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A cloned, trinitrophenyl (TNP)-specific helper T cell line (TCL), termed E-11, has been established in long-term, interleukin 2-dependent culture and used to study human T helper (Th)-B cell collaboration. Co- culture of E-11 with TNP-modified, but not unmodified or FITC-modified, autologous B cells results in a vigorous, polyclonally plaque-forming cell (PFC) response. E-11 helper activity is not constitutive, but requires antigen-specific, major histocompatibility complex-restricted activation of the TCL cells by interaction with TNP-modified autologous or DR 5+ allogeneic macrophages. Using B cell subsets isolated by discontinuous density gradient cengrifugation as responder populations, we determined that E-11 activates B cell subsets via two distinct mechanisms: (a) E-11 polyclonally activates large B cells in an unrestricted and nonspecific manner; and (b) E-11 preferentially induces a PFC response by TNP-modified small B cells. These results suggest that the large B cell subset is activated by helper signals generated during the Th-antigen-presenting cell interaction, while small B cells require an additional stimulus that is provided by antigen-specific Th-B cell contact.  相似文献   

Lymphocytes from a patient who had an unusually long survival after therapy for a human T cell leukemia/lymphoma virus (HTLV)-associated T cell lymphoma were stimulated in vitro with an autologous tumor cell line, and the generation of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) was studied. CTL generated were directed against autologous (HTLV-associated tumor cells. These propagated CTL were OKT3+, OKT4-, and OKT8+. The cytotoxic activity required target tumor cells that were infected with HTLV and also expressed histocompatibility antigens in common with the patient, suggesting a major histocompatibility complex-restricted associative recognition of target antigens expressed on the tumor cell membrane.  相似文献   

Using a 51Cr cytotoxicity assay, the sensitivity of murine cytotoxic T cells to T cell mediated cytotoxicity has been tested. Two experimental approaches have been used. First, cytotoxic T-blast-lymphocytes (CTBL), enriched by the velocity sedimentation at 1 g were used both as cytotoxic effector cells and as 51Cr-labelled target cells. It was found that murine CTBL are capable to lyse directly and specifically allogeneic CTBL within 200 minutes. The second approach used was to incubate CTBL together with CTBL, the cytotoxic activity of which was directed against the transplantation antigens of the added allogeneic CTBL population. After 10 hours, the residual cytotoxic activity was tested. Again it was found that CTBL were capable of functionally inactivating allogeneic CTBL. Therefore the results obtained are incompatible with the concept that target cell lysis by cytotoxic T lymphocytes is mediated by a non specific "lymphotoxin", secreted by activated T cells after the antigen-recognition phase in the confined space between T cells and target cells.  相似文献   

Target cell lysis by most murine cytotoxic T lymphocytes appears to be mediated by a complement (C9)-like protein called perforin, contained in high-density cytoplasmic granules. These granules also contain high levels of serine esterase activity, which may also play a role in cytolysis. Analysis of 17 cloned human cytotoxic T lymphocytes revealed the presence of serine esterase that is very similar to its murine counterpart in substrate and inhibitor specificities, pH optimum, and molecular mass; dot blot hybridization with synthetic oligonucleotides corresponding to the active sites of two known murine CTL esterases suggests homology to the murine enzyme HF. However, serine esterase was present at only approximately 10% of the level found in murine CTLs, and was not secreted during CTL-target cell interaction; moreover, hemolytic activity could not be detected in any of the seven cell lines tested. The results suggest that the human CTLs examined here kill their target cells by a mechanism different from that used by most cloned murine CTLs.  相似文献   

目的 评价大剂量化疗联合自体干细胞移植治疗鼻咽部T细胞淋巴瘤的价值.方法 回顾性分析天津医科大学附属肿瘤医院1995年1月至2007年1月接受大剂量放化疗联合自体干细胞移植治疗的51例鼻咽部T细胞淋巴瘤患者.结果 在51例行自体干细胞移植的患者中,无移植相关性死亡;16例患者在移植后出现复发,其中2例经过抢救性化疗在复发后91和56个月仍然存活,余14例患者死于肿瘤进展.1年、3年及5年的总生存(OS)率分别为98.0%、84.0%及72.0%.1年、3年及5年的无进展生存(PFS)率分别为90.2%、78.4%及66.7%.单因素分析显示临床分期、B症状和IPI评分是影响鼻咽部T细胞淋巴瘤预后的相关因素(P值分别为0.041、0.036和0.031).结论 大剂量化疗联合自体干细胞移植治疗鼻咽部T细胞淋巴瘤可显著提高患者的治愈率并延长其生存时间.  相似文献   

不同方式转染小鼠B淋巴瘤细胞A20的探讨   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
目的:探讨小鼠B淋巴瘤细胞A20最佳的转染方式,为后期研究LMP1基因在A20细胞中的表达及作用奠定基础.方法:分别使用脂质体转染法、NucleofectorTM核酸转染法和慢病毒载体介导转染法将带有报告基因绿色荧光蛋白的重组质粒pCDF-LMP1转染小鼠B淋巴瘤细胞A20,荧光显微镜观察细胞内绿色荧光的分布,比较分析这三种转染方式对A20细胞的转染效率.结果:脂质体转染效率最低,仅见个别细胞有绿色荧光,NucleofectorTM核酸转染效率约为10%,浓缩后的慢病毒载体介导转染法效率最高,可达80%以上.结论:对于悬浮细胞A20而言,浓缩后的慢病毒载体介导的转染法是最佳的转染方式,该方法在将外源基因转染至悬浮细胞方面值得推广,也为极难转染的细胞做稳定转染提供参考价值.  相似文献   

背景:已有研究提示急性白血病、多发性骨髓瘤中肿瘤干细胞富集于SP细胞中,且免疫表型及生物学特性相比于主群细胞存在明显的异质性。而关于淋巴瘤淋巴瘤干细胞的研究报道甚少。目的:检测人淋巴瘤Raji细胞系中是否存在SP细胞,分选该群细胞后观察其与非SP细胞在分化抗原和P-糖蛋白表达以及细胞周期方面的差异,探讨淋巴瘤干细胞存在的可能性。方法:Hoechst-33342染色细胞后运用带紫外激发光的流式细胞仪进行Raji细胞系SP细胞的检测及分选。观察不同质量浓度维拉帕米对SP细胞抑制的程度,选择最佳抑制浓度。分选后分别检测SP和非SP细胞P-糖蛋白、分化抗原CD34,CD19,CD20,CD5表达以及细胞周期,并进行对比。结果与结论:Raji细胞系中存在SP细胞,比例在2%左右,当维拉帕米质量浓度为50mg/L时能被完全抑制。SP和非SP细胞CD20阳性表达率分别为18.2%和93.6%,CD5阳性表达率分别为78.0%和22.2%;P-糖蛋白表达差异无显著性意义,但SP中阳性细胞的平均荧光强度强于非SP细胞。提示Raji细胞系中SP与非SP细胞在分化程度、多药耐药性方面具有明显的差异,SP细胞是具有明显"异质性"的细胞亚群。据此可初步推测,Raji细胞系的构成也类似肿瘤干细胞分级组成模式,而淋巴瘤干细胞则有可能富集于SP亚群中。  相似文献   

Leukemic-dendritic cells (leukemic-DCs) have certain limitations, which include difficult generation in 30-40% of patients, and low levels of expression of several key molecules. Therefore, an alternative approach using monocyte-derived DCs pulsed with tumor antigens is required. We investigated the possibility of immunotherapy for AML using leukemic-cell-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes that were stimulated in vitro by autologous DCs pulsed with tumor antigens. To generate DCs, CD14(+) cells were isolated from peripheral blood mononuclear cells using magnetic-activated cell sorting, and cultured in the presence of GM-CSF and IL-4. On day 6, maturation of DCs was induced by addition of cytokine cocktail (TNF-alpha, IL-1beta, IL-6, and prostaglandin E(2)) for 2 days, and then the mature DCs were pulsed with whole leukemic cell lysates or apoptotic leukemic cells. There were no differences in the phenotypic expressions of mature DCs generated by pulsing with or without leukemic antigens. The mature DCs pulsed with tumor cell lysates or apoptotic leukemic cells showed a higher allostimulatory capacity for allogeneic CD3(+) T cells as compared with mature non-pulsed DCs. Autologous CD3(+) T cells stimulated by the mature pulsed DCs showed more potent cytotoxic activities against autologous leukemic cells than those stimulated by mature non-pulsed DCs. These results suggest that use of DCs pulsed with leukemic cell lysates or apoptotic leukemic cells is a feasible alternative immunotherapeutic approach to overcome the limitations of leukemic-DCs for the treatment of AML patients.  相似文献   

Human B lymphoma cell line producing B cell growth factor.   总被引:20,自引:3,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
Namalva, a human B cell lymphoma line, produced a factor with a molecular weight of approximately 60,000 which enhanced the proliferation of normal activated human B lymphocytes. The factor also enhanced the proliferation of certain B cell lines. It can be distinguished physiologically and biochemically from other lymphokines known to enhance B cell proliferation, namely, interleukin (IL) 1, IL 2, and interferon. The production of B cell growth factor by B cell tumor lines may contribute to their ability to grow autonomously and may reflect an important component of the neoplastic potential of the cell. B cell growth factor produced by tumors may also affect normal cells in vivo.  相似文献   

The development of a cell culture system efficient in the establishment of lymphoma cell lines has made it possible to dissect basic biological and molecular aspects of lymphoma cells. We have established a lymphoma cell line from a patient with B cell lymphoma. The cell line has a complex karyotype with translocations involving bands 8q24, 14q32, and 18q21. Molecular analysis revealed that the Myc gene was rearranged; we were unable to demonstrate rearrangement of the Bcl-2 gene. Evaluation of the structure of the heavy chain Ig genes revealed that the cell line carried the same rearrangements as the cells from which the cell line was derived. The pattern of rearrangement, however, was unusual in that there were at least four rearranged bands when DNA cut with HindIII was probed with a fragment of the heavy chain joining region. To further characterize the cell line, subclones were derived. Individual subclones had the same pattern of rearrangement as the parent cell line. The results of these studies provide evidence that multiple rearranged Ig genes may be present in a single clone of cells.  相似文献   

To exploit alloreactive T-cell responses known as the graft-versus-tumor effect, allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation is being explored as experimental therapy in selected solid tumors, including metastatic melanoma. However, donor T-cell responses are often delayed and associated with severe graft-versus-host disease. Posttransplant adoptive immunotherapy using tumor-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) of donor origin might provide immediate graft-versus-tumor effects but not graft-versus-host disease. Therefore, the aim of the current study was to define in vitro conditions for the expansion of allogeneic major histocompatibility complex-matched CTLs targeting melanoma-associated antigens (MAA). The CTLs were generated from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of HLA-A*0201+ healthy donors by repetitive stimulations with HLA-A*0201-restricted MAA-derived peptides. Melanoma reactivity, as determined by lysis of peptide-pulsed T2 cells and HLA-A2+/Ag+ melanoma cells, was detected using in vitro expanded CTL targeting MAA peptides AAGIGILTV(MT(27-35)), IMDQVPFSV(G(209-2M)), and YMDGTMSQV(T(368-376)). In contrast, FLWGPRALV(MAGE3(271)-(279)) and VLPDVFIRCV(GnT-V(nt38-67)) induced peptide-specific recognition of T2 target cells only, whereas ITDQVPFSV(G(209-217)), KTWGQYWQV(G9(154)), MLLAVLYCL(T(1-9)), and tumor lysate could not induce specific CTLs. Specific cytolytic activity was accompanied by interferon-gamma secretion. Peptide-pulsed dendritic cells were required only for the initial stimulation of CTLs and could be substituted by PBMCs during restimulations. The median expansion rate of CTL was five to six times, regardless of whether dendritic cells or PBMCs were used after the initial stimulation. The results delineate the conditions for effective ex vivo expansion of melanoma-specific CTLs from PBMCs of healthy donors to be used as an adjunct in allogeneic cell therapy of metastatic melanoma.  相似文献   

Use of a partially mismatched related donor (PMRD) is an option for patients who require allogeneic transplantation but do not have a matched sibling or unrelated donor. Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-induced lymphoma is a major cause of mortality after PMRD transplantation. In this study, we present a clinical grade culture system for donor-derived EBV-specific cytotoxic T cells (CTLs) that do not recognize haplo-identical recipient cells. The EBV-specific CTLs were tested for cytolytic specificity and other functional properties, including ability to transgress into tissues, propensity for apoptosis, degree of clonality, stability of dominant T-cell clones, and Tc and Th phenotypes. The EBV-specific CTLs were routinely expanded to greater than 80 x 10(6) over a period of 5 weeks, which is sufficient for clinical application. A CD8+ phenotype predominated, and the CTLs were highly specific for donor lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCLs) without killing of recipient targets or K562. Vbeta spectratyping showed an oligoclonal population that was stable on prolonged culture. The EBV-specific CTLs were activated (D-related human leukocyte antigen [HLA-DR+], L-selectin+/-) and of memory phenotype (CD45RO+). Expression of the integrin VLA-4 suggested that these CTLs could adhere to endothelium and migrate into tissues. The Bcl-2 message was upregulated, which may protect the CTLs from the apoptosis. The first demonstration of overexpression of bcl-2 in human memory CTLs. In addition, we show that lymphoblastoid cell lines used to generate CTLs are readily genetically modified with recombinant lentivirus, indicating that genetically engineered antigen presentation is feasible.  相似文献   

Vigorous host immune reactivity to neuroblastoma may correlate with better prognosis, but identification of human cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) responses has been relatively unsuccessful. We generated neuroblastoma-reactive CTL lines from two human leukocyte antigen (HLA) A2+ neuroblastoma patients by stimulation of peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs) with irradiated autologous tumor cells pretreated with interferon-gamma in the presence of low concentrations of interleukin-2 (5 U/mL). These lines lyse autologous tumor cells but do not kill HLA mismatched allogeneic tumor cells, Epstein-Barr virus-transformed autologous B cells, or standard natural killer cell targets. Cytotoxic T lymphocytes generated from one patient recognize tumor cells from several HLA-A2 matched children, although the other patient's CTLs do not kill tumor cells from other HLA-A2+ individuals. Pretreatment of CTLs or target cells with appropriate standard monoclonal antibodies demonstrates that these CTLs are major histocompatibility complex class I (HLA-A2) restricted and that the effector cell population is CD8+. Our findings suggest that these tumor cells express at least one common HLA-A2 restricted antigen and at least one unique private epitope. Autologous tumor-specific CTLs can be readily generated from patients' PBLs and maintained in long-term culture using standard techniques.  相似文献   

Human graft endothelial cells (ECs) can act as antigen-presenting cells to initiate allograft rejection by host memory T cells. Rapamycin, an mTOR inhibitor used clinically to suppress T cell responses, also acts on DCs, rendering them tolerogenic. Here, we report the effects of rapamycin on EC alloimmunogenicity. Compared with mock-treated cells, rapamycin-pretreated human ECs (rapa-ECs) stimulated less proliferation and cytokine secretion from allogeneic CD4+ memory cells, an effect mimicked by shRNA knockdown of mTOR or raptor in ECs. The effects of rapamycin persisted for several days and were linked to upregulation of the inhibitory molecules PD-L1 and PD-L2 on rapa-ECs. Additionally, rapa-ECs produced lower levels of the inflammatory cytokine IL-6. CD4+ memory cells activated by allogeneic rapa-ECs became hyporesponsive to restimulation in an alloantigen-specific manner and contained higher percentages of suppressive CD4+CD25hiCD127loFoxP3+ cells that did not produce effector cytokines. In a human-mouse chimeric model of allograft rejection, rapamycin pretreatment of human arterial allografts increased graft EC expression of PD-L1 and PD-L2 and reduced subsequent infiltration of allogeneic effector T cells into the artery intima and intimal expansion. Preoperative conditioning of allograft ECs with rapamycin could potentially reduce immune-mediated rejection.  相似文献   

There is extensive interest in idiotypic vaccination as a treatment of lymphoma. An alternative approach is the adoptive transfer of in vitro generated T cells. This strategy has been used to treat posttransplantation EBV-related diseases. The ability to generate in vitro T cells to peptides derived from immunoglobulin idiotypes raises the possibility of directly using such cells as a treatment of lymphoma. Investigating the adoptive transfer of specific T cells to idiotype derived peptides in a murine lymphoma model is therefore an important part of the clinical translation of this alternative approach. We have generated an idiotype-specific T cell line, able to recognise a defined, naturally processed idiotype-derived epitope. This line has been used to successfully treat mice with disseminated lymphoma supporting the clinical use of idiotype specific T cells.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown the existence of both heterogeneous Lyt-1-,2+ suppressor (Ts) cells and cloned Lyt-1+,2- Ts cells which, despite the difference in their Lyt phenotypes, functioned in a similar antigen-specific and major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-restricted fashion to suppress the antibody responses generated by cloned helper T (Th) cells and hapten-primed B cells. Our studies were carried out to assess in further detail the genetically restricted cell interactions that mediate this immune response suppression. We show that the activation of both heterogeneous and cloned Ts cells is antigen-specific and MHC-restricted under our experimental conditions. After appropriate activation, the effector function of both cloned Lyt-1+,2-Ts cells and heterogeneous Lyt-1-,2+ Ts cells was also antigen-specific. In contrast, once activated, Ts cells suppressed the responses generated by cloned Th cells and hapten-primed B cells in an MHC-unrestricted fashion. We also showed, however, that a population of unprimed Lyt-1+,2-T cells was able to significantly alter the genetic restriction requirements for Ts cell function. The activity of this population was itself MHC-restricted, and was observed only when the unprimed Lyt-1+,2-T cells shared the MHC restriction specificity of the cloned Th cells functioning in a given response. When these requirements were satisfied, Lyt-1+,2- T cells significantly modified the suppression mediated by both heterogeneous and cloned Ts cells, resulting in suppression that was then MHC restricted in its effector function as well as in its activation requirements. Thus, our findings suggest that the observed MHC restriction in Ts function is the result of a complex interaction involving Ts cells, Th cells, and an additional population of MHC-restricted Lyt-1+,2- T cells. This newly characterized activity of Lyt-1+,2- T cells functionally resembles that of an MHC-restricted contrasuppressor population that selectively blocks a pathway of MHC-unrestricted Ts activity, while leaving intact susceptibility to MHC-restricted Ts effects.  相似文献   

A T helper cell for anti-viral cytotoxic T-cell responses   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
We demonstrate here: (a) the existence of T helper (Th) cells that augment the generation of virus-specific cytotoxic T cells in vitro, (b) that the helper cells carry the theta and Ly 1 membrane antigens, (c) that activation of the Th effect is specific for viral antigens, and (d) that the delivery of help is not H-2 restricted.  相似文献   

Specificity and function of a human autologous reactive T cell   总被引:17,自引:5,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
Normal human peripheral blood contains a population of T cells (autologous reactive cells [ARC]) capable of proliferating in response to signals from autologous B cells and monocytes. Selective suicide of proliferating ARC with 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine and light demonstrated that this ARC was responsive to signals coded for by genes more closely linked to the HLA-DR, than to the HLA-A, or HLA-B, loci. Density-gradient fractionation of T cells indicated that populations enriched in ARC reactivity were also enriched for helper influences required for Ig synthesis by autologous B cells. In contrast, populations negatively selected for proliferating ARC were deficient in helper activity. These studies indicate that the ARC is responsive, at least in part, to products of genes closely linked to the HLA-DR locus and can function as a helper cell.  相似文献   

紫杉醇诱导Jurkat细胞凋亡及其机制探讨   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
目的 杭微管药物紫杉醇对T细胞瘤细胞株Jurkat是否具有凋亡诱导作用,并进一频bcl-2基因家族在此过程中的作用。方法 将不同浓度的紫杉醇作用于J7urkat细胞,观察其作用的时间效应及剂量效应。在光镜和电镜下观察其形态变化,用流式细胞术分析细胞DNA含量的改变并作DNA片段分析,用免疫组织化学及半定量逆转录-矣合酶链反应(PT-PCR)法观察在紫杉醇作用过程中凋亡调节基因bcl-2家族的mRN  相似文献   

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