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Lack of BRAF mutations in uveal melanoma   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
RAF proteins are serine/threonine kinases that mediate cellular responses to growth signals by activating the mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway. Mutations in the BRAF gene causing a V599E amino acid substitution that enhance the kinase activity have been described in >60% of cutaneous melanomas and premalignant melanocytic lesions. We have investigated the frequency of BRAF mutations at the expression level in melanomas of the uveal tract. None of the 30 metastases and 10 primary uveal melanomas tested expressed the V599E mutation. In contrast, this mutation was expressed by 65% of cutaneous melanoma samples, confirming previous results. In addition, a double mutation resulting in V599K substitution was detected in two suspect ocular metastases of cutaneous melanoma. Analysis of exon 11, the second common site of BRAF mutations, revealed only wild-type sequences in uveal melanomas. Analysis of tumor lysates showed the presence of phosphorylated mitogen-activated protein kinase, kinase, and mitogen-activated protein kinase in 50% of uveal and 100% of cutaneous melanoma metastases. Taken together, these results suggest that although the common BRAF mutations found in cutaneous melanoma do not play a role in tumorigenesis of uveal tract melanocytes, activation of the RAF/mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway may nevertheless play an important role in uveal melanoma.  相似文献   

In this report, we investigated BRAF/NRAS mutations in samples from a case-control study of melanoma and a series of benign melanocytic nevi. We evaluated potential associations between BRAF mutations and histopathologic and pigmentary characteristics of melanoma. Mutations in BRAF and NRAS were detected by sequencing microdissected/laser-captured DNA from 18 in-situ melanomas, 64 primary melanomas, and 51 nevi. Nevi showed the highest frequency of BRAF mutations (82%). BRAF mutations were identified in 29% of invasive melanomas and in only 5.6% of in-situ melanomas. Mutations in NRAS were found in 5.2% of primary melanomas, 5.9% of nevi and no NRAS mutations were seen in in-situ melanomas. A majority of the BRAF mutations observed in primary invasive melanoma were seen in superficial spreading melanoma (15/17), and melanomas with BRAF mutations were also more likely to be found on a body site that was likely to be exposed to intermittent sun exposure compared with chronic or no sun exposure (P=0.02). Tumors with BRAF mutations were also significantly more likely to occur in association with a contiguous nevus (odds ratio 3.49, 95% confidence interval 1.06-11.46), although a contiguous nevus was not found in all melanomas with a BRAF mutation. Our data support the evidence that the mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway is upregulated in a large percentage of melanocytic lesions, but these mutations are not sufficient for malignant transformation. We suggest that BRAF mutations contribute to benign melanocytic hyperplasia, but are likely to contribute to invasive melanoma only in conjunction with other mutations.  相似文献   

Cancers are the group of diseases, which arise because of the uncontrolled behavior of some of the genes in our cells. There are possibilities of gene amplifications, overexpressions, deletions and other anomalies which might lead to the development and spread of cancer. One of the most dangerous ways to the cancers is the mutations of the genes. The mutated genes can start unstoppable proliferation of cells, their uncontrolled motility, protection from apoptosis, the DNA mutation enhancement as well as other anomalies, leading to the cancer. This review focuses on the genes, which are frequently mutated in various cancers and are known to be important in the advance and progression of colorectal cancer and melanoma, namely KRAS, NRAS and BRAF.  相似文献   

The recent discovery of activating mutations in the BRAF gene in many cutaneous melanomas led us to screen the genomic sequence of BRAF exons 11 and 15 in a series of 48 intraocular (uveal) melanomas, together with control samples from three cutaneous melanomas and the SK-Mel-28 cell line, which has a BRAF mutation. The same mutation was detected in two-thirds of our cutaneous melanoma samples, but was not present in any uveal melanomas. This finding further underlines the distinction between uveal and cutaneous melanomas, and suggests that BRAF inhibitors are unlikely to benefit patients with uveal melanoma.  相似文献   



Mucosal melanomas in the head and neck region are most frequently located in the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses. Sinonasal mucosal melanoma (SNMM) comprises <1% of all melanomas. The aim was to determine the KIT, NRAS and BRAF mutation frequencies in a large series of primary SNMMs.


Laser capture microdissection was used to isolate tumour cells from 56 formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tumours. The tumour cells were screened for KIT, NRAS and BRAF mutations by direct sequencing.


Overall, 21% (12 out of 56) of SNMMs harboured KIT, NRAS or BRAF mutations. Mutations in these oncogenes occurred in a mutually exclusive manner. Both KIT and BRAF mutations were identified at a similar frequency of 4% each (2 out of 56), whereas NRAS mutations were detected in 14% (8 out of 56) of the SNMMs. Four of the NRAS mutations were located in exon 1. Mutations in these oncogenes were significantly more common in melanomas located in the paranasal sinuses than in nasal cavity (P=0.045). In a multivariate analysis, patients with melanomas in the nasal cavity had a significantly better overall survival than those with tumours in the paranasal sinuses (P=0.027).


Our findings show that KIT and BRAF mutations, which are accessible for present targeted therapies, are only rarely present in SNMMs, whereas NRAS mutations seem to be relatively more frequent. The data show that majority of SNMMs harbour alterations in genes other than KIT, NRAS and BRAF.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Distinction of Spitz nevus from malignant melanoma is sometimes difficult on the basis of conventional histology. A high rate of BRAF gene mutations in malignant melanomas (66%) and nevi (82%) has recently been reported. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We screened a series of 20 Spitz nevi for BRAF mutations in exons 11 and 15 by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). RESULTS: BRAF mutations could not be identified in Spitz nevi. CONCLUSION: Our results show that mutations within the BRAF gene are useful markers for the differential diagnosis between Spitz nevus and malignant melanoma.  相似文献   

Oral mucosal melanoma (OMM) is a fatal sarcoma of unknown etiology. Histological morphology and genetic events are distinct from those of its cutaneous counterpart. Mutation and up-regulation of c-kit has been identified in OMM which may activate downstream molecules such as RAS and RAF. These molecules are involved in the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway leading to tremendous cell proliferation and survival. NRAS and BRAF mutation and protein expression have been studied in other melanoma subtypes. The purpose of this study was to determine RAS protein expression and NRAS and BRAF mutation in 18 primary OMM cases using immunohistochemistry and mutation analysis. Results showed that RAS is intensely expressed in both in situ and invasive OMMs. However, NRAS mutation was only observed in 2/15 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplified cases both of which were silent mutations. On the other hand, BRAF missense mutations were observed only in 1/15 cases with PCR amplification. NRAS and BRAF mutations were independent from previously reported c-kit mutations. The classical V600E BRAF mutation was not found; instead a novel V600L was observed suggesting that the oncogenic event in OMM is different from that in skin melanoma. The low frequency of NRAS and BRAF mutations indicate that these genes are not common, but probable events in OMM pathogenesis, most likely independent of c-kit mutation.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Recently, it was reported that BRAF mutations are frequent in melanoma. Previously, we analyzed a large series of paired primary and metastatic melanomas for NRAS codon 61 mutations and showed that they arise early and are preserved during tumor progression. Here, we have screened the same tumor samples for BRAF mutations. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: Primary melanomas (n = 71) and corresponding metastases (n = 88) from 71 patients were screened for BRAF exon 11 and exon 15 mutations using single-strand conformational polymorphism and nucleotide sequence analysis RESULTS: BRAF mutations were found in 42 of 71 patients (59%). Thirty-seven patients had mutations that lead to a Val599Glu change, whereas mutations resulting in Gly468Ser, Val599Arg, Val599Lys, and Lys600Glu changes were detected in one patient each. Furthermore, one patient had a 6-bp insertion between codons 598 and 599, encoding two threonine residues. In most cases, paired primary and metastatic lesions had the same BRAF genotype (i.e., mutations present in the primary tumors were preserved in the corresponding metastases, and mutations did not arise at the metastatic stage if they were not present in the primary lesion). Using laser-capture microdissection, BRAF mutations were found in the radial growth phase of the primary lesions. BRAF mutations occurred exclusively in tumors that were wild type for NRAS, and in total, 89% of the patients analyzed (63 of 71) had mutations in either of these two genes. CONCLUSIONS: The Ras-Raf-mitogen-activated protein kinase/extracellular signal-regulated kinase-extracellular signal-regulated kinase signaling pathway is activated in the vast majority of melanomas. Activation occurs through either NRAS or BRAF mutations, both of which arise early during melanoma pathogenesis and are preserved throughout tumor progression.  相似文献   



Mutations of NRAS and BRAF have been described in Caucasian melanomas. However, the status and the clinical significance of BRAF and NRAS mutations in the Asian population have not been investigated on a large scale.


Melanoma samples (n = 432) were analysed for mutations in exons 11 and 15 of the BRAF gene, and exons 1 and 2 of the NRAS gene in genomic DNA by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification and Sanger sequencing. Mutations of BRAF and NRAS genes were correlated to clinicopathologic features and prognosis of the patients.


The incidence of somatic mutations within the BRAF and NRAS genes was 25.5% (110/432) and 7.2% (31/432), respectively. Among the 110 patients with BRAF mutations, 98 patients (89.1%) had V600E mutations. Melanomas without chronic sun-induced damage (Non-CSD) were more likely (P < 0.01) to show BRAF mutations while NRAS mutation frequency was unbiased between melanoma subtypes. Patients with genetic mutations in BRAF (P < 0.01) or NRAS (P = 0.04) gene are more likely to have ulceration as compared to patients without BRAF or NRAS mutations, respectively. Both BRAF (P = 0.003) and NRAS mutations (P = 0.031) are inversely correlated to overall survival.


BRAF mutation is frequent while mutations in NRAS gene are rare. The most prevalent BRAF mutation type is V600E. Patients with mutations in BRAF or NRAS gene are frequently present with ulceration, and mutation in BRAF or NRAS gene is indicator for poor prognosis. Our study may warrant a clinical trial of kinase inhibitors targeting BRAF V600E in Chinese and Asian melanoma patients.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: BRAF mutations are present in two thirds of cutaneous melanomas and many of the rest have NRAS mutations. However, cutaneous melanoma is a heterogeneous disease with many clinicopathologic subtypes. Of these, the majority fits into four categories: superficial spreading, nodular, lentigo maligna, and acral lentiginous melanoma (ALM). Thus far, there is very limited data combining BRAF and NRAS mutation analysis to explore differences between cutaneous melanoma subtypes. The aim of this study was to address this issue. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: The frequency of BRAF and NRAS hotspot mutations, in exons 15 and 2, respectively, was assessed in 59 cutaneous melanomas comprising superficial spreading, nodular, lentigo maligna, and ALM using single-strand conformational polymorphism and RFLP-PCR analysis. RESULTS: Only 2 of 21 (9.5%) ALM showed BRAF exon 15 mutation compared with 9 of 14 (64.3%) superficial spreading malignant melanomas, 4 of 11 (36.4%) nodular melanomas, and 7 of 13 (53.4%) lentigo maligna melanomas (P < 0.01). However, our key finding is that the combined analysis of BRAF exon 15 and NRAS exon 2 showed that there were no significant differences in the overall mutation frequency between subtypes. In particular, 9 of 19 (47.4%) ALM without BRAF exon 15 mutation had an NRAS exon 2 mutation. CONCLUSIONS: We show that the overall BRAF/NRAS frequency in mutation hotspots is not significantly different among cutaneous melanoma subtypes. These data show that mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway activation may be important in all major subtypes of cutaneous melanoma, although the mechanism by which this is achieved varies.  相似文献   

Activating mutations in exon 15 of BRAF have been detected in a high proportion of cutaneous melanomas. To determine whether such mutations are a feature of conjunctival or uveal melanomas, we screened DNA from these tumours. Twenty-one conjunctival and 88 uveal tumours were included in the study. Mutation analysis of BRAF exons 11 and 15 was undertaken using a combination of conformationally sensitive gel electrophoresis and direct sequencing. Mutations in exon 15 were detected in three of the conjunctival tumours (two V599E and one E585 K). None of the uveal tumours possessed a BRAF mutation in either exon 15 or 11. We conclude that uveal melanomas arise independently of oncogenic BRAF mutations, but the development of a proportion of conjunctival tumours involves mutation of this gene.  相似文献   

We have previously demonstrated the use of pyrosequencing to investigate NRAS [neuroblastoma RAS viral (v-ras) oncogene homolog] mutations in melanoma biopsies. Here, we expanded the analysis to include BRAF (V-raf murine sarcoma viral oncogene homolog B1), another member of the Ras-Raf-mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signalling pathway, and analysed a total of 294 melanoma tumours from 219 patients. Mutations in BRAF exons 11 and 15 were identified in 156 (53%) tumours and NRAS exon 2 mutations in 86 (29%) tumours. Overall, mutations in NRAS or BRAF were found in 242 of 294 tumours (82%) and were found to be mutually exclusive in all but two cases (0.7%). Multiple metastases were analysed in 57 of the cases and mutations were identical in all except three, indicating that BRAF and NRAS mutations occur before metastasis. Association with preexisting nevi was significantly higher in BRAF mutated tumours (P=0.014). In addition, tumours with BRAF mutations showed a significantly more frequent moderate to pronounced infiltration of lymphocytes (P=0.013). NRAS mutations were associated with a significantly higher Clark level of invasion (P=0.022) than BRAF mutations. Age at diagnosis was significantly higher in tumours with NRAS mutations than in those with BRAF mutations (P=0.019). NRAS and BRAF mutations, however, did not influence the overall survival from time of diagnosis (P=0.7). In conclusion, the separate genotypes were associated with differences in several key clinical and pathological parameters, indicating differences in the biology of melanoma tumours with different proto-oncogene mutations.  相似文献   

BRAF somatic mutations in malignant melanoma and melanocytic naevi   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
BRAF somatic mutations are frequently found in primary and metastatic melanomas and melanocytic naevi. Commonly found BRAF mutants stimulate constitutive RAF/MEK (mitogen-activated ERK-activating kinase)/ERK (extracellular signal-regulated kinase) pathway activation and act as transforming oncogenes in NIH-3T3 cells and immortalized murine melanocytes. The most common BRAF mutation is the V600E alteration, but over 30 distinct BRAF mutations, varying in biological activity, have been found and may be predictive of clinically relevant tumour differences. The origin of these acquired mutations remains unknown, but melanomas have a different BRAF mutational spectrum from other tumours, possibly resulting from unique environmental exposures. In melanoma cases, BRAF mutations are frequently found in superficial spreading or nodular histological subtypes, in tumours on intermittently sun-exposed sites and in younger patients. Although evidence indicates that the activation of the RAF/MEK/ERK pathway influences the proliferation, invasion and survival of melanoma cells in vitro, the exact role of BRAF mutation in melanoma tumour progression, maintenance and outcome remains controversial. In addition, although BRAF and NRAS mutations are mutually exclusive in melanomas, other genetic events may complement BRAF mutation to produce biological activity similar to NRAS mutation. Nonetheless, preclinical and early clinical studies predict that RAF/MEK/ERK pathway inhibitors will have therapeutic activity towards melanoma, but that tumour subclassification by BRAF/NRAS mutational status may be necessary to evaluate their efficacy.  相似文献   

Absence of V599E BRAF mutations in desmoplastic melanomas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
BACKGROUND: Desmoplastic melanoma is an uncommon variant of cutaneous melanoma that mimics soft tissue sarcoma both clinically and morphologically. An activating point mutation of the BRAF oncogene has been identified in a high proportion of conventional cutaneous melanomas, but its frequency in the desmoplastic subtype is not known. METHODS: The authors tested 12 desmoplastic melanoma specimens for the thymine (T)-->adenine (A) missense mutation at nucleotide 1796 of the BRAF gene using a newly developed assay that employs a novel primer extension method. They also tested 57 vertical growth phase cutaneous nondesmoplastic melanoma specimens. RESULTS: The 1796 T-->A mutation was detected in 23 of the 57 conventional cutaneous melanoma specimens but in none of the 12 desmoplastic melanoma specimens (40% vs. 0%; P=0.0006, Fisher exact 2-tailed test). CONCLUSIONS: The relative importance of BRAF mutational activation in melanocytic tumorigenesis clearly was not the same across the various subtypes of melanoma, even for melanomas of cutaneous origin that are associated with sun exposure. In contrast to conventional cutaneous melanomas, the desmoplastic variant frequently did not harbor an activating mutation of BRAF. Accordingly, patients with melanomas should not be collectively regarded as a uniform group as new therapeutic strategies are developed that target specific genetic alterations.  相似文献   

BRAF and RAS mutations in human lung cancer and melanoma   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
BRAF encodes a RAS-regulated kinase that mediates cell growth and malignant transformation kinase pathway activation. Recently, we have identified activating BRAF mutations in 66% of melanomas and a smaller percentage of many other human cancers. To determine whether BRAF mutations account for the MAP kinase pathway activation common in non-small cell lung carcinomas (NSCLCs) and to extend the initial findings in melanoma, we screened DNA from 179 NSCLCs and 35 melanomas for BRAF mutations (exons 11 and 15). We identified BRAF mutations in 5 NSCLCs (3%; one V599 and four non-V599) and 22 melanomas (63%; 21 V599 and 1 non-V599). Three BRAF mutations identified in this study are novel, altering residues important in AKT-mediated BRAF phosphorylation and suggesting that disruption of AKT-induced BRAF inhibition can play a role in malignant transformation. To our knowledge, this is the first report of mutations documenting this interaction in human cancers. Although >90% of BRAF mutations in melanoma involve codon 599 (57 of 60), 8 of 9 BRAF mutations reported to date in NSCLC are non-V599 (89%; P < 10(-7)), strongly suggesting that BRAF mutations in NSCLC are qualitatively different from those in melanoma; thus, there may be therapeutic differences between lung cancer and melanoma in response to RAF inhibitors. Although uncommon, BRAF mutations in human lung cancers may identify a subset of tumors sensitive to targeted therapy.  相似文献   

Analysis of BRAF and N-RAS mutations in metastatic melanoma tissues   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We examined mutations in BRAF exons 11 and 15 and N-RAS exons 2 and 3, in 77 metastatic melanoma cases and 11 melanoma cell lines. Significant differences in the mutation rates observed at different metastatic sites could not be detected. The most frequent mutation, the V599E amino acid substitution in BRAF exon 15, was observed in 31 of 77 (40%) tissues and 5 of 11 (45%) cell lines. Tandem base-pair substitutions encoding V599R and V599K amino acid changes were observed in two cases. Novel findings with respect to melanoma include a cell line possessing a 2 base-pair substitution in BRAF exon 11 and a case harboring mutations in both BRAF exon 11 and N-RAS exon 3. Our data show that BRAF mutation is common in melanoma metastases, regardless of their site, that mutations include both exons 11 and 15, and suggest that anti-RAS/RAF strategies may be effective in metastatic melanoma patients.  相似文献   

Using a genome-scanning approach to search for oncogenes, a recent report identifies somatic mutations in the signaling gene BRAF that are particularly prevalent in melanoma.  相似文献   

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