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This study investigated inequalities in physically healthy days in the United States during 1993-1999, by socioeconomic and demographic group. The generalized entropy GE(2) and other indices were computed using data from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System survey, 1993-1999. The results indicate that GE(2) for the US population increased by 17% during 1993-1999. Low-to-middle income groups had the highest increases in inequalities during this time (51-66%), whereas the least educated, Asian/Pacific Islanders, American Indians/Alaska Natives, the oldest, the youngest, and the richest had the lowest (-14-10%). In 1999, inequalities ranged from 0.0153 (income>or=$50 000) to 0.112 (income<$10 000). Inequalities have increased during 1993-1999 and vary substantially across groups. The American Indians/Alaska Natives experienced the highest inequalities whereas Asians/Pacific-Islanders exhibited the lowest inequalities. More attention should be given to within-group inequalities. 相似文献
This paper provides new evidence on the sources of differences in the degree of income-related inequalities in self-assessed health in 13 European Union member states. It goes beyond earlier work by measuring health using an interval regression approach to compute concentration indices and by decomposing inequality into its determining factors. New and more comparable data were used, taken from the 1996 wave of the European Community Household Panel. Significant inequalities in health (utility) favouring the higher income groups emerge in all countries, but are particularly high in Portugal and - to a lesser extent - in the UK and in Denmark. By contrast, relatively low health inequality is observed in the Netherlands and Germany, and also in Italy, Belgium, Spain Austria and Ireland. There is a positive correlation with income inequality per se but the relationship is weaker than in previous research. Health inequality is not merely a reflection of income inequality. A decomposition analysis shows that the (partial) income elasticities of the explanatory variables are generally more important than their unequal distribution by income in explaining the cross-country differences in income-related health inequality. Especially the relative health and income position of non-working Europeans like the retired and disabled explains a great deal of 'excess inequality'. We also find a substantial contribution of regional health disparities to socio-economic inequalities, primarily in the Southern European countries. 相似文献
Self-reported health (SRH) is one of the most frequently employed measures for assessing income-related health inequalities between counties. A previous study has shown that 28% of respondents changed their assessment of their health status when asked a SRH question on two occasions in the same survey (first as part of self-completed questionnaire and then in a personal interview). This study re-examines this issue using another survey where SRH was again asked twice of respondents, but this time the personal interview was first and self-completion second. We find the same variation in responses, but the predominant direction is away from the 'extreme' categories 'Excellent' and 'Poor' which is the opposite direction to the previous study. We therefore conclude that the most likely explanation is a mode of administration effect that makes people less likely to choose the extreme categories in a self-completion questionnaire, but not a personal interview. However, this effect has a relatively minor impact on measures of inequality. This is due to a large proportion of the movement (i.e. movement to the middle) not being related to income and hence does not systematically impact on the cumulative distribution of health across this measure of socio-economic status. 相似文献
While many of the measurement approaches in health inequality measurement assume the existence of a ratio-scale variable, most of the health information available in population surveys is given in the form of categorical variables. Therefore, the well-known inequality indices may not always be readily applicable to measure health inequality as it may result in the arbitrariness of the health concentration index's value. In this paper, we address this problem by changing the dimension in which the categorical information is used. We therefore exploit the multi-dimensionality of this information, define a new ratio-scale health status variable and develop positional stochastic dominance conditions that can be implemented in a context of categorical variables. We also propose a parametric class of population health and socioeconomic health inequality indices. Finally we provide a twofold empirical illustration using the Joint Canada/United States Surveys of Health 2004 and the National Health Interview Survey 2010. 相似文献
Ren Mu 《Health economics》2014,23(5):529-549
Despite the subjectivity inherent in individuals' interpretation of good health, self‐reported health is widely used in health‐related studies. With data from the pilot survey of the new China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study, this paper applies the vignette method to control for differences in individual response scales and examines regional differences in self‐reported health among the elderly in China. The results show that people in different provinces seem to use different criteria when assessing their health conditions. Regional health disparities are underestimated if differentials in response scales are not accounted for. A substantial share of the disparities cannot be explained by the observed differences in respondents' chronic health condition, demographic characteristics, and household wealth, a finding confirmed by a test based on inpatient‐care information. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Heterogeneity in reporting of health by socio-economic and demographic characteristics potentially biases the measurement of health disparities. We use anchoring vignettes to identify socio-demographic differences in the reporting of health in Indonesia, India and China. Homogeneous reporting by socio-demographic group is rejected and correcting for reporting heterogeneity tends to reduce slightly estimated disparities in health by education (not China) and to increase those by income. But the method does not reveal substantial reporting bias in measures of health disparities. 相似文献
Using primary data from Laos, we compare a broad range of different types of shocks in terms of their incidence, distribution between the poor and the better off, idiosyncrasy, costs, coping responses, and self‐reported impacts on well‐being. Health shocks are more common than most other shocks, more concentrated among the poor, more idiosyncratic, more costly, trigger more coping strategies, and highly likely to lead to a cut in consumption. Household members experiencing a health shock lost, on average, 0.6 point on a five‐point health scale; the wealthier are better able to limit the health impacts of a health shock. Copyright © 2013 The World Bank Group. 相似文献
Nazim Habibov Alex Cheung 《The International journal of health planning and management》2018,33(1):225-234
We analyse the effect of contextual‐level social capital on health status in a sample of 26 transitional countries of Central and South Europe, Mongolia, and the former Soviet Union for 2006‐2010 (N = 51 911). Contextual‐level social capital is conceptualized as country‐level social trust, while health status is conceptualized as self‐rated health. We use ordinary least squares and instrumental variable regressions to address endogeneity and especially to rule out reverse causality. Both instrumental variable and ordinary least squares regressions suggest a strong positive effect of country‐level trust on health. This finding is consistent for the whole sample as well as separate regional estimations. 相似文献
《Home health care services quarterly》2013,32(3):71-89
ABSTRACT The primary qualification for Medicare's home health care benefit is being homebound, typically by a chronic disability. Disability and functional ability in late-life are heavily influenced by the long-term practice of health behaviors. One of the goals of Healthy People 2000 is to increase the years of healthy life which are measured, in part, by self reported health status. This compression of morbidity would, in effect, reduce the need for long term care. This paper examines three conceptual models linking health behaviors to self reported health in a unique sample of older adults who have chosen to participate in a corporate sponsored wellness program. It is hoped that these findings will encourage further research on formulating empirical pathways from health behaviors to reduced need for home health care. 相似文献
We examined racial and ethnic disparities in global health assessment and functional limitations of daily activities among whites, blacks and Hispanics, and within the Hispanic origin among Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Cubans, and ‘Others’. Logistic regressions were employed to estimate the log odds of reporting ‘poor health’ and ‘having functional limitations’ among 12 814 respondents from the 1987—1988 National Survey of Families and Households. Compared with whites, blacks had an increased risk of reporting poor health and functional limitations. Hispanics had even a higher risk of reporting poor health, but did not have an increased risk of reporting functional limitations. Among Hispanics, Mexicans were more likely than whites to report poor health, whereas Puerto Ricans were more likely than whites to experience functional limitations. Both race and ethnicity remain important factors in explaining the disparities in self‐assessed health status independent of socioeconomic status (SES). Meanwhile, the way self‐assessed health status varies with ethnicity is importantly stratified by SES as measured by income and education. These results suggest that future research should analyze the interplay between ethnicity and SES rather than assuming measuring either captures all the important variation. 相似文献
This article examines the link between restrictions on the number of physicians and general practitioners' (GPs) earnings. Using a representative panel of 6016 French self-employed GPs over the years 1983-2004, we estimate an earnings function to identify experience, time and cohort effects. The estimated gap in earnings between 'good' and 'bad' cohorts can be as large as 25%. GPs who began their practices during the eighties have the lowest permanent earnings: they belong to the large cohorts of the baby-boom and face the consequences of an unlimited number of places in medical schools. Conversely, the decrease in the number of places in medical schools led to an increase in permanent earnings of GPs who began their practices in the mid-nineties. A stochastic dominance analysis shows that unobserved heterogeneity does not compensate for average differences in earnings between cohorts. These findings suggest that the first years of practice are decisive for a GP. If competition between physicians is too intense at the beginning of their careers, they will suffer from permanently lower earnings. To conclude, our results show that the policies aimed at reducing the number of medical students succeeded in buoying up physicians' permanent earnings. 相似文献
Health and labour force participation of older people in Europe: What do objective health indicators add to the analysis? 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
This paper studies labour force participation of older individuals in 11 European countries. The data are drawn from the new Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE). We examine the value added of objective health indicators in relation to potentially endogenous self-reported health. We approach the endogeneity of self-reported health as an omitted variables problem. In line with the literature on the reliability of self-reported health ambiguous results are obtained. In some countries self-reported health does a fairly good job and controlling for objective health indicators does not add much to the analysis. In other countries, however, the results show that objective health indicators add significantly to the analysis and that self-reported health is endogenous due to omitted objective health indicators. These latter results illustrate the multi-dimensional nature of health and the need to control for objective health indicators when analysing the relation between health status and labour force participation. This makes an instrumental variables approach to deal with the endogeneity of self-reported health less appropriate. 相似文献
Jacques Wels PhD 《American journal of industrial medicine》2018,61(9):751-761
To assess whether unionization prevents deterioration in self‐reported health and depressive symptoms in late career transitions.Methods
Data come from the Health and Retirement Study (N = 6475). The change in self‐perceived health (SPH) and depressive symptoms (CESD) between wave 11 and wave 12 is explained using an interaction effect between change in professional status from wave 10 to wave 11 and unionization in wave 10.Results
The odds of being affected by a negative change in CESD when unionized are lower for unionized workers remaining in full‐time job (OR:0.73, CI95%:0.58;0.89), unionized full‐time workers moving to part‐time work (OR:0.66, CI95%:0.46;0.93) and unionized full‐time workers moving to part‐retirement (OR:0.40, CI95%:0.34;0.47) compared to non‐unionized workers. The same conclusion is made for the change in SPH but with odds ratios closer to 1.Conclusion
The reasons for the associations found in this paper need to be explored in further research.14.
Lauren Krnjacki Naomi Priest Zoe Aitken Eric Emerson Gwynnyth Llewellyn Tania King Anne Kavanagh 《Australian and New Zealand journal of public health》2018,42(2):172-174
Objective: Among working‐age Australian adults with a disability, we assess the association between disability‐based discrimination and both overall health and psychological distress. Methods: Using data from the 2015 Australian Bureau of Statistics Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers we estimated the proportion of working‐age women and men (15–64 years) with disability who report disability‐based discrimination by socio‐demographic characteristics and assessed the association between disability‐based discrimination and self‐reported health and psychological distress. Results: Nearly 14% of Australians with disability reported disability‐based discrimination in the previous year. Disability‐based discrimination was more common among people living in more disadvantaged circumstances (unemployed, low income, lower‐status occupations), younger people and people born in English‐speaking countries. Disability‐based discrimination was associated with higher levels of psychological distress (OR: 2.53, 95%CI: 2.11, 3.02) and poorer self‐reported health (OR: 1.63, 95%CI: 1.37, 1.95). Conclusion: Disability‐based discrimination is a prevalent, important determinant of health for Australians with disability. Implications for public health: Disability‐based discrimination is an under‐recognised public health problem that is likely to contribute to disability‐based health inequities. Public health policy, research and practice needs to concentrate efforts on developing policy and programs that reduce discrimination experienced by Australians with disability. 相似文献
This paper uses sequential stochastic dominance procedures to compare the joint distribution of health and income across space and time. It is the first application of which we are aware of methods to compare multidimensional distributions of income and health using procedures that are robust to aggregation techniques. The paper's approach is more general than comparisons of health gradients and does not require the estimation of health equivalent incomes. We illustrate the approach by contrasting Canada and the US using comparable data. Canada dominates the US over the bottom part of the bi-dimensional distribution of health and income, though not generally over the uni-dimensional distributions of health or income. The paper also finds that welfare for both Canadians and Americans has not unambiguously improved during the last decade over the joint distribution of income and health, in spite of the fact that the uni-dimensional distributions of income have clearly improved during that period. 相似文献
This paper examines the effect of health on labour force participation using the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) Survey. The potential endogeneity of health, especially self-assessed health, in the labour force participation equation is addressed by estimating the health equation and the labour force participation equation simultaneously. Taking into account the correlation between the error terms in the two equations, the estimation is conducted separately for males aged 15-49, males aged 50-64, females aged 15-49 and females aged 50-60. The results indicate that better health increases the probability of labour force participation for all four groups. However, the effect is larger for the older groups and for women. As for the feedback effect, it is found that labour force participation has a significant positive impact on older females' health, and a significant negative effect on younger males' health. For younger females and older males, the impact of labour force participation on health is not significant. The null-hypothesis of exogeneity of health to labour force participation is rejected for all groups. 相似文献
Primary care,self-rated health,and reductions in social disparities in health 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4

OBJECTIVE: To examine the extent to which good primary-care experience attenuates the adverse association of income inequality with self-reported health. DATA SOURCES: Data for the study were drawn from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation sponsored 1996-1997 Community Tracking Study (CTS) Household Survey and state indicators of income inequality and primary care. STUDY DESIGN: Cross-sectional, mixed-level analysis on individuals with a primary-care physician as their usual source of care. The analyses were weighted to represent the civilian noninstitutionalized population of the continental United States. DATA COLLECTION/EXTRACTION METHODS: Principal component factor analysis was used to explore the stricture of the primary-care indicators and examine their construct validity. Income inequality for the state in which the community is located was measured by the Gini coefficient, calculated using income distribution data from the 1996 current population survey. Stratified analyses compared proportion of individuals reporting had health and feeling depressed with those with good and bad primary-care experiences for each of the four income-inequality strata. A set of logistic regressions were performed to examine the relation between primary-care experience, income inequality, and self-rated health. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Good primary-care experience, in particular enhanced accessibility and continuity, was associated with better self-reported health both generally and mentally. Good primary-care experience was able to reduce the adverse association of income inequality with general health although not with mental health, and was especially beneficial in areas with highest income inequality. Socioeconomic status attenuated, but did not eliminate, the effect of primary-care experience on health. In conclusion, good primary-care experience is associated not only with improved self-rated overall and mental health but also with reductions in disparities between more- and less-disadvantaged communities in ratings of overall health. 相似文献
Validity of self reported utilisation of primary health care services in an urban population in Spain

Bellón JA Lardelli P Luna JD Delgado A 《Journal of epidemiology and community health》2000,54(7):544-551
STUDY OBJECTIVE: To assess the validity and factors related with the validity of self reported numbers of visits to a primary health care centre, in comparison with the recorded number. DESIGN: Cross sectional study. SETTING: The urban area served by the Zaidín-Sur Primary Health Care Centre (Granada, Spain). PARTICIPANTS: Two population samples (236 high users and 420 normal users) who were seen at the centre from 1985 to 1991 were interviewed in 1993. MAIN RESULTS: A net tendency to overreport the actual number of visits was observed. Absolute concordance between self reported and recorded utilisation decreased as time interval lengthened, although this mainly reflected the increase in maximum variability both with time interval length and with the number of recorded visits. Corrected Spearman rho coefficients obtained between the number of self reported and recorded visits ranged from 0.602 for the two weeks before the interview to 0.678 for the year before. Regression slopes of self reported utilisation upon recorded utilisation did not change between periods. In multiple regression analyses the actual number of visits was the main factor associated with both underreporting and overreporting. Older age was also significantly associated with underreporting. Poor health status and high satisfaction with health care were significantly associated with overreporting. CONCLUSIONS: There was a substantial degree of inaccuracy in self reported utilisation, with a net tendency to overreport the number of visits. In relative terms, however, accuracy of self reports did not seem to decrease appreciably as the recall time lengthened. To compare the accuracy of different measures, it is important to take into account the maximum variability of each one. Otherwise, contradictory results may be obtained. 相似文献
Lindström M Sundquist J Ostergren PO 《Journal of epidemiology and community health》2001,55(2):97-103
STUDY OBJECTIVE—The aim of this study was to investigate ethnic differences in self reported health in the city of Malmö, Sweden, and whether these differences could be explained by psychosocial and economic conditions.
DESIGN/SETTING/PARTICIPANTS—The public health survey in Malmö 1994 was a cross sectional study. A total of 5600 people aged 20-80 years completed a postal questionnaire. The participation rate was 71%. The population was categorised according to country of origin: born in Sweden, other Western countries, Yugoslavia, Poland, Arabic speaking countries and all other countries. The multivariate analysis was performed using a logistic regression model in order to investigate the importance of possible confounders on the differences by country of origin in self reported health. Finally, variables measuring psychosocial and economic conditions were introduced into the model.
MAIN RESULTS—The odds ratios of having poor self reported health were significantly higher among men born in other Western countries, Yugoslavia, Arabic speaking countries and in the category all other countries, as well as among women born in Yugoslavia, Poland and all other countries, compared with men and women born in Sweden. The multivariate analysis including age and education did not change these results. A huge reduction of the odds ratios was observed for men and women born in Yugoslavia, Arabic speaking countries and all other countries, and for women born in Poland after the introduction of the social network, social support and economic factors into the multivariate model.
CONCLUSIONS—There were significant ethnic group differences in self reported health. These differences were greatly reduced by psychosocial and economic factors, which suggest that these factors may be important determinants of self rated health in certain minority groups.
DESIGN/SETTING/PARTICIPANTS—The public health survey in Malmö 1994 was a cross sectional study. A total of 5600 people aged 20-80 years completed a postal questionnaire. The participation rate was 71%. The population was categorised according to country of origin: born in Sweden, other Western countries, Yugoslavia, Poland, Arabic speaking countries and all other countries. The multivariate analysis was performed using a logistic regression model in order to investigate the importance of possible confounders on the differences by country of origin in self reported health. Finally, variables measuring psychosocial and economic conditions were introduced into the model.
MAIN RESULTS—The odds ratios of having poor self reported health were significantly higher among men born in other Western countries, Yugoslavia, Arabic speaking countries and in the category all other countries, as well as among women born in Yugoslavia, Poland and all other countries, compared with men and women born in Sweden. The multivariate analysis including age and education did not change these results. A huge reduction of the odds ratios was observed for men and women born in Yugoslavia, Arabic speaking countries and all other countries, and for women born in Poland after the introduction of the social network, social support and economic factors into the multivariate model.
CONCLUSIONS—There were significant ethnic group differences in self reported health. These differences were greatly reduced by psychosocial and economic factors, which suggest that these factors may be important determinants of self rated health in certain minority groups.
The role of income differences in explaining social inequalities in self rated health in Sweden and Britain.

M Yngwe F Diderichsen M Whitehead P Holland B Burstrom 《Journal of epidemiology and community health》2001,55(8):556-561
STUDY OBJECTIVE: To analyse to what extent differences in income, using two distinct measures-as distribution across quintiles and poverty-explain social inequalities in self rated health, for men and women, in Sweden and Britain. DESIGN: Series of cross sectional surveys, the Swedish Survey of Living Conditions (ULF) and the British General Household Survey (GHS), during the period 1992-95. PARTICIPANTS AND SETTING: Swedish and British men and women aged 25-64 years. Approximately 4000 Swedes and 12 500 Britons are interviewed each year in the cross sectional studies used. The sample contains 15 766 people in the Swedish dataset and 49 604 people in the British dataset. MAIN RESULTS: The magnitude of social inequalities in less than good self rated health was similar in Sweden and in Britain, but adjusting for income differences explained a greater part of these in Britain than in Sweden. In Britain the distribution across income quintiles explained 47% of the social inequalities in self rated health among women and 31% among men, while in Sweden it explained, for women 13% and for men 20%. Poverty explained 22% for British women and 8% for British men of the social inequalities in self rated health, while in Sweden poverty explained much less (men 2.5% and women 0%). CONCLUSIONS: The magnitude of social inequalities in self rated health was similar in Sweden and in Britain. However, the distribution of income across occupational social classes explains a larger part of these inequalities in Britain than in Sweden. One reason for this may be the differential exposure to low income and poverty in the two countries. 相似文献