of an extensive review of the literature, we present a hypothesis for the mechanism of necrosis formation in glioblastoma multiforme. RESULTS: One of the many possible pathways leading to necrosis formation may involve increased tumor cell secretion of tumor necrosis factor. Procoagulation and antiapoptotic mechanisms resulting from certain pathways could prevent the completion of tumor necrosis factor-induced apoptosis and could promote necrosis as the final mode of cell death. Such a hypothesis would explain the inverse correlation that exists between tumor necrosis and the survival of patients with glioblastomas, because the hypoxia that results from procoagulation selects for tumor cells that are more aggressive and more resistant to apoptosis-inducing therapies. CONCLUSION: A complete understanding of the series of events surrounding necrosis development in glioblastomas that is evidence-based is likely to provide targets for future therapies. On the basis of the potential mechanisms of development of necrosis described in this article, we postulate that effective therapies may have to be directed against the pathways that result in the formation of necrosis.  相似文献   

In a highly advanced era from the point of view of instrumental diagnostic resolution it is, however, not always possible to obtain a precise preoperative diagnosis. Surgery is sometimes the only decisive solution. In April 2003, a 62-year-old male patient was referred to us for umbilical hernia, diastasis recti abdominis and left-sided inguinal hernia; he also complained of pain in the mesogastric-hypogastric region. This site presented with a hard, non-mobile, painful tumefaction at both superficial and deep palpation. The patient was submitted to various diagnostic examinations (pancolonoscopy, CT, X-ray of the digestive tract and angiography), but only surgery allowed us to establish the specific nature of the tumefaction. The operation consisted in the en-bloc removal of an abscess mass affecting intestinal loops, caecum and appendix and at the same time in the repair of the hernia components with the use of prosthesis in a potentially contaminated area. The tumefaction had originated following acute appendicitis episodes that had determined adherences between the appendix, caecum and ileal loops (histologically confirmed). There are situations that require surgery in order to be explicitly diagnosed and solved. Furthermore, although the use of prosthetic materials in the treatment of hernias in association with intestinal resection is an extreme case, it has also been reported in the international literature that nowadays there are no real contraindications to the implantation of a prosthesis in a potentially infected area.  相似文献   

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