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影像诊断学作为诊断学的一个重要组成部分,本身具有一定的特殊性,其临床见习的时间短而集中,内容较多,是诊断学临床见习的一个难点.同时,随着对医生全面素质要求的不断提高,影像诊断学又成为医学生学习的一个重点.我院是多所医科大学的教学医院,在影像诊断学教学方面已逐步形成了自己的特点,现将我们多年的见习带教体会总结报告如下.  相似文献   

临床见习是医学生由基础向临床过渡的重要阶段,尽管同学们初涉临床,学习热情高涨,有新鲜感,但由于中枢神经系统解剖关系复杂,如何带教神经外科见习医生,对神经外科医生来说是一个挑战。现将作者在神经外科见习带教中的—些体会总结如下。  相似文献   

临床见习是医学理论联系实践的桥梁,在医学教学中起着承前启后的作用。学生是学习的主体,学习动机是学生学习的内在动力。临床带教是否成功的关键在于带教老师是否能激发学生学习的主动性,在学习过程中积极思考,更好的掌握临床技能。骨科在外科系统的教学中占有重要地位,其内容繁多、概念抽象、专业性强、专科检查复杂,令不少学生感到困难。现将有关临床见习的教学体会总结如下。  相似文献   

临床见习是医学生学习生涯中的一个重要阶段,是从理论学习跨入临床实践的第一个阶段。泌尿外科是外科学中专业性较强的一门学科,医学生泌尿外科的临床见习时间较短,如何让见习生在有限的时间里了解和掌握泌尿外科的基础知识,有一定的教学难度。我院是大型综合性教学医院,我科每年接受不同层次的临床见习生200余人,积累了丰富的带教经验,现报告如下。  相似文献   

七年制医学生消化内科临床见习带教体会   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
七年制医学生基础知识扎实、自学能力强,但临床分析和解决问题的实际工作能力欠缺,而临床见习是医学生理论联系实际的纽带和桥梁。因此,努力提高临床见习的带教效果,对于医学生理解、巩固所学基础知识,为临床实习奠定良好的实践基础至关重要。现结合我科多年带教七年制学生见习的具体情况,探讨如何提高七年制医学生临床见习的带教效果。1传统消化内科见习带教中的困难和缺陷消化内科理论课学时多、专业性强,学习内容多、概念抽象,使学生理解较困难。过去见习带教中大部分时间以教师讲课为主,学生多处于被动地位,部分学生出现厌烦、兴趣不浓…  相似文献   

医学生在完成基础课与部分临床课学习之后进入临床见习阶段。临床见习课程是理论同实践相结合的第一步,在医学教学中起着承前启后的作用,主要目的是巩固课堂讲授内容、培养学生独立思考与实际工作的能力。作者在传统见习带教模式中,不断探索新的带教方法,结合泌尿外科学自身特色,坚持“以兴趣为先导,以问题为基础,以学员为主体,以教师为主导”的教学模式,逐渐提高了医学生的学习兴趣,培养了发现问题、解决问题的能力,收到较好效果。  相似文献   

皮肤科见习课的带教体会   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
临床见习是医学、理论知识与临床实践相联系的桥梁,是培养学生建立科学的思维方法,提高分析问题和解决问题能力的重要阶段。学生要面临许多变化,在学习环境和学习方法上都将不同于以往,个人也将开始由学生向医生角色的转变,在这一过渡时期,如何引导学生尽快适应这些变化,提高见习教学质量,是每个临床科室需要总结和研究的内容。作者曾带过两届学生的皮肤科见习,认为皮肤科见习带教工作的关键是提高学生的兴趣,以引导学生积极思考为主线,使他们积极主动投身学习,达到既掌握专业知识,又能提高临床思维能力的目的。  相似文献   

心血管内科临床见习教学探索   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
临床见习是课堂教学的延续,是巩固和加强学生理论知识并将之运用于实践、培养其独立工作能力的十分重要的学习阶段。心血管内科是内科学的重要组成部分,其内容繁多,尤其是心脏听诊、心电图图谱的辨认,同学们普遍认为不易掌握,一直是学员学习和教员授课的重点及难点[1]。多年来,我科承担了大量的见习带教任务,积累了一定的经验,使学员顺利将理论知识转化为实际,成功地迈出从课堂走向临床的第一步,为接下来的临床实习打下基础。现将我们见习带教过程中的体会总结如下,旨在与同行进行探讨。1培养良好的医德也许有人会提出疑问,见习主要是进行临…  相似文献   

临床医学生口腔科见习带教体会   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
临床见习是医学生从学校步入医院,由“耳闻”到“目睹”.将理论知识与临床实践相结合的重要阶段。它不但是课堂教学的延续,也是培养医学生临床思维、临床意识、临床技能和适应社会能力的重要环节,同时也是提高教师教学质量的重要途径。现结合我科多年带教临床学生见习的具体情况,对如何提高临床医学专业学生口腔科见习的带教效果做一探讨。  相似文献   

黄鑫  冯慧宇 《解剖学研究》2021,43(4):367-370
目的 探讨在神经科临床见习教学中基于问题学习(PBL)教学模式的应用效果.方法 选择2019年11月-2021年4月期间在我院神经内科见习的236名临床医学专业本科见习生按人科顺序随机分为PBL教学试验组126人和传统教学对照组110人,见习结束时比较两组出科考核成绩;并向学生发放问卷,调查学生学习能力提升情况及对教学...  相似文献   

神经病学临床见习教学的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从多方面介绍了神经病学临床见习的教学方法,认为临床见习的重点是理论联系实际及学生临床思维能力的培养,促进医学生向医生的转变。  相似文献   

The present quasi-experimental study examined the impact of a brief training program based on the risk–need–responsivity (RNR) model on Turkish juvenile probation officers' (JPOs) punitive and rehabilitative attitudes toward justice-involved youth and recidivism risk perceptions. Fifty-nine JPOs were recruited through three probation offices in Istanbul, Turkey. Thirty-six JPOs, who received a 1-day training in the RNR model of offending behavior, were compared to JPOs in a wait-list control condition (n = 23). Participants in both conditions completed surveys at baseline and 1-week posttraining. Mixed-factorial analysis of variances revealed a significantly higher decrease in JPOs' punitive attitudes from pre- to posttest, in the training condition compared to the control group, with a medium effect size. Rehabilitative attitudes decreased in both conditions, while recidivism risk perceptions did not change from pre- to posttest in either condition. Future research could expand on these promising results using a more intensive training program and a randomized-controlled design in a larger sample of JPOs.  相似文献   

In this paper the author is using Bion's model of the digestive process, among other models, in order to think about how teaching of theory can be approached as a task and undertaken in practice. Beginning with the ideas of Plato, she discusses how new ideas may be best conveyed, and how psychoanalytic theory teachers (using the teaching of Melanie Klein's ideas here to make her points) may make what they teach acceptable and ‘digestible’ to students. She uses some material from a theory group as well as a baby observation group, and concludes that in group teaching the responsibility for the taking on and elaboration of ideas – a process of digestion – is shared by the teacher and by the group. As psychoanalytic workers need to be able to ‘manage uncertainty’ in daily practice, this state of mind can usefully also be held by the theory teacher. The process of digestion will vary according to the composition of any group, drawing out different facets of understanding in both ‘teachers’ and ‘learners’, and may well draw on other vertices beyond that of psychoanalysis. These links will aid the process of digesting ideas, and will also be evident in the author style, structure and content of this paper.  相似文献   


This study describes and compares the intensity of stress responses, both psychologically and physiologically, to a real and a simulated stressor. The real stressor involved lecturing to a class of students in a post-secondary institution during a practice teaching course. The simulated stressor was a simulated, standardized lecture given in a lecture room to 6 fellow students and 2 members of the university staff. To gain insight into the intensity of the stress responses, the measurements took place before, during, and after lecturing. The adaptation to the stressor after a teaching practice period in which the student teacher gave at least 20 lectures was also studied. Subjective anxiety scores were obtained in both situations from 26 subjects. For 12 of these subjects, heart rate responses were also obtained. The psychological and physiological data indicated that lecturing imposes a severe load on the student teacher, especially at the beginning of the teaching experience. At the end of the practice course, all stress indices showed lower values. Heart rate and subjective anxiety scores indicated that the standardized lecture is experienced as more ego threatening than the real lecture.  相似文献   

医学免疫学是中医院校一门重要的医学基础课,但其内容抽象,不易为学生掌握。在课时压缩的情况下,如何利用有限时间让学生乐于学习并学有所成,是授课老师课堂教学一项艰巨而又重要的使命。作者结合自身教学经验和授课感悟,从提前教学准备、勾勒课程轮廓、把握讲授深浅和基础联系临床等方面交流了一些体会和思考,旨在调动学生积极性,提高教学质量。  相似文献   

目的分析、探讨农村教师教学效能感现状及其与学校组织氛围的实证关系。方法运用教师教学效能感量表和学校组织氛围问卷对290名农村教师进行调查。结果①农村教师教学效能感均分为4.30分;②班主任教师与非班主任教师在个人教学效能感与总体教学效能感的得分存在显著差异(t=2.64,P0.01;t=2.20,P0.05);教龄因素和教课门数对农村教师的个人教学效能感有显著影响(F=5.12,P0.001;F=4.83,P0.01);③学校组织氛围的一些维度(如专业发展、目标一致性)与教师教学效能感存在显著相关,且对其有显著的预测作用。结论农村教师教学效能感与学校组织氛围关系密切,可以通过构建良好的学校组织氛围提高农村教师的教学效能感。  相似文献   

本文作者根据自己学习肿瘤放射物理学的经历、实际从医的工作经验和教学工作,(1)从医学生有着与物理学学生不太一样的认知结构出发,提出肿瘤放射物理学教师应注重因材施教,对教材进行合理的优化;(2)教育之道,贵在得法。在比较了各种教学方法的基础上,提出应采用多种教学方法进行教学,扬长避短。在条件允许的情况下,引入讨论式教学、PBL教学法很有必要;(3)强调肿瘤放射物理学教学应该物理与医学知识有机结合,注重放射物理学的医用性;(4)发挥教学评估的反馈作用,开展着重测试学生素质和能力的考试,切实使医学生的物理学素质得到提高。  相似文献   

The teacher-learner relationship is subject to both internal and external influences that may lead to mistreatment and harassment of the student. The student who is mistreated may mistreat students when he or she becomes a teacher. The author describes an experiential program for residents at Brown Medical School from 1999 to 2002 in which residents, through role playing, helped produce teaching videotapes on medical student mistreatment. Fourteen residents had participated in the program to date. They reported that they had benefited from an increased awareness of the effects of student mistreatment and had learned how to handle mistreatment more effectively. They also reported increased sensitivity to others and improved self-awareness, qualities that they planned to incorporate into their professional identities and that should help them avoid mistreatment of students and residents later in their careers. Because preventing mistreatment from being transmitted to the next generation is an important way to increase medical professionalism, the author recommends that role-playing exercises dealing with mistreatment be a part of all residency education.  相似文献   

目的探讨教师情绪表现与效能感的关系。方法采用情绪表现量表和教师效能感量表对170名中学教师进行测量,并对收集的数据进行相关性分析。结果教师情绪表现与个人教学效能感存在显著相关(r=0.246,P0.05);教师个人教学效能感对情绪表现有一定的预测作用(B=0.258,P=0.001)。结论教师情绪表现与个人教学效能感存在一定关系,增强教师个人教学效能感有助于改善教师情绪表现的状况。  相似文献   

Academic medical centers (AMCs) are under pressure to increase ambulatory medical education, but their capacity for such teaching is limited. Health maintenance organizations (HMOs) are a large and growing institutional setting that could participate in clinical education. Until now, relatively few HMOs and AMCs have reached agreements about teaching, because traditional suspicions have blocked collaboration. Responding to a case prepared as the basis of discussion, about 450 academics and HMO medical directors explored the barriers to and incentives for cooperation between AMCs and HMOs in clinical education. The two groups identified different issues as barriers to collaboration, leaving considerable room to negotiate agreements. AMCs, especially, need to be prepared to offer meaningful academic and financial inducements to attract HMOs to participate in teaching.  相似文献   

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