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Black women (N =35)were asked via questionnaires to provide information about various aspects of their sexual behavior (e.g., orgasm consistency, clitoral-vaginal preferences, intercourse frequency, and masturbation). They also responded to the Edwards Personal Preference Schedule, to a measure of attitudes toward their parents, and to a measure of their preferences for external and internal sources of stimulation. The sexual behavior of the blacks was generally more similar to than different from that of female white controls. Furthermore, a number of correlations between sexual response patterns and personality and attitudinal measures that were previously found in white women were duplicated in the black women. However, there were also previous correlations that were not duplicated. Overall, the results for the black women paralleled those for white women.  相似文献   

A random sample of 100 undergraduate women were interviewed about their subjective sexual experience. Sexual sensations during masturbation, oral sex, intercourse, and intercourse with concurrent clitoral massage were summarized and differentiated. Sensations labeled orgasm by a majority of the subjects were identified, and the suggestion was made that experiences other than that outlined by Masters and Johnson may be considered orgasmic by women in a more general population. Some support was found for Singer and Singer's typology of orgasm at a subjective level. Most subjects who experienced multiple orgasms found them no more satisfying than single ones. Clitoral and vaginal orgasms may be distinguished subjectively, but no clear preference for one or the other emerged from a consensus of the subjects. Orgasm rate was significantly related (p < 0.001) to satisfaction during intercourse and oral sex, but not during masturbation. Some evidence was found supporting the role of social learning in developing sensitivity in the clitoris and vagina and possibly the breasts.  相似文献   

The impact of aging on sexual function in women and their partners   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Aging has a powerful impact on the quality of relationship and sexual functioning. The psychological impact of aging after midlife is a particularly timely topic, given improved medical and psychological understanding of sexuality in both women and men as well as significant improvement in the conceptualization of female sexuality and evolving treatment advances for female sexual dysfunctions. It is time to dispel the stereotype of the midlife woman in order to more effectively address emotional and sexual issues arising in her relationships. Regardless of the length or nature of the relationship, its quality is enhanced by emotional intimacy, autonomy without too much distance, an ability to manage stress, and to maintain a positive perception of self and the relationship. To understand and treat effects of aging on sexuality, it is important to address the three components of sexual desire: drive, beliefs/values, and motivation, as well as the social context of a woman's life. It is also essential to understand how the physiological changes in female as well as male sexual functioning impact desire. Further, other health-related changes that occur with aging must be recognized and addressed.  相似文献   

The self-reported use of sexual fantasy as an aspect of sexual behavior in natural settings was examined with respect to genital responding to both sexual fantasy and an erotic audiotape within the laboratory. It was predicted that subjects who self-reported a higher frequency of using sexual fantasy during either masturbation or sexual interaction with a partner in extralaboratory settings would be more highly responsive on genital measures of sexual arousal obtained when the subject was generating sexual fantasy within the laboratory. Forty-five female subjects (median age, 21) completed a battery of questionnaires, which included three scales of general imagery ability and frequency, and a detailed sexual history. All subjects then experienced an initial nonstimulated baseline period followed by a second baseline period and an exposure to an erotic audiotape. Genital responding was measured by vaginal photoplethysmography. Those subjects who reported more frequent use of fantasy during masturbation outside the laboratory showed greater genital responses during both fantasy and tape-elicited arousal than those reporting less use of masturbatory fantasy. One of the imagery questionnaires yielded a significant correlation with genital response in the fantasy condition. It appears that cognitive factors have predictive significance for measures of vaginal pressure pulse responses to erotic tape recordings and fantasies.Portions of this paper were presented at the 1979 meetings of the Society for Psychophysiological Research, Cincinnati, Ohio.  相似文献   

The unexplored possibility that a sexually induced endocrine response might prime further sexual arousal in women guided the current investigation. Healthy, premenopausal, heterosexual women in the follicular phase of their menstrual cycle were randomly assigned to either an experimental or a control group. The experimental group was exposed to a sexually explicit videotape, while the control group saw a nonerotic videotape. Ninety minutes later both groups saw a sexually explicit videotape. Vaginal vasocongestion and hormones (cortisol, prolactin, luteinizing hormone, testosterone) were measured continuously and subjective responses were sampled at 20-min intervals. Compared to controls, experimental subjects showed a greater amplitude and longer duration vaginal response to the second videotape. Subjective measures showed greater sexual response to the second erotic videotape compared to the first, an effect that was not mediated by the hormones measured here. Prolactin decreased significantly across the session for both groups, and several behavioral and affective responses were significantly correlated with hormonal levels. Commonalities and divergence with results of prior research point to the complexity and subtlety of endocrine interactions with sexual response as well as likely sex differences in hormone—behavioral interactions.  相似文献   

Previous self-report measures of female sexual function have been either overly restrictive or inappropriate for use in large-scale clinical trials. Accordingly, we have developed the Brief Index of Sexual Functioning for Women (BISF-W), a 22-item, self-report instrument for the assessment of current levels of female sexual functioning and satisfaction. The BISF-W was administered at monthly intervals to a standardization sample of 269 women, ages 20–73 years. A principal components analysis yielded a three-factor solution—interest/desire, sexual activity, and satisfaction—which accounted for 51.2% of the variance. Concurrent validity was demonstrated by means of a comparison with the Derogatis Sexual Function Inventory. In addition, the BISF-W was compared to the Brief Sexual Function Questionnaire, a similar self-report measure of sexual functioning for men. Major advantages of the BISF-W are its ease of administration and scoring, suitability for use in both clinical and nonclinical samples, and assessment of key dimensions of female sexuality. However, based on its moderate test—retest reliability and internal consistency, further development of the instrument is indicated.  相似文献   

The association among sexual daydreaming and sexual attitudes and activity was examined in a cross-sectional life-span sample of women (N = 117, 26 to 78 years). Sexual daydreaming was measured using the Imaginal Processes Inventory (IPI) while sexual history measures of sexual activity, sexual drive, and sexual attitudes were derived from a comprehensive personal interview. A factor analysis and varimax rotation of the sexual history variables, age, and the Sexual Daydream Scale of the IPI revealed three primary factors representing dimensions of sexual activity and drive, attitudes toward sexual activity, and sexual satisfaction. Age was associated with less sexual daydreaming, less sexual drive, less sexual activity, and more negative sexual attitudes. Sexual daydreaming varied directly with sexual drive and sexual activity and with a positive sexual attitude.  相似文献   

Three groups of college women were compared on the following dimensions: sexual experiences, sexual satisfaction, self-concept, sexual attitudes and knowledge, and parental support for sexual development. Groups were composed of women with late-onset physical disability, early-onset physical disability, and no disability. Measures utilized included an extension of the Sexual Interaction Inventory, the Tennessee Self-Concept Inventory, the Sexual Knowledge and Attitude Test, and questionnaires developed for this study. The early-onset group reported fewer current sexual experiences than did the nondisabled group. The early-onset group was dissatisfied with the frequency of sexual behavior to a greater degree than the nondisabled group. Also, both disabled groups believed that they could enjoy sexual experiences more than they did at present in contrast to the nondisabled group. There were no group differences for self-concept, though several aspects of self-concept contributed significantly to sexual adjustment for the disabled groups. No group differences were found for sexual knowledge and attitudes or parental support for sexual development, nor did these variables relate to sexual adjustment. Group differences in sexual adjustment are discussed in terms of functional, emotional, and social implications. Recommendations for further research include following the social development of women with lateonset conditions, comparing the social skills and cognitions of the two disabled groups, and assessing men who have established intimate relationships with disabled women.  相似文献   

Kinsey's findings regarding the sexual behavior of black women were compared with data from a more recent study of sexual socialization and experiences among women in Los Angeles County, Ca. The study examined responses from two groups of college-educated black women, ages 18 to 36, 196 women from the original Kinsey sample and 64 women from the new sample. Log-linear analyses were used to control for differences between the samples on age and marital status. Comparisons were conducted in the areas of childhood family characteristics; sexual socialization and education; sexual behavior in childhood, adolescence, and adulthood; contraceptive practices; and child sexual abuse. Results reflected changes that have taken place in society and in patterns of sexual behavior. Differences in sexual socialization pointed to the increased role of the media and the schools and to more relaxed attitudes about nudity in the home. Shifts in sexual behavior were particularly dramatic. As compared to women in the Kinsey sample, newer subjects began intercourse earlier, were less likely to have a fiance or husband as their first partner, reported a higher number of sexual partners, and participated in a broader range of sexual behaviors. Contraceptive practices differed considerably, especially among never-married women. Women in this study were slightly more likely to report instances of child sexual abuse. Methdological and social factors contributing to the findings are discussed.This research was supported by the Center for the Prevention and Control of Rape, NIMH, MH 33603 and through a Research Scientist Career Development Award (MH 00269), to the first author.  相似文献   

This research compared data from two studies of women's sexual behavior—one conducted in the 1940s, the other in the 1980s. The first sample included 3952 white women, ages 18 to 36, drawn from the larger sample of women who participated in the original Kinsey study. The second comprised 122 white women, in the same age range, who had taken part in a recent study of sexual socialization and experiences among women in Los Angeles County, CA. Log-linear analyses were used to control for differences between the samples on age, education, and marital status. Comparisons were conducted in the areas of childhood family characteristics; sexual socialization and education; sexual behavior in childhood, adolescence, and adulthood; contraceptive practices; and child sexual abuse. Results tended to reflect changes that have taken place in society and in patterns of sexual behavior. Differences in sexual socialization pointed to the increased role of the media and the schools and to more relaxed attitudes about nudity in the home. Shifts in sexual behavior were particularly dramatic. As compared to women in the Kinsey sample, the newer subjects began intercourse earlier, were less likely to have a fiance or husband as their first partner, reported a higher number of sexual partners, and participated in a broader range of sexual behaviors. Contraceptive practices differed considerably, especially among never-married women. Women in the new study were also more likely to report instances of child sexual abuse. Methodological and social factors contributing to the findings are discussed.This research was supported by the Center for the Prevention and Control of Rape, NIMH, MH 33603 and through a Research Scientist Career Development Award (MH 00269), to the first author.  相似文献   

From 5469 participants of a sexual inquiry in the German Democratic Republic, 90 homosexual and 107 heterosexual women and men were selected, aged 16–30. A comparison was made concerning aspects of leisure time and sexual life. Some differences appear with regard to leisure time between homosexual and heterosexual women and men. The importance of love and sexuality is as great for young homosexuals as it is for young heterosexuals, but the mode and quantity of their specific sexual activities differ. Homosexual women appear to be more sexually active than heterosexual women on some study parameters.  相似文献   

Forty-three perimenopausal women kept daily records of menstrual cycles and sexual activity. Data on hot flashes and plasma estradiol and testosterone levels were obtained at two points during the menopausal transition. The prospective data yielded a significant negative association between hot flash ratings and regularity of sexual intercourse at both time points. A significant negative correlation was found between estradiol (in the early part of the cycle) and hot flashes ratings at the first data point only, and positive correlations were found between hot flashes and ratio of testosterone to estradiol (T/E) at both. Frequency of sexual intercourse and level of plasma estradiol were higher, and T/E and hot flash ratings were lower in early perimenopausal women who were still having cycles at least once every 30 days, as compared with late perimenopausal women who were cycling less often. It was concluded that a close association exists between increasing irregularity of menstrual cycles, hot flashes, declining estradiol levels, and declining frequency of intercourse during the perimenopause. Causal relationships remain to be established.Supported by NIH Grant AG1437.  相似文献   

Whether male researchers can conduct qualitative research with female participants, and interpret accounts of their lives, is a contentious issue within the feminist literature. Academics and activists argue that not all researchers are uniformly positioned, in terms of social location, or possess the necessary lived experiences to conduct feminist research. Conducting research into sexuality can intensify these concerns, with such projects perceived as ‘riskier’ and establishing trust in the research setting more difficult than with mainstream topics. This paper draws on data from research interviews that explored women's understandings of sexuality, sex and sexual problems to discuss participants' views of being interviewed by a gay man. It highlights that the shared experience of marginality was a key influence upon the interview interaction, particularly regarding levels of empathy, and this facilitated disclosure. By providing a reflexive account of the gendered and sexual orientation dynamics of conducting research interviews, we argue that focusing solely upon gender similarity as a pre-requisite for conducting feminist research with female participants fails to acknowledge the role of other factors that enable ‘good’ research to be done.  相似文献   

Although it has been almost 20 years since recorded evidence of multiple orgasms among women emerged, there have been few recent investigations of this phenomenon. The purpose of this study was to understand further the female multiorgasmic experience in relationship to the method of stimulatory activity, namely, masturbation, petting, and sexual intercourse. In addition, single-orgasmic and multiorgasmic women were compared by examination of various sexual and orgasmic behaviors, the role of sex partners, and perceptions of physiological and psychological sexual satisfaction. An anonymous 122-item questionnaire was utilized to obtain the responses of 805 college-educated female nurses, chosen for their perceived ability to verbalize data regarding the anatomical structures and physiological processes associated with sexual responsiveness. The findings indicated that 42.7% of the respondents had experienced multiple orgasms and that several significant differences existed between single-orgasmic and multiorgasmic women.The investigators acknowledge two grants from the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Grants-in-Aid of Research program which have partially provided the resources for data collection, coding, and analyses.  相似文献   

The course of sexual socialization of 50 women suffering from the Stein-Leventhal Syndrome (SLS), on which the wedge resection of the ovaries was carried out, as examined using the HTDW (heterosexual development of women) questionnaire, did not differ from that of 50 normal women of the same age. Sexual life of SLS patients was examined using an interview and the SAW (sexual activity of women), SFW (sexual function of women), and SAI (sexual arousability inventory) questionnaires. Comparison with the findings in the control group showed that the average score in all the three questionnaires was within normal limits for both groups; the differences between the groups were not statistically significant. Among 45 SLS patients who had sexual experience before the surgery, 42 stated that no pronounced changes occurred in their sexual lives after resection of the ovaries.The average value of testosterone in the whole group (0.52 ng/ml plasma) was within normal limits. The level of the male sexual hormone tended to be higher in the subgroup of 19 patients with low orgastic capacity than in the subgroup of 31 orgastic SLS patients. The differences in the average scores of neurotic symptoms in the N5 questionnaire between the SLS patients and the control group were not significant.On the basis of the above findings, it is concluded that SLS patients, after wedge resection of the ovaries, are not more sexually arousable, more active, or more orgastic than medically healthy women.  相似文献   

For older women there is a shortage of single male partners in the same age group. This study investigates the extent of relevant alternative sexual options. 91 German women aged 50 to 91 years (birth cohorts: 1895–1936) were interviewed about their attitudes to and experiences with unconventional sexual relationships (cumulative incidence figures are given in parentheses): At the time of interview 4% (18%) of the interviewees had a relationship with a man younger than themselves, and 1% (4%) had a lesbian relationship. Of those living as singles, 8% were having an affair with a married man (21% had one while living as a single). Although relationships with married men occurred most often, attitudes towards relationships with married men were mostly negative. Feelings about relationships with younger men and other women were ambivalent.  相似文献   

目的 了解独生与非独生女大学生的性相关行为及态度状况.方法 在湖北省武汉市,按学校类型、专业类型(文、理、医、艺术)、年级等特征进行随机整群抽样.共发放5076份问,卷回收有效问卷4769份,有效问卷回收率为93.95%.对调查对象进行匿名自填式同卷调查.采用SPSS 12.0软件进行分析.结果 独生女大学生对性相关行为的态度更趋向于赞成,恋爱、与异性接吻拥抱、同性恋及性交等行为的发生率均高于非独生子女大学生(P<0.01);而手淫的发生率则是非独生女大学生高于独生女大学生(P<0.01).结论 独生与非独生女大学生对性相关行为的态度和行为上存在差异.  相似文献   

The antiandrogen treatment of sexual offenders has been shown to reduce the recidivism rate. The mechanism of action has been assumed to be through asexualization with its secondary effects on sexual behavior. This study shows that the mechanism may be more complex and may involve a differential effect on sexual arousal patterns. Treatment responses may differ in high and low plasma testosterone groups.  相似文献   

To determine the interrelationships among neuroticism, general arousability, sexual desire, and sexual dysfunction in women, two studies were conducted. The first found a significant positive correlation between general arousability and neuroticism. The second found a curvilinear relationship between general arousability and sexual dysfunction, and a negative correlation between levels of sexual desire and sexual dysfunction. Implications for therapy with sexually dysfunctional women are discussed.  相似文献   

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