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目的总结小儿先天性二尖瓣关闭不全行二尖瓣成形手术的治疗经验。方法1998年3月至2008年3月,对168例小儿先天性二尖瓣关闭不全患儿行二尖瓣成形术,男103例,女65例,平均年龄(3.0±2.1)岁,手术在中低温体外循环下施行,根据不同病理改变采用不同成形方法,术中以注水试验评价成形效果。结果全组患儿术毕二尖瓣无反流或轻度反流,1例术后5 d死于多脏器功能衰竭,平均随诊1个月~10年,有1例二尖瓣反流加重再次手术,发现环缩缝线撕脱,再次成形术后效果满意,168例中无一例行瓣膜置换术,心功能恢复良好。结论对小儿来讲,二尖瓣成形术治疗先天性二尖瓣关闭不全是一种安全、有效的方法,只要可能,尽量施行成形术是一种首选方法。  相似文献   

边对边二尖瓣成形术亦称为双孔二尖瓣成形术 (doubleorificevalverepair) ,我们采用该技术治疗先天性二尖瓣关闭不全 1例 ,部分型心内膜垫缺损 2例 ,效果满意。临床资料与方法 例 1 男 ,9岁。自幼发现心脏杂音 ,体力活动明显受限 3年。查体 :心尖部可闻及 3/VI级收缩期吹风样杂音。心电图示左室高电压。X线胸片示两肺血多 ,左房、左室增大。超声心动图示二尖瓣前叶脱垂 ,左房、左室增大。诊断 :先天性二尖瓣关闭不全。2 0 0 0年 4月在全麻、体外循环下行二尖瓣成形术。术中见二尖瓣环扩大 ,二尖瓣前叶腱索延长…  相似文献   

二尖瓣成形术治疗二尖瓣关闭不全   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
二尖瓣成形术与二尖瓣置换术相比有较多优点,因此,近年来二尖瓣成形术治疗二尖瓣关闭不全越来越受到临床医生的重视。针对二尖瓣关闭不全的不同病理改变,可以采用瓣环成形、三角形切除、四边形切除以及腱索转移、置换等方法。随着微创外科的发展,小切口二尖瓣成形和机器人辅助的二尖瓣成形技术也逐渐发展起来;另外,对二尖瓣关闭不全进行介入治疗也开始起步。相信随着手术技术的不断成熟,将会有更多二尖瓣关闭不全患者接受二尖瓣成形术的治疗。  相似文献   

先天性二尖瓣关闭不全的修复手术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

先天性二尖瓣关闭不全的外科治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本组154例先天性二尖瓣关闭不全患者中,单纯关闭不全者23例,有合并畸形者131例。二尖瓣修复手术144例,换瓣10例。修复手术包括交界折叠术125例;瓣膜裂隙缝合术11例;大瓣孔洞修补术1例;小瓣部分切除缝合加瓣环成形术3例;大瓣腱索延长缩短术4例。全组早、晚期死亡各1例,修复不满意再手术换瓣者2例,生物瓣衰竭再手术者1例。作者认为,术前彩超检查对本病的诊断是简捷有效的方法。手术以瓣膜修复为主,根据不同病变采用各种修复方法。本组修复手术未用人工环,效果满意。对于病变严重,经修复不满意者需行二尖瓣替换。儿童换瓣选用稍大型号的双叶瓣为宜  相似文献   

婴幼儿二尖瓣关闭不全的成形术   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
总结1990年4月至1995年12月收治婴幼儿二尖瓣关闭不全(MI)成形术的临床经验。本组71例中男35例、女36例,年龄5个月~3岁、平均2.1岁,体重6~14kg、平均10.2kg,41例(57.8%)<10kg。重度二尖瓣关闭不全16例,中度44例,轻度11例。主要病种包括:单纯MI3例,MI+室间隔缺损和(或)动脉导管未闭35例,MI+房间隔缺损或单心房22例(I孔型16例,I孔型6例;单心房4例),MI+I孔房间隔缺损和室间隔缺损11例。手术根据二尖瓣的病理采用瓣交界缝缩、瓣环环缩、修补前瓣叶裂、腱索短缩及转移和后瓣叶成形及共同房室瓣修补等方法修复二尖瓣。同期矫治其它心内畸形。结果术后早期死亡4例(术后感染和低心排综合征各2例),死亡率5.6%。67例出院病儿中42例(62.7%)随诊2个月~5年,平均1.1年。轻度二尖瓣关闭不全5例,中度4例,无重度者;心脏明显缩小。作者认为婴幼儿二尖瓣关闭不全可采用瓣膜成形术治疗,并能取得良好的术后早期和晚期结果。  相似文献   

目的评价二尖瓣成形术治疗感染性心内膜炎二尖瓣关闭不全的疗效。方法自2002年3月至2012年1月共有33例感染性心内膜炎二尖瓣关闭不全患者在北京阜外心血管病医院接受二尖瓣成形术,其中男23例、女10例,年龄10~67(35.7±17.8)岁。13例有心脏基础解剖病变。术前二尖瓣轻度反流5例,中度反流15例,重度反流13例。心功能分级(NYHA)Ⅰ级5例,Ⅱ级23,Ⅲ级4例,Ⅳ级1例。所有患者均行二尖瓣成形术,活动期手术14例。同期行主动脉瓣置换术6例,三尖瓣成形术5例,冠状动脉旁路移植术1例,左心房粘液瘤切除术1例,主动脉窦瘤修补术1例。成形方法包括心包修补穿孔5例,瓣叶切除缝合17例,双孔法成形3例,腱索转移及人工腱索5例,15例使用人工成形环。结果围术期死亡1例,于术后7 d并发急性心肌梗死死亡。32例存活患者均康复出院。出院前超声心动图提示:左心室舒张期末内径、左心房内径分别为(48.9±7.6)mm及(31.7±7.4)mm,较术前有明显改善(P=0.000)。32例患者完成随访,随访时间6~125(73.0±38.6)个月。随访期间无死亡,无心内膜炎复发及出血栓塞等并发症。1例术后3年因二尖瓣狭窄而行二尖瓣机械瓣置换术。心功能分级(NYHA)Ⅰ级25例,Ⅱ级5例,Ⅲ级2例。二尖瓣有少量反流4例,中量反流1例,无反流26例;舒张期二尖瓣流速偏快(1.7 m/s)1例,主动脉瓣中量反流1例。左心室舒张期末内径及左心房内径与术后早期比较差异无统计学意义,射血分数较术后早期改善(60.9%±6.6%vs.57.5%±6.7%;P=0.043)。结论二尖瓣成形术治疗感染性心内膜炎二尖瓣关闭不全疗效可靠,左心房、左心室内径显著减小,心功能改善明显。  相似文献   

二尖瓣脱垂并关闭不全的外科修补   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
目的:总结二尖瓣脱垂的外科修复经验,方法:对44例二尖脱垂患者的临床资料进行回顾分析。44例患者中风湿性2例,非风湿性42例(22例合并先天性心脏病),关不全中度24例,重度20例,腱索断裂或缺如12例,腱索过长32例,其中多根腱索过长6例,治疗行腱索移植10例,健索缩短25例(多根腱索短6例),人工腱索1例,瓣叶折叠3例,瓣叶切除5例,同时行瓣裂缝合8例,瓣环成形28例(后环缝缩14例),结果:结果:全组无手术死亡病例,1例风湿性患者术后1个月发生左心房血栓再次手术行瓣膜替换,二尖瓣功能正常34例(77.8%),基本正常6(13.6%),残留轻至中度关闭不全3例(6.8%),随访1-18例(平均6.5年),效果良好,结论:外科修复治疗二尖瓣脱垂是一种安全有效的手术方法。  相似文献   

软质环瓣环成形术治疗二尖瓣关闭不全庄世才,张大新,法宪恩,赵根尚,张长喜,初佩俊为避免心脏瓣膜替换术的弊端,近十余年来瓣膜成形术又引起重视。瓣膜关闭不全经成形术后辅以成形环重建和环缩其瓣环,是巩固成形术后疗效的重要措施。目前所采用的成形环多为硬质或半...  相似文献   

目的 探讨儿童中重度二尖瓣关闭不全成形术的手术方法及治疗效果.方法 回顾性分析132例中重度二尖瓣关闭不全患儿资料,年龄2个月~6岁,平均(18.9±7.2)个月;体质量4~21kg,平均(11.3±4.8)kg.先天性心脏病126例,感染性心内膜炎5例,马方综合征1例.全组患儿均在全麻中低温体外循环下,采用瓣环环缩术、人工瓣环成形术、瓣叶裂缺修补术、后瓣矩形或三角形切除成形术、腱索折叠等个体化的二尖瓣综合成形技术,同期矫治合并的心脏畸形,术中经食管超声(TEE)检查评价成形效果.结果 全组患儿术中TEE示131例无反流或轻度反流;1例中度反流再次行体外循环下二尖瓣成形.术中平均体外循环(80.0±31.1) min,平均主动脉阻断(48.0±17.9) min.早期死亡3例,病死率2.3%,其中2例为完全型房室间隔缺损患儿,分别于术后第7天死于心力衰竭,术后第2天死于低心排血量综合征;1例为大型室间隔缺损合并重度肺动脉高压患儿,术后1个月死于肺部感染.129例成功治愈出院,术后呼吸机辅助(34.4±31.9)h,术后住院(9.0±5.4)天.完整随访122例,时间2~74个月,平均(40.5±8.3)个月.随访期间无死亡.复查超声心动图提示中度反流7例,重度反流3例,4例患儿再次行二尖瓣成形或二尖瓣置换术.本组患儿5年生存率97.7%,免除再手术率92.0%.结论 儿童中重度二尖瓣关闭不全应早期行手术治疗,合并其他心脏畸形需同期矫治,手术治疗的早、中期效果满意.术中根据二尖瓣的具体病变情况,采取个体化的综合成形方法是成功治疗儿童中重度二尖瓣关闭不全的关键.  相似文献   

继发于左心系统瓣膜病变的三尖瓣关闭不全,多为三尖瓣瓣环扩大导致的功能性三尖瓣关闭不全,也有少数患者同时合并三尖瓣风湿性等器质性改变。对三尖瓣反流的处理,目前主张如果能通过瓣膜成形方法恢复三尖瓣瓣膜功能,应尽量行三尖瓣成形手术。三尖瓣成形方法主要包括线性成形和人工瓣环成形技术,但目前各种手术成形方法的适应证选择和临床应用尚无统一的标准,多年来一直是困扰心脏外科医师的难题和研究热点,是否需要同期行三尖瓣成形术,采用什么成形方法才能达到最佳的三尖瓣成形效果。因此,对继发性三尖瓣关闭不全患者三尖瓣病变程度的判定、矫治标准及手术方法等进行综述。  相似文献   

Purpose: The aim of this study is to elucidate the impact of preoperative and postoperative pulmonary hypertension (PH) on long-term clinical outcomes after mitral valve repair for degenerative mitral regurgitation.Methods: A total of 654 patients who underwent mitral valve repair for degenerative mitral regurgitation between 1991 and 2010 were retrospectively reviewed. Patients were divided into PH(+) group (137 patients) and PH(–) group (517 patients). Follow-up was complete in 99.0%. The median follow-up duration was 7.5 years.Results: Patients in PH(+) group were older, more symptomatic and had higher tricuspid regurgitation grade. Thirty-day mortality was not different between 2 groups (p = 0.975). Long-term survival rate was lower in PH(+) group; 10-year survival rate after the operation was 85.2% ± 4.0% in PH(+) group and 89.7% ± 1.8% in PH(–) group (Log-rank, p = 0.019). The incidence of late cardiac events were not different between groups, however, the recurrence of PH was more frequent in PH(+) group. The recurrence of PH had an adverse impact on survival rate, late cardiac events and symptoms. Univariate analysis showed age and preoperative tricuspid regurgitation grade were the predictors of PH recurrence.Conclusion: Early surgical indication should be advocated for degenerative mitral regurgitation before the progression of pulmonary hypertension and tricuspid regurgitation.  相似文献   

Purpose: The progression of left ventricular (LV) remodeling and subsequent mitral valve tethering impair the results of reduction annuloplasty for ischemic mitral regurgitation (MR).Methods: We studied 90 patients who underwent surgical repair of ischemic MR between 1999 and 2013 according to our surgical strategy adding submitral and ventricular procedures to annuloplasty as follows: annuloplasty alone (stage 1, n = 30), additional papillary muscle approximation (PMA) for progression of tethering (stage 2, n = 26), and additional left ventriculoplasty with PMA for progression of LV remodeling and tethering (stage 3, n = 34).Results: The preoperative New York Heart Association (NYHA) functional classes (2.5 ± 0.7, 3.1 ± 0.7 and 3.3 ± 0.7 for stages 1, 2 and 3, respectively, P <0.001), LV end-diastolic diameters (56 ± 7 mm, 66 ± 5 mm and 70 ± 7 mm, P <0.001), and LV ejection fractions (45 ± 12%, 32 ± 9% and 27 ± 9%, P <0.001) significantly differed among the stages. In contrast, the MR grades did not significantly differ (2.9 ± 0.8, 3.0 ± 1.0, and 2.9 ± 1.1, respectively; P = 0.93). Both the rates of cardiac-related survival and freedom from reoperation were comparable among the 3 groups (log-rank P = 0.92 and 0.58, respectively).Conclusion: Additional submitral and ventricular procedures can compensate for the possible impairment of the outcomes after annuloplasty alone for ischemic MR in patients with severe LV remodeling and tethering.  相似文献   

Purpose: Our aim was to evaluate the development of new significant mitral regurgitation and long-term survival after mitral repair surgery in functional mitral regurgitation.Methods: A retrospective observational analysis of the recurrence of functional mitral regurgitation (ischemic and nonischemic) and global mortality during follow-up of 176 patients who underwent mitral repair surgery between 1999 and 2018 in our center was conducted.Results: The etiology of functional mitral regurgitation was ischemic in 55.7% of cases. After surgery, mitral regurgitation was 0-I in 92.3% of cases. We conducted a long-term clinical follow-up of a mean 42.2 months and an echocardiographic follow-up of a mean 41.8 months. We observed mitral regurgitation of at least grade II in 52 patients (36.9%). Survival at 1, 3, and 5 years was 78.8%, 66.7%, and 52.3%, respectively. Predictive factors for global mortality were age (hazard ratio = 1.038, p = 0.01) and a depressed preoperative ejection fraction. After a competing risk analysis, we found the only predictive factor for the recurrence of mitral regurgitation in our series to be age (sub-hazard ratio = 1.03, 95% confidence interval = 1.01–1.06, p = 0.016).Conclusion: Repair surgery for functional mitral regurgitation shows age as the only independent predictor of recurrence. Age and depressed ejection fraction were predictors of mortality.  相似文献   

A method of posterior mitral annulus remodeling is presented. The posterior annulus is divided into three segments, each segment encircled by a suture that is passed in a tourniquet. Coaptation of the leaflets can be achieved by tightening the tourniquets while the ventricle is being filled. This technique is simple and quick, avoids the use of foreign material, and requires less expertise and judgment than traditional annuloplasties.(Ann Thorac Surg 1997;63:1805–6)  相似文献   

Purpose There are an increasing number of reports concerning mitral valve repair by a reconstruction of the chordae tendinae using expanded polytetrafluoro-ethylene (PTFE) sutures. However, little information is available about extended application or results of this technique for an extended prolapse of the anterior mitral leaflets.Methods Between July 1991 and August 2003, 28 patients with moderate to severe mitral regurgitation as a result of a prolapse of anterior leaflets (age range, 15–73 years) underwent mitral valve repair by reconstruction of the artificial chordae with 4-CV expanded polytetrafluoroethylene sutures without a leaflet resection. Either Kay’s suture technique or ring annuloplasty was also performed to correct annular dilatation in all patients.Results No operative death or late mortality was observed. The prolapsed segment, which was successfully repaired, was within 33% of the anterior mitral leaflet (AML) in 6 patients, from 33% to 50% in 5, from 50% to 99% in 11, and 100% in 6 patients. Before discharge, immediate postoperative echocardiography showed less than moderate mitral regurgitation in 28 of 28 patients. The follow-up, consisting of a clinical examination and serial echocardiograms, was complete in all cases and the mean follow-up period was 80.6 months (range, 12–146). There were two failures that required a reoperation because of a worsening mitral regurgitation and hemolytic anemia (elongation of anchored side of papillary muscle). The other two patients required mitral valve replacement due to a progressive regression of the left ventricular function, although the regurgitation worsened from a mild level to a moderate one. When the reoperated patients were excluded from the following data, the degree of mitral regurgitation, estimated by echocardiography performed at recent follow-up period, was none in 10 patients, trivial in 13 patients, and mild in 1 patient. In addition, the systolic and diastolic dimensions of the left ventricle decreased significantly (P < 0.01).Conclusions The replacement of artificial chordae was not complicated and it seemed to help to preserve a good relationship among leaflet tissues, chordae, and papillary muscles. We therefore suggest that the extensive use of PTFE artificial chordae appears to be a promising procedure for the repair of all kinds of mitral lesions causing mitral regurgitation.  相似文献   



Papillary muscle rupture (PMR) is a rare complication of a myocardial infarction. The aim of this study was to review our results of mitral valve surgery for acute PMR.


Data from patients undergoing emergent mitral valve surgery for acute PMR between 2011 and 2017 at our institution were reviewed. Outcomes included operative morbidity and mortality, mitral valve reoperation, and hospital readmission.


A total of 2479 patients underwent mitral valve surgery during the study period including 24 (1.0%) for PMR. Mean age was 62 years, and two (8.3%) patients had prior open‐heart surgery. Overall Society of Thoracic Surgeons predicted risk of mortality was 17.5%. Operative mortality was 12.5% (n = 3) with an observed‐to‐expected mortality ratio of 0.71. There were no strokes, and new onset dialysis was required in two (8.3%) patients. Mean follow‐up was 2.40 ± 1.96 years. Three‐year mortality, mitral valve reoperation, and readmission rates were 21.1%, 5.0%, and 45.4%.


Expeditious operative intervention for PMR can be associated with acceptable operative and longer‐term outcomes.  相似文献   

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