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Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disease that affects approximately 20 million persons all over the world. There are both sporadic and familial forms of AD. We have previously reported a genome-wide linkage analysis on 71 Swedish AD families using 365 genotyped microsatellite markers. In this study, we increased the number of individuals included in the original 71 analysed families besides adding 38 new families. These 109 families were genotyped for 1100 novel microsatellite markers. The present study reports on the linkage data generated from the non-overlapping genotypes from the first genome scan and the genotypes of the present scan, which results in a total of 1289 successfully genotyped markers at an average density of 2.85 cM on 468 individuals from 109 AD families. Non-parametric linkage analysis yielded a significant multipoint LOD score in chromosome 19q13, the region harbouring the major susceptibility gene APOE, both for the whole set of families (LOD=5.0) and the APOE varepsilon4-positive subgroup made up of 63 families (LOD=5.3). Other suggestive linkage peaks that were observed in the original genome scan of 71 Swedish AD families were not detected in this extended analysis, and the previously reported linkage signals in chromosomes 9, 10 and 12 were not replicated.  相似文献   

We have screened the whole genome for linkage in 40 Italian multiplex families with multiple sclerosis using 322 markers. The GENEHUNTER-PLUS program was used to analyse these data and revealed eight regions of potential linkage where the lod score exceeds the nominal 5% significance level (0.7). No region of linkage with genome-wide significance was identified and none of the markers showed evidence of statistically significant transmission disequilibrium. Overall these results have refined the linkage data relating to this disease in Italians modestly supporting some previously identified areas of interest and helping to exclude others.  相似文献   

The prevalence of multiple sclerosis in Sardinia is significantly higher than in neighbouring Mediterranean countries, suggesting that the isolated growth of the population has concentrated genetic factors which increase susceptibility to the disease. The distinct HLA association of multiple sclerosis in Sardinia supports this interpretation. We have performed a whole genome screen for linkage in 49 Sardinian multiplex families using 327 markers. Non parametric linkage analysis of these data reveal suggestive linkage in the region of Chr 1q31, Chr 10q23 and Chr 11p15.  相似文献   

A review of genome mutation and Alzheimer's disease   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Thomas P  Fenech M 《Mutagenesis》2007,22(1):15-33
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a complex progressive neurodegenerative disorder of the brain and is the commonest form of dementia. The prevalence of this disease is predicted to increase 3-fold over the next 30 years and to date no reliable and conclusive diagnostic test exists that will identify individuals presymptomatically of susceptibility risk. This review examines the molecular, genetic, dietary and environmental evidence underlying the known pathology of AD and proposes a biologically plausible chromosome instability model to explain some of the features of the disease. Genome damage biomarkers such as aneuploidy of chromosome 17 and 21, oxidative damage to DNA and telomere shortening together with abnormal expression of APP, beta amyloid and tau proteins are discussed in terms of their potential value as risk biomarkers. These biomarkers could then be used in diagnosis and the evaluation of potentially effective preventative measures.  相似文献   

We have ascertained in the Central Valley of Costa Rica a new kindred (CR201) segregating for severe bipolar disorder (BP-I). The family was identified by tracing genealogical connections among eight persons initially independently ascertained for a genome wide association study of BP-I. For the genome screen in CR201, we trimmed the family down to 168 persons (82 of whom are genotyped), containing 25 individuals with a best-estimate diagnosis of BP-I. A total of 4,690 SNP markers were genotyped. Analysis of the data was hampered by the size and complexity of the pedigree, which prohibited using exact multipoint methods on the entire kindred. Two-point parametric linkage analysis, using a conservative model of transmission, produced a maximum LOD score of 2.78 on chromosome 6, and a total of 39 loci with LOD scores >1.0. Multipoint parametric and non-parametric linkage analysis was performed separately on four sections of CR201, and interesting (nominal P-value from either analysis <0.01), although not statistically significant, regions were highlighted on chromosomes 1, 2, 3, 12, 16, 19, and 22, in at least one section of the pedigree, or when considering all sections together. The difficulties of analyzing genome wide SNP data for complex disorders in large, potentially informative, kindreds are discussed.  相似文献   

Celiac disease is a common, familial autoimmune disease caused by exposure to gliadin in wheat, and related prolamins in barley and rye. The prevalence of the disease is approximately 1:133. Celiac disease can cause significant morbidity. The only treatment is a gluten-free diet. A genome-wide search of 405 microsatellite markers was performed on samples from 18 Bedouin families with a minimum of two cases of celiac disease. Non-parametric and parametric (including both dominant and recessive models of inheritance) linkage analyses were performed. The most significant genome-wide linkage evidence was at chromosome 3p26 with an HLod of 3.21, under the dominant model. The only other HLod or NPL greater than 2 was at 4q35, with an HLod of 2.15 under a dominant model. The region at 3p26, previously reported in two linkage analyses, harbors interleukin receptor genes, plausible candidates for celiac disease.  相似文献   

Full genome screen for Alzheimer disease: stage II analysis   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
We performed a two-stage genome screen to search for novel risk factors for late-onset Alzheimer disease (AD). The first stage involved genotyping 292 affected sibling pairs using 237 markers spaced at approximately 20 cM intervals throughout the genome. In the second stage, we genotyped 451 affected sibling pairs (ASPs) with an additional 91 markers, in the 16 regions where the multipoint LOD score was greater than 1 in stage I. Ten regions maintained LOD scores in excess of 1 in stage II, on chromosomes 1 (peak B), 5, 6, 9 (peaks A and B), 10, 12, 19, 21, and X. Our strongest evidence for linkage was on chromosome 10, where we obtained a peak multipoint LOD score (MLS) of 3.9. The linked region on chromosome 10 spans approximately 44 cM from D10S1426 (59 cM) to D10S2327 (103 cM). To narrow this region, we tested for linkage disequilibrium with several of the stage II microsatellite markers. Of the seven markers we tested in family-based and case control samples, the only nominally positive association we found was with the 167 bp allele of marker D10S1217 (chi-square=7.11, P=0.045, df=1).  相似文献   

Early-onset Alzheimer's disease (EOAD) is a clinically and genetically heterogeneous condition in which the typical features appear significantly earlier in life (before 65 years). Mutations in three genes (PSEN1, PSEN2, and APP) have been identified in autosomal dominant forms of EOAD. However, in about 50% of Mendelian cases and in most of the sporadic EOAD patients, no mutations have been found. We present clinical characteristics of an Israeli family comprising two affected siblings with EOAD born to neurologically healthy parents who were first cousins (both parents died after 90 years old). Sequence analysis of PSEN1, PSEN2, APP, TAU, PGRN, and PRNP failed to reveal any mutations in the affected siblings. Because the disease in this family is consistent with an autosomal recessive mode of inheritance we identified all homozygous regions identical by descent (IBD) in both siblings, by high-density SNP genotyping. We provide here the first catalog of autozygosity in EOAD and suggest that the regions identified are excellent candidate loci for a recessive genetic lesion causing this disease.  相似文献   

A full genome scan for late onset Alzheimer's disease   总被引:22,自引:4,他引:18  
We have genotyped 292 affected sibling pairs (ASPs) with Alzheimer's disease (AD) according to NINCDS-ADRDA diagnostic criteria and with onset ages of >/=65 years using 237 microsatellite markers separated by an average distance of 16.3 cM. Data were analysed by SPLINK and MAPMAKER/SIBS on the whole sample of 292 ASPs and subsets of 162 ASPs where both members possessed an apolipoprotein E (APOE)straightepsilon4 allele and 63 pairs where neither possessed anstraightepsilon4 allele. Sixteen peaks with a multipoint lod score (MLS) >1 either in the whole sample, the straightepsilon4-positive or -negative subgroups were observed on chromosomes 1 (two peaks), 2, 5, 6, 9 (two peaks), 10 (two peaks), 12, 13, 14, 19, 21 and X (two peaks). Simulation studies revealed that these findings exceeded those expected by chance, although many are likely to be false positives. The highest lod scores on chromosomes 1 (MLS 2.67), 9 (MLS 2.38), 10 (MLS 2.27) and 19 (MLS 1.79) fulfilLander and Kruglyak's definition of 'suggestive' in that they would be expected to occur by chance once or less per genome scan. Several other peaks were only marginally less significant than this, in particular those on chromosomes 14 (MLS 2.16), 5 (MLS 2.00), 12, close to alpha2-macroglobulin (MLS 1.91), and 21, close to amyloid precursor protein (MLS 1.77). This is the largest genome scan to date in AD and shows for the first time that this is a genetically complex disorder involving several, perhaps many, genes in addition to APOE. Moreover, our data will be of interest to those hoping to identify positional candidate genes using information emerging from neurobiological studies of AD.   相似文献   

We performed a two‐stage genome screen to search for novel risk factors for late‐onset Alzheimer disease (AD). The first stage involved genotyping 292 affected sibling pairs using 237 markers spaced at approximately 20 cM intervals throughout the genome. In the second stage, we genotyped 451 affected sibling pairs (ASPs) with an additional 91 markers, in the 16 regions where the multipoint LOD score was greater than 1 in stage I. Ten regions maintained LOD scores in excess of 1 in stage II, on chromosomes 1 (peak B), 5, 6, 9 (peaks A and B), 10, 12, 19, 21, and X. Our strongest evidence for linkage was on chromosome 10, where we obtained a peak multipoint LOD score (MLS) of 3.9. The linked region on chromosome 10 spans approximately 44 cM from D10S1426 (59 cM) to D10S2327 (103 cM). To narrow this region, we tested for linkage disequilibrium with several of the stage II microsatellite markers. Of the seven markers we tested in family‐based and case control samples, the only nominally positive association we found was with the 167 bp allele of marker D10S1217 (chi‐square = 7.11, P = 0.045, df = 1). © 2002 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We analyzed 12 families with autosomal dominant early-onsetAlzheimer's disease (EOAD) for mutations in the coding regionof the presenilin I (PSNLI) gene corresponding to the AD3 locuson chromosome 14q24.3. A total of eight missense mutations atcodons 82, 115, 139, 163, 231, 264, 392, and 410, includingsix novel mutations, were identified in eight families. Cosegregationof the mutations with EOAD was confirmed in three families,one including 36 affected individuals. This study underlinesthe great allelic heterogeneity and the large distribution ofthe mutations within the PSNLI coding region. Our results supportthe notion that PSNLI is the major gene involved in autosomaldominant EOAD.  相似文献   

Panic disorder is characterized by spontaneous and recurrent panic attacks, often accompanied by agoraphobia. The results of family, twin, and segregation studies suggest a genetic role in the etiology of the illness. We have genotyped up to 23 families that have a high density of panic disorder with 540 microsatellite DNA markers in a first-pass genomic screen. The thirteen best families (ELOD > 6.0 under the dominant genetic model) have been genotyped with an ordered set of markers encompassing all the autosomes, at an average marker density of 11 cM. Over 110,000 genotypes have been generated on the whole set of families, and the data have been analyzed under both a dominant and a recessive model, and with the program SIBPAIR. No lod scores exceed 2.0 for either parametric model. Two markers give lod scores over 1.0 under the dominant model (chromosomes 1p and 20p), and four do under the recessive model (7p, 17p, 20q, and X/Y). One of these (20p) may be particularly promising. Analysis with SIBPAIR yielded P values equivalent to a lod score of 1.0 or greater (i.e., P < .016, one-sided, uncorrected for multiple tests) for 11 marker loci (2, 7p, 8p, 8q, 9p, 11q, 12q, 16p, 20p and 20q). Am. J. Med. Genet. (Neuropsychiatr. Genet.) 81:139–147, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Probands with late onset Alzheimer's disease (LOAD) exhibit positive symptoms of psychosis, 30-60% of the time. Positive symptoms of psychosis have been shown to appear prior to the onset of dementia to be accompanied by greater cognitive deficits, and to predict a more rapid decline. A study of the distribution of AD with psychosis (ADP) in families from the NIMH Alzheimer's Disease Genetic Initiative sample indicates that the trait is heritable, and linkage studies of multiplex ADP families have found suggestive peaks on 2p, 6q, 8p, and 21q. A genome scan of idiopathic psychosis, schizophrenia, in the Icelandic population identified a risk haplotype within the 5' region of neuregulin-1 (NRG1) on 8p12. Associations with NRG1 SNPs have also been found in other schizophrenia populations from Scotland, Ireland, and China. Here, we report results demonstrating a significant linkage peak for ADP on 8p12 in the NIMH AD dataset, encompassing the NRG1 region. We also demonstrate that there is a significant association with a NRG1 SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism), rs392499, with ADP, chi2 = 7.0, P = 0.008. This same SNP is part of a 3-SNP haplotype preferentially transmitted to individuals with this phenotype. Our results suggest that NRG1 plays a role in increasing the genetic risk to positive symptoms of psychosis in a proportion of LOAD families.  相似文献   

A number of methods have previously been described which carry out linkage analysis considering information for two or more loci simultaneously. Apart from some ad hoc methods such as analysing subsamples, these methods use information regarding linkage at all loci under consideration. However, if the actual genotype-specific effects are known for some loci then it would be preferable to consider the genotypes of these loci directly, rather than the amount of allele-sharing they demonstrate. Here we present an extension to our likelihood-based method of model-free linkage analysis as implemented in the MFLINK program. This allows the incorporation of liability classes. The genotypes of a locus known to affect risk can be used to assign subjects to liability classes prior to carrying out linkage tests at other loci. An example application is presented for genome scan data on Alzheimer's disease with analysis conditional on Apoliprotein E ( APOE ) genotypes. The results provide support for the existence of additional susceptibility loci linked to D10S1211 and to D12S358.  相似文献   

Designing a multistage,SNP-based,genome screen for common diseases   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A genome-wide linkage equilibrium mapping is an emerging strategy to identify risk-modifying genes for common diseases, despite unsettled controversies upon many aspects, including its premises, designs, marker choices and cost benefits. One large-scale attempt in Japan aims to identify disease-associated single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) for five diseases among the Japanese population: Alzheimers disease, gastric cancer, diabetes, hypertension and asthma. Following an initial screening of c.a. 100,000 SNPs on 940 subjects (five diseases × 188 patients) to select about 2,000 SNPs, we compared which subsequent screening design is more appropriate, and an additional one or two screens to further narrow down any disease-associated SNPs within a fixed total volume of 15,040,000 typings (2,000 SNPs × five diseases × 1,504 subjects, comprising 752 cases and 752 controls). We employed a Monte Carlo simulation to evaluate the probability of identifying truly disease-associated SNPs. The results suggest the single additional stage design (i.e., total two-stage design including the initial screening of 100,000 SNPs) was more practicable for the simple reason that the gain in probability is considered insufficient relative to an associated increase in study complexity in the three-stage design.  相似文献   

《Genetics in medicine》2019,21(5):1111-1120
PurposeCongenital heart disease (CHD) affects up to 1% of live births. However, a genetic diagnosis is not made in most cases. The purpose of this study was to assess the outcomes of genome sequencing (GS) of a heterogeneous cohort of CHD patients.MethodsNinety-seven families with probands born with CHD requiring surgical correction were recruited for genome sequencing. At minimum, a proband-parents trio was sequenced per family. GS data were analyzed via a two-tiered method: application of a high-confidence gene screen (hcCHD), and comprehensive analysis. Identified variants were assessed for pathogenicity using the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics-Association for Molecular Pathology (ACMG-AMP) guidelines.ResultsClinically relevant genetic variants in known and emerging CHD genes were identified. The hcCHD screen identified a clinically actionable variant in 22% of families. Subsequent comprehensive analysis identified a clinically actionable variant in an additional 9% of families in genes with recent disease associations. Overall, this two-tiered approach provided a clinically relevant variant for 31% of families.ConclusionsInterrogating GS data using our two-tiered method allowed identification of variants with high clinical utility in a third of our heterogeneous cohort. However, association of emerging genes with CHD etiology, and development of novel technologies for variant assessment and interpretation, will increase diagnostic yield during future reassessment of our GS data.  相似文献   

It is hypothesized that Alzheimer's disease is a human phylogenetic disease which has a common multifactorial pathogenesis in sporadic and familial cases and in Down syndrome, related to a genomic character function G(x). Increments in G(x) accompanied the increased gene expression that sustained brain growth and differentiation during hominid evolution, particularly of the regions liable to Alzheimer pathology, and further occur in Down syndrome [suggesting that genes on chromosome 21 are included in G(x)]. If genes which promoted human brain evolution contribute to the value of G(x), a better understanding of the genomic events which promoted this evolution, using molecular biological techniques, should elucidate the genetic basis of Alzheimer's disease, and vice versa.  相似文献   

While genomic sequencing (ES/GS) has the potential to diagnose children with difficult to diagnose phenotypes, the goal should be not only a diagnosis, but also to empower parents to seek next steps for their children and to emotionally manage the outcome, whether or not a diagnosis is secured. To help achieve this goal, objective measures are needed to assess the process of parental empowerment related to genome sequencing. We present the validity and reliability of the Genome Empowerment Scale (GEmS), developed using a healthcare empowerment theoretical model. To evaluate its psychometric properties, 158 parents of 117 children with an undiagnosed condition undergoing genomic sequencing completed the GEmS, measures for criterion validity and for depression and anxiety. Factor analysis resulted in a four factor solution: (a) meaning of a diagnosis; (b) emotional management of the process; (c) seeking information and support and (d) implications and planning. Reliability and validity analyses show that the GEmS has good psychometric properties. The inter-relationships among the factors revealed a profile that may identify parents at risk for a poorer outcome who may benefit from targeted genetic counseling. The GEmS, an objective measure of parental genomic empowerment, can be utilized for future research and translational applications.  相似文献   

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