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Cerebellar hypoplasia is found in association with a variety of neurologic and systemic disorders. It is the primary finding in the uncommonly reported condition of autosomal recessive cerebellar hypoplasia. We describe two siblings with cerebellar hypoplasia documented in both by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and review the clinical features of previously reported cases of autosomal recessive cerebellar hypoplasia. The most common findings in this disorder are nonprogressive ataxia, strabismus, mental retardation, and speech delay with dysarthria. Previously reported cases have been confirmed by autopsy, pneumoencephalography, or computed tomographic (CT) scans. MRI clearly documents diffuse cerebellar hypoplasia and aids in distinguishing autosomal recessive cerebellar hypoplasia from other disorders. The pathophysiology of this disorder is uncertain, however, studies of the weaver mutant mouse (an animal model of autosomal recessive cerebellar hypoplasia) suggest that an abnormality of the Bergmann glia may lead to the observed granule cell layer deficiency in these patients. This diagnosis should be considered for children with nonprogressive ataxia and families should be made aware of the 25% recurrence risk.  相似文献   

Anheim M 《Revue neurologique》2011,167(5):372-384


Autosomal recessive cerebellar ataxias (ARCA) are heterogeneous and complex inherited neurodegenerative diseases that may affect the cerebellum and/or the spinocerebellar tract, the posterior column of the spinal cord and the peripheral nerves. Cerebellar ataxia is frequently proeminent and mostly associated with several neurological or extra-neurological signs, leading to a major disability before the age of 30.

State of art

Friedreich's ataxia (FRDA) is clearly the most frequent ARCA and several rarer entities have been described during the past fifteen years such as ataxia with oculomotor apraxia type 1 (AOA1) and type 2 (AOA2), ataxia with vitamin E deficiency (AVED) and autosomal recessive spastic ataxia of Charlevoix-Saguenay (ARSACS). The ACAR are characterized by both allelic and non-allelic genetic heterogeneity. They may be divided into three groups: spino-cerebellar ataxia with pure sensory neuropathy; cerebellar ataxia with sensori-motor axonal neuropathy; pure cerebellar ataxia (i.e. ataxia of purely cerebellar origin that may be associated with other symptoms). Common physiological pathways are involved in several ARCA, such as DNA repair deficiency (AOA1, ataxia telangiectasia [AT]…), RNA termination disorder (AOA2), mitochondrial defect (FRDA, sensory ataxic neuropathy with dysarthria and ophthalmoplegia [Sando]…), lipoprotein assembly defects (AVED, abetalipoproteinemia [ABL]), chaperon protein disorders (ARSACS, Marinesco-Sjögren syndrome [MSS]) or peroxysomal diseases (Refsum disease [RD]).


New nanotechnology methods and high throughput gene analysis as well as bioinformatics should lead to the identification of several new ARCAs in the next few years despite the rarity of these entities. However, the challenge of the next decades will be the discovery of efficient treatments for these disabling neurodegenerative disorders.


Clinicians should be aware of the more frequent ARCAs, especially FRDA, in addition to ARCAs for which treatment is available (FRDA, AVED, ABL and RD for instance).  相似文献   

Two sisters with autosomal recessive cerebellar hypoplasia and severe nonprogressive retinal pigmentary disease are presented. This syndrome has been previously described in only 1 patient. The retinal changes may be difficult to discern and we suggest that all patients with congenital ataxia have a detailed ophthalmologic assessment, including electroretinography.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Autosomal recessive cerebellar ataxias (ARCA) comprise a phenotypically and genetically heterogeneous group of diseases. Recently, a subgroup of ARCA associated with oculomotor apraxia has been delineated. STATE OF THE ART: The ataxias with oculomotor apraxia (AOA) include four distinct genetic entities at least: ataxia-telangiectasia, ataxia telangiectasia-like disorder, ataxia with oculomotor apraxia type 1 (AOA1) and type 2 (AOA2). The responsible genes, ATM, MRE11, APTX and SETX respectively, are implicated in DNA-break repair mechanisms. CONCLUSION: We describe the phenotypic and genetic characteristics of these ataxias, based on a review of the literature and a personal study of AOA1 and AOA2 patients.  相似文献   

Congenital cerebellar atrophy associated with a non-progressive cerebellar syndrome and mild cognitive retardation is described in seven cases, four of them familial. Their occurrence is consistent with an autosomal recessive inheritance. Clinical and neuroimaging data seem to exclude supratentorial changes. Even though it is not possible to definitely rule out a possible role of the forebrain in determining the mental defect, the neuropsychological study supplies arguments stressing the relationship between cerebellar defect and cognitive development.  相似文献   

Several forms of autosomal recessive parkinsonism are known. In three forms, caused by mutations in parkin (PARK2), PINK1 (PARK6), or DJ-1 (PARK7), the phenotype is usually characterized by levodopa-responsive parkinsonism without atypical features. Parkin mutations are most frequent, explaining -50% of the cases with a clinical diagnosis of familial Parkinson's disease compatible with recessive inheritance and onset <45 years, and -15% of the sporadic cases with onset <45. Mutations in PINK1 and DJ-1 are less common, accounting for -1-8%, and -1-2% of the sporadic cases with early-onset. Since point mutations and genomic rearrangements can be present, sequencing and exon dosage are both required for accurate mutational screening of these genes. The phenotype of parkin mutations is characterized by early-onset parkinsonism, good response to levodopa, and benign course. The average onset age is in the 30s, but late-onset cases have been described. The phenotype associated with PINK1 and DJ-1 mutations has been studied in a smaller number of patients but it is overall indistinguishable from that of parkin. Mutations in other genes, including ATP13A2 (PARK9), PLA2G6 (PARK14), and FBX07 (PARK15), cause more rare forms of recessive parkinsonism with very early-onset (<30 years) and usually additional, atypical features (pyramidal, dystonic, ocular movement, and cognitive disturbances). Yet, it is expected that other monogenic forms of parkinsonism will be identified in the future, as mutations in the above-mentioned genes are not found in other patients with similar phenotypes.  相似文献   

R J Barohn  R G Miller  R C Griggs 《Neurology》1991,41(9):1365-1370
We describe five new cases of autosomal recessive distal dystrophy (Miyoshi myopathy) and emphasize the distinctive clinical and laboratory features of this unusual muscular dystrophy. Symptoms began at age 15 to 25, the gastrocnemius muscles were selectively involved, and creatine kinase was elevated more than 10 times normal. The EMG showed abundant brief motor units with numerous fibrillations. Dystrophic features without vacuoles were best seen in the biceps femoris muscle. Asymptomatic creatine kinase elevation was present years prior to the development of weakness. The disorder appears to be inherited in an autosomal recessive pattern. Miyoshi myopathy can be distinguished from other distal muscular dystrophies. We propose a new classification for the distal muscular dystrophies.  相似文献   

We studied three patients from two kinships, affected by early onset hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy with probable autosomal recessive inheritance (HMSN type III). Morphological studies of sural nerve biopsies revealed an abnormal myelin proliferation. Two adult patients with long-term follow up, lost ability to walk at 28 and 22 years and showed severe involvement of the cranial nerves. Our observations suggest that hypermyelination neuropathy with early onset is a progressive disease with poor long-term prognosis. In one kinship the occurrence of the disease in two sibs of both sexes but not in parents, is consistent with an autosomal recessive inheritance. Familial cases of hypermyelination neuropathy have not been described in previous reports. Morphological aspects of this condition are compared with other forms of hypermyelination neuropathy.Supported by Telethon-Italy for the project: Chronic inflammatory polyradiculoneuropathy: electrophysiological and immunopathological studies  相似文献   

Four cases of autosomal recessive generalized myotonia are reported. Attention is drawn to the fact that this condition represents a disease entity distinct from the myotonia congenita of Thomsen, which is transmitted as an autosomal dominant trait. The clinical features of the two conditions are similar, apart from minor quantitative differences. The family history is the major tool for the differential diagnosis. The possibility of the detection of heterozygotes by electromyography is discussed.  相似文献   

Two siblings and a first degree cousin of a consanguinous marriage were afflicted with recessive generalized myotonia (RGMy). All had muscle weakness which was particularly prominent after rest, thinning of the forearms, weakness of anterior compartment muscles, and muscular contractures. The first degree cousin was the most severely afflicted with congenital myotonia. Muscle biopsy and electromyography were consistent with a myopathy. Exercise after rest demonstrated a marked reduction in muscle membrane excitability in all patients.  相似文献   

Summary Lower motor neuron degeneration, cerebellar hypoplasia, atrophy of pons, olives, and cerebellum, sclerosis of thalamus and pallidum, and deficient myelination were found in a 2-months-old baby with laryngeal paralysis, mental retardation, progressive amyotrophy, and slow nerve conduction velocity. Such changes seem characteristic of an unusual syndrome previously referred to as cerebellar hypoplasia in Werdnig-Hoffmann disease, or anterior horn cell disease with pontocerebellar hypoplasia. Although the pathologic changes in lower motor neurons are indistinguishable from those in other cases of infantile spinal muscular atrophy, the consistent reproducibility of a complex pathologic pattern suggests that this is probably a manifestation of a separate disease process. The term amyotrophic cerebellar hypoplasia (ACH) is a convenient designation for the syndrome.Supported in part by National Institutes of Health grant no. RR75  相似文献   

The distal myopathies include autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, and sporadic disorders. Two of the recessive disorders are considered to be definitive entities: Miyoshi's myopathy, which has an early adult onset and first involves the calf muscles, and distal myopathy with rimmed vacuoles.We here describe the cases of two sisters and compare them with previously reported cases. The disorder in our patients is characterised by: a) autosomal recessive inheritance; b) onset in early adult life; c) initial involvement of the tibialis anterior and peroneal muscles; d) subsequent involvement of the calf muscles spreading to the proximal muscles of the legs and, later, the arms; e) a moderately disabling evolution over a period of 10–12 years; f) marked and stably high serum levels of CK and other enzymes; g) EMG evidence of myopathic damage, with fibrillation at rest; and h) a histological picture of dystrophic myopathy, with atrophy of mainly type 2 fibres.We think that this syndrome is different from the two forms of autosomal recessive distal myopathy mentioned above.
Sommario Le miopatie distali comprendono forme familiari a trasmissione autosomica dominante e autosomica recessiva e casi sporadici. Due sono le entità nosografiche autosomiche recessive identificate: la Miopatia di Miyoshi ad esordio giovanile e con compromissione iniziale dei muscoli del polpaccio, e la Miopatia distale con fibre vacuolate.Descriviamo in questa sede i casi di due sorelle e li confrontiamo con quelli della letteratura. La malattia delle nostre pazienti è caratterizzata da: a) Trasmissione autosomica recessiva; b) esordio in età giovanile; c) compromissione iniziale dei muscoli tibioperoneali; d) successiva compromissione dei muscoli dei polpacci, e poi nell'ordine dei gruppi prossimali degli arti inferiori e superiori; e) evoluzione mediamente invalidante in un tempo di 10–12 anni dall'esordio; f) stabile marcato innalzamento dei valori serici di CK e degli altri enzimi muscolari; g) reperto EMG di danno miopatico primitivo con presenza di fibrillazione a riposo; h) quadro bioptico di miopatia distrofica con atrofia prevalente delle fibre di tipo 2.A nostro parere questa sindrome è una entità nosografica diversa dalle due forme codificate di miopatia distale autosomica recessiva.

Cerebellar ataxias with autosomal dominant transmission (ADCA) are far rarer than sporadic cases of cerebellar ataxia. The identification of genes involved in dominant forms has confirmed the genetic heterogeneity of these conditions and of the underlying mechanisms and pathways. To date, at least 28 genetic loci and, among them, 20 genes have been identified. In many instances, the phenotype is not restricted to cerebellar dysfunction but includes more complex multisystemic neurological deficits. Seven ADCA (SCA1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 17, and dentatorubro-pallido-luysian atrophy) are caused by repeat expansions in the corresponding proteins; phenotype-genotype correlations have shown that repeat size influences the progression of the disease, its severity and clinical differences among patients, including the phenomenon of anticipation between generations. All other ADCA are caused either by non-coding repeat expansions, conventional mutations or large rearrangements in genes with different functions. This review will focus on the genetic features of ADCA and on the clinical differences among the different forms.  相似文献   

In a 48-year-old man, marked unilateral cerebellar hypoplasia was diagnosed by CT scans and angiographic examinations, later confirmed on autopsy. Clinical findings in cerebellar hypoplasia/aplasia are discussed here, along with the pathogenesis of cerebellar hypoplasia. In this case, several grand mal seizures and persistent headache were the only neurological symptoms. Repeated neurologic explorations did not reveal any abnormality. The clear demonstration of cerebellar hypoplasia associated with ipsilateral hypoplasia of the vertebral artery favors the concept of a vascular genesis of cerebellar hypoplasia/aplasia.  相似文献   

Autosomal recessive hydrocephalus with aqueductal stenosis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We report the case histories of three sisters with congenital hydrocephalus associated with stenosis of the cerebral aqueduct. The parents were a young consanguineous couple. In two cases hydrocephalus was detected before birth by ultrasonography. We consider these three cases to be of the rare autosomal form of hereditary hydrocephalus.  相似文献   

In some countries with a high prevalence of consanguineous marriages, autosomal recessive inheritance is likely to account for the great majority of all forms of Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) disease. As with the dominant forms, it is usual to differentiate the demyelinating forms (autosomal recessive [AR]-CMT1 or AR-CMT4) from the axonal forms (AR-CMT2). Genetic analysis of large families with recessive transmission has proved to be an efficient mean of discovering novel CMT genotypes (eg, the genes GDAP1, MTMR2, MTMR13, KIAA1985, NDGR1, periaxin, and lamin). Because of the clinical, electrophysiologic, and histologic heterogeneity of these patients, it is likely that there are numerous genes that remain to be discovered, which will probably make classification even more complex. Clinical, and especially histologic, phenotypes often lead to a suspicion that a specific gene is implicated. There is, therefore, an indication for nerve biopsy to orient diagnostic research in molecular biology, which is presently very time consuming and can only be performed in highly specialized laboratories.  相似文献   

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