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目的 介绍信息化条件下如何寻求医院药品库存控制的最优策略。方法 依托信息技术和管理创新的支持,通过流程优化来整合医院内、外部的物流资源,实现医院药品供应链的一体化。在对信息系统提供的准确、及时的数据和信息进行定量分析的基础上,寻找供应链中相互冲突的各种目标关系的综合平衡,来做出精确的需求预测、良好的供应计划和及时的科学调度。结果 达到加快物流速度、降低库存水平、减少物流损失、提高服务质量、提升经济效益的目的。结论 在信息技术的支持下,可以找到医院药品控制的最优策略,来最低成本地运作医院的药品供应链。在满足既定服务水平的情况下,实现医院药品控制的最优化。  相似文献   

在保障供应的前提下,医院药品库存管理采用了ABC分类库存管理模式,引入了供应链管理模式,并开发零库存管理模式,目的在于通过优化药品库存管理模式,降低药品库存,加快药品周转,提高药品保供率。该文对医院多年来采用的各种药品库存管理模式的设计、实施及其价值意义进行了分析和探讨。  相似文献   

医药物流行业经常使用“最后一公里”来指代从医药商业企业到终端用户信息化的连接,通过解决“最后一公里”的问题,提高药品供应链的配送效率,降低配送成本,形成全供应链的一体化管理。随着新医改的推进和医疗机构对药品供应链、现代医药物流认识的提高,医疗机构对院内物流的需求越来越旺盛,近年来,很多医疗机构与国内的商业企业一道进行了深入的医院物流研究和实践,利用医药商业公司的先进物流管理经验和手段发展医院物流成为一种方向。  相似文献   

目的:构建供应链延伸系统能够在实现对药品的精细化管理,提高医院的整体服务质量,提升医院整体运营效率。方法:通过对供应链进行延伸,对医院的业务流程优化重组,将供应商和医院联系起来,探索加强药品供应保障建设的有效途径。结果:系统上线一年来,各项指标均好于实施前。医院发票录入效率提升近一倍,人员工作效率也有不同程度的提高,采购计划及时性得到了保证。结论:供应链延伸系统实现了对整个药品流通环节的有效管理,通过整合人力资源,实现了医院的高效运营。  相似文献   

随着药品零差率在公立医院改革中的推行,医院药品管理模式亟待改革。上海仁济南院运用第三方物流理论,探索了药房供应链服务外包的新型管理模式,构建医院内部仅设一个综合药房的一体化管理格局,致力于构建信息化、自动化和智能化的医院药品供应链管理,通过创新管理推进公立医院改革。  相似文献   

正自2013年起,上海市第一人民医院积极探索基于供应链模式的医疗物资物流改革之路。试图依托现代供应链管理的模式,促进内部流程的优化,提高药品、耗材及试剂采购质量,提高效率、降低成本。提高资金效率实现多方获益通过合作,上海市第一人民医院实施了先进的物流管理模式,采用了现代化的物流管理技术,建立了物资管理信息系统。通过一系列创新,医院不仅减少了物流资金的投入,提高了资金使用  相似文献   

目的:对医院外部药品供应链流程进行信息化改造,从而实现药品供应的无纸化.方法:针对现有医院供应链流程进行分析,使用信息化技术和CA认证技术对供应链流程进行再造.结果:提高了医院药库信息化水平,确保了药品数据在公网上的安全性,并为医院ERP系统的实现进行了探索.结论:通过系统建设加强了医院的信息技术建设,提高了医院药库的信息化程度,降低了医院工作人员和供应商的工作强度,并最终节省了医院耗材.  相似文献   

沈烽  张健  黄源  吴颖坤  金樑  梁斌  徐卫国 《中国医院管理》2012,32(11):48-48,49-50
运用医院电子化药品物流平台,贯穿整个医院药品物流供应过程,并结合运用条形码扫描自动识别技术,判别调配药品以及数量的准确性,同时客观记录人员绩效管理数据.盘点误差由使用前的0.24%降至0;2011年度验收拒收药品共74次;专业技术人员配备由7名降至5名.整个电子化药品物流平台贯穿医院药品物流始终,能确保入院药品信息准确,杜绝调剂差错,有效提升人员绩效管理水平,真正发挥药师应有的专业特长,更好地为患者服务.  相似文献   

信息技术在药品供应链中的作用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统的药品供应链造成了药价虚高、药品回扣现象严重等不良现象,迫切需要进行变革。药品供应链管理是一种有效的集成的管理思想和方法,它执行药品供应链中从药企到药品销售终端的物流的计划、组织与控制等职能,对药品的采购、运输及库存进行有效的管理。本文采用计算机网络建模、数学建模的方法,多角度探讨了信息技术在药品供应链中的作用,以探索一种低成本、高效率的药品供应链,从而有效降低药品价格。  相似文献   

目的:构建公立医院医用耗材供应链管理模式多维评价体系,为医院医用耗材精细化管理提供支持。方法:通过对某医院 2021年-2022 年医用耗材实施 SPD 供应链管理前后的情况进行调查,了解实施 SPD 供应链管理前后的变化,收集相关数据和资料。采用t检验、卡方检验等统计分析方法,构建多维度医用耗材供应链管理应用效果评价指标体系。结果:从运营效率和成本管控的多个指标体系,多维评价医用耗材供应链的实施效果。结论:该评价指标体系既考虑医用耗材的供应效率、质量等公益性又兼顾了医院的经济效益,有利于推动医院医用耗材管理精细化。  相似文献   

BackgroundIt is anticipated that transforming the vaccine supply chain from syringe-and-needle to thermostable vaccines enabled by Micro Array Patch (MAP) will result in reduced supply chain costs as well as reduced wastes (environmental impact) and improved safety. This paper provides a thorough cost comparison of the conventional syringe-and-needle vaccine supply chain versus the MAP vaccine supply chain for influenza vaccine delivery in Australia.ObjectiveTo determine the potential cost implications and general benefits of replacing syringe-and-needle flu vaccine with MAP-enabled thermostable flu vaccine in Australia.MethodsWe first provide a snapshot of the existing flu vaccine supply chain in Australia including its limitations and opportunities for improvement. Data/information is collected through interviewing the key stakeholders across vaccine supply chain including vaccine manufacturers, logistics providers, clinics, hospitals, and pharmacies. A cost/benefit analysis of the anticipated supply chain of the MAP-enabled vaccine will reveal the opportunities and challenges of supply chain transformation for flu vaccine delivery in Australia.FindingsOur high-level practice-informed cost/benefit analysis identifies cold chain removal as an important source of cost saving, but administrative cost savings appear to be even more significant (e.g., time saving for nurses and those involved in cold chain management). Our analysis also identifies the key benefits and limitations of vaccine supply chain transformation in Australia.ConclusionWe conclude that the benefits of moving from syringe-and-needle vaccines to thermostable MAP-delivered vaccines are beyond transportation and storage cost saving. Potential benefits through cost saving, waste reduction, and service level improvement are discussed along with various safety and wellbeing consequences as well as directions for future research in this area.  相似文献   

在对采购供应链管理和成本控制的概念和特点进行简要介绍和讨论的基础之上,探讨了将采购供应管理中成本控制应用于医疗机构药品采购的几个方面,包括建立完善的药品采购制度,药品招标采购实行公开、公平、公正的原则和科学选择药品供应商并采用动态管理等。  相似文献   

BackgroundAnalyzing potential benefits of thermostable vaccines delivered through Micro Array Patch (MAP) has received great attention in low and middle-income countries. The experience may or may not be the same in developed countries where the infrastructure is more developed. It is anticipated that transforming the vaccine supply chain from syringe-and-needle to thermostable MAP-delivered vaccines will result in reduced supply chain costs – including manufacturing/supply, logistics/distribution, and administration costs – as well as reduced wastes and improved safety. This paper provides an end-to-end supply chain analysis comparing the key aspects (cost, safety and environmental aspects) of the conventional syringe-and-needle vaccine supply chain with those of the MAP vaccine supply chain for influenza vaccine delivery in Australia. Directions for future research in this area will be provided.ObjectiveTo determine the potential supply chain impacts of replacing syringe-and-needle flu vaccine with MAP-enabled thermostable flu vaccine in Australia.MethodsWe analyze the current flu vaccine supply chain in Australia to identify practical limitations and opportunities for improvement. Data/information is collected through interviewing the key stakeholders across vaccine supply chain including vaccine manufacturers, logistics providers, clinics, hospitals, and pharmacies.FindingsA detailed practice-informed analysis is completed on the key operations of the flu vaccine supply chain. Barriers and limitations of the conventional flu vaccine are discussed, along with potential improvements that can be achieved through the implementation of MAP-enabled flu vaccine delivery. We discuss how technology-driven innovations can help advance vaccine supply chains, improve vaccine visibility, reduce wastes, and enable informed decision-making.ConclusionWe find that the benefits of moving from syringe-and-needle vaccines to thermostable MAP-delivered vaccines are beyond transportation and storage cost saving. Potential benefits through cost saving, waste reduction, and service level improvement are discussed along with various safety and wellbeing consequences followed by directions for future research in this area.  相似文献   

Few studies document the costs of operating vaccine supply chains, but decision-makers need this information to inform cost projections for investments to accommodate new vaccine introduction. This paper presents empirical estimates of vaccine supply chain costs for Vietnam's Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI) for routine vaccines at each level of the supply chain, before and after the introduction of the pentavalent vaccine.  相似文献   

Having data on the costs of the immunization system can provide decision-makers with information to benchmark the costs when evaluating the impact of new technologies or programmatic innovations. This paper estimated the supply chain and immunization service delivery costs and cost per dose in selected districts in Kenya and Tanzania. We also present operational data describing the supply chain and service delivery points (SDPs).To estimate the supply chain costs, we collected resource-use data for the cold chain, distribution system, and health worker time and per diems paid. We also estimated the service delivery costs, which included the time cost of health workers to provide immunization services, and per diems and transport costs for outreach sessions. Data on the annual quantities of vaccines distributed to each facility, and the occurrence and duration of stockouts were collected from stock registers. These data were collected from the national store, 2 regional and 4 district stores, and 12 SDPs in each country for 2012. Cost per dose for the supply chain and immunization service delivery were estimated.The average annual costs per dose at the SDPs were $0.34 (standard deviation (s.d.) $0.18) for Kenya when including only the vaccine supply chain costs, and $1.33 (s.d. $0.82) when including immunization service delivery costs. In Tanzania, these costs were $0.67 (s.d. $0.35) and $2.82 (s.d. $1.64), respectively. Both countries experienced vaccine stockouts in 2012, bacillus Calmette-Guérin vaccine being more likely to be stocked out in Kenya, and oral poliovirus vaccine in Tanzania. When stockouts happened, they usually lasted for at least one month.Tanzania made investments in 2011 in preparation for planned vaccine introductions, and their supply chain cost per dose is expected to decline with the new vaccine introductions. Immunization service delivery costs are a significant portion of the total costs at the SDPs.  相似文献   

This article explores current supply chain management challenges and initiatives and identifies problems that affect supply chain management success in the U.S. health-care industry. In addition, it investigates the impact of health care supply chain management (SCM) initiatives on the overall organizational effectiveness. The attitudinal results, as well as the performance results presented in this study support the claim of health care proponents that the SCM allows organizations to reduce cost, improve quality, and reduce cycle time, and leads to high performance.  相似文献   

Understanding factors that hinder vaccination, including logistical and social constraints, is critical to finding the most effective approach for the global eradication of peste des petits ruminants (PPR). Vaccination projects should analyze the supply chain and take it into consideration when planning and creating a vaccination strategy. Adequate supply chain management of the PPR vaccine could lead to reduced cost, increased availability, and the construction of a data platform for other livestock vaccines. Integrating the supply chain of PPR vaccine with other veterinary or health commodities could reduce cost, as well as increase uptake. The use of a thermostable vaccine could potentially have a positive impact on the eradication of PPR in remote areas, such as the Karamoja subregion in Uganda, as it did with rinderpest across Sub Saharan Africa. In terms of vaccine delivery, the use of community animal health workers (CAHWs) could be beneficial in certain areas, such as the Karamoja subregion of Uganda, by alleviating supply chain constraints in the last-mile delivery, as well as increasing coverage and uptake. A gendered approach to livestock vaccines should also be considered, as decision-making power regarding livestock vaccination is gendered in many various contexts. The PPR eradication strategy—as well as other livestock vaccination programs—would be more effective and efficient if the supply chain management were considered as a key component in the process and efforts tailored, accordingly.  相似文献   

本文以华西医院近10年在建立标准化供应链管理中积累的经验为基础,分析如何按照医疗业务中使用的耗材特性建立医院供应链管理策略。并尝试将华西医院从实践中总结的经验进行理论归纳,使医院的物流供应服务能在未来一个相当长的时期内,始终如一履行为医院临床提供"高效低耗"的工作职责。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Double-digit health care inflation, coupled with widespread reports of poor care quality and deadly medical errors, has caused private sector employers to reevaluate their health benefits purchasing strategies, with a focus on supply chain management approaches. In other industries, this strategy has proven to be an effective method for simultaneously reducing costs and increasing quality. PURPOSE: This article describes four current applications of supply chain management network methodologies to health care systems and identifies potential ways to improve purchasers' return on investment. In particular, information exchanges, purchase decision, and payment agreement components of integrated supply chains are described. APPROACH: First, visual depictions of the health care supply chain are developed from a purchaser's perspective. Next, five nationwide programs designed to realign incentives and rewards across the health care supply chain are described. FINDINGS: Although several nationwide efforts are gaining traction in the marketplace, at this time, no cost reduction and quality improvement program initiative appears to systematically align the entire health care supply chain from providers to purchasers, raising doubt about the ability of supply chain management network techniques to significantly impact the health care marketplace in the short run. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS: Current individual efforts to coordinate the health care supply chain do not act on all of the actors necessary to improve outcomes, promote safety, and control costs. Nevertheless, there are indications that several of the individual efforts are coming together. If national efforts touching on all critical elements can coordinate with purchasers, then the health care supply chain's performance may improve significantly.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo evaluate the potential impact and value of applications (e.g. adjusting ordering levels, storage capacity, transportation capacity, distribution frequency) of data from demand forecasting systems implemented in a lower-income country's vaccine supply chain with different levels of population change to urban areas.Materials and MethodsUsing our software, HERMES, we generated a detailed discrete event simulation model of Niger's entire vaccine supply chain, including every refrigerator, freezer, transport, personnel, vaccine, cost, and location. We represented the introduction of a demand forecasting system to adjust vaccine ordering that could be implemented with increasing delivery frequencies and/or additions of cold chain equipment (storage and/or transportation) across the supply chain during varying degrees of population movement.ResultsImplementing demand forecasting system with increased storage and transport frequency increased the number of successfully administered vaccine doses and lowered the logistics cost per dose up to 34%. Implementing demand forecasting system without storage/transport increases actually decreased vaccine availability in certain circumstances.DiscussionThe potential maximum gains of a demand forecasting system may only be realized if the system is implemented to both augment the supply chain cold storage and transportation. Implementation may have some impact but, in certain circumstances, may hurt delivery. Therefore, implementation of demand forecasting systems with additional storage and transport may be the better approach. Significant decreases in the logistics cost per dose with more administered vaccines support investment in these forecasting systems.ConclusionDemand forecasting systems have the potential to greatly improve vaccine demand fulfilment, and decrease logistics cost/dose when implemented with storage and transportation increases. Simulation modeling can demonstrate the potential health and economic benefits of supply chain improvements.  相似文献   

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