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患者,男,78岁.躯干、四肢多发紫红色结节、斑块伴疼痛3年.组织病理示:表皮间水肿,真皮浅中层弥漫性中性粒细胞浸润,血管壁界限不清,纤维组织增生.诊断为持久性隆起性红斑.治疗:氨苯砜100 mg每日一次口服,外用卤米松乳膏和夫西地酸乳膏,4个月后皮损明显好转. 相似文献
病例1,女,69岁,双足血疱半年。病例2,女,56岁,双膝关节红斑7个月,泛发全身1个月。组织病理均示:表皮下水疱,真皮内可见弥漫的嗜中性粒细胞浸润,血管壁纤维蛋白样变。直接免疫荧光检查:表皮细胞间及基底膜IgG、C3、IgM、IgA阴性。诊断为持久性隆起性红斑。泼尼松治疗有效。 相似文献
临床资料患者,女,79岁。主因臀部、四肢伸侧、手足紫红色斑块2年,于2007年8月4日就诊我科。患者2年前无明显诱因臀部出现甲盖至钱币大小紫红 相似文献
患者男,73岁。臀部、四肢伸侧、手足等处反复发生对称性持久性紫红色斑片、结节、斑块7月,部分皮损表面出现溃疡,皮损处偶感微痒。组织病理示白细胞碎裂性血管炎。诊断:持久性隆起性红斑。 相似文献
患者女,49岁,全身皮疹反复20余年。体格检查:双肘膝关节伸侧、双手背、踝关节可见散在、多个暗红色斑块,蚕豆至鸽蛋大小,表面光滑,质硬,四肢散在大量红色结节、斑块。皮肤组织病理:表皮大致正常,真皮浅中层大量的中性粒细胞浸润,多数小血管管壁增厚,纤维蛋白样变性,血管壁及其周围可见中性粒细胞和核尘。诊断:持久性隆起性红斑。治疗:予氨苯砜每日1片口服,疗效显著。 相似文献
<正>1临床资料患者女,51岁。因双侧手掌、肘部、膝部和足跟部紫红色隆起的结节、斑块,逐渐增大,病程约12年,于2014年7月来我科就诊。患者于12年前无明显诱因偶然发现上述肢体部位多处出现皮疹。双侧手掌、肘部、膝部和足跟部早期仅为小的红斑、丘疹, 相似文献
持久性隆起性红斑(erythema elevatum diutinum, EED)是一种罕见的皮肤白细胞破碎性血管炎,其病因不明确,认为与感染、血液系统疾病、自身免疫性疾病感染的循环免疫复合物在血管壁沉积有关,因此除单纯的皮肤表现外,既往报道39.4%的EED伴发HIV、病毒性肝炎、链球菌感染、副蛋白血症、骨髓增生异常综合征、系统性红斑狼疮和类风湿性关节炎等疾病。现报道我院诊治的持久性隆起性红斑伴再生障碍性贫血一例,并通过文献检索,分析伴发其他系统性疾病的EED的临床特征,初步探讨EED与血液系统疾病及恶性肿瘤的关联性。 相似文献
患者女,37岁,因四肢斑块伴胀痛半年,加重2周于2020年1月来我所就诊。半年前患者无明显诱因四肢出现红斑,渐增多变大,伴疼痛。于外院行病理检查,示右小腿皮损真皮乳头水肿不明显,真皮全层及皮下脂肪血管丛周围见大量中性粒细胞、淋巴细胞浸润,可见核尘,血管纤维样改变不明显…… 相似文献
We report a case of erythema elevatum diutinum (EED) in association with malignant B-cell lymphoma. A 62-year-old man developed EED with an unusual distribution involving the palms, soles and nails. Treatment with dapsone was effective for his skin and nails until he developed generalized lymphadenopathy which turned out to be malignant lymphoma. Many haematological diseases, e.g. IgA paraproteinaemia and myeloma, have been reported in association with EED, but not malignant lymphoma. Even though it may just be a coincidence, we would like to add malignant lymphoma as one of the diseases associated with EED because the activity of EED and malignant lymphoma fluctuated in parallel. 相似文献
Erythema elevatum diutinum (EED) is emerging as a specific HIV-associated dermatosis, 11 cases having so far been reported in the medical literature and five patients with the disease having been seen by us during the last 4 years. As the disease is poorly known, it is easily confused with Kaposi's sarcoma or bacillary angiomatosis, but the histopathological features are diagnostic. EED is considered to be an immune complex-mediated vasculitis. A streptococcal infection seemed to be the trigger factor in four of our patients. Partial control of the cutaneous lesions was achieved by the use of antibiotics. 相似文献
A young woman with recurrent painful lesions on the dorsal aspects of her hands associated with arthralgia presented with pain and redness of both eyes. After extensive investigations, a diagnosis of erythema elevatum diutinum accompanied by peripheral ulcerative keratitis was made. The patient was treated with dapsone 50 mg, t.i.d., and responded well. 相似文献
Erythema elevatum diutinum (EED) is a rare, cutaneous vasculitis of uncertain origin. EED can present clinically as chronic bilateral, symmetrical, periarticular papules, plaques and nodules. We report here an unusual case of EED presenting as multiple, densely fibrosing nodules on the feet of a 60‐year‐old human immunodeficiency virus positive woman. The initial evaluation of the patient was complicated by the strong histologic resemblance of multiple lesions to sclerotic fibroma, a cutaneous manifestation of Cowden disease. Our case highlights the important features that distinguish these 2 pathologic entities. 相似文献