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亚健康人群的健康管理与生活方式干预   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
李渝梅  张月霞  安波 《职业与健康》2007,23(17):1566-1567
为探讨亚健康人群的生活方式干预措施和管理手段,体检中心应通过组织集体或个人定期体检尤其针对是亚健康人群存在的健康危险因素,通过建立档案、分析评估、定期健康咨询、体检后续健康教育等方法,对体检单位的亚健康人群进行有计划的健康干预,以提高职工对亚健康状态的认识,引导其变不良的生活方式为健康有效的生活方式,最终达到最佳的健康效果。  相似文献   

健康教育是搞好计划免疫的根本措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
健康教育是计划免疫工作的重要内容。通过健康教育干预免疫预防,普及社区人群对传染病的免疫预防知识,增强自愿免疫预防的自我保健能力,可提高各种疫苗接种率。健康教育是为计划免疫工作创造良好社会环境不可缺少的工作环节和手段,是做计划免疫工作的重要保障。我区自1990年以来,进行计划免疫健康教育,推动了计划免疫工作顺利开展。1 通过大量的信息传播,让社区人群认识到计划免疫的重要性,可提高接种率 计划免疫是根据疫情监测和人群免疫状况分析,按照规定的免疫程序,有计划的利用疫苗进行预防接种,以提高人群免疫水平,达到控制乃至最终消灭针对传染病的目的。计划免疫是预防、控制、消除、消灭危害儿童健康和生命安全传染病的最经  相似文献   

社区健康档案的管理与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>健康档案对提高医疗卫生服务质量和效率、满足群众医疗服务需求、提高人民群众健康水平具有重要作用。通过建立社区健康档案并加以科学管理和利用,可以了解和掌握社区居民一般疾病的发生和变化情况,为防病治病提供健康干预措施和治疗方案,使患者得到早诊断、早治疗、早预防,使社区  相似文献   

郑伙娣 《现代医院》2006,6(10):75-75
目的通过社区卫生服务对社会一些特殊人群——丧偶老年人群的心理、生理、精神、行为的观察与医疗、护理干预,探讨提高他(她)们的生存质量。方法社区服务站工作人员分组、分区到街道小区上门作健康调查,对102名丧偶老年人逐一建立健康档案,对影响这些特殊人群生存质量的因素进行干预。结果丧偶人群存在的基本情况与干预后的基本情况相对比,前、后比较差异有显著性(p<0.05)。结论社区卫生服务能提高丧偶老年人群生存质量。  相似文献   

社区卫生服务是根据社会的发展、区域卫生服务和初级卫生保健与眼务的观点而产生的一种十分有效和经济的医疗服务模式。这种服务模式的实施对广大的社会人群而言,是最方便、最实惠的健康保障。根据国家《关于中国城市实现“2000年人人享有卫生保健”规划目标》中的有关说明,社区卫生服务是全方位、综合性服务,包括四个方面:为患者提供及时、各方面的医疗和护理服务;为身体健康者提供健康教育和预防疾病的基本知识,强化市民的健康意识;促进区域内市民健康合作;为区域内居民建立健康档案、计划生育档案、计划免疫档案和有关健康资料,…  相似文献   

女性性工作者是HIV易感的高危人群。通过了解这一人群的相关特征,并对其进行有效的健康教育和行为干预,可以减少其不安全性行为的发生,可以有效预防AIDS经性途径从源头人群经桥梁人群到一般人群的传播。  相似文献   

目的利用年度体检资料分析参检中老年人群心脑血管病高危因素的构成,制定有效干预措施,减少心脑血管病发生。方法进行心脑血管病高危因素人群干预,并回顾性分析2001—2009年健康体检资料,探讨干预的效果。结果通过干预可以有效降低心血管疾病的高危因素,改善人群健康状况。结论应注重对中老年人进行科学生活方式指导、加强防病意识、提高治疗依从性,同时医务人员的自我保健和防范意识也殛待提高。  相似文献   

近日,由中国医师协会HMO、国企杂志社联合主办,慈铭体检集团承办的”20,09国企健康投资与健康保障沙龙”活动启动。会上.专家与30多位国企老总就”健康投资与健康保障”以及“员工目标健康管理计划“内容进行了交流与研讨。据了解计划通过员工体检、健康电子档案建立、慢性病干预、就医转诊等为企业节约人力资源的损失,并可以每年节约20%医疗费用的支出.并同时提高生产率、给员工最具人性化的福利待遇。  相似文献   

目的探讨运用大数据采集处理模式对一般人群常见代谢性疾病的监测及干预效果。方法运用计算机技术建立信息化健康档案管理系统。选取高血压、高血脂、高血糖、高尿酸血症、脂肪肝等代谢性疾病为监测指标,将样本数据与社会同期大数据对比分析,敏感识别目标人群主要健康问题。选取脂肪肝为观测指标,对该人群进行针对性干预并分析效果。通过大数据长期追踪对个体健康指标进行个性化干预并评价效果。结果从2008年起,运用信息技术连续采集同一人群健康数据13 591人次,建立起动态健康管理系统。经分析得出,该人群的血压控制良好,高血糖与高尿酸血症基本与社会平均水平相同,高脂血症及脂肪肝为主要健康问题。通过针对性干预后,人群脂肪肝检出率有所下降,显示该措施具有积极作用。通过数据动态追踪预警1例癌前病变患者,经过个性化干预获得痊愈。结论大数据健康干预模式在人群主要健康隐患排查及针对性干预方面取得良好成效。  相似文献   

健康管理是指基于对健康体检档案进行分析评估,并有针对性提出个性化健康管理方案,医生提供一对一咨询指导和跟踪服务,使被检者从社会、心理、环境、营养、运动等多个角度得到全面的健康维护。它的核心任务是通过开展系统的健康管理,调动被检者个人和/或集体的积极性,达到有效控制疾病的发生或发展,显著降低出险概率和实际医疗支出,从而减少医疗费用目的。目前,我国有关部门高度重视以健康体检档案为载体的健康管理工作。作为承担国家慢性病防疫任务的疾病预防控制中心的体检中心,更应在健康体检档案管理中进行规范化管理,做到对健康人员进行健康知识传播预防疾病的发生,对高危人群和患者进行干预。  相似文献   

Neighbourhood community life has been widely recognized as an important determinant of population health. This systematic review of reviews provides an overview of the evidence for the ecological correlation between neighbourhood community life and population health. Nine databases were searched from 2008 to 2018 in order to identify systematic reviews of studies examining the association between neighbourhood community life and population health in urban neighbourhoods within the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development countries. Two reviewers completed selection and data extraction, then assessed the methodological quality of reviews using the Measurement Tool to Assess Systematic Reviews. We identified three high quality reviews and five of moderate quality. The reviews vary in quality of methodology, concepts, and measures. Most of the reviews examined the influence of social cohesion, social capital, and social interactions on health. Reviews found evidence supporting a consistently favourable correlation between social cohesion and physical activity, as well as a favourable trend in the relationship between social cohesion and healthy weight. They also found evidence of a favourable trend in the correlation between social capital and healthy weight. Reviews identified studies supporting a consistently favourable correlation between social interaction and depression. We identify evidence of a positive association between neighbourhood community life and several population health outcomes. Future research should define and conceptualize neighbourhood community life factors and health indicators to improve the comparison between studies and the process of evidence synthesis. This will also enable policy makers to take appropriate decisions.  相似文献   

It is increasingly recognised that population health need assessments based on the comparison of clinical or demographic end points (e.g. area mortality rates) neglect population variation in broader aspects of health status and health-related quality of life. Similarly, outcome measures which neglect impacts on health-related quality of life may be an inadequate basis for assessing the effectiveness of health interventions. This paper reviews issues in assessing needs and outcomes at population level based on health status valuations. It considers especially the modelling of sources of uncertainty in measures of health status by using Bayesian sampling estimation methods which produce a distribution of summary outcome measures. The modelling issues are illustrated in models for individual level health status from survey responses and their incorporation in area life tables to derive total and healthy life expectancies. In particular, a health status index derived from Short Form 36 profile responses in a health and lifestyle survey in a London health authority provides a case study of community health needs assessment.  相似文献   

目的基于当前我国一些城市社区卫生服务信息化建设的发展情况,提出社区卫生服务信息化建设中的一些建设性观点与改进措施。方法采用查阅文献和实地采访的方式进行资料收集,对收集的资料进行进一步整理和分析,及时了解当前国内各城市社区卫生服务信息化建设的动态。结果调查地区社区利用信息化手段实现了居民健康档案的建立和更新,基本上实现了"六位一体"的全方位社区卫生服务;但由于社区卫生服务信息化开展程度不均衡,一些地区社区居民电子健康档案发展缓慢,缺少区域性的综合信息交互共享平台,这些地区社区卫生服务信息化建设急需得到进一步改善,以便社区卫生服务朝着"高效率,高质量"的方向发展。结论我国社区卫生服务信息化建设已取得了一定的成效,但社区信息系统还需进一步改善和加强,争取早日实现"记录一生,管理一生,服务一生,受益一生"的终极目标。  相似文献   

刘欣 《中国卫生产业》2020,(2):194-195,198
随着中国人口老龄化持续增长,医养结合服务有效推动以及快速发展已成为国家关注的焦点。怎样借助现有医疗环境支持,在合理规划、调整布局,促使社区卫生服务中心、养老机构二者高效合作,该文从不同角度入手客观探讨了社区卫生环境和养老机构合作模式,在医养结合下深化社区建设的同时全面推动新时代下我国卫生养老产业健康发展。  相似文献   

Public health practice increasingly is concerned with the capacity and performance of communities to identify, implement, strengthen, and sustain collective efforts to improve health. The authors developed ways to assist local Turning Point partnerships to improve their community public health system as a secondary outcome of their work on the expressed needs of the community. Using focus groups, meeting minutes, attendance records, and meeting observation, the authors fed information back to the partnerships on systems change. A public health systems improvement plan supportive of local partnerships' work on specific health issues was funded and the collaborative research agenda was further refined.  相似文献   

成都市社区老年健康促进项目社区诊断研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:在成都市东风南路社区800名老年人中开展健康促进工作,为了确定干预人群,制订干预目标,筛选干预策略,评价干预效果。我们开展了社区诊断工作。方法:通过死因监测资料。住院病人档案,生命质量问卷调查,确定社区中老年人口存在的主要卫生问题;通过行为危险因素调查,测量个体危险因素水平,通过人文环境调查,调查社区内与人们健康行为有关的政策。媒介,设施支持情况,通过社区资料开发,寻找社区中可利用的组织。结果:社区诊断使干预工作有的放矢,取得事半功倍的效果。结论:社区诊断有利于健康促进。  相似文献   

The healthy communities movement can provide insight into population health efforts in the United States, particularly in the context of recent health care reform. The movement has evolved from multisector partnerships that focused on improving the health, well-being, and quality of life for people and the social determinants of health to partnerships that focus more on chronic disease prevention, health equity, and environmental change. Evaluating the effects of community programs on population health has been challenging for a number of reasons. More metrics need to be developed for population health that will address inequities and focus policies on long-term health effects.  相似文献   



Public health services implement individual, community and population level interventions to change health behaviours, improve healthy life expectancy and reduce health inequalities. Understanding and changing health behaviour is complex. Integrating behaviour change theory and evidence into interventions has the potential to improve services.  相似文献   

As the nation's health system moves away from earlier models to one grounded in population health and market-based systems of care, new challenges arise for public health professionals, primary care practitioners, health plan and institutional managers, and community leaders. Among the challenges are the need to develop creative concepts of organization and accountability and to assure that dynamic, system-oriented structures support the new kind of leadership that is required. Developing tomorrow's integrated community health systems will challenge the leadership skills and integrative abilities of public health professionals, primary care practitioners, and managers. These leaders and their new organizations must, in turn, assume increased accountability for improving community health.  相似文献   

A village health worker (VHW) programme in a rural area in South Africa is evaluated, a year after the introduction of VHW-retained child record cards. The programme's success in promoting immunization and breastfeeding and the coverage of and contact with the community by the VHWs was investigated. A population survey on children under one year was matched to VHW records, showing that VHWs were reaching 70.8% of the target population. VHWs were more likely to visit a child with a Road to Health Card (RTHC) and who was born in the village. VHWs generally visit mothers once a month and make contact with most children in their first month of life. Children born before the start of the new VHW programme were compared with those born after, using survival analysis techniques and data from the RTHC on the first year of life of all children under two. An increase in polio immunization coverage was detected but there was a drop in measles immunization coverage. We conclude that a VHW-retained child record for the first year of life plays a valuable role in ongoing health care evaluation.  相似文献   

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