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目的了解合肥市打工妹婚前性行为和高危性行为的现状,探讨其影响因素。方法本研究为横断面调查。方便选取合肥市1家工厂、6家饭店和6家娱乐场所共457名16~24岁未婚、在合肥市打工、无合肥市户口的女性青少年为研究对象。采用自编问卷评估艾滋病相关知识及自我效能、社会资本和社会网络。结果性行为和高危性行为的报告率分别为35.2%和43.5%。多元Logistic回归分析显示,性行为自我效能高,社会支持,社会网络大小和密度是降低打工妹婚前性行为发生的保护因素,职业为娱乐场所服务员、高年龄为危险性因素;安全套使用自我效能高,工作场所特征评分高,居住环境排外性高,社会网络密度大可降低高危性行为发生的危险性;打工累计时间超过2年,高居住环境诚信可增加打工妹发生高危性行为的危险性。结论合肥市打工妹婚前性行为和高危性行为相当普遍,提高性行为和安全套使用自我效能,增加社会支持等,可能降低打工妹婚前性行为和高危性行为,有利于打工妹艾滋病性病的预防控制。 相似文献
目的掌握农民工人群艾滋病相关知识水平、实施艾滋病预防行为的动机、行为技巧以及农民工人群的性行为情况,探讨信息-动机-行为技巧(IMB)模型在农民工人群的适用性及艾滋病预防行为的影响因素。方法在哈尔滨地区抽取建筑工地21处,用自制问卷对工地的农民工进行现场匿名调查。资料应用Epidata3.1软件进行数据录入,使用SAS 9.1软件进行资料整理与统计分析,应用AMOS 18软件进行IMB模型的结构方程模型分析。结果农民工艾滋病基本知识知晓率为58.21%。不同文化程度以及不同家庭住址艾滋病基本知识知晓率存在差别。在所调查人群中,有固定性伴的人数占总人数的82.29%,有过固定性伴以外性行为的人数占总人数的17.58%。固定性伴性行为及非固定性伴性行为中,每次都使用安全套的比例分别为2.42%和8.20%。非固定性伴性行为的人数占总人数的14.41%,而其中安全套使用者占54%。IMB模型拟合良好(c2=184.995,DF=59,NC=3.136,RMR=0.076,RMSEA=0.079,GFI=0.927,CFI=0.915)。动机对行为技巧的回归系数为0.634,行为技巧对行为的回归系数为0.627,信息对行为技巧及行为的回归系数无统计学意义。动机对行为的回归系数无统计学意义。结论农民工人群艾滋病知识结构不平衡,对血液传播及性行为传播途径掌握程度高,对非传播途径和预防措施掌握程度低。农民工人群性行为时安全套的使用率低。IMB模型在农民工人群适用。动机和行为技巧是影响艾滋病预防行为的重要因素,其中行为技巧直接影响预防行为,动机通过激发行为技巧来间接影响预防行为。 相似文献
Yingchun Peng Wenhu Chang Haiqing Zhou Hongpu Hu Wannian Liang 《BMC health services research》2010,10(1):69
Migrant workers are a unique phenomenon in the process of China's economic transformation. The household registration system classifies them as temporary residents in cities, putting them in a vulnerable state with an unfair share of urban infrastructure and social public welfare. The amount of pressure inflicted by migrant workers in Beijing, as one of the major migration destinations, is currently at a threshold. This study was designed to assess the factors associated with health-seeking behavior and to explore feasible solutions to the obstacles migrant workers in China faced with when accessing health-care. 相似文献4.
不同性别务工青少年生殖健康状况分析 总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7
目的 了解15~24岁不同性别进城务工青少年的性与生殖健康知信行状况及影响因素。方法 采用自编结构式匿名问卷对山东省济南市1075名15~24岁进城务工青少年进行自填式问卷调查。结果 男性与女性进城务工青少年的性与生殖健康知识水平均较低,尤其流产相关知识,男性得分中位数仅25.0分;35.0%的男性认为只要双方愿意就可以发生婚前性行为,高于女性的16.1%;面对恋人性要求,男性坚持不发生性行为的比例(18.1%)远低于女性(53.1%),差异有统计学意义(χ2=141.704,P<0.001);30.7%的调查对象自我报告发生过性行为,其中男性为40.1%,女性为23.7%,差异有统计学意义(χ2=29.385,P<0.001);不同性别进城务工青少年发生婚前性行为的共同影响因素为年龄、文化程度、对避孕的态度;女性还与对婚前性行为的看法、对恋人性要求的处理方式有关。结论 为进城务工青少年提供性与生殖健康教育及服务时应考虑性别差异。 相似文献
Joanna Busza 《Culture, health & sexuality》2013,15(2):145-158
In Nepal, it is commonly assumed that young people migrating to Kathmandu Valley for work in carpet and garment factories are at risk from negative sexual health outcomes. Greater independence and mixed‐sex housing could lead young people to initiate sexual behaviour earlier, and have more sexual partners, than they would in rural communities. A recent survey among factory workers, however, suggested that sexual knowledge and experience were often gained in home villages, prior to migration. This paper presents data from a follow‐up qualitative study comprising in‐depth interviews with 11 male and 12 female young migrant workers reporting high‐risk sexual behaviour. Exploring the circumstances of such episodes in both village and factory environments, the study found that young people experience a wide range of consensual and coercive sexual relationships while still in home communities. Resulting negative emotional or sexual health outcomes can serve as a catalyst for the decision to migrate to Kathmandu Valley. Once employed in factories, young people find increased opportunities for sex, but many of their perceptions of risk, pleasure, and negotiation have already been established. Understanding these realities can contribute to the identification of appropriate ways to meet young people's sexual health needs. 相似文献
目的了解文登市外来务工人员艾滋病(AIDS)相关知识和行为现状,进一步做好外来务工人员的艾滋病防治工作。方法采用调查问卷的调查方式,由经过培训的专业调查员询问被调查者,填写调查问卷。内容包括调查对象的一般情况、艾滋病的知识、态度和相关行为等。结果共调查750名外来务工人员,男女比例为1.78∶1。10个知识点全部答对的仅为32.9%;每次都使用安全套的仅占23.4%。结论文登市外来农民工对AIDS知识的掌握是很不全面的,对于个体的自我保护和正确对待HIV感染者有直接影响,不同行业人群知晓率差异较大,安全套使用率较低,应积极采取有针对性的宣传教育和行为干预活动。 相似文献
城市农民工艾滋病知识、态度和行为现状研究 总被引:39,自引:2,他引:39
目的:为有效地对城市农民工开展艾滋病健康教育提供理论依据。方法:采用匿名自填方式对杭州市农民14415人进行艾滋病知识、态度和行为问卷调查。结果:农民工有92.6%的人表示听说过艾滋病,对艾滋病的传播途径有一定的了解,但对非传播途径的知晓程度不高;51.9%的人知道避孕套有预防艾滋病的作用;分别有56.7%和64.0%的农民工认为艾滋病病毒携带者不可以结婚和生孩子;64.5%的人不能接受婚前有很多性伙伴,6.5%的人则表示同事或工友有找过卖淫女的经历;多因素logistic回归分析发现影响农民工艾滋病知识水平的因素有文化程度、性别和经济收入。结论:农民工对艾滋病有一定的了解,但仍然存在一些认识上的误区,今后文化程度低、男性和经济收入低的农民工应成为城市流动人口艾滋病健康教育的重点人群。 相似文献
INTRODUCTION: The relationship between the source of sexual information and adolescent sexual behavior is not well understood. MATERIALS AND METHODS: As part of a larger study, 892 sexually active female adolescents between 15 and 18 years of age completed a paper-and-pencil survey which assessed discussions about sexual intercourse, contraceptive use and condom use among friends and family members and their own sexual behavior. Multivariate logistic regression analyses were performed to examine associations while controlling for key demographics. RESULTS: Adolescents who had never used condoms were less likely to report having had discussions about sexual intercourse with their friends [adjusted odds ratio (AOR) = 0.2]. Discussions about condom use among friends and family members were associated with condom use in the past 3 months, with adolescents who used condoms at least half of the time being more likely to report hearing discussions relative to adolescents who never used condoms (AORs 2.0-3.8). Furthermore, the number of sexual partners was related to whether the adolescent had heard discussions among her family about condom use; the higher the number of sexual partners, the more likely the adolescent was to have heard discussions. For adolescents reporting 2-3, 4-5 and 6 or more partners (relative to one partner), the AORs were 1.7, 2.3 and 2.7, respectively. DISCUSSION: Adolescents exposed to information about condom use among the primary individuals in their lives are more likely to be engaging in this behavior themselves. 相似文献
目的 了解广东省肇庆市农民工非婚性行为及安全套使用情况,性病相关知识认知现况,分析其行为影响因素.方法 用配额抽样法对当地制鞋、电子、机械业一线农民工700人进行现场匿名问卷调查.收回有效问卷635份,用非条件Logistic回归分析非婚性行为的影响因素.结果 635名农民工3种性病认知以艾滋病认知最好,得分比例占46.85%,淋病认知最差,0分人数达到42.2%,而完全认知人数占2.83%;有非婚性行为249人,占39.21%,其中只有113人(45.38%)每次使用安全套;小学文化(OR=4.28)、男性(OR=2.14)、>35岁(OR=5)是影响非婚行为的危险因素;艾滋病认知是影响非婚性行为使用安全套的作用因素(OR=2.19).结论 肇庆市部分农民工对性病相关知识认知不足,有非婚性行为,应加强该人群尤其低学历、男性、>35岁农民工的性病相关知识的健康教育. 相似文献
外来务工人员艾滋病知识、行为和艾滋病病毒感染状况调查 总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1
目的了解外来务工人员艾滋病相关知识知晓状况、危险行为以及艾滋病病毒感染状况。方法采用分层随机抽样的方法,对东部沿海某市18-60岁外来务工人员进行问卷调查,收集艾滋病知识和行为的信息,并采集静脉血进行艾滋病病毒抗体检测。结果1190名调查对象对艾滋病的传播途径全部回答正确的占71.9%。对于非传播途径和预防措施全部回答正确的分别占18.2%和7.1%,所有问题均能正确回答的仅占2.5%。在有过性经历者中,非婚性行为者占41.7%,有过商业性行为者占11.4%。在与固定性伴和商业性性伴发生性行为时,最近一次性行为时使用安全套的比例分别为32.9%和46.7%。多因素分析显示,正确知晓传播途径与文化程度和有性经历有关。无论与固定性伴,还是商业性性伴,最近一次性行为使用安全套的均与正确知晓传播途径有关。1125名工人艾滋病病毒抗体检测结果均为阴性。结论针对外来务工人员艾滋病知识的薄弱环节,开展宣传教育。通过艾滋病知识知晓率的提高,促进高危行为的改变。同时需要加强对该人群的监测。 相似文献
Maryane Oliveira-Campos Luana Giatti Deborah Malta Sandhi M. Barreto 《Annals of epidemiology》2013,23(10):629-635
PurposeThere are few studies about the influence of the context on sexual behavior among adolescents in developing countries, such as Brazil. Adolescent pregnancy and the high incidence of sexually transmitted disease (STDs) among Brazilian youngsters are a public health problem. The object of this study was to investigate whether factors from family and school contexts are associated with sexual behavior among Brazilian adolescents.MethodsThis study used data from 60,973 adolescent participants in the National Survey of School Health. The response variable was sexual behavior, described in three categories (never had sexual intercourse, had protected sexual intercourse, had unprotected sexual intercourse). The explanatory variables were grouped into sociodemographic characteristics, number of risk behavior factors (regular use of alcohol, smoking, and experimenting with illicit drugs), and family and school context. Variables associated with having protected and unprotected sexual relations in each context were identified by means of multinomial logistic regression. The reference was "never had sexual intercourse."ResultsApproximately one fourth of adolescents have already had sexual intercourse, most frequently boys. Among the adolescents who declared sexual initiation, the most part had their first sexual relation with age of 13 years or younger. Almost 21% did not use protection the last time they had sex. The greater the number of risk factors involved, the higher the incidence of protected and unprotected sex. In the family context, living with only one or with neither parent and low parental supervision increased the frequency of protected and unprotected sex. Never eating meals with the parents augmented the incidence of unprotected sex (odds ratio [OR], 1.60). In the school context, students from private schools were less likely to have had protected and unprotected sex (OR, 0.58 and 0.68). Not receiving instructions at school about pregnancy prevention increased the frequency of protected and unprotected sex (OR, 1.33 and 1.74, respectively).ConclusionsFamily and school context factors are associated with sexual behavior. These associations are generally stronger for unprotected sex. Information about the prevention of pregnancy and STDs/AIDS has to be disseminated very early owing to the young age of sexual initiation. 相似文献
目的了解零工市场务工人员艾滋病知识及相关行为现状,分析其影响因素,为开展预防控制艾滋病健康教育活动提供依据。方法在辽宁省沈阳、大连、鞍山、丹东和铁岭等5个城市各抽取1个劳务市场,对4250名18~60岁零工市场务工人员进行问卷调查。结果有91.62%的零工市场务工人员听说过艾滋病,对艾滋病相关知识的平均知晓率为67.78%;3869例曾经听说过艾滋病的务工人员的平均得分为6.78±2.53分,地区、性别、年龄、文化程度、婚姻情况、职业分类是艾滋病知识知晓率的影响因素;64.98%的务工人员有过性行为,第一次性行为发生在婚前者占32.65%。结论零工市场务工人员是艾滋病的脆弱人群,应采取相应措施加强艾滋病防治知识宣传力度,提高艾滋病知识知晓率,控制艾滋病的蔓延。 相似文献
目的了解广东省珠江三角洲地区外来务工人员梅毒、艾滋病的流行现状及影响因素,为对该人群开展梅毒和艾滋病防治工作提供依据。方法采用分层整群随机抽样方法,对广东省深圳市和佛山市18~49岁的外来务工人员进行匿名自填式问卷调查,并采集静脉血进行梅毒和艾滋病病毒抗体检测。结果调查对象的健康相关知识的知晓率较低(59.55%),部分调查对象对艾滋病病人持歧视态度。调查对象的梅毒感染率为0.82%;多元线性回归分析显示,文化程度越高,家庭背景情况越好,性病艾滋病知识得分越高。结论外来务工人员是性病艾滋病传播的重点人群,应加强该人群的防治工作。 相似文献
目的了解深圳市工厂流动人口艾滋病相关知识、态度和行为状况,为艾滋病防治工作提供依据。方法由人力资源部门协调,根据方便抽样原则,抽取深圳市南山区马家龙工业区1家服装制造厂和1家电子晶体制造厂一线员工中全部流动人口的1/3左右员工,并使抽样人群男女比例基本持平,在征得调查对象知情同意后,发放匿名自填式问卷收集艾滋病相关知识、态度、行为以及参与健康教育活动等信息。结果共有383名被调查人员有效完成问卷。该群体总体艾滋病知识回答正确率为60.93%,"蚊子叮咬可以传播艾滋病"的回答错误率最高,为61.10%。艾滋病正向态度报告率为41.69%,安全套正确使用率为61.01%。最近一年接受过专门的艾滋病健康教育的工厂流动人口为35.51%,艾滋病健康教育状况与年龄分布、婚姻状态相关。想了解的艾滋病相关知识依次为传播途径(58.22%)、预防知识(44.91%)、治疗知识(37.08%)、临床表现(34.73%)、流行情况(31.07%)。工厂流动人口喜欢的健康教育方式依次为电视(55.87%)、书刊报纸(42.04%)、宣传展览(33.94%)、收音机(26.89%)、专题讲座(25.33%)。结论工厂流动人口艾滋病相关知识知晓率与正向态度报告率和行为正确率均较低。开展工厂流动人口艾滋病健康教育,应根据该人群的不同需求制定健康教育策略。 相似文献
目的 探讨煤矿井下流动工人的高危性行为发生状况及安全感等因素对高危性行为影响。方法 于2011 年5-6 月采用自编的高危性行为相关问卷、马斯洛安全-不安全感问卷、大五简式人格量表对河北少开滦矿业集团4 个煤矿1 636 名井下流动工人进行问卷调查。结果 1 636名调查对象中有307 名工人有高危性行为,发生率为18.8%;发生高危性行为的主要原因是生理需要,占55.4%(170/307),孤独寂寞占34.5%(106/307),找刺激占25.7%(79/307),同伴影响占16.6%(51/307);流动工人高危性行为发生地主要是在外出打工地,占60.3%(185/307),其次是外出打工地和家乡,占22.8%(70/307);每次发生高危性行为时均使用避孕套的比例较低,占24.4%(75/307),有时用的占20.2%(62/307),而从不使用的占55.4%(170/307);多因素非条件logistic回归分析结果表明,煤矿流动工人发生高危性行为的影响因素为居住情况、安全感、人格特征严谨性得分和回家频率。结论 煤矿井下流动工人高危性行为发生率较高,与其安全感和人格相关。 相似文献
目的 了解广东省深圳市外来女工生殖健康知识、态度、行为和生殖健康服务需求.方法 采用随机分层整样抽样方法抽取3 622名外来女工进行现场问卷调查,所有资料经Epidata 3.02录入后用SPSS 15.0进行统计分析.结果 调查对象生殖健康知识缺乏,平均得分为(16.93±8.483)分;多元线性回归分析显示,年龄大、文化程度高、已婚的研究对象知识得分较高;648人有过性行为;151人有人工流产史;304人目前的避孕措施是安全套,但只有276人能够每次避孕;调查对象对生殖健康知识的需求依次为性病的预防方法、性病的危害知识、避孕节育知识等.结论 外来女工生殖健康知识严重缺乏,应进行多种形式的生殖健康教育. 相似文献
目的了解新生代农民工健康知识与健康行为,为制定有针对性的干预措施提供理论依据。方法采用多阶段抽样,自拟问卷于2010年11~12月对北京、上海和深圳地区年龄介于18~30岁的1712名新生代农民工和997名当地人口进行了健康知识和健康行为的问卷调查。结果新生代农民工健康知识平均知晓率为66.1%,健康行为平均形成率为57.1%,均低于当地人口(分别为74.8%和65.1%,P<0.05);新生代农民工健康知识知晓率以规律生活习惯有益健康、合理膳食有益健康、富含维生素C的食物位居前3位,健康概念的知晓率最低;新生代农民工健康行为形成率以经常吃水果蔬菜、少饮酒、不吸烟或已戒烟位居前3位,经常参加体育锻炼的形成率最低;随着年龄增大和受教育程度的提高,健康知识的知晓率也逐渐增大(P<0.05);女性及文化程度高者,健康行为形成率较高(P<0.05)。结论新生代农民工健康知识知晓率和健康行为形成率均有待提高,应针对不同人群采取多样化的健康教育,促进他们健康知识的提高和健康行为的形成。 相似文献
H Nakagawa Y Okumura K Tsujikawa S Kawano H Nakagawa 《Sangyō igaku. Japanese journal of industrial health》1985,27(5):328-337
Migrant workers known in Japanese as "dekasegi" refer to workers who migrate seasonally from their town of residence to areas where work is readily available. The eastern part of Toyama Prefecture is well known as a source of migrant workers who engage in jobs associated with dust exposure such as tunnel projects. Most of these workers suffered from silicosis. A total of 695 migrant workers suffering from silicosis who had underwent health screening between 1977 and 1982 were followed until the end of 1983. For cases of death, the cause and date of death were individually confirmed on the basis of death certificates. Based on these data, the person-years of risk and cause-specific mortality rates were calculated. The mean person-years of risk per person was 4.7. During this period of observation, there were 75 deaths among these silicosis patients, giving a mortality rate of 23.0 per 1,000 person-years of risk. When classified by the Japanese roentgenographic category of pneumoconiosis, the mortality rate was 10.5 for category 1, 21.3 for category 2, 38.6 for category 3 and 49.3 for category 4. The mortality rates of categories 3 and 4 were significantly higher than those of categories 1 and 2. The highest cause-specific mortality rate among silicosis patients per 1,000 person-years was 5.2 for malignant neoplasms followed by 3.7 for pulmonary tuberculosis, 3.1 for both cardiovascular diseases and pneumoconiosis, and 2.8 for pneumonia and bronchitis. High mortality rates in the 50-69 age group were found among silicosis patients belonging to categories 3 and 4. By cause of death, the mortality rates of all malignant neoplasms (especially lung cancer), pulmonary tuberculosis, and cerebrovascular diseases were relatively high in this age group. In the 70-89 age group, the mortality rate of those belonging to categories 2, 3 and 4 was high and by cause of death the mortality rates of pneumoconiosis, pulmonary tuberculosis, all malignant neoplasms (especially lung cancer), cardiovascular diseases and pneumonia and bronchitis were high. The mortality rates of silicosis patients with abnormal findings in %VC, FEV1% and AaDO2 by pulmonary function tests tended to be higher than those of silicosis patients without such abnormalities. 相似文献