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This study aimed to increase 1st, 3rd, and 5th grade children's liking for fruits and vegetables by offering repeated opportunities to taste selected items. Tastes of four fruits or four vegetables were offered to children (51% boys; 32% 1st graders and 34% 3rd graders) on alternate weeks for 8 weeks. Two-week follow-up tastings occurred 4 months and 10 months post-intervention. Children who began the program disliking the targeted fruits and vegetables improved liking for all items after 8 weeks and maintained higher scores at both follow-up assessments. Grade and gender differences in liking were observed but were not consistent at each time point.  相似文献   

The authors explored associations of social environment with dietary behavior among participants in the Eating for a Healthy Life study, a randomized, low-fat, high-fruit-and-vegetable dietary intervention trial in religious organizations. Data in this report are from baseline telephone surveys of 1,520 persons that assessed dietary behaviors (Fat- and Fiber-Related Diet Behavior Questionnaire) and social environment (Moos Group Environment Scale). After adjusting for demographic characteristics, higher scores on the Cohesion and Order/Organization subscales were associated with higher fruit/vegetable scores (indicating higher fruit and vegetable consumption). Higher scores on the Cohesion, Leader Support, and Order/Organization subscales were also associated with lower fat scores (indicating lower fat intake). Dietary behaviors within religious organizations may be related to positive perceptions of the social environment. These results support further exploration of the potential influence of religious organizations' social environment on health behaviors and its applicability to dietary change interventions.  相似文献   

Classifications for fruits and vegetables are most helpful for dietary assessment and guidance if they are based on the composition of these foods. This work determined whether levels of food components in fruits and vegetables correlated with classification criteria based on botanic family, color, part of plant, and total antioxidant capacity (TAC). A database of 104 commonly consumed fruits and vegetables was created that contained food components known to be provided primarily by these foods. A mathematical clustering algorithm was used to group the foods into homogeneous clusters based on food component levels and the classification criteria. Most useful in categorizing were the botanic families rose, rue (citrus), amaryllis, goosefoot, and legume; color groupings blue/black, dark green/green, orange/peach, and red/purple; and plant parts fruit-berry, seeds or pods, and leaves. Groupings based on TAC levels did not match well with the identified clusters. Clusters were often best defined by a combination of classification variables such as color and part of plant. Results suggest that the groupings dark green leafy vegetables; cabbage family vegetables; lettuces; allium family bulbs; legumes; deep orange/yellow fruits, roots, and tubers; citrus family fruits; tomatoes and other red vegetables and fruits; and red/purple/blue berries are predictive for food components provided by fruits and vegetables.  相似文献   

Aim: This study compared the diets of breastfeeding and non‐breastfeeding mothers from socioeconomically diverse regions of Melbourne to determine whether breastfeeding is a marker for healthier maternal dietary intakes. Methods: This cross‐sectional study obtained information via self‐reported questionnaire from 529 first‐time Melbourne mothers. Breastfeeding status was determined when the children were 3.9 months. Diet information was obtained using a validated Food Frequency Questionnaire. Maternal diet was assessed by seven indicators: average daily intake of fruit, vegetables, non‐core drinks, non‐core sweet snacks, non‐core savoury snacks, variety of fruit and variety of vegetables eaten in the preceding 12 months. Associations between breastfeeding status and each dietary variable were assessed using linear regression analyses. Socioeconomic position, maternal body mass index and the cluster‐based sampling design were controlled for. Results: Of the 529 subjects, 70% were breastfeeding their child. Compared with non‐breastfeeding mothers, breastfeeding mothers were found to consume more serves of vegetables (P= 0.001), a greater variety of fruit and vegetables (P= 0.001 and P≤ 0.001 respectively), and sweet snacks were consumed more frequently (P= 0.006). Differences were observed between low and high socioeconomic position mothers for fruit serves (P= 0.003), vegetable serves (P= 0.010) and fruit variety (P= 0.006). These associations persisted after controlling for socioeconomic position and maternal body mass index. Conclusions: The association between infant feeding (breastfeeding) and some aspects of maternal diet provides further evidence suggesting a link between maternal and child diets from a younger age than previously examined.  相似文献   

Fruits and vegetables are universally promoted as healthy. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010 recommend you make one-half of your plate fruits and vegetables. Myplate.gov also supports that one-half the plate should be fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables include a diverse group of plant foods that vary greatly in content of energy and nutrients. Additionally, fruits and vegetables supply dietary fiber, and fiber intake is linked to lower incidence of cardiovascular disease and obesity. Fruits and vegetables also supply vitamins and minerals to the diet and are sources of phytochemicals that function as antioxidants, phytoestrogens, and antiinflammatory agents and through other protective mechanisms. In this review, we describe the existing dietary guidance on intake of fruits and vegetables. We also review attempts to characterize fruits and vegetables into groups based on similar chemical structures and functions. Differences among fruits and vegetables in nutrient composition are detailed. We summarize the epidemiological and clinical studies on the health benefits of fruits and vegetables. Finally, we discuss the role of fiber in fruits and vegetables in disease prevention.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To explore potential predictors of adolescents' fruit and vegetable intake by expanding on current theory and drawing from other adolescent research. DESIGN: This research reports on baseline and interim data from a school-based intervention study. Data were collected through surveys administered to students at the beginning and end of their 7th grade year. Setting: The students attended 16 public schools in Minnesota. PARTICIPANTS: Data were collected on 3878 students; approximately half were female and 67% were white. All students in the 7th grade cohort were invited to participate in the surveys and over 94% completed both surveys. Variables Measured: Our dependent variable, fruit and vegetable intake, was assessed by a validated fruit and vegetable food frequency scale. Predictive factors assessed included parenting style, spirituality/religiosity, depressive symptoms, and other commonly assessed predictors. ANALYSIS: Generalized linear mixed model regression. Omnibus test of association using P <.05 is reported. RESULTS: Subjective norms, barriers, knowledge, usual food choice, parenting style, spirituality/religiosity, and depressive symptoms were statistically significant predictors of intake. The model explained about 31% of the variance in fruit and vegetable consumption. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS: To better understand adolescents' fruit and vegetable intake, we must explore novel predictors. Our results need to be replicated, and more exploratory research in this field is needed.  相似文献   

Most young children do not meet current dietary recommendations, consuming too many energy-dense foods and too few nutrient-dense foods like vegetables. We compared two approaches to increasing children's liking of vegetables by having them repeatedly taste small portions of vegetables that were initially not liked, presented either alone (repeated exposure; RE) or with a liked dip (associative conditioning; AC). We first conducted a between-subjects experiment, where classrooms at a childcare center were each assigned a vegetable that most children did not like, and individual children were assigned to either the RE or AC condition. A second experiment was conducted to test whether the same results would be obtained using a within-subjects design, in which each child was assigned to repeatedly taste two vegetables that were not liked, one presented with dip and one without. In both experiments, vegetable liking was assessed before, during, and after a series of eight tasting trials, and vegetable intake was measured before and after the tasting trials in Experiment 1. In both experiments, children's vegetable liking increased from pre- to post-test, but there was no evidence of associative conditioning effects. Increases in vegetable liking, as well as intake, were similar across conditions. Although the addition of the liked dip did not augment overall effects on vegetable liking, there was some evidence that the liked dips could be used to encourage initial tasting of vegetables. In both experiments and both conditions, increases in liking were detected by the sixth exposure to the vegetable. Additional tasting trials did not produce additional increases in liking, but the increases in liking were sustained throughout the experiments. The current evidence suggests that administering few small tastes of vegetables that are initially not liked can have a lasting impact on preschool children's liking and intake of those vegetables.  相似文献   

The positive link between bone health and fruit/vegetable consumption has been attributed to the lower renal acid load of a diet high in alkaline-forming fruit/vegetables. Other important dietary determinants of bone health include micronutrients and bioactives found in fruit/vegetables. We hypothesized that increased intake of fruit/vegetables to 9 or more servings a day would lower net endogenous acid production (NEAP) significantly (~20 mEq/d) and increase urine pH (0.5 pH units). This 8-week feasibility study investigated if 21 midlife women (age, 40-65 years) currently consuming 5 or less servings a day of fruit/vegetables could increase their intake to 9 or more servings a day to substantially lower NEAP and include specific vegetables daily. Three-day diet diaries were completed at baseline and the end of the study and assessed for NEAP (estimated) and number of servings from all food groups. Urine pH dipsticks were provided for the participants to assess and record their fasting urine pH daily (second void). Seventy-six percent of women achieved the study aim, which was to increase to 9 or more servings of fruit/vegetables for at least 5 d/wk. There was a reduction in the number of bread/cereal servings. Net endogenous acid production (estimated) was reduced significantly, with a mean urine pH increase of 0.68 pH units (95% confidence interval, 0.46-1.14); however, daily urine pH measures showed high variability. This study demonstrated that a group of midlife women can change their diet for 8 weeks by significantly increasing fruit/vegetable servings and include specific “bone friendly” vegetables daily, resulting in a significant decrease in estimated dietary NEAP and an increase in urine pH.  相似文献   

This study compared the dietary fiber (DF), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, and pectin content of selected fruits and vegetables. Apples and peaches (fresh and canned), oranges (fresh), strawberries (fresh, canned, and frozen), carrots, green beans, and potatoes (fresh, fresh cooked, canned, and frozen), and tomatoes (fresh, fresh cooked, and canned) were studied. When possible, two varieties, two stores, and name and store brands were chosen. Samples were analyzed for NDF, acid detergent fiber, 72% sulfuric acid, lignin, and pectin. From those values, DF, cellulose, and hemicellulose were calculated. Fresh fruits in gm/100gm wet weight had decreasing DF, NDF, and hemicellulose values as follows: apples, peaches, strawberries, and oranges. Apples were highest in cellulose; strawberries, highest in lignin; and oranges, highest in pectin. Fresh-cooked vegetables in gm/100gm wet weight have decreasing DF and NDF values as follows: green beans, carrots, potatoes, and tomatoes. Green beans were highest in cellulose and hemicellulose; potatoes highest in lignin; and carrots highest in pectin. On a wet-weight basis, fresh apples and peaches, fresh-cooked green beans, canned carrots, and canned and frozen potatoes were higher in DF and NDF than other forms of the fruit or vegetable. There were few differences according to stores, brands, or varieties of fruits and vegetables. On a dry-weight basis, fresh apples, peaches, strawberries, green beans, and tomatoes appear to have higher DF and NDF contents than their processed counterparts. Fresh-cooked carrots and fresh potatoes appear to have less DF and NDF than their canned and frozen counterparts.  相似文献   

With 796,500 places available for children in England, pre-school nurseries could serve as an important setting for population-wide dietary intervention. It is critical to understand the determinants of healthy food provision in this setting, which may include access to food stores. This study examined the association between objective, GIS-derived supermarket proximity and fruit and vegetable serving frequency, using data from 623 English nurseries. Overall, 116 (18%) nurseries served fruits and vegetables infrequently (<2–3 times/week), but provision differed by supermarket proximity. In adjusted multivariable regression models, nurseries farthest from their nearest supermarket (Q5, 1.7–19.8 km) had 2.38 (95% CI 1.01–5.63) greater odds of infrequent provision. Our results suggest that supermarket access may be important for nurseries in meeting fruit and vegetable provision guidelines. We advance a growing body of international literature, for the first time linking the food practices of institutions to their neighbourhood food retail context.  相似文献   

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