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The aim of the present study was to examine the effectiveness of ice-packs (ICE) and phase change material (PCM) cooling devices in reducing physiological load based on subjects' physiological and subjective responses while the subjects exercised on a bicycle ergometer while wearing firefighting protective clothing in a relatively high temperature environment (30 degrees C, 50%RH). Subjects were eight graduate students, aged 25.9 years (SD 3.2). Each subject participated in four 50-min exposures: control (CON), ICE, PCM of 5 degrees C [PCM(5)] and 20 degrees C [PCM(20)]. Each subject rested in a pre-test room for 10 min before entering the test-room where they rested for another 10 min, followed by 30 min-exercise and a 10 min-recovery period. The exercise intensity was set at 55%VO(2max). Cooling effects were evaluated by measuring rectal temperature (Tre), mean skin temperature (Tsk), body weight loss and subjective responses. An increase in Tre for PCM(5) and PCM(20) which was less than that for CON and ICE was observed. The increases in Tsk were depressed using cooling devices, but the cooling effects of PCMs were greater than ICE. The subjects with CON felt hotter and wetter than those in the other conditions. The larger surface cooling area, higher melting temperature and softer material of PCMs which reduces absorption capacity caused a decrease in Tre and Tsk for PCM(5) and PCM(20) which was more than that for CON and ICE. Furthermore, PCM(20) does not require refrigeration. These results suggest that PCM(20) is more effective than other cooling devices in reducing the physiological load while wearing firefighting protective clothing.  相似文献   

Prediction equations of shivering metabolism are critical to the development of models of thermoregulation during cold exposure. Although the intensity of maximal shivering has not yet been predicted, a peak shivering metabolic rate (Shivpeak) of five times the resting metabolic rate has been reported. A group of 15 subjects (including 4 women) [mean age 24.7 (SD 6) years, mean body mass 72.1 (SD 12) kg, mean height 1.76 (SD 0.1) m, mean body fat 22.3 (SD 7)% and mean maximal oxygen uptake (O2max) 53.2 (SD 9) ml O2 · kg−1 · min−1] participated in the present study to measure and predict Shivpeak. The subjects were initially immersed in water at 8°C for up to 70 min. Water temperature was then gradually increased at 0.8 °C · min−1 to a value of 20 °C, which it was expected would increase shivering heat production based on the knowledge that peripheral cold receptors fire maximally at approximately this temperature. This, in combination with the relatively low core temperature at the time this water temperature was reached, was hypothesized would stimulate Shivpeak. Prior to warming the water from 8 to 20 °C, the oxygen consumption was 15.1 (SD 5.5) ml · kg−1 · min−1 at core temperatures of approximately 35 °C. After the water temperature had risen to 20 °C, the observed Shivpeak was 22.1 (SD 4.2) ml O2 · kg−1 · min−1 at core and mean skin temperatures of 35.2 (SD 0.9) and 22.1 (SD 2.2) °C, respectively. The Shivpeak corresponded to 4.9 (SD 0.8) times the resting metabolism and 41.7 (SD 5.1)% of O2max. The best fit equation predicting Shivpeak was Shivpeak (ml O2 · kg−1 · min−1)=30.5 + 0.348 ×O2max (ml O2 · kg−1 · min−1) − 0.909 × body mass index (kg · m−2) − 0.233 × age (years); (P=0.0001; r 2=0.872). Accepted: 7 September 2000  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to monitor changes in body and skin temperatures, heat production, subjective shivering, cold sensation and body fat content in humans after intermittent cold water immersion. Repeated exposures of young sportsmen to cold water (head out, 14 °C, 1 h, 3 times per week for 4–6 weeks) induced changes in regulation of thermal homeostasis. ‘‘Cold acclimated’’ subjects exhibited an hypothermic type of adaptation. Central and peripheral body temperatures at rest and during cold immersion were lowered. The metabolic response to cold was delayed and subjective shivering was attenuated. The observed hypothermia was due to the shift of the threshold for induction of cold thermogenesis to lower body temperatures. ‘‘Cold acclimated’’ subjects also showed a lowered cold sensation. Because of the observed physiological changes, about 20% of the total heat production was saved during one cold water immersion of ‘‘cold acclimated’’ subjects. Maximal aerobic and anaerobic performances were not altered. No change in the thermosensitivity of the body temperature controller, as assessed from the unchanged slope of the relation between the deep body temperature and total heat production, was observed. Changes in cold sensation and regulation of cold thermogenesis were noticed first after four cold water immersions and persisted for at least 2 weeks after termination of the adaptation procedure. A trend towards a small increase in the body fat content was also observed. This findll as the increased vasoconstriction, evidenced by the lowered skin temperature, indicate that slight changes in body insulation may also occur after ‘‘cold acclimation’’ in humans. Received: 30 December 1995/Received after revision and accepted: 25 March 1996  相似文献   

We evaluated human physiological responses and the performance of manual tasks during exposure to severe cold (–25°C) at night (0300–0500 hours) and in the afternoon (1500–1700 hours). Thirteen male students wearing standard cold protective clothing occupied a severely cold room (–25°C) for 20 min, and were then transferred to a cool room (10°C) for 20 min. This pattern of exposure was repeated three times, for a total time of exposure to extreme cold of 60 min. The experiments were started either at 1500 hours or 0300 hours and measurements of rectal temperature, skin temperature, blood pressure, performance in a counting task, hand tremor, and subjective responses were made in each condition. At the end of the experiment at night the mean decrease in rectal temperature [0.68 (SEM 0.04)°C] was significantly greater than that at the end of the experiment in the afternoon [0.55 (SEM 0.08)°C, P<0.01]. After the second cold exposure at night the mean increase in diastolic blood pressure [90 (SEM 2.0) mmHg] was significantly greater than that at the end of the second cold exposure in the afternoon [82 (SEM 2.8) mmHg, P<0.01]. At the end of the second cold exposure at night, mean finger skin temperature [11.8 (SEM 0.8)°C] was significantly higher than that at the comparable time in the afternoon [9.0 (SEM 0.7)°C, P<0.01]. Similarly for the toe, mean skin temperature at the start of the second cold exposure at night [25.6 (SEM 1.5)°C] was significantly higher than in the afternoon [20.1 (SEM 0.8)°C, P<0.01]. The increased skin temperatures in the periphery resulted in increased heat loss. Since peripheral skin temperatures were highest at night, the subjects noted diminished sensations of thermal cold and pain at that time. Manual dexterity at the end of the first cold exposure at night [mean 83.7 (SEM 3.6) times·min–1] had decreased significantly more than at the end of the first cold exposure in the afternoon [mean 89.4 (SEM 3.5) times·min–1, P<0.01]. These findings of a lowered rectal temperature and diminished manual dexterity suggest that there is an increased risk of both hypothermia and accidents for those who work at night. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Working in the cold is part of the normal routine in outdoor occupations in winter in the subarctic regions, but there are few data available on occupational exposure to cold during outdoor work. In the present study, thermal responses were measured in winter in Finland during 23 working days among young, healthy men working in heavy, moderate and light daily outdoor jobs. During the measurements ambient temperature ranged from + 3 to – 27°C, air velocity from 0.2 to 4.3 m · s–1, and the subjects wore normal winter clothing. The skin temperatures measured often indicated disturbed performance, discomfort and a risk of adverse health effects, especially during the very cold days (ambient temperature less than – 15°C) in the light work. The most common problems were cooling of the extremities and the face and cool or cold sensations. The temperatures on the distal parts of the upper extremities correlated significantly with the heaviness of the work (r = 0.51, P = 0.014). The core temperature remained at the safety level in each case. Apart from clothing, an appropriate work load proved to be an effective way of keeping up the temperature of the extremities in cold work, and that should be taken into account when outdoor work is being planned.  相似文献   

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