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This study investigated the relationship between urban early childhood teachers' attitudes towards inclusive education and personal characteristics, professional background, and programme context. Questionnaires were completed by teachers (n?=?130) who taught preschool children in primarily low-income, urban neighbourhoods. Attitude ratings were slightly above average, suggesting that teachers overall had a moderately positive attitude towards inclusive education. A hierarchical regression analysis was used to examine potential factors influencing ratings of inclusive education. Results indicated that none of the variables related to personal demographics significantly predicted overall attitude about inclusion. Among variables related to professional background, having had a positive past experience with children with disabilities predicted a positive attitude. The teachers' role within the programme also predicted attitude towards inclusive education, with lead teachers having a more positive attitude than assistant teachers. Implications are discussed for practice as well as for future research.  相似文献   

Inclusive education has been promoted in primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong since the 1990s, and it has now spread to pre-primary education. Without qualified teachers and sufficient resources, however, it is difficult to implement inclusion in early childhood settings. This case study investigated how inclusive education was practised in an ordinary kindergarten in Hong Kong with a focus on its benefits and challenges. Two children with special educational needs, their teachers and parents, the learning support team members, and the school principal were involved in the study, which included the triangulation of observations, interviews, and documentation analysis. The results indicated that (1) the chosen kindergarten demonstrated a variety of inclusive practices and (2) although there were some problems and difficulties, all of the participants interviewed showed positive attitudes towards the inclusive programme. The implications and challenges of implementing inclusion in Hong Kong early childhood settings are discussed.  相似文献   

As teacher shortages or teacher turnover rate continue to proliferate in the field of early childhood education (ECE) across the United States in the past few decades, there seem to be a pressing need for teacher preparation programmes to accommodate prospective ECE pre-service teachers (who do not have the chance to enroll in traditional teacher preparation programmes due to geographical reasons, busy daily work schedules, and other personal reasons). This accommodation will provide them the alternative to complete their entire online coursework in ECE that would adequately prepare them for careers in various inclusive early childhood settings. This article will describe the organization and development of an alternative online approach for the degree of Bachelor of Science in ECE in a southwestern state of the United States.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the position of Aboriginal people in Australian society and reflection of this position in the provision of delivery of early childhood education. Aboriginal experiences since permanent European settlement are related to public policy. Culturally relevant education and the recognition of cognitive styles present a need for the critical evaluation of cognitive and socilization models.  相似文献   

There has been a significant increase in the number of children who are culturally and linguistically diverse who qualify for early childhood special education (ECSE) services [Banerjee, R., & Guiberson, M. (2012). Evaluating young children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds for special education services. Young Exceptional Children, 15(1), 33–44]. The current study investigates the challenges and innovative practices in the evaluation and ECSE services for preschool aged children who are refugees. Twenty-eight early childhood educators who work in a small refugee resettlement community participated in a qualitative study using semi-structured interviews resulting in themes regarding challenges and innovative practices. Challenges include: lack of validated assessments, wait time for evaluations, different cultural perspectives and family advocacy. Innovative practices include: assessing skills not dependent on language and including caregivers in evaluations. Implications for future research and teacher preparation are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the characteristics of early childhood care and education (ECCE) assessment and identifies current challenges and changes in the assessment of ECCE in Japan. There are differences in assessment between ECCE and elementary school education. Assessment in ECCE is used to focus on making better plans, improving the understanding of children and improving one’s professional skills in Japan. However, the challenges from elementary schools, including commercialism, and various family expectations have forced changes in ECCE attitudes towards assessment. This research suggests that the goals of assessment should be to ensure that institutions are administered in a way that provides the most appropriate practice and environment for the development of children.  相似文献   

A study of programme quality of early intervention in a large governmental early special education service in Queensland, Australia employed a collaborative methodology of participatory action research. The approach has been encouraged strongly for disability-focused research, but the approach is demanding and few examples have been reported. In this multistage 4-year project, indicators of programme quality were generated from staff and parents in the service, validated throughout the service, and generalized across the nation. Examples of the implementation of this methodology across these stages are reported, and benefits and compromises are examined.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study is to examine professional identity of Turkish early childhood education teachers working in public and private preschools serving children from three to six years. The participants of the study, 1021 early childhood education teachers, were gathered through simple random sampling. The data for the study were gathered through A Professional Identity Scale (PRIS) (Kremer, L., & Hofman, J. E. (1985). Teachers’ professional identity and burn-out. Research in Education, 34, 89–95.), which is adapted into Turkish through preliminary psychometric investigation of its validity and reliability. Based on correlation analysis, independent samples t-test and analysis of variance gender, age, years of experience in occupation, age group of children, monthly income, educational level and background, job position and marital status of teachers were examined. Findings suggest that teachers’ professional identity was affected by such factors as gender, monthly income, educational level and background, job position, current work experience and marital status of teachers.  相似文献   

In this paper, I report the results of an ethnographic study on the effects of multiple staffing in an early childhood classroom. Through the use of participant observation and systematic classroom observation, I found that one early childhood educator acted in significantly different ways when her co-teacher was present in the classroom than she did when the co-teacher was absent. Three factors—interpersonal relationships, territorial ownership, and differential status characteristics—contributed to the phenomenon of differential behavior. I used, furthermore, the sociological concept of small groups and leadership patterns in them to understand the social dynamics of multiple staffing.  相似文献   

This study examined the effectiveness of embedding children's social goals into routine activities within inclusive preschool classroom settings. An AB (i.e. baseline and intervention) single-subject design was used across three male participants with identified disabilities. Three student-teachers, enrolled in a master's program at a university, implemented the intervention by embedding children's social goals into classroom routines (e.g. circle time). Social competency increased for all three boys, and social skills improved on the selected social goals that were embedded into classroom routines. The results suggest that the embedding strategy may offer an effective approach for individualizing social skills intervention in preschool classrooms.  相似文献   

In this paper, I report the results of an ethnographic study on the effects of multiple staffing in an early childhood classroom. Through the use of participant observation and systematic classroom observation, I found that one early childhood educator acted in significantly different ways when her co‐teacher was present in the classroom than she did when the co‐teacher was absent. Three factors—interpersonal relationships, territorial ownership, and differential status characteristics—contributed to the phenomenon of differential behavior. I used, furthermore, the sociological concept of small groups and leadership patterns in them to understand the social dynamics of multiple staffing.  相似文献   

This study examined the effectiveness of embedding children’s social goals into routine activities within inclusive preschool classroom settings. An AB (i.e. baseline and intervention) single‐subject design was used across three male participants with identified disabilities. Three student‐teachers, enrolled in a master’s program at a university, implemented the intervention by embedding children’s social goals into classroom routines (e.g. circle time). Social competency increased for all three boys, and social skills improved on the selected social goals that were embedded into classroom routines. The results suggest that the embedding strategy may offer an effective approach for individualizing social skills intervention in preschool classrooms.  相似文献   

This research study examined the challenges faced by early childhood education (ECE) in rural China based on a qualitative study of 217 kindergarten classrooms in a large agricultural, rural province. This study utilised onsite teacher surveys, interviews, and observational field notes. This investigation's findings revealed important information in regard to (a) enrollment, class size, and student–teacher ratios; (b) facilities, basic furnishings, and materials; (c) teacher qualifications; and (d) curriculum and pedagogy. Kindergartens in the rural province of Hebei, typical of Chinese provinces with economically disadvantaged students and inadequate ECE funding, were found to be of poor quality across every ECE indicator measured. For the future improvement and well-being of children and their families in rural China, the authors recommend reform policy to increase ECE quality by affiliating quality kindergartens with existing elementary public school structures and to improve teacher quality by advancing teacher benefits, professional status, and professional development opportunities.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine the level of teacher stress experienced by Turkish early childhood education teachers working in public and private preschools serving children from three to six years of age. The participants of the study include 1119 early childhood education teachers gathered through simple random sampling. The data are gathered through teacher stress inventory developed by Micheal Fimian [1984. The development of an instrument to measure occupational stress in teachers: The teacher stress inventory. Journal of Occupational Psychology, 57, 277–293], which is adapted into Turkish through preliminary psychometric investigation of its validity and reliability. Based on correlation analysis, one sample t-test and analysis of variance findings suggest that teachers' occupational stress is related to teachers' monthly income, gender, years of experience in occupation and age level of children that they are working with.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study is to provide information and suggest ways to improve and evaluate metacognition in early childhood. Metacognition is important to learning and knowledge transfer and preparing students to become lifelong learners is a main aim of schooling. The engagement of young students in metacognitive thinking is considered necessary, as they seem capable of developing fundamental forms of metacognition after the age of three. The development of metacognitive skills helps young children to become thoughtful about their learning process. Specifically, the implementation of interesting activities in an enjoyable manner that develops young children's high-order thinking could help them to enhance metacognitive skills and become effective learners. Physical activities during reciprocal and self-check teaching styles are such activities that could guide young students to reflect on their own learning and realise what they are doing.  相似文献   

This paper focusses on issues connected with Early Childhood as a profession. Whilst the context is the diversity of service provision in Australia, the issues raised will hopefully contribute to debate in other countries.  相似文献   

Knowledge and skills regarding policy and advocacy are important expectations for today's early childhood workforce, yet policy and advocacy content and processes have not traditionally been emphasized in teacher preparation programmes. This article describes an innovative undergraduate course that goes beyond traditional foci on developmental research and pedagogy and aims to inform future early childhood professionals about policies and policy-making procedures. The course also prepares students to engage in advocacy efforts on behalf of young children and their families by providing content on advocacy processes and opportunities, and by requiring students to complete an advocacy project. The authors present student responses to the course and discuss possible implications for research and practice.  相似文献   

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