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We present a case of pancreatic leiomyosarcoma with liver metastasisdiagnosed by liver tumor biopsy. A 66-year-old man had a pancreatictumor and hepatic tumors, which were hypoechoic and mixed echoicon ultrasonography, respectively. They were stained in enhancedcomputed tomography and angiography. A fine needle aspirationbiopsy of the liver tumor was performed, and the pathologicalexamination of the biopsied specimen suggested the tumor cellsto have originated from smooth muscle. Under a diagnosis ofpancreatic leiomyosarcoma with liver metastasis, the patientwas treated with several anticancer agents. The tumor, however,spread to multiple organs and he dies of the disease two yearsnine months after the start of treatment. The diagnosis of pancreaticleiomyosarcoma was confirmed by autopsy.  相似文献   

Two patients with left coronary artery to pulmonary artery fistula are described and the literature is briefly reviewed.  相似文献   

Radionuclide angiocardiographic features of aneurysm of the main pulmonary artery is described. Both dynamic and static radionuclide examination demonstrated the aneurysm well. Radionuclide angiocardiography is a simple, safe, rapid and non-invasive procedure in the differentiation of pulmonary artery aneurysms from other mediastinal masses.  相似文献   

目的:总结天津医科大学附属肿瘤医院头颈科1979年~2002年间对颈部肿瘤固定于颈动脉的患者施行不血管重建的颈动脉切除术31例的经验.方法:对颈部肿瘤固定于颈动脉的患者自1979年施行首例不血管重建的颈动脉切除术成功以来,至2002年4月共行此术31例,其中男17例,女14例,年龄14~58岁,以21~40岁最多,共21例,占67.8%.31例中包括颈动脉体瘤23例(恶性8例),迷走神经体瘤2例(恶性1例),颈动脉瘤4例,颈部转移癌累及颈动脉2例.31例中,曾接受肿瘤不全切除术22例.术前行颈动脉压迫锻炼,准确检测脑代偿供血合格后.行肿瘤合并颈动脉切除术.结果:31例患者无手术死亡,无术后脑血管并发症.死于肿瘤未控制3例:其中1例恶性颈动脉体瘤术后1年因远处转移死亡,2例转移癌术后2~5年死于癌复发及远处转移.28例术后6~29年均健在,5年生存率为90.3%.健在28例痛例中未出现脑供血不全表现,预后良好.结论:不血管重建的肿瘤合并颈动脉切除术是安全可行的.另外,较合并血管重建术具以下优点:①因不考虑血管重建,肿瘤切除应更较彻底;②术后甚少产生血栓、感染或致命性血管破裂出血等并发症;③如需术后放疗,可无顾虑;④术式更加简化.  相似文献   

 目的 探讨原发性肺平滑肌肉瘤的临床特点、诊断和外科治疗 ,以进一步提高其治愈效果。方法 回顾性总结我院 1990~ 2 0 0 3年收治原发性平滑肌肉瘤 7例结合文献报道对其临床表现、影像学表现、手术治疗方法和预后进行分析。结果 无手术死亡 ,术后随访死亡 2例 ,其余仍健在。结论 手术切除是治疗原发性肺平滑肌肉瘤的有效的方法 ,肿瘤的大小、局部受侵程度、癌细胞未分化程度与预后明显相关  相似文献   

Two cases of isolated unilateral absence of a pulmonary artery and one case of unilateral hypoplasia of a pulmonary artery are reported. The embryology, clinical features and radiological findings are discussed. In particular, the importance of the plain chest radiograph in the diagnosis is stressed. The interesting finding, on barium swallow, of pseudodiverticula of the oesophagus due to extrinsic pressure produced by anastomotic vessels is described for the first time.  相似文献   

Approximately 2400 people were diagnosed with leiomyosarcoma in 2004 in the US. This rare tumor of connective tissue is clinically subdivided into uterine and nonuterine leiomyosarcoma. No predisposing factors are known, and presentation is usually related to mass involvement and intrusion of adjacent structures. Tissue obtained for the initial diagnosis should be of sufficient quantity to evaluate the grade of the tumor, and a full work-up for the extent of disease must include chest, abdomen, and pelvic imaging. For localized disease, the standard of care remains limited to surgical excision. Radiation therapy can be considered for larger tumors and/or positive margins if anatomically feasible. Adjuvant chemotherapy has not been proven to be effective and remains investigational. Treatment for metastatic disease is palliative. Active agents include doxorubicin, ifosfamide, gemcitabine, and docetaxel. The last two agents in combination have recently been shown to be highly active in uterine leiomyosarcoma in the metastatic setting and are now being further pursued at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (New York, NY, USA) in both the adjuvant uterine leiomyosarcoma setting and in the nonuterine leiomyosarcoma metastatic setting. Patients diagnosed with leiomyosarcoma should be referred to specialty sarcoma centers and encouraged to participate in clinical trials.  相似文献   


Thromboembolic events are a common and important cause of morbidity and mortality in cancer patients that require early diagnosis and treatment. Reports have suggested that chemotherapeutic agents may contribute to this risk. In this case report, a 60-year-old male patient on chemotherapy (dacar-bazine and doxorubicin) for leiomyosarcoma with no previous history of throm-boembolism developed left carotid artery thrombosis 3 days after the first cycle of chemotherapy. A low molecular weight heparin was started for a possible cerebrovascular accident-related thrombosis. In the second cycle, he developed right femoral vein thrombosis only 2 days after initiating the chemotherapy. The chemotherapy protocol was changed and the patient did not develop any thrombosis during the 1-year follow-up. In the literature, no thrombotic complications have previously been reported due to either dacarbazine or doxorubicin. In conclusion, elderly patients on chemotherapy should be carefully monitored for thromboembolic complications and, in case of thrombosis, the chemotherapy protocol should be changed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE To explore the application of blocking the unilateral main pulmonary artery (MPA) in pulmonary lobectomy (PL) for patients with stage Ⅱand Ⅲ lung cancer, and to retrospectively analyze the methods of surgery for blocking the unilateral main pulmonary artery, perioperative indications, intraoperative concerns and postoperative cardio-pulmonary complications. METHODS During a period from January 2006 to January 2008, intra-pericardial, or extra-pericardial separation and blockade of the left or right MPA followed by completion of various PLs were conducted for 30 lung cancer patients in stage-Ⅱ to Ⅲ with ill- defined anatomic structure of the pulmonary hilum and difficult pulmonary angiodiastasis.RESULTS In the 30 patients, 5 were diagnosed as stage-Ⅱb, 11 stage-Ⅲa, and 14 stage-Ⅲb. During the surgery, giant tumors at the superior pulmonary lobe, with a diameter of over 10 cm, were seen in 13 cases, in which tumor invasion in the extra-pericardiac pulmonary artery was found in 5 cases. Hilar lymphadenectasis with severe tumor adhesion to pulmonary blood vessel could be seen in 20 cases and partial tumorous invasion in the pericardium in 7. In most of the cases, adhesions existed around the tumor, aorta, superior vena, and azygous vein. Invasion of the laryngeal and vagus nerves on the left side was found in 3 cases. Of the 30 patients, simple PL was conducted in 12, and sleeve lobectomy combined with a pulmonary arterioplasty in 18 cases. With a blockade of unilateral MPA, no intraoperative hemorrhea of pulmonary blood vessels occurred during surgery, when there was a clear surgical field of vision. Both PL and lymphadenectomy were smoothly completed in the 30 patients. The healthy pulmonary lobes with normal function were kept and total pneumonectomy was avoided. The time of blocking the pulmonary artery ranged from 10 to 30 min, and intraoperative blood loss was from 200 to 300 ml. Postoperative complicated acute pulmonary edema occurred in 5 patients and tachycardia in 7 cases. Nevertheless, all patients recovered and left the hospital after treatment. No severe cardiopulmonary complications were found in all patients of the group.CONCLUSION Blocking the unilateral MPA is effective to decrease the risk of intraoperative hemorrhea in the PL. It can shorten the time of surgery, improve the excision rate of lung cancer, and cut down on the rate of total pneumonectomy.  相似文献   

目的:探讨阻断单侧肺动脉主干在Ⅱ~Ⅲ期肺癌患者行肺叶切除中的应用.回顾分析肺动脉阻断的手术方法、适应证、术中注意事项及术后心肺并发症.方法:2006年1月至2008年1月对昆明医学院第三附属医院30例肺门解剖结构不清、肺血管分离困难的Ⅱ~Ⅲ期肺癌患者,先于心包内或心包外游离并阻断左(右)肺动脉主干,再按不同方法完成各种肺叶切除术.结果:30例患者中Ⅱ b期5例,Ⅲa期11例.Ⅲb期14例.术中见肺上叶巨大肿瘤13例(直径>10cm),其中心包外肺动脉被肿瘤侵犯5例;肺门淋巴结广泛肿大并与肺血管严重粘连20例;肿瘤组织部分侵犯心包7例;大部分病例肿瘤组织不同程度与主动脉、上腔静脉、奇静脉粘连;3例已侵犯左侧喉返神经和迷走神经.30例患者行单纯肺叶切除12例,肺叶袖状切除并肺动脉成形术18例.在单侧肺动脉主干阻断下,术中未出现肺血管大出血,手术视野清晰,30例患者均顺利完成肺叶切除及淋巴结清扫,保留了健康有功能的肺叶,避免了全肺切除,肺动脉阻断时间为10~30min.术中失血200~300ml.术后并发急性肺水肿5例,心动过速7例,经治疗均痊愈出院,全组无严重心肺并发症.结论:阻断单侧肺动脉主干行肺叶切除可有效预防术中大出血,缩短手术时间,并可提高肺癌切除率,降低全肺切除率.  相似文献   

肺癌组织内肺动脉灌注血管立体构筑   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
目的:为探讨肺癌介入治疗宜采用的动脉,研究肺癌组织内肺动脉的立体构筑。方法:5 例手术切除肺癌标本应用10 % ABS丙酮液从肺动脉高压灌注进行肿瘤血管铸型,并在立体显微镜下观察肺癌组织肺动脉立体构筑。78 例支气管动脉造影资料进行回顾性分析。光学显微镜下观察肺癌组织内毛细血管床。结果:按动脉分布,肺癌组织可分为三个不同区带:支气管动脉主要供应肺癌的中心区;肺癌外带肺动脉相对密集,呈向心直行并互相吻合;癌周组织带有粗大纡曲走行的动脉,向肺癌组织内或包膜内延伸。结论:证实肺动脉参与肺癌供血。认为晚期肺癌单纯支气管动脉灌注化疗(BAI)中,宜辅以肺动脉灌注化疗(PAI)。  相似文献   

肺动脉重建在肺癌切除术中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张国良  刘军 《中国肿瘤临床》1998,25(10):729-731
1993年7月~1997年5月间,在17例肺癌患者手术中进行了肺动脉切除和重建。肺动脉袖状切除12例,侧壁切除5例。同时作总支气管袖状切除10例,楔形切除2例,残端成形1例,上叶支气管移位吻合2例。1例双袖状右上中联合肺叶切除后,又切断下肺静脉。下叶肺置于肝素溶液中(12500U/500mlNS),15min后将下肺静脉移植于上叶静脉残端,再作支气管、肺动脉吻合。随访1~44个月,无手术近期死亡。术后13个月死于心肺衰竭1例,12、17、18、19个月各有1例死于肿瘤复发,余12例生存良好,最长存活44个月。作者认为当肿瘤或(及)肿大淋巴结环绕肺动脉或其分支起始部时,则应行肺动脉切除和重建,其必要性和可行性均在术中确定。双袖状右上中肺联合肺叶切除术中,当总支气管或肺动脉切除过长时可将下肺静脉移植于上肺静脉残端以缓解吻合口张力,作者主张围手术期应行抗凝治疗。  相似文献   

崔芬芬  李元敏  宋兵 《肿瘤学杂志》2020,26(10):914-917
肺动脉肉瘤是一种极其罕见的肺血管系统恶性肿瘤,常起源于肺动脉内膜,其病因及发病机制不明。患者的临床表现、实验室及影像学检查常无明显特异性,故诊断难度大,常误诊为急慢性肺栓塞。CT肺动脉造影及MRI检查对肺动脉肉瘤的诊断有重要意义。当患者临床表现与影像学表现不符,溶栓治疗无效时,应高度警惕本病可能,其最终诊断需组织病理学检查。肺动脉内膜剥脱术、肺切除术等外科手术治疗可以改善患者的临床症状并延长患者的生存期,术后辅以放化疗可以增加存活率,但整体预后欠佳。  相似文献   

Pulmonary artery sarcoma is a rare tumor of the cardiovascular system. We reported a case of primary pulmonary artery sarcoma. In this case, the patient was misdiagnosed with tuberculosis for nearly 1 year and diagnosed by contrast-enhanced computed tomography and histopathologic examination at last.  相似文献   

Primary testicular leiomyosarcoma is an uncommon tumor with only few cases described in literature. In young people this rare tumor seems to be related to radiotherapy and anabolic steroids abuse. In older people there are apparently no risk factors. We describe one further case in a 77-years old man with full histological and ultrastructural evaluation. A short term follow-up of one year signals no recurrence of the disease.  相似文献   

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