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Accurate and highly sensitive tests for the diagnosis of active Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection are essential for the clinical management of individuals infected with EBV. A calibrated quantitative real-time PCR assay for the measurement of EBV DNA of both EBV-1 and 2 subtypes was developed, combining the detection of the EBV DNA and a synthetic DNA calibrator in a multiplex PCR format. The assay displays a wide dynamic range and a high degree of accuracy even in the presence of 1μg of human genomic DNA. This assay measures with the same efficiency EBV DNA from strains prevalent in different geographic areas. The clinical sensitivity and specificity of the system were evaluated by testing 181 peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMCs) and plasma specimens obtained from 21 patients subjected to bone marrow transplantation, 70 HIV-seropositive subjects and 23 healthy controls. Patients affected by EBV-associated post-transplant lymphoprolipherative disorders had the highest frequency of EBV detection and the highest viral load. Persons infected with HIV had higher levels of EBV DNA load in PBMCs and a higher frequency of EBV plasma viremia compared to healthy controls. In conclusion, this new assay provides a reliable high-throughput method for the quantitation of EBV DNA in clinical samples.  相似文献   

Accurate quantification of hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA levels is important for monitoring patients with chronic HBV infection and for assessing their responses to antiviral therapy. This study aimed to develop a real-time PCR assay that is sensitive and can accurately quantify a wide range of HBV DNA levels across the known HBV genotypes. An "in-house" real-time PCR assay using primers and a TaqMan probe in a highly conserved region of the HBV surface gene was designed. The assay was standardized against a WHO standard and validated against plasmids of HBV genotypes A through H. The linear quantification range was approximately 5 x 10(0) to 2.0 x 10(9) IU/ml. Results of samples from patients infected with HBV genotypes A through H tested using our real-time "in-house" PCR assay showed an excellent correlation with those of the Cobas Amplicor HBV Monitor (R2=0.9435) and the Cobas TaqMan HBV (R2=0.9873) tests. We have established a real-time PCR assay that is genotype independent and can accurately quantify a wide range of HBV DNA levels. Further studies of additional samples are ongoing to validate the genotype independence of our assay.  相似文献   

Feline herpesvirus-1 (FHV-1) is considered as the most common viral infection of domestic cats worldwide. It causes a disease characterized by upper respiratory and ocular clinical signs. Several attempts are currently underway to develop antiviral chemotherapy for treating FHV-1 infections. The availability of a rapid quantitative method for detecting FHV-1 would greatly facilitate prompt therapy, and hence enhance the success of any antiviral regime. In this study, a TaqMan real-time PCR assay was established for measuring FHV-1 DNA levels in culture supernatants. This assay was shown to be highly specific, reproducible and allows quantitation over a range of 2 to 2 x 10(8) copies per reaction. The assay was then applied to measure the reduction of FHV-1 DNA levels in the presence of increasing concentrations of acyclovir (ACV), penciclovir (PCV) and cidofovir (CDV). The 50% inhibitory concentrations (IC(50s)) obtained with the B927 laboratory strain of FHV-1 were 15.8 microM for ACV, 7.93 microM for CDV and 1.2 microM for PCV. The assay described here is sensitive, time-saving and does not involve prior titration of virus stocks or monitoring virus-induced cytopathic effects. Therefore, it is suitable for routine anti-FHV-1 drug susceptibility testing in veterinary clinics.  相似文献   

A single-nucleotide polymorphism (A(2254) or G(2254)) in open reading frame 30 (ORF30) has been linked to the neuropathogenic phenotype of equine herpesvirus-1 (EHV-1). Identification of this polymorphism led to the development of a real-time PCR (rPCR) assay using allelic discrimination (E(2)) to distinguish between potentially neuropathogenic and nonneuropathogenic EHV-1 strains (G. P. Allen, J. Vet. Diagn. Invest. 19:69-72, 2007). Although this rPCR assay can detect and genotype EHV-1 strains, subsequent studies demonstrated that it lacks the sensitivity for the routine detection of viral nucleic acid in clinical specimens. Therefore, a new allelic discrimination EHV-1 rPCR assay (E(1)) was developed by redesigning primers and probes specific to ORF30. The E(1) and E(2) rPCR assays were evaluated using 76 archived EHV isolates and 433 clinical specimens from cases of suspected EHV-1 infection. Nucleotide sequence analysis of ORF30 was used to confirm the presence of EHV-1 and characterize the genotype (A(2254) or G(2254)) in all archived isolates plus 168 of the clinical samples. The E(1) assay was 10 times more sensitive than E(2), with a lower detection limit of 10 infectious virus particles. Furthermore, all A(2254) and G(2254) genotypes along with samples from three cases of dual infection (A(2254)+G(2254)) were correctly identified by E(1), whereas E(2) produced 20 false dual positive results with only one actual mixed A(2254)+G(2254) genotype confirmed. Based on these findings, E(1) offers greater sensitivity and accuracy for the detection and A/G(2254) genotyping of EHV-1, making this improved rPCR assay a valuable diagnostic tool for investigating outbreaks of EHV-1 infection.  相似文献   

目的 研究实时荧光定量PCR用于HBV核酸载量检测时的测量不确定度构成.方法 采用实时荧光定量PCR检测乙型肝炎患者血清标本中HBV核酸载量,收集检测过程中的各类数据,计算以下6种来源的测量不确定度,对该方法的测量不确定度构成进行评估.(1)标本浓缩的不确定度(uenrich);(2)核酸提取的不确定度(uex);(3)扩增反应体系的不确定度(upcr);(4)热循环仪的不确定度(uins);(5)数据处理的不确定度(uana);(6)加样枪的不确定度(upip).其中热循环仪的不确定度检测样本数为7份,其他各种不确定度检测的样本数为10份.结果 核酸浓度为5.610E+07拷贝/ml的标本,其浓缩过程来源的相对不确定度达0.437核酸提取来源的浓度真值无偏估计在6.585E+03、9.067E+04、7.223E+06拷贝/ml样本的相对不确定度分别为0.249、0.173、0.140;热循环仪和数据分析来源的相对不确定度分别为0.020和不大于0.050.结论 标本制备过程中的浓缩和DNA提取步骤所带来的不确定度是实时荧光定量PCR检测HBV核酸载量测量不确定度的主要分量,因此标本制备处理的方法与标准操作程序能否有效地提取核酸并去除PCR反应的抑制物对于该项检测十分关键;起始模板浓度与测量不确定度相关,低浓度的样本显示出更大的相对不确定度.  相似文献   

 目的 研究实时荧光定量PCR用于乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)核酸载量检测时的测量不确定度构成。 方法 采用实时荧光定量PCR检测乙型肝炎患者血清标本中HBV核酸载量,收集检测过程中的各类数据,计算以下6种来源的测量不确定度,对该方法的测量不确定度构成进行评估。⑴标本浓缩的不确定度(uenrich);⑵核酸提取的不确定度(uex);⑶扩增反应体系的不确定度(upcr);⑷热循环仪的不确定度(uins);⑸数据处理的不确定度(uana);⑹加样枪的不确定度(upip)。其中热循环仪的不确定度检测样本数为7份,其他各种不确定度检测的样本数为10份。 结果 核酸浓度为5.610E+07拷贝/ml的标本,其浓缩过程来源的相对不确定度达0.437;核酸提取来源的浓度真值无偏估计在6.585E+03、9.067E+04、7.223E+06拷贝/ml样本的相对不确定度分别为0.249、0.173、0.140;热循环仪和数据分析来源的相对不确定度分别为0.020和不大于0.050。 结论 标本制备过程中的浓缩和DNA提取步骤所带来的不确定度是实时荧光定量PCR检测HBV核酸载量测量不确定度的主要分量,因此标本制备处理的方法与标准操作程序能否有效地提取核酸并去除PCR反应的抑制物对于该项检测十分关键;起始模板浓度与测量不确定度相关,低浓度的样本显示出更大的相对不确定度。  相似文献   

We created a multiplex, quantitative, real-time PCR assay that amplifies cytomegalovirus (CMV) and human DNA in the same reaction tube, allowing for a viral load determination that is normalized to measured human DNA. The assay targets a conserved region of the CMV DNA polymerase gene that is not affected by known drug resistance mutations. All 36 strains of CMV detected by culture or qualitative PCR in a population of lung transplant recipients were detected. The assay detected 1 to 10 copies of CMV plasmid DNA. The analytic sensitivity was not affected by the presence of DNA from 10(6) human cells but was reduced approximately 10-fold by alkaline lysates of leukocyte preparations. CMV quantitation was linear over a range of 10(1) to 10(6) copies. The intraassay and interassay coefficients of variation were 29 and 40%. Human DNA was regularly detected in patient plasma samples, and the amount was increased by storage of blood at room temperature before plasma separation and by plasma separation techniques that allowed leukocyte contamination. Applied to whole blood, the assay provides a measurement of CMV DNA in relation to cellular content without a need for cell counting procedures. Applied to plasma, the assay can reveal artifactual increases in plasma CMV levels resulting from leukocyte contamination. Further study of the utility of this assay to monitor patient populations at risk for CMV disease is warranted.  相似文献   

The diagnosis of tuberculous meningitis (TBM) remains a complex issue because the most widely used conventional diagnostic tools, such as culture and PCR assay for cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples, are unable to rapidly detect Mycobacterium tuberculosis with sufficient sensitivity in the acute phase of TBM. Based on TaqMan PCR, we designed a novel technique consisting of an internally controlled quantitative nested real-time (QNRT) PCR assay that provided a marked improvement in detection sensitivity and quantification. We applied this novel technique to quantitatively detect M. tuberculosis DNA in CSF samples from patients with suspected TBM. For use as the internal control in the measurement of the M. tuberculosis DNA copy numbers in the QNRT-PCR assay, the original mutation (M) plasmid, which included an artificial random 22-nucleotide sequence within an inserted DNA fragment of the MPB64 gene of M. tuberculosis, was prepared. The QNRT-PCR assay showed high sensitivity and specificity that were approximately equivalent to those of the conventional nested PCR assay. Moreover, the QNRT-PCR assay made it possible to precisely and quantitatively detect the initial copy number of M. tuberculosis DNA in CSF samples. Therefore, compared to the conventional PCR assay, the QNRT-PCR assay can be considered a more useful and advanced technique for the rapid and accurate diagnosis of TBM. To establish the superiority of this novel technique in TBM diagnosis, it will be necessary to accumulate data from a larger number of patients with suspected TBM.  相似文献   

A new real-time PCR assay for quantitation of Encephalitozoon intestinalis DNA was developed which used a TaqMan fluorescent probe for specific detection. Serial dilutions of E. intestinalis spore suspensions obtained from tissue culture were used as external standards. The detection limit of the technique was 20 spores per ml, with a good interassay reproducibility (coefficient of variation of 7.1% for the suspension containing 20 spores/ml, 5.0% for the suspension containing 75 spores/ml and below 3.5% for higher concentrations). Quantitative detection of E. intestinalis DNA was similar whether the serial dilutions of spores were made in distilled water or in a stool suspension, allowing the use of the assay for stool specimens. The assay was then applied to 14 clinical specimens from 8 immunocompromised patients with proven E. intestinalis infection. The quantitation of the parasitic burden was achieved in stools, blood, urine, tissue biopsies, and bronchopulmonary specimens. The highest parasitic burdens were noted in stools, urine, and bronchopulmonary specimens, reaching 10(5) to 10(6) spores/g or ml. Dissemination of the infection was also evidenced in some patients by demonstration of E. intestinalis DNA in blood and serum. We conclude that real-time PCR is a valuable tool for quantitation of E. intestinalis burden in clinical specimens.  相似文献   

Buruli ulcer, an infection caused by Mycobacterium ulcerans, is, after tuberculosis and leprosy, the third most common mycobacterial disease. The mode of transmission of M. ulcerans is not exactly known, but since Buruli ulcer often occurs in focalized swampy areas, it is assumed that there is a reservoir of the pathogen in stagnant water. Buruli ulcer usually starts as a painless nodule and can lead to massive destruction of skin, subcutaneous tissue, and eventually muscle and bone. Currently the only recommended treatment is wide surgical excision. In this report we describe the development of a real-time PCR method for the quantification of M. ulcerans DNA (IS2404 TaqMan). The highly specific assay is based on the detection of the M. ulcerans specific insertion sequence IS2404. The IS2404 TaqMan assay turned out to be about 10 times more sensitive than the available conventional PCR-based diagnostic test. It is demonstrated that the IS2404 TaqMan assay is suitable for the quantitative assessment of the dissemination of the mycobacteria in Buruli ulcer lesions. Prototype results obtained with excised tissue from a patient with a late preulcerative Buruli ulcer lesion reconfirmed earlier histopathological findings indicating that tissue damage occurs far beyond the regions in which large numbers of mycobacteria are detectable. The IS2404 TaqMan assay should be a useful tool for both diagnosis and research into the pathology and mode of transmission of this still inadequately investigated mycobacterial disease.  相似文献   

HBV DNA quantitation is used extensively for the monitoring of treatment of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection. The aim of this study was to develop a highly sensitive and reproducible real-time PCR (RTD-PCR) assay for the quantitation of HBV DNA using the LightCycler system. The performance of this assay was assessed by analyzing serial dilutions of HBV genomic DNA of known concentration and the lower limit of detection was found to be 1 DNA copy/reaction. By using serial dilutions of plasmid standard, RTD-PCR was determined to quantify HBV DNA in a 10-log10 dynamic range. RTD-PCR was found to be more sensitive than the commercially available tests such as the Quantiplex HBV DNA and the AMPLICOR HBV MONITOR assays. The median coefficient of variation of interexperimental variability was 3.2%. The HBV DNA values obtained with RTD-PCR were highly correlated with assays available commercially. These findings suggest that our RTD-PCR assay combines high sensitivity and reproducibility for HBV DNA quantitation in an incomparable high dynamic range of quantitation.  相似文献   

Accurate laboratory tests for the diagnosis of active human herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8) infection are becoming essential to study the pathogenesis of HHV-8-associated tumors and for the clinical management of HHV-8-infected individuals. We have developed a highly sensitive, calibrated quantitative real-time PCR assay for the measurement of cell-free HHV-8 DNA in body fluids, based on the addition of a synthetic DNA calibrator prior to DNA extraction. The calibrator controls each sample for the presence of PCR inhibitors, determines a cutoff value of sensitivity for negative samples, and normalizes positive samples for the efficiency of DNA recovery. The assay shows a wide dynamic range of detection (between 1 and 10(6) viral genome equivalents/reaction) and a high degree of accuracy even in the presence of high amounts (up to 1 micro g) of human genomic DNA. Moreover, the assay has a very high sensitivity (lower detection limit, 10 genome equivalents/ml) and a high degree of reproducibility and repeatability with a coefficient of variation (CV) of <15 and 23%, respectively. Furthermore, the use of the calibrator improves the accuracy of quantitation and decreases the intersample variability (CV, 9 and 6%, respectively). The sensitivity and specificity of the assay were tested with a series of clinical specimens obtained from patients affected by various HHV-8-related diseases, as well as from a wide number of controls. In conclusion, our calibrated real-time PCR assay provides a reliable high-throughput method for quantitation of HHV-8 DNA in clinical and laboratory specimens.  相似文献   

Summary A sensitive diagnostic method specific for alcelaphine herpesvirus-1, causative agent of malignant catarrhal fever, has been developed. Based on the nucleotide sequence of the alcelaphine herpesvirus-1 genomic DNA, a pair of 30 nucleotide primers was selected and synthesized for detecting the virus genome using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The virus genome was detected in crude cell lysate using the amplification reaction.  相似文献   

Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) and human herpesvirus-6 (HHV-6) are two closely related viruses, which belong to the Herpesviridae family. Following primary infection, they are thought to persist for life as latent forms in mononuclear cells. HCMV and HHV-6 can cause considerable morbidity in immunocompromised individuals, such as transplant patients. A sensitive and specific LightCycler multiplex real-time PCR assay based on fluorescence energy transfer (known as FRET) was developed. This assay, by using two sets of hybridization probes specific for HHV-6 (A and B) and HCMV, can differentiate reliably and quantify simultaneously both viruses in order to diagnose reactivation processes. The assay was optimized and the lower limit of detection for both viruses was determined to be 10 viral genome copies per reaction. Both viruses were quantified in 83 peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and 87 polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNLs) collected from 32 transplant recipients. This multiplex real-time quantitative PCR was finally compared with two other quantitation and detection assays used daily in laboratory (PCR DIG detection and antigenemia for HCMV, TaqMan Assay for HHV-6). This technique can be useful for the differentiation and quantitation of HCMV and HHV-6 for monitoring transplant patients.  相似文献   

Previously, we designed an internally controlled quantitative nested real-time (QNRT) PCR assay for Mycobacterium tuberculosis DNA in order to rapidly diagnose tuberculous meningitis. This technique combined the high sensitivity of nested PCR with the accurate quantification of real-time PCR. In this study, we attempted to improve the original QNRT-PCR assay and newly developed the wide-range QNRT-PCR (WR-QNRT-PCR) assay, which is more accurate and has a wider detection range. For use as an internal-control "calibrator" to measure the copy number of M. tuberculosis DNA, an original new-mutation plasmid (NM-plasmid) was developed. It had artificial random nucleotides in five regions annealing specific primers and probes. The NM-plasmid demonstrated statistically uniform amplifications (F = 1.086, P = 0.774) against a range (1 to 10(5)) of copy numbers of mimic M. tuberculosis DNA and was regarded as appropriate for use as a new internal control in the WR-QNRT-PSR assay. In addition, by the optimization of assay conditions in WR-QNRT-PCR, two-step amplification of target DNA was completely consistent with the standard curve of this assay. Due to the development of the NM-plasmid as the new internal control, significantly improved quantitative accuracy and a wider detection range were realized with the WR-QNRT-PCR assay. In the next study, we will try to use this novel assay method with actual clinical samples and examine its clinical usefulness.  相似文献   

Both conventional and real time PCR (rt-PCR) assays based on the amplification of a 103bp fragment from the DNA polymerase (DNA pol) gene (conserved, non-structural) of Orf virus (ORFV) were developed for detection and semi-quantitation of ORFV DNA from infected cell culture and clinical samples. The latter technique was based on TaqMan chemistry. The rt-PCR assay was specific and sensitive as it could detect as low as 3.5fg or 15 copies of ORFV genomic DNA. Both intra- (0.38-1.0%) and inter-assay (0.53-2.87%) variabilities of rt-PCR were within the acceptable range meaning the high efficiency and reproducibility of the assay. The rt-PCR was applied successfully to detect ORFV DNA from suspected clinical samples. Further, the assay has shown a relative diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of 100% and 93.5%, respectively, when compared to B2L gene based semi-nested PCR implying a wide potential of this rt-PCR for rapid field diagnosis of Orf in sheep and goats.  相似文献   

A real-time PCR assay was developed for the detection of Ehrlichia chaffeensis. The assay is species specific and provides quantitative results in the range 10 to 10(10) gene copies. The assay is not inhibited by the presence of tick, human, or mouse DNA and is compatible with high sample throughput. The assay was compared with previously described assays for E. chaffeensis.  相似文献   

A real-time PCR was developed to quantify Leishmania infantum kinetoplast DNA and optimized to reach a sensitivity of 0.0125 parasites/ml of blood. In order to analyze the incidence of heterogeneity and number of minicircles, we performed comparative PCR by using the Leishmania DNA polymerase gene as a reporter. Assays performed in both promastigote and amastigote stages showed variations among different L. infantum and Leishmania donovani strains and the stability of the minicircle numbers for a particular strain. Analysis of blood samples from a patient who presented with Mediterranean visceral leishmaniasis confirmed the reliability of such an assay for Leishmania quantification in biological samples and allowed an estimation of positivity thresholds of classical tests used for direct diagnosis of the disease; positivity thresholds were in the range of 18 to 42, 0.7 to 42, and 0.12 to 22.5 parasites/ml for microscopic examination, culture, and conventional PCR, respectively. At the time of diagnosis, parasitemia could vary by a wide range (32 to 188,700 parasites/ml, with a median of 837 parasites/ml), while in bone marrow, parasite load was more than 100 parasites per 10(6) nucleated human cells. After successful therapy, parasitemia levels remain lower than 1 parasite/ml. In the immunocompromised host, relapses correlate with an increase in the level of parasitemia, sometimes scanty, justifying the need for assays with high sensitivity. Such sensitivity allows the detection of Leishmania DNA in the blood of 21% of patients with no history of leishmaniasis living in the Marseilles area, where leishmaniasis is endemic. This technique may be useful for epidemiologic and diagnostic purposes, especially for the quantification of parasitemia at low levels during posttherapy follow-up.  相似文献   

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