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Complexity appears in the twentieth century as a way to understand many phenomena that are perceived as chaotic and complex from classical thought, which still persist in our way of explaining the world. Its purpose is to study the complex and adaptive systems that are sensitive to initial conditions. Some of the characteristics of complex thought are systemic perspective, autopoiesis, self-organization, emergent properties, unpredictability of the systems, analogic thought, and the complementarity of the phenomena, among others. Living systems respond to a complex logic, and in that sense, our vision of human populations and patients, and how we try to solve problems and human diseases, should be open to the possibilities that arise from this form of understand the world.  相似文献   

There is unequivocal evidence from across Australia of entrenched patterns of socio‐economic related health inequality. These patterns are seen in mortality, morbidity, health risk factors and access to preventive health services. Discussing the potential role of health promotion in addressing these health inequalities needs to be based on an agreed definition of health inequality and an understanding of the differences between health inequity and health inequality. This involves making value judgements on whether opportunities for health are fairly distributed. Health promotion practitioners need to be able to argue why they think health inequalities are important, have a clear understanding of what they think are the causes of health inequality and be informed on action that can be taken to reduce health inequality. The ever‐increasing level of information on patterns of health inequality within Australian society are likely to place increased pressure on health promotion policymakers and practitioners to ensure that their actions reduce health inequality – or at least not contribute to widening health inequality. The way in which these issues are approached will be strongly influenced by our values, the values of the organisations in which we work and the wider community. This requires each of us to be proactive in articulating our values and beliefs and being open to them being challenged.  相似文献   

Information in this paper can help readers evaluate the results of epidemiologic studies of waterborne disease risks. It is important that readers understand the various epidemiologic study designs, their strengths and limitations, and potential biases. Terminology used by epidemiologists to describe disease risks can be confusing. Thus, readers should not only evaluate the adequacy of the information to estimate waterborne risks but should also understand how the risk was estimated. For example, one author's definition of attributable risk may be quite different from another author's in terms of the population to which the risk may apply and how it should be interpreted.  相似文献   

刘桂萍  王健 《现代医院》2014,(12):114-116
目的调查医护人员对病区药房药学服务的满意度情况,寻找病区药房药学服务存在的不足,了解医护人员对病区药房药学服务的需求和建议,并分析原因,提出整改措施,借以提高药学服务质量。方法应用自行设计的病区药房药学服务满意度调查表,随机发放给临床医生和护士,由医生和护士匿名据调查表的具体内容填写。结果共发放调查表700份,回收有效调查表655份,有效率100%。医护人员对病区药房药学服务总体满意度为86.87%,对八个具体条目的综合满意度为87.07%,对药师的敬业精神和服务态度满意度较高,分别为97.86%和92.78%。医护人员对病房药房药师的应急、沟通能力及咨询和用药指导满意度较低,分别为82.59%、81.52%、80.92%。结论临床医护人员对病区药房的药学服务总体上较满意,对药房药师的"咨询与用药指导"条目意见和建议较多,达112人次。药学部及医院应针对调查表中所提意见和建议进行优化和整改,以达到最佳服务效果。  相似文献   

The purpose of the present paper is to provide an introduction to modelling, particularly mathematical modelling, for nutritional researchers with little or no experience of the modelling process. It aims to outline the function of modelling, and to give some guidance on factors to consider when designing protocols to generate data as part of the modelling process. It is not intended in any way to be a comprehensive guide to mathematical modelling. The paper discusses the uses of modelling, and presents a 'hydrodynamic analogy' to compartmental modelling, to explain the process to the non-mathematically-minded and to examine some of the pitfalls to be avoided when using stable-isotope tracers. Examples of the use of modelling in nutrition are presented, including methods for determining absorption, as well as a discussion of possible future avenues for nutritional modelling.  相似文献   

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