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Pharmacokinetics and dosage adjustment in patients with hepatic dysfunction   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The liver plays a central role in the pharmacokinetics of the majority of drugs. Liver dysfunction may not only reduce the blood/plasma clearance of drugs eliminated by hepatic metabolism or biliary excretion, it can also affect plasma protein binding, which in turn could influence the processes of distribution and elimination. Portal-systemic shunting, which is common in advanced liver cirrhosis, may substantially decrease the presystemic elimination (i.e., first-pass effect) of high extraction drugs following their oral administration, thus leading to a significant increase in the extent of absorption. Chronic liver diseases are associated with variable and non-uniform reductions in drug-metabolizing activities. For example, the activity of the various CYP450 enzymes seems to be differentially affected in patients with cirrhosis. Glucuronidation is often considered to be affected to a lesser extent than CYP450-mediated reactions in mild to moderate cirrhosis but can also be substantially impaired in patients with advanced cirrhosis. Patients with advanced cirrhosis often have impaired renal function and dose adjustment may, therefore, also be necessary for drugs eliminated by renal exctretion. In addition, patients with liver cirrhosis are more sensitive to the central adverse effects of opioid analgesics and the renal adverse effects of NSAIDs. In contrast, a decreased therapeutic effect has been noted in cirrhotic patients with β-adrenoceptor antagonists and certain diuretics. Unfortunately, there is no simple endogenous marker to predict hepatic function with respect to the elimination capacity of specific drugs. Several quantitative liver tests that measure the elimination of marker substrates such as galactose, sorbitol, antipyrine, caffeine, erythromycin, and midazolam, have been developed and evaluated, but no single test has gained widespread clinical use to adjust dosage regimens for drugs in patients with hepatic dysfunction. The semi-quantitative Child-Pugh score is frequently used to assess the severity of liver function impairment, but only offers the clinician rough guidance for dosage adjustment because it lacks the sensitivity to quantitate the specific ability of the liver to metabolize individual drugs. The recommendations of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Medicines Evaluation Agency (EMEA) to study the effect of liver disease on the pharmacokinetics of drugs under development is clearly aimed at generating, if possible, specific dosage recommendations for patients with hepatic dysfunction. However, the limitations of the Child-Pugh score are acknowledged, and further research is needed to develop more sensitive liver function tests to guide drug dosage adjustment in patients with hepatic dysfunction.  相似文献   

Summary The elimination kinetics of disopyramide was studied in 9 patients with decreased hepatic function (DHF) due to histologically verified cirrhosis of the liver, and in 11 patients with ischaemic heart disease (IHD). Disopyramide 100 and 150 mg was given intravenously as a bolus to the patients with IHD and DHF, respectively, followed by a continuous infusion of disopyramide 0.3 (DHF group) and 0.4 mg · min–1 (IHD group) until steady-state was achieved. A significant (p<0.001) positive correlation between the percentage unbound and total serum concentration of disopyramide was demonstrated in both groups. The percentage of unbound disopyramide at a total serum concentration of 5.9 µmol·l–1 was 45.5% and 19.4% in the DHF and IHD groups, respectively. A negative correlation (r=–0,751,p<0.05, and r=–0.827,p<0.01 in the IHD and DHF patients, respectively) between the free fraction of disopyramide and alpha1-acid glycoprotein was observed. The serum concentration of alpha1-acid glycoprotein, the major binding protein of disopyramide, was significantly lower in the patients with DHF. The clearance of unbound disopyramide and its total volume of distribution and half-life were significantly lower in the DHF patients. No difference in total elimination clearance could be demonstrated. The clinical implication of the present findings appear to be that the dosage of disopyramide should be reduced by 25% when it is given intravenously to patients with decreased hepatic function.  相似文献   

Effects of liver disease on pharmacokinetics. An update   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Liver disease can modify the kinetics of drugs biotransformed by the liver. This review updates recent developments in this field, with particular emphasis on cytochrome P450 (CYP). CYP is a rapidly expanding area in clinical pharmacology. The information currently available on specific isoforms involved in drug metabolism has increased tremendously over the latest years, but knowledge remains incomplete. Studies on the effects of liver disease on specific isoenzymes of CYP have shown that some isoforms are more susceptible than others to liver disease. A detailed knowledge of the particular isoenzyme involved in the metabolism of a drug and the impact of liver disease on that enzyme can provide a rational basis for dosage adjustment in patients with hepatic impairment. The capacity of the liver to metabolise drugs depends on hepatic blood flow and liver enzyme activity, both of which can be affected by liver disease. In addition, liver failure can influence the binding of a drug to plasma proteins. These changes can occur alone or in combination; when they coexist their effect on drug kinetics is synergistic, not simply additive. The kinetics of drugs with a low hepatic extraction are sensitive to hepatic failure rather than to liver blood flow changes, but drugs having a significant first-pass effect are sensitive to alterations in hepatic blood flow. The drugs examined in this review are: cardiovascular agents (angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin II receptor antagonists, calcium antagonists, ketanserin, antiarrhythmics and hypolipidaemics), diuretics (torasemide), psychoactive and anticonvulsant agents (benzodiazepines, flumazenil, antidepressants and tiagabine), antiemetics (metoclopramide and serotonin antagonists), antiulcers (acid pump inhibitors), anti-infectives and antiretroviral agents (grepafloxacin, ornidazole, pefloxacin, stavudine and zidovudine), immunosuppressants (cyclosporin and tacrolimus), naltrexone, tolcapone and toremifene. According to the available data, the kinetics of many drugs are altered by liver disease to an extent that requires dosage adjustment; the problem is to quantify the required changes. Obviously, this requires the evaluation of the degree of hepatic impairment. At present there is no satisfactory test that gives a quantitative measure of liver function and its impairment. A critical evaluation of these methods is provided. Guidelines providing a rational basis for dosage adjustment are illustrated. Finally, it is important to consider that liver disease not only affects pharmacokinetics but also pharmacodynamics. This review also examines drugs with altered pharmacodynamics.  相似文献   

Many antiarrhythmic drugs introduced into the market during the past three decades have a chiral centre in their structure and are marketed as racemates. Most of these agents, including disopyramide, encainide, flecainide, mexiletine, propafenone and tocainide, belong to class I antiarrhythmics, whereas verapamil is a class IV antiarrhythmic agent. Except for encainide and flecainide, there is substantial stereoselectivity in one or more of the pharmacological actions of chiral antiarrhythmics, with the activity of enantiomers differing by as much as 100-fold or more for some of these drugs. The absorption of chiral antiarrhythmics appears to be nonstereoselective. However, their distribution, metabolism and renal excretion usually favour one enantiomer versus the other. In terms of distribution, plasma protein binding is stereoselective for most of these drugs, resulting in up to two-fold differences between the enantiomers in their unbound fractions in plasma and volume of distribution. For disopyramide, stereoselective plasma protein binding is further complicated by nonlinearity in the binding at therapeutic concentrations. Hepatic metabolism plays a significant role in the elimination of these antiarrhythmics, accounting for >90% of the elimination of mexiletine, propafenone and verapamil. Additionally, in most cases, significant stereoselectivity is observed in different pathways of metabolism of these drugs. For some drugs, such as propafenone and verapamil, the stereoselectivity in metabolism is further complicated by nonlinearity in one or more of the metabolic pathways. Further, the metabolism of a number of chiral antiarrhythmics, such as mexiletine, propafenone, encainide and flecainide, cosegregates with debrisoquine/sparteine hydroxylation phenotype. Therefore, it is not surprising that a wide interindividual variability exists in the metabolism of these drugs. Excretion of the unchanged enantiomers in urine is an important pathway for the elimination of disopyramide, flecainide and tocainide. The renal clearances of both disopyramide and flecainide exceed the filtration rate for these drugs, suggesting the involvement of active tubular secretion. However, the stereoselectivity in the renal clearance of these drugs, if any, is minimal. Similarly, there is no stereoselectivity in the renal clearance of tocainide, a drug that undergoes tubular reabsorption in addition to glomerular filtration. Overall, substantial stereoselectivity has been observed in both the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of chiral antiarrhythmic agents. Because the effects of these drugs are related to their plasma concentrations, this information is of special clinical relevance.  相似文献   

The liver plays a central role in the pharmacokinetics of many drugs. Liver dysfunction may not only reduce the plasma clearance of a number of drugs eliminated by biotransformation and/or biliary excretion, but it can also affect plasma protein binding which in turn could influence the processes of distribution and elimination. In addition, reduced liver blood flow in patients with chronic liver disease will decrease the systemic clearance of flow limited (high extraction) drugs and portalsystemic shunting may substantially reduce their presystemic elimination (firstpass effect) following oral administration. When selecting a drug and its dosage regimen for a patient with liver disease additional considerations such as altered pharmacodynamics and impaired renal excretion (hepatorenal syndrome) of drugs and metabolites should also be taken into account. Consequently, dosage reduction is necessary for many drugs administered to patients with chronic liver disease such as liver cirrhosis.  相似文献   

Reliability of antiarrhythmic drug plasma concentration monitoring   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Measurement of drug levels is becoming increasingly popular to optimise the dosage of various drugs. In the case of antiarrhythmic drugs, the narrow therapeutic margin of most of these agents and a direct relationship between their pharmacological effects and plasma concentrations would justify more widespread use of monitoring. Optimum plasma concentration ranges have been described for lignocaine (lidocaine), procainamide, quinidine and, more recently, also for disopyramide, mexiletine, tocainide and other new antiarrhythmics. A critical analysis of the original data shows, however, that therapeutic and toxic levels are not so well defined as often assumed: small numbers of patients, marked interindividual variability, sometimes inadequate documentation of arrhythmias and lack of standardised blood sampling characterise many of these studies. Uncertainty about the reliability of concentration-effect relationships also arises when active drug metabolites are identified or there are marked concentration-dependent changes of drug protein-binding. In addition, abolition of various types of arrhythmias might require different drug concentrations. Nevertheless, therapeutic monitoring can be of practical value in patients with life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias and can also greatly facilitate dosage adjustment in cases with renal hepatic or severe cardiac failure. For a correct interpretation of drug levels, the time of blood sampling, dosage regimen, duration of treatment, pharmacokinetic principles, and the clinical condition of the patient must be taken into account. Further studies are needed to define the optimum therapeutic range for several drugs and to evaluate the usefulness of plasma concentration measurements in routine antiarrhythmic treatment.  相似文献   

Because voriconazole metabolism is highly influenced by liver function, the dose regimen of voriconazole should be carefully assessed in patients with liver cirrhosis. We aimed to identify significant factors associated with plasma concentrations. Blood samples were collected from patients with liver cirrhosis who received voriconazole, and voriconazole concentrations were determined. One-compartment model with first-order absorption and elimination appropriately characterized the in vivo process of voriconazole. The typical population value of voriconazole clearance (CL) was 1.45 L/h and the volume of distribution (V) was 132.12 L. The covariate analysis identified that CYP2C19 gene phenotype and Child-Pugh classification were strongly associated with CL and body weight had a significant influence on V. The results of the Monte Carlo simulation suggested that CYP2C19 gene phenotype was a critical factor for determining voriconazole dosage in patients with liver cirrhosis. The extensive metabolizer patients with Aspergillus fumigatus infections could be treated effectively with a recommended dose of 75 mg twice daily in mild to moderate liver cirrhosis and 100 mg once daily in moderate severe liver cirrhosis. However, the recommended dosage for Candida albicans infections patients was not achieved in present study.  相似文献   

Unfortunately, there is no endogenous marker for hepatic clearance that can be used as a guide for drug dosing. In order to predict the kinetic behaviour of drugs in cirrhotic patients, agents can be grouped according to their extent of hepatic extraction. For drugs with a high hepatic extraction (low bioavailability in healthy subjects), bioavailability increases and hepatic clearance decreases in cirrhotic patients. If such drugs are administered orally to cirrhotic patients, their initial dose has to be reduced according to hepatic extraction. Furthermore, their maintenance dose has to be adapted irrespective of the route of administration, if possible, according to kinetic studies in cirrhotic patients. For drugs with a low hepatic extraction, bioavailability is not affected by liver disease, but hepatic clearance may be affected. For such drugs, only the maintenance dose has to be reduced, according to the estimated decrease in hepatic drug metabolism. For drugs with an intermediate hepatic extraction, initial oral doses should be chosen in the low range of normal in cirrhotic patients and maintenance doses should be reduced as for high extraction drugs. In cholestatic patients, the clearance of drugs with predominant biliary elimination may be impaired. Guidelines for dose reduction in cholestasis exist for many antineoplastic drugs, but are mostly lacking for other drugs with biliary elimination. Dose adaptation of such drugs in cholestatic patients is, therefore, difficult and has to be performed according to pharmacological effect and/or toxicity. Importantly, the dose of drugs with predominant renal elimination may also have to be adapted in patients with liver disease. Cirrhotic patients often have impaired renal function, despite a normal serum creatinine level. In cirrhotic patients, creatinine clearance should, therefore, be measured or estimated to gain a guideline for the dosing of drugs with predominant renal elimination. Since the creatinine clearance tends to overestimate glomerular filtration in cirrhotic patients, the dose of a given drug may still be too high after adaptation to creatinine clearance. Therefore, the clinical monitoring of pharmacological effects and toxicity of such drugs is important. Besides the mentioned kinetic changes, the dynamics of some drugs is also altered in cirrhotic patients. Examples include opiates, benzodiazepines, NSAIDs and diuretics. Such drugs may exhibit unusual adverse effects that clinicians should be aware of for their safe use. However, it is important to realise that the recommendations for dose adaptation remain general and cannot replace accurate clinical monitoring of patients with liver disease treated with critical drugs.  相似文献   

In helically cut strips of dog cerebral, coronary, and mesenteric arteries contracted with prostaglandin (PG) F2 alpha, disopyramide phosphate produced moderate contractions that were unaffected by phentolamine, chlorpheniramine, cinanserin, or aspirin. Procainamide and quinidine elicited only a slight contraction. Mesenteric arterial strips contracted with norepinephrine slightly contracted in response to disopyramide but significantly relaxed with procainamide and quinidine. The contractile response of mesenteric arterial strips to transmural electrical stimulation was attenuated by high concentrations (5 x 10(-5) M) of disopyramide or procainamide and by low concentrations of quinidine. Disopyramide-induced attenuation was greater in the response to high-frequency stimulation. Disopyramide at high concentrations potentiated the contractile response of mesenteric arteries to norepinephrine and tyramine, while, in contrast, procainamide and quinidine shifted the dose-response curve for norepinephrine to the right. Treatment with procainamide and quinidine, but not with disopyramide, protected alpha-adrenoceptors from persistent blockade by phenoxybenzamine; quinidine was far more effective than procainamide. It may be concluded that disopyramide possesses a nonspecific vasoconstricting action but not an alpha-adrenoceptor blocking property, whereas quinidine and procainamide show a reversible, competitive alpha-adrenoceptor antagonism. Different hemodynamic actions of these antiarrhythmics in situ appear to be related to such contrasting effects on arterial smooth muscle.  相似文献   

Cirrhosis is the end stage of many forms of liver pathologies including hepatitis. The liver is known for its vital role in the processing of xenobiotics, including drugs and toxic compounds. Cirrhosis causes changes in the architecture of the liver leading to changes in blood flow, protein binding, and drug metabolizing enzymes. Drug metabolizing enzymes are primarily decreased due to loss of liver tissue. However, not all enzyme activities are reduced and some are only altered in specific cases. There is a great deal of discrepancy between various reports on cytochrome p450 alterations in liver cirrhosis, likely due to differences in disease severity and other underlying conditions. In general, however, CYP1A and CYP3A levels and related enzyme activities are usually reduced and CYP2C, CYP2A, and CYP2B are mostly unaltered. Both alcohol dehyrogenases and aldehyde dehydrogenases are altered in liver cirrhosis, although the etiology of the disease may determine the expression of alcohol dehydrogenases. Glucuronidation is mainly preserved, but there are a number of factors that determine whether glucuronidation is affected in patients with liver cirrhosis. Low sulphation rates are usually found in patients with liver disease but a decrease in sulfatase activity compensates for the decrease in sulphation rates. In all cases, a reduction in drug metabolizing enzyme activities in liver cirrhosis contributes to decreased clearance of drugs seen in patients with liver abnormalities. The reduction in drug metabolizing enzyme activity must be taken into consideration when adjusting doses, especially in patients with severe liver disease.  相似文献   

Summary The plasma elimination curves of diazepam following intravenous administration of 10 mg were studied in nine patients with cirrhosis of the liver and four patients without liver disease. The data were analyzed according to a two compartment model. The mean biological half-life (T/2) of diazepam was increased five-fold in patients with cirrhosis compared to the controls (164 hours vs. 32.1 hours). The plasma clearance of diazepam could be correlated neither with a quantitative measure of liver function, as estimated by galactose elimination capacity, nor to semiquantitative measures of liver function, such as serum albumin and prothrombin. It is suggested that the plasma clearance of diazepam is an inaccurate index of its rate of hepatic metabolism due to the complex kinetics of the drug.  相似文献   

Antiarrhythmic drugs have been considered to be transported by the organic cation transport system. The purpose of this study was to elucidate the molecular mechanism underlying the transport of antiarrhythmic drugs using cells from the second segment of the proximal tubule (S2) cells of mice expressing human-organic cation transporter 3 (S2 human-OCT3). The antiarrhythmic drugs tested were cibenzoline, disopyramide, lidocaine, mexiletine, phenytoin, pilsicanide, procainamide and quinidine. Human-OCT3 mediated a time- and dose-dependent uptake of quinidine and lidocaine, with Km values of 216 and 139 microM, respectively. Human-OCT3 also mediated the uptake of disopyramide and procainamide but not that of phenytoin. All antiarrhythmic drugs tested inhibited histamine uptake mediated by human-OCT3 in a dose-dependent manner. The IC50 values of antiarrhythmic drugs for human-OCT3 ranged between 0.75 and 656 microM. Kinetic analysis revealed that disopyramide, lidocaine, procainamide and quinidine inhibited histamine uptake mediated by human-OCT3 in a competitive manner. In conclusion, these results suggest that human-OCT3 mediates the transport of antiarrhythmic drugs, which may be the mechanism underlying the distribution and the elimination of these drugs.  相似文献   

Pharmacokinetic studies conducted in patients with CRF demonstrate that the nonrenal clearance of multiple drugs is reduced. Although the mechanism by which this occurs is unclear, several studies have shown that CRF affects the metabolism of drugs by inhibiting key enzymatic systems in the liver, intestine and kidney. The down-regulation of selected isoforms of the hepatic cytochrome P450 (CYP450) has been reported secondary to a decrease in gene expression. This is associated with major reductions in metabolism of drugs mediated by CYP450. The main hypothesis to explain the decrease in liver CYP450 activity in CRF appears to be the accumulation of circulating factors which can modulate CYP450 activity. Liver phase II metabolic reactions are also reduced in CRF. On the other hand, intestinal drug disposition is affected in CRF. Increased bioavailability of several drugs has been reported in CRF, reflecting decrease in either intestinal first-pass metabolism or extrusion of drugs (mediated by P-glycoprotein). Indeed, intestinal CYP450 is also down-regulated secondary to reduced gene expression, whereas, decreased intestinal P-glycoprotein activity has been described. Finally, although the kidneys play a major role in the excretion of drugs, it has the capacity to metabolize endogenous and exogenous compounds. CRF will lead to a decrease in the ability of the kidney to metabolize drugs, but the repercussions on the systemic clearance of drugs is still poorly defined, except for selected xenobiotics. In conclusion, reduced drug metabolism should be taken into account when evaluating the pharmacokinetics of drugs in patients with CRF.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P450 and liver diseases   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Cytochrome P-450 (CYPs) are involved in the metabolism of drugs, chemicals and endogenous substrates. The hepatic CYPs are also involved in the pathogenesis of several liver diseases. CYP-mediated activation of drugs to toxic metabolites induces hepatotoxicity. Well-known examples include acetaminophen and halothane. In some instances, covalent binding of the toxic metabolite to CYP leads to the formation of anti-CYP antibodies and immune-mediated hepatotoxicity (hydralazine, tienilic acid). Anti-CYP2D6 antibodies are also present in the serum of patients with type II autoimmune hepatitis, but the mechanism leading to their presence and their pathogenic significance remains unclear. Several studies support a role for CYP2E1 in the pathogenesis of alcoholic liver disease and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis. In these conditions, enhanced CYP2E1 activity is associated with lipid peroxidation and the production of reactive oxygen species with secondary damage to cellular membranes and mitochondria. Because of its ability to activate carcinogens, a role for CYP2E1 as a cofactor for hepatocellular carcinoma has also been postulated. On the other hand, drug metabolism is impaired in patients with liver disease, particularly that mediated by CYPs. The content and activity of CYP1A, 2C19 and 3A appear to be particularly vulnerable to the effect of liver disease while CYP2D6, 2C9 and 2E1 are less affected. The pattern of CYPs isoenzymes alterations also differs according to the etiology of liver disease. A strong relationship between the activity of CYPs and the severity of cirrhosis has been demonstrated, but the usefulness of measuring CYP activity to assess hepatic functional reserve remains uncertain.  相似文献   

Summary The elimination of pindolol was studied in 32 patients suffering from various liver diseases, mainly acute hepatitis and hepatic cirrhosis. The total body clearance of antipyrine was measured simultaneously as a parameter of liver microsomal enzyme activity. The doses given were antipyrine 1000 mg orally and pindolol 3 mg i.v. Plasma samples were taken and urine was collected for up to 72 h for the measurement of drug concentrations. In addition, conventional biochemical laboratory tests were done. The total body clearance of antipyrine was compared with the pharmacokinetic parameters calculated for pindolol, and the results of the biochemical tests. No correlation was found between antipyrine clearance and the routine biochemical parameters in liver disease or with the total body clearance of pindolol. A significant correlation was seen with the nonrenal clearance of pindolol taken as representing its major metabolic degradation. Higher correlation coefficients were observed when two subgroups of patients with acute hepatitis and hepatic cirrhosis were separated. In some patients suffering from hepatic cirrhosis a higher urinary excretion of unchanged pindolol was observed as liver function become decompensated, a finding due to an unknown mechanism but based on intact renal function. In patients with acute hepatitis a much higher nonrenal clearance was found than in many other patients, which might be based on increased liver blood flow.  相似文献   

The pharmacokinetics of oral procainamide (1 g) were investigated in six healthy subjects during chronic dosing with ranitidine 150 mg twice daily, and in three of the subjects when ranitidine 750 mg was administered over 12 h. The procainamide area under the plasma concentration-time curve was significantly (PQ0.02) increased by ranitidine (27.761.5 vs 31.561.8 mg l-1 h) with a significant reduction in renal clearance (379632 vs 309630 ml/min, PQ0.02). There was no change in half-life. The N-acetylprocainamide (NAPA) area under the plasma concentration-time curve was also significantly (PQ0.02) elevated by ranitidine (8.661.2 vs 9.761.3 mg 1-1 h) due to a reduction in renal clearance from 187630 to 168628 ml/min. The larger dose of ranitidine produced greater alterations in the procainamide and NAPA pharmacokinetics. Ranitidine reduced the absorption of procainamide by 10% and by 24% at the higher dose level. Two-hourly renal clearance values of procainamide were significantly (PQ0.05) reduced in the 2 to 10 h period and for NAPA between 0 to 6 and 8 to 10 h. The larger ranitidine dose reduced the renal clearances of procainamide and NAPA over the control period at each 2-hourly time period. The reductions in renal clearance are most likely mediated by competition for the renal tubular cationic secretory pathway. Clinical implications arising from this study suggest a reduction in procainamide dosage may be necessary in a small, select number of patients with high plasma ranitidine concentrations, e.g., the elderly; furthermore, failure of therapeutic response for some drugs may be due to ranitidine-induced impaired gastrointestinal absorption.  相似文献   

The pharmacokinetics of moricizine and two of its metabolites, moricizine sulfoxide and phenothiazine-2-carbamic acid ethyl ester sulfoxide, were studied in healthy control subjects and in patients with chronic liver disease (cirrhosis). Moricizine disposition was significantly altered by hepatic cirrhosis. Compared to healthy subjects, the hepatic disease patients had an increased Cmax (59%), an increased t1/2 (141%), and a reduced plasma clearance (71%). Additionally, small but statistically significant increases were observed for tmax and the fraction of moricizine not bound to plasma proteins in patients with hepatic disease. The elimination of both moricizine metabolites was also altered by hepatic dysfunction as indicated by significantly prolonged terminal half-lives. Furthermore, there was a reduction in the conversion of moricizine to moricizine sulfoxide. Both hepatic blood flow and hepatic metabolizing capacity were assessed in all subjects and patients by administration of indocyanine green and antipyrine, respectively. Indocyanine green and antipyrine plasma clearances were decreased by 38 and 51%, respectively, indicating that both functions were diminished by hepatic cirrhosis. We conclude that the moricizine dose required for arrhythmia patients with hepatic disease should be lower, and perhaps, the dosing frequency should be less than in patients with normal liver function.  相似文献   

The biochemical and physiological disturbances caused by liver disease may enhance the toxicity of drugs. Besides alterations in liver blood flow and drug binding, a decreased rate of drug metabolism is an important phenomenon. Studies with phenazone, a model drug, demonstrates that the rate of microsomal drug metabolism is related to the degree of metabolic hepatic impairment. Individual dosage adjustments in patients with liver disease are complicated for many drugs, because of the counteracting influences of a decreased hepatic blood clearance and an increased free fraction of drug which may enhance drug metabolism and drug action. Moreover, many drugs owe part of their pharmacological action to active metabolites formed in the liver. Finally, little is known about altered receptor sensitivity in patients with liver disease. Non-predictable hepatotoxic reactions appear not to occur more frequently in patients with liver disease than in other patients. However, hepatotoxicity may be masked by the liver disease or by the intake of ethanol.  相似文献   

Consequences of renal insufficiency on the hepatic clearance of some drugs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There have been numerous investigations into the effect of kidney or liver diseases on the renal or hepatic elimination of drugs, but little is known about the possible consequences of renal insufficiency on the hepatic clearance of medicinal agents. The first reports of diminished presystemic elimination of drugs in renal failure were presented by Bianchetti in 1976 for propranolol and by Levy in 1979 for dextropropoxyphene. We confirmed the fact that the hepatic presystemic elimination of drugs might be diminished by kidney diseases. We studied this phenomenon with the beta-blocking agents tolamolol, bufuralol and oxprenolol. Tolamolol is eliminated from the body mainly by aromatic hydroxylation and, for bufuralol, aliphatic hydroxylation also plays an important role, whereas, for oxprenolol, glucuroconjugation of the unchanged compound is an important route of elimination. After oral administration, the areas under the plasma/blood concentration curves were markedly increased in patients with renal insufficiency as compared to healthy subjects. The clearance approach of Rowland and Tozer led to the conclusion that decrease of the presystemic hepatic elimination might be the main reason for this finding. Cefoperazone is a cephalosporin eliminated to 75% by the biliary route under normal conditions. In a study in which the drug was intravenously infused to both healthy volunteers and patients with renal insufficiency, we found that in some patients the extrarenal clearance was markedly reduced. It is probable that in this situation the patients also suffered from a slight hepatic insufficiency, as sometimes observed in the case of kidney disease associated with a poor physical condition. It is well-known that in patients with terminal liver failure, the kidney may also be involved, producing a condition known as the "hepato-renal" syndrome. We feel that there is evidence to support the hypothesis that renal failure can disturb the pharmacokinetics of drugs by processes other than merely reducing their renal excretion. The precise causes of the decreased hepatic elimination found in renal patients remains, however, to be determined.  相似文献   

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