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Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of pulmonary rehabilitation on surgical morbidity and lung function in lung cancer patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Methods: Prospectively, 22 lung cancer patients with COPD who underwent lobectomy between 2000 and 2003 were enrolled for this study as a rehabilitation group (Rehab. Group). The criteria of COPD were preoperative forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEVl)/forced vital capacity (FVC) ≦70% and more than 50% of low attenuation area in a computed tomography. Preoperatively patients performed aggressive pulmonary exercise for two weeks and received chest physiotherapy postoperatively. As a historical control, 60 patients with lung cancer who fulfilled the same criteria but did not receive rehabilitation between 1995 and 1999 (control group) were entered in this study. Results: Patient backgrounds were all equivalent between the two groups. However, FEV1 and FEV1/FVC were significantly lower in the Rehab. Group (p<0.05). Prolonged oxygen supplement and tracheostomy tended to be more frequent in the control group. The ratio of actual postoperative to predicted postoperative FEV1 was significantly better in the Rehab. Group (p=0.047). Furthermore, postoperative hospital stay was significantly longer in the control group (p=0.0003). Conclusion: Despite lower FEV1 and FEV1/FVC in the Rehab. Group, postoperative pulmonary complications and long hospital stay could be effectively prevented and FEV1 was well preserved by rehabilitation and physiotherapy.  相似文献   

Objectives: This retrospective study was conducted to see whether a video-assisted lobectomy is beneficial in lung cancer patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease regarding preservation of pulmonary function compared to lobectomy by standard thoracotomy.Subjects and Methods: Between 1982 and 2002, 67 patients who underwent lobectomy for primary lung cancer showed 55% or less of preoperative forced expiratory, volume in one second/vital capacity. Among them, 25 patients were enrolled in this retrospective study. The remaining 42 patients were excluded because of no presence of a postoperative pulmonary function test. Nine of 25 patients underwent a video-assisted lobectomy between 1994 and 2002 and the remaining 16 patients who underwent a lobectomy by standard thoractomy between 1982 and 1994 were employed as a historical control. Perioperative conditions and changes in pulmonary function were compared between two groups.Results: A parameter of chest wall damage was minor in video-assisted lobectomy compared to that in lobectomy by standard thoracotomy. Changes between pre- and postoperative percent of vital capacity, forced expiratory volume in one second and maximal ventilatory volume showed significantly minor deterioration or even improvement in video-assisted lobectomy patients. Predicted postoperative pulmonary function tended to be underestimated for postoperative values in video-assisted lobectomy patientsConclusions: Video-assisted lobectomy seemed to be profitable in preservation of pulmonary function in lung cancer patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Prediction of postoperative pulmonary function should be revised due to the underestimation for postoperative values in video-assisted lobectomy, which could offer profitable surgical treatment for lung cancer patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.  相似文献   

预康复通过多种术前优化的干预措施可减少患者的围术期应激反应,加速患者术后康复。通过文献回顾对肺癌合并慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者预康复措施、预康复应用于临床护理实践中的障碍与促进因素进行综述,旨在为肺癌并存慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者实施针对性干预,促进术后快速康复、减少术后肺部并发症提供参考。  相似文献   

Open in a separate windowOBJECTIVESDebate continues on whether a bilateral (BLT) or a single lung transplantation (SLT) is preferred for patients with end-stage chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The purpose of this study is to examine the interplay between patient age and transplant type on survival outcomes. METHODSWe performed a retrospective study of lung transplants for COPD at our centre from February 2012 to March 2020 (n = 186). Demographics and clinical parameters were compared between patients based on their age (≤65 vs >65 years old) and type of transplant (single vs bilateral). Cox proportional hazards regression was also performed. P-values <0.05 were considered significant.RESULTSOf the 186 patients with COPD who received lung transplants, 71 (38.2%) received BLTs and 115 (61.8%) received SLTs. There was no significant difference in survival outcomes when looking at patients with single versus BLTs (P = 0.870). There was also no difference in survival between the 2 age groups ≤65 versus > 65 years (P = 0.723). The Cox model itself also did not show a statistically significant improvement in survival outcomes (P = 0.126).CONCLUSIONSLung transplant outcomes in patients with end-stage COPD demonstrated non-inferior results in patients with an SLT compared to patients with a BLT. When we compared the age groups, neither transplant type showed superior survival benefits, suggesting there may be some utility in an SLT in younger recipients.  相似文献   

目的 促进慢性阻塞性肺疾病急性加重期(AECOPD)患者肺康复。方法 按急诊就诊时间将82例AECOPD患者分为对照组40例、观察组42例,两组均予常规治疗及护理,在此基础上对照组行常规肺康复措施;观察组组建多学科肺康复团队、制订和实施为期4周的三阶段肺康复方案。结果 干预后,观察组患者的肺功能指标、动脉血氧饱和度、上下肢运动耐力评分、日常生活活动能力评分显著高于对照组,焦虑抑郁评分显著低于对照组(均P<0.05)。结论 多学科协作下急诊科联合病房早期分阶段肺康复方案可有效改善AECOPD患者肺功能及运动耐力,从而改善患者心身状态。  相似文献   

目的系统评价围手术期综合管理措施对非小细胞肺癌(non-small cell lung cancer,NSCLC)合并慢性阻塞性肺疾病(chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,COPD)患者的有效性及安全性。方法计算机检索PubMed、EMbase、The Cochrane Library、中国生物医学文献数据库、中国知网、万方数据库,纳入所有关于NSCLC合并COPD的临床研究。检索时间为数据库建库至2017年11月1日。由2位评价员独立筛选文献、提取资料并评价纳入研究的偏倚风险后,采用Rev Man 5.3和Stata 14.0软件进行Meta分析。结果共纳入20个研究1 079例NSCLC合并COPD患者。Meta分析结果表明:在肺功能方面,围手术期综合管理可改善患者第一秒用力呼气量(FEV1)、用力肺活量(FVC)、最大自主通气量(MVV)、预计术后一秒率(ppoFEV1%)、肺一氧化碳弥散量(DLCO)和第一秒用力呼气率(FEV1%),且与治疗前的差异有统计学意义[分别为:MD=–0.47,95%CI(–0.62,–0.32),P<0.000 01;MD=–0.17,95%CI(–0.22,–0.11),P<0.000 01;MD=–4.24,95%CI(–5.37,–3.11),P<0.000 01;MD=–7.54,95%CI(–8.33,–6.76),P<0.000 01;MD=–1.33,95%CI(–2.16,–0.50),P=0.002;MD=–6.93,95%CI(–9.45,–4.41),P<0.000 1],但一氧化碳弥散率(DLCO%)和最大负荷量通气(VEmax)方面差异无统计学意义[MD=–2.91,95%CI(–11.31,5.50),P=0.5;MD=0.18,95%CI(–2.23,2.58),P=0.89];在心功能方面,综合管理可改善患者最大摄氧量(VO2max)、6分钟步行距离(6MWD)和无氧阈值(AT),且与治疗前的差异有统计学意义[MD=–2.28,95%CI(–3.41,–1.15),P<0.000 1;MD=–57.77,95%CI(–77.90,–37.64),P<0.000 1;MD=–2.71,95%CI(–3.30,–2.12),P<0.000 1];和常规治疗相比,综合治疗可明显减少术后肺部短期并发症,明显缩短住院时间[OR=0.39,95%CI(0.26,0.58),P<0.000 01;MD=–2.38,95%CI(–3.86,–0.89),P=0.002]。结论围手术期综合管理可明显改善NSCLC合并COPD患者的肺功能,减少术后肺部短期并发症,缩短住院时间,具有良好的有效性及安全性。  相似文献   

目的分析围手术期合并慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)者的自身因素、手术因素与手术后肺部并发症(PPC)发生的关系及术前各项肺功能指标和动脉血氧分压(PaO2)与PPC的关系。方法对2002年9月至2004年11月中国医科大学附属第一医院重症医学科收治的54例围手术期COPD病人按年龄、体重指数(BMI)、手术时间及手术部位分别分组,对不同组间PPC的发生率进行χ2检验;利用SPSS11.12统计软件对术前动脉血氧分压(PaO2)和肺功能指标与PPC间的关系、对术前动脉血氧分压(PaO2)和肺功能指标与术后机械通气(MV)时间的关系进行多元相关分析。结果54例病人中30例(55.6%)发生PPC。年龄>70岁组与年龄≤70岁组的PPC发生率差异无显著性意义;BMI≥24组的PPC发生率显著高于BMI<24组;手术时间≥2h组的PPC发生率显著高于<2h组;上腹部手术组PPC的发生率显著高于下腹部组。术前PaO2和各肺功能指标与PPC的发生呈负相关趋势;而肺通气功能的各项指标与术后机械通气(MV)时间也呈负相关趋势。结论围手术期COPD病人,BMI≥24、手术时间≥2h者,上腹部手术者,术前肺通气功能较差者,PPC的发生率高;术前阻塞性肺通气功能障碍越重,MV时间越长。  相似文献   

黄晓群 《护理学杂志》2012,27(17):27-29
目的 探讨肺功能档案用于稳定期COPD患者肺康复治疗的效果.方法 将62例稳定期COPD患者随机分成两组各31例.对照组出院后采用常规专科门诊电话随访(每个月1次),要求患者每年复查肺功能;观察组在此基础上出院前建立肺功能档案,提出每年确保FEV1下降≤50 mL的目标,要求患者出院后3、6、12个月分别复查肺功能,根据肺功能档案内容进行动态干预.结果 干预12个月后,观察组肺功能指标及相关健康行为显著优于对照组(P<0.05,P<0.01).结论 建立稳定期COPD患者肺功能档案能使患者动态了解肺功能情况,增强患者自我健康管理行为,提高肺康复效果.  相似文献   

目的 提高慢性阻塞性肺疾病急性加重(AECOPD)患者肺功能及生活质量.方法 将188例AECOPD患者按入院时间分为对照组(90例)与观察组(98例).两组均行规范治疗,在此基础上对照组行常规护理和肺功能锻炼,观察组根据对患者的BODE指数评分构建和实施A、B、C、D4级康复训练与护理方案.实施1年后评价效果.结果 ...  相似文献   

目的 探讨结直肠癌合并慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)患者手术治疗的危险性、手术耐受力及围手术期的处理.方法 收集广西医科大学第一附属医院2005年7月至2008年7月结直肠癌合并COPD患者的临床资料共40例.并收集无COPD的结直肠癌老年患者40例,对手术后常见并发症进行对比分析.结果 合并COPD与无COPD的结直肠癌患者出现伤口裂开分别为2例和1例、伤口感染为3例和7例,肺部感染14例和6例(P<0.05),呼吸衰竭8例和2例(P<0.05).术后住院时间:COPD组中< 14 d占5例,14~21 d占24例,>21 d占7例.对照组中< 14 d占9例,14~21 d占29例,>21 d占3例.结论 结直肠癌合并COPD患者手术危险性高,主要在术后,但术前、术中与术后进行适当的准备与处理,可降低术后并发症发生.  相似文献   

目的总结慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者肺康复运动的相关证据,为开展肺康复运动循证实践奠定基础。方法计算机检索美国国立指南网(NGC)、苏格兰校际指南网(SIGN)、美国/欧洲呼吸协会(ATS)、英国胸科协会(BTS)、JBI循证卫生保健数据库、Cochrane Library、PubMed等网站以及数据库关于慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者肺康复运动的指南、专家共识、证据总结、系统评价和随机对照试验,提取相关主题及证据,进行专家论证。结果共纳入35篇文献,最终形成最佳证据21条,包括适宜人群、肺康复时机、肺康复场所、患者评估、运动处方、持续时间、质量控制、其他运动方式、健康教育、效果评价10个主题。结论本研究汇总的慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者肺康复运动的实践证据较为全面,医疗卫生保健工作者可根据实际情境选择实践证据,促进患者健康。  相似文献   

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a condition commonly present in older people undergoing surgery and confers an increased risk of postoperative complications and mortality. Although predominantly a respiratory disease, it frequently has extra-pulmonary manifestations and typically occurs in the context of other long-term conditions. Patients experience a range of symptoms that affect their quality of life, functional ability and clinical outcomes. In this review, we discuss the evidence for techniques to optimise the care of people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in the peri-operative period, and address potential new interventions to improve outcomes. The article centres on pulmonary rehabilitation, widely available for the treatment of stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, but less often used in a peri-operative setting. Current evidence is largely at high risk of bias, however. Before surgery it is important to ensure that what have been called the ‘five fundamentals’ of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease treatment are achieved: smoking cessation; pulmonary rehabilitation; vaccination; self-management; and identification and optimisation of co-morbidities. Pharmacological treatment should also be optimised, and some patients may benefit from lung volume reduction surgery. Psychological and behavioural factors are important, but are currently poorly understood in the peri-operative period. Considerations of the risk and benefits of delaying surgery to ensure the recommended measures are delivered depends on patient characteristics and the nature and urgency of the planned intervention.  相似文献   

目的探讨口服罗红霉素对慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)患者肺功能的影响,并分析其可能的机制。方法将50例COPD患者采用随机、单盲方法分成治疗组25例与对照组25例,其中对照组采用常规基础治疗,治疗组在常规基础治疗基础上口服罗红霉素0.15g,2次/d,并持续1年。观察两组患者治疗前后外周血中性粒细胞计数及肺功能的变化,统计分析两组患者发生病情急性加重及因此而需住院的次数。结果治疗组患者治疗前后外周血中性粒细胞计数差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05);治疗组第1秒用力呼气容积占用力肺活量百分比(FEV1/FVC)、第1秒用力呼气容积占预计值百分比(FEV1%预计值)、最大通气量、清晨最大呼气流量治疗前后改变不明显(P〉0.05),对照组却有明显下降(P〈0.05),两组患者治疗前后肺功能的变化差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05);治疗组急性加重10例次(40%),对照组19例次(76%);治疗组需住院6例次(24%),对照组13例次(52%),两组急性加重率及需住院率比较差异均有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论口服罗红霉素对COPD患者肺功能具有保护作用,其可能的机制与罗红霉素对中性粒细胞的抑制作用有关。  相似文献   

目的探讨不同频次的居家督导呼吸康复训练对慢性阻塞性肺病(COPD)患者预后的影响。方法将93例COPD患者按时间先后分为三组,在其出院后分别选择实施每周1次居家督导(干预1组32例)、每周2次居家督导(干预2组30例)及常规出院随访(对照组31例),均干预8周。结果三组干预前后六分钟步行距离(6-MWD)、呼吸困难量表(MRC)评定结果比较,差异有统计学意义(均P<0.05);三组疲劳评定量表(FAI)的疲劳严重性因子评分差值、6-MWD测量结果和呼吸困难评分比较,差异有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。结论 COPD患者的家庭呼吸康复训练状况不容乐观,每周2次专业人员督导能取得较好的效果。  相似文献   

目的探讨在慢性支气管炎发展为慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)的诊断过程中,6min步行试验(6-MWT)与肺功能的相关性。方法选择以慢性支气管炎就诊的患者360例,全部做肺功能检测,根据肺功能检测结果,符合2002年中华医学会COPD诊断标准,分为COPD组和肺功能正常组。同时做6-MWT,测定6min步行距离(6-MWD),根据2次6-MWD取其平均值;研究肺功能与6-MWT的相关性,选择50例健康志愿者作对照(对照组)。结果COPD组中142例(95.95%,142/148)6.MWD〈420m。而肺功能正常组中206例(97.17%,206/212)6-MWD≥420m。6-MWD≥420m者第1秒用力呼气容积占用力肺活量百分比、第1秒用力呼气容积占预计值百分比、最大通气量均显著高于6-MWD〈420m者,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05);而6-MWD≥420m的慢性支气管炎患者与对照组比较差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。结论6-MWT简便易行,可较好地反映患者的肺功能,可作为慢性支气管炎患者需做肺功能的筛选。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare the effects of pharmacological reversal of neuromuscular blockade on static compliance and resistance in patients with and without chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Twenty patients were studied: 12 patients were free of respiratory disease (NCOPD) and had normal pulmonary function tests. Eight subjects (COPD) had a clinical history of chronic bronchitis and a FEV1 < 70% of the predicted value. All patients were anaesthetised with a continuous infusion of methohexitone and alfentanil. Airway pressure (Paw) was recorded continuously. Static compliance (Crs) was calculated from the relationship between 21 syringe volume (250 ml step) and Paw. Total respiratory resistance (Rrs) was measured at two levels of inspiratory flow and tidal volume. These measurements were made before vecuronium (control), after injection of vecuronium to abolish the first neuromuscular response to train of four, 5 and 15 min after administration of neostigmine 40 μgkg-1 and atropine 10 μg kg-1. In COPD patients Crs and Rrs were significantly greater (1450 ± 580 ml kPa-1 and 1.06 ± 0.68 kPa l-1 -s-1) than in normal patients (1000±380 ml-kPa-1 and 0.58 ± 0.22 kPa-1-l-s-1) (P < 0.01). In both groups Crs and end-expiratory pulmonary volume were similar before injection of vecuronium and after neostigmine-atropine administration. In both groups, Rrs was not altered significantly by neostigmine-atropine for the two inspiratory flows. These results suggest that neostigmine-atropine mixture is associated with small changes in respiratory mechanics, and the changes are similar in COPD compared with normal patients.  相似文献   

目的 制定适合老年慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者的综合家庭肺康复方案,以提高肺康复效果。方法 将60例病情稳定出院的老年慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者随机分为对照组和干预组各30例。对照组实施常规护理,干预组实施基于证据的综合家庭肺康复方案,干预6个月。采用呼吸困难评分、6 min步行试验、圣乔治呼吸问卷进行效果评价。结果 干预3个月、6个月干预组呼吸困难评分及圣乔治呼吸问卷得分显著低于对照组,6 min步行试验距离显著长于对照组(均P<0.05)。结论 对老年慢性阻塞性肺疾病稳定期患者实施综合家庭肺康复,有助于改善呼吸困难症状、提高机体活动能力、改善生活质量。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Hyperglycaemia is associated with poor outcomes from pneumonia, myocardial infarction and stroke, but the effect of blood glucose on outcomes from acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (AECOPD) has not been established. Recent UK guidelines do not comment on measurement or control of blood glucose in AECOPD. A study was therefore undertaken to determine the relationship between blood glucose concentrations, length of stay in hospital, and mortality in patients admitted with AECOPD. METHODS: Data were retrieved from electronic records for patients admitted with AECOPD with lower respiratory tract infection in 2001-2. The patients were grouped according to blood glucose quartile (group 1, <6 mmol/l (n = 69); group 2, 6.0-6.9 mmol/l (n = 69); group 3, 7.0-8.9 mmol/l (n = 75); and group 4, >9.0 mmol/l (n = 71)). RESULTS: The relative risk (RR) of death or long inpatient stay was significantly increased in group 3 (RR 1.46, 95% CI 1.05 to 2.02, p = 0.02) and group 4 (RR 1.97, 95% CI 1.33 to 2.92, p < 0.0001) compared with group 1. For each 1 mmol/l increase in blood glucose the absolute risk of adverse outcomes increased by 15% (95% CI 4 to 27), p = 0.006. The risk of adverse outcomes increased with increasing hyperglycaemia independent of age, sex, a previous diagnosis of diabetes, and COPD severity. Isolation of multiple pathogens and Staphylococcus aureus from sputum also increased with increasing blood glucose. CONCLUSION: Increasing blood glucose concentrations are associated with adverse clinical outcomes in patients with AECOPD. Tight control of blood glucose reduces mortality in patients in intensive care or following myocardial infarction. A prospective study is now required to determine whether control of blood glucose can also improve outcomes from AECOPD.  相似文献   

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