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Summary The doses of fluoride (F) recommended in the literature for caries prevention and for the treatment of osteoporosis vary. This partly reflects inadequate knowledge of F pharmacokinetics. In the present study various single and multiple oral doses of F were given to eight volunteers, who had a strictly controlled F intake in the diet. The resulting plasma and parotid saliva concentrations as well as urinary output of F were measured. The plasma data fitted a two-compartment open model with a -slope half-life ranging between 2 and 9 h. Plasma clearance was 0.15±0.02 (SD) liter/kg/h. Data from the highest dose (10 mg) were fitted to both two- and three-compartment models, and there was no significant difference between them. Multiple doses of F 3.0 or 4.5 mg yielded steady state concentrations ranging from 54 to 145 ng/ml. About 50 per cent of the given dose was recovered in the urine, which is indicative of considerable accumulation in the body. The saliva F/plasma F concentration ratio was 0.64 with a coefficient of variation of 5%.  相似文献   

Summary A method is described for the assay of therapeutic levels of butobarbital (5-ethyl-5-n-butylbarbituric acid) in human plasma, which involves a single extraction step followed by gas chromatography with alkali flame ionization detection. The pharmacokinetics of butobarbital were studied in five healthy volunteers after oral administration of 200 mg. Plasma concentrations were determined at regular intervals up to 96 h and the data were fitted by non-linear, least squares regression analysis according to one-compartment kinetics. The average lag time was 0.11 h and the absorption half-life 0.21 h. The elimination half-life varied from 33.6 to 41.5 h with an average of 37.5 h. Four of the volunteers participated in a study of multiple dosing (every 24 h) during which substantial accumulation of butobarbital was observed. The elimination half-life after termination of drug administration had decreased to about 20–25% of its initial value, probably because of enzyme induction. It was concluded that butobarbital could not be regarded as a suitable drug for treatment of insomnia, since CNS depressant effects were likely to persist into the following day. Repeated administration of butobarbital should be avoided and its incidental use restricted to patients who require day-time sedation.  相似文献   

Disposition of quercetin in man after single oral and intravenous doses   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Summary The pharmacokinetics of quercetin, a flavonoid, have been studied in 6 volunteers after single intravenous (100 mg) and oral (4 g) doses. The data after iv administration were analyzed according to a two compartment open model with half lives of 8.8±1.2 min for the phase and 2.4±0.2 h for the phase (predominant half life), respectively. Protein binding was >98%. The apparent volume of distribution was small at 0.34±0.03 l/kg. Of the intravenous dose 7.4±1.2% was excreted in urine as a conjugated metabolite, and 0.65±0.1% was excreted unchanged. After oral administration no measurable plasma concentrations could be detected, nor was any quercetin found in urine, either unchanged or in a metabolized form. These results exclude absorption of more than 1% of unchanged drug. Recovery in faeces after the oral dose was 53±5%, which suggests extensive degradation by microorganisms in the gut. The data obtained show that oral administration of flavonoids may be of questionable value.Supported by grant Gu 86/3 from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Bonn-Bad Godesberg, Germany (FRG).  相似文献   

The study was conducted on 6 adult healthy subjects (5 males and 1 female) in order to investigate the pharmacokinetics and tolerance of repeated b.i.d. oral administration for 7 days of tablets containing 400 mg of loxiglumide (CR 1505). The pharmacokinetics of loxiglumide in plasma after the first single dose of 400 mg is characterized by a lag time of 16 +/- 4 min, a rapid invasion (kinv = 10 h-1), a Cmax of 11.9 +/- 5.1 mg/l at tmax of 2.3 +/- 0.8 h, a mean residence time (MRT) of 6.9 +/- 1.1 h and an AUC of 60.6 +/- 16.3 (mg/l) x h. After the last dose of 400 mg the lag time was 17 +/- 6 min, the Cmax 12.7 +/- 3.8 mg/l at tmax of 2.1 +/- 0.8 h, a MRT of 11.0 +/- 1.9 h and an AUC of 109.8 +/- 39.9 (mg/l) x h. The increases of the AUC and of MRT were statistically significant and are probably due to an accumulation of loxiglumide which occurs during the repeated dose course and reaches the steady state within 48 h of repeated administration. Due to this accumulation the Cmax increased by 7%. The increase was not statistically significant or clinically relevant. No dose adjustment seems required during a repeated dose dosing schedule with 400 mg b.i.d. In the urine loxiglumide and 3 metabolites were found, which were called Metabolite (Met.) 11.2, Met. 12.0 and Met. 12.8. Met. 12.0 was the most abundant, accounting for 45% of the loxiglumide related substances excreted in the urine.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

1 Chloroquine was given in 300 mg single doses as an i.v. infusion, an oral solution and as tablets at intervals of at least 56 days to 11 healthy volunteers. Concentrations of chloroquine and its metabolite desethylchloroquine were measured in plasma, erythrocytes and urine using h.p.l.c. 2 Chloroquine was detectable in all plasma samples up to 23 days and occasionally up to 52 days after dosage. Urinary concentrations were monitored up to 119 days. The disposition pattern was multiexponential reflecting extensive tissue binding of the drug. 3 After i.v. dosing the volume of distribution ranged from 116 to 285 l/kg and the apparent terminal half-life from 146 to 333 h. Total plasma clearance +/- s.d. was 712 +/- 166 ml/min and renal clearance 412 +/- 139 ml/min. The mean estimated urinary recovery of chloroquine was 47%, 42% and 46% after i.v., oral solution and tablets indicating nearly complete bioavailability. The corresponding figures for the metabolite were 7%, 10% and 12%. 4 The disposition of chloroquine in erythrocytes was parallel to that in plasma. The concentrations in erythrocytes were consistently 2 to 5 times higher than in plasma. 5 Subjective side effects like difficulties with swallowing and accommodation, diplopia and fatigue occurred during intravenous infusion and were closely related to plasma concentrations. No effect was seen on the electrocardiogram, mean arterial blood pressure and pulse rate. No adverse reactions were observed after the oral doses. High frequency audiometry did not reveal any significant hearing impairment for the group as a whole.  相似文献   

The plasma levels and urinary excretions of (+/-) alpha-(benzoylamino)-4-[2-(diethylamino)ethoxy]-N, N-dipropyl-benzenepropanamide (tiropramide) and of some of its metabolites were studied in healthy volunteers after the following single-dose administrations of tiropramide hydrochloride: a) i.v. 50 mg, oral 100 mg or rectal 200 mg; b) i.v. 50 mg or i.m. 50 mg; c) oral 100, 200 or 400 mg. After i.v. bolus the plasma levels of tiropramide are consistent with a three-compartment open pharmacokinetic model. The steady-state volume of distribution is 221 l. The terminal elimination constant is 0.279 h-1 (t1/2 = 2.5 h). After i.m. injection the plasma levels increase rapidly (invasion t1/2 = 2 min) and then are similar to those found after i.v. bolus. After oral administration appreciable plasma levels are found after lag times of 18-27 min. They increase with an invasion t1/2 of 14-22 min. The peak is reached 1-1.7 h after administration and the elimination occurs with a constant of 0.20-0.23 h-1. After rectal administration appreciable plasma levels are found after a lag time of 11 min and increase with an invasion t1/2 of 6 min. The peak is reached at 2.2 h. The elimination constant is 0.21 h-1. Tiropramide and some of its metabolites can be determined in the urine by gas-liquid chromatography. The following percentages of the administered dose of tiropramide and tiropramide-related substances can be found in the 24-h urines. After i.v. bolus: 16.2; after i.m. injection: 17.0; after oral administration: 19.6; after rectal administration 13.1.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The pharmacokinetics of azapropazone (Prolixan) was studied in 7 healthy volunters following single oral and i.v. doses of 600 mg. After i.v. injection plasma concentration declined biexponentially with time. The half-life of the beta-phase was 13.6 +/- 2.6 h (mean +/- SD), the apparent volume of distribution 11.9 +/- 3.5 l, and the total clearance 10.1 +/- 2.1 ml . min-1. Following oral administration peak plasma concentrations occurred between 3 and 6 h and declined with a beta-phase half-life of 14.3 +/- 2.8 h. The binding of azapropazone to plasma proteins was high (ranging from 99.52 to 99.67% at a total plasma concentration of 75 micrograms/ml). The bioavailability of azapropazone when administered as capsules was 83 +/- 19%.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of a therapeutic dose of oral salbutamol on serum and skeletal muscle digoxin concentrations has been studied in volunteers digitalised with digoxin. On one occasion a biopsy was taken from the quadriceps after 2 h of supine rest and then 3–4 mg salbutamol was given orally. Blood samples were taken before and after that dose and another muscle biopsy specimen was taken from the same thigh 180 min after the medication. On another occasion control blood sampling, ECG and blood pressure recordings were made but without muscle biopsies or salbutamol administration.Compared to the control measurements, salbutamol decreased the serum digoxin concentration (0.30 nmol·1–1). It also reduced the serum potassium concentration (0.58 mmol·1–1).The digoxin concentration in skeletal muscle did not change significantly after the intake of salbutamol. Thus, even a therapeutic oral dose of salbutamol reduces the serum digoxin concentration in man.  相似文献   

Paroxetine kinetics and cardiovascular effects were studied in 4 healthy male subjects after single oral doses of 45 mg and after slow intravenous infusion of 23-28 mg. The plasma concentration/time curves could be described by a two-compartment open model, but the estimates of the model parameters were relatively inaccurate after the oral test. Plasma half-lives were longer after oral (19.8 hrs. S.D. 1.3 hrs) than after intravenous test (12.3 hrs. S.D. 3.8 hrs). Different methods of calculation of the systemic availability resulted in different values, most probably due to dose dependent kinetics. This is possibly related to saturated elimination kinetics during the first pass metabolism. Systolic time interval measurements showed that paroxetine causes a shortening of the electromechanical systole (QS2 corrected for heart rate) indicating a positive inotropic effect of the compound. Paroxetine also caused a reduction in heart rate and a moderate rise in systolic and diastolic blood pressure. After the intravenous dose some subjects experienced nausea and one subject a quite pronounced anxiety.  相似文献   

Diltiazem (DTZ) 5 mg/kg was given to rabbits either orally (n = 5) or intravenously (n = 6). Plasma concentrations and urinary excretion of DTZ and its metabolites were determined by a high performance liquid chromatography assay (HPLC) for 12 and 48 h post dose, respectively. The results showed that the metabolism and disposition of DTZ in rabbits was similar to that of humans, mean absolute bioavailability (F) of DTZ was approximately 30% and the systemic clearance was 64.0 ml/min/kg. The metabolism of DTZ between the two routes of administration was quantitatively different in that higher plasma concentrations of the metabolites were observed after the intravenous dose. This could be a result of incomplete oral absorption, higher clearance of DTZ and the metabolites during the first pass through the liver (i.e. higher sequential first pass effect), and/or extrahepatic metabolism. On the basis of the plasma concentration-time profiles and urinary excretion of DTZ and its metabolites, it is concluded that the rabbit is a suitable animal model to investigate the kinetics and metabolism of DTZ.  相似文献   

Pharmacokinetics of furosemide after three different single oral doses   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Furosemide solution was orally administered to 21 healthy adult males to determine dose proportionality over the dose range used and the reproducibility of disposition following a repeated dose. Furosemide solution was given in doses of 20, 40, and 80 mg, with the 40 mg dose repeated once. Blood was collected for 12 hours post-dose and urine for 24 hours. The maximum plasma concentrations resulting from 20, 40, and 80 mg doses were significantly different (p less than 0.05). Dose normalized maximum concentrations for the 20 and 80 mg doses were significantly different (p less than 0.05). Mean time to Cpmax was 50 minutes, with no differences observed among doses. Plasma AUCs were significantly different (p less than 0.05) for 20, 40, and 80 mg. Dose normalized AUCs were not significantly different. Mean amounts of furosemide in urine (Xu) were 9.62, 16.7, and 32.0 mg for the 20, 40, and 80 mg doses, respectively. These amounts were significantly different (p less than 0.05); dose normalized amounts were not significantly different. Renal clearances of furosemide following the three doses were not significantly different. Regressions of Cpmax, AUC and Xu on dose were significant. There were no significant differences in Cpmax, tmax, AUC or Xu for 40 mg given on two separate days. Renal clearance of furosemide was statistically different for 40 mg given on two separate days, but the difference was not clinically significant. The pharmacokinetics of furosemide are linear over the dosage range studied. Furosemide 40 mg given on two separate days results in similar disposition parameters.  相似文献   

Forty healthy male Caucasian volunteers were randomly assigned to five treatment groups to receive a placebo or a 4, 8, 12, 16 or 20 mg dose of nilvadipine. The drug was well tolerated by the subjects at all dose levels. Pharmacokinetic parameters for nilvadipine were determined using model-independent methods. There were no significant differences (p greater than 0.05) in the time to the maximum plasma concentration (Cmax) (tmax), the elimination half-life or the mean residence time among the five treatment groups. Up to doses of about 12 mg, there was a linear relationship between dose and Cmax or area under the plasma concentration-time curve (AUCO----infinity). At doses of 16 and 20 mg, the relationship between dose and Cmax or AUCO----infinity was no longer linear, suggesting that the pharmacokinetics of the drug after single oral doses greater than about 12 mg may be dose-dependent, probably due to concentration-dependent first-pass hepatic elimination of the drug.  相似文献   

目的考察单次和连续静脉滴注法罗培南钠注射液后健康人体内的药动学过程。方法12名健康受试者随机交叉单剂量静脉滴注给药100,200,300,600mg,单剂量试验结束后进人多剂量试验,8名受试者静脉滴注给药每次200mg,每日3次,连续给药7d,用高效液相色谱法测定血浆和尿中法罗培南的浓度,并采用药动学程序对试验数据进行处理,求算有关药动学参数。结果12名健康受试者单剂量静脉滴注法罗培南注射液后,主要药动学参数Cmax分别为(8.42±1.96)mg/L,(16.64±3.09)mg/L,(24.73±3.58)mg/L,(44.43±3.93)mg/L,T1/2分别为(1.72±0.72)h,(1.60±0.33)h,(1.56±0.21)h,(1.36±0.09)h,AUCOJ分别为(13.90±2.96)mg·h/L,(26.98±5.75)mg·h/L,(38.29±5.29)mg·h/L,(70.58±10.33)mg·h/L,12h累积尿药排泄率分别为31.4%,31.5%,30.5%,34.9%,多次静脉滴注后的主要药动学参数Cmax,T1/2,AUC0-4分别为(15.83±3.96)mg/L、(1.11±0.27)h、(21.93±3.59)mg·h/L,血药浓度波动系数和Gav分别为(5.34±1.30)和(2.74±0.45)mg/L,12h累积尿药排泄率为40.5%。结论单次给药在100~600mg剂量范围内法罗培南呈线性消除,性别对法罗培南的药代动力学过程无影响,肾脏是法罗培南的主要排泄器官,连续多次给药在体内无蓄积,  相似文献   

Summary An high-pressure liquid chromatographic method was used to measure allopurinol and oxipurinol in plasma and urine in 6 healthy volunteers after a single intravenous or oral dose of allopurinol. The influence of coadministrated benzbromarone and hydrochlorothiazide on the pharmacokinetics of allopurinol and oxipurinol was also investigated. After intravenous injection of allopurinol 300 mg the plasma disappearance was biexponential, with a mean distribution half-life of 2.32±1.08 min and an elimination half-life of 47.8±10.6 min. The total clearance of allopurinol was 11.37±2.70 ml/min/kg, whereas its renal clearance was only 1.73±0.79 ml/min/kg. Oxipurinol disappeared monoexponentially from plasma ith a mean half-life of 12.2±2.6 h. Its renal clearance was 0.42±0.091 ml/min/kg. After oral administration of allopurinol 300 mg the peak plasma concentration of 2.1±0.6 μg/ml (1.5×10−5 M) was reached within 30 to 120 min. The peak level of oxipurinol of 5.8±1.5 μg/ml (3.8×10−5 M) was found within 2 to 5 h after intravenous and oral allopurinol. The bioavailability of oral allopurinol computed from plasma data was 90.4±8.7%. The total recovery from urine was 77% (allopurinol 8%, oxipurinol 69%) after oral and 88% after i.v. administration. It was concluded that about 10% of the oral dose was not absorbed and that 12% was eliminated by an unknown mechanism, presumably as riboside. The pharmacokinetics of allopurinol and oxipurinol were not significantly influenced by coadministration of benzbromarone or hydrochlorothiazide. This work forms part of a thesis to be presented by M. Tittel to the Fachbereich Medizin der Justus Liebig-Universit?t Giessen  相似文献   

Summary The kinetics of14C-metformin have been studied in five healthy subjects after oral and intravenous administration. The intravenous dose was distributed to a small central compartment of 9.9±1.61 ( ±SE), from which its elimination could be described using three-compartment open model. The elimination half-life from plasma was 1.7±0.1 h. Urinary excretion data revealed a quantitatively minor terminal elimination phase with a half-life of 8.9±0.7 h. After the intravenous dose, metformin was completely excreted unchanged in urine with a renal clearance of 454±47 ml/min. Metformin was not bound to plasma proteins. The concentration of metformin in saliva was considerably lower than in plasma and declined more slowly. The bioavailability of metformin tablets averaged 50–60%. The rate of absorption was slower than that of elimination, which resulted in a plasma concentration profile of flip-flop type for oral metformin.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To study the pharmacokinetics of esomeprazole, one of the optical isomers of omeprazole, after 20 mg or 40 mg single and repeated oral and intravenous administration to healthy subjects. The main metabolites of esomeprazole were also assessed after the 40-mg oral dose. METHODS: In two separate studies, 16 healthy male subjects and 16 healthy male and female subjects received intravenous doses of 20 mg and 40 mg esomeprazole, respectively, on the first investigation day. After a washout period of 5-14 days, the same doses (20 mg as a solution and 40 mg as a capsule) were given orally for 5 days and then again intravenously on day 6. Blood samples for determination of esomeprazole and its metabolites were collected 12 h or 24 h post-dose and were analysed using normal-phase liquid chromatography with ultraviolet (UV) detection. Pharmacokinetic parameters of esomeprazole and its metabolites were estimated using non-compartmental analysis. Geometric means and ratios of the geometric means together with 95% confidence intervals (CI) of the pharmacokinetic parameters were calculated using analysis of variance (ANOVA). RESULTS: Plasma clearance (CL) of esomeprazole decreased from 22 l/h to 16 l/h and from 17 l/h to 9 l/h following repeated dosing of 20 mg and 40 mg, respectively. Total area under the plasma concentration-time curve (AUC) increased (from 1.34 micromol x h/l to 2.55 micromol x h/l) with absolute bioavailability (F) being 50% on day 1 and 68% on day 5 after the 20-mg oral dose. AUC increased (from 4.32 micromol x h/l to 11.21 micromol x h/l) with F being 64% on day 1 and 89% on day 5 after the 40-mg oral dose. The plasma levels for esomeprazole sulphone were substantially higher on day 5 than on day 1, while those for 5-hydroxy esomeprazole were marginally higher on day 5 than on day 1 following repeated oral dosing of 40 mg esomeprazole. No side effects attributable to esomeprazole were noticed. CONCLUSION: The increased AUC of esomeprazole with repeated dosing is probably due to a combination of a decreased first-pass elimination and a decreased systemic clearance.  相似文献   

This study aimed to evaluate the pharmacokinetic properties of piperaquine in the rat after intravenous and oral administration, and to identify and characterize the main piperaquine metabolites in rat plasma, urine, faeces and bile after intravenous administration. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were administered piperaquine as an emulsion orally or as a short-term intravenous infusion. Venous blood for pharmacokinetic evaluation was frequently withdrawn up to 90 h after dose. Urine, bile and faeces were collected after an infusion in rats kept in metabolic cages or in anesthetized rats. Pharmacokinetic characterization was done by compartmental modeling and non-compartmental analysis using WinNonlin. Piperaquine disposition was best described by a 3-compartment model with a rapid initial distribution phase after intravenous administration. The pharmacokinetics of piperaquine was characterized by a low clearance, a large volume of distribution and a long terminal half-life. Piperaquine displayed a low biliary clearance and less than 1% of the total dose was recovered in urine. The absolute oral bioavailability was approximately 50%. The main metabolite after intravenous administration of piperaquine was a carboxylic acid product identical to that reported in humans. The similarity with results in humans indicates the rat to be a suitable species for nonclinical in vivo piperaquine studies.  相似文献   

Summary Plasma concentrations of methaqualone were followed for several days after single oral doses in 5 healthy subjects. The analysis of methaqualone was performed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (mass fragmentography). The plasma levels of methaqualone were interpreted according to a two compartment model. The elimination rate of methaqualone was found to be much slower than has been reported previously, half lives in the -phase ranging from 19.6 to 41.5 h.  相似文献   

Summary Eight healthy volunteers received single oral doses (1 mg/kg) and 6 received multiple doses (0.4 mg/kg t.i.d. for 2 weeks) of desmethylimipramine (DMI) and nortriptyline (NT) on different occasions. Kinetic analysis of plasma levels of the drugs showed that the ratios between single-dose peak-levels, plasma half-lives and apparent mean steady-state plasma levels of the two drugs were constant in all the subjects, and averaged 0.6. Despite their closely related chemical structures the apparent plasma clearance rate of DMI was about twice that of NT, and this might be associated with their different degrees of binding to plasma proteins. — The steady-state plasma level of NT in man is known to be genetically determined, and the conformity within each individual of the plasma clearance rates of DMI and NT indicates that the plasma kinetics of both these drugs are controlled by common genetic factors. — The study also shows that the steady-state plasma level of DMI, like that of NT, can be predicted accurately from single-dose plasma-level data. Thus, if the kinetic characteristics of one of these drugs in a subject are known, it is possible to predict the plasma kinetics of the other compound.Licentiate in Medicine, Research Assistant in Clinical Pharmacology.  相似文献   

Summary The kinetics of dextropropoxyphene (DP) and its main metabolite norpropoxyphene (NP) were studied in 6 healthy male subjects after a single oral dose of 195 mg DP HCl, and during and after 12 daily single oral doses of 195 mg DP HCl. The kinetics varied up to five-fold between individuals after the single dose, the apparent mean elimination half-life (t1/2) was 16 h for DP and 29 h for NP. The mean apparent overall plasma clearance (CL) for DP was 2.61/min. There was no systematic difference in DP clearance between the single and multiple doses, but the accuracy of individual predictions from single to multiple doses was poor, probably because of imprecise determinations of the AUC and t1/2 in the single dose experiments. The individual correlation between single and multiple dose kinetics was good for NP, although the predicted plasma levels during steady state were significantly higher than the observed levels (mean AUCss/AUCsd: 0.81). There was no sign of saturation kinetics on repeated administration. In fact, autoinduction, resulting in significantly lower plasma concentrations after treatment for 1 week was found for NP and was indicated for DP. On discontinuing DP after 12 days of treatment, the apparent mean t1/2 of DP was 23 h and of NP 25 h.  相似文献   

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