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Phyllodes tumors of the breast   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Our objective was to study the color and pulse Doppler ultrasonography of phyllodes tumors of the breast. The data of 36 phyllodes tumors (19 benign, 5 borderline, and 12 malignant) were reviewed retrospectively. The median age of the patients was 41.5 years (range 13–62 years), and the tumors varied in size from 1.5 to 20 cm (median 4.6 cm). Most of the phyllodes tumors were lobulated masses with smooth margins, mildly hypoechoic internal echo texture, a heterogeneous internal echo pattern, and no microcalcification. Vessels were detectable on 35 of these tumors, with 51.4% having resistance index >0.700, 45.7% having pulsatility index >1.300, and 51.4% having Vmax >15 cm/s. The color Doppler characteristics were of no significant use in predicting the histological nature of the phyllodes tumors. If the sonographic features suggest a phyllodes tumor, a histological examination should be conducted to confirm the diagnosis. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

乳腺叶状瘤的影像诊断   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 总结分析乳腺叶状瘤X线钼靶照片和超声检查的影像学特征。方法 搜集1991年1月至2003年5月经手术、病理证实的25例乳腺叶状瘤,其中13例行X线钼靶摄片,17例行超声检查,回顾性分析其临床特点及影像学征象。结果 25例乳腺叶状瘤中病理诊断Ⅰ级者17例,Ⅱ级7例,Ⅲ级1例。13例行乳腺X线钼靶检查患者病灶表现为圆形(7例)或浅分叶状(6例)密度高于邻近腺体的肿块,边界清楚(8例)或部分不清(5例),所有病例均未发现钙化及邻近皮肤增厚、乳头回缩、周围乳腺结构扭曲等恶性征象。行乳腺超声检查的17例患者,病灶表现为低回声者16例,边界规整者16例,出现囊变者10例,11例出现后方回声增强。结论 乳腺叶状瘤的影像学表现有一定的特点,但这些表现为非特征性,与纤维腺瘤等边界清楚的实性病灶的鉴别有一定的困难,对可疑病灶行切除活检非常必要。  相似文献   

目的 分析乳腺叶状肿瘤(PTs)的MRI特征,提高PTs与纤维腺瘤(FAs)的鉴别诊断水平.方法 搜集经手术病理证实、行MRI检查的PTs患者10例及FAs患者33例,分析其MRI表现,并进行统计学分析,比较两者的差异.结果 10例PTs中,术后病理诊断良性2例,交界性8例.叶状肿瘤具有短期内明显增大病史,在最大横径、深分叶、T1WI上存在高信号区域、T2囊性成分、低信号的分隔、不均匀强化、增多的血管、时间-信号强度曲线上,与FAs有统计学差异(P =0.026).在T2WI信号、胆碱(Cho)峰值上,两者没有统计学差异.结论 PTs和FAs在MRI表现上有一定差异,有助于PTs的正确诊断.  相似文献   

乳腺叶状肿瘤(PT)是一类少见的乳腺肿瘤,具有上皮和间叶细胞双向分化的特点,表现多样,在临床及影像上可与纤维腺瘤、边缘光整的乳腺癌或乳腺肉瘤相似,在治疗及预后方面则明显不同。传统影像学诊断PT价值有限,而在乳腺增强MRI及功能成像上,PT的影像表现具有一定特征性,对术前诊断及活检穿刺定位有重要意义。就PT的临床表现、病理、MRI特征及鉴别诊断予以综述。  相似文献   

乳腺叶状肿瘤MRI表现特征分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的分析乳腺叶状肿瘤(phyllodes tumors,PTs)MRI平扫、动态增强、扩散加权成像(DWI)和磁共振波谱(MRS)表现特征,提高对本病MRI诊断水平。资料与方法搜集2005年1月至2008年12月期间于我院行乳腺MRI检查并经手术病理证实的5例乳腺PTs,按照美国放射学会提出的乳腺影像报告和数据系统磁共振成像(BI-RADS-MRI)标准,回顾性分析病变的MRI表现,包括形态学、平扫T1WI及T2WI信号、动态增强表现及强化曲线类型、DWI信号及表观扩散系数(ADC)值和MRS表现特征。结果5例乳腺PTs病理诊断良性1例,交界性2例,恶性2例。MRI上4例表现为分叶状,1例为卵圆形;5例PTsMRI平扫T1WI均呈较低信号,T2WI呈高信号,其中1例内有低信号分隔;4例行动态增强检查的PTs于动态增强早中期(增强后第一至第三时相)呈快速渐进性强化,动态增强中后期时间-信号强度曲线3例呈平台型,1例呈轻度流出型;5例PTs于DWI上均呈高信号,ADC值低于正常乳腺组织,且低于鉴别乳腺良恶性病变的ADC界值;3例行MRS检查,均可见胆碱(Cho)峰。结论MRI检查有助于乳腺PTs的诊断,但确诊仍需...  相似文献   

目的:分析乳腺叶状肿瘤(PTB)的MRI表现,提高对该病的认识和诊断水平。方法回顾性分析经手术病理证实的13例PTB的M RI表现,包括肿瘤的形态特征、平扫信号强度、动态增强表现及时间信号强度曲线,类型、DWI信号特征,并与病理结果对照。结果13例PTB均单发。病灶大小为6.2cm ×4.2cm~1.2cm×1.1cm。4例分叶状呈多发结节融合样改变,9例边缘轻度分叶,8例在分叶间见条状分隔延伸至肿瘤内部。M RI平扫T1 WI呈等或稍低信号, T2 WI 9例呈混杂高信号,4例呈均匀高信号。DWI(b值=800s/mm2)8例呈较高信号,5例呈稍高信号;6例同时检测了ADC图,呈高信号。动态增强扫描11例较均匀明显强化,2例不均匀明显强化,见囊变未强化区。T IC 10例呈Ⅱ型,Ⅰ型2例,Ⅲ型1例。术后病理诊断:良性9例,交界性4例,未见恶性 PTB。结论 PTB的 M RI表现具有一定特征性, M RI检查有助于该病的诊断。  相似文献   



The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that contribute to the differentiation between phyllodes tumors (PTs) and fibroadenomas (FAs) on MR imaging.

Materials and methods

This retrospective study included 19 PTs and 18 FAs with ≥2 cm diameter. The presence or absence of a capsule and internal septum, the extent of lobulation, and the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) values were determined. The presence or absence of a cystic component, the time–intensity curve, and the signal intensity on delayed-phase contrast-enhanced T1WI were also evaluated in 31 patients (16 PTs and 17 FAs) who underwent a contrast-enhanced study.


Cystic components were seen in 10 of the 16 PTs (63%) and in 4 of the 17 FAs (24%; P = 0.03). The PTs showed strong lobulation more frequently compared to the FAs (14/19 [74%] vs. 7/18 [39%], respectively; P = 0.04). Though there was no significant difference, PT tended to be heterogeneous more frequently on the delayed phase of the contrast-enhanced T1WI compared to the FA (11/16 [69%] vs. 7/17 [41%], respectively). No significant difference was found in the other findings.


Although PTs and FAs show similar MR findings, the presence of a cystic component, strong lobulation, and heterogeneity on delayed-phase contrast-enhanced T1WI suggests a PT.  相似文献   

乳腺叶状瘤的X线表现与病理特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的 探讨乳腺叶状瘤 (phyllodestumor,PT)的X线表现与病理特征 ,以期从影像学角度提高对该病的认识。方法 回顾性分析 13例经病理证实的PTX线表现与病理。结果  13例PT中9例肿块表现为圆形、边缘光整有“透明晕”(病理上有完整“包膜”) ,6例为低度恶性 ,3例为中度恶性。 4例肿块部分界限模糊 (病理上 3例呈浸润性生长 ,“包膜”不完整 ) ,3例为中、高度恶性 ,1例为低度恶性。肿瘤直径 <5 0cm的 8例中 ,中、高度恶性 5例 ;肿瘤直径 5 0~ 10 0cm的 5例中 ,低度恶性4例。结论 中年妇女乳房内肿块大而周边有“透明晕”是PT较特征的X线征象 ,近期迅速增大有助于诊断。PTX线表现与组织学分级有一定关系 ,边界不清楚提示恶性程度较高 ,但并非完全可靠  相似文献   

目的 探讨不同类型乳腺叶状肿瘤(PTB)的超声声像图特征并分析其误诊原因.方法 选取61例不同类型PTB患者乳腺肿块的位置、大小、数目、形态、回声等形态学特征,对比超声检查确诊PTB以及误诊患者声像图特征,并与病理结果对照分析,总结误诊原因.结果 1)本组PTB 61例,良性43例(70.5%),交界性10例(16.4...  相似文献   

乳腺叶状肿瘤超声特征及与病理对照分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:研究乳腺叶状肿瘤的超声声像图特征,并与病理结果相对照,以期从超声角度提高对本病的认识。方法:分析经病理证实的16例乳腺叶状肿瘤的二维及彩色多普勒超声表现,并与病理结果对照分析。结果:二维图像肿块体积大小范围变化大,形态不规则可分叶,可有包膜,内部多为不均匀弱回声,可有液性暗区。CDFI良性血流0~Ⅰ级,恶性Ⅱ~Ⅲ级,阻力指数偏高。结论:乳腺叶状肿瘤的二维声像图具有一定特点,但无明显特异性,肿块的大小与良恶性之间无明显联系,结合肿块内部囊性变、彩色多普勒超声显示丰富的血流及高速高阻频谱,对提示恶性有意义。  相似文献   

False-negative MR imaging of malignant breast tumors   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
In this study we analyze MR-negative malignant lesions of the breast. A total of 204 patients with palpable and/or mammographic lesions were studied. The MR technique consisted of the turbo FLASH and MP-RAGE subtraction techniques. All patients underwent surgical biopsy and/or mastectomy and all specimens were examined by the correlative radiologic-histologic mapping technique. A total of 208 lesions were evaluated; 145 turned out to be malignant and 63 proved to be benign. Six malignant lesions were misinterpreted as benign on MR imaging; thus, suspicious contrast enhancement was present in 96 % of the lesions detected by mammography, US, or clinical examination. Especially 4 of the 17 ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) lesions were misinterpreted (23.5 %). Despite optimal technique, 6 malignant lesions were not identified by MR imaging. The highest prevalence of these MR occult lesions was in the group of DCIS. Although MR imaging has an important role in the evaluation of breast lesions and, primarily, in ruling out malignancy, one should be aware of the fact that false-negative MR findings do occur. Received 8 July 1996; Revision received 7 October 1996; Accepted 6 February 1997  相似文献   

目的探讨乳腺良性叶状肿瘤临床诊断和治疗方法。方法回顾分析经手术病理确诊为乳腺良性叶状肿瘤10例患者的病历资料。结果乳腺肿块为首发症状且增长快速,术前超声、钼靶、核磁共振等影像学检查准确率50%,空芯针活检术前病理与术后病理相符率90%。局部扩大切除术随访至今未见复发,术中乳腺内成型能保证乳房的外形。结论术前空芯针活检是明确诊断的标准,局部扩大切除术可以作为乳腺良性叶状肿瘤的标准术式,术中乳腺瓣成型术能维持乳房的基本外形,值得推荐。  相似文献   

Purpose: To determine if mammographic and sonographic findings allow discrimination between phyllodes tumor and large sized fibroadenoma, which mimic each other in the clinical, radiologic and histopathologic appearances.Material and Methods: Thirty-one histopathologically proven masses including 12 phyllodes tumors and 19 fibroadenomas 3 cm or greater in diameter were compared. In total 28 women were retrospectively evaluated by mammography and pre-operative sonography.Results: Mammography revealed a high-density mass compared with surrounding fibroglandular breast tissue to be present in 9 of the 12 (75%) phyllodes tumors and 7 of the 19 (37%) fibroadenomas. At sonography a mass, which had a round or lobulated shape, marked posterior acoustic enhancement and intramural cystic areas, were statistically significantly more likely to be phyllodes tumors than fibroadenomas. None of the other mammographic or sonographic characteristics proved to be useful in differentiating phyllodes tumors and fibroadenomas.Conclusion: Although masses of high density at mammography, circumscribed border associated with posterior acoustic enhancement and internal cystic areas at sonography should suggest the diagnosis of phyllodes tumors rather than large sized fibroadenomas, there was a substantial overlap in the mammographic and sonographic characteristics of these two tumors. Therefore, an excisional biopsy would be necessary for equivocal masses.  相似文献   

罗锐  陈华山  何欢欢  邱清  刘杰  李军   《放射学实践》2012,27(10):1086-1088
目的:探讨不同病理类型的溢液性乳腺癌在乳腺导管造影中的X线征象,提高对本病的诊断水平。方法:搜集经手术病理证实并行乳腺X线片及腺导管造影检查的乳腺癌108例,溢液性质为血性62例,浆液46例,临床因溢液而疑及乳腺癌。分析不同病理类型乳腺癌(浸润性导管癌64例,浸润性小叶癌23例,其他21例包括髓样癌7例,化生性癌1例,富于脂质癌2例,导管原位癌7例,粘液癌1例,浸润性乳头状癌3例)在乳腺导管造影中的X线征象。结果:乳腺癌导管造影主要征象:鼠尾征13例,导管走行僵直16例,充盈缺损(杯口征)7例,导管扩张99例,截断征(刀切征)24例,导管结构紊乱60例,断续征37例,虫蚀样改变30例,潭湖征32例。108例乳腺癌中有106例合并两种以上征象。浸润性导管癌最多见,64例,占50%;其次为浸润性小叶癌,23例,占21.3%。结论:充分认识溢液性乳腺癌的乳腺导管造影征象,对进一步明确乳腺癌的诊断具有重要价值,合并征象越多,对乳腺癌的诊断价值越高。  相似文献   

A study was undertaken to assess the diagnostic accuracy of contrast-enhanced MR mammography (MRM) of the contralateral breast in patients treated by breast-conserving therapy previously. A total of 119 patients underwent 145 standardized dynamic MR studies (1 T, T1-weighted 3D FLASH, 0.2 mmol Gd-DTPA/kg body weight). We retrospectively evaluated the results of conventional methods and MRM. A total of 11 contralateral carcinomas were present (detection rate 9%). The interval between treatment of the first primary and identification of contralateral malignancy was 9–80 months (mean 33 months). The MRM allowed detection of four otherwise occult malignancies. One of 11 cancer was missed on MRM due to benign appearance of enhancement. Compared with conventional methods MRM improved sensitivity (91 vs 64%) and specificity (90 vs 84%), respectively. This study suggests that additional MRM of the contralateral breast increases the diagnostic accuracy not only by enhancing the detection of second cancers but also by reducing false-positive results.  相似文献   

目的评价早期乳腺癌的数字钼靶x线摄影表现。方法收集我院自2003年10月至2013年3月共10150名乳腺检查及体检者,回顾性分析经手术病理证实的56例早期乳腺癌的数字钼靶x线片,分析其临床表现、年龄特征、病理类型及x线表现特征。结果①无临床表现者49例,发病年龄27~76岁,其中40~49岁年龄段者占总病例数的42%,X线表现钙化27例(其中18例无肿块),小结节19例(34%)。非对称性局限性密度增高影伴结构扭曲或紊乱10例(18%);未扪及肿块者22例(39%);导管原位癌(DCIS)及导管原位癌伴早期浸润37例(66%),浸润性导管癌17例(30%),浸润性小叶癌2例(4%)。②乳腺数字钼靶X线可显示早期乳腺癌病变微细结构。结论数字钼靶x线成像可以更清晰地显示乳腺病变的特征,对早期乳腺癌的诊断具有重要意义和价值。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to assess the value of contrast-enhanced dynamic breast imaging in patients with carcinoma of unknown primary (CUP). Fourteen patients presenting with metastatic disease compatible with breast cancer (axillary lymph node metastasis: n = 6; supraclavicular lymph node metastasis: n = 1; bone metastasis: n = 3; liver metastasis: n = 3; lung metastasis: n = 1), who had no evidence of tumor in X-ray mammograms and ultrasound, underwent bilateral dynamic breast MR imaging. Suspicious lesions were localized preoperatively using a stereotactic device for MR-guided localization procedures. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed suspicious lesions in 9 of 14 patients. Histopathology revealed invasive carcinoma of the breast in 6 of these patients. Two enhancing lesions were fibroadenomas; one proved to be sclerosing adenosis. In 5 patients MR imaging showed no abnormality. Follow-ups performed up to 1 year after initial treatment revealed no breast cancers in these 5 patients. In patients with metastatic disease of unknown primary, MRI of the breast depicts the primary in a considerable number of cases with normal conventional evaluation. Received: 20 February 1998; Revision received: 2 June 1998; Accepted: 10 July 1998  相似文献   

The aim of our study was to reassess the diagnostic performance of image-based, computer-assisted colour Doppler quantification under routine conditions. We used a computer-assisted protocol that quantitatively characterises a colour Doppler image by the relative amount of colour pixels (colour pixel density, CPD) and the colour hues (numerically expressed by the mean colour value, MCV) in 44 patients with breast carcinoma and 49 patients with benign breast lesions. Studies were carried out over two periods by two examiners, subsequently in charge of breast ultrasound. During the first period, the sensitivity of the MCV was 92 %, the specificity 75 %; the sensitivity of the CPD was 80 %, the specificity 81 %. During the second period, the sensitivity of the MCV was 58 %, the specificity 77 %; the sensitivity of the CPD was 68 %, the specificity 71 %. Despite measures to create uniform examination conditions, the diagnostic performance of this method may decline under routine conditions. Received 5 May 1997; Revision received 25 June 1997; Accepted 18 August 1997  相似文献   

目的:探讨乳腺少见肿瘤的X线表现特点。方法回顾性分析经本院病理证实的6例少见乳腺肿瘤的X线表现。结果6例乳腺肿瘤中,颗粒细胞瘤1例,角化棘皮瘤1例,多形性腺瘤1例,鳞状细胞癌1例,透明细胞汗腺癌1例,癌肉瘤1例。X线表现:3例良性肿瘤中,圆形或椭圆形2例、不规则形1例,边缘光滑2例、边缘模糊1例,3例均无伴钙化;3例恶性肿瘤中,圆形或椭圆形1例、不规则形2例,边缘模糊2例、边缘毛刺1例,2例伴钙化、1例无钙化。结论乳腺部分少见肿瘤X线表现具有特征性,大部分少见肿瘤无特征性,需综合分析及病理学检查确诊。  相似文献   

随着MR成像技术的不断发展,MRI诊断乳腺疾病的敏感性有了很大的提高。近年来MRS及MR引导的乳腺定向活检技术的临床应用,进一步提高了腿诊断乳腺疾病的特异性。就近年文献中有关乳腺肿瘤的腿应用予以综述。  相似文献   

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