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星状病毒分为禽星状病毒属和哺乳动物星状病毒属,蝙蝠星状病毒属哺乳动物星状病毒属。蝙蝠感染星状病毒并不表现临床症状,但是近年来的研究显示出星状病毒具有流行广泛性、宿主和基因多样性的特点。而蝙蝠作为唯一能飞行并且携带多种人兽共患病病毒的哺乳动物,研究其星状病毒的流行情况及人兽共患潜力变得尤为重要,本综述就近年来蝙蝠中星状病毒相关研究及星状病毒中存在的人兽共患潜力进行综述,为后续星状病毒的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

小兽体表寄生虫(蚤、虱、蜱和螨)构成了特殊复杂的体表寄生虫群落,这些体表寄生虫除了通过骚扰、刺螯、吸血和寄生等方式危害人体外,还可作为储存宿主(小兽)携带虫媒传染病和人兽共患病,传播给小兽并引起烈性传染病,目前已发现30多种虫媒传染病与体表寄生虫有关.该文综述了小兽体表寄生虫与疾病关系的研究.  相似文献   

蝙蝠是一些重要病毒的自然储存宿主。2010-2015年调查研究表明,云南省蝙蝠中广泛存在SARS样冠状病毒(SARS-like CoV)和其它多种类型冠状病毒(α-CoV和β-CoV)的自然感染,还从蝙蝠中分离或检测到新的呼肠孤病毒(Reovirus)、轮状病毒(Rotavirus)、肝炎病毒(Orthohepadnavirus)、丝状病毒(Filovirus)、副粘病毒(Paramyxovirus)、腺病毒(Adenovirus)、博卡病毒(Bocavirus)和圆形病毒(Circovirus)。本文对云南省自然界蝙蝠携带重要人兽共患病相关病毒病原的研究进展及其公共卫生意义做一综述。  相似文献   

人兽共患病是一类可从脊椎动物向人类自然传播的传染性疾病,全球已知有200余种人兽共患病,60%的新发传染病为人兽共患病;每年全球有10亿人兽共患病病例、数以百万人死于人兽共患病。但由于气候变化、国际旅行、城市化、动物迁徙、病原体变异等诸多自然、社会、经济及生物因素的影响,大量新发和再现人兽共患病依然严重威胁人类健康。加强人兽共患病防控的前提是对人兽共患病致病机制的阐释和实现疾病早期诊断。代谢组学是系统生物学的重要分支之一,已被用于人兽共患病研究领域,用于阐明病原体-宿主互作关系、筛选诊断标志物和药物靶标、探索药物作用机制等。本文主要就代谢组学及其主要研究方法以及代谢组学在寄生虫性、病毒学、立克次体性和支原体性人兽共患病研究中的进展作一综述。  相似文献   

果蝠与人类(新现)病毒性疾病   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
蝙蝠是多种人兽共患疾病病毒的储存宿主,迄今为止,在蝙蝠体内分离到80多种病毒。目前研究发现有25个病毒科能够感染脊椎动物,其中有10个科和蝙蝠有关,主要是RNA病毒与蝙蝠有关,在感染脊椎动物的16个RNA病毒科中,至少有9个科可感染蝙蝠,如罗斯河病毒(Ross River virus.RRV)、乙型脑炎病毒、西尼罗河病毒(West Nile Virus,WN)、狂犬病毒(rabies)等。在众多的蝙蝠科中,  相似文献   

本期《新发传染病》(Emerging infectious diseases)人兽共患病专辑中关于狂犬病和马尔堡病毒的文章阐释了一个共同的主题,讨论了严重影响人类健康的人兽共患病,而且它们还有一个共同的宿主-蝙蝠。这些文章以及今年9月8日“世界狂犬病日”备受关注,提醒人们全球化是如何影响了世界范围内的动物贸易。世界范围内的动物流动增加了人兽共患病疫源地变化的可能性,  相似文献   

小核糖核酸病毒作为重要的感染性病原体,其在基因突变和重组的驱动下表现出高度的遗传变异性,可感染从低等脊椎动物到哺乳动物等多种宿主,包括人类、非人灵长类动物、啮齿动物、蝙蝠、鸟类等。近年来,由新发病毒引起的人兽共患病受到公共卫生领域的广泛关注。鉴于小核糖核酸病毒种类的高度多样性,许多新发现的病毒属于小核糖核酸病毒科(Picornaviridae)的家族成员。目前,与人类疾病相关的小核糖核酸病毒在人群中的流行情况及其遗传多样性特征已有一定的研究基础。本文围绕小核糖核酸病毒的分子生物学特征、分类学以及可能引起人兽共患病的病毒属等进行综述,为进一步开展小核糖核酸病毒感染的预防控制和科学研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

蝙蝠属于翼手目,是哺乳动物的第二大类,包含1 200多种类,全球分布广泛。随着SARS-CoV-2病毒大流行也被认为可能起源于蝙蝠,其作为许多重要的人畜共患病病原体的宿主受到备受关注。引起人类高致死率的流行病的大多数病毒是源于野生动物的人畜共患病,其中包括有丝状病毒(马尔堡病毒、埃博拉病毒)、冠状病毒(SARS、MERS)、亨德拉尼帕病毒属(亨德拉病毒、尼帕病毒),它们具有RNA病毒的共同特征。随着第二代测序技术的发展,自2009年后新发现的蝙蝠病毒就超过60余种。蝙蝠具有长途迁徙和喜群居的特性,近年来环境变化和森林砍伐严重影响了许多生态系统,加剧了野生动物与人类的接触,这些因素也使得蝙蝠所携带的病毒对人类构成了潜在威胁。了解和掌握野生动物所携带的病原谱对于预防和控制疾病的发生具有重要公共卫生意义。本文针对近年来研究发现的蝙蝠携带的重要病原进展进行综述。  相似文献   

新发人兽共患病及其预防控制策略   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
半个世纪以来新发疾病在全球不断增长,重要的新发疾病给人留下了深刻印象,如:西尼罗河病毒和猴痘病毒在北美出现,SARS和禽流感在全球肆虐。每一次事件既留下教训,也积累了经验。几乎所有这些新发疾病都涉及人兽共患病原体,病原体寄生在脊椎动物或节肢动物,并形成了生活周期,但还没有在人类建立永久的生活周期,人不是它的自然宿主,所以病原体主要从动物传染给人。少数新发疾病是病原体跨越物种屏障传播的传染病,病原体早已在动物宿主内形成生活周期,但后来在人类也建立了新的生活周期,因而其传播不再依赖动物宿主。世界卫生组织定义的人兽共患病是指那些可在非人类脊椎动物和人类之间传播的感染性疾病。新出现的人兽共患病是指那些新认识的,或者以前已经出现,但发病率不断升高,或者流行地区、宿主和媒介范围不断扩大的人兽共患病。根据已有的疾病生态学知识,新发人兽共患病还会继续增加。如何应对下一次突发人兽共患病事件是摆在我们面前的重要课题。  相似文献   

正P1446孟加拉国人群、蝙蝠、树木和饮食习惯对尼帕病毒传播的影响//Emily S.Gurley,Sonia T.Hegde,Kamal Hossain,等预防新型人兽共患病病毒的决定因素是人类对感染风险的了解。尼帕病毒是一种致命性人兽共患病的病原,从蝙蝠传入人类,但其人间传播力有限。我们对孟加拉国不同地理环境的生态和人群饮食行为进行调查,从而评估尼帕病毒感染的风险。2011-2013年,我们调查了60个有尼帕病毒感染的村庄  相似文献   

近年新发的传染病中约半数以上属于人兽共患病,其对人类健康、社会经济发展造成严重威胁。由于环境变化及人类生活习惯的改变,人兽共患病从传播链、传播方式及临床表现方面发生了一些新的变化,使得许多人兽共患病如布鲁菌病、恙虫病、脑弓形虫病、狂犬病、隐孢子虫病等容易被误诊。正确认识人兽共患病宿主及病原谱,了解当地地理、气候情况及疾病表现多样性,重视流行病学资料,可降低误诊率。  相似文献   

Alphaviruses (Togaviridae) are arthropod-borne viruses responsible for several emerging diseases, maintained in nature through transmission between hematophagous arthropod vectors and susceptible vertebrate hosts. Although bats harbor many species of viruses, their role as reservoir hosts in emergent zoonoses has been verified only in a few cases. With bats being the second most diverse order of mammals, their implication in arbovirus infections needs to be elucidated. Reports on arbovirus infections in bats are scarce, especially in South American indigenous species. In this work, we report the genomic detection and identification of two different alphaviruses in oral swabs from bats captured in Northern Uruguay. Phylogenetic analysis identified Río Negro virus (RNV) in two different species: Tadarida brasiliensis (n = 6) and Myotis spp. (n = 1) and eastern equine encephalitis virus (EEEV) in Myotis spp. (n = 2). Previous studies of our group identified RNV and EEEV in mosquitoes and horse serology, suggesting that they may be circulating in enzootic cycles in our country. Our findings reveal that bats can be infected by these arboviruses and that chiropterans could participate in the viral natural cycle as virus amplifiers or dead-end hosts. Further studies are warranted to elucidate the role of these mammals in the biological cycle of these alphaviruses in Uruguay.  相似文献   

Tony Schountz 《Viruses》2014,6(12):4880-4901
Bats are reservoir hosts of several high-impact viruses that cause significant human diseases, including Nipah virus, Marburg virus and rabies virus. They also harbor many other viruses that are thought to have caused disease in humans after spillover into intermediate hosts, including SARS and MERS coronaviruses. As is usual with reservoir hosts, these viruses apparently cause little or no pathology in bats. Despite the importance of bats as reservoir hosts of zoonotic and potentially zoonotic agents, virtually nothing is known about the host/virus relationships; principally because few colonies of bats are available for experimental infections, a lack of reagents, methods and expertise for studying bat antiviral responses and immunology, and the difficulty of conducting meaningful field work. These challenges can be addressed, in part, with new technologies that are species-independent that can provide insight into the interactions of bats and viruses, which should clarify how the viruses persist in nature, and what risk factors might facilitate transmission to humans and livestock.  相似文献   

Poxviruses are important pathogens of man and numerous domestic and wild animal species. Cross species (including zoonotic) poxvirus infections can have drastic consequences for the recipient host. Bats are a diverse order of mammals known to carry lethal viral zoonoses such as Rabies, Hendra, Nipah, and SARS. Consequent targeted research is revealing bats to be infected with a rich diversity of novel viruses. Poxviruses were recently identified in bats and the settings in which they were found were dramatically different. Here, we review the natural history of poxviruses in bats and highlight the relationship of the viruses to each other and their context in the Poxviridae family. In addition to considering the zoonotic potential of these viruses, we reflect on the broader implications of these findings. Specifically, the potential to explore and exploit this newfound relationship to study coevolution and cross species transmission together with fundamental aspects of poxvirus host tropism as well as bat virology and immunology.  相似文献   

PURPOSE OF REVIEW: In China, close contacts between humans and food animals have resulted in the transmission of many microbes from animals to humans. The two most notable infectious diseases in recent years are severe acute respiratory syndrome and avian influenza. In this review, these two severe zoonotic viral infections transmitted by the respiratory route, with pandemic potential, are used as models to illustrate the role of Chinese wet-markets in their emergence, amplification and dissemination. RECENT FINDINGS: Two research groups independently discovered the presence of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-like viruses in horseshoe bats. An astonishing diversity of coronaviruses was also discovered in different species of bats. For the recent and still ongoing avian influenza H5N1 outbreak that originated in Southeast Asia, from 2003 to 21 April 2006, 204 humans have been infected, with 113 deaths. Most patients had recent direct contacts with poultry. SUMMARY: In Chinese wet-markets, unique epicenters for transmission of potential viral pathogens, new genes may be acquired or existing genes modified through various mechanisms such as genetic reassortment, recombination and mutation. The wet-markets, at closer proximity to humans, with high viral burden or strains of higher transmission efficiency, facilitate transmission of the viruses to humans.  相似文献   

Bats of the genus Pteropus have been identified as the reservoir hosts for the henipaviruses Hendra virus (HeV) and Nipah virus (NiV). The aim of these studies was to assess likely mechanisms for henipaviruses transmission from bats. In a series of experiments, Pteropus bats from Malaysia and Australia were inoculated with NiV and HeV, respectively, by natural routes of infection. Despite an intensive sampling strategy, no NiV was recovered from the Malaysian bats and HeV was reisolated from only one Australian bat; no disease was seen. These experiments suggest that opportunities for henipavirus transmission may be limited; therefore, the probability of a spillover event is low. For spillover to occur, a range of conditions and events must coincide. An alternate assessment framework is required if we are to fully understand how this reservoir host maintains and transmits not only these but all viruses with which it has been associated.  相似文献   

Zoonotic diseases are infectious diseases of humans caused by pathogens that are shared between humans and other vertebrate animals. Previously, pristine natural areas with high biodiversity were seen as likely sources of new zoonotic pathogens, suggesting that biodiversity could have negative impacts on human health. At the same time, biodiversity has been recognized as potentially benefiting human health by reducing the transmission of some pathogens that have already established themselves in human populations. These apparently opposing effects of biodiversity in human health may now be reconcilable. Recent research demonstrates that some taxa are much more likely to be zoonotic hosts than others are, and that these animals often proliferate in human-dominated landscapes, increasing the likelihood of spillover. In less-disturbed areas, however, these zoonotic reservoir hosts are less abundant and nonreservoirs predominate. Thus, biodiversity loss appears to increase the risk of human exposure to both new and established zoonotic pathogens. This new synthesis of the effects of biodiversity on zoonotic diseases presents an opportunity to articulate the next generation of research questions that can inform management and policy. Future studies should focus on collecting and analyzing data on the diversity, abundance, and capacity to transmit of the taxa that actually share zoonotic pathogens with us. To predict and prevent future epidemics, researchers should also focus on how these metrics change in response to human impacts on the environment, and how human behaviors can mitigate these effects. Restoration of biodiversity is an important frontier in the management of zoonotic disease risk.  相似文献   

血吸虫病是广泛流行于热带和亚热带地区的一种人兽共患病,也是WHO规划消除的重要传染病之一。该病病原血吸虫的种间杂交已成为一种新的公共卫生问题,引起了广泛关注。血吸虫为雌雄异体的复殖吸虫,其种群繁多、分布区域重叠,不同种血吸虫尾蚴感染同一宿主后,异种童虫在宿主体内雌雄合抱,杂交后可形成新的杂交虫株。优势杂交虫株的产生及其生物学特性如对宿主选择性、生殖力及感染力等改变,势必导致其种群演化、分布区域、流行模式及对人和动物的致病性变化,从而对正在实施中的全球血吸虫病消除规划产生影响。本文就血吸虫种间杂交的研究进展作一综述。  相似文献   

Bats are the most abundant and most widely distributed mammals on the Earth after humans. Except Antarctica and some small remote islands, they are prevalent worldwide. Although the actual role played by bats as reservoir or in disseminating zoonoses is still enigmatic a multitude of zoonotic diseases are known to be associated with bats. Such diseases including viral, bacterial, parasitic, fungal and rickettsial diseases, reported from all over the world including India have been briefed in this article as an informative approach because dramatically increased and diversified human activities during the last few decades perturbing natural ecosystems are enough to compel public health personnel to have an investigative look at these flying mammals.  相似文献   

Although antileptospiral antibodies and leptospiral DNA have been detected in Australian fruit bats, the role of such bats as infectious hosts for the leptospires found in rodents and humans remains unconfirmed. A cohort-design, replicated survey was recently conducted in Far North Queensland, Australia, to determine if the abundance and leptospiral status of rodents were affected by association with colonies of fruit bats (Pteropus conspicillatus spp.) via rodent contact with potentially infectious fruit-bat urine. In each of four study areas, a 'colony site' that included a fruit-bat colony and the land within 1500 m of the colony was compared with a 'control site' that held no fruit-bat colonies and was >2000 m from the nearest edge of the colony site. Rodents were surveyed, for a total of 2400 trap-nights, over six sampling sessions between September 2007 and September 2008. A low abundance of rodents but a high carriage of leptospires in the rodents present were found to be associated with proximity to a fruit-bat colony. For example, means of 0·4 and 2·3 fawn-footed melomys (Melomys cervinipes) were collected/100 trap-nights at sites with and without fruit-bat colonies, respectively (P<0·001), but the corresponding prevalences of leptospiral carriage were 100% and 3·6% (P<0·001). Such trends were consistent across all of the sampling sessions but not across all of the sampling sites. Leptospires were not isolated from fruit bats by culture, and the role of such bats in the transmission of leptospires to rodents cannot be confirmed. The data collected do, however, indicate the existence of a potential pathway for transmission of leptospires from fruit bats to rodents, via rodent contact with infectious fruit-bat urine. Fruit bats may possibly be involved in the ecology of leptospires (including emergent serovars), as disseminators of pathogens to rodent populations. Stringent quantitative risk analysis of the present and similar data, to explore their implications in terms of disease prevalence and wildlife population dynamics, is recommended.  相似文献   

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