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Objective  To identify how medical student learning experiences in a new longitudinally integrated clinical clerkship (LICC) programme impacted students' learning.
Methods  We conducted semi-structured interviews with 12 medical students at three points in their training. We used an inductive, thematic analytic approach to data. Interviews ( n  = 35) were iteratively and independently coded by research team members to identify and corroborate key emergent themes.
Results  Students in the LICC programme reported slow but ongoing increases in patient responsibility, examination-driven learning, programme flexibility to address educational gaps, and a strong and positive perception of educational continuity through a longitudinal primary care educator and similar case mix throughout the year.
Conclusions  Student learning experiences in an LICC programme are both similar to and different from those in a traditional rotational clerkship programme. Students in the integrated clerkship were clear and unequivocal about the benefits of working with one teacher across time and caring for patients at different stages of the same disease in multiple settings. These findings have implications for clinical education development and design.  相似文献   

Objectives  Communication skills training in undergraduate medical education is considered to play an important role in medical students' formation of their professional identity. This qualitative study explores Year 1 students' perceptions of their identities when practising communication skills with real patients.
Methods  A total of 23 individual semi-structured interviews and two focus group discussions were conducted with 10 students during their first year of communication skills training. All interviews and discussions were audio-recorded, transcribed and analysed for emergent themes relating to identity.
Results  Students struggled to communicate professionally with patients because of a lack of clinical knowledge and skills. Consequently, students enacted other identities, yet patients perceived them differently, causing conversational ambiguities.
Discussion  Students' perceptions challenge educational goals, suggesting that there is limited potential for the formation of professional identity through early training. Teacher-doctors must acknowledge how students' low levels of clinical competence and patients' behaviour complicate students' identity formation.  相似文献   

Objectives  The objectives of this study were to identify and analyse students' attitudes to the portfolio assessment process over time.
Methods  A questionnaire containing statements and open questions was used to obtain feedback from students at the University of Dundee Medical School, Scotland. The responses to each statement were compared over 4 years (1999, 2000, 2002 and 2003).
Results  Response rates were 83% in 1999, 70% in 2000, 89% in 2002 and 88% in 2003. A major finding is that students perceived that portfolio building heightened their understanding of the exit learning outcomes and enabled reflection on their work. Student reactions to the portfolio process were initially negative, although they appreciated that senior staff took time to become familiar with their work through reviewing their portfolios. Student attitudes became more positive over the 4 years as the process evolved. Although portfolio assessment was recognised as supporting student learning, portfolio building was perceived to interfere with clinical learning as a result of the excessive amounts of paper evidence required.
Conclusions  Paperwork should be kept within manageable limits. A student induction process that highlights the importance of providing evidence for achieving all learning outcomes, not just theoretical knowledge and skills, may be helpful in allaying student concern over portfolio building and assessment and support preparation for lifelong learning and reflective clinical practice.  相似文献   

Objectives  Peer-assisted learning (PAL) has been reported to have educational benefits in cross-year, small-group teaching in other contexts. Accordingly, we explored whether senior medical students are effective tutors for their junior peers in clinical skills education, and how the participants in the learning triad (tutors, learners and simulated patients [SPs]) perceive the learning environment created in PAL.
Methods  Year 2 students were randomly allocated to one of two groups for skills training. Group 1 ( n  = 64) were tutored by volunteer Year 6 students, and Group 2 ( n  = 67) by paid doctors. The results of both groups in a clinical skills examination were compared using an independent samples t -test. Qualitative data, obtained from Year 2 students ( n  = 125) by written questionnaire and Year 6 students ( n  = 11) and SPs ( n  = 3) by focus group interviews, were analysed for themes.
Results  Students receiving PAL did at least as well in the clinical skills examination as students with qualified tutors (difference in mean total score: 0.7 marks out of 112; 95% confidence interval − 3.8 to 2.4). The PAL environment was perceived as 'comfortable' and fostered the development of confidence in all participants. Peer tutors created a more active learning environment than doctor tutors for both learners and SPs and reported personal benefits from teaching.
Conclusions  With appropriate support, volunteer Year 6 student tutors are as effective as graduate doctors for small-group structured tutorials in clinical skills. Educational relationships were forged between all participants in the learning triad.  相似文献   

Students' opinions about their preparation for clinical practice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
INTRODUCTION: There are data that suggest that medical students do not feel sufficiently prepared for clinical practice in the clerkships. The transition from pre-clinical to clinical training causes problems. OBJECTIVES: To seek quantitative verification of qualitative findings from an earlier focus group study on problems medical students encounter when entering the clinical phase of undergraduate training. METHODS: At the start of the clinical phase, all Year 4 students at Maastricht Medical School were surveyed on the transition from pre-clinical to clinical training and its effects on workload, knowledge, skills and learning. RESULTS: The response rate was 67%. Students were uncertain as to how to behave and act, mainly because they did not know what was expected of them. They experienced a drastic increase in workload and a lack of time for studying. They considered themselves to be moderately prepared with regard to knowledge and they regarded their physical examination skills as satisfactory. Students reported having difficulty applying theoretical knowledge in clinical practice and perceived shortcomings in basic science knowledge. In addition, they felt compelled to change their learning strategies. DISCUSSION: The results of this study confirm the findings of the focus group study. The students experienced problems related to professional socialisation and workload and deficiencies in knowledge and the organisation of knowledge. A good starting point for improvement may involve exploring students' suggestions of an extensive introduction into the clerkships, a more gradual transition with regard to workload and closer integration of pre-clinical and clinical education.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether a 3-week clerkship for third-year medical students in general-practice doctors' offices changed the students' perceptions of clinical teaching. The Preceptor Evaluation Questionnaire was administered to 138 junior medical students before and after their clerkships. The result of the study indicated that the clerkship had a positive effect on the students' perceptions. This finding was not related to their experiences in other clerkships nor to the grades they received for the clerkship.
The results indicate that the teaching relationship established between student and family doctor significantly affects students' perceptions of aspects of effective clinical teaching.  相似文献   

Students'' attitudes towards psychiatry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using a reliable measure, a self-administered questionnaire (ATP), and adequate numbers of students, this study demonstrates the negative effects of general medical/surgical training and the positive effect of the psychiatry clerkship on students' reported attitudes towards psychiatry. A negative view of psychiatry at the beginning of the clerkship may make students reluctant to improve their interview skills but is otherwise unimportant in determining their reactions and performance in the clerkship. Medical students' interest in psychiatry as a career increases during the psychiatry clerkship but this merely offsets the decline in interest that occurs at other stages during the clinical training. Much of the attitudinal change that occurs during the psychiatry clerkship is maintained into the pre-registration year but the housemen recorded a significant negative change on the items concerning efficacy of psychiatric treatment and attitudes towards psychiatric patients. Additional training by psychiatrists during the pre-registration year might increase the motivation of young doctors to detect and treat psychiatric illness which they will encounter in all branches of medicine.  相似文献   

Factors in faculty evaluation of medical students' performance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
CONTEXT: Faculty members often use global rating scales as a method of assessing various characteristics of medical students' clinical performance. The purpose of this study was to determine if some performance characteristics are more highly associated with the overall faculty grade than others. METHODS: The clinical performance of 211 surgery clerkship students was evaluated by 2 or 3 faculty preceptors. Faculty rated students on 10 specific performance characteristics, using a 5-point scale. Faculty then assigned a numerical grade summarising the faculty's view of the student's performance. Reliability of the ratings was estimated by the intraclass correlation, and 1-way (analysis of variance) anova was used to test for differences among the students' mean ratings. Logistic regression was employed to determine the accuracy of each performance measure in predicting students' grades (A or B). Stepwise logistic regression was used to determine if there was a combination of performance characteristics that best predicted students' grades. RESULTS: The inter-rater reliabilities were low (相似文献   

This study examined teacher and student perceptions during the first 2 years of a complete transition from a conventional to a problem-based learning (PBL) curriculum at Dalhousie University. Teaching staff who had tutored in the two pre-clinical years (   n = 88  ) completed a questionnaire at the end of the 1993–94 academic year, and student assessments of their tutors were collated for all nine units (   n = 597  ).
Seven research questions were addressed in the study which examined the faculty, student and administrative aspects of tutoring. The results showed that faculty tutors rated PBL more highly than traditional medical school methods on eight of the nine items. Teaching staff were very satisfied with their tutoring experience, but expressed a need for further training in group facilitation, questioning, handling 'difficult' situations and evaluating students. They reported that their workload outside tutorials was cut almost in half in their second year of tutoring. Students expected a tutor to be a skilled group facilitator who would guide them in their learning, while helping to maintain a positive group climate. They did not want the tutor to teach the content as they perceived the task of learning to be their responsibility.
Several major administrative factors affected tutors' and students' perceptions of tutorials, including: changing tutorial group composition and tutor every 8–10 weeks; team tutoring; end-of-unit exam; conflicting demands of basic science 'vertical' units and ongoing 'horizontal' units; departmental budgetary requirements for basic medical education; recognition of tutoring in promotion and tenure decisions; and recruitment of tutors.  相似文献   

AIM: To describe and evaluate the effectiveness of a new method of teaching clinical skills designed to increase students' active and self-directed learning as well as tutor feedback. METHODS: A total of 22 consenting Year 4 medical students undertaking general practice and general surgery clinical experience were involved in a pre- and post-test research design. In the initial period of the study, students were taught clinical skills in a traditional manner. In the second phase a clinical teaching strategy called systematic clinical appraisal and learning (SCAL) was utilised. This learning strategy involved active and self-directed learning, holistic care and immediate feedback. Students independently saw a patient and were asked to make judgements about the patient's potential diagnosis, tests required, management, psychosocial needs, preventive health requirements, and any ethical problems. These judgements were then compared with those of the clinical supervisor, who saw the same patient independently. Students recorded details for each consultation. Comparisons were made of the two study periods to examine whether the use of SCAL increased the number of students' independent judgements, perceived student learning, tutor feedback and self-directed learning. RESULTS: During the SCAL learning period, students reported making a greater number of statistically significant independent judgements, and receiving significantly increased tutor feedback in both general practice and general surgery. The number of learning goals set by students was not found to differ between the two periods in surgery but significantly increased in general practice in the SCAL period. Students' perceptions of their learning significantly increased in the SCAL period in surgery but not in general practice. During the traditional learning period in both settings, there was limited student decision-making about most aspects of care, but particularly those relating to prevention, psychosocial issues and ethics. CONCLUSIONS: The SCAL approach appears to offer some advantages over traditional clinical skills teaching. It appears to encourage active and independent decision-making, and to increase tutor feedback. Further exploration of the approach appears warranted.  相似文献   

Objectives  Internationally, family doctors seeking to enhance their skills in evidence-based mental health treatment are attending brief training workshops, despite clear evidence in the literature that short-term, massed formats are not likely to improve skills in this complex area. Reviews of the educational literature suggest that an optimal model of training would incorporate distributed practice techniques; repeated practice over a lengthy time period, small-group interactive learning, mentoring relationships, skills-based training and an ongoing discussion of actual patients. This study investigates the potential role of group-based training incorporating multiple aspects of good pedagogy for training doctors in basic competencies in brief cognitive behaviour therapy (BCBT).
Methods  Six groups of family doctors ( n  = 32) completed eight 2-hour sessions of BCBT group training over a 6-month period. A baseline control design was utilised with pre- and post-training measures of doctors' BCBT skills, knowledge and engagement in BCBT treatment.
Results  Family doctors' knowledge, skills in and actual use of BCBT with patients improved significantly over the course of training compared with the control period.
Conclusions  This research demonstrates preliminary support for the efficacy of an empirically derived group training model for family doctors. Brief CBT group-based training could prove to be an effective and viable model for future doctor training.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: To facilitate students' transition from basic, science-oriented, problem-based learning (PBL) to clinical reasoning-oriented PBL, the University of Geneva School of Medicine introduced a 12-week unit of Introduction to Clinical Reasoning (ICR) at the beginning of its fourth or clerkship year. PURPOSE: The aims of the present study were to determine, after 12 weeks in the ICR unit, to what extent students had: (1) identified the learning content set by the faculty while adapting to the hypothetico-deductive reasoning approach; (2) familiarised themselves with the clinical reasoning-oriented learning process, and (3) transferred and further developed this process during the clinical years. METHOD: Students' derived objectives from the problems were compared to the objectives preset by the faculty to determine acquisition of intended learning content. To assess their adaptation to the clinical reasoning-oriented PBL approach, students (n = 124) were asked to list and freely comment on aspects of the unit they felt most at ease with or had difficulty with, and to complete a questionnaire on the clinical reasoning process (CRP). The same questionnaire was administered 6 and 12 months later to assess the evolution of the students' self-perception during clerkships. RESULTS: On average, student objectives matched 62% of faculty objectives. Half of the missed (38%) objectives were in basic sciences. Students generated 16% additional objectives, also predominantly in the basic sciences category (41%). Free comments indicated that the difficulties perceived by students were very similar to those previously reported in studies on reasoning and errors, such as difficulty in gathering, interpreting and weighting relevant data, synthesising information, and organising it hierarchically. These results were confirmed with the CRP questionnaire administered at the end of the unit. For most of the competencies assessed on the CRP questionnaire, a gradual improvement was seen to have occurred by 6 and 12 months after the unit. CONCLUSIONS: To ease students' transition from the preclinical to clinical years, a learning unit should give them the opportunity to train their clinical reasoning processes on standardised and prototypical problems, before encountering real patients with more ill-structured problems during clerkships. Such a transitional structure should particularly emphasise a developed repertoire of problem representations, recognition of key findings and a hierarchical classification of working hypotheses. It should foster the creation of links between the acquired basic clinical knowledge and the diagnostic, management and therapy steps of problem solving.  相似文献   

Integrating the teaching of medical ethics into medical students' clinical education is challenging, given the competing demands on students' time and the need for teaching to be clinically relevant. This paper describes a model programme for incorporating ethics teaching into the obstetrics and gynaecology clerkship for third-year medical students. The programme is taught by two attending teachers and a medical ethicist with experience teaching in the clinical setting of obstetrics and gynaecology. Objective pretests and posttests showed substantial improvement in students' knowledge, and student feedback has been very positive.  相似文献   

Clinical skills are usually learned by pre-clinical students in a manner divorced from their basic science foundations. The value of previously learned basic sciences thus fails to be re-enforced. A clinical skills course was developed for an experimental curriculum of medical students in their first year. It was organized and taught by a team of basic and clinical scientists and emphasized the basic pathophysiological principles underlying clinical skills. Sessions were supported by related basic science audiovisual resources and a series of clinical problems with questions obliging the student to reason through basic-science mechanisms. Over the span of the course, Students' interest shifted dramatically from a focus on proficiency in motor skills to an understanding of basic pathophysiological mechanisms underlying observed phenomena. Compared to conventional curriculum students, those in the experimental curriculum failed to show a diminution in perceived value of basic sciences in their future career and, on cumulative, cognitive examinations, scored equally in basic science, but significantly higher in clinical science subjects. A clinical skills course integrating both teachers and concepts from basic, as well as clinical sciences can improve student attitudes toward the basic sciences.  相似文献   

CONTEXT: Objective structured clinical examinations (OSCEs) can be used for formative and summative evaluation. We sought to determine the generalisability of students' summary scores aggregated from formative OSCE cases distributed across 5 clerkships during Year 3 of medical school. METHODS: Five major clerkships held OSCEs with 2-4 cases each during their rotations. All cases used 15-minute student-standardised patient encounters and performance was assessed using clinical and communication skills checklists. As not all students completed every clerkship or OSCE case, the generalisability (G) study was an unbalanced student x (case : clerkship) design. After completion of the G study, a decision (D) study was undertaken and phi (phi) values for different cut-points were calculated. RESULTS: The data for this report were collected over 2 academic years involving 262 Year 3 students. The G study found that 9.7% of the score variance originated from the student, 3.1% from the student-clerkship interaction, and 87.2% from the student-case nested within clerkship effect. Using the variance components from the G study, the D study suggested that if students completed 3 OSCE cases in each of the 5 different clerkships, the reliability of the aggregated scores would be 0.63. The phi, calculated at a cut-point 1 standard deviation below the mean, would be approximately 0.85. CONCLUSIONS: Aggregating case scores from low stakes OSCEs within clerkships results in a score set that allows for very reliable decisions about which students are performing poorly. Medical schools can use OSCE case scores collected over a clinical year for summative evaluation.  相似文献   

Objective  This study sought to determine the relative contributions made by transferable skills and content-specific skills to Year 2 medical student performance in a clinical skills examination.
Methods  Correlated trait-correlated method models were constructed to describe the performance of 2 year groups of students in examinations held in the summers of 2004 and 2005 at Peninsula Medical School in the UK. The transferable skills components of the models were then removed to indicate the contribution made to the fit of the models to the data.
Results  Although content-specific skills made the greater contribution to the 2 models of student performance (accounting for averages of 54% and 43% of the variance, respectively), transferable skills did make an important but smaller contribution (averages of 13% and 16%, respectively). When the transferable skills components of the models were removed, the fit was not as good.
Conclusions  Both content-specific skills and transferable skills contributed to performance in the clinical skills examination. This challenges current thinking and has important implications, not just for those involved in clinical skills examinations, but for all medical educators.  相似文献   

J S Ker 《Medical education》2003,37(S1):34-41
Objectives  To develop a student-selected component (SSC) for junior medical students, to evaluate the feasibility of incorporating the development of skills in carrying out an intimate examination, whilst developing professional thinking skills using a reflective approach.
Subjects  The student selected component was designed for a maximum of 6 students over a 4-week period in Phase 2 (year 2 and 3) of the undergraduate medical curriculum.
Setting  The Clinical Skills Centre, the Faculty of Medicine Nursing and Dentistry, University of Dundee, Scotland, UK.
Methods  The SSC consisted of a weekly patient clerking from the ward, an analysis of the clinical and communication skills for any intimate examinations the patient would require, and practice using simulators and simulated patients. Students were supported by timed periods of structured reflection, which enabled them to discuss ethical issues and their own professional conduct related to carrying out an intimate examination. The SSC was evaluated on 3 levels; student satisfaction, learning professional thinking using a reflective approach, and observing behaviour change in relation to skill development, using a ward simulation exercise.
Results  The evaluation at the levels of student satisfaction, learning professional thinking and changes in behaviour associated with intimate examination demonstrated that the SSC had been well received by the students, who felt they had improved their skills in intimate examinations in the context of a ward simulation exercise, in parallel with their professional thinking skills.
Conclusion  It is possible to develop the professional thinking of junior medical students at the same time as developing their technical competence in relation to intimate examinations. It may be advantageous to introduce students early to this reflective approach, using simulation to promote the integration of theory with practice.  相似文献   

This study used factor analysis to define the components of clinical competence of medical students during their undergraduate psychiatric training. Four factors were defined; factor 1 related to cognitive and psychological problem-solving; factor 2 tapped the interpersonal and observational skills students showed with patients; factor 3 was characterized by knowledge in the examination setting, and factor 4 related to students' capacity to demonstrate their ability in an interpersonal setting. These are similar to the component skills of clinical competence demonstrated by students in other areas of the medical curriculum. They also correspond to the skills which Walton (1986) has suggested should be focused upon in undergraduate psychiatric education.  相似文献   

Objective  To test hypotheses regarding the longitudinal effects of problem-based learning (PBL) and conventional learning relating to students' appreciation of the curriculum, self-assessment of general competencies, summative assessment of clinical competence and indicators of career development.
Methods  The study group included 2 complete cohorts of graduates who were admitted to the medical curriculum in 1992 (conventional curriculum, n  =   175) and 1993 (PBL curriculum, n  =   169) at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Groningen, the Netherlands. Data were obtained from student records, graduates' self-ratings and a literature search. Gender and secondary school grade point average (GPA) scores were included as moderator variables. Data were analysed by a stepwise multiple and logistic regression analysis.
Results  Graduates of the PBL curriculum scored higher on self-rated competencies. Contrary to expectations, graduates of the PBL curriculum did not show more appreciation of their curriculum than graduates of the conventional curriculum and no differences were found on clinical competence. Graduates of the conventional curriculum needed less time to find a postgraduate training place. No differences were found for scientific activities such as reading scientific articles and publishing in peer- reviewed journals. Women performed better on clinical competence than did men. Grade point average did not affect any of the variables.
Conclusions  The results suggest that PBL affects self-rated competencies. These outcomes confirm earlier findings. However, clinical competence measures did not support this finding.  相似文献   

Objective  Clinical experiences and gender have been shown to influence medical students' specialty choices. It remains unclear, however, which aspects of experiences make students favour some specialties and reject others. This study aimed to clarify the effects of clerkships on specialty choice and to identify explanatory factors.
Methods  We carried out a longitudinal cohort study to collect data on career preferences and attitudes towards future careers among 3 cohorts of students before and after clerkships in surgery ( n  = 200), internal medicine ( n  = 277) and general practice ( n  = 184). Regression analyses were performed to identify the determinants of career choice and the role of gender.
Results  Exposure to clinical settings encourages students to opt for a career in the corresponding specialty. Men were more stimulated than women by the general practice clerkship. Gender had no clear role as a predictor of career preference. The major predictor of career choice in all 3 specialties was positive evaluation of work-intrinsic factors. A preference for working with acute patients and technology-oriented work, prestige orientation and insignificance of a controllable lifestyle were determinants of a preference for surgery. Students with a preference for general practice had almost opposite preferences. Those who chose internal medicine favoured a controllable lifestyle.
Discussion  Factors other than gender appear to drive specialty decisions. Work content, type of patients and lifestyle options play major roles. Consequently, along with teaching about the practice of medicine, the matching of specialty preferences with reality is an essential outcome of clerkships.  相似文献   

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