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目的:通过对人工耳蜗植入患者围手术期并发症的讨论,为回避围手术期风险提供临床经验。方法:1396例双耳重度或极重度感音神经性聋患者,其中语前聋1 379例、成人语后聋17例。①术前常规检查:听力学、影像学、小儿肢体、智力发育评估。②围手术期并发症讨论:手术并发症、术后全身并发症及其他问题。结果:①手术并发症:术后一过性面瘫4例,外耳道后壁及鼓膜损伤穿孔14例,术中井喷91例,硬脑膜轻度损伤2例,电极植入问题31例(远端电极进入内耳道2例,到前庭1例;电极在蜗内扭曲打折28例),术后一过性眩晕231例,头皮血肿39例。②术后全身并发症:发热>38℃21例,急性胃炎27例,支气管炎或肺炎5例,喉气管炎9例。③其他问题:术中1例植入体更换,电脑故障误认为是植入体问题而进行了不必要的更换。结论:①人工耳蜗植入术是相对风险较少、较为安全的手术,但仍存在不可忽视的围手术期风险,主要表现在:预防畸形耳蜗井喷后的脑膜炎,术中保护面神经与鼓索神经,正确开放耳蜗鼓阶等问题。②严格按标准操作规程,完成术前、术中、术后每一个环节,针对不同患者行个性化处理,以保证手术的成功。  相似文献   

目的 分析人工耳蜗植入术后并发症发生的特点,为预防及处理并发症提供临床经验及参考。方法 回顾2013年11月~2020年11月970例在四川省八一康复中心医院行人工耳蜗植入术患者的临床资料,对其进行分析。结果 85例(8.8%)患者出现术后并发症,6例患者出现2种并发症,其中眩晕26例,急性中耳炎14例、皮下血肿21例、面神经麻痹1例、异位植入2例、皮肤感染7例、植入体装置故障20例。结论 人工耳蜗植入术后并发症并不高,远期并发症主要为植入体装置故障,积极处理术后并发症,大部分保守治疗可痊愈。  相似文献   

韩东一 《耳鼻咽喉》2004,11(1):11-14,32
人工耳蜗植入是帮助极重度感音神经性听力损失患者恢复听力和言语交流能力的可靠手段,近十年来在我国取得了长足的进步。人工耳蜗涉及到医学、听力学、生物医学工程学、教育学、心理学和社会学等诸多领域,需要多学科人员的密切配合。本文从植人手术、听力学检查与调试、听觉言语康复等方面,围绕我国近十年来人工耳蜗技术的发展做了回顾和展望,指出目前亟待解决的问题,对人工耳蜗国产化寄予期望。  相似文献   

1957年Djourno和Eyries首先报道用人工耳蜗植入(cochlearimplant,CI),通过电刺激残存的听神经引起声音感觉,成为使聋人回到有声世界的里程碑。近年来,随着微电子学和计算机高技术的进步,入工耳蜗得到很快发展,其装置从插座式改进为感应式,从单道电极发展为多道电极,目前已有22道F0F1F2装置,使CI效果不断提高,为全聋患者提供了有希望的治疗。儿童CI在国外已有10余年历史[1],已有数千例聋儿行CI,国内仅有少数报道[2]。CI的最大益处有可能是在聋儿中被发现。本文就儿童CI的发展现状作一概述。1CI在语前聋儿的应用CI用于…  相似文献   

本文复习在儿童中开展人工耳蜗植入的文献。无论语前聋儿童,还是语后聋儿童,耳蜗植入手术时间越早,术后进行一定时间有效的听力言语训练效果越好。耳蜗植入的最大益处有可能在聋儿中获得一定听同和语言能力。  相似文献   

人工耳蜗植入工作指南   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
人工耳蜗是一种可以帮助聋人恢复听力和语言交流能力的生物医学工程装置。由于人工耳蜗植入是医学和康复领域中的一项新技术,因此在适应证的选择、手术前后的评估、手术、术后调机和听觉言语康复方面都需要一份可供参考的标准。本指南旨在为从事此项工作的临床医生、听力和言语康复工作者提供指导性的意见.使我国的人工耳蜗植入  相似文献   

本文对电子耳蜗植入术出现的术中及术后并发症、各种并发症发生的原因以及处理方法进行了综述。  相似文献   

目的探讨小儿人工耳蜗植入手术的切口选择。方法回顾性分析2001年6月~2007年7月开展的5岁以下患儿人工耳蜗植入手术589例,均设计小“S”切口。其中,行澳大利亚CI24M植入174例,切口长3.5cm;CI24CA植入137例,CI24K植入62例,切口均长3.0cm。行美国Bionics90K植入26例,切口长3.5cm。行奥地利MedelCombi40^+植入190例,切口长6.0cm。均制备两个肌骨膜瓣,一个用于包裹植入体,另一个用于覆盖开放的乳突腔。术后随访6个月~6.5年,观察术后切口愈合状况以及与切口有关的并发症发生情况。结果植入的人工耳蜗均有听觉语言效果。12例于术后1~2年开始沿切口表面出现1.5~3.5mm的瘢痕隆起(2.0%);4例于术后1~3年出现与皮下感染有关的植入体裸露(0.68%)。通过清除炎症及瘢痕组织、重新固定植入体、颞肌瓣转移覆盖均获痊愈,随访6个月~2.1年,未再出现植入体裸露。结论作者设计的小切口效果满意,可以减小皮肤切口瘢痕的范围,术后植入体裸露的发生率低。  相似文献   

目的探讨人工耳蜗植入手术的操作程序,以提高手术效率及手术安全性。方法回顾性分析人工耳蜗植入手术368例,手术均采用经后鼓室径路。术中行电极阻抗测试和神经反应遥测,术后拍耳蜗位X线平片判断电极植入情况,术后一个月开机调试及跟踪随访。结果所有患者电极全部顺利植入,人工耳蜗装置工作状态正常。术后3天1例出现迟发型面瘫,用激素保守治疗后逐渐恢复,术后45天1例患儿发生外耳道炎,术后2个月1例出现乳突及耳后骨膜下脓肿,术后7个月1例由于头部外伤致植入体损坏更换植入体,经积极处理后均恢复良好。全部病例术后随访24个月无永久性面瘫、植入体移位及脑膜炎等严重并发症发生,但术后4年3例患儿出现植入体外露合并皮肤感染。结论熟练掌握手术技巧并根据个体特点进行人工耳蜗植入手术对于提高植入成功率、重建听觉、减少手术并发症有着非常重要的意义,术后的长期随访甚至终生随访是必要的。  相似文献   

Background: Experiments show that the extent of ongoing fibrotic change within the cochlea can be determined by the volume and pattern of bleeding within the first 24?h following cochlear implantation. Tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA) is effective at reducing thrombus volume when administered both within and external to the systemic circulation.

Aims/Objectives: To determine if tPA delivered into the scala tympani immediately following implantation will reduce thrombus volume within the lower basal turn of the cochlea.

Materials and Methods: Guinea pigs were implanted with either ‘soft’ or ‘hard’ arrays and administered tPA or saline via an intra-cochlear infusion immediately after implantation. Hearing was checked prior to, and 2 weeks after implantation. Cochleae were then harvested and imaged.

Results: Animals implanted with ‘soft’ arrays had 4.2% less tissue response compared with animals implanted with ‘hard’ arrays. In animals receiving ‘soft’ arrays, tPA reduced the volume of tissue response (measured by the percentage of the lower basal turn of the scala tympani occupied by tissue response) compared with saline.

Conclusions and Significance: tPA may be effective in reducing the overall volume of tissue response in routine ‘soft’ cochlear implantation and may have a greater effect in the event of significant surgical trauma.  相似文献   



Cochlear implantation has become an effective treatment for many profoundly deaf patients. As with any surgical procedure, a proportion of patients suffer postoperative complications. The aim of this study was to analyze long-term postoperative complications in patients with cochlear implants with a view to improve clinical interventions and propose a consensus for reporting complications.


A total of 406 cases received cochlear implants between December 1985 and April 2007 at Tokyo Medical University (TMU) Hospital. We retrospectively reviewed case notes from 366 patients who had undergone cochlear implantation (215 adults and 151 children) after excluding 40 patients of re-implantation including 13 cases implanted initially at other hospitals. Life-threatening, major and minor complications were examined retrospectively.


Major complications occurred following cochlear implantation in 32 patients (8.7%) who had received their initial implant at TMU Hospital. Revision surgery was required for 30 patients. The mean age at implantation was 33 years 6 months (range, 1 year 9 months to 83 years; median, 37 years). The main etiology of deafness was unknown or progressive (113, 52.6%) in adults and congenital (132, 87.4%) in children. The cause of deafness was meningitis in 41 cases (11.2%), and 26 cases (7.1%) were diagnosed with idiopathic sudden deafness.Flap-related problems (including middle ear infection and/or flap necrosis) developed in 13 cases (3.6%), with 12 cases (7 adults, 5 children) requiring re-implantation. Electrode slip-out occurred in 8 patients (7 adults, 1 child). All adult cases in whom electrodes slipped out underwent implantation before 1994, while the child (1 pediatric case) was operated in 2003. All cases required re-implantation and most cochlear implantations were performed using the modified split-bridge technique after 1997. Six patients (4 adults, 2 children) experienced device failure. Four patients experienced electrode problems. Non-surgical major complications included 1 patient with permanent facial nerve paralysis as a result of thermal injury in 1995.The total number of minor medical and surgical complications was 27, representing 7.4% of all operations.


Many cases of major complications, including electrode problems and facial paralysis, excluding traumatic device failure were considered avoidable by strict operative and postoperative procedures. Some cases of flap infection and traumatic device failure may not be able to be avoided completely, and every possible care should be taken by implant patients and others involved.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe intracranial complications after cochlear implantation in the pediatric and adult populations. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective chart review. SETTING: Tertiary referral center. PATIENTS: A chart review of the intracranial complications and their management in 345 patients undergoing cochlear implantation was undertaken. INTERVENTIONS: Variables, including age, sex, implant manufacturer, cause of deafness, intraoperative findings, and postoperative complications, were collected and analyzed. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Presence of intracranial complication of cochlear implantation. RESULTS: There were 134 Nucleus-22 (Cochlear, Englewood, CO) devices, 50 Nucleus-24 devices, 118 Med-El (Durham, NC) devices, and 43 Advanced Bionics Corporation (Sylmar, CA) devices in 151 adults and 194 children. There was a 9.3% overall complication rate, with most (59%) being related to device failure. There were three intracranial complications (<1%), two in elderly individuals and one in a child. Two minor dural defects with cerebrospinal fluid leak at the site of the receiver/stimulator recess in Med-El devices were repaired intraoperatively with temporalis fascia. One elderly patient experienced an acute extensive subdural hematoma after Nucleus-24 implantation, which was treated successfully with immediate evacuation. CONCLUSION: Intracranial complication rates associated with cochlear implantation are low, although potentially very serious. Surgeons should be aware of intracranial complications, especially in older individuals, and take immediate appropriate action.  相似文献   

目的 探讨人工耳蜗植入后由植入体引发局部反应的发生率、症状、体征,分析其可能的病因、相关因素以及对患者的影响和主要的处理原则,为临床工作提供参考和借鉴.方法 回顾分析1995年9月至2007年7月植入多道人工耳蜗患者997例中由植入体引发局部反应的10例患儿的症状、体征、治疗及预后情况.结果 997例中有10例术后出现局部反应,发病率1.003%.10例中男6例,女4例.植入时年龄13个月至8岁,平均34个月.植入装置分别为Cochlear和Med-EL公司产品,各5例.首次发病时间为术后1个月至8年,平均为2年4个月.发病时年龄小于4岁的8例,大于5岁的2例.主要症状及体征为:植入侧局部肿胀、耳后不适、瘙痒感,触及有波动感,有的患儿局部有红点,声音清晰度下降等.发病次数为1~8次,平均2.4次.局部抽出液细菌培养阴性,2例经IgE检测示患者为中度过敏体质.有姐弟俩术后均有发病.除1例多次发病最后取出装置外,其余均经抗生素、抗组胺及激素等保守治疗有效.结论 人工耳蜗植入患者术后植入侧局部出现反应的发生率并不高,而反复出现相同症状的更少.主要病因除局部感染所致外,可能同植入体引发的局部变态反应有关.确诊该病目前虽有一定的难度,但术前过敏源筛查仍有必要.对于有过敏体质者,即使筛查阴性,术后仍需密切随访.对出现症状的患者除首先进行积极的保守治疗外,仍有必要进一步进行变态反应试验以确诊.必要时可给予抗免疫治疗.如继发严重细菌感染不能控制者,则应尽快取出体内装置,待病情稳定后选择无致敏原装置再次植入.发病年龄以4岁以下儿童多见.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Cochlear implantation has become a safe and effective method for the auditory rehabilitation of the profoundly hearing impaired. Incidence of disequilibrium and vertigo after cochlear implantation ranges from 13% to 74% in the literature. Most patients report resolution of these symptoms with medical therapy and vestibular rehabilitation. We present a case of persistent disequilibrium after cochlear implantation. Further workup of this patient revealed radiographic findings suggestive of a perilymphatic fistula, with immediate and complete resolution of symptoms after exploratory tympanotomy and packing around the cochleostomy. STUDY DESIGN: Case report. METHODS: A retrospective chart review of a patient with postoperative disequilibrium unresponsive to maximal medical and vestibular rehabilitation therapy. RESULTS: Diagnostic workup of the patient included a temporal bone computed tomography (CT) scan, which revealed air in the vestibule and the ampulla of the superior and lateral semicircular canals. After failure of 5 months of conservative therapy, the patient was taken to the operating room for middle ear exploration and repacking of the cochleostomy site. The patient reported immediate and complete resolution of vertigo postoperatively. CONCLUSION: We present a case of disequilibrium as a result of an apparent perilymphatic fistula after cochlear implantation that was refractory to standard therapy. In such cases, appropriate workup should include a temporal bone CT scan to look for air in the vestibule or other abnormalities that may indicate potential etiology. Surprisingly, this patient had immediate and complete resolution of symptoms after surgery. If conservative therapy fails, middle ear exploration by way of an exploratory tympanotomy and packing of the cochleostomy with periosteum and muscle is a viable option and may lead to resolution of symptoms.  相似文献   

Cochlear implantation is a safe and reliable method for auditory restoration in patients with severe to profound hearing loss.ObjectiveTo describe the surgical complications of cochlear implantation.Materials and MethodsInformation from 591 consecutive multichannel cochlear implant surgeries were retrospectively analyzed. All patients were followed-up for at least one year. Forty-one patients were excluded because of missing data, follow-up loss or middle fossa approach.ResultsOf 550 cochlear implantation analyzed, 341 were performed in children or adolescents, and 209 in adults. The mean hearing loss time was 6.3 ± 6.7 years for prelingual loss and 12.1 ± 11.6 years for postlingual. Mean follow-up was 3.9 ± 2.8 years. Major complications occurred in 8.9% and minor in 7.8%. Problems during electrode insertion (3.8%) were the most frequent major complication followed by flap dehiscence (1.4%). Temporary facial palsy (2.2%), canal-wall lesion (2.2%) and tympanic membrane lesion (1.8%) were the more frequent minor complications. No death occurred.ConclusionThere was a low rate of surgical complications, most of them been successfully managed. These results confirm that cochlear implant is a safe surgery and most surgical complications can be managed with conservative measures or minimal intervention.  相似文献   

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