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Summary The contribution of vestibular and neck inputs to the perception of visual object motion in space was studied in the absence of a visual background (in the dark) in normal human subjects (Ss). Measures of these contributions were obtained by means of a closed loop nulling procedure; Ss fixed their eyes on a luminous spot (object) and nulled its actual or apparent motion in space during head rotation in space (vestibular stimulus) and/ or trunk rotation relative to the head (neck stimulus) with the help of a joystick. Vestibular and neck contributions were expressed in terms of gain and phase with respect to the visuo-oculomotor/joystick feedback loop which was assumed to have almost ideal transfer characteristics. The stimuli were applied as sinusoidal rotations in the horizontal plane (f= 0.025–0.8 Hz; peak angular displacements, 1–16°). Results: (1) During vestibular stimulation, Ss perceived the object, when kept in fixed alignment with the moving body, as moving in space. However, they underestimated the object motion; the gain was only about 0.7 at 0.2–0.8 Hz and clearly decreased at lower stimulus frequencies, while the phase exhibited a small lead. (2) During pure neck stimulation (trunk rotating relative to the stationary head), the object, when stationary, appeared to move in space counter to the trunk excursion. This neck-contingent object motion illusion was small at 0.2–0.8 Hz, but increased considerably with decreasing frequency, while its phase developed a small lag. (3) Vestibular, neck, and visuo-oculomotor effects summed linearly during combined stimulations. (4) The erroneous vestibular and neck contributions to the object motion perception were complementary to each other, and the perception became about veridical (G1, 0°), when both inputs were combined during head rotation with the trunk stationary. The results are simulated by an extended version of a computer model that previously had been developed to describe vestibular and neck effects on human perception of head motion in space. In the model, the perception of object motion in space is derived from the superposition of three signals, representing object to head, (visuo-oculomotor; head coordinates), head on trunk (neck; trunk coordinates), and trunk in space (vestibular-neck interaction; space coordinates).Supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, SFB 325  相似文献   

Chronic loss of vestibular function modifies the role of neck afferents in human perception of self-motion. We characterized this change by comparing the self-motion perception of patients with chronic vestibular loss (Ps) to that of normal subjects (Ns). Stimuli consisted of sinusoidal horizontal rotations (0.025–0.4 Hz) of the trunk relative to the head (neck stimulation) and/or of the head in space (vestibular stimulation). Perception of head rotation relative to the trunk, of trunk rotation in space, or of head rotation in space was assessed in terms of gain and phase (veridical perception, G=1 and =0°) as well as detection threshold using a pointing procedure. (1) Perception of head rotation relative to the trunk (neck proprioception). Ps' detection threshold of head-to-trunk rotation was normal (i.e. similar to that of Ns) across all frequencies tested. Also, with peak angular velocities above 5°/s, the gain of their perception was approximately normal. When peak velocity was decreased below this value, however, either by lowering stimulus frequency with peak displacement kept constant (±8°) or by decreasing peak displacement at constant frequency (0.05 Hz), the gain increased above unity, unlike in Ns. In contrast, the phase remained normal (approximately 0°). (2) Perception of trunk rotation in space. Ps perceived their trunks as stationary during neck stimulation and all vestibular-neck combinations at medium to low frequencies. At 0.4 Hz, however, Ps consistently perceived the trunk rotation, conceivably due to somatosensory selfmotion cues arising from high body acceleration. In contrast, Ns perceive a trunk-in-space rotation with the neck stimulation and most of the stimulus combinations across the whole frequency range tested. Ns perceived their trunks as stationary only during head rotation on the stationary trunk (presumed to reflect a mutual cancellation of neck and vestibular signals). (3) Perception of head rotation in space. In Ps, unlike Ns, this perception always resembled that of head rotation relative to the trunk. (4) When Ps were presented with a visual or somatosensory space reference (not motion cues), their perception of trunk and head rotation in space became approximately normal. (5) We suggest that there are basically two changes in the neck induced self motion perception associated with chronic vestibular loss. First, neck proprioception shows a non linear gain that overemphasizes low stimulus velocities, for unknown reasons. Second, the neck signal which normally is used for the perception of trunk rotation in space is suppressed (Ps in the dark, deprived of any space reference, resort to the notion that their trunks are stationary). The change in Ps' perception of head rotation in space is attributed to the former two changes (assuming that they superimposed their notion of head on trunk rotation on that of a stationary trunk).  相似文献   

Experimental Brain Research - The present report considers the conscious perception of passive horizontal rotations of the trunk, the head, or both, by human observers. It examines in particular...  相似文献   

The main aim of this study was to examine how postrotatory effects, induced by passive whole-body rotations in darkness, could alter the perception of motion and eye movements during a subsequent rotation. Perception of angle magnitude was assessed in a reproduction task: blindfolded subjects were first submitted to a passive rotation about the earth-vertical axis on a mobile robot. They were then asked to reproduce this angle by controlling the robot with a joystick. Stimulus rotations ranged from 80 degrees to 340 degrees. Subjects were given one of two delay instructions: after the stimulus, they either had to await the end of postrotatory sensations before starting reproduction (condition free delay, FD), or they had to start immediately after the end of the stimulus rotation (no delay, ND). The delay in FD was used as an incidental measure of the subjective duration of these sensations. Eye movements were recorded with an infrared measuring system (IRIS). Results showed that in both conditions subjects accurately reproduced rotation angles, though they did not reproduce the stimulus dynamics. Peak velocities reached in ND were higher than in FD. This difference suggests that postrotatory effects induced a bias in the perception of angular velocity in the ND condition.  相似文献   

Summary Measurements are made of manual control performance in the closed-loop task of nulling perceived self-rotation velocity about an earth-vertical axis. Self-velocity estimation is modeled as a function of the simultaneous presentation of vestibular and peripheral visual field motion cues. Based on measured low-frequency operator behavior in three visual field environments, a parallel channel linear model is proposed which has separate visual and vestibular pathways summing in a complementary manner. A dual-input describing function analysis supports the complementary model; vestibular cues dominate sensation at higher frequencies. The describing function model is extended by the proposal of a non-linear cue conflict model, in which cue weighting depends on the level of agreement between visual and vestibular cues.Research supported in part by NASA Grants NSG 2032 and 2230. GLZ supported by an NIH National Research Service Award. GLZ currently at Bolt Beranek and Newman, Inc., Cambridge, MA, USA  相似文献   

Summary The purpose of this experiment was to determine the preferred coordinate system for representation of hand orientation in 3-dimensional space. The ability of human subjects to perceive angles of the hand in 3-dimensional space (elevation, yaw, roll angles extrinsic coordinate system) was compared to their ability to perceive hand angles relative to the proximal upper limb segments (wrist joint angles, forearm pronation intrinsic coordinate system). With eyes closed, subjects performed a matching task in which the experimenter positioned the left arm, forearm and hand and the right arm and forearm. Subjects were then told to match an angle in one of the two coordinate systems by moving only the right hand at the wrist or the forearm as in pronation or roll matching. Absolute constant error (ACE), variable error (VE) and normalized variable error (NVE-normalized to tested range of motion) of matching were quantified for each subject for each of the six angles matched. It was hypothesized that matching angles in a preferred coordinate system would be associated with lower ACE, VE and NVE. Overall, ACE and VE were lower for matching hand angles in the intrinsic coordinate system. This suggests that the preferred coordinate system involved specification of hand angles relative to forearm and arm angles (joint angles) rather than the hand angles relative to axes external to the upper limb. However, matching of pronation angles was associated with larger VE and NVE than roll angle matching. There were no significant differences in ACE between pronation and roll matching. In a second experiment subjects with their forearms constrained at different elevations matched hand elevation and wrist flexion angles. Thus, errors in matching the angles in the non preferred coordinate system were predictable if the subjects were biased toward matching angles in the preferred coordinate system. Trends in the data suggested that subjects preferred matching hand elevation angles but these trends were not consistent within or between subjects. Thus a preferred intrinsic coordinate system for wrist flexion matching was not observed in this experiment. We suggest that matching angles when proximal limb segments are constrained is a simpler task for the subjects (VE lower than in the first experiment) and may bias the matching toward the extrinsic coordinate system. Thus, hand orientation in 3-dimensional space may be perceived as follows: wrist flexion and abduction angles together with forearm elevation and yaw are used to specify hand elevation and yaw; these together with hand roll angle, completely specify the hand angle in 3-dimensional space.  相似文献   

This study was aimed at complementing the existing knowledge about vestibular perception of self-motion in humans. Both goal-directed vestibulo-ocular reflex and vestibular memory-contingent saccade (VM-CS) tasks were used, respectively as concurrent and retrospective magnitude estimators for passive whole-body rotation. Rotations were applied about the earth-vertical and earth-horizontal axes to study the effect of the otolith signal in self-rotation evaluation, and both in yaw and pitch to examine the horizontal and vertical semi-circular canals. Two different magnitudes of constant angular acceleration (50°/s2 and 100°/s2) were used. The main findings were (1) strong correlation between both oculomotor responses of both tasks, (2) greater accuracy with rotations about the earth-vertical than the earth: -horizontal axis, (3) greater accuracy for yaw than for pitch rotations, (4) greater accuracy for high acceleration than for low, and (5) no effect of the delay (2s or 12s) in the VMCS task. Adequacy of both tasks as subjective magnitude estimators of vestibular perception of self-motion is discussed.On leave from the Laboratoíre de Physiologie Neurosensorielle, CNRS, Paris, FrancePresent address: Laboratoire de Physiologie de la Perception et de l'Action, CNRS, Collége de France, 15, rue de l'Ecole de Médecine, F-75270 Paris Cedex 06, France  相似文献   

Four patients following unilateral vestibular loss and four patients complaining of otolith-dependent vertigo were tested during eccentric yaw rotation generating 1 × g centripetal acceleration directed along the interaural axis. Perception of body tilt in roll and in pitch was recorded in darkness using a somatosensory plate that the subjects maintained parallel to the perceived horizon. Ocular torsion was recorded by a video camera. Unilateral vestibular-defective patients underestimated the magnitude of the roll tilt and had a smaller torsion when the centrifugal force was towards the operated ear compared to the intact ear and healthy subjects. Patients with otolithic-dependent vertigo overestimated the magnitude of roll tilt in both directions of eccentric rotation relative to healthy subjects, and their ocular torsion was smaller than in healthy subjects. Eccentric rotation is a promising tool for the evaluation of vestibular dysfunction in patients. Eye torsion and perception of tilt during this stimulation are objective and subjective measurements, which could be used to determine alterations in spatial processing in the CNS.  相似文献   

Single-unit recordings were obtained from 107 horizontal semicircular canal-related central vestibular neurons in three alert squirrel monkeys during passive sinusoidal whole-body rotation (WBR) while the head was free to move in the yaw plane (2.3 Hz, 20 degrees /s). Most of the units were identified as secondary vestibular neurons by electrical stimulation of the ipsilateral vestibular nerve (61/80 tested). Both non-eye-movement (n = 52) and eye-movement-related (n = 55) units were studied. Unit responses recorded when the head was free to move were compared with responses recorded when the head was restrained from moving. WBR in the absence of a visual target evoked a compensatory vestibulocollic reflex (VCR) that effectively reduced the head velocity in space by an average of 33 +/- 14%. In 73 units, the compensatory head movements were sufficiently large to permit the effect of the VCR on vestibular signal processing to be assessed quantitatively. The VCR affected the rotational responses of different vestibular neurons in different ways. Approximately one-half of the units (34/73, 47%) had responses that decreased as head velocity decreased. However, the responses of many other units (24/73) showed little change. These cells had signals that were better correlated with trunk velocity than with head velocity. The remaining units had responses that were significantly larger (15/73, 21%) when the VCR produced a decrease in head velocity. Eye-movement-related units tended to have rotational responses that were correlated with head velocity. On the other hand, non-eye-movement units tended to have rotational responses that were better correlated with trunk velocity. We conclude that sensory vestibular signals are transformed from head-in-space coordinates to trunk-in-space coordinates on many secondary vestibular neurons in the vestibular nuclei by the addition of inputs related to head rotation on the trunk. This coordinate transformation is presumably important for controlling postural reflexes and constructing a central percept of body orientation and movement in space.  相似文献   

Irregular vestibular afferents exhibit significant phase leads with respect to angular velocity of the head in space. This characteristic and their connectivity with vestibulospinal neurons suggest a functionally important role for these afferents in producing the vestibulo-collic reflex (VCR). A goal of these experiments was to test this hypothesis with the use of weak galvanic stimulation of the vestibular periphery (GVS) to selectively activate or suppress irregular afferents during passive whole body rotation of guinea pigs that could freely move their heads. Both inhibitory and excitatory GVS had significant effects on compensatory head movements during sinusoidal and transient whole body rotations. Unexpectedly, GVS also strongly affected the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) during passive whole body rotation. The effect of GVS on the VOR was comparable in light and darkness and whether the head was restrained or unrestrained. Significantly, there was no effect of GVS on compensatory eye and head movements during volitional head motion, a confirmation of our previous study that demonstrated the extravestibular nature of anticipatory eye movements that compensate for voluntary head movements.  相似文献   

We measured torsional vestibular and optokinetic eye movements in human subjects with the head and trunk erect, with the head supine and the trunk erect, and with the head and trunk supine, in order to quantify the effects of otolithic and proprioceptive modulation. During active head movements, the torsional vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) had significantly higher gain with the head upright than with the head supine, indicating that dynamic otolithic inputs can supplement the semicircular canal-ocular reflex. During passive earth-vertical axis rotation, torsional VOR gain was similar with the head and trunk supine and with the head supine and the trunk erect. This finding implies that static proprioceptive information from the neck and trunk has little effect upon the torsional VOR. VOR gain with the head supine was not increased by active, self-generated head movement compared with passive, whole body rotation, indicating that the torsional VOR is not augmented by dynamic proprioceptive inputs or by an efference copy of a command for head movement. Viewing earth-fixed surroundings enhanced the torsional VOR, while fixating a chair-fixed target suppressed the VOR, especially at low frequencies. Torsional optokinetic nystagmus (OKN) evoked by a full-field stimulus had a mean slow-phase gain of 0.22 for 10°/s drum rotation, but gain fell to 0.06 for 80°/s stimuli. Despite this fall in gain, mean OKN slow-phase velocities increased with drum speed, reaching maxima of 2.5°/s–8.0°/s in our subjects. Optokinetic afternystagmus (OKAN) was typically absent. Torsional OKN and OKAN were not modified by otolithic or proprioceptive changes caused by altering head and trunk position with respect to gravity. Torsional velocity storage is negligible in humans, regardless of head orientation.Presented in part at the Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, October 31, 1989, Phoenix, AZ  相似文献   

Summary Reorienting the head with respect to gravity during the postrotatory period alters the time course of postrotatory nystagmus (PRN), hastening its decline and thereby reducing the calculated vestibular time constant. One explanation for this phenomenon is that the head reorientation results in a corresponding reorientation of the axis of eye rotation with respect to head coordinates. This possibility was investigated in 10 human subjects whose eye movements were monitored with a three-dimensional magnetic field — search — coil technique using a variety of head reorientation paradigms in a randomized order during PRN following the termination of a 90°/s rotation about earth vertical. Average eye velocities were calculated over two time intervals: from 1 s to 2 s and from 7 s to 8 s after cessation of head rotation. The time constant was estimated as one third of the duration of PRN. For most conditions, a reorientation of the head with respect to gravity 2 s after the rotation had stopped did not significantly alter the direction of the eye velocity vector of PRN with respect to head coordinates. This strongly indicates that, in humans, PRN is mainly stabilized in head coordinates and not in space coordinates, even if the otolith input changes. This finding invalidates the notion that the shortening of PRN due to reorientation of the head could be due to a change of the eye velocity vector towards a direction (torsion), which is not detectable with the eye recording methods (electrooculography) used in earlier studies. The results regarding the vestibular time constant basically confirm earlier findings, showing a strong dependence on static head position, with the time constant being lowest if mainly the vertical canals are stimulated (60° nose up and 90° left ear down). In addition, the time constant was drastically shortened for tilts away from upright. The reduction in vestibular time constant with head reorientation cannot be explained solely on the basis of the dependence of the time constant on static head position. A clear example is provided by head reorientations back towards the upright position, which results in a decrease in the time constant, rather than an increase that would be expected on the basis of static head position.  相似文献   

Effects of viewing distance on the responses of horizontal canal-related secondary vestibular neurons during angular head rotation. The eye movements generated by the horizontal canal-related angular vestibuloocular reflex (AVOR) depend on the distance of the image from the head and the axis of head rotation. The effects of viewing distance on the responses of 105 horizontal canal-related central vestibular neurons were examined in two squirrel monkeys that were trained to fixate small, earth-stationary targets at different distances (10 and 150 cm) from their eyes. The majority of these cells (77/105) were identified as secondary vestibular neurons by synaptic activation following electrical stimulation of the vestibular nerve. All of the viewing distance-sensitive units were also sensitive to eye movements in the absence of head movements. Some classes of eye movement-related vestibular units were more sensitive to viewing distance than others. For example, the average increase in rotational gain (discharge rate/head velocity) of position-vestibular-pause units was 20%, whereas the gain increase of eye-head-velocity units was 44%. The concomitant change in gain of the AVOR was 11%. Near viewing responses of units phase lagged the responses they generated during far target viewing by 6-25 degrees. A similar phase lag was not observed in either the near AVOR eye movements or in the firing behavior of burst-position units in the vestibular nuclei whose firing behavior was only related to eye movements. The viewing distance-related increase in the evoked eye movements and in the rotational gain of all unit classes declined progressively as stimulus frequency increased from 0.7 to 4.0 Hz. When monkeys canceled their VOR by fixating head-stationary targets, the responses recorded during near and far target viewing were comparable. However, the viewing distance-related response changes exhibited by central units were not directly attributable to the eye movement signals they generated. Subtraction of static eye position signals reduced, but did not abolish viewing distance gain changes in most units. Smooth pursuit eye velocity sensitivity and viewing distance sensitivity were not well correlated. We conclude that the central premotor pathways that mediate the AVOR also mediate viewing distance-related changes in the reflex. Because irregular vestibular nerve afferents are necessary for viewing distance-related gain changes in the AVOR, we suggest that a central estimate of viewing distance is used to parametrically modify vestibular afferent inputs to secondary vestibuloocular reflex pathways.  相似文献   

Summary Proprioceptive sensation in rotation of the trunk about a vertical axis was investigated in normal human subjects. Subjects pointed at the big toe with the nose to test the accuracy of positioning of the trunk. Active rotation of the head and shoulders on the stationary hips and legs to align the nose and toe, was not significantly more accurate than moving the hips, legs and toe under the fixed head and shoulders. Passive displacements were imposed on the head and shoulders, or on the hips and legs. Thresholds for the detection of these displacements were unchanged by the exclusion of vestibular stimulation. Thresholds were highest (still less than 1°) at the slowest angular velocity (0.1 °/s) and became lower as the angular velocity was increased.  相似文献   

Summary Recordings from neurons of the vestibular nuclei were performed in alert monkeys. Type I and type II units were identified by rotating the monkey about a vertical axis. All neurons responded also when only the visual surround was rotated around the stationary monkey. The combination of visual and vestibular stimulation points towards non-algebraic summation characteristics for the two inputs, with each input dominating the response over a certain range.Supported by Swiss National Foundation for Scientific Research 3.044.76 and Emil-Barell-Foundation of Hoffmann-La Roche, Basel, Switzerland  相似文献   

The present study focused on the influence of neck vibration on the perception of the head and trunk midline position (orientation and localization). The orientation of the head and trunk was investigated by the rolling adjustment of a rod on their midline while their localization was investigated by the adjustment of the position of a visual dot as being straight-ahead the eyes or the sternum. The first experiment investigated whether a head–trunk dissociation was induced by the unilateral vibration of neck muscles in upright and restrained subjects. Results showed that the subjective orientation and localization of whole-body midline were shifted toward the vibrated side. The second experiment determined the effect of the neck muscles vibration when the subjects were lying on their side. The effect of vibration disappeared when the side of vibration was opposed to the side of postural inclination and it was stronger than in the upright position when the side of vibration and the side of postural inclination were congruent. Whereas, results suggested that the input from neck muscle proprioceptors participates directly to the elaboration of the egocentric space, the question may be raised as to how the sensory cues interacted in their contribution to the neural generation of an egocentric, body centred coordinate system.  相似文献   

An apparent goal of the human postural system is to maintain head stability during walking. Although much is known about sensory-motor stabilising mechanisms associated with the head and neck, less is known about how the postural system attenuates motion between the trunk and neck segments in order to regulate head motion. Therefore the purpose of this study was to determine the role that the neck and the trunk play in stabilising the head at a range of walking speeds. Eight healthy male subjects (age: 23±4 years) performed self-selected slow, preferred, and fast walking speed trials along a 30 m walkway. Four custom-designed wireless triaxial accelerometers were attached to the head, upper trunk, lower trunk, and shank of each subject to measure vertical (VT), anterior-posterior (AP), and mediolateral (ML) accelerations. Acceleration data were examined in each direction using RMS, power spectral, harmonic, and regularity measures. Signal regularity was increased from the lower to upper trunk for all walking speeds and directions with the exception of the slow speed in the AP direction. Evidence from analysis of power spectral and amplitude characteristics of acceleration signals was suggestive that accelerations are also attenuated from the lower to upper trunk by dynamics of the intervening trunk segment. Differences in selected power spectral and amplitude characteristics between the accelerations of the upper trunk and head due to the intervening neck segment were only detected in the AP direction at preferred and fast walking speeds. Overall the findings of the present study suggest that the trunk segment plays a critical role in regulating gait-related oscillations in all directions. Only accelerations in the direction of travel at preferred and fast speeds required additional control from the neck segment in order to enhance head stability during walking.  相似文献   

As individuals stand or walk in an environment their gaze may be reoriented from one location to another in response to auditory or visual stimuli. In order to reorient gaze, the eyes and/or the head and trunk must rotate. However, what determines the exact degree of rotation of each segment while standing or walking is not fully understood. In the current study we show that when participants were asked to reorient their gaze towards light cues positioned at eccentric locations of up to 90° while standing or walking on a treadmill their eyes and head mainly facilitated the action. Rotations of the head-in-space were similar for both tasks, but the rotation of the shoulders- and hips-in-space were lower for the treadmill walking condition. It is argued that this difference in the level of head-on-trunk rotation during the two tasks is controlled by the vestibular feedback loop. The regulation of this feedback loop is performed by the cerebellum in response to the level of threat to postural stability.  相似文献   

Summary The behavior of single vestibular nerve fibers from the lateral semicircular canal was recorded during sinusoidal oscillations of the head, during optokinetic stimulation with the head stationary, and during spontaneous oculomotor behavior in the alert monkey. The response of similar fibers to adequate vestibular stimulation was also studied in some of the animals under deeply anesthetized conditions. In the alert animals all units were spontaneously active and their discharge was modulated only by adequate vestibular stimulation. Ipsilateral horizontal rotations of the head were excitatory for all units. No modification of this basic vestibular response by visual stimulation including full-field striped drum rotation was observed. Furthermore no correlation of unit activity with oculomotor function including voluntary saccadic and pursuit eye movements was found in any of the units. The regularity of spontaneous discharge was the most consistent characteristic that differentiated the unit response into types. Most units were very regular in discharge, but a few were very irregular. The averaging of unit discharge over several cycles of oscillatory head rotation showed that the irregular type units were also consistently modulated by adequate vestibular stimulation. Both regular and irregular type units were found in the anesthetized animals. Unimodal distributions of the quantitative values for unit resting discharge rate, sensitivity, and phase relationship were found. The distributions for these three parameters were similar in the units recorded in the anesthetized animals. Thus at least these characteristics of semicircular canal response seem not to be affected by the vestibular efferent system which should be altered or eliminated in the case of the anesthetized animals.Research supported by NIH Grant EY0995-04.  相似文献   

The electromyographic (EMG) patterns of neck muscles were recorded during whole-body horizontal rotation in head-free, alert cats and head-restrained, decerebrate cats. In some trials the cervical column of the animal was oriented vertically, whereas in others it was oriented more horizontally. In alert cats making head movements that compensated for the motion of the platform, neck muscles with modulated patterns of activity could be divided into a subset whose individual EMG patterns changed significantly when the neck posture was altered (including longissimus capitis, obliquus capitis superior and scalenus anterior) and a subset whose individual EMG patterns were invariant regardless of neck posture (including obliquus capitis inferior, levator scapulae and complexus). In head-restrained, decerebrate cats, electromyograms from all implanted muscles were modulated similarly in phase with the platform position. Changing the orientation of the neck had little effect upon these EMG patterns evoked by the horizontal vestibulocollic reflex. One decerebrate cat with strong extensor tone was tested further under head-free conditions. There was very little compensatory head movement, but individual neck muscles displayed patterns of activity that were more similar to those observed in alert, head-free animals.  相似文献   

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