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Effects of positive and negative musical mood induction on subjective and objective sexual arousal were examined in a group of sexually functional males (N = 24). Subjects evidenced significantly greater objective and subjective sexual response in the positive mood induction condition relative to both baseline and a neutral control condition. In contrast, the negative mood induction condition yielded significantly less objective sexual arousal than baseline and a neutral control condition. Data provide additional empirical support for the hypothesized impact of mood on sexual arousal.  相似文献   

Neuroanatomical Correlates of Visually Evoked Sexual Arousal in Human Males   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Brain areas activated in human male sexualbehavior have not been characterized precisely. For thefirst time, positron emission tomography (PET) was usedto identify the brain areas activated in healthy males experiencing visually evoked sexualarousal. Eight male subjects underwent six measurementsof regional brain activity following the administrationof [15O]H2O as they viewedthree categories of film clips: sexually explicit clips,emotionally neutral control clips, and humorous controlclips inducing positive but nonsexual emotions.Statistical Parametric Mapping was used to identifybrain regions demonstrating an increased activity associatedwith the sexual response to the visual stimulus.Visually evoked sexual arousal was characterized by athreefold pattern of activation: the bilateralactivation of the inferior temporal cortex, a visualassociation area; the activation of the right insula andright inferior frontal cortex, which are two paralimbicareas relating highly processed sensory information with motivational states; and the activation ofthe left anterior cingulate cortex, another paralimbicarea known to control autonomic and neuroendocrinefunctions. Activation of some of these areas was positively correlated with plasma testosteronelevels. Although this study should be consideredpreliminary, it identified brain regions whoseactivation was correlated with visually evoked sexualarousal in males.  相似文献   

A secondary-task probe (tone) was presentedintermittently while men viewed erotic film segmentsacross a session involving 18 trials with the same filmsegment (habituation), then 2 trials with different film segments (novelty) and 2 trials withreinstatement of the original segment (dishabituation).Reaction time to the tone (an index of the extentprocessing resources were being committed to the erotic stimulus) shifted during the session inparallel with changes that occurred in penile tumescenceand subjective sexual arousal. The decrease in sexualarousal over the first 18 trials in the session was accompanied by a progressively faster reactionto the tone, novel stimulation led to recovery of sexualarousal and a slower reaction to the tone, and on trials21 and 22 sexual arousal and reaction time levels were above the values that prevailedimmediately prior to novel stimulation. Results arediscussed with reference to the relationship betweenhabituation and attention.  相似文献   

The sexual activities college students reportedengaging in prior to their first coital experience wereinvestigated. A volunteer sample of 311 students (120male and 191 female) completed a self-report anonymous questionnaire. Both males and femalesreported considerable precoital sexual experience.Although males reported more frequent activity thanfemales on all items of assessment, the difference between groups, with the exception ofmasturbation, was not significant. The majority of bothmales and females reported at least one experience, anda sizable minority reported considerably moreexperience, with cunnilingus and fellatio, risk behaviorsfor the transmission of STDs, prior to their firstcoitus. Attention is drawn to the dearth of informationon sexual activity prior to coital initiation. Given the potential risks of some of theseactivities, recommendations to further explore andaddress the precoital sexual behavior of adolescents aresuggested.  相似文献   

Strong relationships between one-time serum testosterone (T) measures and sexual activityhave been demonstrated in cross-sectional analyses of adolescent males. However, a subsequent longitudinal study of a separate adolescent sample, using semiannual plasma measures, failed to replicate cross-sectional findings. The present study reexamined the relationship between T and sexual activity using more frequently collected measures of salivary T and behavior. Saliva samples and weekly behavior checklists were collected over a 2-year period from the same panel sample of males on which semiannual analyses were based. Saliva samples representing measures approximately every fourth week of study participation were selected for T assay. The association between these monthly salivary T measures and weekly reports of incidents of sexual activity was assessed with repeated measures analyses. Higher levels of salivary T were significantly associated with an increasing hazard of coital initiation, and with more frequent coital and noncoital activity. Within-individual change analyses demonstrated that increases in salivary T were associated with increased sexual activity. Comparisons of models that varied specimen type, schedule of T measurement, and type of behavioral report indicated that all three factors contribute to the varying magnitude of hormone/behavior relationships that are demonstrated. These findings are consistent with a biosocial model of adolescent sexual development that pubertal changes in T are a causal factor in the timing of sexual initiation and the frequency of activity during adolescence.  相似文献   

A 14-item Sexual Coercion Inventory (SCI) wasadministered to an urban university sample in WesternIndia. Twenty-six percent of the sample reported a totalof 160 incidents of sexual coercion ranging in severity from unwanted kissing to sexualintercourse. The most common outcome was intercourse andwas followed by kissing and fondling. No genderdifferences were discovered regarding victim status ortypes of coercion tactics experienced. A MANOVAanalysis found no overall gender effect, but maritalstatus and protected class membership did have asignificant effect with people who are married andprotected class members reporting more sexual coercion.Reasons for the lack of an overall gender effect andlimitations of this research are discussed.  相似文献   

Analyzed data on 1000 consecutive patients with sexual disorders attending the psychosexual clinic at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences. The majority of patients were educated males between 21 and 30 years of age, belonging to the middle class. There was a slight preponderance of married patients. Fifty-two percent of patients had premarital or extramarital sexual contact; less than 5% had had homosexual contact; 10% had no sexual contact. Most patients had more than one complaint. Premature ejaculation (77.6%) and nocturnal emission (71.3%) were the most frequent problems followed by a feeling of guilt about masturbation (33.4%) and small size of the penis (30%). Erectile dysfunction was a complaint of 23.6%. Excessive worry about nocturnal emission, abnormal sensations in the genitals, and venereophobia was reported in 19.5, 13.6, and 13% of patients, respectively. Only 36 female patients attended the clinic with their spouses.  相似文献   

Previous investigators have reported ethnic differences in the expression of sexual decision making and sexual behaviors in women. In a sample of women of low socioeconomic status between ages 18 and 45, we examined the influence of ethnicity and other variables (age, education, marital status, and comfort in discussing sex) on (i) who makes decisions on the timing and type of sex, (ii) whether a woman engages in vaginal, oral, and anal sex, (iii) the frequencies of each type of sex, and (iv) whether or not a woman has multiple partners. Multivariate analyses showed that, independent of other independent variables, ethnicity had little direct effect on most variables. The notable exception was that ethnicity influenced joint decision making regarding the timing and type of sexual activities for Hispanic but not for African American women. We conclude that ethnicity contributes to differences in sexual behaviors but that other variables are equally important.  相似文献   

In a representative survey of the sexualbehavior of the inhabitants of the Czech Republic (862men and 825 women older than 15), questions wereincluded concerning experience with sexually aggressivebehavior: 11.6% of women reported this kind of experience(3.4% of them more than once). The average age at thetime of rape was 21.2 years. Most of these experiencesoccurred within marriage or a stable partnership. In only a tenth of them the perpetrator was astranger. Only 3.4% of the offenses were reported topolice. Of Czech men, 4.8% replied positively to thequestion whether they had ever forced a woman to have sexual contact. The most common form of theseenforced contacts was vaginal coitus.  相似文献   

Sexual desire discrepancies and the associationsbetween desire discrepancies and relationship adjustment(i.e., sexual and relationship satisfaction) inheterosexual dating couples (N = 72) were examined. Desire discrepancies were assessed via twomethods: (1) a couple-based index created using bothindividuals' reports of sexual desire and (2) anindividual-based index using each person's ownsubjective perception of a desire discrepancy within thecouple. Both indices were associated with women'sadjustment, whereas only individual perceptions ofdiscrepancies were associated with men's adjustment. The association between desire discrepancies andgeneral relationship satisfaction was fully mediated bylevel of sexual satisfaction for both men and women.Women whose sexual desire level was lower than their partners' endorsed lower levels of relationshipadjustment relative to women whose desire was eithergreater than or similar to their partners'. Implicationsfor the assessment of sexual desire differences in couples are discussed.  相似文献   

Researchers traditionally have assumed that sex reassignment procedures do not change sexual orientation. Of 20 transsexuals of various types that were interviewed, 6 heterosexual male-to-female transsexual respondents reported that their sexual orientation had changed since transitioning from male to female. These respondents stated that before transitioning they had been sexually orientated towards females. After transitioning, these same respondents reported that they were sexually orientated towards males. Five of the six respondents reported having various sexual encounters with males since transitioning. The respondents explained the changes in their sexual orientation as part of their emerging female gender identities. Three of the respondents claimed that the use of female hormones played a role in changing their sexual orientation. It did not appear that the respondents' post-transitional sexual attractions towards males were similar to autogynephilic images and fantasies described by Blanchard (1991).  相似文献   

Predictors of sexual risk behavior with regular and casual partners among HIV-infected heterosexual and gay persons were addressed. Sociodemographic data as well as self- and interviewer-reported data on sexual behavior were obtained from 117 asymptomatic HIV-infected persons enrolled in the Zurich part of the Swiss HIV Cohort Study (SHCS). Participants who reported sexual intercourse at least once (vaginal and/or anal) without condom use in the 6 months prior to interview were considered to have risk behavior. Sexual risk behavior was analyzed separately in contacts with regular and casual partners. In the 6-month preinterview period, 92% (108 of 117) of the HIV-infected study population reported sexual contacts, and 30/117 (26%) had at least one unprotected vaginal and/or anal contact. Among 93 persons using condoms, 25% of the heterosexual and 10% of the homosexual participants reported breakage of the condom. The main predictor for unprotected sexual behavior with regular partners was an elevated number of contacts. Predictors for sexual risk behavior with casual partners were the combination of alcohol and sexual encounters and the change of sexual behavior since the epidemic of AIDS. These findings did not differ between persons with hetero- and homosexual behavior. Considering that these contacts may have passed the virus on to the seronegative population, that the probability of unsafe sex increased with the growing number of contacts, and that the number of condom breakages was remarkable, it is imperative that this group be educated and motivated to take the active role in insisting on safer sex practices in each encounter.  相似文献   

The relation between sexual orientation andpenile dimensions in a large sample of men was studied.Subjects were 5122 men interviewed by the KinseyInstitute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction from 1938 to 1963. They were dichotomouslyclassified as either homosexual (n = 935) orheterosexual (n = 4187). Penile dimensions were assessedusing five measures of penile length and circumferencefrom Kinsey's original protocol. On all fivemeasures, homosexual men reported larger penises thandid heterosexual men. Explanations for these differencesare discussed, including the possibility that these findings provide additional evidence thatvariations in prenatal hormonal levels (or otherbiological mechanisms affecting reproductive structures)affect sexual orientation development.  相似文献   

The classical conditioning of subjective and physiological aspects of female sexual arousal was examined. Experimental subjects were run in a delayed conditioning design, where an amber light was paired with excerpts from erotic videos. Control subjects received presentations of the same amber tight and videos, but these presentations did not overlap with one another. Dependent variables included subjective ratings of arousal to the light and the videos as well as change in vaginal pulse amplitude assessed during exposure to the different stimuli. Experimental subjects evidenced increased arousal to the light over conditioning trials, as assessed by subjective ratings of sexual arousal. This finding is suggestive of a learned effect. However, results failed to indicate significant differences between experimental and control groups. Therefore, the increased arousal to the light evidenced by experimental subjects may not be due to classical conditioning. Suggestions regarding these findings, clinical implications, and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

For a random sample of 4548 respondents to theBritish National Survey of Sexual Attitudes andLifestyles, item nonresponses were assessed by utilizingalternating least squares and optimal scaling. Of men who did not answer the question on numberof lifetime partners, 61% were estimated to have had 10or more partners, whereas 48% of female nonrespondentswere estimated to have had no partners. Among the latter, the percentage of those with 10 ormore partners was also elevated to the level almosttwice that of respondents. However, the overall impactof the estimates on the distribution of lifetime partners was hardly noticeable due to therelatively small proportion of incomplete answers tothis question. Those who did not respond to the questionof number of lifetime partners were likely to be over 45 years, of lower social class, and poorereducation in comparison with those who answered thequestion fully. A larger proportion of the former wereof Asian extraction and non-Christian in comparison to the latter, particularly among women. Notproviding a complete answer to the question on thenumber of lifetime partners was associated with thenonresponse rate in the range of 90% on the questions of STD clinic attendance and drug abuse. Heavysmoking was more prevalent among male nonrespondents incomparison to those who provided a full answer to thequestion on the number of lifetime partners.  相似文献   

The etiology of anomalous, or paraphilic, sexual preferences in men is unclear although a growing literature points to their prenatal neurodevelopmental ontogenesis. The present study explored whether this was also apparent in a community sample of 200 heterosexual men by examining their sexual fantasies using the Wilson Sex Fantasy Questionnaire (WSFQ) and several demographic and somatic neurodevelopmental markers, including sibling sex composition, handedness, maternal and paternal age at birth, second to fourth finger length ratios, and fluctuating asymmetry of finger lengths and wrist widths. Responses to the WSFQ were used to quantify the extent of paraphilic interest by computing a variance-quotient (or VQ) previously shown to differentiate paraphilic from conventional heterosexual males. High paraphilic scorers had a significantly greater number of older brothers, higher right-hand 2D:4D, and a trend for lower Edinburgh Handedness Inventory (EHI) scores compared to low-paraphilic scorers. Correlational analysis revealed a significant positive association of VQ scores with number of older brothers and significant negative associations with number of younger brothers and EHI scores (elevated paraphilic interests were correlated with elevated non-right handedness). Correlations between VQ scores and other variables were not significant. It is suggested that processes such as developmental instability and maternal immunity may play a role in variant sexual preferences among otherwise healthy heterosexual men.  相似文献   

Although adolescent sexual minority males (ASMM) are at increased risk for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in the United States (US), studies that estimate sexual risk behaviors that contribute to HIV risk in ASMM are limited. We completed a systematic review and meta-analysis to compile available data and estimate the prevalence of risk behaviors in this population. We searched four databases for key terms related to ASMM, defined as males aged 14 through 19 who identified as gay or bisexual, reported sex with a male in their lifetime, and/or were considered sexual minority by the study. Articles eligible for inclusion were in English, from US studies, and reported quantitative data on sexual risk behaviors among ASMM. We extracted data from eligible articles and meta-analyzed outcomes reported in three or more articles using random effects. Of 3864 articles identified, 21 were eligible for data extraction. We meta-analyzed nine outcomes. Sixty-two percent of adolescent males self-identifying as gay or bisexual ever had sex with a male, and 67% of participants from ASMM studies recently had sex. Among ASMM who had sex in the last 6 months or were described as sexually active, 44% had condomless anal intercourse in the past 6 months, 50% did not use a condom at last sex, and 32% used alcohol or drugs at their last sexual experience. Available data indicate that sexual risk behaviors are prevalent among ASMM. We need more data to obtain estimates with better precision and generalizability. Understanding HIV risk in ASMM will assist in intervention development and evaluation, and inform behavioral mathematical models.  相似文献   

Prior studies consistently report that men’s genital responses correspond to their sexual activity interests (consenting vs. coercive sex) whereas women’s responses do not. For women, however, these results may be confounded by the sexual activities studied and lack of suitable controls. We examined the subjective and genital arousal responses of men and women with conventional (22 men and 15 women) or masochistic sexual interests (16 men and 17 women) to narratives describing conventional sex or masochistic sex. The aims of the studies were twofold: (1) to examine whether gender differences in the specificity of sexual arousal previously observed for gender also exist for sexual activity interests; and (2) to examine whether men and women with masochistic sexual interests demonstrate specificity of sexual response for their preferred sexual activities. Surprisingly, the pattern of results was very similar for men and women. Both men and women with conventional sexual interests (WCI) reported more sexual arousal, and responded more genitally, to conventional than to masochistic sex, demonstrating specificity of sexual arousal for their preferred sexual activities. Despite showing specificity for conventional sexual activities, the genital responses of WCI were still gender nonspecific. In contrast, women and men with masochistic sexual interests demonstrated nonspecific subjective and genital responses to conventional and masochistic sex. Indices of genital and subjective sexual arousal to masochistic versus conventional stimuli were positively and significantly correlated with self-reported thoughts, fantasies, interests, and behaviors involving masochism. The results suggest that gender similarities in the specificity of sexual arousal for sexual activity exist despite consistent gender differences in the specificity of sexual arousal for gender.  相似文献   

Sex and the Quality of Life in Denmark   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
From a representative sample of 2460 Danish citizens, ages 18 to 88, anonymous answers were obtained to a 317-item quality-of-life (QL) questionnaire, which included five questions on sexuality. Among the respondents in the sample, 1.2% reported they were bisexual and 0.9% homosexual. Although sexual problems were found in all age groups, lack of a suitable sex partner and inability to achieve orgasm were more common among the young and erectile dysfunction more common among the old. Most frequent problems among the women were reduced sexual desire (11.2%) and the lack of a suitable sex partner (4.9%), and among the men, the lack of a suitable sexpartner (7.3%)and erectile dysfunction (5.4%). The QL of persons with sexual problems was from 1.2 to 19.1% lower than the population mean (as expressed in terms of this mean). The intermediate sized covariation between sexual problems and the QL suggests that such problems can be symptoms of a reduced QL rather than medical problems to be tackled through medical intervention or sex therapy proper. Implications for a quality-of-life-sensitive clinical practice are discussed.  相似文献   

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