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Healthy Eating Index and obesity   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
BACKGROUND: There is a continuing need to examine the relationship between diet quality and health in the population. The Healthy Eating Index (HEI) has been developed as a composite measure of diet quality by the US Department of Agriculture. OBJECTIVES: The first objective was to use the HEI to assess the diet quality of a representative sample of the US population and population groups. The second objective was to examine the association between HEI and obesity. DESIGN: Cross-sectional analysis of data from 10 930 adults who participated in the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Sociodemographic, physical activity, dietary, and health data were used in the analysis. Diet quality was assessed with the HEI score, ranging from 0 to 100, based on 10 dietary criteria. A low HEI score indicates poor diet. RESULTS: A majority of survey participants had a low HEI score. The percentage of individuals classified as having a poor diet varied by age, gender, race/ethnicity, income, and education. A low HEI score was associated with overweight and obesity. There was a graded increase in the odds ratio of obesity across the HEI category after adjusting for age, gender, race/ethnicity, physical activity, smoking, alcohol use, income, and education. CONCLUSIONS: An index of diet quality, such as HEI, may provide a comprehensive assessment of diet in the population. Since the HEI is based on the US Dietary Guidelines, the use of these guidelines as a way to improve health should be emphasized. However, the overall effectiveness of these guidelines in disease prevention needs to be studied further.  相似文献   

Consumption patterns are changing globally. As a result both researchers and policy makers require simple, easy to use measures of diet quality. The Healthy Eating Index (HEI) was developed as a single, summary measure of diet quality. The original HEI was a ten component index based on the US Dietary Guidelines and the Food Guide Pyramid. Research on the HEI indicates that the index correlates significantly with the RDA's for a range of nutrients and with an individual's self-rating of their diet. The revised HEI provides a more disaggregated version of the original index based on the 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Within each of the five major food groups, some foods are more nutrient dense than others. Nutrient Density algorithms have been developed to rate foods within food groups. The selection of the most nutrient dense foods within food groups lead to a dietary pattern with a higher HEI. The implications of using the HEI and nutrient density to develop interventions are discussed in this presentation.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to investigate the adherence of Daily Food Guides (DFGs) among older Taiwanese, and the relationship of dietary quality and frailty. 154 functional independent older adults who were retirement home residents or community dwellers involved in congregate meal services were recruited. DFGs adherence was measured using a novel Taiwanese Healthy Index (T-HEI). Dietary quality was further assessed using Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension (DASH) and Mediterranean Diet Score (MDS). Frailty was defined using modified Fried’s criteria. Of the total participants, 12.3% were considered non-frail individuals, while 77.3% were prefrail, and 10.4% were frail. Compared to non-frail participants, prefrail and frail individuals indicated significantly lower adherence to DFGs (ptrend = 0.025). Intake of dark or orange vegetables (ptrend = 0.010), whole grains (ptrend = 0.007), as well as nuts and seeds (ptrend = 0.029) by non-frail individuals were significantly higher than the levels by prefrail and frail individuals. Linear regression model adjusted for age, gender, and functional ability showed that T-HEI was inversely associated with frailty status (β = −0.16 ± 0, p = 0.047), but additional adjustment for nutritional status attenuated the association (β = −0.14 ± 0, p = 0.103). A similar relationship was observed for DASH but not MDS (DASH: β = −0.18 ± 0.01, p = 0.024; MDS: β = −0.06 ± 0.02, p = 0.465). After adjustment for confounders, the association was not observed. However, the distribution of whole grains component in both DASH and MDS was significantly higher in non-frail than prefrail and frail individuals, indicating the importance of whole grains intake in frailty prevention. In conclusion, higher adherence to DFGs and better dietary quality were associated with a lower prevalence of frailty. Higher nutrient-dense foods intake such as whole grains, dark or orange vegetables, nuts, and seeds mark a watershed in frailty prevention.  相似文献   

Healthy Eating Index (HEI) is a diet quality measure that assesses the population’s compliance towards dietary guidelines. In Malaysia, diet quality measure, though existing, has some limitations in terms of application and relevance. This study aims to develop a new standardized Malaysian Healthy Eating Index (S-MHEI) that can measure the diet quality of all Malaysians regardless of their energy requirement level. The Malaysian Dietary Guidelines (MDG) 2010 and MDG for Children and Adolescents (MDGCA) 2013 were used as main references in developing the index components. In addition, the latest Malaysian Adults Nutrition Survey (MANS) and Adolescent Nutrition Survey (ANS) were also referred to ensure the relevance of the components selected. For adequacy components, the least restrictive method was used in setting the standard for the scoring system. Meanwhile, the scoring system for moderation components was built based on the Recommended Nutrient Intake (RNI) 2017. The new S-MHEI comprises of 11 components with a maximum total score of 100. The least restrictive method allowed the index to be used across energy requirement levels. However, the index will not be sensitive towards adhering to the specific recommended amount of intake—which in effect, made the index focus on measuring diet quality rather than diet quantity.  相似文献   

(1) Background: Malnutrition has been a hallmark of cystic fibrosis (CF) for some time, and improved nutritional status is associated with improved outcomes. While individuals with CF historically required higher caloric intake than the general population, new CF therapies and improved health in this population suggest decreased metabolic demand and prevalence of overweight and obesity have increased. This study aimed to (a) examine diet quality in a population of young adults with CF using the Healthy Eating Index, a measure of diet quality in accordance with the U.S. Dietary Guidelines for Americans and (b) evaluate and describe how subcomponents of the HEI might apply to individuals with CF (2) Methods: 3-day dietary recalls from healthy adolescents and young adults with CF were obtained and scored based on the Healthy Eating Index (3) Results: Dietary recalls from 26 (14M/12F) adolescents and young adults with CF (ages 16–23), were obtained. Individuals with CF had significantly lower HEI scores than the general population and lower individual component scores for total vegetables, greens and beans, total fruits, whole fruits, total protein, seafood and plant protein and sodium (p values < 0.01 for all). (4) Conclusion: Dietary quality was poor in these healthy adolescents and young adults with CF. Given the increased prevalence of overweight and obesity in CF, updated dietary guidance is urgently needed for this population. The Healthy Eating Index may be a valuable tool for evaluating dietary quality in CF.  相似文献   

The Healthy Eating Index (HEI) is a measure of diet quality in terms of conformance with federal dietary guidance. Publication of the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans prompted an interagency working group to update the HEI. The HEI-2010 retains several features of the 2005 version: (a) it has 12 components, many unchanged, including nine adequacy and three moderation components; (b) it uses a density approach to set standards, eg, per 1,000 calories or as a percentage of calories; and (c) it employs least-restrictive standards; ie, those that are easiest to achieve among recommendations that vary by energy level, sex, and/or age. Changes to the index include: (a) the Greens and Beans component replaces Dark Green and Orange Vegetables and Legumes; (b) Seafood and Plant Proteins has been added to capture specific choices from the protein group; (c) Fatty Acids, a ratio of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated to saturated fatty acids, replaces Oils and Saturated Fat to acknowledge the recommendation to replace saturated fat with monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids; and (d) a moderation component, Refined Grains, replaces the adequacy component, Total Grains, to assess overconsumption. The HEI-2010 captures the key recommendations of the 2010 Dietary Guidelines and, like earlier versions, will be used to assess the diet quality of the US population and subpopulations, evaluate interventions, research dietary patterns, and evaluate various aspects of the food environment.  相似文献   

Update of the Healthy Eating Index: HEI-2015   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Healthy Eating Index (HEI) is a measure for assessing whether a set of foods aligns with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA). An updated HEI is released to correspond to each new edition of the DGA, and this article introduces the latest version, which reflects the 2015-2020 DGA. The HEI-2015 components are the same as in the HEI-2010, except Saturated Fat and Added Sugars replace Empty Calories, with the result being 13 components. The 2015-2020 DGA include explicit recommendations to limit intakes of both Added Sugars and Saturated Fats to <10% of energy. HEI-2015 does not account for excessive energy from alcohol within a separate component, but continues to account for all energy from alcohol within total energy (the denominator for most components). All other components remain the same as for HEI-2010, except for a change in the allocation of legumes. Previous versions of the HEI accounted for legumes in either the two vegetable or the two protein foods components, whereas HEI-2015 counts legumes toward all four components. Weighting approaches are similar to those of previous versions, and scoring standards were maintained, refined, or developed to increase consistency across components; better ensure face validity; follow precedent; cover a range of intakes; and, when applicable, ensure the DGA level corresponds to a score >7 out of 10. HEI-2015 component scores can be examined collectively using radar graphs to reveal a pattern of diet quality and summed to represent overall diet quality.  相似文献   

This study explores food preparation behaviors, including types of food prepared, methods of preparation, and frequency of preparation of low-income urban African American youth ages 9–15 in Baltimore City (n = 289) and analyzes a potential association to diet quality as measured through Healthy Eating Index 2010 (HEI) scores. Overall, the youth prepared their own food 6.7 ± 0.33 times per week without significant differences between age groups or genders as measured through pairwise comparison of means. Cereal, noodles, and sandwiches were amongst the foods prepared most frequently. Linear regression analysis found youth food preparation frequency was not significantly associated with total HEI (p = 0.59), sodium (p = 0.58), empty calories (p = 0.96), or dairy scores (p = 0.12). Younger age was associated with higher total HEI scores (p = 0.012) and higher dairy scores (p = 0.01) and female gender was associated with higher total HEI scores (p = 0.03), higher sodium scores (p = 0.03), and lower dairy scores (p = 0.008).  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to use the Healthy Eating Index-2005 (HEI-2005) to assess diet quality and determine the relationship between the HEI-2005 and the energy and nutrient intakes of adolescents. A cross-sectional study was conducted on 1,104 healthy adolescents, mean age of 15.8 ± 1.24 years. Dietary intake was measured with the 24-hour dietary recall method, and dietary quality was assessed by means of the HEI-2005. Diet quality scores ranged from 23.7 to 77.5. The mean score was found to be 51.5 ± 9.07 according to the HEI-2005. There were no differences according to gender; 42.8% had a poor diet and 57.2% had a diet that needs improvement. No subjects had a "good diet". Lower mean subgroup scores were found for whole grains, total vegetables, total fruits, dairy products, and meat and beans. Fruits and vegetables scores were significantly high in girls, whereas sodium, oil, and meat and beans scores were significantly high in boys. Total HEI-2005 scores were increasingly associated with parental education level when age and gender were adjusted. There was a negative correlation between HEI-2005 scores and age, total energy intake, and fat intake. Positive correlation was only observed in the HEI-2005 scores for protein and dietary fibre intakes. Consequently, the overall diet quality and nutritional habits of Turkish adolescents need modification and improvement. In the family, measures should be initiated by the government, including advertisements and campaigns.  相似文献   

Objectives: To develop a Healthy Food and Nutrient Index (HFNI) and to relate this index to the all cause mortality observed in two Belgian communities. Design: Using the 10-years follow-up mortality data from the ‘Belgian Interuniversity Research on Nutrition and Health’ (BIRNH) study, the association of a Healthy Food and Nutrient Index (HFNI) and all cause mortality was investigated in 5,887 men and 5,306 women aged 25–74 years. The HFNI was developed on the basis of the national dietary guidelines. The higher the index the more the diet can be considered to conform to the recommendations. Results: After adjustment for classic all cause mortality risk factors, HFNI was related with mortality for men. A decrease in risk of death is noted from Quartile 1 to Quartile 4. Among the women, HFNI remains non-significant. The ability of the models (with and without HFNI) to discriminate the living and the dead was evaluated by constructing a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves. For all models, areas under the Roc curves were between 0.80 and 0.85 indicating that all models discriminate well alive subjects of deceased. However, comparison of the areas under the ROC curves of the models without HFNI with the ROC areas of the models with HFNI showed no improvement in our ability to discriminate between the living and the dead. Conclusion: Although it is not demonstrated in our study, we think that the overall approach offers an opportunity to improve our understanding of the role of diet in the risks of morbidity or mortality associated with the overall dietary pattern rather than some individual foods and nutrients.  相似文献   

Social media platforms have become part of many people’s lives. Users are spending more and more time on these platforms, creating an active and passive digital footprint through their interaction. This footprint has high research potential in many research areas because understanding people’s communication on social media is essential in understanding their values, attitudes, experiences and behaviors. Researchers found that the use of social networking sites impacts adolescents’ eating behavior. If we define adolescents as individuals between ages 10 and 24 (WHO’s definition), 76% of USA young people at age 18–⁠24 use Instagram, so the Instagram social network analysis is important for understanding young people’s expressions in the context of healthy food. This study aims to identify the main topic associated with healthy food on the Instagram social network via hashtag and community analysis based on 2,045,653 messages created by 427,936 individual users. The results show that users most associate Healthy food with healthy lifestyle, fitness, weight loss and diet. In terms of food, these are foods that are Vegan, Homemade, Clean and Plant-based. Given that young people change their behavior in relation to people’s behavior on social networks, it is possible to use this data to predict their future association with healthy food characteristics.  相似文献   

Background: Gastrointestinal hormones (GIHs) are crucial for the regulation of a variety of physiological functions and have been linked to hunger, satiety, and appetite control. Thus, they might constitute meaningful biomarkers in longitudinal and interventional studies on eating behavior and body weight control. However, little is known about the physiological levels of GIHs, their intra-individual stability over time, and their interaction with other metabolic and lifestyle-related parameters. Therefore, the aim of this pilot study is to investigate the intra-individual stability of GIHs in normal-weight adults over time. Methods: Plasma concentrations of ghrelin, leptin, GLP-1 (glucagon-like-peptide), and PP (pancreatic polypeptide) were assessed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in 17 normal-weight, healthy adults in a longitudinal design at baseline and at follow-up six months later. The reliability of the measurements was estimated using intra-class correlation (ICC). In a second step, we considered the stability of GIH levels after controlling for changes in blood glucose and hemoglobin A1 (HbA1c) as well as self-reported physical activity and dietary habits. Results: We found excellent reliability for ghrelin, good reliability for GLP1 and PP, and moderate reliability for leptin. After considering glucose, HbA1c, physical activity, and dietary habits as co-variates, the reliability of ghrelin, GLP1, and PP did not change significantly; the reliability of leptin changed to poor reliability. Conclusions: The GIHs ghrelin, GLP1, and PP demonstrated good to excellent test–retest reliability in healthy individuals, a finding that was not modified after adjusting for glucose control, physical activity, or dietary habits. Leptin showed only moderate to poor reliability, which might be linked to weight fluctuations, albeit small, between baseline and follow-up assessment in our study sample. Together, these findings support that ghrelin, GLP1, and PP might be further examined as biomarkers in studies on weight control, with GLP1 and PP serving as anorexic markers and ghrelin as an orexigenic marker. Additional reliability studies in obese individuals are necessary to verify or refute our findings for this cohort.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The Healthy Eating Index (HEI) is a scoring system used by the US government to assess adherence to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. We examined the ability of the HEI to monitor diet quality among youth. DESIGN: We modified and simplified the HEI for use by older children and adolescents. The new Youth Healthy Eating Index (YHEI) focuses on food quality and assesses both healthful and unhealthful foods and eating behaviors. Both HEI and YHEI scores were calculated from a food frequency questionnaire that was mailed to participants in the Growing Up Today Study in 1996. SUBJECTS/SETTING: Girls (n=8,807) and boys (n=7,645) 9 to 14 years of age who are children of participants in the Nurses Health Study II cohort and who reside across the United States. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS: Mean HEI and YHEI scores were calculated by sex and age, and associations with age, body mass index, activity, inactivity, energy intake, and several nutrients were assessed with Pearson correlations. Linear regression was used to examine the contributions of the individual HEI and YHEI components toward the total scores. RESULTS: The HEI score was highly correlated with total energy intake ( r =0.67), indicating a strong association with quantity of food consumption. In contrast, the YHEI was not strongly correlated with energy intake ( r =0.12) but was inversely associated with time spent in inactive pursuits ( r =-0.27). The HEI component for variety in food selection accounted for 60% of the variation in the total score and several HEI components were highly correlated with each other, particularly those for total and saturated fat ( r =0.78). CONCLUSIONS: To successfully monitor diet in a population of children and adolescents, the HEI may benefit from modifications that focus on food quality and include assessments of unhealthful foods. Further research is needed to determine the dietary elements that are most related to health in diverse populations of youth.  相似文献   

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