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Data are presented on childhood maltreatment characteristics, psychological dissociation, somatoform dissociation, and offense types with a sample of 93 Canadian inmates (62 males and 31 females), with a mean age of 34 years (SD = 9.5). The present study includes findings based on the Child Maltreatment Interview Schedule-Short Form (CMIS-SF), the Detailed Assessment of Posttraumatic States (DAPS), the Multidimensional Dissociation Inventory (MDI), the Somatoform Dissociation Questionnaire (SDQ-20), and indices of violent and sexual offending during adulthood. Chi-square, Cohen's d, and regression analyses were conducted with the data. Results showed that women reported more childhood sexual abuse (CSA) than men, and men committed more violent and sexual offenses than women. Mean comparisons using Cohen's d statistic showed that inmates (N = 62) reported more trauma-related dissociation (DAPS) and more MDI dissociation compared to normative data for these instruments; however, inmates had lower somatoform dissociation scores when compared to published means of dissociative disorder, somatoform disorder, and eating-disorder patients. Inmates with CSA histories had higher SDQ-20 scores than those who did not. No differences were found between sex offenders and non-sex offenders in terms of probable PTSD, probable DID, MDI scales, or the SDQ-20. CSA that involved penetration predicted MDI dissociation and also predicted later sexual offending. Of the MDI scales, derealization and memory disturbance predicted sexual offending. Neither MDI scales nor any of the CMIS-SF maltreatment types predicted violent offending. Results are discussed in terms of treatment implications for incarcerated individuals with histories of child maltreatment.  相似文献   

目的:了解海南医学新生的儿童心理虐待状况;比较不同创造力、认知偏差类型的学生的儿童期心理虐待差异。方法:方便取样,采用儿童心理虐待量表、卡特尔多项人格量表-创造力、认知偏差问卷对365名自愿参与的海南省某医学院临床医学专业2014级新生进行测量,对数据进行t检验和方差分析。结果:男生的恐吓、贬损、干涉、纵容维度得分高于女生(t=2.38,2.17,2.40,2.72;P均0.05);独生子女医学新生的忽视维度得分低于非独生子女者,而干涉维度得分高于后者(t=-3.82,2.17;P均0.05);单亲家庭医学新生的忽视和贬损维度得分高于非单亲学生(t=2.80,3.24;P均0.05)。不同创造力等级的医学新生在儿童心理虐待得分上的差异无统计学意义。不同认知偏差类型的医学新生在贬损、干涉维度得分上的差异均有统计学意义(F=10.92,13.54;P均0.001)。结论:不同性别、是否独生、是否单亲的医学新生在儿童期遭受的心理虐待不一样;不同创造力的医学新生在儿童期遭受的心理虐待无差异;不同认知偏差类型的医学新生在童年期遭受的贬损和干涉高于其他类型者。  相似文献   

早期干预对独生子女健全人格发展的对照研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的:探讨早期干预对儿童心身健康的全面发展和培养独生子女健全人格的影响.方法:采用由国内专家创建的独生子女健全人格培养方案对0~6岁独生子女进行干预指导,通过Achenbach儿童行为量表及幼儿性格发展趋向量表评定幼儿心理卫生状况、儿童社会适应行为量表测定社会适应能力、儿童气质量表评定气质类型、中国比奈测定智商,并设37例对照组.结果:研究组行为问题检出率为6.67%,低于对照组的13.5%和全国流调的14.3%;研究组智商高于对照组,差异有统计学显著性(t=3.752,P<0.001);社会适应能力气质评定两组差异无统计学显著性(P均>0.05).但V9维度(反应阈)研究组得分明显低于对照组,提示研究组趋于易养.结果:经对幼儿培养的早期干预,其健全人格指标优于非干预组.  相似文献   

湖南省儿童青少年精神障碍现状调查与防治模式研究   总被引:17,自引:3,他引:17  
应用临床流行病学方法,采用DSM-Ⅲ-R标准,在湖南省城乡抽样调查8644名4~16岁男女儿童青少年,发现精神障碍达38种,总时点患病率为14.89%,发育性障碍、行为障碍、情绪障碍及躯体形式障碍等4大类精神障碍在城乡、男女与不同年龄阶段的分布有明显不同。调查发现患儿家庭的就医行为明显偏差,保健需求集中于学校心理卫生保健、家庭心理卫生教育与咨询和专科门诊等项目上。作者据此提出了儿少精神卫生的防治模式,并作了效益分析。文章就上述问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   



Many people in Western countries do not follow public health physical activity (PA) recommendations. Web-based interventions provide cost- and time-efficient means of delivering individually targeted lifestyle modification at a population level.


To examine whether access to a website with individually tailored feedback and suggestions on how to increase PA led to improved PA, anthropometrics, and health measurements.


Physically inactive adults (n = 12,287) participating in a nationwide eHealth survey and health examination in Denmark were randomly assigned to either an intervention (website) (n = 6055) or a no-intervention control group (n = 6232) in 2008. The intervention website was founded on the theories of stages of change and of planned behavior and, apart from a forum page where a physiotherapist answered questions about PA and training, was fully automated. After 3 and again after 6 months we emailed participants invitations to answer a Web-based follow-up questionnaire, which included the long version of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire. A subgroup of participants (n = 1190) were invited to a follow-up health examination at 3 months.


Less than 22.0% (694/3156) of the participants logged on to the website once and only 7.0% (222/3159) logged on frequently. We found no difference in PA level between the website and control groups at 3- and 6-month follow-ups. By dividing participants into three groups according to use of the intervention website, we found a significant difference in total and leisure-time PA in the website group. The follow-up health examination showed no significant reductions in body mass index, waist circumference, body fat percentage, and blood pressure, or improvements in arm strength and aerobic fitness in the website group.


Based on our findings, we suggest that active users of a Web-based PA intervention can improve their level of PA. However, for unmotivated users, single-tailored feedback may be too brief. Future research should focus on developing more sophisticated interventions with the potential to reach both motivated and unmotivated sedentary individuals.

Trial Registration

Clinicaltrials.gov NCT01295203; http://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT01295203 (Archived by WebCite at http://www.webcitation.org/6B7HDMqiQ)  相似文献   

Serotonin plays a central role in mood regulation and the development of depressive disorders. The present study investigated whether a functional polymorphism (5HTTLPR) of the serotonin transporter gene interacts with maltreatment in the prediction of depression. A cohort of 17–18 years old students (n = 1,482) anonymously completed the Survey of Adolescent Life and Health in Vestmanland 2006 and gave a saliva sample for DNA extraction. An association between maltreatment and adolescent depression was found independent of sex. When the whole population was analyzed, no main effect of 5HTTLPR in association with depression was found. When separated by sex, a significant main effect and a G × E interaction effect of the SS allele was found among girls. No gene main effect or G × E interaction effect was found among boys. The present study confirms previous findings of sex differences in interaction effects between the 5HTTLPR polymorphism and maltreatment in the prediction of adolescent depression. Edited by Peter McGuffin.  相似文献   



Among Arab citizens in Israel, cigarette and nargila (hookah, waterpipe) smoking is a serious public health problem, particularly among the young adult population. With the dramatic increase of Internet and computer use among Arab college and university students, a Web-based program may provide an easy, accessible tool to reduce smoking rates without heavy resource demands required by traditional methods.


The purpose of this research was to examine the acceptability and feasibility of a pilot Web-based program that provides tailored feedback to increase smoking knowledge and reduce cigarette and nargila smoking behaviors among Arab college/university students in Israel.


A pilot Web-based program was developed, consisting of a self-administered questionnaire and feedback system on cigarette and nargila smoking. Arab university students were recruited to participate in a mixed-methods study, using both quantitative (pre-/posttest study design) and qualitative tools. A posttest was implemented at 1 month following participation in the intervention to assess any changes in smoking knowledge and behaviors. Focus group sessions were implemented to assess acceptability and preferences related to the Web-based program.


A total of 225 participants—response rate of 63.2% (225/356)—completed the intervention at baseline and at 1-month poststudy, and were used for the comparative analysis. Statistically significant reductions in nargila smoking among participants (P=.001) were found. The intervention did not result in reductions in cigarette smoking. However, the tailored Web intervention resulted in statistically significant increases in the intention to quit smoking (P=.021). No statistically significant increases in knowledge were seen at 1-month poststudy. Participants expressed high satisfaction with the intervention and 93.8% (211/225) of those who completed the intervention at both time intervals reported that they would recommend the program to their friends, indicating excellent acceptability and feasibility of the intervention. This was further emphasized in the focus group sessions.


A tailored Web-based program may be a promising tool to reduce nargila smoking among Arab university students in Israel. The tailored Web intervention was not successful at significantly reducing cigarette smoking or increasing knowledge. However, the intervention did increase participants’ intention to quit smoking. Participants considered the Web-based tool to be an interesting, feasible, and highly acceptable strategy.

Trial Registration

Trial Registration: ISRCTN registry ISRCTN59207794; http://www.isrctn.com/ISRCTN59207794 (Archived by WebCite at http://www.webcitation.org/6VkYOBNOJ).  相似文献   

Developed and validated an instrument for identifying childrenperceived as vulnerable. Mothers of 1,095 children, aged 4–8years, completed interviews that included the original 12-itemChild Vulnerability Scale. Eight items that correlated bestwith each of two major variables that contribute to vulnerabilitywere retained in the revised scale and a cutoff score was identifiedfor children perceived as vulnerable. The internal consistencyof the revised scale was good. Using the revised scale, 10.1%of children were identified as perceived vulnerable. Childrencategorized as perceived vulnerable had a significant increasein behavior problems and acute medical visits. The revised ChildVulnerability Scale should be useful in providing a better understandingof the causes and effects of an important factor in child development.  相似文献   

The prevalence of child neuromuscular disease in Southern Norway by January 1st, 1983, was studied by collecting data from all available sources. All children born 1. 1. 1965 or later were included in the study. The total group consisted of 110 patients from 17 different diagnostic categories. Total prevalence on this group was found to be 24.9 X 10(5). Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), with a prevalence of 10.89 X 10(5) constituted 29.2% of the total material. In the spinal muscle atrophy group (SMA), we found a significant increase in the number of boys affected, although an autosomal recessive mode of inheritance was found likely in all probands. Prevalence figures of child neuromuscular disease are hard to compare, as most studies deal with an adult population. The prevalences of common and well-known large categories of neuromuscular diseases in childhood are in agreement with previous studies. For less well known and mild diseases, our figures are low. This may be due in part to a later onset and in part to a health system not sensitive to parents' complaints.  相似文献   

Alcohol misuse occurs commonly on college campuses, necessitating prevention programs to help college drinkers reduce consumption and minimize harmful consequences. Computer-delivered interventions (CDIs) have been widely used due to their low cost and ease of dissemination but whether CDIs are efficacious and whether they produce benefits equivalent to face-to-face interventions (FTFIs) remain unclear. Therefore, we identified controlled trials of both CDIs and FTFIs and used meta-analysis (a) to determine the relative efficacy of these two approaches and (b) to test predictors of intervention efficacy. We included studies examining FTFIs (N = 5237; 56% female; 87% White) and CDIs (N = 32,243; 51% female; 81% White). Independent raters coded participant characteristics, design and methodological features, intervention content, and calculated weighted mean effect sizes using fixed and random-effects models. Analyses indicated that, compared to controls, FTFI participants drank less, drank less frequently, and reported fewer problems at short-term follow-up (d+s = 0.15–0.19); they continued to consume lower quantities at intermediate (d+ = 0.23) and long-term (d+ = 0.14) follow-ups. Compared to controls, CDI participants reported lower quantities, frequency, and peak intoxication at short-term follow-up (d+s = 0.13–0.29), but these effects were not maintained. Direct comparisons between FTFI and CDIs were infrequent, but these trials favored the FTFIs on both quantity and problem measures (d+s = 0.12–0.20). Moderator analyses identified participant and intervention characteristics that influence intervention efficacy. Overall, we conclude that FTFIs provide the most effective and enduring effects.  相似文献   

Early identification of disease and intervention when necessary are a cornerstone of contemporary medical practice. This approach has been successful in reducing suffering associated with the progression of unchecked medical problems to full-blown disease. Many healthcare systems, in turn, support this approach via routine checkups. The same cannot be said for mental health care. This article evaluates a school-based mental health checkup approach in the context of anxiety and depression in children and adolescents. We outline how checkups can identify children with emotional disorders, along with risk factors that, if left unchecked, may contribute to eventual onset. We conclude by discussing the benefits and limitations of this approach.  相似文献   

Child sexual abuse affects thousands of families each year. Issues pertaining to the prevalence, identification, and treatment of sexual abuse have been relatively well explored in the literature as they pertain to the dominant European American culture. These issues, however, are still relatively unexplored in terms of how sexual abuse affects Asian American families and the Asian American community. We review the relevant literature in Asian American families. These matters are explored in the context of Asian American values such as collectivity, conformity, inconspicuousness, middle position virtue, shame, self-control, and fatalism. Attitudes toward family, sexuality, and the mental health system are also discussed. Cultural and institutional barriers to underutilizing mental health services are also explored, and suggestions for overcoming these barriers are offered.  相似文献   

自闭儿童治疗中的象征性发展个案报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨系统沙盘治疗对自闭症儿童的治疗效果。方法对1位非典型孤独症患儿的自闭症状进行了系统沙盘游戏治疗。结果沙盘游戏影射出儿童发展中的内心秘密,在游戏中通过象征意象其心理不断得以成长和提高。然而,对治疗师来说,这是一个需要耐心、爱心和逐步自我成长的过程。结论沙盘治疗可应用于对自闭症儿童的治疗中。  相似文献   

Promoting Child Passenger Safety: A Comparison of Two Positive Methods   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The present investigation examined the comparative influenceon increasing usage of child safety devices (CSD) by rewardingchildren for their use of the devices and by informing parentsabout possible improved behavior exhibited by children whenthey are buckled up. The subjects were children aged 6 monthsthrough 6 years at two day care centers. The mean age of thechildren at Center I was 3.8 and 3.7 years at Center II. Observationsof safety device use were conducted when children arrived atthe centers in the morning. Four stages of the study were implementedat each center with se quential combinations of conditions:Baseline, Reward, Behavioral Improve ment Emphasis, and Returnto Baseline. The procedure of informing parents about possibleimproved behavior exhibited by secured children had minimaleffect on increasing the number of children in CSDs. However,rewarding children for their use of CSDs significantly influencedusage. Rewarding children for being in CSDs also positivelyinfluenced driver rates of seat belt use.  相似文献   



Problem drinking, particularly risky single-occasion drinking (RSOD), also called “binge drinking”, is widespread among adolescents and young adults in most Western countries. Few studies have tested the effectiveness of interventions to reduce RSOD in young people with heterogeneous and particularly lower educational background.


To test the appropriateness and initial effectiveness of a combined, individually tailored Web- and text messaging (SMS)–based intervention program to reduce problem drinking in vocational school students.


The fully automated program provided: (1) online feedback about an individual’s drinking pattern compared to the drinking norms of an age- and gender-specific reference group, and (2) recurrent individualized SMS messages over a time period of 3 months. Generalized Estimating Equation (GEE) analyses were used to investigate the longitudinal courses of the following outcomes over the study period of 3 months: RSOD, alcohol-related problems, mean number of standard drinks per week, and maximum number of standard drinks on an occasion.


The program was tested in 36 school classes at 7 vocational schools in Switzerland. Regardless of their drinking behavior, 477 vocational school students who owned a mobile phone were invited to participate in the program. Of these, 364 (76.3%) participated in the program. During the intervention period, 23 out of 364 (6.3%) persons unsubscribed from participating in the program. The GEE analyses revealed decreases in the percentage of persons with RSOD from baseline (75.5%, 210/278) to follow-up assessment (67.6%, 188/278, P<.001), in the percentage of persons with alcohol-related problems (20.4%, 57/280 to 14.3%, 40/280, P=.009), and in the mean number of standard drinks per week: 13.4 (SD 15.3) to 11.3 (SD 14.0), P=.002. They also revealed a trend toward a decrease in the mean of the maximum number of drinks consumed on an occasion: 11.3 (SD 10.3) to 10.5 (SD 10.3), P=.08.


The results show high acceptance and promising effectiveness of this interventional approach, which could be easily and economically implemented within school classes.  相似文献   



Binge drinking among Dutch adolescents is among the highest in Europe. Few interventions so far have focused on adolescents aged 15 to 19 years. Because binge drinking increases significantly during those years, it is important to develop binge drinking prevention programs for this group. Web-based computer-tailored interventions can be an effective tool for reducing this behavior in adolescents. Embedding the computer-tailored intervention in a serious game may make it more attractive to adolescents.


The aim was to assess whether a Web-based computer-tailored intervention is effective in reducing binge drinking in Dutch adolescents aged 15 to 19 years. Secondary outcomes were reduction in excessive drinking and overall consumption during the previous week. Personal characteristics associated with program adherence were also investigated.


A cluster randomized controlled trial was conducted among 34 Dutch schools. Each school was randomized into either an experimental (n=1622) or a control (n=1027) condition. Baseline assessment took place in January and February 2014. At baseline, demographic variables and alcohol use were assessed. Follow-up assessment of alcohol use took place 4 months later (May and June 2014). After the baseline assessment, participants in the experimental condition started with the intervention consisting of a game about alcohol in which computer-tailored feedback regarding motivational characteristics was embedded. Participants in the control condition only received the baseline questionnaire. Both groups received the 4-month follow-up questionnaire. Effects of the intervention were assessed using logistic regression mixed models analyses for binge and excessive drinking and linear regression mixed models analyses for weekly consumption. Factors associated with intervention adherence in the experimental condition were explored by means of a linear regression model.


In total, 2649 adolescents participated in the baseline assessment. At follow-up, 824 (31.11%) adolescents returned. The intervention was effective in reducing binge drinking among adolescents aged 15 years (P=.03) and those aged 16 years when they participated in at least 2 intervention sessions (P=.04). Interaction effects between excessive drinking and educational level (P=.08) and between weekly consumption and age (P=.09) were found; however, in-depth analyses revealed no significant subgroup effects for both interaction effects. Additional analyses revealed that prolonged use of the intervention was associated with stronger effects for binge drinking. Yet, overall adherence to the intervention was low. Analyses revealed that being Protestant, female, younger, a nonbinge drinker, and having a higher educational background were associated with adherence.


The intervention was effective for adolescents aged 15 and 16 years concerning binge drinking. Prevention messages may be more effective for those at the start of their drinking career, whereas other methods may be needed for those with a longer history of alcohol consumption. Despite using game elements, intervention completion was low.

Trial Registration

Dutch Trial Register: NTR4048; http://www.trialregister.nl/trialreg/admin/rctview.asp?TC=4048 (Archived by WebCite® at http://www.webcitation.org/6eSJD3FiY)  相似文献   

BackgroundSmoking prevalence rates among Dutch children increase rapidly after they transit to secondary school, in particular among children with a low socioeconomic status (SES). Web-based, computer-tailored programs supplemented with prompt messages may be able to empower children to prevent them from starting to smoke when they transit to secondary school.ObjectiveThe main aim of this study is to evaluate whether computer-tailored feedback messages, with and without prompt messages, are effective in decreasing children’s smoking intentions and smoking behavior after 12 and 25 months of follow-up.MethodsData were gathered at baseline (T0), and after 12 months (T1) and 25 months (T2) of follow-up of a smoking prevention intervention program called Fun without Smokes. A total of 162 schools were randomly allocated to a no-intervention control group, an intervention prompt group, or an intervention no-prompt group. A total of 3213 children aged 10 to 12 years old participated in the study and completed a Web-based questionnaire assessing their smoking intention, smoking behavior, and sociocognitive factors, such as attitude, social influence, and self-efficacy, related to smoking. After completion, children in the intervention groups received computer-tailored feedback messages in their own email inbox and those messages could be accessed on the intervention website. Children in the prompt group received prompt messages, via email and short message service (SMS) text messaging, to stimulate them to reuse the intervention website with nonsmoking content. Multilevel logistic regression analyses were performed using multiple imputations to assess the program effects on smoking intention and smoking behavior at T1 and T2.ResultsA total of 3213 children participated in the Fun without Smokes study at T0. Between T0 and T1 a total of 1067 children out of the original 3213 (33.21%) dropped out of the study. Between T0 and T2 the number of children that did not participate in the final measurement was 1730 out of the original 3213 (53.84%). No significant program effects were observed for any of the intervention groups compared to the control group at T1 for the intention to engage in smoking—prompt, OR 0.67 (95% CI 0.30-1.50), no-prompt, OR 0.76 (95% CI 0.34-1.67)—or for smoking behavior—prompt, OR 1.13 (95% CI 0.13-9.98), no-prompt, OR 0.50 (95% CI 0.04-5.59). Similar nonsignificant program effects were found at T2 for the intention to start smoking—prompt, OR 0.78 (95% CI 0.26-2.32), no-prompt, OR 1.31 (95% CI 0.45-3.82)—and smoking behavior—prompt, OR 0.53 (95% CI 0.12-2.47), no-prompt, OR 1.01 (95% CI 0.24-4.21).ConclusionsThis study showed that the Web-based, computer-tailored feedback messages with and without prompt messages were not effective in modifying children’s smoking intentions and smoking behavior as compared to no information. Future smoking prevention interventions are recommended to start closer to the age of actual smoking uptake. Furthermore, future studies on Web-based, computer-tailored smoking prevention programs should focus on assessing and controlling exposure to the educational content and the response to the prompt messages.

Trial Registration

Netherlands Trial Register NTR3116; http://www.trialregister.nl/trialreg/admin/rctview.asp?TC=3116 (Archived by WebCite at http://www.webcitation.org/6O0wQYuPI).  相似文献   

Brief observations of mother-stimulated infant vocalizationwere perform ed during pediatric clinic visits on 4- to 6-month-oldinfants to determine whether mothers with positive attitudestoward the pregnancy and/or the in fant would have infants whovocalized more during clinic visits. Mothers with more positiveattitudes toward the pregnancy, assessed prenatally, had infantswho showed significantly more vocalization during clinic visitsat 5 months, 6 months, and the combination of 5 and 6 months.Mothers with more positive attitudes toward the infant had infantswho showed signcantly more vocalization at 4 months and thecombination of observations at 4 months and 6 months. Resultssuggest that brief observations of vocalization during clinicvisits may be useful as a rough index of the quality of themother-child interaction.  相似文献   

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