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产珍 《中国临床医药研究杂志》2003,(107):111-111
社会评价护士工作质量优劣的主要依据是能否做到使病人满意,这也是衡量护士素质高低的标准。素质是构成人身体和心理的主要因素,其形成虽与先天因素有关,但主要还是通过培养教育,自我修养和锻炼所获得。护士的素质主要包括思想道德素质、业务素质、心理素质和美学素质。 相似文献
论新时期护士素质培养 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0
随着医学模式从单纯的生物医学模式向生物-心理-社会医学模式的转变,护理不单纯致力于疾病和病症护理,而是转向从整体人的角度出发,护士的角色也相应地从护理的实施者,拓展为教育者、咨询者等.护患关系是护士与患者交往过程中形成的人际关系.护士在工作中为了了解患者的病情,满足患者的生理、心理、社会需求,必须同患者建立起相互配合的融洽关系,这种关系是提高护理质量的重要环节[1].要做好护理工作,适应时代需求,护士要具备前卫的护理理念、艺术的护理技巧,必须注意自身素质的培养. 相似文献
所谓修养。就是指个人在政治、思想、道德、品质和知识技能方面.经过长期锻炼和培养所达到的水平,就青年护士而言.可归纳为以下几点。 相似文献
杨爱琴 《实用中西医结合临床》2004,4(5):70-70
1思想、医德方面的素质 1.1树立现代护理理念,遵循现代护理模式,即生物-心理-社会医学模式,应树立新思想、新风尚、新观念,满足病人在诊疗过程中提出的合理要求. 相似文献
谢娟 《中国临床医药研究杂志》2006,(10S):78-78
急诊室是医院抢救病人的第一个重要环节,抢救病人必须争分夺秒,稍有延误,就可能会危急生命。急诊护士素质的高低直接影响着病人的生命安全,因此,作为急诊科护士应具备以下几方面的素质: 相似文献
<正>《消毒供应中心管理规范》的颁发和执行,强调了医疗器械的集中管理模式,供应室已从过去的辅助科室转变成了把好无菌物品质量关的重要科室,在医疗质量控制中起着举足轻重的作用。供应室工作质量的好坏,直接影响医疗、护理、科研、教学,与院感密切相关,严重的影响到患者安危。供应室 相似文献
Brighid Kelly RN C PhD 《Journal of advanced nursing》1998,28(5):1134-1145
Preserving moral integrity: a follow-up study with new graduate nurses ¶The purpose of this follow-up study was to describe, explain and interpret how new graduate nurses perceived their adaptation to the ‘real world’ of hospital nursing and what they perceived as major influences on their moral values and ethical roles in the 2 years following graduation. The method was qualitative, specifically grounded theory. The earlier study took place when informants were senior nursing students. The follow-up study began after the informants had been practising for 1 year. Research questions guiding the study were: How do new graduate nurses describe their adaptation to the ‘real world’ of hospital nursing? What do they describe as factors influencing their moral values and ethical roles in hospital nursing? Preserving moral integrity was the basic psycho-social process that explained how these new graduate nurses adapted to the real world of hospital nursing. Six stages of this process were identified: vulnerability; getting through the day; coping with moral distress; alienation from self; coping with lost ideals; and integration of new professional self-concept. Moral distress was a consequence of the effort to preserve moral integrity. It is the result of believing that one is not living up to one’s moral convictions. Data supported that the most pervasive attributes of moral distress were self-criticism and self-blame, as informants judged their actions against their moral convictions and their standards of what a good nurse would do. Moral distress was an acute form of psychological disorientation in which informants questioned their professional knowledge, what kind of nurses they were and what kind of nurses they were becoming. Theoretical explanations of these findings are grounded in social interaction and moral psychology theories. 相似文献
Physicians and nurses need to sustain their unique strengths and work in true collaboration, recognizing their interdependence and the complementarity of their knowledge, skills and perspectives, as well as their common moral commitments. In this article, challenges often faced by both nurses and physicians in working collaboratively are explored with a focus on the ways in which each profession's preparation for practice has differed over time, including shifts in knowledge development and codes of ethics guiding their practice. A call for envisioning their practice as shared moral work as well as practical strategies to begin that work are offered as a basis for reflection towards enhanced nurse-physician relationships. 相似文献
In the past years a schooling programme in moral decision making has been provided in an Amsterdam acute care hospital for health care professionals. The goal has been to heighten awareness, stimulate communication between disciplines regarding moral dilemmas and support members of different disciplines to reach commonly shared decisions. This article discusses the outcomes of the schooling programme and shows that an investment of this type improves communication amongst disciplines and contributes towards the empowerment of nurses. 相似文献
聘用护士人文素质培训的方法与效果 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
目的探讨聘用护士人文素质培训的方法,提高聘用护士的人文素质。方法对我院474名聘用护士进行人文素质培训,比较培训前后聘用护士人文素质相关理论考试成绩和人文护理服务考核成绩。结果培训后聘用护士人文素质相关理论考试成绩、人文护理服务考核成绩均高于培训前(P0.05)。结论通过培训提高了聘用护士的人文素质及其对人文护理的认识,促进了人文护理的实施,提高了护理质量。 相似文献
Zuzelo PR 《Nursing ethics》2007,14(3):344-359
Registered nurses (RNs) employed in an urban medical center in the USA identified moral distress as a practice concern. This study describes RNs' moral distress and the frequency of morally distressing events. Data were collected using the Moral Distress Scale and an open-ended questionnaire. The instruments were distributed to direct-care-providing RNs; 100 responses were returned. Morally distressing events included: working with staffing levels perceived as 'unsafe', following families' wishes for patient care even though the nurse disagreed with the plan, and continuing life support for patients owing to family wishes despite patients' poor prognoses. One high frequency distressing event was carrying out orders for unnecessary tests and treatments. Qualitative data analysis revealed that the nurses sought support and information from nurse managers, chaplaincy services and colleagues. The RNs requested further information on biomedical ethics, suggested ethics rounds, and requested a non-punitive environment surrounding the initiation of ethics committee consultations. 相似文献