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基于DICOM标准的打印工作站的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要讨论基于DICOM标准的打印工作站的设计与实现,根据DICOM标准中打印管理服务类的定义,实现DICOM打印工作流程,统一管理医院扫描设备,实现医院信息系统中信息输出的模块化与标准化。  相似文献   

目的 通过在ECLIPSE 1.5T MR工作站中设置路由服务器,实现不同网段之间的直接通信,以实现PACS中同一物理网络不同网段之间医学图像的直接DICOM传输与打印.方法 通过为ECLIPSE 1.5T MR工作站安装第二块网卡,打开其操作系统内核的数据包转发功能,完成路由服务器的组建工作.结果 完成ECLIPSE 1.5T MR主机到PACS网络中图像接收服务器的直接DICOM传输以及实现PACS网络打印.结论 ECLIPSE 1.5T MR工作站的Linux操作系统提供路由服务完全可以实现同一物理网络不同网段之间的通信.  相似文献   

目的 开发超声图像归档与通讯系统(PACS),实现超声成像设备的网络化,解决超声图像的存储和诊断报告书写的计算机化、标准化。方法 利用C 计算机语言开发超声图像工作站,获取、显示、处理和打印超声动静态图像,将科室内10台超声设备连接成医学数字影像传输(DICOM)网络;中心图像服务器和超声科信息管理系统服务器与各图像工作站组成计算机以太网,构成超声PACS;再通过交换机与医院Internet WWW服务器连接,实现超声彩色图文报告的院内发布。结果 成功实现了DICOM数字图像和高质量视频图像的获取、显示、处理和网络传送,与医院信息系统无缝连接,图像的中心存储,诊断报告书写计算机化以及共享打印等功能。结论 超声图像管理系统的应用提高了工作效率及管理水平,推动了医生工作模式的变革,方便了工作、科研和教学,提高了医疗服务层次。规范化、计算机化的诊断报告质量优于人工书写报告。  相似文献   

强度-时间曲线测定和低中频电疗法是神经肌肉等疾病的常用诊疗方法。我们研制了PC88-1型程控神经肌肉诊疗仪,该机有程序控制和自动打印绘制曲线,大大减轻了医务人员的劳动,提高了工作效率。一、仪器电路原理该机由主机和绘图打印机两部件构成。二者可以分离使用,主机可单独进行诊断与治疗。主机由波形产生、放大、输出数字显示、程序时间控制、绘图打印控制和稳压电源五部份组成。波形产生及放大部份产生各种刺激波形,经放大后作用于人体,并向绘图打印部份提供波宽信息。输出  相似文献   

图像存储与传输系统和消毒隔离制度在防治SARS中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 总结图像存储与传输系统和消毒隔离制度在重症急性呼吸综合征(SARS)防治中的应用经验。方法 在隔离区铺设网络,配备移动式X线摄影机,数字化影像设备(CR),专用数字化胶片扫描仪,干式激光打印机,普通扫描仪和打印机,拍摄X线胸片后,将图像上传到服务器;利用清洁区内诊断工作站及时进行软读片和书写电子诊断报告;在隔离区和清洁区均可打印胶片和诊断报告。结果 摄片图像质量良好,系统运行平稳,可满足SARS病房的要求,避免了医院内交叉感染。结论 图像存储与传输系统和消毒隔离制度在重症急性呼吸综合征诊治工作中应用取得良好效果。  相似文献   

目的 以我院影像存档与通讯系统(Picture Archiving and Communicafion System,PACS)的开发应用为例,探讨符合中国国情的PACS发展模式。方法 在总体规划、分期建设、医学数字影像传输(Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine,DI(JOM)标准、模块化结构的实施策略指导下,制订各期要实现的功能。一期工程建立的小型PACS系统,将多层螺旋CT机与AW(Advantage Workstation)工作站按DICOM3.0标准通过细缆连接到主干电缆上形成拓扑结构(Topology)的DICOM网络;DICOM服务器与各影像显示工作站以集线器(Hub)为中心连接形成星形拓扑结构的Ethernet网络;二者再通过Hub连接形成星形总线拓扑结构(Bus Topology)的PACS系统。多层螺旋CT机、AW工作站通过光纤电缆与激光胶片打印机相连,进行共享打印。网络操作系统传输协议为TCP/IP(Transfer Control ProtocoL/Internet Protoc01),软件为NT和UNIX。结果 在TCP/IP和DICOM水平2个层次上进行整体调试,成功地实现了数字影像在PACS内的传送、中心存储、易机图像处理、不同操作系统不同格式图像在DICOM3.0标准水平的相互兼容和影像数据交流。系统运行良好,实现了预期的功能。结论 总体规划、分期建设、DICOM标准、模块化结构的实施策略,是一个既适合中国国情,又符合国际标准的PACS发展的可行模式。  相似文献   

视频打印机目前已广泛用于打印超声图像⒙然而热敏打印纸打印出来的图片时间保存易出现褪色变白、模糊不清⒙影响图像质量⒙不利于一次性打印大量图片保存⒚本文介绍一种利用计算机恢复和复制超声图片的有效方法⒙为复制珍藏的超声图像提供便利和帮助⒚仪器与方法硬件设备⑶普通奔腾多媒体电脑⒙具有视频输出⒉TVOUT⒕功能的显示卡⒙平台式扫描仪⒉或数码相机⒕⒙彩色和黑白视频打印机⒚软件配置⑶微软Windows95或Windows98操作系统⒙AdobePhotoshop50图像处理软件⒙Acdsee32图形浏览软…  相似文献   

eFilm软件是当今比较流行的DICOM图像检索、导人、编辑、打印、格式转换的工具软件,是数字图像及网络传输的重要工具。为英文版。本文仅就其中应用软件部分及其汉化进行介绍。  相似文献   

PACS在放射科管理中的应用初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:初步探讨PACS(picture archiving and communication system),医学影像存档与传输系统)在放射科质量管理中的价值。材料与方法:根据我院放射科设备情况及临床需求,建立一个基于DICOM3.0标准上的PACS系统,该系统由20个诊断工作站和30个图像浏览工作站组成。将非标准DICOM接口,及标准DICOM接口设备纳入DICOM服务器组成网,在该PACS网络中开展诊疗工作。结果:该PACS系统实现了放射科医学图像的获取、传输、存储、处理、输出、分析和诊断报告自动生成等功能,实现了放射科无胶片化管理。结论:PACS系统具有实用、经济、安全等特点,提高了工作效率和管理水平。在放射科管理方面具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

DRYSTAR 4500系AGFA热敏干式打印机,两肿胶片尺寸(8×10″和10×12″),打印分辨率为508dpi(50μm)。该打印机在我院使用近4年,相对故障率比较低,现将我们遇到的2例介绍如下:故障1故障现象:打印过程中出现“close the upper imput tray”(表示上供片盒没在推到位),状态指示器(st  相似文献   

目的 设计并完全通过3D打印技术制造测量精度高、制作速度快的MRI质量控制(以下简称质控)体模。方法 设计符合MRI质量控制标准的体模整体和测试组件。采用设计制图软件Pro/Engineer,通过工程制图,设计出MRI质控体模的各模块和外壳的3D模型;导出STL格式文件,并采用3D光敏成型打印机(LITE600HD)整体打印并组装。采用1.5T MR成像系统对体模进行测试。结果 星形测试模块测得相位编码方向极限分辨率为6.55 LP/cm,频率编码方向为4.19 LP/cm。几何畸变测试模块测量图像畸变率为9.94%。层厚测试模块实际计算层厚为5.63~6.51 mm,偏差为+1.51 mm,图像纵横比为0.984。结论 通过3D打印制造MRI质量控制体模测试精度高,成本低,加工速度快,能够满足MRI日常质控和定制化体模的需要。  相似文献   

A microscope is an essential tool in biosciences and production quality laboratories for unveiling the secrets of microworlds. This paper describes the development of MicroHikari3D, an affordable DIY optical microscopy platform with automated sample positioning, autofocus and several illumination modalities to provide a high-quality flexible microscopy tool for labs with a short budget. This proposed optical microscope design aims to achieve high customization capabilities to allow whole 2D slide imaging and observation of 3D live specimens. The MicroHikari3D motion control system is based on the entry level 3D printer kit Tronxy X1 controlled from a server running in a Raspberry Pi 4. The server provides services to a client mobile app for video/image acquisition, processing, and a high level classification task by applying deep learning models.  相似文献   

DR图像质量控制方法探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的对DR非甲级片进行技术分析,探讨DR图像质控的方法。方法根据日常工作评片统计对400张非甲级片进行原因分析,对各种机器型号产生图像的原理,图像的质量,以及技术方法进行研究总结,工作流程中每一个细节均可能对图像质量造成影响。结果影响DR图像质量的因素包括:(1)摄片技术参数:摄影条件选择得当是图像质量的保证。(2)X线机器工作性能:技术员要熟悉各种型号机器的性能,最大程度发挥机器的效能。(3)量子噪声:曝光时要兼顾噪声和曝光剂量。(4)图像后处理技术:操作技师对要显示的内容和感兴趣区有价值的部分做适当的后处理,调节适宜的窗宽、窗位,有利于观察病变,它是控制图像质量的关键。(5)激光相机:使用前进行调试和校正,正确掌握打印机的各种指标和性能,而且平时注意维护。结论影响DR图像质量因素大多是人为的。严格按照x线摄影技术的要求进行DR的摄影可获得优质片。  相似文献   

This review considers image quality in the context of the evolving technology of image compression, and the effects image compression has on perceived quality. The concepts of lossless, perceptually lossless, and diagnostically lossless but lossy compression are described, as well as the possibility of segmented images, combining lossy compression with perceptually lossless regions of interest. The different requirements for diagnostic and training images are also discussed. The lack of established methods for image quality evaluation is highlighted and available methods discussed in the light of the information that may be inferred from them. Confounding variables are also identified. Areas requiring further research are illustrated, including differences in perceptual quality requirements for different image modalities, image regions, diagnostic subtleties, and tasks. It is argued that existing tools for measuring image quality need to be refined and new methods developed. The ultimate aim should be the development of standards for image quality evaluation which take into consideration both the task requirements of the images and the acceptability of the images to the users.  相似文献   

Combining anatomical information from high resolution imaging modalities to guide near-infrared spectral tomography (NIRST) is an efficient strategy for improving the quality of the reconstructed spectral images. A new approach for incorporating image information directly into the inversion matrix regularization was examined using Direct Regularization from Images (DRI), which encodes the gray-scale data into the NIRST image reconstruction problem. This process has the benefit of eliminating user intervention such as image segmentation of distinct regions. Specifically, the Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Magnetic Resonance (DCE-MR) image intensity value differences within the anatomical image were used to implement an exponentially-weighted regularization function between the image pixels. The algorithm was validated using simulated reconstructions with noise, and the results showed that spatial resolution and robustness of the reconstructed images were significantly improved by appropriate choice of the regularization weight parameters. The proposed approach was also tested on in vivo breast data acquired in a recent clinical trial combining NIRST / MRI for cancer tumor characterization. Relative to the standard “no priors” diffuse recovery, the contrast of the tumor to the normal surrounding tissue increased from 2.4 to 3.6, and the difference between the tumor size segmented from DCE-MR images and reconstructed optical images decreased from 18% to 6%, while there was an overall decrease in surface artifacts.OCIS codes: (170.3880) Medical and biological imaging, (100.3010) Image reconstruction techniques, (170.6960) Tomography  相似文献   

目的探讨颈动脉三维对比增强磁共振血管成像(3D CE-MRA)技术的规范。方法回顾性分析20例患者颈动脉3D CE-MRA的参数设置、实际操作和图像质量。结果不同对比剂注射方法、扫描方式、对比剂速率,以及是否使用生理盐水对图像质量的影响有显著差异。结论运用高压注射器注射对比剂、采用透视触发技术(主动脉弓显影至最亮时启动扫描)、维持对比剂速率2.0~3.0 mL/s、使用生理盐水维持团注,可提高3D CE-MRA的图像质量。  相似文献   

Digital photography: a primer for pathologists   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The computer and the digital camera provide a unique means for improving hematology education, research, and patient service. High quality photographic images of gross specimens can be rapidly and conveniently acquired with a high-resolution digital camera, and specialized digital cameras have been developed for photomicroscopy. Digital cameras utilize charge-coupled devices (CCD) or Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) image sensors to measure light energy and additional circuitry to convert the measured information into a digital signal. Since digital cameras do not utilize photographic film, images are immediately available for incorporation into web sites or digital publications, printing, transfer to other individuals by email, or other applications. Several excellent digital still cameras are now available for less than 2,500 dollars that capture high quality images comprised of more than 6 megapixels. These images are essentially indistinguishable from conventional film images when viewed on a quality color monitor or printed on a quality color or black and white printer at sizes up to 11x14 inches. Several recent dedicated digital photomicroscopy cameras provide an ultrahigh quality image output of more than 12 megapixels and have low noise circuit designs permitting the direct capture of darkfield and fluorescence images.There are many applications of digital images of pathologic specimens. Since pathology is a visual science, the inclusion of quality digital images into lectures, teaching handouts, and electronic documents is essential. A few institutions have gone beyond the basic application of digital images to developing large electronic hematology atlases, animated, audio-enhanced learning experiences, multidisciplinary Internet conferences, and other innovative applications. Digital images of single microscopic fields (single frame images) are the most widely utilized in hematology education at this time, but single images of many adjacent microscopic fields can be stitched together to prepare "zoomable" panoramas that encompass a large part of a microscope slide and closely simulate observation through a real microscope. With further advances in computer speed and Internet streaming technology, the virtual microscope could easily replace the real microscope in pathology education. Later in this decade, interactive immersive computer experiences may completely revolutionize hematology education and make the conventional lecture and laboratory format obsolete. Patient care is enhanced by the transmission of digital images to other individuals for consultation and education, and by the inclusion of these images in patient care documents. In research laboratories, digital cameras are widely used to document experimental results and to obtain experimental data.  相似文献   

目的 研究PCM系统、SFM系统和普通CR系统乳腺摄影在相同平均腺体剂量条件下影像质量的差异.方法 使用TORMAX和CDMAM模体,在SFM系统进行曝光,以相同AGD下的曝光组合在PCM及CR系统上进行相应模体摄影,对所得图像分别进行评分和统计学分析,比较在相同AGD下三种乳腺X线摄影系统成像质量的差异.结果 在相同AGD下,PCM在低对比分辨率方面与SFM系统、CR系统相比有明显优势;在检出微小钙化方面,PCM几乎可以达到SFM系统水平,但在高对比分辨率方面不及SFM系统.结论 PCM系统综合的影像质量优于SFM和CR系统.  相似文献   

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