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OBJECTIVES: Ultrasonography and color Doppler have been used extensively in the evaluation of transplanted kidney. The aim of this study was evaluation and comparison of color Doppler sonography findings in the remnant kidney of living donors and the transplanted kidney at 6 to 12 months after kidney transplantation. METHODS: In a cross-sectional study we evaluated ultrasonographic (US) and color Doppler findings in 20 kidney allograft recipient and donors. Group 1 were unrelated and related kidney donors, and group 2, allograft recipients. Color Doppler US was performed by one sonologist on the remnant kidney of the living donor and the transplanted kidney of the recipient at 6 to 12 months after kidney donation and transplantation. We recorded, kidney size (including length and anteroposterior diameter), cortical thickness, resistive index (RI), and pulsatile index (PI). Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 13 win (t test) for comparison of the results in donors and recipients. All data are presented as mean values +/- SD with P values less than .05 considered significant. RESULTS: In group 1, mean age of kidney allograft recipients was 39.92 +/- 11.95 years with male-to-female ratio of 1/2. Mean length, width, and cortical thickness of the transplanted kidney were 120.15 +/- 11.95 mL, 53.65 +/- 7.50 mL, and 8.53 +/- 1.00 mL, respectively. Mean RI and PI were 0.60 +/- 0.08 and 1.02 +/- 0.23, respectively. Mean serum creatinine was 1.23 +/- 0.24 mg/dL. Mean duration of renal transplantation was 7.27 +/- 1.10 months. In group 2, mean age of recipients was 25.63 +/- 3.50 years with male-to-female ratio of 1/10. Mean length, anteroposterior diameter, and cortical thickness were 120.77 +/- 9.28 mL, 53.36 +/- 4.52 mL, and 9.04 +/- 1.27 mL, respectively. Mean RI and PI were 0.60 +/- 0.02 and 1.07 +/- 0.13, respectively. There was no significant difference in the length, anteroposterior diameter, cortical thickness, RI, and PI of donors and transplanted kidneys at 6 to 12 months after transplantation (P>.05). There was a significant increase in both donor and recipient kidney size at 6 to 12 months after transplantation (P<.05). CONCLUSION: It seems that renal US and Doppler parameters remain stable in the recipient and donor at least upon short-term evaluation. Long-term study with more patients is recommended.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Ultrasound examination of the kidney is relatively inexpensive and provides a way to assess renal location, contour, and size. Doppler ultrasonography is a noninvasive tool for screening renal artery stenosis. It not only provides kidney morphology data, but also describes hemodynamic changes associated with renal artery stenosis, such as increased peak systolic velocity and decreased resistance index (RI). The aim of this study was to compare the Doppler ultrasonographic changes between the donor's kidney before transplantation and the recipient's kidney at 6 to 12 months after transplantation. METHODS: We compared the results of Doppler ultrasonography in 20 kidney donors and recipients before and 6 to 12 months after transplantation. For this purpose the size, cortical thickness, echogenicity, anastomosis, mean pulsatility index (MPI), and RI of the kidney were recorded in potential donors before transplantation and in recipients at 6 to 12 months after transplantation for statistical analysis. RESULTS: There was more than a 10-mm increase in transplanted kidney length 6 to 12 months after transplantation in 75% of recipients. There was also more than a 10-mm increase in the width of the transplanted kidney in 80% of recipients. There was no significant change in cortical thickness between the donor and the recipient of the kidney. MPI and RI increased slightly after transplantation. There was more than 50% anastomotic stenosis in only 10% of transplanted kidneys. CONCLUSION: There was significant enlargement of the kidney size with a nonsignificant increase in MPI and RI of the transplanted kidney. Anastomotic stenosis was also less significant in our study.  相似文献   

应用彩色超声波监测移植肾血流变化的临床价值   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
通过对518例肾移植患者连续761次彩色超声波结果进行了回顾性分析,从6项超声指标中,比较了功能正常的移植肾与排斥,急性肾小管坏死,肾积水和环孢素肾毒性血液动力学变化。并提出了肾移植排斥时除阻力指数升高与舒张末期最小速度/血管内径,血流收缩期最大速度比值下降外,移植肾血流速度减慢,血流量减低。  相似文献   

Long-term follow-up examination to test whether therapy with mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) or azathioprine (AZA) during the first year translates into different graft or patient survival and graft function is important. Therefore, 6-year follow-up data of a group of 80 consecutive renal transplant recipients were analyzed. The first group of 40 patients was treated with AZA, cyclosporine and prednisone and the second group with MMF, cyclosporine and prednisone for the first 6 months. Graft failure rates were compared during follow-up. Creatinine, inverse slope of creatinine (delta/creatinine) and 24-hour proteinuria at 6 years post transplantation were compared. The Kaplan-Meier analyses for death-censored and non-censored graft failure showed no difference between the groups. Creatinine values at 6 years for the AZA Group were 139 +/- 36 micromol/l (95% CI 125.9-151.2 micromol/l) and for the MMF Group 149 +/- 52 micromol/l (95% CI 133.9-164.9 micromol/l). Delta/creatinine and 24-hour proteinuria at 6 years did not differ between the two groups. We conclude that an initial 6-month treatment with MMF as opposed to AZA reduced the early rejection rate, but did not result in superior long-term graft function or survival after 6 years of follow-up observation.  相似文献   

The role of platelet transfusion as a preparative method for kidney transplantation is still a matter of debate. Two groups of 28 male patients transplanted between 1983 and 1988, paired for age, date of transplant, absence of anti-HLA antibody and immunosuppressive therapy have been compared. Group I was given 5 purified platelet transfusions at 1-week intervals before transplantation. Each transfusion contained 7.6 x 10(6) platelets contaminated by less than 1 leukocyte in 10(5) platelets. Group II received from 3 to 5 whole blood transfusions. In all cases it was a first transplant from cadaveric donors and previously untransfused patients before entering the protocol. No patient in group I developed cytotoxic antibodies. Acute tubular necrosis occurred with the same incidence in group I and in group II but was more severe and longer in group I, requiring hemodialysis in 62.5% and only 22% in group II. ATN was significantly associated with graft loss in group I (P less than 0.05). The total number of rejections and the number of patients undergoing rejection were not significantly different in both groups. However, the intensity of rejection was significantly higher in group I with 41% (21/51) of severe or irreversible rejections versus 9/46 (19.5%) in group II (P less than 0.05). The first rejection occurred significantly earlier in group I than in group II since 75% of the first rejection episodes occurred in the first 10 days versus 38% in group II (P less than 0.02) with a mean delay of 12.8 +/- 3.2 and 19.10 +/- 3.3 days, respectively. Although platelet transfusions are devoid of leukocytes the incidence of CMV infection was not significantly different in both groups: 57% in group I and 68% in group II. Purified platelet transfusions did not induce humoral immunization but lack of sensitization does not imply indefinite graft prolongation. Because platelets do not carry class II antigens, purified platelets transfusions represent a useful model to analyze the role of class I antigens alone in the induction of unresponsiveness in organ transplantation.  相似文献   

彩色多普勒超声在胰肾联合移植术后的应用价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨彩色多普勒超声(CDFI)在胰肾联合移植(SPK)术后的应用价值。方法用CDFI定期连续观测18例SPK患者术后移植胰腺及移植肾的声像图特征和动静脉血流变化,同时将移植胰腺与患者自身胰腺相比较。结果18例SPK患者术后早期移植胰腺均出现体积增大,形态饱满,内部回声减低,与自体胰腺相比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);移植胰的胰头及胰尾部增大较明显,多在数10d至1个月后逐渐恢复正常。其中出现并发症5例(5/18,28%)。急性排斥反应2例(2/18,11%)。超声图像特征为:移植肾体积增大,实质增厚,各级动脉血流阻力指数(RI)增高(均在0.80~1.0之间);移植胰腺周围出现局限性积液暗区,移植物腹腔干动脉RI波动在0.67~0.78之间。1例移植胰胰腺炎声像图特征为:移植胰腺体积明显增大,内部实质回声不均,胰周积液不断增多,移植物腹腔干动脉RI<0.7,移植肾声像图正常。CDFI诊断右侧髂外静脉及属支部分栓塞1例(1/18,6%);移植物腹腔干动脉血栓栓塞1例(1/18,6%)。结论CDFI在胰肾联合移植中具有重要的应用价值。  相似文献   

目的 回顾分析国内首例夫妻间配对交换捐肾肾移植的资料.方法 2006年4月2对夫妻进行了配对交换捐肾肾移植.受者1为男性,血型为O型;供者1为受者1的妻子,血型为A型.受者2为女性,血型为A型,曾接受过肾移植,移植肾功能衰竭后等待再次肾移植;供者2为受者2的丈夫,血型为O型.2对供、受者均在充分知情的情况下自愿同意与另一对进行交换配对肾移植.结果 移植手术均顺利.受者1移植肾共计存活21个月,受者于移植后30个月时死亡.受者2移植肾存活30个月,受者于移植后31个月时死亡.供者手术后均健康存活.结论 亲属配对交换捐肾肾移植的临床实施应该在严格的医学标准、伦理学标准以及明确的政策法规框架下进行.  相似文献   

IntroductionHerniation of the ureter after kidney transplant is a rare and under documented event. Many of these herniations are due to abdominal wall defects or ureteral redundancy. After an extensive review of available literature, there has not been a reported case of a femoral herniation of ureter after kidney transplant. We report a case of late allograft renal transplant failure due to ureteral obstruction secondary to femoral herniation of the ureter.Case presentationWe report a case of 64 year old male with a history of kidney transplant, who was found to have an inguinal bulge. He was diagnosed with a femoral hernia containing transplant ureter using transplant kidney ultrasound and CT of the abdomen and pelvis. Subsequently he developed transplant kidney failure due to obstructive uropathy from the femoral hernia. The patient underwent a femoral hernia repair with biologic mesh. Compromised ureter was excised and a neoureterocystostomy was created. Post operatively his creatinine returned to baseline.DiscussionIn our literature search there are two types of inguinal ureteral hernias described. Paraperitoneal, which makes up the majority of the cases, and extraperitoneal. There are no classifications for ureteral femoral hernias. We may extract these definitions to femoral hernias, as evidenced by our case where we encountered a paraperitoneal femoral hernia containing transplant kidney ureter.ConclusionTo the best of our knowledge this is the first reported case of a femoral ureter hernia. Due to its rarity in the literature, an understanding of management is critical to patient outcome.  相似文献   

During a 17-month period, 268 Doppler sonography studies were performed on 46 consecutive renal transplant patients. There were 35 episodes of acute rejection in 10 patients, 8 episodes of delayed function and 47 episodes of high cyclosporine levels (greater than 800 ng/dl by TDX method) in 21 patients. Defining an abnormal resistive index (RI) as greater than 0.8 or a 20% increase above baseline, the test has a specificity of 99% and a sensitivity of 94% in the 1st month post-transplant and had an overall predictive value of 99%. Episodes of high cyclosporine levels ranging from 800 to 1650 ng/dl did not correlate with a high RI except in one circumstance with concurrent acute rejection. Within the 1st month post-transplant, only 1 false-negative study occurred. An additional 8 false-negative studies occurred beyond 1 month post-transplant. Patients with delayed function are separated into three groups based on the Doppler ultrasounds: Group I, patients with an accelerated acute rejection with high RI (N = 2); Group II, patients with true ischemic acute tubular necrosis with normal RI (N = 2); and Group III, patients with possible immunologically-mediated delayed function with intermediate RI between 0.6 and 0.8 (N = 4). Doppler ultrasound is a useful ancillary test to confirm the clinical suspicion of acute rejection. Since high cyclosporine levels do not cause an increase in RI, Doppler ultrasound may help to avoid confusion between acute rejection and cyclosporine toxicity. Additionally, this test may offer insight into the cause of early post-transplant renal dysfunction.  相似文献   

Summary In 66 patients with renal transplants 246 sonographic examinations were performed. The patients were divided into two groups based on their immunosuppressive protocol. Group I was treated with Cyclosporin A (CsA) and group II with azathioprin. A compensatory hypertrophy with a volume increase of 20% could be seen in nearly all grafts. During acute tubular necrosis only minimal sonographic changes could be found. In each group 16 patients developed an acute rejection episode. Sonographic signs of acute rejection were: (1) a hypoechoic enlargement of the renal pyramides; (2) an increase in cortical echogenicity; (3) an increase in graft volume greater than compensatory hypertrophy; (4) an indistinct parenchyma-pelvic border; (5) dilation of the pelvis with a parenchyma-pelvic index >2.3:1 (in group II cases). Chronic rejection is characterized by graft shrinkage. No specific signs were evident. The increasing use of CsA diminishes the value of sonography in follow-up of acute rejection after kidney transplantation. Nevertheless, it is of great value for follow-up examination concerning other complications.  相似文献   

三维彩色多普勒超声监测移植肾的临床研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
目的 探讨三维彩色多普勒超声成像 ( 3D CDU)在移植肾术后监测中的图像特征及临床价值。 方法 应用彩色多普勒超声诊断仪和三维彩色多普勒图像处理工作站 ,采用磁场空间定位自由扫查系统对同种异体移植肾患者 34例进行三维图像获取 ,脱机后进行肾脏结构及血流的三维图像重建与显示。 结果 正常移植肾 3D CDU血流呈珊瑚状 ,立体分布于整个肾实质 ,信号均匀、对称、完整 ;发生急性肾小管坏死时移植肾血流信号明显稀疏 ;发生急性排异反应时移植肾血流信号呈斑块状或短棒状 ;血管栓塞时 ,栓塞血管的供血区域血流信号完全消失。 34例 3D CDU表现均与患者临床或病理结果吻合。 结论 三维彩色多普勒超声成像新技术具有信息量更丰富 ,动、静脉血流显示更完整、直观、立体感强且灵活多样等优点 ,是对二维超声成像的一种有意义的补充和完善。  相似文献   

Minimally invasive procedures in recent years have gained widespread acceptance. Within the field of transplantation, laparoscopic living donor nephrectomy (LLDN), requiring a 6- to 10-cm incision, is now considered the optimal procedure. According to recent MEDLINE searches, no minimally invasive technique has been reported for kidney transplantation. Considering the rapid evolution of minimally invasive surgery during the last decade, there is little reason to believe that kidney transplantation in future will be excluded from this development. A novel minimally invasive technique for kidney transplantation (MIKT) is presented, restricted to a 7- to 9-cm incision and minimal dissection/tissue trauma. The kidney is meticulously prepared on the back table and placed in a fitted lateral, retroperitoneal pouch. All three anastomoses are performed with the kidney in its final "in situ" position, and ureter reimplantation is done by extravesical technique. Twenty-one patients have been transplanted by MIKT and followed in a prospective manner, along with a matched control group subjected to conventional kidney transplantation. Our results indicate that MIKT may be executed safely and quickly. Beneficial effects on postoperative pain/analgesia, recovery, and complications are suggested by this first MIKT experience. The technical solutions of MIKT are per se not unique. However, the incision is minimal and not larger than the one required for LLDN. Minimally invasive surgery seems particularly attractive in the immunosuppressed population, and even more so with the recent introduction of potent antiproliferative drugs.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Endothelial activation in the donor heart has been described variably after brain death and transplantation. We aimed to characterize the time course of endothelial activation in right ventricle (RV) and left ventricle (LV) during the acute phase of clinical transplantation. METHODS: We studied biopsy specimens from the RVs and the LVs of 40 donor hearts: at initial assessment of the donor, at end-ischemia, and after 10 minutes of reperfusion. We also included follow-up RV biopsy specimens at 1 week, 1 month, and 3 months after surgery. Six of the patients had cystic fibrosis and were domino donors. RESULTS: P-selectin and vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 (VCAM-1), but not E-selectin were up-regulated in brain-dead and in domino donors vs controls. Unused donor hearts (n = 6) had significantly less up-regulation of P-selectin and of VCAM-1. We found no difference between the RV and the LV during surgery, but we did see important time-dependent variations. P-selectin was present in 85% of vessels throughout transplantation and decreased to approximately 60% after transplantation (p < 0.001). We initially detected VCAM-1 in 20% of vessels, which decreased to 5% during storage, then increased to 47% at reperfusion, and gradually decreased thereafter (p < 0.001). E-selectin expression increased progressively from 15% initially to 45% at reperfusion and then decreased after surgery (p = 0.001). Thrombomodulin expression was decreased at baseline, and the decrease was accentuated afterward (p = 0.02). Patients with donor organ failure did not have a specific pattern of endothelial activation. CONCLUSION: Cardiac transplantation is associated with marked endothelial activation, with no difference between the two ventricles. The changes persist in the post-operative period, even in the absence of acute rejection.  相似文献   

Kidney retransplantation in comparison with first kidney transplantation   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study was to depict the outcome of second and third kidney allografts in comparison with first kidney allografts. METHODS: Among 2150 kidney transplantations are 103 second and 5 third transplantations. Demographic characteristics and survivals of retransplanted patients were compared with a randomly selected group of first kidney recipients, consisting of two cases matched with each retransplanted patient for age, gender, and date of transplantation. RESULTS: Retransplanted patients consisted of 78 men and 30 women of mean age 32.63 +/- 11.92 years. They had received kidneys from 91 living-unrelated and 17 living-related donors. Median followup was 27 months. One-, 2-, 3-, and 5-year graft survivals were 81.4%, 78.9%, 78.9%, and 73.7% among retransplants, versus 92.9%, 91.5%, 89.8%, and 85.3% in the control group, respectively (P = .0037). Patient survival was 96%, 94.6%, 92.4%, and 87.8% in the retransplant group versus 93.1%, 92.4%, 90.9%, 87.4% in the control group, respectively (P = .63). Also, graft survivals were slightly lower in female compared to male retransplant patients (P = .09). No significant difference in survival rates was seen in different age groups. CONCLUSION: It seems that kidney retransplantation can yield desirable outcomes, albeit relatively lower graft survivals.  相似文献   

When renal transplant recipients undergo aortic surgery, blood supply to the renal graft is interrupted while the aorta is clamped. Several innovative ways of using shunts have been described to preserve blood flow to the transplanted kidney during such surgery on the assumption that temporary warm ischemia of the renal transplant is poorly tolerated. We have performed aortic surgery in four renal transplant recipients without the use of any form of graft protection. One patient underwent urgent operation to treat an expanding aortic aneurysm and the other three had elective surgery for aortoiliac occlusive disease. Ischemic times ranged from 30 to 45 minutes. Two of the four patients had a temporary rise in serum creatinine levels. No patient required hemodialysis. We conclude that in selected renal transplant recipients, aortic surgery can be safely undertaken without graft protection.  相似文献   



Nonimmunologic factors have been recently implicated in worse outcomes after kidney transplantation, producing a need to predict the operative risk among kidney recipients. We assessed the predictive value of the Charlson comorbidity index (CCI) among kidney transplant recipients.


A retrospective study of 223 first deceased-donor kidney transplantations performed from 2000 to 2007 evaluated the role of comorbidities.


About 50% of recipients displayed >1 comorbid condition before transplantation; the most frequently reported was diabetes mellitus. Increasing CCI scores significantly affected graft and patient survivals. Crude analysis showed a significant association between CCI >1 and risk of death (hazard ratio [HR], 3.87; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.06-14.06; P = .04). After adjustment for several covariates, high CCI values remained significantly predictive of posttransplantation outcomes with a HR for death of (12.53; 95% CI, 1.9-82.68; P = .009).


Our predictive model showed a strong association of CCI and patient survival even after adjustment for several clinical covariates. CCI may be used to evaluate patients referred for kidney transplantation who display a significant burden of comorbid conditions that increase the risk of premature death or graft loss.  相似文献   

Cytomegalovirus is common in adult recipients (prevalence of 40–90%). Children are typically seronegative but immunosuppression may prone to primary-infection or viral reactivation, with potentially severe consequences. CMV infection incidence in pediatric kidney transplant recipients has seldom been investigated. The aim of our study was to evaluate the incidence and timing of CMV infection during the first year after renal transplantation. We assembled a retrospective cohort of 136 children who had received a kidney transplant between 2003 and 2014 with a year follow-up. The patients were classified regarding CMV infection as high risk (D+/R?), intermediate risk (R+) or low risk (D?/R?). CMV infection was defined by the viral replication remaining asymptomatic whereas CMV disease concerned viral replication with clinical and/or biological symptoms. Oral valganciclovir was used as prophylaxis for high-risk recipients. A total of 38 patients (27.9%) developed CMV infection, 13 (40.6%) of the 32 D+/R?, 24 (45.3%) of the 53 R+ and 1 (2.0%) of the 51 D?/R?. Of these 38 infected patients, 10 developed tissue-invasive disease. During the first year after kidney transplantation, 27.9% of recipients developed CMV infection. This study confirms the influence of donor and recipient CMV status on infection propensity and highlights the importance of adequate follow-up for intermediate risk patients.  相似文献   

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