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M J Telen  I Rogers  M Letarte 《Blood》1987,70(5):1475-1481
We have previously shown that the In(Lu) gene down-regulates expression of an erythrocyte protein antigen identified by murine monoclonal antibody (MoAb) A3D8. In the present study we have examined In(Lu) Lu(a-b-) erythrocytes for expression of additional epitopes on the erythrocyte 80 kilodalton protein (p80) bearing the A3D8 antigen. Using a total of seven additional MoAbs that recognize three epitopes on erythrocyte p80, we have shown that In(Lu) Lu(a-b-) erythrocytes exhibit down-regulation of expression of all three epitopes. In(Lu) erythrocytes also showed a reduction in their reactivity to rabbit antibodies produced against purified p80 from either erythrocytes or lymphocytes. Furthermore the reactivity of the MoAbs was not altered by treatment of the cells with neuraminidase but was substantially reduced by treatment of cells with trypsin or chymotrypsin. The polyclonal anti-p80 sera were shown to react with a fragment of 50,000 daltons, still associated with erythrocyte ghosts, following treatment of the cells with trypsin or chymotrypsin. Treatment of erythrocytes with the thiol-reactive reagent AET decreased their reactivity with the MoAbs but had a variable effect on their reactivity with polyclonal antibodies. Erythrocyte p80 is a glycoprotein with N-linked oligosaccharides, as demonstrated by its binding to concanavalin A (Con A) and Len culinaris lectins. Following Endoglycosidase F treatment, erythrocyte p80 underwent a reduction in apparent mol wt of 11,000. The presence of a reduced amount of an intact p80 glycoprotein, seen by a decrease in reactivity with MoAbs directed at three distinct epitopes and with two different polyclonal antibodies, suggests that the In(Lu) gene interferes with expression by erythrocytes of the entire p80 glycoprotein.  相似文献   

The Ina and Inb antigens have recently been added to the list of diverse erythrocyte blood group antigens whose expression is down-regulated by the In(Lu) gene. Evidence has been provided that these antigens constitute polymorphisms of an erythrocyte glycoprotein previously defined by its reactivity with murine monoclonal antibodies, such as A3D8, and designated In(Lu)-related p80. This study has now confirmed the assignment of the Inb antigen to p80 and has further studied the relationship of the Inb epitope to other p80 epitopes recognized by both monoclonal antibodies as well as polyclonal antiserum produced against purified erythrocyte p80.  相似文献   

Lucas  MG; Green  AM; Telen  MJ 《Blood》1989,73(2):596-600
The In(Lu) gene has been shown previously to downregulate expression by erythrocytes and by a subset of leukocytes of an 80-Kd protein antigen defined by monoclonal antibody (MoAb) A3D8. A3D8 antibody has also been shown by inhibition studies to recognize a serum antigen; this serum antigen is present in reduced amount in serum from In(Lu) donors. The present study demonstrates that the serum antigen recognized by A3D8 antibody also resides on a protein similar in size to the protein present in erythrocyte membranes. Studies using chromatographically purified protein have further shown that this antigen shares many epitopes with that present in RBCs and is therefore likely to be extremely homologous or identical to the erythrocyte In(Lu)-related p80.  相似文献   

The present studies establish that there are specific, significant decreases in the neuronal calcium-binding protein (28-kDa calbindin-D) gene expression in aging and in neurodegenerative diseases. The specificity of the changes observed in calbindin mRNA levels was tested by reprobing blots with calmodulin, cyclophilin, and B-actin cDNAs. Gross brain regions of the aging rat exhibited specific, significant decreases (60-80%) in calbindin mRNA and protein levels in the cerebellum, corpus striatum, and brain-stem region but not in the cerebral cortex or hippocampus. Discrete areas of the aging human brain exhibited significant decreases (50-88%) in calbindin protein and mRNA in the cerebellum, corpus striatum, and nucleus basalis but not in the neocortex, hippocampus, amygdala, locus ceruleus, or nucleus raphe dorsalis. Comparison of diseased human brain tissue with age- and sex-matched controls yielded significant decreases (60-88%) in calbindin protein and mRNA in the substantia nigra (Parkinson disease), in the corpus striatum (Huntington disease), in the nucleus basalis (Alzheimer disease), and in the hippocampus and nucleus raphe dorsalis (Parkinson, Huntington, and Alzheimer diseases) but not in the cerebellum, neocortex, amygdala, or locus ceruleus. Since calbindin gene expression decreased specifically in brain areas known to be particularly affected in aging and in each of the neurodegenerative diseases, these findings suggest that decreased calbindin gene expression may lead to a failure of calcium buffering or intraneuronal calcium homeostasis, which contributes to calcium-mediated cytotoxic events during aging and in the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   

A human monoclonal anti-Rh(D) antibody produced by an Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-transformed B-cell line (IgG1(lambda), clone H2D5D2) has been purified on protein A-Sepharose column and used for binding studies and immune precipitation of the blood group rhesus (Rh) antigens. Scatchard plot analyses show that the 125I-labeled antibody (iodo-gen procedure), binds to 1.09 X 10(5), 0.43 X 10(5), and 0.32 X 10(5) antigen sites on each D--/D--, R2R2 and R1R1 RBC, respectively, with an association constant of approximately 0.6 X 10(8) mol/L-1. Immune precipitation studies indicate also that the Rh(D) antigen of the Rh(D)-positive RBCs is carried by a 29 kd polypeptide as deduced from sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS- PAGE). No material could be precipitated from Rh(D)-negative or Rhnull RBCs. These results indicate that the monoclonal and the polyclonal human anti-Rh(D) behave similarly. A sample (Blo., presumed genotype R2r or R0R2) showing an increased number of antigen sites (0.76 X 10(5)/cell) and a high binding constant (5.7 X 10(8) mol/L-1) was used, as well as D--/D-- RBCs, for further purification of the 29-kd component. Extraction by Triton X-100 (0.1% to 5%) of the immune complexes formed between the membrane-bound Rh(D) antigens and the monoclonal antibody as well as a direct quantitative estimate of the 29- kd component, suggest that the Rh(D) polypeptide is loosely bound to the skeleton, since less than or equal to 80% can be solubilized from the membrane. In similar conditions, glycophorin A showed a slight association with the Triton-insoluble residue, whereas glycophorin B was easily and completely extracted. In contrast, both the minor RBC sialoglycoproteins, glycophorin C and glycoprotein gamma, remained predominantly bound to the membrane skeleton. The purified Rh(D) polypeptide obtained from Blo. and D--/D-- RBCs by immunoprecipitation and preparative gel electrophoresis was homogenous as judged by SDS- PAGE. Amino acid composition indicated that the Rh(D) protein contained sulfhydryl groups which are essential for biological activity.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional tryptic and chymotryptic analyses of all the major bands in a sodium dodecyl sulfate/polyacrylamide gel of the human erythrocyte membrane show that each band has a characteristic map. However, band 2.1 (nomenclature of T. L. Steck) and several polypeptides below this band exhibit similar tryptic and chymotryptic peptide maps and thus appear to be a family of closely related proteins or degradation products. Furthermore, they all contain a subset of peptides that are accounted for by the peptides from two known spectrin-binding fragments. We show that both fragments derive from 2.1-related proteins and conclude that band 2.1 and its related proteins, which we name "syndeins", bind spectrin and connect it to the erythrocyte membrane.  相似文献   

Specific anti-human thymus xenoantiserum (ATS) was utilized for characterizing a human thymus antigen (HTA) preferentially expressed on human thymocytes. Binding of ATS with different cell types was studied by immunofluorescence and immunoperoxidase techniques, as well as by radioimmunoprecipitation (RIP) followed by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). ATS reacted selectively with the majority (87%) of human thymocytes among normal lymphoid cell populations tested. In the thymus, HTA was expressed largely on cortical thymocytes but not on those cells located in the thymic medulla. When 20 cases of different types of lymphatic leukemias were studied with ATS, HTA was found on acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells rosetting with sheep erythrocytes (T-ALL) but not on other lymphatic leukemia cases, including chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells rosetting with sheep red blood cells (T-CLL). SDS-PAGE analysis of immunoprecipitates formed between ATS and radiolabeled cell-surface components of human thymocytes demonstrated that ATS bound a 48,000-molecular-weight component that could be adsorbed to Sepharose 4B coupled with Lens culinaris hemagglutinin and could be labeled by periodate-tritiated borohydride, indicating that HTA is a sialoglycoprotein. Similar antigen molecules were also precipitated by ATS from T-ALL cells but not from other lymphatic leukemia cells. Five T-ALL-derived cell lines were tested with ATS by immunofluorescence and by RIP and SDS-PAGE, but only two cell lines (MOLT-3 and P12/Ich) possessed HTA molecules on their cell membrane.  相似文献   

L A Sung  S Chien  Y S Fan  C C Lin  K Lambert  L Zhu  J S Lam  L S Chang 《Blood》1992,79(10):2763-2770
Human protein 4.2 (P4.2) is a major membrane skeletal protein in erythrocytes. Individuals with P4.2 deficiency exhibit spherocytosis and experience various degrees of hemolytic anemia, suggesting a role for this protein in maintaining stability and integrity of the membrane. Molecular cloning of P4.2 cDNAs showed that P4.2 is a transglutaminaselike molecule in erythrocytes but lacks the essential cysteine for cross-linking activity. Two cDNA isoforms have been identified from a human reticulocyte cDNA library, with the long isoform containing a 90-base pair (bp) in-frame insertion encoding an extra 30 amino acids near the N-terminus. Characterization of the P4.2 gene suggests differential splicing as the mechanism for generating these two cDNA isoforms. The donor site for the short isoform (P4.2S) agrees better with the consensus than the donor site for the long isoform (P4.2L) does. Expression of P4.2L was detected by a long-isoform-specific antibody raised against a peptide within the 30-amino acid insert. Western blot analyses showed P4.2L to be a minor membrane skeletal protein in human erythrocytes with an apparent molecular weight (mol wt) of approximately 3 Kd larger than the major protein 4.2, P4.2S. By in situ hybridization of a full-length 2.4-kilobase (kb) cDNA to human metaphase chromosomes, the gene for P4.2 was mapped to bands q15-q21 of chromosome 15, and it is not linked to the gene for coagulation factor XIIIa (plasma transglutaminase, TGase).  相似文献   

S Benvenga 《Endocrinology》1989,124(3):1265-1269
We have identified a previously described 66K T4-binding protein as a lipoprotein composed of two molecules of apolipoprotein A-I, five of cholesteryl esters, nine of phosphatidylcholine, and two of sphingomyelin. This 68.4K high density lipoprotein (HDL) corresponds to the minor approximately 67K HDL subfraction that we recently demonstrated as binding most of the HDL-associated T4. Since we have recently found that lipids inhibit the binding of T4 to apolipoprotein A-I, the very low lipid content (16 mol/mol) of this 68K HDL relative to that (greater than 100 mol/mol) of high mol wt HDL subfractions may account for the preferential binding of T4 to the low mol wt subfraction.  相似文献   

Magowan  C; Coppel  RL; Lau  AO; Moronne  MM; Tchernia  G; Mohandas  N 《Blood》1995,86(8):3196-3204
During intraerythrocytic growth of Plasmodium falciparum, several parasite proteins are transported from the parasite to the erythrocyte membrane, where they bind to membrane skeletal proteins. Mature- parasite-infected erythrocyte surface antigen (MESA) has previously been shown to associate with host erythrocyte membrane skeletal protein 4.1. Using a spontaneous mutant of P falciparum that has lost the ability to synthesize MESA and 4.1-deficient erythrocytes, we examined growth of MESA(+) and MESA(-) parasites in normal and 4.1-deficient erythrocytes. Viability of MESA(+) parasites was reduced in 4.1- deficient erythrocytes as compared with that for normal erythrocytes, but MESA(-) parasites grew equally well in 4.1-deficient and normal erythrocytes. Cytoadherence of MESA(+)- and MESA (-)-parasitized normal and 4.1-deficient erythrocytes to C32 melanoma cells was similar, indicating that neither protein 4.1 nor MESA plays a major role in cytoadherence of infected erythrocytes. Localization of MESA in normal and 4.1-deficient erythrocytes was examined by confocal microscopy. MESA was diffusely distributed in the cytosol of 4.1-deficient erythrocytes but was membrane-associated in normal erythrocytes. These findings suggest that MESA binding to protein 4.1 plays a major role in intraerythrocytic parasite viability.  相似文献   

We have isolated a clone containing a gene fragment coding for a 64-kilodalton glycoprotein that is the major late antigen of human cytomegalovirus (HCMV). Based upon the amino acid sequence of a tryptic peptide of this glycoprotein (HCMVgp64), two sets of mixed-sequence probes, one consisting of a mixture of 16 heptadecadeoxyribonucleotides and the other a mixture of 32 icosadeoxyribonucleotides, were synthesized. A subgenomic library of HCMV (Towne strain) DNA was constructed in plasmid pBR327 and transformants were screened with 32P-labeled aliquots of these synthetic oligodeoxyribonucleotide probes. Two clones among 15,000 gave strong positive signals. Plasmid DNA was isolated from the positive clones and characterized by restriction mapping and Southern blot analysis using both probes. The plasmid DNA contained a 2.3-kilobase insert, which yielded an 800-base-pair and a 1500-base-pair fragment after Sau3A digestion. Only the 800-base-pair fragment hybridized to the mixed probes, and DNA sequence analysis revealed that it contains nucleotide sequences compatible with amino acid sequences of tryptic peptides of HCMVgp64. Restriction mapping studies of HCMV DNA using this 32P-labeled 800-base-pair cloned DNA have allowed us to locate this gene fragment in the long unique region of HCMV (Towne strain) genome at approximately equal to 0.5-0.51 map unit.  相似文献   

Ia antigens (class II HLA molecules) have been detected on cells eluted from affected human cartilage in certain disease states, but not on normal cartilage cells. Because the presence of Ia antigens on chondrocytes may play an important role in rheumatic diseases, we investigated the induction of these molecules by gamma-interferon (gamma-IFN), a potent Ia-inducing lymphokine. Human articular chondrocytes were incubated with recombinant gamma-IFN, and the expression of Ia antigens was studied by cell sorter analysis, using a panel of reagents that detect monomorphic and polymorphic specificities of the DR and DQ Ia antigen families. While the induction of DR antigens, including polymorphic DR specificities, was readily obtained with gamma-IFN (50-95% positive cells), DQ antigens were negative or were displayed only on a lower percentage of chondrocytes (5-60%). In addition, incubation with gamma-IFN led to an increased expression of HLA class I antigens. The expression of various other surface markers either remained unchanged (as in 4F2 and BA-2) or showed tendencies toward decreased percentages (as in 83c2) or increased percentages (as in M phi R-17). No apparent change in cell morphology or growth pattern was observed.  相似文献   

Udden  MM; Umeda  M; Hirano  Y; Marcus  DM 《Blood》1987,69(1):52-57
The In(Lu) phenotype is inherited as an autosomal dominant trait and is characterized by suppression of the Lutheran, P1, i, and Aua erythrocyte blood group antigens. We have developed a monoclonal antibody (L21) that strongly agglutinates all erythrocytes except In(Lu), and we have identified eight In(Lu) individuals among 42,000 blood donors tested. Studies of two families confirmed the dominant mode of inheritance and revealed several new features of this phenotype. The erythrocytes of all five affected individuals from the two families exhibited diminished hemagglutination by the lectin concanavalin A, although they reacted normally with several other lectins. The erythrocytes of two affected individuals in one family exhibited marked acanthocytosis. The erythrocytes of the proposita of the other family exhibited a mild degree of poikilocytosis, but the cells of the other two affected individuals in this family had normal morphology. The osmotic fragility of fresh In(Lu) erythrocytes was normal, but after incubation for 24 hours at 37 degrees C in plasma the In(Lu) cells exhibited a marked increase in resistance to osmotic lysis. During the incubation period the erythrocytes lost K+ and their total cation content was diminished. These data indicate that in addition to the suppression of blood group antigens noted previously, the In(Lu) phenotype includes a variety of morphological abnormalities and a defect in electrolyte metabolism. The use of L21 and similar monoclonal antibodies provides a more sensitive means of detecting In(Lu) erythrocytes than typing with human anti-Lub antisera.  相似文献   

Serum leukaemia-associated antigen (LAA) is identified as an oncofetal antigen (or antigens) since it is present in fetal liver and in amniotic fluid. Although it is mainly found in patients with proliferative haematological disorders, particularly acute leukaemias and chronic myelogenous leukaemia, LAA is occasionally present in sera from healthy people. In protein fractionation experiments, LAA behaves as a distinct population of molecules and has the characteristics of an alpha2-beta-globulin, not carrying any lipids. The origin of LAA in haematological disorders is unknown. Its presence does not correlate with high white blood cell count, although antibody to LAA has been raised in animals injected with blast cells from leukaemia patients. LAA is distinct from alpha-fetoprotein, and we have observed a reaction of immunological non-identity between LAA and ferritin. This is of considerable interest since ferritin has been reported to be immunologically closely related to alpha2H-globulin which may occur in the same categories of patients as LAA. It is preliminary concluded that LAA as defined by our antisera may be different from alpha2H-globulin and ferritin.  相似文献   

Tubulointerstitial nephritis antigen (TIN-ag) is an extracellular matrix protein and is expressed in the renal tubular basement membranes. Its role in metanephric development was investigated. TIN-ag cDNA, isolated from the newborn mouse library, had an ORF of 1,425 nucleotides, a putative signal sequence, and an ATP/GTP-binding site. The translated sequence had approximately 80% identity with rabbit TIN-ag. Among various tissues, TIN-ag mRNA was primarily expressed in the newborn kidney. In the embryonic metanephros, TIN-ag expression was confined to the distal convolution or pole of the S-shaped body, the segment of the nascent nephron that is the progenitor of renal tubules. Treatment with TIN-ag antisense oligodeoxynucleotide induced dysmorphogenesis of the embryonic metanephroi, malformation of the S-shaped body, and a decrease in the tubular population, whereas the glomeruli were unaffected. Treatment also led to a decrease of TIN-Ag mRNA, de novo synthesis of TIN-ag protein, and its antibody reactivity. The mRNA expression of glomerular epithelial protein 1 (a marker for renal podocytes), anti-heparan-sulfate-proteoglycan antibody reactivity, and wheat germ agglutinin lectin staining of the metanephros were unaffected. The anti-TIN-ag antibody treatment also caused deformation of the S-shaped body and a reduction in the tubular population, whereas the glomeruli were unchanged. The data suggest that the TIN-ag, unlike other basement membrane proteins, selectively regulates tubulogenesis, whereas glomerulogenesis is largely unaffected.  相似文献   

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