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The kidney is the third most common solid organ injury in blunt abdominal trauma. The preferred treatment of blunt kidney injury varies according to grade of severity, with a preference for non-operative management in most instances.


We examine an unusual case of blunt renal trauma. In this case, our patient presented with severe flank pain and hematuria after a game of softball. Our focused abdominal sonography for trauma revealed fluid in the splenorenal recess concerning for intra-abdominal injury, and subsequent abdominal computed tomography confirmed a grade IV kidney laceration.


Our patient was managed medically despite his high grade of injury. This article reviews the diagnosis and management of blunt renal trauma and highlights the fact that despite significant injury, a patient can go on to do well with conservative management alone.  相似文献   

目的:探讨开放性喉外伤的急诊治疗方法和经验。方法:回顾性分析1997年5月至2005年6月开放性喉外伤13例的临床资料。结果:13例患者呼吸均恢复正常,10例术后发音正常,声嘶3例。结论:开放性喉气管外伤首选手术治疗,还应早期使用有效抗生素,短程激素,营养支持治疗,以提高减少并发症的发生,提高治愈率。  相似文献   

目的:本文旨在提高腹部钝伤致肝损伤的CT诊断水平。材料与方法:本组4例,其中3例经手术证实。4例均作CT平扫。结果:2例肝裂伤、破裂,2例肝内血肿、挫伤伴包膜下血肿。结论:CT为闭合性腹部外伤而血液动力学稳定患者的首选检查方法。对发现肝损伤及其程度有重要明确诊断价值。CT能有效显示外伤保守治疗过程。还能发现合并多发伤。  相似文献   

目的探讨腹部闭合性损伤合并颅脑损伤的诊治方法。方法对34例腹部闭合性损伤合并颅脑损伤患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果34例均经剖腹探查术,其中15例同时施行颅脑手术。住院期间死亡4例。结论腹部闭合性损伤合并颅脑损伤的处理,早期应明确伤情,处理好休克与颅内高压治疗的矛盾。早期诊断,及时手术,是减少并发症、降低死亡率的关键。  相似文献   

王青松  王俊清 《华西医学》2006,21(4):754-755
目的:为探讨闭合性腹部损伤的诊断和治疗方法。方法:回顾性分析2002年至2006年178例我院收治的闭合性腹部损伤患者的临床资料,根据临床症状、体征及其它辅助检查将患者分为四级并制定相应的治疗措施。Ⅰ级13例:病员一般情况好,可暂行保守治疗。Ⅱ级:一般情况差,休克早期,腹穿或实验室检查,随时准备剖腹探查治疗。Ⅲ级:一般情况差,休克、腹痛剧烈、腹膜炎体征明显,抗休克后剖腹探查或立即剖腹探查。Ⅳ级:一般情况很差、病危,严重失血性休克,腹痛剧烈,腹膜炎体征明显,腹穿或腹透( ),立即行手术探查。结果:保守治疗13例,手术治疗165例。痊愈171例,死亡7例,痊愈率96%。结论:我们认为该方法简单、易行,对临床具有较强的指导意义。  相似文献   

王会洪 《华西医学》2010,25(3):539-540
目的 探讨腹部闭合性损伤的外科急救方法。方法 2003年1月—2009年1月收治200例腹部闭合性损伤患者,根据病史、体征、辅助检查等做出诊断后,在确保重要器官血流供应的基础上进行外科手术治疗。结果 治愈187例,治愈率93.5%;死亡13例,9例患者死于多脏器受损引起的出血性休克,2例脾破裂患者因失血过多术中死亡,2例患者因合并颅脑损伤形成脑疝死亡。结论 对于腹部闭合性损伤患者,应快速准确地根据病史、体征、辅助检查等做出诊断,进行积极外科急救治疗。有效控制出血,保证重要器官血液供应,是外科急救能否成功的关键。  相似文献   

闭合性腹部外伤89例临床分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王迅 《中国临床医学》2006,13(5):773-774
目的:总结闭合性腹外伤的诊治经验,进一步提高救治水平。方法:回顾分析10余年来89倒闭合性腹部外伤患者的诊治情况。结果:行剖腹手术86例,保守治疗3例。治愈85例,死亡4例,原因为失血性休克、感染性休克、多器官功能障碍综合征及严重合并伤。结论:结合病史、体检、腹腔穿刺、B超、CT、X线检查等可提高诊断率,为腹外伤治疗提供可靠依据。手术止血是最根本的治疗措施,术中探查避免遗漏脏器损伤,正确处理合并伤是减少并发症,降低病死率的主要因素。  相似文献   

Objective: To determine the accuracy of CT of the chest in diagnosing the presence of cardiac injury in stable pitients with penetrating chest injuries.
Methods: A retrospective chart review of a convenience sample of stable patients with penetrating thoracic wounds evaluated for hemopericardium using chest CT at an urban level I trauma center.
Results: 60 stable patients with penetrating wounds in proximity to the heart underwent CT. Three patients had radiographic evidence of pericardial fluid, and 1 had an equivocal study. These 4 patients underwent subxiphoid pericardial window exploration: 2 had only clear fluid present, the other 2 had hemopericardium. The latter patients had a total of 3 cardiac and 1 diaphragmatic injuries, which were repaired at subsequent sternotomy. None of the 56 patients who had negative CTs had further clinical evidence of cardiac injury. The sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of CT in this setting for hemopericardium are 100% (95% CI 18–100%). 96.6% (95% CI 88–100%). and 96.7% (95% CI 89–100%), respectively.
Conclusion: Chest CT may be a useful test for diagnosing the presence of hemopericardium in the setting of penetrating thoracic injury. With the caveat that the patient must be removed from a closely monitored environment, the authors advocate the use of CT in stable patients with penetrating chest wounds whenever echocardiography is unavailable.  相似文献   

Objectives: This review examines the prevalence of intra‐abdominal injuries (IAI) and the negative predictive value (NPV) of an abdominal computed tomography (CT) in children who present with blunt abdominal trauma. Methods: MEDLINE, EMBASE, and Cochrane Library databases were searched. Studies were selected if they enrolled children with blunt abdominal trauma from the emergency department (ED) with significant mechanism of injury requiring an abdominal CT. The primary outcome measure was the rate of IAI in patients with negative initial abdominal CT. The secondary outcome measure was the number of laparotomies, angiographic embolizations, or repeat abdominal CTs in those with negative initial abdominal CTs. Results: Three studies met the inclusion criteria, comprising a total of 2,596 patients. The overall rate of IAI after a negative abdominal CT was 0.19% (95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.08% to 0.44%). The overall NPV of abdominal CT was 99.8% (95% CI = 99.6% to 99.9%). There were five patients (0.19%, 95% CI = 0.08% to 0.45%) who required additional intervention despite their initial negative CTs: one therapeutic laparotomy for bowel rupture, one diagnostic laparotomy for mesenteric hematoma and serosal tear, and three repeat abdominal CTs (one splenic and two renal injuries). None of the patients in the latter group required surgery or blood transfusion. Conclusions: The rate of IAI after blunt abdominal trauma with negative CT in children is low. Abdominal CT has a high NPV. The review shows that it might be safe to discharge a stable child home after a negative abdominal CT. ACADEMIC EMERGENCY MEDICINE 2010; 17:469–475 © 2010 by the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine  相似文献   

Objectives: The objective was to determine if hospital admission of children with blunt abdominal trauma for observation of possible intraabdominal injury (IAI) is necessary after a normal abdominal computed tomography (CT) scan in the emergency department (ED). Methods: The authors conducted a prospective observational cohort study of children less than 18 years of age with blunt abdominal trauma who underwent an abdominal CT scan in the ED. Abdominal CT scans were obtained with intravenous contrast but no oral contrast. The decision to hospitalize the patient was made by the attending emergency physician (EP) with the trauma or pediatric surgery teams. An abnormal abdominal CT scan was defined by the presence of any visualized IAI or findings suggestive of possible IAI (e.g., intraperitoneal fluid without solid organ injury). Patients were followed to determine if IAI was later diagnosed and the need for acute therapeutic intervention if IAI was present. Results: A total of 1,295 patients underwent abdominal CT, and 1,085 (84%) patients had normal abdominal CT scans in the ED and make up the study population. Seven‐hundred thirty‐seven (68%) were hospitalized, and 348 were discharged to home. None of the 348 patients discharged home and 2 of the 737 hospitalized patients were identified with an IAI after a normal initial abdominal CT. The IAIs in patients with normal initial CT scans included a 10‐year‐old with a mesenteric hematoma and serosal tear at laparotomy and a 10‐year‐old with a perinephric hematoma on repeat CT. Neither underwent specific therapy. The negative predictive value (NPV) of a normal abdominal CT scan for IAI was 99.8% (95% confidence interval [CI] = 99.3% to 100%). Conclusions: Children with blunt abdominal trauma and a normal abdominal CT scan in the ED are at very low risk of having a subsequently diagnosed IAI and are very unlikely to require a therapeutic intervention. Hospitalization of children for evaluation of possible undiagnosed IAI after a normal abdominal CT scan has a low yield and is generally unnecessary.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Using decision analysis, to compare the expected utility (EU) of diagnostic peritoneal lavage (DPL), computed tomography (CT), and ultrasonography (US) to determine the optimal modality for the evaluation of blunt abdominal trauma (BAT) in hemodynamically stable adults. METHODS: Data points for the decision analysis were obtained from three sources: 1) prevalence of BAT and the sensitivity and specificity of each diagnostic modality were determined through a criteria-based review of the literature; 2) rate of BAT necessitating immediate intervention, perioperative complication rate, and operative mortality rate were calculated using data from the authors' institution's trauma registry; and 3) outcome utilities were determined by telephone survey of adults in a random sample of households in the region. The decision tree was constructed and evaluated in standard fashion. For each diagnostic modality, the authors calculated the EU using the minimum, mean, and maximum sensitivity and specificity across a range of prevalence. Mean outcome utilities were used for each branch of the tree when calculating the EU. RESULTS: The EU of CT was consistently lower than the EUs of DPL and US at all levels of prevalence. However, the rank order of the EUs of US and DPL varied with the prevalence of BAT. When the prevalence was <30%, the EU of US was higher than that for DPL. When the prevalence was 30-40%, the EUs were similar. When the prevalence was >40%, the EU of US was less than that of DPL. CONCLUSIONS: Among institutions operating under constraints similar to those used in this model, the optimal diagnostic modality for the evaluation of BAT can be determined based on the sensitivity and specificity of the modality at their institution and the prevalence of BAT in their patient population.  相似文献   

腹部创伤1076例临床分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
【目的】提高腹部创伤及合并伤的早期诊断和手术治疗水平。【方法】回顾分析2001年1月至2008年12月收治的严重腹部创伤1076例的临床资料。其中闭合伤893例(83.0%),开放伤183例(17.0%);手术治疗969例;腹内主要脏器损伤依次是脾、肝、胃、小肠、肾、结肠等。【结果】全组存活1040例(96.7%),入院时血压为零被抢救成功114例,因手术并发症再次手术17例;死亡36例(3.3%),多死于失血性休克。【结论】在严重腹部创伤时,耗时的诊断程序是不允许的,只有当病人血流动力学稳定时才可作必要的检查以避免遗漏多脏器伤;同时应积极手术,手术止血被认为是最根本的抗休克措施;多脏器损伤处理坚持“保全生命第一,保全器官第二”的手术原则。  相似文献   

闭合性腹部创伤的诊断与治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨闭合性腹部创伤的诊断与治疗方法。方法:对我院1995年至2005年间132例闭合性腹部创伤的临床资料和诊治方法进行回顾性分析。结果:该组病人中20例(15.2%)保守治疗,全部治愈;112例(84.8%)行开腹手术,治愈104例,死亡8例。死亡原因主要为并发严重的颅脑外伤、失血性休克、多脏器功能衰竭。结论:闭合性腹部创伤早期明确诊断和及时手术探查最为重要,是提高抢救成功率,降低病死率的关键。  相似文献   

Penetrating trauma to the extremities is a complex disease that foremost requires the evaluation for vascular injury. This monograph will address an algorithm to assess for associated vascular injury that includes current evaluation techniques. Approaches to wound management and use of antibiotics in the ED are also addressed.  相似文献   

损伤控制性手术救治严重腹部损伤   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:通过对严重腹部损伤患者实施损伤控制性手术策略和方法,提高创伤的抢救成功率。方法:回顾分析8例严重腹部损伤(ISS〉16)患者应用损伤控制性手术的策略进行救治的情况,8例患者入院后在积极抗休克急救处理的同时进行急诊剖腹探查手术,初期均采用大纱垫填塞的方法控制出血后关腹,ICU内复苏后,所有患者都进行了Ⅱ期计划性手术。结果:经过损伤控制性手术救治的严重损伤复苏过程较平稳,腹部并发症得到有效控制。痊愈6例,死亡2例。术后出现膈下感染1例,胆瘘1例,经引流治疗痊愈。结论:对于符合DCO指征的严重腹部损伤的患者要尽早、尽快地实施DCO,提高综合治疗水平,根据腹部损伤的部位和程度,采取适宜的再次确定手术的方式,可以有效地降低严重腹部损伤病死率。  相似文献   



Patients presenting with a penetrating missile lodged in the pelvis are at risk for having a urinary tract injury. Once in the bladder, the missile can become impacted in the urethra, causing retention that requires extraction. Rarely, the missile can be expulsed spontaneously through the urethra.


To describe the world literature regarding undetected penetrating bladder injuries presenting as spontaneously voided bullets and to contribute an additional case to the literature.

Case Report

We present a case report of a 37-year-old man who sustained a gunshot wound to the right buttock, with an undetected urinary system injury and subsequent spontaneous voiding of a bullet.


There have been <10 cases reported in the literature of spontaneously expulsed bullets from the urethra, all of which were undetected injuries on initial presentation. Physicians should be aware of the potential for undetected urinary tract injuries in patients with penetrating missiles to the pelvis and understand the appropriate evaluation and management strategies for these injuries.  相似文献   

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