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航空医学信息资源的有效利用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 分析航空医学信息资源分布情况,探讨有效利用信息的对策和方法. 方法 检索资源馆藏机构、网络行业性资源、出版社目录及书刊名录,获取航空医学各类信息源. 结果 国内外主要数据库资源如:美国国家技术情报局(National Technical Information Service,NTIS)等数据库资源40余种,主要著作140余部,主要期刊150余种,重要索引20余种,主要机构与学术网站资源40余个. 结论 航空医学信息资源已经形成规模,并实现网络化;航空医学经典专著、核心期刊已纳入信息资源;建立了专业性的索引工具.利用专业信息检索的方法和技巧,可以提高航空医学专业数据库使用效率. Abstract: Objective To analyze the distribution of aeromedical information resources and research on strategies and methods for effective use of information. Methods Various information resources of aviation medicine were obtained by retrieving biblio-agencies,network resources,bibliographies and indexes. Results More than 40 primary databases of domestic and foreign resources,such as National Technical Information Service (NTIS) database,more than 140 specialized publications,150 journals,20 common used indexes and 40 websites of the academic institutes,were selected. Conclusions Aviation medicine information resources have been established in a certain scale and could be shared via various networks.The classical professional publications and core journals have been involved in these resources.Professional searching tools are widely used and enable effective browsing by mastered techniques and methods of retrieving.  相似文献   

因特网上蕴藏着十分丰富的航空医学信息,我们应该充分利用网上的各种航空医学信息资源,为我国的航空医学研究服务,为广大航空医学工作者服务。 1 网上航空医学信息资源的特点 1.1 又新又快 因特网出现以前,我国航空医学信息研究主要靠四个方面的信息来源:一是用航空医学专业核心期刊,如美国的《航空航天环境医学杂志》、英国的《航空医学》、俄罗斯的《军事医学》、日本  相似文献   

常用医学搜索引擎简介   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
搜索引擎(Search ing Engine)是检索Internet信息资源的一个重要的检索工具。搜索引擎网站的主要资源不是它的网页信息,而是它的索引数据库,其主要功能类似于传统图书馆的目录卡片,提供人们在Internet上查询并获取所需信息资源提供快速、便捷的检索途径。搜索引擎的原理[1],大致上有以下三个方面:从互联网上抓取网页→建立索引数据库→在索引数据中搜索排序。最后由页面生成系统将搜索结果的链接地址和页面内容摘要等组织起来返回给用户。医学搜索引擎其实也是一个医学专业网站,专门提供医学信息“检索”服务,它使用特有的程序把因特网上…  相似文献   

《西北国防医学杂志》1979年创刊,是兰州军区医学科学技术委员会主办的国、内外公开发行的综合性医药卫生学术性期刊。主要栏目有论著(包括实验研究、临床研究等)、综述、经验交流、护理、病例报告、医学信息等。为中国科技核心期刊(中国科技论文统计源期刊),被美国化学文摘(CA)和波兰《哥白尼索引》(IC)等多家国内外数据库收录,多  相似文献   

作者分析了影响军事航空医学发展的因素和军事航空医学研究的主要进展情况,结合我国军事航空医学的发展水平和面临的任务,提出了今后一个时期我国军事航空医学研究的主要方向和重点是:①提高综合飞行卫生保障能力的研究,服务于战备训练;②为新机种研制和新装备发展服务;③加强军事航空医学热点研究(+Gz防护和克服空间走向障碍等);④大力推进航空医学信息数据库的建立和数学模型方法在航空医学研究中的应用;⑤关注女飞行员航空医学问题。  相似文献   

飞行人员航空医学训练是航空兵飞行安全和作战效能的关键环节,是保持和提升航空兵部队战斗力十分重要而有效的途径。航空医学训练组织体制的完善与否决定着航空医学训练各项功能发挥的好坏和资源利用程度,是训练组织工作的核心。我军航空医学训练起步较晚,"空军航空医学研究所-空军航空医学鉴定训练中心-部队航卫保障机构”三级训练体系正处于建设和发展阶段,  相似文献   

目的为迅捷方便地使广大医务工作者获取航空医学各种信息源,以保障航空医学临床教学科研任务的信息需求。方法将存在于不同载体和形态、散在分布、缺乏系统性的航空医学信息源按照学科类型即:航空医学行业性资源、全文性资源、参考性资源及交互性资源进行多途径整合,提供优化的获取途径。结果航空医学信息源增长迅猛,广泛存在而无序。  相似文献   

目的 总结回顾我国军事航空医学情报研究情况,明确重点研究方向与领域,提出今后工作的建议与对策. 资料来源与选择 航空医学及医学信息情报领域相关研究论文、综述和标准.资料引用 国内外公开发表的论文、综述和标准51篇. 资料综合 我国军事航空医学情报研究已从被动型转为导向型,从全面型转为专业型,从资料型转为技术型,从单纯应用型转为应用研究型;并对军事航空医学信息资源进行了评估. 结论 应运用现代化情报研究手段,围绕军事航空医学研究重点和热点、航空特发病防治、航空医学标准、空军卫勤保障,加强前瞻导向型服务和创新性情报研究,加强我国军事航空医学情报研究的现代化体系建设.  相似文献   

本刊是由民航局医学卫生中心主办的以民航系统医学卫生工作及从事民航医学实践的各级研究人员、教育人员和广大的航空医学爱好为读对象、以民用航空医学为主要内容的综合性期刊。其宗旨是面向基层,推动良航卫生工作的发展.活跃学术空气.促进国内外及民航各医疗卫生单位间的医学学术信息交流。  相似文献   

<正>北京大学核心期刊《中文核心期刊要目总览》中国科学院《中国科学引文数据库核心期刊》(CSCD)中国科学技术信息研究所《中国科技核心期刊》武汉大学《中国学术期刊排行榜核心期刊》(RCCSE)中国知网《核心期刊》(CNKI)万方数据库《核心期刊》维普数据库《核心期刊》美国《化学文摘》(CA)美国《剑桥科学文摘》(CSA)美国《航空航天数据库》(AD)俄罗斯《文摘杂志》(VINIHI)日本《科学技术振兴机构中国文献数据库》(JST)加拿大《信息检索服务网站》(OIS)世界卫生组织《西太平洋地区医学索引》(WPRIM)  相似文献   

目的总结分析临床医学综合杂志的总被引频次、影响因子、基金论文比的变化趋势及原因,找出《临床军医杂志》与国内同类杂志间的差距,为进一步提高期刊学术质量提供依据。方法根据2015、2016年《中国科技期刊引证报告(核心版)》,收集38种临床医学综合类杂志的总被引频次、影响因子、基金论文比3项指标的数据,描述性分析各项指标的分布及变化趋势,分析其影响因素。结果临床医学综合类杂志整体呈上升发展趋势,且竞争较为激烈。《临床军医杂志》整体上处于临床医学综合类杂志的下游位置,尤其在影响因子、基金论文比方面与《中华危重病急救医学》、《中国中西医结合急救杂志》、《中华全科医学》3种临床医学综合类杂志的佼佼者比较,均存在较大差距,亟待提高。结论影响因子、总被引频次、基金论文比3种指标的综合分析为了解期刊发展变化趋势、找出期刊间差距提供了重要依据,对期刊评价工作有一定的意义。多吸收基金论文可视为提高《临床军医杂志》影响因子的一项有效措施。  相似文献   

临床医学界、基础医学界、预防医学界多个领域已表现出了对转化医学的极大关注。作为医学期刊,理应在转化医学的传播中发挥主观能动作用,为转化医学提供强大动力。但国内转化医学研究水平与国外差距较大,仍需进一步发挥医学期刊对转化医学的推动作用。医学期刊承载着传播医学信息、报道医学新进展和新方法的功能。深入理解编辑在传播转化医学中的职责,开展转化医学专题策划,借助新媒体,促进转化医学成果的有效传播。编辑应帮助转化医学研究者相关写作知识的提高。医学期刊作为一有效的沟通媒介,在基础医学与临床医学之间起到纽带的作用。作者就国内外转化医学现状及医学期刊在转化医学中的作用作一介绍。  相似文献   

Objectives: Though there are no research requirements to match into an orthopaedic sports medicine fellowship, many applicants are productive in research endeavors during residency. We hypothesize that the number of publications by Orthopaedic sports medicine applicants are increasing.

Methods: A list of current and recent sports medicine fellows was compiled from publicly accessible information on sports medicine fellowship websites. Articles published while the fellow was a resident were identified via publicly available search engines. The following information was collected: year of fellowship and years of residency, fellowship program, geographic location of fellowship program, total number of publications (noting specifically first and last author publications), number of publications in high impact orthopaedic journals (AJSM, JBJS Am, JSES, or Arthroscopy).

Results: Overall, 189 fellowship-matched surgeons from 2010 – 2017 were identified. There were 746 publications (average of 3.95 per fellow), with 218 (29.2%) in high impact orthopaedic journals. Surgeons who completed their fellowship during the 2016–17 academic year, published on average 5.42 publications per fellow. Fellowship applicants in the Northeast region had the highest number of total publications (359 publications, 48.1% of all publications; 6.41 publications per fellow). Applicants were listed most often as middle authors (462 publications, 61.9%).

Conclusions: There has been an overall increase in the number of publications among sports medicine fellowship applicants in the last several academic years. Fellowship programs in the northeast United States tended to match applicants with a higher number of publications.  相似文献   

The situation of Research in radiology in Spain is analysed by examining the number of publications by Spanish authors in main stream international journals. The scientific production of Spanish researchers in journals included in the Science Citation Index (SCI) under the headings "Radiology, Nuclear Medicine, and Medical Imaging" and "Neuroimaging" during the years 1996-2003. During this period the scientific production in these fields comprised 1,562 documents (3.5% of the total production for Spanish clinical medicine); scientific production in these fields increased by 40% in this period in comparison to 24% for all clinical medicine. The bulk of the production was concentrated in the autonomous communities of Catalonia (35%), Madrid (28%), and Valencia (10%). The autonomous communities of Navarra and Cantabria had a high relative production after the results were adjusted for population. The healthcare sector is the most active, with the Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, the Hospital Clinic de Barcelona, and the Hospital Vall d'Hebron being outstanding in that they not only lead the country in the number of publications but also publish more in journals with high impact factors. Among centers other than hospitals, the Center for Research in Energy, the Environment, and Technologies (CIEMAT) and the Medical School of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid are the most important. A high degree of collaboration is evident: 68% of the documents were produced by more than one institution, foreign centers were involved in 20%, and the documents were signed by an average of six authors. Conclusions. In summary, the data show that Spanish radiological research is becomin increasingly international, although this process is still in the initial stage, with the percentage of documents published in the most prestigious journals for this specialty being lower than in other disciplines. The relative activity and production of Spain is slightly below the average of the European Union, but the country shows a rising trend for both production and impact.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo analyze the characteristics and trends of scientific publications on thyroid ultrasound (US) from 2001 to 2020, specifically examining the differences among disciplines.Materials and MethodsThe MEDLINE database was searched for scientific articles on thyroid US published between 2001 and 2020 using the PubMed online service. The evaluated parameters included year of publication, type of document, topic, funding, first author''s specialty, journal name, subject category, impact factor, and quartile ranking of the publishing journal, country, and language. Relationships between the first author''s specialty (radiology, internal medicine, surgery, otorhinolaryngology, and miscellaneous) and other parameters were analyzed.ResultsA total of 2917 thyroid US publications were published between 2001 and 2020, which followed an exponential growth pattern, with an annual growth rate of 11.6%. Radiology produced the most publications (n = 1290, 44.2%), followed by internal medicine (n = 716, 24.5%), surgery (n = 409, 14.0%), and otorhinolaryngology (n = 171, 5.9%). Otorhinolaryngology and internal medicine published significantly more case reports than radiology (p < 0.001, each). Radiology published a significantly higher proportion of publications on imaging diagnosis (p < 0.001 for all) and a significantly lower proportion of publications on biopsy (p < 0.001 for all) than the other disciplines. Publications produced by radiology authors were less frequently published in Q1 journals than those from other disciplines (p < 0.005 for internal medicine and miscellaneous disciplines and < 0.01 for surgery and otorhinolaryngology). China contributed the greatest number of publications (n = 622, 21.3%), followed by South Korea (n = 478, 16.4%) and the United States (n = 468, 16.0%).ConclusionRadiology produced the most publications for thyroid US than any other discipline. Radiology authors published more notably on imaging diagnosis compared to other topics and in journals with lower impact factors compared to authors in other disciplines.  相似文献   

PurposeTo assess and determine the overall interdisciplinarity and impact of radiology and imaging sciences research.MethodsUtilizing the Thomson Reuters Web of Science, the top 15 journals rank-ordered by impact factor in each of 10 major medical subspecialties were identified. The 2012 impact factors for these journals were noted. All articles published in these journals between 2012 and 2014 were then used to produce an index list of publications. We next generated a list of all published articles in the ensuing 5-year period that cited any publication present on our index list. These data were then used to calculate an interdisciplinarity score (DIV*) for 146 unique scientific journals. The correlation between the impact factor and the DIV* score was calculated with Kendall's τ.ResultsThe quantitative measure of research interdisciplinarity, DIV*, is significantly correlated with journal impact factor (τ = 0.201, p < 0.001). Research journals within radiology, nuclear medicine, and medical imaging ranked 5th among 10 clinical subspecialties by mean impact factor but ranked second-to-last in mean DIV*.ConclusionThe interdisciplinarity score DIV* is positively correlated with journal impact factor, demonstrating the greater impact and reach of interdisciplinary research. Further, we found radiology, nuclear medicine, and medical imaging research to have one of the lowest measures of DIV* among the 10 major clinical subspecialties. Our findings suggest and point to new opportunities and directions that can expand the breadth and impact of radiology research as well as new ways to increase our reach and audience in the clinical scientific literature.  相似文献   

There is a strong push for the inclusion of effect size indexes alongside the reporting of statistical analysis in academic journals. Nonparametric methods of analysis have generally been developed less than their parametric counterparts have, and are also generally less well known. Too often researchers use parametric statistics where nonparametric measures would be more appropriate. This holds true for nonparametric measures of effect size, where even when researchers use nonparametric statistics, some use parametric effect size measures to interpret the result. This paper attempts to provide a practical overview and illustration of the correct usage and interpretation of effect size measures for nonparametric statistics for single study designs using real-world physiotherapy data in the worked examples. This primer covers a range of different formulae based on categorical measures of effect size, as well as between- and within-group designs using ranked data. While this primer does use examples focusing on physiotherapy research, the applications of the information can be used in any field of research.  相似文献   

转化医学、干细胞技术、信息技术等多学科的交叉和融合发展促使干细胞成为21世纪最具发展前景的技术。随着信息技术在干细胞行业的广泛应用以及转化医学在临床研究的快速发展,干细胞资源库信息管理系统逐渐被广泛重视。该系统综合管理干细胞资源库的日常工作和临床应用,为转化医学的查询、治疗、反馈及总结提供了有效平台。  相似文献   

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