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BACKGROUND: Prolonged gastric acid suppression leads to hypergastrinaemia, which promotes hyperplasia of the enterochromaffin-like (ECL) cells of the oxyntic mucosa. The objective was to determine the effects of 5 years of treatment with rabeprazole or omeprazole on the gastric mucosa. METHODS: Two hundred and forty-three patients received rabeprazole (20 mg or 10 mg) or omeprazole (20 mg) once daily for up to 5 years, for gastro-oesophageal reflux disease and 51% completed the whole 5 year period. Gastric biopsy specimens were taken and examined for gastritis, Helicobacter pylori infection, and ECL cell status. FINDINGS: H. pylori infection in the gastric corpus was more common than in the antrum, and remained constant, whereas antral H. pylori infection became less common as the study progressed. H. pylori infection was a highly significant predictor of higher gastritis scores, which were similar among the three treatment groups. ECL cell hyperplasia occurred in a minority of patients, and was associated with serum gastrin concentrations. No ECL cell dysplasia or tumours were observed. There were no significant differences among the treatment groups in gastritis or ECL cell hyperplasia grades. INTERPRETATION: This study has confirmed the link between ECL cell hyperplasia and elevated serum gastrin concentrations, but has found no evidence that this progresses to high grades of hyperplasia during 5 years of treatment with rabeprazole or omeprazole.  相似文献   

Long-term toxicological experiments with inhibitors of acid secretion were found to induce hyperplasia and eventually carcinoid tumors of the enterochromaffin-like cells of the oxyntic mucosa. To evaluate the effects of 6 months' treatment with omeprazole in humans, the oxyntic endocrine cells were morphometrically investigated at the ultrastructural level in five patients with active duodenal ulcer. No omeprazole-induced changes were found in the volume density of the total endocrine cell population and specific cell types (including the enterochromaffin-like cell) as well as in the other cytological parameters investigated (number of cell profiles per unit area, mean cross-sectional area of cell profiles, nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio, and density of cytoplasmic secretory granules). Both pretreatment and post-treatment values in our patients with duodenal ulcer significantly differed from those of a previous investigation of healthy volunteers with regard to the volume density of enterochromaffin-like cells and non-granulated cells, which increased, and of D cells, which markedly decreased. The latter result may provide a cellular basis for impairment in the paracrine release of fundic somatostatin in peptic ulcer disease. Finally, morphometric data on endocrine cell volume density provided by electron microscopy were found to correlate with those obtained in the same patients using light microscopy techniques (Grimelius silver impregnation and chromogranin A immunostaining). It is concluded that 6 months' treatment with pharmacological doses of omeprazole is devoid of appreciable trophic effect on endocrine cells of human oxyntic mucosa.  相似文献   

Two series of experiments have been performed in gastric fistula dogs to test the antisecretory effect of two different oral dosage forms of omeprazole: 2 mumol x kg-1 x day-1 as a methylcellulose suspension for 8 weeks and 0.5 mumol x kg-1 x day-1 in enteric-coated granules (ECG) for 3 weeks. There was an increasing inhibitory effect during the first days of repeated administration of omeprazole, which is in accordance with its long duration of action. The steady-state inhibitory level was reached after five doses. During the 8-week treatment with the omeprazole suspension (2 mumol x kg-1) the mean maximal inhibitory level (3 h after dose) was 82%, and the mean minimal inhibitory level (24 h after dose) was 35%. With omeprazole in ECG (0.5 mumol x kg-1) the steady-state maximal inhibition (4th h) was 60%, whereas 40% inhibition remained after 24 h. Thus, a more even inhibitory level over day and night seems to be obtained with the ECG formulation than with the suspension. Basal and food-stimulated plasma gastrin levels were not significantly affected by the treatment with 0.5 mumol x kg-1, whereas food-stimulated gastrin levels were slightly increased during treatment with 2 mumol x kg-1. Control levels of acid secretion were reached within 4 days of stopping treatment. In the present studies, in which the inhibition of acid secretion varied over 24 h between approximately 80% and 35% (maximum and minimum), no rebound effects could be detected as measured up to 1 month after cessation of treatment.  相似文献   

Omeprazole, a potent inhibitor of gastric hydrogen ion transporting, potassium-stimulated adenosine triphosphatase, was found to be transformed into an SH-reactive strong fluorescent molecule (excitation and emission wavelengths of 370 and 560 nm, respectively) in an acidic medium. The addition of glutathione- or protein-containing sulfhydryl groups such as pepsin to the medium decreased the fluorescence. Also, the increase in the pH of the medium decreased the fluorescence. The fluorescent molecule was identified to be an acid-activated planar cyclic sulfenamide derivative of omeprazole. The transformation was studied in H+-preaccumulated hog gastric vesicles, which contain the hydrogen ion transporting, potassium-stimulated adenosine triphosphatase. The addition of omeprazole to the vesicle suspension induced a rapid increase in the fluorescence intensity, indicating that omeprazole was activated in the intravesicular space. Then, the intensity biphasically decreased with time. The slower small decrease was due to the reaction of the sulfenamide with sulfhydryl group(s) located on the acid secretory side of the hydrogen ion transporting, potassium-stimulated adenosine triphosphatase. Omeprazole was also activated in the acidic lumina of isolated rabbit gastric glands that were stimulated with histamine. Furthermore, direct evidence was obtained from the imaging of the fluorescence that omeprazole was activated in the acidic compartments of the isolated Xenopus oxyntic cell.  相似文献   

In 1983, all trials of omeprazole in humans were stopped because rats given the drug developed gastric endocrine cell hyperplasia and carcinoid tumors. Further studies in rats showed that drug-induced achlorhydria and hypergastrinemia caused these changes. Because data in humans are limited, we compared the numbers of endocrine cells, as judged by silver staining (argyrophilia), in the gastric mucosa of patients with Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, who are hypergastrinemic, and in normogastrinemic patients with idiopathic acid-peptic diseases. In addition, we analyzed the number of gastric endocrine cells in patients with Zollinger-Ellison syndrome given omeprazole for up to 3 years. Patients with Zollinger-Ellison syndrome had 15.7% +/- 6.9% argyrophil cells in biopsies of gastric oxyntic mucosa, and patients with idiopathic acid-peptic disease had 7.8% +/- 2.3% (P less than 0.01). In patients with Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, the percentage of argyrophil cells was not related to serum gastrin concentration, duration of symptoms, time since diagnosis, basal or maximal acid output, extent of tumor, or age. There was a tendency for patients with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 to have a greater percent of argyrophil cells than patients with sporadic Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. Considering the biopsies from both normogastrinemic and hypergastrinemic patients, there was a significant relationship between the percentage of argyrophil cells and the serum concentration of gastrin (P less than 0.01). Patients with Zollinger-Ellison syndrome given omeprazole for up to 3 years developed no significant changes in percentage of argyrophil cells, no carcinoid tumors, and no changes in serum concentrations of gastrin. The present study shows that patients with Zollinger-Ellison syndrome have an increased percentage of argyrophil cells in oxyntic mucosa and that omeprazole does not increase this percentage. In periods of up to 3 years, omeprazole had no effects on gastric morphology in patients with Zollinger-Ellison syndrome.  相似文献   

Dogs provided with a gastric fistula were treated orally for 1 week either with the H+, K+-ATPase inhibitor omeprazole, 80 mumol/kg once daily, or with the histamine H2 receptor antagonist ranitidine, 85-175 mumol/kg every 8 h. Acid secretion, serum gastrin levels and [3H]-thymidine incorporation in the corpus mucosa were determined before, during and after the treatment period. In order to examine differences between species, plasma gastrin levels and [3H]-thymidine incorporation in the oxyntic mucosa were also determined in female rats treated up to 1 week with omeprazole, 400 mumol/kg orally once daily. Histamine-stimulated gastric acid secretion in dogs treated with omeprazole or ranitidine was almost completely inhibited during the whole treatment period. As a consequence of that, the meal-stimulated gastrin levels were increased (7-fold) during treatment by both compounds. [3H]-thymidine incorporation in the dog corpus mucosa was increased approximately 4 times on day 5 both with omeprazole and ranitidine. After the treatment was stopped, gastric acid secretion, serum levels of gastrin and the rate of [3H]-thymidine incorporation were back to control level in both groups within 11 days. In the rats, the plasma gastrin levels increased 10-fold and the rate of [3H]-thymidine incorporation in the corpus mucosa increased 3-fold during treatment with omeprazole. In conclusion, a pronounced suppression of gastric acid secretion over the day with antisecretagogues results in hypergastrinemia in both dogs and rats. As a consequence of the trophic effect of gastrin, the incorporation of [3H]-thymidine in the oxyntic mucosa is increased.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The first case of cobalamin deficiency with megaloblastic anaemia in a patient under long-term omeprazole therapy is presented. This patient received omeprazole at a daily dose of 40–60 mg for 4 years as treatment for a gastro-oesophagal reflux complicated by peptic oesophagitis. Seric vitamin B12 was dramatically decreased at 80 pmol L-1. The Schilling test was normal (13%) with crystalline [57Co] cobalamin and it was at 0% with [57Co] cobalamin-labelled trout meat. All other assimilation tests were normal except an expiratory hydrogen breath test performed with lactulose. The haematological status was restored after intramuscular treatment with cobalamin. In conclusion, prolonged omeprazole therapy can be responsible for a cobalamin deficiency due to protein-bound cobalamin malabsorption.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: A trend toward relapse of reflux symptoms and esophagitis during long-term treatment with proton pump inhibitors has been reported. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the existence of tachyphylaxia to the effect of proton pump inhibitors on gastric acidity and gastroesophageal reflux over time. METHODS: A total of 23 patients with reflux esophagitis underwent 24-h intragastric and intraesophageal pH-metry after 7, 90, and 180 days of continued dosing with 20 mg of omeprazole once daily before breakfast. RESULTS: The total median percentages of time gastric pH <4 (interquartile range) were 49% (35-70%), 60% (36-76%), and 42% (26-66%) after 7, 90, and 180 days (p = 0.14). Percentages of time gastric pH <3 were 41%, 54%, and 34%, respectively (p = 0.19). The median percentages of total time esophageal pH <4 were 1.1%, 2.5%, and 1.1%, respectively (p = 0.70). Healing of esophagitis was achieved in 84% of the patients after 6 months. Heartburn improved in six, worsened in three, and was unchanged in 10 patients (p = 0.16). There was no statistical significant relationship between change in esophageal acid exposure and change in severity of heartburn. CONCLUSIONS: A dose of 20 mg of omeprazole once daily consistently controlled patients' symptoms and kept gastric acidity at a stable level over a period of 6 months. There is no evidence of diminution in the effects of 20 mg of omeprazole over time that could indicate the development of tolerance.  相似文献   

Hypothalamic nesfatin-1, derived from the nucleobindin2 (NUCB2) precursor, inhibits nocturnal food intake and body weight gain in rats. Nesfatin-1 is able to cross the blood-brain barrier, suggesting a peripheral source of nesfatin-1. Many centrally acting food intake regulatory neuropeptides are also produced in the periphery, especially in the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, we investigated the gene expression of NUCB2 and distribution of nesfatin-1-immunoreactive cells in the stomach. Microarray mRNA expression profiles in purified small endocrine cells of the gastric mucosa substantiated by quantitative RT-PCR showed significantly higher NUCB2 mRNA expression compared with brain and heart. Western blot confirmed the expression of NUCB2 protein and its transport into a secretory soluble fraction of gastric mucosal endocrine cell homogenates. Immunohistochemical colabeling for nesfatin-1 and ghrelin, histidine decarboxylase, or somatostatin revealed two subtypes of nesfatin-1-positive endocrine cells. Cells in the midportion of the glands coexpressed nesfatin-1 and ghrelin, whereas few cells in the glandular base coexpressed nesfatin-1 and somatostatin or histidine decarboxylase. High-resolution three-dimensional volume imaging revealed two separate populations of intracytoplasmic vesicles in these cells, one containing nesfatin-1 and the other ghrelin immunoreactivity. Microarray rat genome expression data of NUCB2 in small gastric endocrine cells confirmed by quantitative RT-PCR showed significant down-regulation of NUCB2 after 24 h fasting. In summary, NUCB2 mRNA expression as well as protein content is present in a specific subset of gastric endocrine cells, most of which coexpress ghrelin. NUCB2 gene expression is significantly regulated by nutritional status, suggesting a regulatory role of peripheral nesfatin-1 in energy homeostasis.  相似文献   

Both oxyntic mucosal progenitor cells and enterochromaffin-like (ECL) cells are under the trophic control of gastrin. We studied the effect of discontinuing omeprazole-induced hypergastrinemia on cell proliferation and ECL cell function in the rat oxyntic mucosa. All rats had hypergastrinemia after 16 days' omeprazole administration, and the proliferation rate of both progenitor and ECL cells was increased, whereas it was decreased 5 days after withdrawal of omeprazole. Circulating gastrin had normalized by then. The proliferative activity of the progenitor cells returned to normal within 10 days, whereas that of the ECL cells remained suppressed for at least 20 days. The histidine decarboxylase activity of the ECL cells changed in parallel with their proliferative activity. These data suggest either a down-regulation of membrane receptors or the involvement of still unknown inhibitors of mitotic activity and ECL cell function in the oxyntic mucosa.  相似文献   

The stimulation of acid secretion by gastrin may in the rat be explained solely by gastrin-induced histamine release. This study was done to examine whether histamine could mediate the general trophic effect of gastrin on the oxyntic mucosa, by using a long-acting selective histamine-1 antagonist (astemizole) alone or with omeprazole-induced hypergastrinaemia for 90 days in female Sprague-Dawley rats. At day 90, isolated vascularly perfused rat stomachs were prepared to study maximal gastrin- and histamine-stimulated acid and pepsinogen outputs and maximal gastrin-stimulated histamine release. Oxyntic mucosa morphometry, mucosal histamine and pepsinogen contents, and plasma gastrin and histamine levels were also determined. For the first time, omeprazole has been found to inhibit gastric emptying and to increase plasma histamine. As compared with controls, astemizole alone did not influence plasma gastrin, increased plasma histamine in only some rats, and gave a slight increase in all other variables. Together with omeprazole, it further increased variables already stimulated by omeprazole. Thus, mucosal thickness, histamine concentration, and chief-cell density in oxyntic mucosa were significantly higher in astemizole/omeprazole-treated rats than in omeprazole-treated rats. Gastrin-stimulated histamine release was increased in both astemizole- and omeprazole-treated rats. For all rats plasma histamine was significantly correlated with plasma gastrin and with numerical fundic argyrophil cell density. In conclusion, the present study confirms the trophic effect of gastrin and shows a slight trophic effect of astemizole on the oxyntic mucosa. It also shows that plasma histamine may reflect the argyrophil cell density in the oxyntic mucosa and that omeprazole inhibits gastric emptying.  相似文献   

目的:检测人胃黏膜病损处的真菌,及其基因多样性,分析菌种进化分支与黏膜病理损伤的关系.方法:用胃镜钳取有病损的胃黏膜标本65例(慢性胃炎52例,胃渍疡11例,胃癌2例).用念珠菌显色培养基(CHROM agar)进行分离培养鉴定.对鉴定为真菌的菌株样本按照病损程度分组,随机抽取菌株样本进行ITS序列检测,并比对同源性,建立进化树,分析菌株进化分支与胃黏膜病理损伤的关系.结果:分离培养出真菌菌株34个(34/65,52.3%),真菌阳性率在慢性胃炎、胃溃疡、胃癌样本中分别为44.2%(23/52),818%(9/11),100%(2/2),差异有统计学意义(x2=7.023,P=0.030).进行ITS序列检测的18个菌株申请GenBank序列注册号为GQ280298-GQ280334,建立系统进化树显示真菌菌株某些进化分支与胃黏膜痛损有密切关系.结论:不同进化分支的真菌对胃黏膜炎症损伤的程度存在差异.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND & AIMS: The efficacy and safety of long-term acid suppression remains a subject for debate. We report data from patients with refractory reflux esophagitis who were undergoing maintenance therapy with >/=20 mg omeprazole daily for a mean period of 6.5 years (range, 1.4-11.2 years). METHODS: Patients with severe reflux esophagitis resistant to long-term therapy with H(2)-receptor antagonists and who were not eligible for surgery were evaluated at least annually for endoscopic relapse and histological changes in the gastric corpus. RESULTS: In 230 patients (mean age, 63 years at entry; 36% were >/=70 years), there were 158 relapses of esophagitis during 1490 treatment years (1 per 9.4 years), with no significant difference in relapse rates between Helicobacter pylori-positive and -negative patients. All patients rehealed during continued therapy with omeprazole at the same or higher dose. The annual incidence of gastric corpus mucosal atrophy was 4.7% and 0.7% in H. pylori-positive and -negative patients, respectively, which was mainly observed in elderly patients who had moderate/severe gastritis at entry. In patients with baseline moderate/severe gastritis, the incidences were similar: 7.9% and 8.4%, respectively. Corpus intestinal metaplasia was rare, and no dysplasia or neoplasms were observed. The adverse event profile was as might be expected from this elderly group of patients. CONCLUSIONS: Long-term omeprazole therapy (up to 11 years) is highly effective and safe for control of reflux esophagitis.  相似文献   

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