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Short, high frequency stimulation bursts (4 pulses at 100 Hz) were applied to Schaffer/commissural projections to the CA1 field of rat hippocampal slices at 0.1, 0.2, 1.0 or 2.0-s intervals to assess their efficacy in eliciting long-term potentiation (LTP). Bursts repeated at 2-s intervals induced very little LTP; shorter repetition intervals reliably elicited LTP, with the 200-ms repetition interval producing the greatest potentiation. A short-term potentiation effect, which was maximal 20 s after the last burst and decayed within 10 min, was affected differently by the stimulation parameters than was LTP, suggesting that the two phenomena are due to different processes. The results indicate that patterns of stimulation resembling spike discharge patterns of hippocampal neurons in animals in exploratory situations are effective in inducing LTP and suggest temporal constraints on the mechanisms involved in triggering synaptic plasticity.  相似文献   

Theta reset produces optimal conditions for long-term potentiation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Connections among theta rhythm, long-term potentiation (LTP) and memory in hippocampus are suggested by previous research, but definitive links are yet to be established. We investigated the hypothesis that resetting of local hippocampal theta to relevant stimuli in a working memory task produces optimal conditions for induction of LTP. The timings of the peak and trough of the first wave of reset theta were determined in initial sessions and used to time stimulation (4 pulses, 200 Hz) during subsequent performance. Stimulation on the peak of stimulus-reset theta produced LTP while stimulation on the trough did not. These results suggest that a memory-relevant stimulus produces a phase shift of ongoing theta rhythm that induces optimal conditions for the stimulus to undergo potentiation.  相似文献   

Long-term potentiation (LTP) in the CA1 area of the hippocampus depends critically on the statistical characteristics of its stimulus. The ability of optical imaging to record spatial distribution has made it possible to examine systematically the effect of higher-order statistical characteristics, such as the correlation between successive pairs of inter-stimulus intervals (ISIs) on the induction of LTP. Therefore, the function of frequency (first-order) and temporal pattern (second-order) was examined using this imaging technique. To investigate the dependence of LTP on frequency, periodic stimuli with the same number of pulses were applied at different frequencies (1-10 Hz, n=200) to Schaffer commissural-collateral fibers. While stimulus frequencies from 2-10 Hz induced LTP of varying magnitudes and low-frequency stimuli (1 Hz) induced long-term depression (LTD), spatial distribution remained consistent. These results suggest that induction frequency has a greater effect on the magnitude of LTP than on its spatial distribution. By employing nonperiodic stimuli at the same mean frequency (2 Hz), the effect of varying the temporal structure of a stimulus was also investigated. As the correlation of successive ISIs was increased from negative to positive, not only did the magnitude of LTP increase, there was also a statistically significant change in the spatial distribution of LTP. Interestingly, when a strong negatively correlated stimulus was applied, both LTP and LTD were simultaneously observed in the CA1 area. It was also found that the magnitude of LTP 200-300 mum distal to the cellular layer was larger than that of the LTP induced proximal (<100 microm) to that layer. These results support the hypothesis that the spatial distribution of LTP throughout the hippocampus relies principally on the temporal patterning of input stimulation. This insight into the structure of the CA1 neural network may reveal the importance of stimulus timing events in the spatial encoding of memories.  相似文献   

Long-term potentiation (LTP) and long-term depression (LTD) are two main forms of activity-dependent synaptic plasticity that have been extensively studied as the putative mechanisms underlying learning and memory. Current studies have demonstrated that prior synaptic activity can influence the subsequent induction of LTP and LTD at Schaffer collateral-CA1 synapses. Here, we show that prior short-term synaptic disinhibition induced by type A gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptor antagonist picrotoxin exhibited a facilitation of LTP induction and an inhibition of LTD induction. This effect lasted between 10 and 30 min after washout of picrotoxin and was specifically inhibited by the L-type voltage-operated Ca2+ channel (VOCC) blocker nimodipine, but not by the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist D-2-amino-5-phosphopentanoic acid (D-APV). Moreover, this picrotoxin-induced priming effect was mimicked by forskolin, an activator of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP)-dependent protein kinase (PKA), and was blocked by the adenylyl cyclase inhibitor 9-(tetrahydro-2-furanyl)-9H-purin-6-amine (SQ 22536) and the PKA inhibitor Rp-adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphothioate (Rp-cAMPS). It was also found that following picrotoxin application, CA1 neurons have a higher probability of synchronous discharge in response to a population of excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) of fixed slope (EPSP/spike potentiation). However, picrotoxin treatment did not significantly affect paired-pulse facilitation (PPF). These findings suggest that a brief of GABAergic disinhibition can act as a priming stimulus for the subsequent induction of LTP and LTD at Schaffer collateral-CA1 synapses. The increase in Ca2+ influx through L-type VOCCs in turn triggering a cAMP/PKA signalling pathway is a possible molecular mechanism underlying this priming effect.  相似文献   

During behavioral events associated with periods of likely mnemonic processing, CA1 pyramidal cells in rats typically discharge repetitively in either high-frequency bursts (`complex spikes') or single spikes, both of which are tightly phase-locked to the hippocampal theta rhythm. Interestingly, patterned stimulation which mimics the repetitive, learning-related complex spike discharges are optimal for inducing long-term potentiation (LTP) of excitatory field potentials in CA1, and patterned stimulation which mimics the theta-related single action potentials results in a robust and lasting depotentiation at these same synapses. The aim of the present study was to determine the extent to which these physiologically-relevant patterns of hippocampal stimulation have similar effects on synaptic efficacy in the monosynaptic projection from CA1 to the perirhinal and postrhinal cortices (PRh), areas thought to play a prominent role in many forms of learning and memory. Single-pulse stimulation of CA1 evoked a small amplitude, short latency population excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) in the PRh. Theta-burst stimulation (TBS; n=8) delivered to CA1 reliably potentiated the PRh EPSP slope for at least 30 min. Theta-pulse stimulation (TPS; 5 Hz; n=4) delivered to CA1 5 min after TBS substantially but transiently suppressed EPSP slope relative to that of potentiated control preparations. Collectively these data suggest that theta-related patterns of hippocampal activation can reliably induce and transiently suppress LTP in PRh, and are consistent with the notion that behaviorally-relevant, theta-modulated patterns of CA1 unit activity may result in both long- and short-term alterations of synaptic strength within their rhinal cortical targets.  相似文献   

Previously, we have presented electrophysiological evidence reaffirming the existence of a controversial hippocampal pathway. These fibers are part of the perforant pathway and terminate directly on the CA1 cells. We now report that, in the hippocampal slice preparation, tetanic stimulation of the perforant pathway produces long-term potentiation (LTP) of CA1 cell responses. LTP of population spikes varied from 150% to 500%. The results were of interest because these axons synapse at distal sites on the apical dendrite. This location is usually thought to be a difficult site to evoke action potentials.  相似文献   

The entorhinal cortex receives input from many cortical areas and mediates the flow of information between these sites and the hippocampal formation. Long-term synaptic plasticity in cortical efferents to the entorhinal cortex may contribute to the transmission of neural activity to the hippocampus, as well as the storage of information, but little is known about plasticity in these pathways. We describe here the use of evoked field potential recordings from chronically implanted electrodes in the rat entorhinal cortex to investigate synaptic plasticity in the large piriform (olfactory) cortex projection to the superficial layers of the entorhinal cortex. Both kindling-induced potentiation and long-term potentiation (LTP) were tested. In addition, we attempted to modulate LTP induction by the co-induction of frequency potentiation and by the co-activation of the medial septum. Epileptogenic kindling stimulations of the piriform cortex (1-s, 60-Hz trains 3 times/day for 5 days) were found to result in a reliable potentiation of field responses evoked by piriform cortex test pulses. Non-epileptogenic tetanization of the piriform cortex with 400-Hz 16-pulse trains reliably resulted in LTP effects. These effects could be augmented by embedding brief LTP induction stimuli within 11-pulse, 15-Hz trains that alone produce only frequency potentiation. Co-activating the medial septum with 10-Hz trains, just prior to tetanization of the piriform cortex, augmented LTP of piriform cortex inputs to the entorhinal cortex in an input-specific manner. All potentiation effects were found to last for periods of weeks. These findings demonstrate that both epileptogenic and non-epileptogenic piriform cortex stimulation induces lasting potentiation of population field responses in the entorhinal cortex of the awake rat. The LTP effects were inducible in a graded manner and were sensitive to the temporal context of stimulation. The finding that low-frequency activation of the septum can enhance plasticity in the entorhinal cortex adds to a body of data indicating a role for the medial septum in contributing to theta activity and plasticity in both the entorhinal cortex and hippocampal formation. Hippocampus 7:257–270, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The results of several previous studies have suggested that pretreatment with adenosine can block the induction of long-term potentiation (LTP), although other studies have found no effect of adenosine on the induction of LTP. The interaction of adenosine with the induction of LTP in the rat hippocampal slice was investigated. Inhibition of synaptic responses by adenosine either prior to or immediately after high-frequency or theta-burst stimulation did not affect LTP measured after washout of the adenosine. The only conditions under which adenosine blocked the development of LTP was when it was given 3–5 minutes prior to the stimulation train. To understand how it was possible to induce LTP, during the period 1–3 minutes following adenosine when synaptic responses were virtually eliminated, evoked responses during the 100 Hz stimulation train were recorded. Although synaptic responses to low-frequency stimulation were virtually eliminated by adenosine, they reappeared during high-frequency stimulation. These results suggest that although adenosine can depress synaptic responses, an increase in neurotransmission during a high-frequency train can partially overcome this effect of adenosine, and the hypothesis that adenosine can selectively block LTP is not supported.  相似文献   

We propose a mechanism to explain both retrospective and prospective recall activity found in experimental data from hippocampal regions CA3 and CA1. Our model of temporal context dependent episodic memory replicates reverse recall in CA1, as recently recorded and published [Foster, D., & Wilson, M. (2006). Reverse replay of behavioural sequences in hippocampal place cells during the awake state. Nature, 440, 680–683], as well as the prospective and retrospective activity recorded in region CA3 during spatial tasks [Johnson, A., & Redish, A. (2006). Neural ensembles in ca3 transiently encode paths forward of the animal at a decision point: a possible mechanism for the consideration of alternatives. In 2006 neuroscience meeting planner. Atlanta, GA: Society for Neuroscience. (Program no. 574.2)]. We suppose that CA3 encodes episodic memory of both forward and reversed sequences of perforant path spikes representing place input. Using a persistent firing buffer mechanism in layer II of entorhinal cortex, simulated episodic learning involves dentate gyrus, layer III of entorhinal cortex, and hippocampal regions CA3 and CA1. Associations are formed between buffered episodic cues, unique temporal context specific representations in dentate gyrus, and episodic memory in the CA3 recurrent network.  相似文献   

The reduction of the long-term potentiated response induced by tetanus (depotentiation (DP) of LTP) was investigated by the delivery of a train of low-frequency afferent stimuli (depotentiating stimulation: DPS) after the tetanus (100 Hz, 100 pulses) in CA1 neurons of the guinea pig's hippocampal slice. The parameters of DPS (frequencies of 1, 2, 5 and 10 Hz; number of pulses of 200 and 1000; and the time-lag after tetanus of 20 and 100 min) were altered systematically and their effects on LTP were evaluated through the analysis of the slope of field EPSP (S-EPSP) and amplitude and peak latency of population spike (A- and L-PS). DPS of 1 Hz, 1000 pulses, given 20 min after tetanus, reduced the potentiated component of S-EPSP, A-PS and L-PS by 68.5%, 80.1% and 56.1%, respectively (mean, n = 6), whereas it reduced the control response by 4.3%, 7.1%, and 1.9%, respectively (n = 6). Significantly less effectiveness was observed for DPS at higher frequencies (2-10 Hz), with smaller numbers of pulses, featuring a longer time-lag after tetanus and under APV administration. When DPS was applied before tetanus, significantly less robust LTP was observed. However, these effects were blocked by the administration of APV during DPS.  相似文献   

The effects of chronic and acute corticosterone (CORT) administration were investigated on hippocampal long-term potentiation (LTP) in the dentate gyrus granule cell layer of the rat. Electrophysiological experiments were performed in vivo under urethane anesthesia. Chronic CORT treatment (40 mg/kg/day) over 21 days decreased LTP compared to vehicle controls, even when LTP was measured 48 hours after cessation of CORT treatment, when serum CORT levels had returned to baseline. A single injection of CORT also decreased LTP compared to vehicle controls, but only when CORT levels were high, since at 48 hours after a single acute CORT injection LTP was not depressed. The decrements in LTP were seen both for the slope of the excitatory postsynaptic potential and for the population spike. Yet CORT had no effects on posttetanic potentiation or neuronal excitability. These findings are consistent with previous reports showing a reduction in LTP in the CAI field of animals exposed to stress or acute CORT administration.  相似文献   

Hippocampal CA3 pyramidal neurons receive synaptic inputs from both mossy fibres (MFs) and associational fibres (AFs). Long-term potentiation (LTP) at these synapses differs in its induction sites and N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDAR) dependence. Most evidence favours the presynaptic and postsynaptic mechanisms for induction of MF LTP and AF LTP, respectively. This implies that molecular and functional properties differ between MF and AF synapses at both presynaptic and postsynaptic sites. In this study, we focused on the difference in the postsynaptic trafficking of alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid receptors (AMPARs) between these synapses. To trace the subunit-specific trafficking of AMPARs at each synapse, GluR1 and GluR2 subunits were introduced into CA3 pyramidal neurons in hippocampal organotypic cultures using the Sindbis viral expression system. The electrophysiologically-tagged GluR2 AMPARs, produced by the viral-mediated transfer of the unedited form of GluR2 (GluR2Q), were inserted into both MF and AF postsynaptic sites in a neuronal activity-independent manner. Endogenous Ca(2+)-impermeable AMPARs at these synapses were replaced with exogenous Ca(2+)-permeable receptors, and Ca(2+) influx via the newly expressed postsynaptic AMPARs induced NMDAR-independent LTP at AF synapses. In contrast, no GluR1 AMPAR produced by the gene transfer was constitutively incorporated into AF postsynaptic sites, and only a small amount into MF postsynaptic sites. The synaptic trafficking of GluR1 AMPARs was triggered by the activity of Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent kinase II or high-frequency stimulation to induce LTP at AF synapses, but not at MF synapses. These results indicate that MF and AF postsynaptic sites possess distinct properties for AMPAR trafficking in CA3 pyramidal neurons.  相似文献   

The organizational role of pubertal androgen receptor (AR) activation in synaptic plasticity in hippocampal CA1 and in social memory was assessed. Earlier data suggest pubertal testosterone reduces adult hippocampal synaptic plasticity. Four groups were created following gonadectomy at the onset of puberty: rats given testosterone; rats given testosterone but with the AR antagonist flutamide, present during puberty; rats given testosterone at the end of puberty; and rats given cholesterol at the end of puberty. A tetanus normally inducing long-term potentiation (LTP) was used to stimulate CA1 in the urethane-anesthetized adults during the dark phase of their cycle. Social memory was assessed prior to electrophysiology. Social memory for a juvenile rat at 120 min was seen only in rats not exposed to AR activation during puberty. Pubertal AR activation may induce the reduced social memory of male rats. Early CA1 LTP occurred following tetanus in rats with no pubertal testosterone. Short-term potentiation occurred in rats exposed to pubertal testosterone. Unexpectedly, rats with pubertal AR activation developed long-term depression (LTD). The same pattern was seen in normal male rats. Lack of LTP during the dark phase is consistent with other data on circadian modulation of CA1 LTP. No correlations were seen among social memory scores and CA1 plasticity measures. These data argue for two organizational effects of pubertal testosterone: (1) CA1 synaptic plasticity shifts away from potentiation toward depression; (2) social memory is reduced. Enduring effects of pubertal androgen on limbic circuits may contribute to reorganized behaviors in the postpubertal period.  相似文献   

Curcuminoids are vital constituent of turmeric, with therapeutic potential in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Electrically, stimulus train-elicited plastic changes in hippocampal CA1 excitability were used as an experimental paradigm to study the effects of curcuminoid mixture and individual components on functional failure induced by Aβ peptide in vitro. Electrical stimulation was applied on Schaffer collaterals, and population spikes (PS) were recorded from stratum pyramidale. To induce long-term potentiation (LTP) of PS, primed burst stimulation (PBs) was used. Aβ peptide inhibited PS LTP induction. Sinking PS LTP due to Aβ peptide was rescued when curcuminoid mixture was applied before PBs only at lower dose (0.1 μM) resulting in PS potentiation to 127.42% ± 1.83% at 5 min and 123.98% ± 1.06% at 60-min post-PBs. Similarly, when bisdemethoxycurcumin was applied, PS LTP was induced and lasted only at a single dose (0.1 μM). Demethoxycurcumin was effective at a middle dose (1 μM), so that the PS amplitude was changed to 140.15% ± 2.68% and 129.82% ± 0.44% at 5 and 60 min, respectively. PS LTP was effectively induced in the presence of curcumin at middle and high doses (1 and 30 μM) with resultant PS LTP to 155.68% ± 1.23% and 127.72% ± 1.23%, respectively, at 60-min post-PBs. These results showed that curcuminoids can restore susceptibility for plastic changes in CA1 excitability that is injured by exposure to Aβ peptide and rescue sinking PS LTP in Aβ-peptide-exposed hippocampal CA1 neurons.  相似文献   

The present study has investigated the role of ATP in the induction of synaptic plasticity, using local application of ATP by picopump administration into the stratum radiatum of guinea pig hippocampal region CA1. Excitatory postsynaptic currents (EPSCs) evoked by stimulation of Schaffer collateral/commissural afferents synapsing on CA1 pyramidal cells of hippocampal slices were monitored in voltage-clamp mode, using whole-cell recording. Brief local application of ATP (1 mM) induced an inward current, usually consisting of early- and late-phase components. Because the late-phase component of an ATP-induced current was largely inhibited by Ca2+-free solution, this component is supposed to depend on extracellular Ca2+. After local application of ATP, long-term synaptic modification of EPSCs was induced: LTP was detected in neurons exhibiting a small late Ca2+ current, while LTD was obtained from recordings showing a large late Ca2+ current in response to ATP application. There was a statistically significant correlation between the magnitude of long-term plastic changes and the size of Ca2+ currents in response to ATP application. Furthermore, there was significant difference between the average size of the Ca2+ current in the LTP group and the size in the LTD group. These results suggest that a small Ca2+ influx in response to ATP application induces LTP, whereas a large one induces LTD in guinea pig hippocampal CA1 neurons.  相似文献   

Sabeti J  Gruol DL 《Hippocampus》2008,18(2):148-168
Adolescent humans who abuse alcohol are more vulnerable than adults to the development of memory impairments. Memory impairments often involve modifications in the ability of hippocampal neurons to establish long-term potentiation (LTP) of excitatory neurotransmission; however, few studies have examined how chronic ethanol exposure during adolescence affects LTP mechanisms in hippocampus. We investigated changes in LTP mechanisms in hippocamal slices from rats exposed to intoxicating concentrations of chronic intermittent ethanol (CIE) vapors in their period of early-adolescent (i.e., prepubescent) or late-adolescent (i.e., postpubescent) development. LTP was evaluated at excitatory CA1 synapses in hippocampal slices at 24 h after the cessation of air (control) or CIE vapor treatments. CA1 synapses in control slices showed steady LTP following induction by high-frequency stimulation, which was fully dependent on NMDAR function. By contrast, slices from early-adolescent CIE exposed animals showed a compound form of LTP consisting of an NMDAR-dependent component and a slow-developing component independent of NMDARs. These components summated to yield LTP of robust magnitude above LTP levels in age-matched control slices. Bath-application of the sigma-receptor antagonist BD1047 and the neuroactive steroid pregnenolone sulfate, but not acute ethanol application, blocked NMDAR-independent LTP, while leaving NMDAR-dependent LTP intact. Analysis of presynaptic function during NMDAR-independent LTP induction demonstrated increased presynaptic function via a sigma-receptor-dependent mechanism in slices from early-adolescent CIE-exposed animals. By contrast, CIE exposure after puberty onset in late-adolescent animals produced decrements in LTP levels. The identification of a role for sigma-receptors and neuroactive steroids in the development of NMDAR-independent LTP suggests an important pathway by which hippocampal synaptic plasticity, and perhaps memory, may be uniquely altered by chronic ethanol exposure during the prepubescent phase of adolescent development.  相似文献   

Long-term potentiation (LTP) of excitatory synaptic responses of principal neurons in the hippocampus is accompanied by changes in GABAergic inhibition mediated by interneurons. The impact of inhibition on LTP of excitatory postsynaptic responses in CA1 pyramidal cells was assessed by monitoring changes in field potentials evoked by Schaffer collateral stimulation in hippocampal slices in vitro. First, to determine the effect of inhibition on population EPSPs, slices were exposed to the GABAA receptor antagonist bicuculline (10 μM). Both the slope and amplitude of field EPSPs (fEPSPs) were significantly enhanced by bicuculline indicating that inhibition modulates excitatory postsynaptic responses of pyramidal cells. To assess if stimulation-dependent changes in inhibition influence LTP of excitatory responses of pyramidal cells, LTP was examined in the presence and absence of bicuculline (20 μM) following either 100 Hz tetanization, or theta-patterned stimulation (short bursts delivered at 5 Hz). In normal medium, 100 Hz stimulation produced marked short-term potentiation that decayed 5–10 min post-tetanus and both stimulation paradigms produced similar LTP at 30 min post-tetanus. In comparison, LTP of the fEPSP slope and amplitude was significantly enhanced after theta-patterned stimulation, but not after 100 Hz stimulation, in bicuculline. The greater potentiation of field responses following theta-patterned stimulation in the presence of bicuculline indicates that a larger potentiation of excitatory responses was unmasked during suppression of inhibitory inputs. These results suggest that a long-lasting enhancement of inhibition in pyramidal cells was also induced following theta-patterned stimulation in normal ACSF. Since suppression of inhibition did not uncover a significantly larger potentiation following 100 Hz tetanization, the influence of inhibition on LTP of excitatory responses appears to be stimulation-dependent. In conclusion, theta-patterned stimulation appears to be more effective at inducing plasticity within inhibitory circuits, and this plasticity may partially offset concurrent increases in the excitability of the CA1 network. Hippocampus 1998;8:289–298. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Monosynaptic perforant path projections to the CA3 region of the hippocampus are anatomically and physiologically substantial pathways that relay cortical input directly to the hippocampus proper. Despite the suggested relevance of these direct pathways in models of information processing within the CA3 region, surprisingly few studies have characterized synaptic plasticity in these direct cortical projections to the CA3 region. We assessed the ability of perforant path projections, and commissural/associational projections to the hippocampal CA3 region to both induce or display associative LTP in vivo. In pentobarbital-anesthetized adult rats, trains delivered to either the medial or lateral perforant pathway at current intensities normally insufficient to induce LTP displayed associative LTP when these same trains were delivered in conjunction with high-intensity trains to the alternate perforant pathway. Similarly, associative LTP is induced at intrinsic commissural/associational–CA3 (C/A–CA3) synapses when weak C/A trains were delivered in conjunction with high-intensity trains to either the medial or lateral perforant pathway. Associative LTP also was observed at medial and lateral perforant path–CA3 synapses when weak perforant path trains were tetanized in conjunction with high-intensity trains delivered to C/A–CA3 synapses. Thus direct perforant path–CA3 synapses and commissural/associational–CA3 synapses can modify and be modified by other CA3 afferents in an associative manner, verifying a requirement for synaptic plasticity explicit in models of autoassociative information processing in the CA3 region.  相似文献   

Severe stress elevates plasma and CNS levels of endogenous neuroactive steroids that can contribute to the influence of stress on memory formation. Among the neuroactive steroids, pregnenolone sulfate (PREGS) reportedly strengthens memories and is readily available as a memory-enhancing supplement. PREGS actions on memory may reflect its ability to produce changes in memory-related neuronal circuits, such as long-term potentiation (LTP) of excitatory transmission in hippocampus. Here, we report a previously undiscovered pathway by which PREGS exposure promotes activity-dependent LTP of field excitatory postsynaptic potentials at CA1 synapses in hippocampal slices. Thus, application of PREGS, but not the phosphated conjugate of the steroid, selectively facilitates the induction of a slow-developing LTP in response to high-frequency (100 Hz) afferent stimulation, which is not induced in the absence of the steroid. The slow-developing LTP is independent of NMDA-receptor function (i.e., dAP5 insensitive) but dependent on functional L-type voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCC) and sigma-receptors. By contrast, PREGS at the highest concentration tested produces a depression in NMDA-receptor-dependent LTP, which is evident when sigma-receptor function is compromised by the presence of a sigma-receptor antagonist. We found that at early times during the induction phase of L-type VGCC-dependent LTP, PREGS via sigma-receptors transiently enhances presynaptic function. As well, during the maintenance phase of L-type VGCC-dependent LTP, PREGS promotes a further increase in presynaptic function downstream of LTP induction, as evidenced by a decrease in paired-pulse facilitation. The identification of complex regulatory actions of PREGS on LTP, involving sigma-receptors, L-type VGCCs, NMDA-receptors, and inhibitory circuits will aid future research endeavors aimed at understanding the precise mechanisms by which this stress-associated steroid may engage multiple LTP-signaling pathways that alter synaptic transmission at memory-related synapses.  相似文献   

In this study, the effects of chronic morphine administration (20–30 days) on long-term potentiation (LTP) were investigated at the Schaffer collateral–CA1 pyramidal cell synapses of the rat hippocampal slices. Orthodromic population spike (OPS) amplitude and delay (peak latency) were measured as indices of increase in synaptic efficacy. The amounts of LTP of OPS delay and LTP of OPS amplitude were higher in slices from dependent rats. Perfusion of slices from control and dependent rats with morphine containing ACSF and delivering tetanic stimulation, showed that short-term presence of morphine could not mimic the LTP enhancing effects of chronic morphine administration, however, attenuated the amount of LTP of OPS amplitude in slices of dependent rats. This study supports the hypothesis that the susceptibility of CA1 synapses to plastic changes increases by chronic, not acute exposure to morphine and suggests that a withdrawal phenomenon might be an underlying mechanism for the observed augmented LTP of OPS amplitude in slices of dependent rats.  相似文献   

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