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The sense organs of the vertebrate head arise predominantly from sensory placodes. The sensory placodes have traditionally been grouped as structures that share common developmental and evolutionary characteristics. In attempts to build a coherent model for development of all placodes, the fascinating differences that make placodes unique are often overlooked. Here I review olfactory placode development with special attention to the origin and cell movements that generate the olfactory placode, the derivatives of this sensory placode, and the degree to which it shows plasticity during development. Next, through comparison with adenohypophyseal, and lens placodes I suggest we revise our thinking and terminology for these anterior placodes, specifically by: (1) referring to the peripheral olfactory sensory system as neural ectoderm because it expresses the same series of genes involved in neural differentiation and differentiates in tandem with the olfactory bulb, and (2) grouping the anterior placodes with their corresponding central nervous system structures and emphasizing patterning mechanisms shared between placodes and these targets. Sensory systems did not arise independent of the central nervous system; they are part of a functional unit composed of peripheral sensory structures and their targets. By expanding our analyses of sensory system development to also include cell movements, gene expression and morphological changes observed in this functional unit, we will better understand the evolution of sensory structures.  相似文献   

The objective of this research was to determine the origin of the cholinergic neurons that populate the heart following ablation of the neural crest area, which normally gives rise to the cardiac ganglia. Using ablation of various areas of surface ectoderm--including neural crest migrating to the heart, nodose placode, and neural crest plus nodose placode--it was determined that regeneration of the neural component of cardiac neural crest did not occur in the absence of the nodose placodes. When cells from the nodose placode were followed in quail to chick chimeras of nodose placode with ablated cardiac neural crest, quail nodose placode-derived neurons were found in the cardiac ganglia. These results explain the "regeneration" of cholinergic cardiac ganglia in embryos lacking cardiac neural crest.  相似文献   

Lateral line sensory receptors and their cranial nerves in axolotls arise from a dorsolateral series of placodes, including the octaval placode, that gives rise to the inner ear and the octaval nerve. Anterodorsal and anteroventral placodes occur rostral to the octaval placode and give rise to anterodorsal and anteroventral lateral line nerves and electroreceptors and mechanoreceptors of the snout, cheek, and lower jaw. Middle, supratemporal, and posterior placodes occur caudal to the octaval placode and give rise to similarly named lateral line nerves, electroreceptors and mechanoreceptors of the occipital region of the head, and trunk neuromasts. All placodes, except the posterior placode, elongate, forming sensory ridges, following the genesis of sensory ganglia. Primary mechanoreceptor primordia begin to form within the central zone of the sensory ridges at stage 36; primary electroreceptor primordia originate within the lateral zones of these ridges at stage 38. The first primary mechanoreceptors erunt during stage 37; all primary mechanoreceptors have erupted at hatching (stage 41). Primary electroreceptors begin to erupt at stage 43. Secondary mechanoreceptor primordia begin to form in 1-week-old larvae and erupt 1–2 weeks later. Secondary electroreceptor primordia also begin to form in 1-week-old larvae and continue until clusters of two to five electoreceptors are formed. The developmental stages thought to characterize lateral line placodes in the earliest gnathostomes suggest that this ancestral ontogeny has been truncated in modern amphibians, and ontogenetic mechanisms underlying placodal differentiation are suggested. © Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The generation of the sensory ganglia involves the migration of a precursor population to the site of ganglion formation and the differentiation of sensory neurons. There is, however, a significant difference between the ganglia of the head and trunk in that while all of the sensory neurons of the trunk are derived from the neural crest, the majority of cranial sensory neurons are generated by the neurogenic placodes. In this study, we have detailed the route through which the placodally-derived sensory neurons are generated, and we find a number of important differences between the head and trunk. Although, the neurogenic placodes release neuroblasts that migrate internally to the site of ganglion formation, we find that there are no placodally-derived progenitor cells within the forming ganglia. The cells released by the placodes differentiate during migration and contribute to the cranial ganglia as post-mitotic neurons. In the trunk, it has been shown that progenitor cells persist in the forming Dorsal Root Ganglia and that much of the process of sensory neuronal differentiation occurs within the ganglion. We also find that the period over which neuronal cells delaminate from the placodes is significantly longer than the time frame over which neural crest cells populate the DRGs. We further show that placodal sensory neuronal differentiation can occur in the absence of local cues. Finally, we find that, in contrast to neural crest cells, the different mature neurogenic placodes seem to lack plasticity. Nodose neuroblasts cannot be diverted to form trigeminal neurons and vice versa.  相似文献   

Cells of the neural tube are thought to be committed to form only the central nervous system, whereas the peripheral nervous system is believed to be derived from neural crest cells and from placodes, which are specialized regions of the surface ectoderm. Neural crest cells arise early from the dorsal part of the neural tube. The possibility that after emigration of the neural crest cells, another population of cells arising from the ventral part of the neural tube also emigrates via a different route was examined. Here we report that, after labeling cells of the ventral neural tube in the rostral hindbrain of E3 duck embryos with DiI, they were later found in the trigeminal ganglion of the fifth cranial nerve. A trail of labeled cells could be traced from the ventral part of the neural tube to the peripheral ganglion. Further, expression of the homeobox gene Islet-1 in cells of the neural tube and the ganglion also indicated that some ventral neural tube cells may normally emigrate to the trigeminal ganglion. It is concluded that not all neural tube cells are committed to form the central nervous system; the ventral part of the neural tube also provides cells for the formation of the trigeminal ganglion. These results raise the possibility that the ventral neural tube may serve as an additional source of cells for the formation of various other components of the peripheral nervous system.  相似文献   

The gustatory system in vertebrates comprises peripheral receptors (taste buds), innervated by three cranial nerves (VII, IX, and X), and a series of central neural centers and pathways. All vertebrates, with the exception of hagfishes, have taste buds. These receptors vary morphologically in different vertebrates but usually consist of at least four types of cells (dark, light, basal, and stem cells). An out-group analysis indicates that taste buds were restricted to the oropharynx, primitively, and that external taste buds, distributed over the head and, in some cases, even the trunk, evolved a number of times independently. The sensory neurons of the cranial nerves that innervate taste buds are believed to arise from epibranchial placodes, which are induced by pharyngeal endoderm, but it has never been demonstrated experimentally that these sensory neurons do, in fact, arise from these placodes. Although many details of the development of the innervation of taste buds are still unknown, it is now clear that taste buds are induced from either ecto- or endodermal epithelia, rather than arising from either placodes or neural crest. At present, there are two developmental models of taste bud induction: The neural induction model claims that peripheral nerve fibers induce taste buds, whereas the early specification model claims that oropharyngeal epithelium is specified by or during gastrulation and that taste buds arise from cell-cell interactions within the specified epithelium. There is now substantial evidence that the early specification model best describes the induction of taste buds.  相似文献   

Neurogenic placodes are specialized regions of the embryonic ectoderm that generate the majority of the neurons of the cranial sensory ganglia. Here we have accurately determined the onset of neurogenesis in each of the placodes in the chick, and we have also analyzed the expression profiles of genes that are believed to be involved in determining the types of sensory neurons produced by each placode. Interestingly, we find that there is a major difference in the expression domains of neurogenin-1 and neurogenin-2 in the chick, when compared with those reported for the mouse. We do find, however, that Brn-3a and Phox-2a and Phox-2b which are also associated with the specification of neuronal type are expressed in the same domains in the chick as they are in the mouse. These results suggest that neurogenin-1 and neurogenin-2 are functionally interchangeable in neurogenic placodes. We have also found major differences between the ophthalmic and maxillomandibular trigeminal placodes, and while all of the other placodes generate mitotically active cells the ophthalmic trigeminal placode seems to throw off postmitotic neuronal cells.  相似文献   

Serotonin (5-HT) has been shown to act as a morphogen in craniofacial and heart development and in the migration of neural crest derivatives. Some of these structures are capable of capturing 5-HT during development, but nothing is known about the localization of the main monoamine degradation enzymes, monoamine oxidase (MAO) A and B, in these developing tissues. We generated a highly specific antibody to MAOB; immunoreactivity is entirely abolished in brain extracts or brain sections of mice lacking MAOB. From the use of this antibody and specific riboprobes, we report that MAOB is expressed early in a variety of neural crest derivatives, in facial sensory organs, and in the heart. From E11.5 to P0, MAOB was found to be strongly expressed in the following neural crest derivatives: the aorta, cranial mesenchyme (developing bones, sensory neurons of the cranial ganglia, cartilages, thyroid, and striate muscles), dental mesenchyme, several soft palate derivatives, and boundary cap cells (E11.5-P4). Boundary cap cells contribute to the formation of nerve exit-entry points between the central and the peripheral nervous systems. Several facial sensory organs also contained MAOB mRNA, protein, and activity. High MAOB expression was noted in the olfactory placode, the dorsal part of the olfactory epithelium, the olfactory nerve layer (probably the ensheathing glia), the cochlear ganglionic cells, the taste buds, and the Merkel cells in the vibrissae follicles. Finally, we found that MAOB is massively expressed in the pharyngeal organ, heart, liver, and mast cells. In contrast, MAOA expression was restricted to the sympathetic ganglia and to the meningeal and capillary blood vessels. The pattern of MAOB expression generally matched the previously reported patterns of expression of the plasma 5-HT transporter expression or of the histamine biosynthetic enzyme L-histidine decarboxylase, suggesting a role for MAOB in fine regulation of the levels of 5-HT and histamine in the developing embryo.  相似文献   

The olfactory system represents one of the most suitable models to study interactions between the peripheral and central nervous systems. The developing olfactory epithelium (olfactory placode and pit) gives rise to several cell populations that migrate towards the telencephalic vesicle. One of these cell populations, called the Migratory Mass (MM), accompanies the first emerging olfactory axons from the olfactory placode, but the fate of these cells and their contribution to the Olfactory Bulb (OB) populations has not been properly addressed. To asses this issue we performed ultrasound-guided in utero retroviral injections at embryonic day (E) 11 revealing the MM as an early source of Olfactory Ensheathing Cells in later postnatal stages. Employing a wide number of antibodies to identify the nature of the infected cells we described that those cells generated within the MM at E11 belong to different cell populations both in the mesenchyma, where they envelop olfactory axons and express the most common glial markers, and in the olfactory bulb, where they are restricted to the Olfactory Nerve and Glomerular layers. Thus, the data reveal the existence of a novel progenitor class within the MM, potentially derived from the olfactory placode which gives rise to different neural cell population including some CNS neurons, glia and olfactory ensheathing cells.  相似文献   

Mechanism of neurogenesis during the embryonic development of a tunicate.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ascidian and vertebrate nervous systems share basic characteristics, such as their origin from a neural plate, a tripartite regionalization of the brain, and the expression of similar genes during development. In ascidians, the larval chordate-like nervous system regresses during metamorphosis, and the adult's neural complex, composed of the cerebral ganglion and the associated neural gland is formed. Classically, the homology of the neural gland with the vertebrate hypophysis has long been debated. We show that in the colonial ascidian Botryllus schlosseri, the primordium of the neural complex consists of the ectodermal neurohypophysial duct, which forms from the left side of the anterior end of the embryonal neural tube. The duct contacts and fuses with the ciliated duct rudiment, a pharyngeal dorsal evagination whose cells exhibit ectodermic markers being covered by a tunic. The neurohypophysial duct then differentiates into the neural gland rudiment whereas its ventral wall begins to proliferate pioneer nerve cells which migrate and converge to make up the cerebral ganglion. The most posterior part of the neural gland differentiates into the dorsal organ, homologous to the dorsal strand. Neurogenetic mechanisms in embryogenesis and vegetative reproduction of B. schlosseri are compared, and the possible homology of the neurohypophysial duct with the olfactory/adenohypophysial/hypothalamic placodes of vertebrates is discussed. In particular, the evidence that neurohypophysial duct cells are able to delaminate and migrate as neuronal cells suggests that the common ancestor of all chordates possessed the precursor of vertebrate neural crest/placode cells.  相似文献   

In mammals, hair cells and auditory neurons lack the capacity to regenerate, and damage to either cell type can result in hearing loss. Replacement cells for regeneration could potentially be made by directed differentiation of human embryonic stem (hES) cells. To generate sensory neurons from hES cells, neural progenitors were first made by suspension culture of hES cells in a defined medium. The cells were positive for nestin, a neural progenitor marker, and Pax2, a marker for cranial placodes, and were negative for alpha-fetoprotein, an endoderm marker. The precursor cells could be expanded in vitro in fibroblast growth factor (FGF)-2. Neurons and glial cells were found after differentiation of the neural progenitors by removal of FGF-2, but evaluation of neuronal markers indicated insignificant production of sensory neurons. Addition of bone morphogenetic protein 4 (BMP4) to neural progenitors upon removal of FGF-2, however, induced significant numbers of neurons that were positive for markers associated with cranial placodes and neural crest, the sources of sensory neurons in the embryo. Neuronal processes from hES cell-derived neurons made contacts with hair cells in denervated ex vivo sensory epithelia and expressed synaptic markers, suggesting the formation of synapses. In a gerbil model with a denervated cochlea, the ES cell-derived neurons engrafted in the auditory nerve trunk and sent out neurites that grew toward the auditory sensory epithelium. These data indicate that hES cells can be induced to form sensory neurons that have the potential to treat neural degeneration associated with sensorineural hearing loss.  相似文献   

The enteric nervous system arises from two regions of the neural crest; the vagal neural crest which gives rise to the vast majority of enteric neurones throughout the gastrointestinal tract, and the sacral neural crest which contributes a smaller number of cells that are mainly distributed within the hindgut. The migration of vagal neural crest cells into, and along the gut is promoted by GDNF, which is expressed by the gut mesenchyme and is the ligand for the Ret/GFRα1 signalling complex present on migrating vagal‐derived crest cells. Sacral neural crest cells enter the gut after it has been colonized by vagal neural crest cells, but the molecular control of sacral neural crest cell development has yet to be elucidated. Under the influence of both intrinsic and extrinsic cues, neural crest cells differentiate into glia and different types of enteric neurones at different developmental stages. Recently, the potential for neural stem cells to form an enteric nervous system has been examined, with the ultimate aim of using neural stem cells as a therapeutic strategy for some gut disorders where enteric neurones are reduced or absent.  相似文献   

In order to map the expression of receptors for nerve growth factor (NGF) during brain and cranial ganglia development, iodinated NGF (125I beta NGF) was used as a probe in an autoradiographical analysis performed between embryonic day 3 (E3) and posthatching day 3 (P3) of chicken development. Heavy autoradiographic labelling was observed at the classical NGF target sites, the proximal cranial sensory ganglia and the sympathetic superior cervical ganglion, throughout development and after hatching. In contrast, only weak labelling could be detected during a restricted time span in the vestibulocochlear (E4-E8) and the distal cranial sensory ganglia (E4-E10), the neurons of which originate from the otic and epibranchial placodes. Specific 125I beta NGF binding was also observed in various brain regions during early brain development. NGF receptor expression there followed a characteristic pattern. The neuroepithelial layer displayed very low levels of specific 125I beta NGF binding, while strong 125I beta NGF labelling was found in the mantle layer. Brainstem somatomotor nuclei, visceromotor columns, brainstem alar plate, cerebellar anlage, tectum, and basal forebrain (epithalamus, striatum) were found to be transiently labelled by 125I beta NGF in early development (E4-E12). Non-nervous tissues such as parts of the otic vesicle epithelium and skeletal muscle anlagen of the head were also labelled. These results, showing specific binding of 125I beta NGF to cranial cells of different origin (neural tube, neural crest, placode, and possibly mesoderm) strengthen the concept that NGF may have diverse functions in growth and differentiation of various tissues and cell types.  相似文献   

It is generally believed that after the emigration of neural crest, the neuroepithelial cells of the neural tube are committed to differentiate only as neurons and supporting cells of the central nervous system. Neural crest cells arise from the dorsal portion of the developing neural tube and contribute to the formation of the peripheral nervous system and a variety of non-neural structures. In contrast to this view we have recently shown, by focal application of the vital dye Dil in duck embryos, that an additional population of cells emigrates from the neural tube. By using an entirely different technique we confirm and extend these observations in the chick embryo. Replication-deficient retroviral vector LZ12 containing the gene LacZ was utilized to label the neural tube cells. The viral concentrate was microinjected into the lumen of the rostral hind-brain neural tube, considerably after the completion of emigration of neural crest cells. The labeled cells were monitored in whole mounts and histological sections. Initially, the labeled cells were restricted to the neuroepithelium of the hindbrain neural tube. Subsequently, they were seen in the neural tube and in the ganglion of the fifth cranial nerve (trigeminal ganglion). Later, they migrated beyond the trigeminal ganglion, i.e., into the mesenchyme of the first pharyngeal arch. Immunostaining with the neural crest cell marker, HNK-1, indicated that the emigrated neuroepithelial cells were HNK-1 negative. It is concluded that in the chick embryo some neuroepithelial cells emigrate at the site of attachment of the trigeminal nerve, migrate into the ganglion and then into the mesenchyme of the first arch. This cell population differs antigenically from the neural crest cells.  相似文献   

The enteric nervous system is believed to be derived solely from the neural crest cells. This is partly based on the belief that the neural crest cells are the sole neural tube-derived cells colonizing the gastrointestinal tract. However, recent studies have shown that after the emigration of neural crest cells an additional population of cells emigrates from the cranial neural tube. These cells originate in the ventral part of the hindbrain, emigrate through the site of attachment of the cranial nerves, and colonize a variety of developing structures including the gastrointestinal tract. This cell population has been named the ventrally emigrating neural tube (VENT) cells. We followed the fate of these cells in the gastrointestinal tract. Ventral hindbrain neural tube cells of chick embryos were tagged with replication-deficient retroviral vectors containing the LacZ gene, after the emigration of neural crest from this region. In control embryos, the viral concentrate was dropped on the dorsal part of the neural tube. Embryos were sacrificed from embryonic days 3–12 and processed for the detection of LacZ positive ventrally emigrating neural tube cells. These cells colonized only the foregut, specifically the duodenum and stomach. Immunostaining with the neural crest cell marker HNK-1 showed that they were HNK-1 negative, indicating that they were not derived from neural crest. Cells were detected in three locations: (1) the myenteric and submucosal plexus of the enteric nervous system; (2) circular smooth muscle cell layer; and (3) mucosal lining of the lumen. A variety of specific markers were used to identify their fate. Some ventrally emigrating neural tube cells differentiated into neurons and glial cells, indicating that the enteric nervous system in the foregut develops from an additional source of precursor cells. It was also found that some of these cells differentiated into interstitial cells of Cajal, which mediate impulses between the enteric nervous system and smooth muscle cells, whereas others differentiated into epithelium. Altogether, these results indicate that the ventrally emigrating neural tube cells are multipotential. More importantly, they reveal a novel source of precursor cells for the neurons and glial cells of the enteric nervous system. The developmental and functional significance of the heterogeneous origin of the cell types remains to be established.  相似文献   

The neural crest gives rise to numerous derivatives including adrenergic and cholinergic neurons, supportive cells of the nervous system, and melanocytes. In tissue culture, neural crest cells explanted from both cranial and trunk regions were found to differentiate into adrenergic neuroblasts or into pigmented cells when grown in medium containing 10% chick embryo extract. When the embryo extract concentration was lowered to 2%, no catecholamine-containing cells (as assayed by formaldehyde-induced fluorescence) were detected, although pigment cells were observed. These results suggest the presence of a factor(s) in embryo extract that promotes or supports adrenergic differentiation. To examine the possible tissue sources of this factor(s), neural tube, notochord, or somite cells were used to condition medium containing 2% embryo extract. When neural crest cells were grown in medium conditioned by neural tube cells, adrenergic neuroblasts were observed in all cultures. However, somite- and notochord conditioned medium did not support adrenergic differentiation. In addition, medium supplemented with extracts derived from central nervous system components did support adrenergic expression, whereas medium supplemented with embryo extract from which the neural tissue was removed did not. Direct contact with neural tube cell ghost membranes was unable to substitute for high embryo extract concentrations or for neural tube-conditioned medium. These results suggest that the neural tube makes a diffusible factor(s) that will support adrenergic differentiation of neural crest cells.  相似文献   

Serial blockface scanning electron microscopy (SBSEM) is used to describe the sensory peripheral nervous system (PNS) in the tail of a cephalochordate, Asymmetron lucayanum. The reconstructed region extends from the tail tip to the origin of the most posterior peripheral nerves from the dorsal nerve cord. As peripheral nerves ramify within the dermis, all the nuclei along their course belong to glial cells. Invaginations in the glial cell cytoplasm house the neurites, an association reminiscent of the nonmyelinated Schwann cells of vertebrates. Peripheral nerves pass from the dermis to the epidermis via small fenestrae in the sub-epidermal collagen fibril layer; most nerves exit abruptly, but a few run obliquely within the collagen fibril layer for many micrometers before exiting. Within the epidermis, each nerve begins ramifying repeatedly, but the branches are too small to be followed to their tips with SBSEM at low magnification (previous studies on other cephalochordates indicate that the branches end freely or in association with epidermal sensory cells). In Asymmetron, two morphological kinds of sensory cells are scattered in the epidermis, usually singly, but sometimes in pairs, evidently the recent progeny of a single precursor cell. The discussion considers the evolution of the sensory PNS in the phylum Chordata. In cephalochordates, Retzius bipolar neurons with intramedullary perikarya likely correspond to the Rohon-Beard cells of vertebrates. However, extramedullary neurons originating from ventral epidermis in cephalochordates (and presumably in ancestral chordates) contrast with vertebrate sensory neurons, which arise from placodes and neural crest.  相似文献   

N-syndecan, a membrane-bound heparan sulphate proteoglycan, is abundantly present in the developing nervous system and thought to play important roles in the neurite outgrowth. In the present study, we examined the distribution of N-syndecan in the migratory route from the rat olfactory placode using immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization. At embryonic day 15, both heparan sulphate and N-syndecan immunoreactivities were localized in and around the migrating cell clusters, which contained luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) and calbindin D-28k. Immunoreactivity for other glycosaminoglycan chains, such as chondroitin and keratan sulphate, and core proteins of the chondroitin sulphate proteoglycan, neurocan and phosphacan, were barely detected in the migratory pathway from the olfactory placode. By in situ hybridization histochemistry, N-syndecan mRNA was localized in virtually all of migrating neurons as well as in cells of the olfactory epithelium and the vomeronasal organ. N-syndecan immunoreactivity surrounded cells migrating along the vomeronasal nerves that were immunoreactive for neural cell adhesion molecules, NCAM, L1 and TAG-1. Considering that NCAM is implicated in the migratory process of LHRH neurons and specifically binds to heparan sulphate, it is likely that a heterophilic interaction between NCAM and N-syndecan participates in the neuronal migration from the rat olfactory placode.  相似文献   

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