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鼻内窥镜下咽鼓管导管注药治疗分泌性中耳炎   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的探讨鼻内窥镜下咽鼓管导管注药治疗分泌性中耳炎的方法.方法回顾分析鼻内窥镜直视下咽鼓管导管注药治疗分泌性中耳炎360例、400耳的临床资料.结果治愈252例,占70%;好转90例,占25%;总有效率95%.治疗前听力平均损失45.4±8.2dB HL,治疗后平均为33.0±8.2dB HL,差异有高度显著性(P<0.01).鼓室功能曲线治疗前B型320耳,C型80耳,治疗后转变为A型303耳,占75.8%.结论此法操作简单,在直视下进行,患者痛苦小,不破坏鼓膜的正常生理结构,可改善分泌性中耳炎的咽鼓管功能,提高听力.  相似文献   

鼻内镜下咽鼓管置管术治疗分泌性中耳炎   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
目的探索有效治疗分泌性中耳炎的方法。方法将分泌性中耳炎患者63例(78耳)随机分成两组:实验组:在鼻内镜下,对31例(38耳)分泌性中耳炎患者行咽鼓管置管术,留管并反复注药治疗;对照组:对32例(40耳)患者使用传统的鼓膜切开置管术治疗,术后随访6~9个月,比较两组疗效。结果实验组治愈16耳,占42.1%,好转18耳,占47.4%,总有效率89.5%:对照组:治愈8耳,占20.0%,好转21耳,占52.5%,总有效率72.5%。治疗后两组差异有显著性(P〈0.05)。结论在鼻内镜下行咽鼓管置管术是在直视下操作,通过咽鼓管的自然通道插入导管,不仅避免了损伤鼓膜,也避免了咽鼓管吹张的重复操作,为临床治疗分泌性中耳炎提供了一个良好途径。  相似文献   

鼻内镜下咽鼓管置管治疗分泌性中耳炎   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 探讨在鼻内镜视频下,自咽鼓管咽口插入胶管并留置治疗分泌性中耳炎的效果.方法 在鼻内镜视频系统下,经咽鼓管咽口插入鼓室腔,外侧端固定于面颊部,定期抽液,冲洗、注药,痊愈后观察10天拔管.结果 21耳均插管顺利,无不良反应.其中18耳一次插管治愈,占85.7%,3耳经2次插管治愈,占14.3%.总治愈率100%.结论 通过鼻咽部咽鼓管置管术,视野清晰,操作方便,治疗时间短,复发率低,无明显后遗症,是治疗分泌性中耳炎的理想选择.  相似文献   

目的 观察分析分泌性中耳炎(otitis media with effusion,OME)患者吸鼻试验结果,探讨咽鼓管闭合功能在OME发病中的作用.方法 选择56例成人OME患者、16例儿童OME患者、66例健康成年人和20例健康儿童做为研究对象,对4组人群采用问卷调查及使用咽鼓管功能综合检查仪进行吸鼻试验检测,并对结果进行统计分析.结果 以外耳道压低于基线10 dapa(含10 dapa)定为吸鼻试验阳性.成人OME组吸鼻试验阳性率为64.86%(对照组为9.09%),儿童OME组吸鼻试验阳性率为70.83%(对照组为38.24%),均明显高于对照组(P值均<0.05),而成人与儿童OME患者吸鼻试验阳性率差异无统计学意义(X2=0.289,P>0.05).结论 OME患者吸鼻试验阳性率明显高于健康对照组,提示咽鼓管闭合功能不全参与了OME的发病.  相似文献   

目的 探讨咽鼓管逆行插管行鼓室冲洗,盐酸氨溴索注药治疗分泌性中耳炎的临床疗效.方法 对112例(178耳)分泌性中耳炎患者采用逆行经咽鼓管插管,37℃生理盐水鼓室冲洗、盐酸氨溴索鼓室注药并留置.观察耳闷、耳鸣症状,鼓膜像,语频区听力恢复情况及与病程的关系.结果 全部病例178耳经1~3次治疗后,治愈119耳(66.9%),有效30耳(16.9%),无效29耳(16.3%),治愈率66.9%,总有效率83.7%.病史小于半年者,治愈率明显高于病史大于半年者,随着治疗次数的增加,治愈率和有效率逐渐降低.结论 逆行咽鼓管插管行鼓室冲洗,盐酸氨溴索注药是治疗分泌性中耳炎安全有效的方法.  相似文献   

目的比较咽鼓管置管术与鼓膜置管术治疗分泌性中耳炎的疗效,为分泌性中耳炎的治疗方式提供依据。方法 将71例(86耳)分泌性中耳炎患者随机分成实验组(36例,44耳)与对照组(35例,42耳)。实验组在鼻内镜直视下行咽鼓管置管术,每日;中洗后鼓室注药治疗;对照组行鼓膜切开并置管。术后随访6个月,比较两组疗效。结果实验组治愈21耳(47.73%),显效19耳(43.18%),无效4耳(9.09%)。对照组治愈12耳(28.57%),显效17耳(40.48%),无效13耳(30.95%)。实验组治疗有效率为90.91%,显著高于对照组69.05%(P〈0.05),实验组治疗后平均听阈为20.95dB,显著好于对照组28.25dB(P〈0.01)。结论鼻内镜下咽鼓管置管术疗效明显优于鼓膜置管术,联合药物管腔内注入可有效恢复咽鼓管功能,且避免了鼓膜损伤,符合微创原则,是治疗分泌性中耳炎的理想选择。  相似文献   

2002年1月至2003年10月采用经咽鼓管插管治疗慢性分泌性中耳炎100例,疗效满意,现报告如下。1.1临床资料。慢性分泌性中耳炎200例,采用单盲完全随机法分为治疗组和对照组。治疗组100例100耳,男60例,女40例,12~60岁,平均36岁,病程2个月至30年,平均15.09年;对照组100例100耳,男58  相似文献   

目的探讨儿童鼻咽部内窥镜观察结果与分泌性中耳炎(secretary otitismedia,SOM)的相关性。方法对75例150耳正常儿童(对照组)和92例152耳SOM患儿(SOM组),在纤维鼻咽镜下观察咽鼓管咽口的形态及周围病变,比较两组结果。结果①对照组咽鼓管咽口形态椭圆形30耳(20.00%)、喇叭形30耳(20.00%)、三角形44耳(29.33%)、缝隙形46耳(30.67%),SOM组上述各型耳数分别为28(18.42%)、27(17.76%)、47(30.92%)、50(32.89%)耳,两组咽鼓管咽口形态差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);②SOM组儿童咽鼓管咽口周围病变主要是鼻咽部炎症(74耳,48.68%),其次是腺样体肥大(46耳,30.26%)、咽鼓管扁桃体肥大(20耳,13.16%)及咽口水肿(12耳,7.89%);对照组则主要是咽口周围水肿(80耳,53.33%)、腺样体肥大(40耳,26.67%)、鼻咽部粘脓性分泌物(20耳,13.33%)以及咽鼓管扁桃体肥大(10耳,6.67%)。结论儿童SOM发病与咽鼓管咽口形态无关,而与咽鼓管周围病理变化相关。  相似文献   

漂浮导管扩张咽鼓管治疗放疗后分泌性中耳炎   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:了解鼻咽癌(NPC)放疗后分泌性中耳炎(SOM)咽鼓管功能,以及漂浮导管扩张咽鼓管治疗该病的临床价值。方法:使用咽鼓管功能综合检查仪检测21例(37耳)NPC放疗后SOM患者的咽鼓管功能;在鼻内镜直视下将漂浮导管导入咽鼓管内扩张咽鼓管,治疗NPC放疗后咽鼓管阻塞引起的SOM。结果:21例NPC放疗后SOM中,咽鼓管功能为正常型2耳,阻塞型21耳,闭锁不全型8耳,开放型6耳。漂浮导管扩张咽鼓管治疗NPC放疗后SOM,有效率为43.2%(16/37)。结论:NPC放疗后SOM的咽鼓管功能障碍,多以阻塞型为主,应用漂浮导管扩张咽鼓管是一种有效的治疗方法。  相似文献   

目的:研究咽鼓管咽口及其周围形态学改变与分泌性中耳炎(SOM)的相关性。方法:72例(144耳)正常人为对照组,89例(151耳)SOM患者为SOM组。用纤维鼻咽镜观察对照组和SOM组咽鼓管咽口的形态及SOM组咽鼓管咽口周围形态改变。结果:①对照组和SOM组成人咽鼓管咽口形态中三角形及缝隙形的差异有统计学意义(均P<0.01);②对照组和SOM组儿童咽鼓管咽口形态差异无统计学意义;③成人SOM咽鼓管咽口周围形态改变与儿童不同。结论:①成人咽鼓管咽口形态改变在SOM的发生、发展中有着不可忽视的相关性,为探索成人SOM的治疗提供了一个新的思路。②在SOM组儿童中发现所有患儿咽鼓管咽口周围主要是鼻咽部炎症,次之是腺样体肥大和咽鼓管扁桃体肥大。③本研究采用纤维鼻咽镜直接观察咽鼓管咽口及鼻咽侧壁,对于明确SOM的病因和选择治疗方案具有重要意义。  相似文献   

咽鼓管咽口形态改变与分泌性中耳炎相关性研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
目的:研究成人咽鼓管咽口形态改变与分泌性中耳炎(SOM)之间的相关性。方法:对77例(115耳)正常人(对照组)和68例(97耳)SOM患者(SOM组)用鼻内镜观察其咽鼓管咽口的形态,将其分为三角形、缝隙形、椭圆形、喇叭形等4种类型并行统计学分析。结果:对照组三角形84侧,缝隙形4侧,喇叭形17侧,椭圆形10侧;SOM组三角形13侧,缝隙形68侧,椭圆形5侧,喇叭形11侧,两组咽鼓管咽口形态存在显著的差异。结论:咽鼓管咽口形态改变在SOM的发生、发展中有着不可忽视的相关性,为探索成人SOM的治疗提供了一个新的思路。  相似文献   

Transnasal endoscopy of the pharyngeal orifice of the eustachian tube was performed on 155 ears with otitis media with effusion (77 ears of children, 78 ears of adults). In children, blockage of the orifice by mucopurulent nasal discharge was the most frequent finding (72.7%), followed by compression of the orifice by the adenoid tissue (52.0%), hypertrophy of the peritubal tonsil (16.9%), and edema around the orifice, especially at its posterior lip (10.4%). In adults, the most frequent abnormal finding was edema of the orifice (26.9%), followed by blockage of the orifice by mucopurulent nasal discharge (23.1 %), and atrophy of the orifice (10.3%). In 39.7% of cases findings were normal. Thus, main pathological findings associated with tubal dysfunction involved inflammation in the nasopharynx.  相似文献   

目的探讨鼓膜置管术及鼓室药物灌洗治疗分泌性中耳炎的疗效。方法分泌性中耳炎20例均为经门诊行药物治疗、鼓膜穿刺、鼓室注药保守治疗2~3个月后无效,考虑主要为咽鼓管功能障碍所致。收入院行鼓膜置管术,并定期局部灌注药物冲洗,置管时间1~3个月后拔管。结果术后随访6~12个月,获得良好效果,总有效率100%,治愈率75%(15/20)。全部患者听力明显改善,纯音测听术后平均提高20~30dBHL。声导抗检查恢复为"A"型曲线15例,"A s"型曲线5例。拔管后鼓膜均自然愈合,无遗留鼓膜永久性穿孔、鼓膜萎缩、化脓性中耳炎等并发症。结论鼓膜置管术是治疗顽固性分泌性中耳炎的主要方法,其中术后的鼓室药物灌注冲洗尤其重要,同时要预防脱管、感染、鼓膜不愈合等并发症。  相似文献   

目的 观察豚鼠分泌性中耳炎时咽鼓管内表面活性物质的变化 ,探讨表面活性物质在分泌性中耳炎发病中的作用。方法 建立豚鼠分泌性中耳炎动物模型 ,分析咽鼓管内表面活性物质的生化成分和活性变化 ,同时观察给外源性表面活性物质治疗后咽鼓管内表面活性物质的变化。结果 豚鼠分泌性中耳炎模型组表面活性物质主要成分减少 ,磷脂酰胆碱 (phosphatidylcholine ,PC)和磷脂酰乙醇胺 (phosphatidylethanolamine ,PE)分别是 (19 9± 1 7) %和 (36 8± 2 7) % ,而正常组的PC和PE分别是 (2 5 7± 2 1) %和 (43 7± 3 8) % ,P值均 <0 0 0 1。模型组最低表面张力 (minimumsurfacetension ,γmin)为 (18 5± 2 4 )mN/m ,比正常组 (7 6± 0 8)mN/m升高 ,P <0 0 0l。给外源性表面活性物质治疗后 ,PC和PE增高 ,分别为 (2 3 3± 2 2 ) %和 (42 5± 3 6 ) % ,γmin降低 ,为 (11 8± 2 3)mN/m。结论 豚鼠分泌性中耳炎时咽鼓管内表面活性物质的主要生化成分明显减少 ,活性减弱 ,给外源性表面活性物质治疗后明显改善  相似文献   

Summary The function of cilia present in the tubotympanum plays an important role in the pathogenesis and chronicity of otitis media with effusion (OME). We used a photoelectric method to examine the ciliary activity in the eustachian tube, in the central pharynx, as well as the nasal cavity of normal animals and animals with otitis media. In normal animals, the ciliary activity in the nasal cavity was not different from that in the eustachian tube. In some animals with otitis media, however, there was a significant difference between the ciliary activity in the nasal cavity and that in the eustachian tube. On the other hand, no significant differences were recognized in any given group of animals examined between the level of the ciliary activity in the central pharynx and that in the eustachian tube. Our findings show that the function of the cilia present in the pharynx is a valid index of that in the eustachian tube. Our study further indicates that it may be possible to clinically assess the ciliary activity in the pharyngeal mucosa biopsied from patients with OME to determine objectively the effects of medical treatments of the disease.  相似文献   

The role of allergy in chronic otitis media with effusion (OME) is controversial. New evidence from cellular biology and immunology explain the basics of allergic reactions and allow more accurate diagnosis of allergies and inflammatory disease throughout the unified airway. This article examines the epidemiologic, methodological, and immunologic studies of allergic causes of OME, including (1) evidence for and against OME as an allergic disease, (2) allergy as a cause for eustachian tube obstruction, (3) examination of the most sensitive diagnostic tests for allergy, and (4) the effect of treatment of underlying allergies in improving and resolving middle ear disease.  相似文献   

An adult (18 years), healthy, male subject with persistent bilateral middle ear (ME) underpressure and a history of recurrent otitis media into his teen years was identified. The response of his MEs to air inflation was evaluated and showed an immediate pressure increase after a Valsalva maneuver followed by a rapid pressure drop to approach the pre-inflation levels. That response is consistent with the presence of ME effusion, which was not diagnosed by otoendoscopy or tympanometry, but was visualized bilaterally within the mastoid regions using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The patient was treated for 25 days with ME inflation (3/day) and then re-examined. On each treatment day, he recorded his ME pressure using tympanometry before and after one inflation maneuver. The patient’s compliance with the treatment protocol was high, and successful gas transfers were documented on most days. Over the course of treatment, pre-inflation ME pressure became more normal bilaterally. When compared to the pre-treatment test, the post-treatment inflation test showed a similar rate of ME pressure decrease, but significantly higher terminal pressures. On follow-up but not during the pre-treatment period, discrete changes in ME pressure attributable to ET openings were noted during test sessions. MRI documented lesser amounts of effusion in the mastoid, but not complete disease resolution. The significance of these observations to the design of a well controlled clinical trail of ME inflation as a treatment for otitis media is discussed.  相似文献   



We investigated the expression of the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) and aquaporins (AQPs) in the middle ear mucosa of a rat model of otitis media with effusion caused by surgical obstruction of the Eustachian tube.


Sixty-four rats were randomly assigned to either undergo unilateral Eustachian tube obstruction (groups 1, 2, and 3) or to undergo no procedure (control group). Bony Eustachian tubes were approached through ventral incisions and obstructed with electrocautery. On days 14, 28, and 56, the ears were evaluated, and the rats were sacrificed for otoscopic evaluation and real-time RT-PCR. Immunohistochemistry was done for ENaC-α and AQP-1.


The level of ENaC-α expression decreased 0.28- and 0.73-fold at 2 and 4 weeks, respectively, but increased 1.48-fold at 8 weeks (p < 0.05). The change in ENaC-β expression at 2 weeks was insignificant. However, the level of ENaC-β expression increased 3.17- and 7.85-fold at 4 and 8 weeks, respectively (p < 0.05). The level of ENaC-γ expression increased 1.51-, 4.82- and 14.79-fold at 2, 4 and 8 weeks, respectively (p < 0.05). The level of AQP-1 expression decreased 0.10- and 0.04-fold at 4 and 8 weeks, respectively (p < 0.05). The change in AQP4 expression at 4 and 8 weeks was insignificant (p > 0.05). The pattern of immunoreactivity of ENaC-α and AQP-1 was similar with that of gene expression.


The experimental methods provoked reproducible otitis media with effusion. This model is well suited for studies of middle ear homeostasis during disease pathogenesis. Middle ear mucosa homeostasis is altered significantly by ETO, and the subunits of AQP proteins show a characteristic expression pattern over time.  相似文献   

目的 探讨两种途径进行鼓室注入地塞米松治疗分泌性中耳炎的有效性和安全性,方式分别为电子鼻咽喉镜下咽鼓管注药、鼓膜穿刺鼓室注药。方法 将药物治疗1周~1个月但疗效欠佳的分泌性中耳炎患者65例(69耳),分成两组进行治疗,治疗组32例(33耳)行电子鼻咽喉镜下咽鼓管注药治疗,对照组33例(36耳)行鼓膜穿刺鼓室注药治疗,每2~3 d注药1次, 共治疗3次。随访10~12个月,比较两组患者的疗效以及并发症的发生情况。结果 疗程结束后3个月,治疗组和对照组总有效率分别为93.9%(31/33)和83.3%(30/36)。随访10~12个月,治疗组和对照组复发率分别为15.2%(5/33)和33.3%(12/36),治疗组总有效率高于对照组,复发率低于对照组,但差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05),两组病例未见并发症发生。结论 电子鼻咽喉镜下经咽鼓管注药和鼓膜穿刺注药两种方法鼓室注入地塞米松治疗分泌性中耳炎有相同疗效,电子鼻咽喉镜下咽鼓管注药疗法可作为分泌性中耳炎治疗的新途径。  相似文献   

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