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目的:探讨颞骨高分辨率CT(HRCT)在胆脂瘤型中耳炎中的诊断价值。方法:回顾性总结1995年1月至1999年12月本院收治的胆脂瘤型中耳炎患者316例(330耳)。术前均按常规进行颞骨HRCT扫描,再经术中显微镜下探查,记录病变结果与HRCT表现进行对比分析,以探讨HRCT的诊断价值。结果:盾板、鼓室及彭窦天盖骨质缺损、乙状窦骨板骨质缺损等的术前HRCT与手术符合率100%。而神经骨管骨质缺损,水平半规管骨壁破坏的符合率分别为66.7%和78.9%。软组织占位符合率为100%,但是90%为胆脂瘤与肉芽混合型;听小骨受侵符合率为95%。结论:颞骨高分辨率CT对胆脂瘤型中耳炎的诊断,尤其对判定骨质缺损的范围与部位,制定手术方案和预估治疗效果,具有重要的指导意义。但CT诊断仍有其局限性,不能取代临床检查。  相似文献   

患者男,16岁。右耳流脓1年,伴听力下降,在当地医院拍乳突许麦氏位片,颞骨CT显示在耳正常,右乳突硬化型,蜂房含气少,乳突腔内可见一软组织影,CT增强后病灶强化,大小约1.2×1.5cm,CT值87.7Hu,印象:右乳突占位性病变,考虑为明脂瘤型中耳炎。转入我院后,检查见右鼓膜松弛部穿孔,穿孔处有脓痴覆盖。纯青测听左耳听力正常,右耳传导性聋,AC达65dB,阅CT片示:右乳突占位性病变与外耳道后壁相临,从不同层面上看,占位性病变与乙状窦走向相同,考虑为乙状窦前位(附图),入院诊断为胆脂瘤型中耳炎,右乙状窦前位。于1996年…  相似文献   

目的:探讨颞骨高分辨率CT(HRCT)和咽鼓管功能检查对胆脂瘤型中耳炎患者术前咽鼓管鼓室口病变的诊断价值。方法:回顾性分析38例(41耳)胆脂瘤型中耳炎患者术前颞骨HRCT扫描和咽鼓管功能综合测试仪检查结果,并与术中显微镜下探查咽鼓管鼓室口处病变情况进行对比分析。结果:颞骨HRCT发现咽鼓管鼓室口软组织占位影34耳;术中发现鼓室口病变32耳,其中为肉芽组织22耳和胆脂瘤4耳,脓团堵塞3耳,鼓室口周围黏膜肥厚肿胀2耳,黏膜粘连闭锁1耳。咽鼓管功能障碍37耳,其中为阻塞型32耳,闭锁不全型5耳。结论:对胆脂瘤型中耳炎患者术前进行颞骨HRCT扫描和咽鼓管功能检查,对术中有目的地处理咽鼓管鼓室口的病变,制定手术方案和预估治疗效果具有重要意义。  相似文献   

螺旋CT在胆脂瘤型中耳炎诊断中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的:探讨颞骨螺旋CT在胆脂瘤型中耳炎诊断中的作用。方法:回顾性分析经手术及病理证实的104例胆脂瘤型中耳炎患者的CT资料,将手术结果与CT表现进行对比分析。结果:螺旋CT能清楚地显示起源部位不同和大小不等的胆脂瘤的软组织影充填征象及引起的中耳系统细微的骨质破坏征象。术前CT诊断骨壁受侵101耳,而术中发现为90耳,平均符合率为89.1%;术前CT显示胆脂瘤在中耳系统充填部位为108耳,与手术结果平均符合率为94.4%;术前CT诊断听骨链受侵为234耳,而术中证实为209耳,平均符合率为89.3%。结论:螺旋CT对胆脂瘤型中耳炎的诊断,尤其对判定骨质破坏的范围和软组织充填的部位,制定手术方案和评估治疗效果,具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

目的分析鼓室导抗图和颞骨CT检查对分泌性中耳炎鼓室积液的诊断价值。方法回顾性分析150例(260耳)慢性分泌性中耳炎患者的临床资料,以术中发现鼓室积液为金标准,分别计算各种类型异常鼓室导抗图和颞骨CT对分泌性中耳炎的诊断符合率。结果 B、C、As型鼓室导抗图对分泌性中耳炎中耳积液的诊断符合率分别为94.52%(138/146耳)、86.49%(64/74耳)、80.0%(4/5耳),异常鼓室导抗图综合诊断符合率为91.56%(206/225耳),而颞骨C T的诊断符合率为99.15%(117/118耳),高于异常鼓室导抗图的综合诊断符合率,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论颞骨CT和鼓室导抗图检查在分泌性中耳炎诊断中的价值均很高,在出现非B型鼓室导抗图时,前者可作为后者的补充。  相似文献   

目的分析中耳炎患者的颞骨薄层CT情况,总结维吾尔族中耳炎患者颞骨解剖变异的规律。方法回顾性分析704例慢性化脓性中耳炎住院患者和203例正常对照组的颞骨薄层冠状面、横断面高分辨率CT(highresolutionCT,HRCT),并对其颞骨的气化程度、乙状窦前置、颈静脉球高位、脑板低位进行比较;包括中耳炎组与对照组、民族之间、胆脂瘤型中耳炎与非胆脂瘤型中耳炎及胆脂瘤型中耳炎中各民族之间的比较。结果中耳炎组与对照组患者颞骨气化程度、乙状窦前置、脑板低位比较,差异具有统计学意义(P〈0.05);中耳炎组中维族组与汉族组气化程度、乙状窦前置、颈静脉球高位及脑板低位比较,差异具有统计学意义(P〈0.05);胆脂瘤型与非胆脂瘤型中耳炎颞骨解剖变异比较,仅气化不良差异具有统计学意义(P〈0.05);胆脂瘤型中耳炎中各民族组比较,仅乙状窦前置差异具有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论维吾尔族中耳炎患者的颞骨变异具有其规律,研究该规律有助于手术入路设计、术中重要结构的定位和保护。  相似文献   

报告22耳慢性化脓性中耳炎及1耳面神经鞘膜瘤的CT扫描与手术对比结果。慢性单纯型化脓性中耳炎静止期10耳,其中3耳鼓室及听小骨正常,5耳合并鼓室硬化症或听骨链粘连,手术所见与CT扫描结果一致,阳性符合率为8/10。胆脂瘤或骨疡型中耳炎12耳,CT诊断为胆脂瘤5耳,骨疡型中耳炎5耳,阳性符合率为10/12。资料表明,由于CT扫描能显示中耳乳突的细微解剖结构和软组织增生病变,所以是中耳炎性疾病的一种有价值的诊断方法。  相似文献   

颞骨CT在胆脂瘤型中耳炎中的诊断价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨颞骨高分辨率CT(HRCT)在胆脂瘤型中耳炎中的诊断价值。方法:回顾性总结1995年1月至1999年12月本院收治的胆脂瘤型中耳炎患者316例(330耳)。术前均按常规进行颞骨HRCT扫描,再经术中显微镜下探查,记录病变结果与HRCT表现进行对比分析,以探讨HRCT的诊断价值。结果:盾板、鼓室及鼓窦天盖骨质缺损、乙状窦骨板骨质缺损等的术前HRCT与手术符合率100%。而神经骨管骨质缺损,水平半规管骨壁破坏的符合率分别为66.7%和78.9%。软组织占位符合率为100%,但是90%为胆脂瘤与肉芽混合型;听小骨受侵符合率为95%。结论:颞骨高分辨率CT对胆脂瘤型中耳炎的诊断,尤其对判定骨质缺损的范围与部位,制定手术方案和预估治疗效果,具有重要的指导意义。但CT诊断仍有其局限性,不能取代临床检查。  相似文献   

胆脂瘤中耳炎的外科治疗策略   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
目的探讨胆脂瘤中耳乳突炎的手术策略及术式选择,比较远期效果与生活质量。方法回顾性分析1994至2003年随访3年以上的266例(269耳)经手术治疗的胆脂瘤中耳炎病例的临床资料及随访结果,比较切除外耳道后壁的乳突鼓室成形术(canal wall down,CWD)、保留外耳道后壁的乳突鼓室成形术(canal wall up,CWU)与改良的保留骨桥的乳突鼓室成形术(intact—bridge tympanomastoidectomy,IBM)三种常用术式的特点及远期效果。结果对各组干耳时间、语言频率气导听阈与气骨导差缩小程度进行比较。各组听力提高幅度及气骨导差缩小程度比较,CWU组的效果与CWD组差异无统计学意义(F=3.686,P〉0.05),而改良IBM组优于CWD与CWU组(F=125.167和59.438,P值均〈0.05)。在一次或分期手术的病例中,CWU与IBM的干耳时间[分别为(6.0±1.6)周和(5.0±1.9)周]较CWD组[为(9.0±2.8)周]缩短(F值为56.327和30.639,P值均〈0.05);CWU组(24.6%)术后复发率高于其他2组(CWD组为6.0%,IBM组为7.0%。Х^2值为6.162和6.007,P值均〈0.05)。结论根据胆脂瘤病变范围选择不同术式仍是外科治疗的原则,手术通常以CWU开始,根据术中所见决定开放范围。改良IBM因其良好的暴露,以及保留低位骨桥等处理,胆脂瘤病灶清除彻底。鼓室骨性外壁完整,可最大限度维持中耳腔容积,干耳率与听力改善等远期效果优于其他术式。  相似文献   

胆脂瘤型和骨疡型中耳炎乳突根治并Ⅰ期鼓室成形术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨胆脂瘤型和骨疡型中耳炎乳突根治并Ⅰ期鼓室成形术的术式选择、手术适应证及疗效.方法 回顾性分析78例(78耳)慢性化脓性中耳炎(胆脂瘤型58耳,骨疡型20耳)患者的手术方法及随访1~2年的效果,根据病变范围与程度不同,选择不同术式的乳突根治并Ⅰ期鼓室成形术,保留外耳道后壁乳突切开(完壁式)鼓室成形术28例,切除外耳道后壁乳突切开(开放式)鼓室成形术40例,上鼓室鼓窦开放、上鼓室外侧壁重建鼓室成形术6例,开放式乳突根治外耳道后壁重建鼓室成形术4例.结果 术后2个月干耳率为94.87%(74/78),语频听力提高≥15dB占73.07%(57/78),完壁式乳突根治加鼓室成形术后胆脂瘤复发率为14.28%(4/28),开放式乳突根治加鼓室成形术后鼓膜穿孔率为15.00%(6/40).结论 根据颞骨CT、听力学检查及临床特征,选择适当手术径路及方式,既可根除病灶,又可行听功能重建,提高干耳率与听力,故乳突根治Ⅰ期行鼓室成形术是有效可行的,但要指出,行完壁式根治伴鼓室成形术要严格掌握适应证,病变要轻并局限在上鼓室,同时要彻底清理胆脂瘤上皮,避免复发.  相似文献   

目的 探讨颞骨CT及耳内镜对慢性化脓性中耳炎静止期及中耳胆脂瘤术前评估的重要性。方法 回顾性分析慢性化脓性中耳炎静止期及中耳胆脂瘤患者42耳病历资料,从CT、耳内镜及术中发现进行分析。结果 ①根据CT结合术中所见,慢性化脓性中耳炎静止期CT分型分为单纯型、硬化灶型、肉芽型、硬化灶肉芽型。胆脂瘤型CT主要表现为听骨链消失或锤砧关节消失,乳突大部分呈硬化型,少部分为板障型,上鼓室鼓窦扩大,上鼓室、中鼓室甚至后鼓室乳突腔为软组织影占据,部分病例外半规管骨质破坏、面神经管水平段骨质破坏,部分病例外耳道后壁骨质破坏;单纯型CT示中耳鼓室乳突呈不完全气化型;硬化灶型CT示中耳鼓室乳突呈硬化型,病变局限于中鼓室,锤骨柄及镫骨周围有“类似骨质影”包裹;肉芽型、硬化灶肉芽型CT相似,示病变累及鼓室及乳突,听骨链基本完整,面神经管水平段骨质完整,但硬化灶型与肉芽型区别之处在于前者鼓室内听骨链周围有“类骨质”样散在高密度影。②耳内镜所见慢性化脓性中耳炎静止期鼓膜紧张部穿孔,鼓膜可有钙化斑;中耳胆脂瘤型则有上鼓室内陷或穿孔、后上象限穿孔、大穿孔、外耳道顶壁或后上壁下塌。结论 慢性化脓性中耳炎静止期及中耳胆脂瘤的术前CT及耳内镜评估,对病变性质、范围、程度及指导手术起重要作用。  相似文献   

目的本文旨在探索耳内镜手术中的“锁孔”技术在中耳胆脂瘤手术中的临床应用价值。方法2017年1月至2018年12月间收治的65名单侧中耳胆脂瘤患者,27例患者术前的颞骨CT提示低密度影及骨质破坏局限于上鼓室,鼓窦和乳突区域未见异常;38例患者术前的颞骨CT显示上鼓室内形成的低密度影像,存在骨质破坏,而鼓窦及乳突内也存在类似的低密度影像,难以确定病变是否累及乳突腔。术中耳内镜下经耳道“锁孔”技术早期探查上鼓室、鼓窦和后方的乳突腔内的空间,确定胆脂瘤范围,修正手术方案、优化手术策略。结果术前通过颞骨薄层CT显示的胆脂瘤仅局限于上鼓室的27例患者中,其中17例患者的影像学病变范围与“锁孔”技术探查结果吻合;另外10例病变累及鼓窦及乳突。术前38例患者的影像学显示上鼓室胆脂瘤可能累及鼓窦和乳突,术中通过“锁孔”技术验证,29例为上鼓室胆脂瘤侵及乳突;9例为堵塞形成的黏膜增厚及肉芽组织等非胆脂瘤病变。患者术后随访时间均超过了2年,随访方式为耳内镜及颞骨CT,8例患者的鼓窦及乳突区存在可疑软组织影,进行了便捷的内镜下“锁孔”的探查,鼓窦及乳突区未见胆脂瘤复发,软组织影为增厚黏膜及肉芽。结论在耳内镜下经外耳道径路,可结合持续灌流模式,在耳道后上壁快速开放直径4-6mm的骨窗,通过“锁孔”可以早期明确和判断中耳胆脂瘤累及乳突、鼓窦、上鼓室的病变范围,有利于修正手术方式,减少不必要的骨质磨除,更利于微创的实现和便于手术中耳道重建。  相似文献   

Unusual cases of congenital cholesteatoma of the ear.   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Congenital cholesteatoma may originate at various sites in the temporal bone. For example, in the petrous apex, the cerebellopontine angle, the middle ear cavity, the mastoid process or the external auditory canal. The least common site being the mastoid process. We present two cases of congenital cholesteatoma of the mastoid process, each presenting with different symptoms and at different ages. Both patients underwent surgical treatment, which confirmed the diagnosis and radiological findings.  相似文献   

Forty-two patients with chronic otitis media underwent preoperative CT scanning followed by surgical exploration of the middle ear and mastoid. The CT finding of abnormal soft tissue density associated with bone erosion was highly correlated with the surgical finding of cholesteatoma. By contrast, the total absence of abnormal soft tissue on CT essentially excluded cholesteatoma. However, 50% of all patients had abnormal soft tissue on CT scan not accompanied by bone erosion. In this largest group of patients it was not possible to diagnose or exclude cholesteatoma on the basis of CT findings alone. Also, CT occasionally gave the erroneous impression of lateral semicircular canal fistulization, tegmen tympani erosion, and facial nerve involvement due to volume averaging of these structures with adjacent soft tissues. CT scan has a role in the evaluation of selected patients with chronic otitis media, but must be interpreted cautiously in view of its limitations and numerous pitfalls.  相似文献   

目的提高特殊类型先天性耳前瘘管的诊断与治愈水平。方法对3例特殊耳前瘘管患者的病历资料进行回顾性分析。结果 1例合并先天性颞骨胆脂瘤同期手术;1例瘘管口隐蔽,术中找到瘘管口彻底切除;1例瘘管长,自耳轮脚伸入外耳道深部,后达乳突表面,行双切口彻底切除。结论先天性耳前瘘管伴有听力下降,术前有必要行颞骨CT检查;手术后是否复发取决于瘘管切除是否彻底、被波及的耳郭软骨及感染灶内的肉芽和瘢痕组织。  相似文献   

A 28-year-old female patient with a migrant background presented for surgery with a suspected cholesteatoma in the left ear. The patient reported having had an aural discharge for several months; otoscopic examination revealed a runny ear, and discrete granulation tissue was seen. Pure-tone audiometry showed conduction hearing loss of 30-40 dB across all frequencies in the left ear; high-resolution computed tomography of the temporal bone revealed that the mastoid and tympanic cavity were completely obscured. The intraoperative finding showed a caseous space-occupying mass that completely filled the tympanic cavity. The suspected diagnosis of tuberculosis was corroborated by pathohistological, microbiological and molecular biological tests. Tuberculostatic therapy was initiated at a different location. Although tuberculosis of the middle ear is a rare condition in Germany, it should nevertheless be considered when making a differential diagnosis, especially in high-risk patients where cholesteatoma is suspected on clinical and radiological evidence or in patients with a chronic middle ear process.  相似文献   

《Auris, nasus, larynx》2022,49(6):956-963
ObjectivePreoperative imaging assessment influences the decision to perform mastoidectomy for the mastoid extension of middle ear cholesteatoma. This study compared the performance of temporal subtraction CT (TSCT) and non-echoplanar diffusion-weighted imaging (non-EP DWI) in evaluating such mastoid extensions.MethodsWe retrospectively evaluated 239 consecutive patients with surgically proven middle ear cholesteatoma between April 2016 and April 2021. The diagnostic performance of TSCT, wherein the presence of black color indicated progressive bone erosion, and non-EP DWI, wherein high signal intensity in the mastoid region suggested mastoid extension, was compared using Fisher's exact test.ResultsIn 34 patients with evaluable TSCT images, black color was significantly more common in patients with mastoid extension than in those without; the sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), negative predictive value (NPV), and accuracy of TSCT were 1.00, 0.95, 0.94, 1.00, and 0.97, respectively. In 90 patients with evaluable non-EP DWI, high signal intensity was significantly more common in patients with mastoid extension than in those without; the sensitivity, specificity, PPV, NPV, and accuracy of non-EP DWI were 0.88, 0.85, 0.91, 0.81, and 0.87, respectively. In 16 patients with both evaluable TSCT and non-EP DWI, the diagnostic performance of the TSCT was slightly superior to that of the non-EP DWI for predicting mastoid extension, although the difference was not significant.ConclusionsTSCT images generated using consecutively acquired preoperative high-resolution CT images are useful for predicting mastoid extension of middle ear cholesteatoma, and the diagnostic performance of TSCT is non-inferior to that of non-EP DWI.  相似文献   

Computed tomography (CT) of the temporal bone has been used to study thirty-eight 5-72-year-old patients with otitis media chronica purulenta (OMCP), in 14 of them the process was bilateral. A scheme of CT assessment of the temporal bone is proposed. The analysis of 52 CTs of the temporal bone with consideration of otoscopic and operative findings helped to distinguish CT signs of non-cholesteatomic OMCP. These signs include sclerotic alterations of the bone tissue of the mastoid process (82.7%), defective pneumaticity of the middle ear cavities (tympanic cavity - 80.7%) due to pathological substrate, destructive changes of the auditory bones (50%), carious alterations of the walls of the middle ear cavities (21%). The study of the temporal bone by the proposed scheme detected such anomalies and structural features as presentation of the sigmoid sinus (36.5%), elevation of the bulb of the jugular vein (3.8%), diverticulum of the jugular vein (3.8%), low fundus of the middle cranial fossa (7.7%).  相似文献   

The epitympanum is separated from the mesotympanum by the ossicles, tendons and tympanic mucosal folds except at two narrow openings, the anterior and posterior tympanic isthmuses. Using large numbers of fresh cadaver temporal bone specimens, anatomical boundaries of the tympanic isthmus were defined and pathological variations were investigated in relation to the development of aural cholesteatoma. A total of 170 temporal bone specimens were examined under the operating microscope. Five of these were found to have middle ear diseases, most of which were cholesteatoma or a preliminary state of cholesteatoma, with their tympanic isthmuses obstructed or narrowed. Pneumatization of the mastoid was inhibited in all of the pathological specimens. From the results of temporal bone dissection supplemented by analysis of surgical findings in cholesteatoma, we have divided acquired cholesteatoma into two types: the pars flaccida-type cholesteatoma (attic retraction-type) and the pars tensa type. The close relationship between the development of cholesteatoma and occlusion of the tympanic isthmus is examined herein.  相似文献   

《Auris, nasus, larynx》1997,24(1):47-51
The mastoid air cell system has been recognized as an important contributor to the pathophysiology of middle ear inflammatory diseases. Various methods of temporal bone imaging have been designed to investigate the correlation between middle ear disease and mastoid pneumatization. In this study, the mastoid air cell system was reconstructed three-dimensionally from sagittal tomographic images of the temporal bone on X-ray films, using a personal computer to evaluate the mastoid pneumatization in a total of 29 patients with chronic otitis media, adhesive otitis media, adhesive-type cholesteatoma, attic cholesteatoma and cholesterol granuloma, and in five normal subjects as controls. Reconstructed three-dimensional images of the mastoid air cell system and its volume were analyzed. The reconstructed images were helpful in recognizing the three-dimensional solid appearance of the mastoid air cell system. The volume of the reconstructed mastoid air cell system was significantly reduced compared with that in the controls in each of the patient groups. Mastoid pneumatization in the patients with adhesive-type cholesteatoma was significantly suppressed compared with that in the adhesive otitis media patients. Interestingly, the adhesive otitis media group showed cell development at the tip of mastoid process, whereas the group of adhesive-type cholesteatoma did not, suggesting a difference in the pathophysiology in the two diseases. We found that three-dimensional reconstruction of the temporal bone using sagittal tomographic images was useful in evaluating the state of mastoid air cell system development in individual cases and in investigating the pathophysiology in middle ear disease.  相似文献   

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