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We examined 59 breast cancers for p53 and bcl-2 protein expression by immunohistochemistry. The results were correlated with Ki-67 immunostaining. p53-negativity was noted in 40 cases and the remaining 19 tumours were p53-positive. Thirty-six tumours showed strong expression of bcl-2 and in 23 no staining for this protein was observed. We found statistically significant reverse correlation between expression of p53 and bcl-2 in majority of carcinomas: 31 cases were bcl-2 positive and p53-negative, and 14 tumours were bcl-2-negative and p53-positive. Six carcinomas showed no nuclear staining for Ki-67 and in the remaining 53 the percent of cancer cells positive for Ki-67 ranged from 1 to 60 (mean: 14.6). In these 53 cases we found that bcl-2-positive tumours were characterized by lower proliferation than bcl-2-negative tumours, the mean value of Ki-67 immunostaining being 10.7% and 23.0%, respectively. p53-negative tumours showed lower proliferation than p53-positive tumours: mean Ki-67 index was 10.2% and 23.9%, respectively.We conclude that immunohistochemically detected p53 and bcl-2 proteins show a significant inverse relationship in majority of breast carcinomas and their expression correlates with tumour proliferation (Ki-67 immunostaining).  相似文献   

Histologic grading of meningiomas has prognostic and clinical therapeutic implications. Meningiomas were histologically classified into 3 different World Health Organization grades. Grade II, an atypical meningioma, was defined by major and various minor histologic criteria. However, these histologic criteria sometimes are not fulfilled, and other criteria are necessary. We studied and analyzed the immunohistochemical expression of MIB-1, p53, p21WAF1, p27KIP1 proteins in 146 cases of meningiomas, including 109 benign, 27 atypical, and 10 anaplastic meningiomas. Most of the benign meningiomas expressed low MIB-1 labeling index (mean, 1.5%), and fewer cases had p53 protein expression. In contrast, the anaplastic meningiomas had a high labeling index of MIB-1 (mean, 19.5%) and always expressed p53 protein, with a mean labeling index of 6.3%. The atypical meningiomas had MIB-1 and p53 labeling indexes in the range between benign and anaplastic meningiomas, with mean labeling indexes of 8.1% and 3.5%, respectively. These expressions were statistically significant among benign, atypical, and anaplastic meningiomas (P <.001). We conclude that the immunohistochemistry of MIB-1 and p53 protein will be valuable in discriminating atypical meningiomas from benign or anaplastic meningiomas, at least in histologically borderline cases. In addition, we also found direct correlation of p21 and inverse correlation of p27 expressions in meningiomas with increasing histologic grade and proliferative index.  相似文献   

Cyclin D1 and E2F-1 proteins are essential for the regulation of the G1/S transition through the cell cycle. Cyclin D1, a product of the bcl-1 gene, phosphorylates the retinoblastoma protein, releasing E2F-1, which in turn activates genes involved in DNA synthesis. Expression patterns of E2F-1 protein in thyroid proliferations have not been reported. This study used monoclonal antibodies for cyclin D1 and E2F-1 proteins to immunostain sections of normal thyroid, hyperplastic (cellular) nodules, follicular adenomas, follicular carcinomas, and papillary carcinomas. The proliferation rate was examined using an antibody specific for the Ki-67 antigen. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) methods and chromosome 11-specific probes were also employed to determine chromosome copy number and to assess for evidence of amplification at the 11q13 locus in papillary and follicular carcinomas with cyclin D1 overexpression. Concurrent overexpression of Ki-67, cyclin D1, and E2F-1 was found in the majority of benign and malignant thyroid lesions, compared with normal thyroid tissue. Cyclin D1 up-regulation was not due to extra copies of chromosome 11, or bcl-1 gene amplification. Malignant tumours showed the highest expression for all three markers, particularly papillary carcinomas. E2F-1 was detected at the same or slightly lower levels than cyclin D1. It was only found when cyclin D1 was overexpressed. Because cyclin D1 normally activates E2F-1, up-regulation of cyclin D1 may lead to E2F-1 overexpression in benign and malignant thyroid lesions.  相似文献   

Hydatidiform moles (HM) are characterized by an abnormal proliferating trophoblast with a potential for a malignant transformation. Similar to other human tumors, trophoblastic pathogenesis is likely a multistep process involving several molecular and genetic alterations. The study was performed to investigate the expression patterns of c-erbB-2 and Bcl-2 oncoproteins, p53, p21WAF1/CIP1 and p63 tumor suppressor proteins and Ki-67 cell proliferation marker in HM.We conducted a retrospective study of 220 gestational products, including 39 hydropic abortions (HA), 41 partial HM (PHM) and 140 complete HM (CHM). The expression of c-erbB-2, Bcl-2, p53, p21WAF1/CIP1, p63 and Ki-67 was investigated by immunohistochemistry on archival tissues. c-erbB-2 expression was observed in three PHM and 10 CHM. Bcl-2 immunostaining was significantly higher in PHM (61%) and CHM (70.7%) compared with HA (7.7%, p?=? 0.001 and p?<? 0.0001, respectively). p53 expression was stronger in CHM (73.6%) compared with PHM (24.4%, p < 0.0001) and HA (12.8%, p < 0.0001). p21WAF1/CIP1 staining was observed as well in molar and non-molar gestations (p?>? 0.05). p63 immunoexpression was significantly described in CHM (85.7%) and PHM (78%) compared with HA (10.2%, p < 0.0001 and p = 0.0001, respectively). Ki-67 was significantly expressed in CHM (72.1%) compared with HA (46.2%, p = 0.005).Altered expression of Bcl-2, p53, p63 and Ki-67 reflects the HM pathological development. Immunohistochemical analysis is beneficial to recognize the HM molecular and pathogenic mechanisms. Furthermore, it could serve as a useful adjunct to conventional methods for refining HM diagnosis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Human papilloma virus (HPV) is the most important factor in the oncogenic mechanism of cervical tumor. Furthermore, in a separate multi-stage process, abnormality in cell cycle kinetics has been demonstrated. In order to elucidate the oncogenic mechanism, we examined the relationship between cervical carcinoma and HPV infection, and also investigated the expression of p53 and p21 proteins as well as the cell proliferation capability by detecting Ki-67, and analyzed the correlations of these factors. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We studied the biopsy specimens from 107 patients of chronic cervicitis, cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). HPV DNA was detected by the hybrid capture method. Immunostaining by LSAB procedures were performed using antibodies to p53 protein, p21 and MIB-1. The PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) method was used to search for mutation in exons 5, 6, 7 and 8 of p53. RESULTS: Of 107 cases studied, high-oncogenic HPV was detected in 80 cases (74.8%) with a particularly high prevalence in SCC. No correlation was observed between HPV infection and expression of p53, p21 or Ki-67. The degree of positivity of Ki-67 expression tended to be higher with disease progression. Cases strongly positive (2+) for p53 and p21 proteins were weakly positive for Ki-67, and cases positive (1+) or negative for p53 and p21 were strongly positive for Ki-67. CONCLUSION: In oncogenesis of cervical carcinoma, p53 protein, p21 protein and HPV may act separately as independent factors in some cases, and there is a strong possibility that other factors are involved.  相似文献   

Molecular evidence has recently suggested a number of different pathways leading to the development of ductal carcinoma of the breast. The links between atypical ductal hyperplasia and low-grade ductal carcinoma in situ and lobular neoplasia and lobular carcinoma are well known pathologically, but high-grade in situ and invasive carcinomas appear to have a different biological oncogenetic pathway. Morphologically there is a similarity between apocrine cells and some cases of high-grade ductal carcinoma. In order to investigate this possibility a number of different biological markers known to occur in high-grade breast carcinomas were assessed in both apocrine metaplasia (APM) and a putative premalignant lesion called apocrine change within sclerosing adenosis (AA). In 64 cases of APM and 18 cases of AA we examined for expression of c-erbB2, p53, Bcl-2, Bax, c-myc and Ki-67 proteins using immunocytochemistry. c-erbB2 expression was seen in 55.6% of AA cases and in 10.9% of APM cases. p53 expression was detected in 27.8% of AA cases but only 1.6% of APM cases. All cases of AA and APM were negative for the anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-2, but all the APM and 33.3% of AA cases showed cytoplasmic positivity for Bax, a pro-apoptotic protein. All the cases of AA and APM were positive for c-myc oncoprotein, however, the mean percentage of nuclear positivity was 50% in AA and 37% in cases of APM cases. The mean percentage positivity for Ki-67, a proliferation associated antigen, was 3.6% in AA and 1.3% in APM. The results indicate that a subset of breast lesions containing APM epithelium show abnormal oncoprotein and apoptosis-related protein expression and have a higher proliferation rate.  相似文献   

Lee SJ  Kim HS  Kim HS  Chun YK  Hong SR  Lee JH 《Human pathology》2007,38(8):1226-1231
Uterine carcinosarcomas (UCs) are highly aggressive neoplasms for which no effective adjuvant therapy has been established. The aim of this study was to test potential indicators of UC sensitivity to topoisomerase I (topo I)-targeted drugs. Laboratory studies have shown that the cellular response to topo I-targeted drugs is dependent on topo I expression, DNA replication rate, and activity of the apoptotic pathway. Therefore, this study investigated expression of topo I, a proliferation marker Ki-67, and the apoptosis initiator p53 in 20 cases of UC. Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue sections were immunostained with monoclonal antibodies against topo I, Ki-67, and p53. The hospital records of all 20 patients with UC were reviewed. Twelve (60%) of 20 cases showed increased expression of topo I. Staining for Ki-67 showed elevated expression in 15 (75%) of 20 cases. Fourteen cases (70%) showed positive staining for p53 in more than 20% of the tumor cells. However, analysis of the relationship between immunohistochemical results and clinical parameters revealed no correlations with topo I expression. There were no significant correlations between the expression of topo I and Ki-67 (P = .704), or topo I and p53 (P = .465). Significantly increased expression of topo I, Ki-67, and p53 in UC tumor cells suggests sensitivity to topo I-targeted drug treatment.  相似文献   

Fifty-three breast lesions, which had been fixed in formalin and embedded in paraffin, were immunohistochemically analyzed with monoclonal antibodies to cytokeratin subtypes 1, 5, 10, 14 (34BE12), muscle-specific actins (HHF35) and antiserum to S100 protein, all of which have been used as markers for myoepithelial cells. With these antibodies, a continuous myoepithelial cell layer could generally be seen around the benign ducts and acini. In in situ carcinomas, such a layer could still be observed, though it was usually discontinuous and sometimes absent. In infiltrating carcinomas, no myoepithelial cell layer could be observed. In intraductal hyperplasias, scattered HHF35, 34BE12 and S100-positive cells could be seen amongst the proliferating intraductal cells. In in situ and infiltrating carcinomas, however, such cells could also be observed. This was seen especially with antibodies 34BE12 and S100, and to a lesser extent also with HHF35. Morphologically these cells seemed to belong to the malignant cell population. Although myoepithelial cell preservation is an important morphological parameter in the histological evaluation of breast lesions, the results suggest that the myoepithelial cell markers 34BE12, HHF35 and S100 cannot be used in the differential diagnosis between benign and malignant breast lesions in a straightforward manner. This is because in situ carcinomas have a more or less preserved myoepithelial cell layer, and because many infiltrating and in situ carcinomas contain a subpopulation of neoplastic cells expressing these markers, possibly signifying myoepithelial cell differentiation.  相似文献   

p53 is a tumor suppressor gene that commonly undergoes mutations in human tumors, including lymphomas. Because p53 mutations are not restricted to a single locus, immunohistochemistry is useful to detect p53 expression and correlate this finding with lymphoma phenotype. Cryostat sections from 125 cases of lymphoma were analyzed for p53 expression using three different monoclonal antibodies (pAb 421, 1801, 240) which react with human cellular p53 and a common conformational epitope on mutant p53. A control antibody (pAb 246) reacts only with wild type p53 of murine origin and was negative in all cases. Tissue from 29 cases of lymphoid hyperplasia, including six from human immunodeficiency virus-positive (HIV+) patients, were negative for p53. p53 was predominantly localized in nuclei of high-grade lymphomas, including 14 of 46 cases of B cell immunoblastic lymphomas and two of five T cell immunoblastic lymphomas. p53 expression was relatively common in lymphomas from HIV+ patients, and unusual in intermediate and low-grade lymphomas of follicular center cell type. Low-grade lymphoma of small lymphocytic type disclosed p53+ large cells (paraimmunoblasts) that may play a role in tumor progression in this lymphoma subtype. p53 was also strongly expressed in the nuclei of Reed Sternberg cells from 19 of 37 cases of Hodgkin's disease, including six cases of mixed cellularity, and 13 cases of nodular sclerosing type. Immunohistochemical staining is a rapid method to identify p53 expression in lymphomas.  相似文献   

In diagnostic breast pathology, there is no reliable applicable immunostain to help discern atypical and in situ apocrine lesions from benign apocrine tissue. At present, the diagnosis of non-invasive apocrine lesions remains challenging with current diagnoses rendered based on discrete morphologic characteristics on conventional hematoxylin and eosin staining. Interobserver variability is significant even among subspecialists partly due to lack of adjuvant diagnostic immunohistochemical stains. Herein, we set to elucidate the potential utility of EZH2 and Ki-67 immunostains as tangible tools in non-invasive apocrine proliferations. A cohort of apocrine breast lesions [Benign apocrine hyperplasia (BAH), n = 10; Atypical apocrine hyperplasia (AAH), n = 16; Apocrine ductal carcinoma in situ (ADCIS), n = 12] were subjected to EZH2 immunostaining and analyzed via H-scoring of nuclear expression. Mean H-scores for EZH2 progressively increased from BAH (23.5), to AAH (47.4) and ADCIS (196.4), and showed a significant difference utilizing the Kruskal-Wallis test (p < 0.0001). Further interrogation of Ki-67 demonstrated incremental expression from BAH to AAH and ADCIS at 1.6 %, 4.7 % and 24.7 %, respectively (p < 0.0001, Kruskal-Wallis test), suggesting an association with increased proliferation. Our results demonstrate that a combination of EZH2 and Ki-67 immunostaining may be employed in differentiating among challenging apocrine breast lesions and suggest a putative diagnostic utility for EZH2 and Ki-67 in non-invasive apocrine breast lesions.  相似文献   

Urothelial dysplasia and carcinoma in situ (CIS) are related to recurrence and progression of urothelial carcinoma. Distinguishing CIS and dysplasia from reactive atypia is often difficult on the basis of histological features alone. Cytokeratin 20 (CK20), p53, and Ki-67 are related either to neoplastic change or prognosis in urothelial proliferations. The objective of the present study was to establish the immunohistochemical pattern of these three antibodies in urothelial dysplasia and CIS. Three groups of patients were evaluated: 40 nonneoplastic urothelial samples, 50 cases with histologically incontrovertible CIS, and 30 samples with nonconclusive atypical changes (atypia of unknown significance). Monoclonal antibodies (MoAb) against CK20, p53, and Ki-67 (MIB-1) were used on paraffin-embedded samples. Nonneoplastic urothelium showed no reactivity to CK20 except for umbrella cells; p53 and Ki-67 were negative or weakly positive in <10% of basal cells. In the CIS group, 42% showed positivity for all three MoAb; 44%, for two; and 14%, only for one. CK20 was positive through the full thickness of the urothelium in 72% of cases, p53 was positive in 80% of cases, and Ki-67, in 94% of cases. In the third group, the suspected dysplastic cells showed strong positivity in scattered cells through the epithelium in 75% of cases. Aberrant CK20 expression in urothelial cells plus overexpression of p53 and Ki-67 are indicators of dysplastic change in urothelial mucosa. Thus, immunohistochemistry is a useful tool to confirm the diagnosis of CIS and could be helpful to distinguish dysplastic changes from reactive atypia.  相似文献   

Cell atypia in breast fine needle aspiration (FNA) can introduce some diagnostic difficulties. Molecules reflecting proliferative cell potential, such as Ki‐67 and p27Kip1, can help in recognizing the true biological nature of a cell. Thus, the objective of the study was to analyze the difference in Ki‐67 and p27Kip1 cell immunoexpression in breast FNA specimens between fibroadenomas, fibrocystic changes (FCC) with atypia, and breast carcinoma. Microscopic analyses of cell cytomorphology and Ki‐67 and p27Kip1 breast cell immunoexpression were done after standard Pappenheim and immunocytochemical staining (labeled streptavidin‐biotin, LSAB) method in autostainer DakoCytomation TechMate?. The study included 50 patients with breast carcinoma, 20 patients with fibroadenoma, and 20 patients with FCC with atypia. High Ki‐67 and low or absent p27Kip1 were found in most patients with breast carcinoma, while majority of FCC with atypia were characterized by low Ki‐67 and moderate to high p27Kip1 cell immunoexpression. Majority of fibroadenomas were associated with low Ki‐67 and low to moderate p27Kip1 cell immunoexpression indicating progressive decrease in cell cycle inhibition, but still not so high proliferative activity as in carcinoma. However, although statistically significant difference for Ki‐67 and p27Kip1 was found between breast lesions in our study, the large ranges observed for each marker make them essentially useless for better cytological diagnosis in a single case. Regarding their opposite role in cell cycle, inverse correlation of Ki‐67 and p27Kip1 was noticed. Poorly differentiated carcinoma cells had mostly high Ki‐67 andlow p27Kip1 cell immunoexpression. Diagn. Cytopathol. 2011;39:333–340. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

目的:探讨p53,Ki-67及E-钙黏蛋白(E-cadherin)在三阴性乳腺癌(triple negative breast cancer,TNBC)组织中的表达及预后的关系.方法:采用免疫组织化学法检测52例TNBC和52例非三阴性乳腺癌(non-triple-negative breast cancer,NTNBC)组织中p53,Ki-67及E-cadherin表达情况,观察3个指标与TNBC患者临床病理学特征及预后的关系.结果:TNBC组织中p53,Ki-67及E-cadherin的阳性表达率分别为67.3%,80.8%,26.9%;而在NTNBC组织中为44.2%,61.5%,48.1%(均P<0.05).在TNBC组织中,p53表达阳性与肿瘤大小、TNM分期及组织学分级有关(均P<0.05);Ki-67表达阳性与TNM分期、淋巴结转移有关(均P<0.05);E-cadherin表达阳性与肿瘤大小、TNM分期、淋巴结转移有关(均P<0.05).在TNBC患者中,p53,Ki-67及E-cadherin表达阳性者与阴性者总体生存率(overall survival,OS)的差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05).Cox回归分析多因素显示:淋巴结转移、p53、Ki-67及E-cadherin表达是影响TNBC患者总体生存率的独立预后因素(均P<0.05).结论:TNBC组织中,p53、Ki-67高表达,其表达阳性者预后差,E-cadherin低表达,其表达阳性者预后良好.联合检测p53、Ki-67及E-cadherin表达可为TNBC患者的治疗提供新靶点.  相似文献   

We immunohistochemically investigated Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-positive and negative 31 malignant lymphomas (MLs) for p53 protein using a monoclonal antibody which is expressed on a wild type and mutant human p53 protein. We evaluated the presence of mutations in exons 5 to 8 of the p53 gene using single-strand confirmation polymorphism analysis. Overexpression of p53 was detected in 13 out of 31 cases (41.9%) of MLs. However, we have documented the presence of structural alterations of the p53 gene in six cases of MLs. The presence of EBV infection in MLs was statistically unrelated to p53 protein overexpression. Excellent correlation was found between p53 immunoreactivity and histologic types of MLs. Even though the reason for discrepancy between p53 gene mutation and p53 protein overexpression remains unclear, p53 protein overexpression may be involved in the process of malignant transformation regardless of EBV infection in MLs.  相似文献   

Backgound: Renal epithelioid angiomyolipoma (EAML) is a rare variant of AML (angiomyolipoma) and is often associated with aggressive behaviors. The pathogenesis of EAML has been poorly understood. We analyzed the expression of p53 and Ki-67 by immunohistochemistry (IHC) and investigated p53 mutation analysis in 11 cases of EAML in comparison to classical AML. Methods: P53 and Ki-67 expression status were determined by IHC staining. P53 mutation analysis was performed using bi-directional sequencing. Results: Renal EAML tumors were significantly associated with more severe to moderate nuclear atypia (100% vs. 36.4%, P = 0.004) and mitotic activity (90.9% vs. 27.3%, P = 0.008) compared with AML tumors. Out of 11 cases of EAML, 8 were positive for p53. There was only 1 case with positive p53 expression in AML cases and expression of p53 protein showed significant difference between EAML and AML tumors (72.7% vs. 9.1%, P = 0.008). In addition, there were 7 AML and 6 EAML cases harbored P72R mutation (SNP) in exon 4 of p53. Compared with AML cases, 2 out of 11 cases of EMAL showed more than 10% positivity for ki-67. The finding of stronger p53 expression in renal EAML might have contributed to their malignant behavior. However, the abnormal p53 expression cannot be entirely explained by p53 mutations in the exons examined. Conclusions: Thus, the combination of immunohistochemical assessment of tumor antigens might improve our ability to predict the malignant outcome in EAML.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: It has been reported that the number of mast cells was significantly greater in malignant breast carcinomas than in benign breast lesions. This was due to tryptase-containing mast cells while tryptase, chymase-containing mast cells had no effect. However, analysis of mast cells in breast carcinomas and benign breast lesions based on their histological findings remains to be elucidated. METHODS: Using immunohistochemical methods morphological examinations of mast cells were undertaken in benign and malignant breast tissues from 51 patients (30 benign, 21 malignant), which were formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded. In the study with malignant breast tissues, samples of malignant tissues and adjacent healthy tissues were obtained from a single patient, and the number of mast cells was compared. RESULTS: Among benign breast tissues, the number of mast cells in intracanalicular fibroadenoma was significantly lower than that in pericanalicular fibroadenoma as well as that in mastopathy. The number of mast cells was significantly greater in malignant lesions than that in benign lesions. The number of mast cells in scirrhous carcinoma and that in solid-tubular carcinoma were significantly increased compared with that in adjacent healthy tissues. In addition, the number of mast cells in scirrhous carcinoma was highest among breast carcinomas, and significantly greater than that in papillotubular carcinoma. CONCLUSION: We were the first to find the significant lower number of mast cells in intracanalicular breast fibroadenoma when compared with that in pericanalicular fibroadenoma as well as that in mastopathy. Moreover, the number of mast cells in scirrhous carcinoma was significantly greater than that in papillotubular carcinoma.  相似文献   

A series of 26 malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumours (MPNST) and 24 benign peripheral nerve sheath tumours (BPNST) were analysed immunocytochemically for p53 expression and the cell proliferation markers proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) and Ki67 (with MIB1). In 23/26 MPNST, 5%–65% of the tumour cell nuclei were immunoreactive for Ki67 with MIB1 while none of the 24 BPNST had nuclear staining exceeding 5%. Greater than 50% nuclear PCNA staining was detected in 25/26 MPNST compared with 8/24 BPNST; 17/26 MPNST showed 5–100% nuclear staining for p53 (13/26>20%), whereas none of the BPNST had nuclear staining exceeding 1%. The Ki67, PCNA and p53 immunostaining results correlated significantly with benign versus malignant (P<0.001, P<0.001 and P<0.005, respectively) as well as mitotic rate (P<0.001, P<0.05 and P<0.05). Ki67 immunostaining results correlated significantly with PCNA and p53, as did p53 with Ki67 and PCNA (P<0.001 in both). Stepwise (logistic regression forward) multivariate analysis of the variable, benign versus malignant, revealed the strongest correlations with PCNA (P=0.007) and Ki67 (P=0.021). Direct confirmation of the presence of p53 protein was obtained by western blot analysis of 3 MPNST and 5 BPNST. Two MPNST, showing 90% and 30% immunoreactivity, were positive for p53, while one MPNST with 5% immunoreactivity and all 5 BPNST were negative. Southern blot analysis performed on the two MPNST with high p53 protein levels revealed no amplification of the MDM2 gene, suggesting that high p53 levels in MPNST are likely to be due to mutation. The results also indicate that PCNA and Ki67 are potentially useful in distinguishing BPNST from MPNST, particularly in problematic cases of cellular schwannoma versus MPNST. The detection of p53 in a large percentage of cells of a plexiform neurofibroma giving rise to MPNST and Ki67 in 5% and 25% of cells of two similar cases suggests that malignant transformation may be detected in some cases by p53 and proliferation markers prior to overt histological evidence of malignancy.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) is characterized by overexpression of cyclin D1, a G1 cyclin that participates in the control of cell cycle progression at the G1 to S phase transition. In addition to cyclin D1, other cell cycle regulatory molecules may be involved in the proliferation and progression of MCL. Mutation of p53, deletion of p16(INK4a), and loss of p21(WAF1) expression have been reported in some cases of blastoid MCL. OBJECTIVE: We sought to examine levels of expression of these proteins in typical and blastoid MCL and to determine whether differences were present between these subtypes of lymphomas. DESIGN: A retrospective series of typical and blastoid MCLs was evaluated for expression of the cell cycle-related proteins cyclin D1, p21(WAF1), p27(KIP1), Ki-67, and p53, as well as mitotic index. Paraffin-embedded archival tissues from 24 MCL specimens (17 typical, 7 blastoid) were immunostained with antibodies to p21(WAF1), p27(KIP1), p53, Ki-67, and cyclin D1. The percentage of positive cells for each specimen was estimated by counting 1500 cells under oil immersion microscopy. Levels of antigen expression were compared for the typical and blastoid MCLs. The mitotic index was estimated using twenty 100x oil immersion fields (OIFs) for each specimen. RESULTS: Cyclin D1 expression was seen in 22/24 specimens (92%). Blastoid MCLs were characterized by a significantly higher mean mitotic index (>20 mitoses/20 OIFs) and Ki-67 index (>45%) when compared with typical MCLs (P <.001 and P <.008, respectively; Fisher's exact test). High expression of p27(KIP1) (>25% staining) was seen more frequently in typical MCLs than in the blastoid variants (P =.03; Fisher's exact test). No significant differences were found between typical and blastoid MCLs for the expression of p21(WAF1) or p53. CONCLUSIONS: A significantly higher mitotic index and Ki-67 index were found in blastoid MCLs as compared with typical MCLs. Low p27(KIP1) expression was associated with the blastoid MCL variant. These findings confirm the high proliferative nature of blastoid MCL and suggest a role for p27(KIP1) in the negative regulation of the cell cycle in MCL.  相似文献   

The expression of p53 in a variety of benign and malignant skin lesions has been first assessed in frozen sections and then compared with the results obtained in corresponding paraffin-embedded sections using various immunohistochemical staining methods with a panel of anti-p53 antibodies. Of the 48 benign and malignant skin lesions studied, 46(96%) had corresponding paraffin sections and immunohistochemical results obtained with DO7 on frozen and paraffin sections were concordant in 97%, qualitatively. Using streptavidin-biotin complex method, p53 was identified in 33% of dysplastic squamous lesions, 50% of squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs) and 36% of basal cell carcinomas (BCCs) on frozen section, whereas 25% of dysplastic squamous lesions, 40% of SCCs, and 32% of BCCs showed p53 positivity on paraffin-embedded sections. In frozen sections, the same regions of each specimen exhibited similar topographic patterns of positive immunoreactivity with both monoclonal antibodies, PAb 1801 and DO7. In contrast, immunohistochemical staining with polyclonal antibody, CM-1, gave poor morphologic resolution, although effective in paraffin-embedded sections.  相似文献   

Although histologic grading of meningiomas has prognostic and clinical implications, it is difficult in some cases to predict the outcome of patients. There have been several efforts to evaluate the use of different immunohistochemical markers for predicting meningioma prognosis. We analyzed the immunohistochemical expression of Ki-67, p53, p21, p16, and PTEN proteins in 130 meningiomas (64 benign, 39 atypical, and 27 malignant meningiomas) using tissue microarray. The tumors were graded according to the World Health Organization classification. There was a statistically significant correlation between the expression of Ki-67, p53, p21, p16, and the grade of meningiomas (p0.001). By ordinal logistic regression, p53 and Ki-67 were significantly associated with grade, and an increase of 1% in the labeling index of these markers resulted in an increase in the risk of raising the grade by 2.17 and 1.49, respectively. Histological grade, p53, Ki-67 labeling indices, and overexpression of p16 were strongly associated with decreased event-free survival in univariate analysis. In contrast, multivariate analysis revealed that only tumor grade is an independent factor for predicting meningioma recurrence. We conclude that the Ki-67 and p53 labeling indices are useful additional tools in discriminating atypical from benign or anaplastic meningiomas, especially in histological borderline cases.  相似文献   

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