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穴位注射为主治疗输卵管性不孕症64例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
输卵管阻塞或不畅是引起女性不孕症的重要原因。我们自 1 996~ 1 999年 ,运用穴位注射配合针灸治疗输卵管因素引起的不孕症 64例 ,现总结如下。临床资料1 .病例选择  64例患者均为门诊病例。全部病例均经 X线子宫输卵管碘水造影 ( HSG)或 B型超声波子宫输卵管双氧水造影 ( Hy Co Sy) ,证实为输卵管阻塞或输卵管通而欠畅。其中双侧输卵管阻塞 2 8例 ( 2 5例经 X线下行输卵管疏通术 ,3例经腹腔镜灌洗输通 ) ;2 6例为一侧输卵管通而欠畅 ,另一侧不通 (其中 1 1例阻塞于输卵管峡部 ;9例阻塞于输卵管腹壶部 ;2例阻塞于输卵管角部 ;4例因宫…  相似文献   

GENERALDATAOfthe4Ocases,27casesweremaleand13female.Exceptonecasewas14years0ld,theotherswerebetween35and72yearsold.Trem0roccurredmcotintheupperextremities,onlyin0necasethetremoroccurredinboththeupperandlowerextremities.Only0necaseaged35yearsoldhadtraumatichistoryofthehead,andtheothersdidnothave.Theshortestdura-tionofillnesswasoneandahalfyearsandthelongestwas2-3years.METHODSOFTREATMENTAccordingt0theprinciple0fCalmingthelivertOstopthewind,withtranquilizingandal-layingexcitment,formi…  相似文献   

Trigeminalneuralgiaisadiseaseindepart-mentofneurologywithunclearcause.Itischar-acterizedbyrepeatedandparoxysmalmegalgiaindistributiveregionsofthetrigeminalnervesintheface.Thepatientssufferagonyandtheirwork,lifeandstudyareaffectedgreatly.Becauseitscausesha…  相似文献   

Abdominalacupuncturetherapyisanewtherapyofmicro acupunctureseriesafterappear anceofear acupuncture ,scalpacupunctureandhandacupuncture .ItsacupointsdistributearoundShenque (CV 8)andfunctioninregulat ingdysfunctionofzang fuorgans.Itsprescrip tionsaremainlymad…  相似文献   

Apartofpatientsaftergeneralsurgicalop-erationoccurgastrointestinaldysfunction,clini-cally,nausea,vomiting,sourregurgitation,anorexia,abdominaldistension,etc.,beingcommonlyseengastrointestinalresponses.Since1991,theauthorhastreated43in-patientsofgastrointestinaldysfunctionaftergeneralsurgicaloperationbyacupunctureplusauricular-plastertherapywithasatisfactoryresult,whichissum-marizedinthefollowing.GENERALDATAIntheseries,43casesallwerein-patientsofgeneralsurgicaloperation,amongthem2Ocaseswere…  相似文献   

Ankylosing spondylitis(AS)is a systemic dis-ease marked by chronicinflammation of the sacro-iliacjoint and the spinal column.Its pathologic changesare inflammation of the attachment point of the mus-cle tendons and ligaments,rigidity,deformity andeven severe dysfunction of the spineinthelate stage.This disease is mostly seenin young and middle-agedpeople,possesses an obviousfamilial disposition andisclosely related to human leukocyte antigen(HLA)-B27.But its pathogenic causes remain unknown …  相似文献   

233 cases of arthralgia-syndrome were randomly divided into five treatment groupswith double blind method:1)acupuncture pills cupping;2)acupoint medicinal injection;3)acupointmedicinal injection plus laser radiation;4)acupoint medicinal injection plus field effect,and 5)electroacupuncture(EA)plus cupping for observation of the therapeutic effect.The total effective ratewas 89.2%.No significant differences were found among the five groups in the total effective rate.But,the markedly effective rate was highest in the acupoint medicinal injection plus field effect group.And the therapeutic effect in patients with pain arthralgia and migratory arthralgia and shorter courseof disease was best.  相似文献   

Of 282 cases with pain treated by acupuncture at Xi points,207 cases were curedaccounting for 73.4%,among which 107 cases were cured after one treatment,36 cases after twosessions and 64 cases after over 3 sessions.75 cases improved.The total effective rate was100%.  相似文献   

The writer had applied the theory of meridlians and collaterals to differentiation ofsyndrome,type classification,principle of treatment and selection of points.120 cases of blepharoptosis were treated with acupuncture therapy.The results showed that 90 cases were cured(75.0%),21 cases improve(17.5%)and 9 without effect(7.5%),with the total effective rate of 92.5%.  相似文献   

穴位贴敷治疗哮喘117例临床观察   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
根据“冬病夏治”的原则,采用伏天在背部肺俞、膈俞、肾俞贴敷哮喘膏的方法治疗哮喘。临床分组治疗观察117例,结果,虚寒型有效率为96%,痰热型有效率为84%,统计学处理提示,虚寒型与痰热型两组疗效差异有显著意义(P<0.001)。  相似文献   

针灸治疗婴幼儿腹泻100例   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
针灸治疗婴幼儿腹泻100例,治愈率87%,有效率98%,优于对照组(P<0.005)。观察组平均治愈时间3.43±0.32天,对照组4.41±0.43天,有显著性差异(P<0.001),提示针灸对本病具有调节免疫之功能。  相似文献   

In recent years, the writer had adopted acupuncture in combination with Chinese herbs to treat hiccup and compared the therapeutic effects with that of simple Chinese herbs, and had achieved the satisfactory results. It is reported as follows.[第一段]  相似文献   

辨证取穴药线埋植治疗癫痫的临床研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的:观察辨证取穴埋植药线治疗癫痫的疗效;疗效与病程的关系;疗效与证型的关系。方法:将270例癫痫患者随机分为治疗组180例与对照组90例。治疗组采用经安定注射液浸泡的羊肠线进行穴位埋植,每隔2周施治1次。对照组取穴同治疗组,采用毫针针刺,予平补平泻法,隔日1次,均6个月后观察疗效。结果:治疗组近期临床痊愈49例,总有效率占87%;对照组近期临床痊愈21例,总有效率占75.6%。治疗组病程愈短,疗效愈好。埋线对各种不同中医证型癫痫均有效,其中风痫型疗效最佳,先天型最差。结论:埋线较传统针刺更为省时、有效。  相似文献   

Lamb's facial paralysis is caused by tick-borne spirochete damaging the facialnerve, its symptom is wry mouth with distorted eye. This paper reported that serum antibody in 46cases of Lamb's disease had been tested by indirect immuofluorescence since 1991 and the positive ratewas 43.48%. 20 cases out of them were treated by combination of acupuncture and medicine and thecure rate was 85%, the total effective rate was 100%.  相似文献   

FromAugustof 1 999toAugustof 2 0 0 1 ,wereceived 80casesofprolapseoflumbarinter vertebraldiscinpatientsinourhospitalandtreat edthemwithcombinedtherapyofacupuncture,ChineseherbalmedicinesandWesternmedicines,thetherapeuticeffectofthetreat mentswassatisfactory .Thef…  相似文献   

Apoplexyisoftenreferredtoacutecere-brovasculardiseasesinmodernmedicine.Atpre-sent,itisoneoffourseverediseasesthreateninghumanhealth-Itischaracterisedbyacuteonset,severesymptomsandhighdeathrate.Treatmentintimecanavoiddeath,butmostpatientshavesequelaesuchas…  相似文献   

76 patients of impotence were randomly divided into two groups.Of 28 cases inacupuncture group,18 were cured,5 effective and 5 ineffective.Of 48 cases in acupuncture plus acu-point-injection group,41 were cured,5 effective and 2 ineffective.The curative effect in the acupunc-ture plus acupoint-injeetion group was superior to that in the acupuncture group(P<0.01).  相似文献   

Objective: This study aims to investigate the action and value of acupuncture in treatment of cerebral palsy rehabilitation.Methods: A total of 200 patients from 1 to 7 years old with spastic cerebral palsy were randomly divided into two groups.Acupuncture with rehabilitation training group: 100 patients were treated with head acupuncture and body acupuncture and rehabilitation training; rehabilitation training group: 100 patients were treated with physical therapy.The two groups underwenta 3-month treatment and the Gross Motor Function Measure(GMFM) and Beijing Gesell were used to evaluate the effects of the two groups; atrophy in computed tomography(CT) scan and magnetic resonance imaging(MRI) was used to scan the rate of skull recovery.Results: The effective rate of acupuncture with rehabilitation training group was 87%, obviously higher than 55% of the rehabilitation training group.The total effective rate of the acupuncture and rehabilitation training group was obviously higher than that of the rehabilitation training group.After treatment the development quotient value and GMFM of the acupuncture with rehabilitation training group were higher than that of the rehabilitation group(P0.01).In the acupuncture with rehabilitation training group, improvement rate of brain dysphasia, brain atrophy in skull CT/MRI and recovery-to-normal rate of skull were higher than those of the rehabilitation group(P0.01).Conclusion: Acupuncture can obviously increase cerebral blood flow and improve cerebral cell metabolism, and promote partial or complete compensation of cerebral function, as well as the restoration and function of plasticity of cerebral tissue in children with cerebral palsy.  相似文献   

This article involves 325 patients suffering from cervical spondylopathy,amongthem 205 cases were treated by acupuncture and moxibustion on the governor vessel of the neck(treatment group),the other 120 cases were treated by common acupuncture(control group).Itwas observed that the cure rate,the total effective rate was 91.2%,98.5% in the treatmentgroup,and 55.8%,87.5% in the control group.There were statistically significant differences(P<0.01)in the cure rate and total effective rate between the two groups.It is concluded thatacupuncture and moxibustion on the governor vessel of the neck may improve Yang Qi circulationwithin the Dumai and promote the micro-circulation in the diseased areas.Thus it evidently in-creases the therapeutic effects.  相似文献   

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