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This study examined the possibility that managing behavioral health care services achieves savings by cost shifting—by denying care or impeding access to care—and in that way encouraging patients to seek needed behavioral health care in the medical care system. In 1993, a large industrial company carved out employee behavioral health care from its unmanaged, indemnity medical care benefits and offered employees an enhanced benefit package through a managed behavioral health care company. This study compared the use and cost of behavioral health care and medical care services for two years before the carve-out and for three years afterward. The rate of behavioral health care usage remained the same or increased after the carve-out, while the cost of providing the care decreased. Controlling for trends that began before the inception of managed behavioral health, medical care costs decreased for those using behavioral health care services. No evidence supporting cost shifting was found.  相似文献   

Although socioeconomic status is acknowledged to be an important determinant of modern health care utilisation, most analyses to date have failed to include traditional systems as alternative, or joint, providers of care. In developing countries, where pluralistic care systems are common, individuals are likely to be using multiple sources of health care, and the order in which systems are chosen is likely to vary according to income. This paper uses self-collected data from households in Ghana and econometric techniques (biprobit modelling and ordered logit) to show that rising income is associated with modern care use whilst decreasing income is associated with traditional care use. When utilisation is analysed in order, results show rising income to have a positive effect on choice of modern care as a first provider, whilst choosing it second, third or never is associated with decreasing income. The effects of income on utilisation patterns of traditional care are stronger: as income rises, utilisation of traditional care as a first choice decreases. Policy should incorporate traditional care into the general utilisation framework and recognise that strategies which increase income may encourage wider utilisation of modern over traditional care, whilst high levels of poverty will see continued use of traditional care.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that equity may be included in the economic evaluation of health services using the ‘proportional shortfall’ (PS)—the proportion of a person’s QALY expectation that they would lose because of an illness. The present paper reports the results of a population survey designed to test whether PS helped to explain people’s preferences for health services and whether it did this better than the absolute shortfall or the equity related variables that PS seeks to replace. Survey respondents were asked to allocate 100 votes between 13 scenarios and a standard scenario. Variation in the allocation of votes was explained by health gain and different combinations of the equity variables. Differences in votes for the comparisons were significantly related to differences in PS but the relationship was weaker than between votes and the age related variables. Cases were identified where PS suggested a priority ordering of services which was strongly rejected by respondents. It is concluded that the use of PS is unlikely to improve the alignment of priorities with public preferences.  相似文献   

This study estimates the effect of employment-based private health insurance (EPHI) on the use of covered health care services based on Danish survey data collected in 2009. The paper provides some of the first estimates of how EPHI affects the use of health care services in a Scandinavian context. The effect of EPHI is estimated using propensity score matching. This method is shown to provide plausible estimates given the institutional setting of EPHI in Denmark and a wide set of relevant covariates. Considering the full sample of occupationally active, it is found that EPHI does not significantly affect the probability of having had any hospitalisations, physiotherapist, chiropractor, psychologist, specialist, or ambulatory contacts within a 12 month period. Restricting the analysis to the subsample of privately employed, the estimated effects for ambulatory contacts and hospitalisation are somewhat higher and statistically significant. More precisely, it is found that EPHI increases the probability of hospitalisation from 5.1 to 8.5% and the probability of having had any ambulatory contacts from 17.9 to 23.3% among the privately employed.  相似文献   



In Finland like in many other countries, employers are legally obliged to organize occupational health services (OHS) for their employees. Because employers bear the costs of OHS it could be that in spite of the legal requirement OHS expenditure is more determined by economic performance of the company than by law. Therefore, we explored whether economic performance was associated with the companies' expenditure on occupational health services.  相似文献   

《Global public health》2013,8(5):528-537
Studies that analyse the association between relationship status and health usually disregard non-marital relationships. The present study examines if the use of different relationship indicators leads to different associations between relationship status and physical and mental health. The database used for this analysis is the Survey of Health and Ageing in Europe, a large population-based survey of Europeans aged 50 and over and their cohabitants. This study combines cross-sectional and retrospective data of 13 European countries. The sample size is 9298 men and 11,631 women for grip strength and 9609 men and 12,333 women for depression. Generalised estimating equations are used. For men, the goodness-of-fit measure quasi-likelihood under the independence model criterion indicates that marital status is a better predictor than cohabitation status or partnership status for predicting grip strength. However, for grip strength of women, there are only small differences in the model fit between the different relationship indicators. For both men and women, the partnership status (marriage, cohabitation or dating relationship) shows the best model fit for explaining depression. The results suggest that future health research could benefit from the use of relationship indicators other than marital status, particularly regarding mental health.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To analyse social class inequalities in the access to and utilization of health services in Catalonia (Spain), and the influence of having private health insurance supplementing the National Health System (NHS) coverage. DESIGN: 1994 Catalan Health Interview Survey, a cross-sectional survey conducted in 1994. SETTING: Catalonia (Spain). STUDY PARTICIPANTS: The participants were a representative sample of people aged over 14 years from the non-institutionalized population of Catalonia (n = 12,245). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Health services utilization, perceived health, having only NHS or NHS plus a private health insurance, and social class. RESULTS: Although one-quarter of the population of Catalonia had a supplemental private health insurance, percentages were very different according to social class, ranging from almost 50% for classes I and II to 16% for classes IV and V in both sexes. No inequalities by social class were observed for the utilization of non-preventive health care services (consultation with a health professional in the last 2 weeks and hospitalization in the last year) among persons with poor self-perceived health status, i.e. those in most need. However, social inequalities still remain in the use of health services provided only partially by the NHS, and when characteristics of last consultation are taken into account. Subjects who paid for a private service waited an average of 18.8 minutes less than those attending the NHS. Within the NHS, social classes IV and V waited longer (35.5 minutes) than social classes I and II (28.4 minutes). CONCLUSION: The NHS in Catalonia, Spain, has reduced inequalities in the use of health services. Social inequalities remain in the use of those health services provided only partially by the NHS.  相似文献   

Given the scarcity of cost data for health interventions, there has been substantial use of a relatively small number of existing studies to underpin policy development formulation. Intervention-specific cost and cost-effectiveness data have been used to plan overall budgets, to assess the relative efficiency of different interventions and to consider the resource requirements for programme implementation at both the local and national levels. Cost and cost-effectiveness comparisons have been made between these studies and general sources such as the World Bank's World Development Report 1993. At the same time, information on key health sector variables, such as annual health expenditures, has been systematically compiled for more than two decades. The question of possible inflationary effects is becoming increasingly important as the original data on which these numbers are based ages. For example, cost figures from the mid-1980s require a 60% inflationary adjustment simply to maintain their real value in current dollars. This paper looks at methods to adjust cost data to account for inflation and discusses the difference between real or constant and nominal or current values. These methods are also used to make inflationary adjustments to other types of economic data such as income.  相似文献   

Overcrowding in emergency departments generates potential inefficiencies. Using regional administrative data, we investigate the impact that an increase in the accessibility of primary care has on emergency visits in Italy. We consider two measures of avoidable emergency visits recorded at list level for each General Practitioner. We test whether extending practices' opening hours to up to 12 hours/day reduces the inappropriate utilization of emergency services. Since subscribing to the extension program is voluntary, we account for the potential endogeneity of participation in a count model for emergency admissions in two ways: first, we use a two-stage residual inclusion approach. Then we exploit panel methods on data covering a three-year period, thus accounting directly for individual heterogeneity. Our results show that increasing primary care accessibility acts as a restraint on the inappropriate use of emergency departments. The estimated effect is in the range of a 10–15% reduction in inappropriate admissions.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To investigate the evidence for the existence of gender bias (defined as care provided independently of clinical need) in the use of specialist services by critically appraising the literature. METHODS: A computer-assisted search of the bibliographic databases PubMed, Medline, EMBASE, Healthstar and Social Science Citation Index for English language papers published from 1966 until May 1999. In addition, four journals were handsearched and the reference lists of identified papers were explored. Retrospective studies were only used when there were insufficient prospective studies. RESULTS: One hundred and thirty-eight studies were identified covering five major topics: coronary artery disease; renal transplantation; human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS); mental illness; and other (mainly invasive) procedures. The majority (94) examined coronary artery disease. It appears that men are more likely to undergo non-invasive investigations than women, but that subsequent investigation and treatment shows no clear evidence of gender differences. Men are more likely to undergo renal transplantation and, for those with HIV and AIDS, to receive azidothymidine (zidovudine, AZT) than women. There are some indications that disparities in favour of men also occur for those suffering from cardiac arrhythmias and cerebrovascular disease, and for those undergoing vascular surgery, hip replacement and heart transplantation. In contrast, women are more likely to undergo liver transplantation and cataract surgery. Mental health services may be provided differently for men and women. All these findings are limited by a lack of accurate denominator information and insufficient ability to adjust for prognostic factors. CONCLUSIONS: Differences in health care use can be due to demand factors (e.g. differences in the prevalence and severity of disease or in patient preferences), supply factors (particularly clinical judgement), or both. There is a need to examine these explanations thoroughly for gender inequalities in order to ensure that equity (lack of bias) is achieved. There is also a need for higher quality studies if differences are to be attributed conclusively to bias or not.  相似文献   

With end of life care a national priority in many countries, and the main place of care the family home, informal family carers are now considered the frontline of primary care. Yet we are insufficiently informed about the needs of carers, both during the time of caring and during bereavement. This study identifies which carers believed they did not get enough support from health services when caring for a terminally ill family member, what factors influenced perceptions of support, and whether inadequate support influenced the carer's health following the death of a family member. Unlike previous survey designs that explore end-of-life concerns, we were able to triangulate interview data from semi-structured telephone interviews (August 2005–June 2006) with a relatively large group of 1071 carers in Western Australia, with administrative records from death registrations, hospital morbidity and community care records from the 1071 deceased family members. The addition of administrative data allowed us to quantify hospital and community care service use. Data analysis consisted of summary statistics and logistic regressions for two groups of carers during the first few months of bereavement: those whose health got a bit/lot worse, and those who were not coping on most/all days. We found that carers were more likely to have poor health if they perceived they did not get enough support from health services and if the deceased family member did not die in the carer's preferred place of death. Additionally, carers were more likely to be not coping if they were aged 60 years or less, female, had lost a spouse/partner and the deceased family member did not die in the carer's preferred place. By identifying which carers are more vulnerable than others, carer education and practical support can be targeted to specific groups. Ideally resources for bereavement support should be extended into the months following the relative's death.  相似文献   

This paper provides a test of the hypothesis that people shift their consumption of health services to time periods when they have more generous insurance coverage, in order to take advantage of third-party payment. We use data from the Survey of Income and Program Participation to compare utilization rates for people in transition between being insured and being uninsured to those of people who are continuously insured and continuously uninsured. We find little support for the hypothesis that people anticipate changes in their insurance status and arrange their health care consumption accordingly.  相似文献   



Heart failure (HF) represents an increasing burden on health-care systems because of the aging population. The aim of this study was to explore its costs of care in Germany from the payer perspective and to identify the main drivers.

Subjects and methods

As part of a trial, primary care physicians (PCPs) enrolled eligible patients and documented actual clinical and 12-month retrospective ambulatory health-care utilisation data related to HF [PCP and cardiologist contacts, and cardiovascular (CV) medication] and provided the doctors’ reports of hospitalisations during 2004 and 2005, enabling the collection and calculation of costs. Furthermore, each hospitalisation was classified according to the cause of admission into HF, CV or other hospitalisation.


Thirty-seven physicians enrolled 168 patients with complete data of 159 patients (95?%). Patients (mean age 68?±?10?years, 73?% male, 47?% ischaemic aetiology) had ascertained systolic HF (mean ejection fraction 33?±?7?%) with NYHA class II/III in 53/45?%. Mean (SD; median) annual costs of 96 hospitalisations, CV medication, and 337 cardiologist and 3,037 PCP practice contacts were 3,545 (8,065; 0), 854 (835; 638), 117 (105; 106) and 269 (190; 233) euros, respectively, totalling 4,792 (8249;1341) euros. Fourteen per cent of all patients incurred 50?% of total costs. Twenty-five HF, 49 CV and 22 other hospitalisations incurred 13, 73 and 14?% of hospital care costs, respectively.


These secondary outcome data might indicate a trend that neither HF ambulatory care nor hospitalisation but rather interventional cardiology is the main cost driver. Planning interventions aimed at reduced hospitalisation and costs should include further clarification of the mechanisms of CV hospitalisation and reimbursement.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: This study clarifies the confusion about what factors are consistent predictors of primary care service use, of which preventive services are a major component. A variety of health risk, predisposing, and enabling characteristics were assessed for their association with the use of primary care. Variable selection was guided by the use of the Andersen-Newman Behavioral Model of health service utilization. METHODS: The responses of 1,512 residents of Oklahoma to the BRFS survey were used in this study. Both probit and logistic analyses were used to assess the use of nine preventive services and a summary index of service use. RESULTS: The results indicate that those at greater risk of illness and least able to use finance services have the lowest rates of use among the nine preventive services individually and when combined as an index of overall primary care use. CONCLUSIONS: Problems persist with the adequate distribution of primary care among the medically vulnerable. Furthermore, recent welfare and health reforms may present added obstacles to their access to quality primary care services. The paper concludes with a discussion of policy options that may improve the effectiveness of primary care and redress inequities in the use of these services.  相似文献   

The problem of shortage of physicians has been discussed controversially in Germany for years, and the different positions of the interest groups involved have not been resolved. The question of the present and anticipated future requirement of physicians is central for an appropriate and necessary medical care of the population. In the analysis, supply and demand of medical care have to be distinguished. Relatively reliable data do exist for the supply of physicians; however, the changing number of working hours that male and ?C in particular female ?C physicians are willing to contribute should be taken into consideration. Reliable data for the future demand are presently not available. Several variables (e.g., demography, disease spectrum of an aging society, medical progress, the changing rules of working hours, and the shift of medical care between hospital and practice care) depend on future developments. Considering the existing serious indicators of a growing shortage of physicians, it is recommended to put more effort into the scientific investigation of these factors. More profound data should improve the basis for decisions in health and education politics.  相似文献   

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