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Orthodontic treatment of a case is presented where an eight year old girl previously had had the upper right central incisor surgically removed because of an odontoma. Orthodontic closure of the space from both sides was performed with fixed appliance, leaving the remaining central incisor in the midline. A retainer was bonded to prevent relapse.  相似文献   

Dilaceration is one of the causes of permanent maxillary incisor eruption failure. It is a developmental distortion of the form of a tooth that commonly occurs in permanent incisors as result of trauma to the primary predecessors whose apices lie close to the permanent tooth germ. We present a case of post-traumatic impaction of a dilacerated central maxillary left incisor in a young patient with a class II malocclusion.  相似文献   

Abstract –  Dilaceration is a dental deformity characterized by an angulation between crown and root causing non-eruption of the tooth. It generally occurs following trauma to the deciduous dentition the apices of which lie close to the permanent tooth buds. Surgical extraction used to be the first choice in treating the severely dilacerated teeth. In this case report, it is described how a dilacerated central incisor was successfully moved into alignment in a young patient with proper surgical and orthodontic management avoiding use of prosthetic/implant devices. The panoramic radiograph after the traumatic injury is compared with the one at the end of treatment. The results were sustainable over long-term in both periodontal and aesthetic terms.  相似文献   

目的:探讨拔除上颌中切牙进行矫治的疗效和治疗特点。方法:选择拔除上颌中切牙进行矫治的患者9例,男4例、女5例,开始治疗年龄平均17.2岁。拔除双侧上颌中切牙和下颌2颗第一前磨牙者5例;拔除单侧上颌中切牙及对侧第一前磨牙和下颌2颗第一前磨牙者4例。进行治疗前后Bolton指数、X线头影测量和临床疗效分析。结果:所有患者均取得了良好的疗效。治疗前预测Bolton指数前牙比和全牙比分别为80.14%和91.31%;治疗后分别为78.68%和90.28%。X线头影测量分析治疗前后U1-NA(mm)、U1-NA、L1-NB(mm)、L1-NB、U1-SN、L1-MP、UL-E、LL-E的值减小(P<0.05)。结论:根据Bolton指数分析,进行个体化设计,拔除双侧上颌中切牙或单侧上颌中切牙及对侧第一前磨牙和下颌2颗第一前磨牙进行正畸治疗,可以获得良好的疗效。  相似文献   

上颌正中孤立中切牙(solitary median maxillary central incisor, SMMCI)是一种比较罕见的牙畸形, 是指在上颌牙弓中仅发育并萌出1颗中切牙且该中切牙位于牙弓的正中, 形态左右对称, 大小与正常中切牙相似, 在乳、恒牙列均可见。SMMCI可单独发生, 也可伴发其他先天性中线结构畸形, 或与一些系统性疾病同时发生。其中, 与前脑无裂畸形(holoprosencephaly, HPE)关系最为密切。本文报告1例伴有其他中线结构缺陷的上颌正中孤立中切牙病例。并对相关问题进行讨论。  相似文献   

Abstract –  Intra-alveolar root fractures are relatively uncommon, and sometimes may be healed without treatment. Diagnosis of intra-alveolar root fracture is frequently made by exclusion of clinical signs of other traumatic injury, and by radiographic examination with films taken at different tube angulations. This case report presents a horizontal root fractured tooth that was healed satisfactory without treatment and moved orthodontically after prolonged time from trauma.  相似文献   

Abstract  – Intrusive luxation of permanent mature teeth is one of the most serious injuries to the periodontal ligament in dental traumatology. Various treatment approaches are currently practised. The treatment of choice for traumatically intruded teeth was to combine orthodontic repositioning and endodontic treatment. This case report describes the treatment of a 50-year-old male patient, with four completely intruded mature permanent maxillary incisors. Orthodontic extrusion was initiated 1 week after the trauma. After 10 days, the crowns of the teeth were exposed to start endodontic therapy. Nine weeks after the injury and 8 weeks after the beginning of orthodontic extrusion, the intruded incisors were back about to their original position before the displacement occurred. All treatment management as well as a follow-up 8 years after the trauma are described.  相似文献   

Clinicians agree that, regardless of gender or race, tooth agenesis has become more prominent in recent societies. The congenital absence of one or more maxillary lateral incisors poses a challenge to effective treatment planning for the restorative dentist. However, the one-sided orthodontic approach of just moving canines mesially to eliminate restorative procedures leads to compromise. Adult patients presenting with malocclusions, missing lateral incisors, or anterior crowding but who fail to get proper orthodontic treatment, requesting instead esthetic solutions that do not establish a stable occlusion, proper alignment, and proper axial inclination of the teeth will have compromised esthetic and periodontal results. An evaluation of anterior smile esthetics must include both static and dynamic evaluations of frontal and profile views to optimize both dental and facial appearance. This article presents how orthodontics is combined with other specialties in treating a congenitally missing lateral incisor. One case is used to illustrate how orthodontic treatment is progressed in collaboration with other specialists. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Patients with missing teeth, crowding, midline deviation, unesthetic gingival contours, or other restorative needs may require the interaction between various specialists. For the successful treatment of orthodontic-restorative patients, an interdisciplinary team effort is vital.  相似文献   

The presentation of a solitary maxillary central incisor is reported and its association with other congenital abnormalities discussed. It is an important finding for dental health professionals, since it may indicate the presence of other significant midline congenital abnormalities. It may also indicate the presence of associated disorders that profoundly affect growth and development and which, once identified, may be treated  相似文献   

报告1例右上颌侧切牙双牙根双根管病例.X线片显示患牙为双牙根,各1个根管,1个根管已充填,另1根管未治疗.对患牙行根管治疗,术后X线片显示2个根管均得到良好充填.  相似文献   

In some patients, the permanent central incisors fail to erupt and become impacted within the alveolus. In individuals with unfavorable impactions, surgical replantation may be considered to be a reasonable solution before orthodontic repositioning. In this clinical case report, a 9-year-old male patient presented with the permanent maxillary left central incisor in an inverted position high in the vestibule. He was treated with replantation and orthodontic repositioning with fixed appliances. Radiographic review 2 years post-treatment showed an intact lamina dura consistent with a healthy tooth. It is concluded that orthodontic repositioning in combination with surgical replantation can be an optimal treatment choice for impacted teeth, assuming the anatomic location of the tooth is favorable.  相似文献   

The results of surgically assisted rapid maxillary expansion by opening of the midpalatal suture in 25 patients are reported. Osteotomy of the lateral wall of the maxilla combined with pterygomaxillary dysjunction and midpalatal suture separation allowed for successful rapid maxillary expansion in 23 patients. The two patients who did not respond to treatment were found to have unusually thick midpalatal sutures, which were successfully expanded after the midpalatal sutures were osteotomized.  相似文献   

AIM: To illustrate significant tipping orthodontic movement of root fractured teeth. SUMMARY: As the frequency of root fractured maxillary teeth is related to increased overjet and reduced lip coverage, orthodontic treatment may increase lip coverage and reduce the risk of trauma or its severity. It may also be necessary to move previously traumatized teeth. Two root fractured teeth were tipped through a considerable angle (19 degrees ) to reduce a large overjet and followed up for 5 years. KEY LEARNING POINTS: -- Reduction of large overjets involving root fractured teeth may not affect pulp vitality. -- Root fragment separation prior to orthodontics did not appear to increase in this patient, but angulation of the fragments did not completely follow the major change to the coronal part of the tooth.  相似文献   

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