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风疹是由风疹病毒引起的急性呼吸道传染病.妇女孕早期感染风疹病毒会引起流产、死胎或婴儿出生后发生多器官严重损害的先天性风疹综合征(CRS).  相似文献   

风疹是由风疹病毒引起的急性呼吸道传染病.妇女孕早期感染风疹病毒会引起流产、死胎或婴儿出生后发生多器官严重损害的先天性风疹综合征(CRS).  相似文献   

济南市市中区2005年先天性风疹综合征回顾性调查分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的了解济南市市中区先天性风疹综合征发病情况。方法对辖区内综合性医院、妇幼保健部门在2000—2004年诊断为先天缺陷疾病,且登记住址为济南市的15岁以下住院病例进行了先天性风疹综合征病例调查。结果共调查先天缺陷病例447例,符合先天性风疹综合征病者16例,确诊3例,检出率为4.25%;其他428例因孕早期风疹感染和风疹实验室检测情况不详,不能做出明确的判定。结论先天性风疹综合征检出率明显偏低;先天缺陷以先心病为主,唇腭裂次之。加强宣传,使广大育龄妇女孕前接种风疹疫苗,是预防先天性风疹综合征的有效措施。  相似文献   

<正>先天性风疹综合征(CRS)是由于孕早期感染风疹,风疹病毒通过胎盘感染胎儿,对孕妇造成早产、流产或新生儿畸形[1-3]。通过了解宜昌市CRS发病情况,为预防和控制CRS发病提供策略和依据,对宜昌市9家综合性医院2004-2011年共482 770份病案进行回顾性调查。  相似文献   

先天性风疹综合征流行病学特征与免疫预防策略   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
先天性风疹综合征(Congenital Rubella Syndrome,CRS)系母亲孕期感染风疹病毒,病毒通过胎盘感染胚胎而致先天性缺陷。早在1940年已被证实,受到世人极大关注。我国至今有关CRS患作的资料极少,1984年报道了首例,1986年又报道了1例患先天性心脏病的新生儿,经血清证实其母亲于妊娠3个月时患风疹。根据国内学戴斌1990年的研究报告:在北京、  相似文献   

目的通过分析风疹爆发的流行病学特征及发生原因,指导风疹防治工作。方法对爆发调查疫情资料进行描述流行病学分析,采用酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)捕捉法检测风疹IgM抗体。结果2006年3月16日至4月8日,通许县大岗李乡阳光学校发生风疹爆发,疫情持续24天,平均潜伏期为8.33天,累计报告病例63例,罹患率为9.74%,均为在校学生。所有病例都有发热出疹症状,其中伴咳嗽45例,占总病例的71.43%(45/63),伴卡他性鼻炎17例,占总病例的26.98%(17/63),伴结膜炎56例,占总病例的88.89%(56/63)。男女性别比为1.73:1,病例主要分布于6岁~9岁,罹患率为18.69%。采集部分病例血清标本20份,麻疹IgM抗体全部为阴性,检测风疹IgM抗体10份,阳性8份,风疹IgM抗体阳性率为80.00%(8/10)。通过采取隔离传染源及风疹疫苗应急接种等综合防治措施,疫情得到控制。结论风疹疫苗接种率低是造成本次爆发的根本原因。疫情报告不及时,不能及时采取有效控制措施,是造成疫情蔓延的重要原因。  相似文献   

目的 调查和分析一起风疹疫情流行特征,探讨风疹防治对策.方法 开展流行病学调查.用EpiData、SPSS等软件对病例进行描述性分析及病例对照研究.结果 本次调查44例病例,学校病例38例,小学罹患率23.31 %;此次暴发持续42 d,并有潜伏期病例存在;临床症状以单纯出疹伴发热为主,占19.00 %;年龄集中于6岁...  相似文献   

目的了解我市人群麻疹和风疹血清流行病学特征。方法采用酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)方法,检测IgG。结果麻疹抗体总阳性率为92.3%,风疹抗体总阳性率为23.9%。结论麻疹抗体和风疹抗体不同地区间人群分布均有机显著统计学差异。提示应关注人群流动性较高地区的麻疹和风疹预防工作。  相似文献   

198 7年全国出生缺陷调查显示 ,出生缺陷率为 13.0 7%。造成先天性缺陷的原因是多方面的 ,其中由病原微生物感染引起的先天性畸形中 ,以风疹病毒感染最常见。1 风疹及危害风疹是由风疹病毒引起的急性呼吸道传染病 ,其最主要的危害是引起先天性风疹综合症 (CRS)和获得性风疹 ,即我们通常所说的“一种疾病 ,二种危害”。孕妇感染风疹病毒后 ,可引起死产、流产或引起婴儿先天性风疹综合症。CRS的主要表现为 :先天性耳聋、失明 (白内障、视网膜病、青光眼 )、先天性心脏缺损 (动脉导管闭锁不全、肺动脉狭窄 )、智力发育不良 (小脑畸形 )等以…  相似文献   

2006年4月25日,山西省阳泉市郊区某小学发生一起经流行病学调查及实验室诊断的风疹爆发,现简报如下.1 基本情况该小学距市中心约11km,有1~6年级6个班172人,大、中、小3个幼儿班56人,共228人.  相似文献   

目的 分析2010-2014年哈尔滨市先天风疹综合征(CRS)的监测结果。方法 采用描述流行病学方法,对监测的CRS病例进行分析,并对监测指标进行评价。结果 2010-2014年,哈尔滨市共报告CRS疑似病例611例,诊断为CRS的37例,发病率在6.88/10万~15.23/10万之间,年平均发病率为10.05/10万活产儿童;临床表现主要为先天性心脏病、听力损失和眼部疾病,患儿母亲均无明确风疹疫苗接种史;实验室诊断病例感染风疹病毒的时间集中在孕4~6周。结论 我市CRS发病率仍在较高水平。应继续加强疫苗接种,开展育龄期妇女血清抗体水平监测,继续开展CRS病例监测,为制定CRS防控策略提供依据。  相似文献   

目的分析山东省自1995年开始实施儿童风疹疫苗免疫后风疹发病年龄的变化趋势。方法对1999—2004年通过麻疹疫情专报系统得到的风疹疫情资料以及风疹疫苗接种情况进行分析。结果1999—2004年山东省风疹年平均报告发病率为0.59/10万,多为暴发(占总病例数的81.17%);发病主要集中在7~15岁学龄儿童(77.77%),7岁以下发病较少(占7.93%),发病年龄中位数分别为10.37岁、11.66岁、11.41岁、12.81岁、14.28岁和13.96岁,发病高峰年龄逐年后移,成人发病有所增加;学龄前儿童风疹疫苗基础免疫估算接种率约为60%,学龄儿童约为20%。结论风疹发病年龄后移,将威胁育龄期妇女,增加发生先天性风疹综合征的危险性;应在继续做好儿童风疹免疫的同时,积极开展育龄期妇女风疹抗体筛查及疫苗接种工作。  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo describe the epidemiology and clinical features of congenital rubella syndrome (CRS) in Hanoi, Vietnam.MethodsProspective surveillance of CRS between May 2011 and March 2012 in Hanoi, Vietnam. CRS burden was assessed by clinical examination and collection of serum samples from infants in neonatology, cardiology and pediatric departments of two tertiary care hospitals in Hanoi. All infants born during the study period with clinical manifestations of CRS and seropositivity (IgM) for rubella were included in this study.ResultsDuring the surveillance period 113 infants were identified with confirmed CRS (clinical features and positive rubella IgM). Their mean age at diagnosis was 38.4 days (range 1–152 days) and 61% were female. Clinical manifestations of CRS included low birth weight <2500 g (86.0%), congenital heart disease (63.7%), hearing impairment (63.7%) and ophthalmological abnormalities (46.9%). Other clinical features at birth included: thrombocytopenia (85.0%), neonatal purpura (74.3%), splenomegaly (63.7%), hepatomegaly (62.8%) and blueberry muffin rash (61.1%). Among the mothers of infants with confirmed CRS none had received a rubella vaccine in the past and 88.4% gave a history of rubella contact during the pregnancy under study. In most cases (84.1%) maternal infection occurred in the first trimester. During the surveillance period the estimated annual incidence of CRS was 1.13/1000 live births (95% CI 0.92–1.34).ConclusionsThese preliminary baseline data show a high burden of CRS in Hanoi, Vietnam and the urgent need for universal vaccination. Surveillance to determine and monitor the national burden of CRS is essential.  相似文献   

目的:了解永嘉县学生风疹抗体水平,为控制风疹流行提供科学依据。方法:选取辖区13所学校出现风疹暴发疫情班级的所有学生,共494人,采集学生静脉血,检测风疹病毒特异性IgM、IgG抗体,判断学生风疹病毒既往感染史、近期感染和未感染情况。结果:学生既往感染率为36.84%,近期感染率为56.48%,未感染率为6.68%。初中生既往感染率明显低于小学、高中,而近期感染率明显高于小学、高中。结论:近期内风疹病毒感染率非常高,风疹暴发疫情比较严重,初中生已经获得风疹免疫力的人数较少,提示要重视初中生年龄段的防控工作,防止风疹疫情进~步蔓延。  相似文献   

Epidemiological studies of rubella and congenital rubella syndrome (CRS) in Japan have been conducted since the first nationwide rubella epidemic of 1965–1969 and subsequent epidemics of 1975–1977, 1982, 1987–1988, and 1992–1993. Rubella was non-endemic in Japan before the 1975–1977 epidemic, and endemic thereafter. Japan started a selective rubella vaccination program for junior high school girls in 1977, and universal rubella vaccination of children of both sexes in 1989. No nationwide rubella epidemics have occurred since 1994.Only three children with CRS were reported in Japan before 1964; however, many children with CRS were identified in 1965 when a rubella epidemic struck Okinawa, which has many the United States military bases. After the 1965–1969 and 1975–1977 rubella epidemics on the Japanese mainland, small numbers of children with CRS were identified (hospital survey). These findings led to the hypothesis that, compared to U.S. rubella virus strains, Japanese strains of rubella virus are less teratogenic. This hypothesis strongly affected the development of rubella vaccines in Japan. However, retrospective seroepidemiological studies attributed the CRS in many children in Okinawa to the high rate of rubella infection in pregnant women. According to the survey conducted at special schools for the deaf, 83, 232, 77, and 167 children were born with CRS on the Japanese mainland respectively after the 1965–1969, 1975–1977, 1982, and 1987–1988 nationwide rubella epidemics, suggesting that the incidence of CRS in Japan is in fact comparable to that in the U.S. and Europe.Rubella epidemics in children have been effectively prevented since 1994. However, a rubella outbreak among adult males and CRS occurred between 2012 and 2014.  相似文献   

目的 了解山东省风疹病毒流行情况,进行风疹野病毒山东地方株的分离、鉴定。方法 2001~2002年,从我省的济宁、淄博、济南、德州市风疹爆发流行中,采集53份具有风疹典型症状患者的咽拭子,经Vero,RK-13,BHK-21,MK2细胞分离培养,选出有明显的细胞病变株。结果 在Vero细胞上对HSV-1病毒攻击呈干扰现象;风疹免疫荧光阳性者;共分离出9株风疹病毒山东地方野毒株(SDRV),代码为SDRV1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9。结论 细胞用于风疹病毒的分离培养,免疫荧光实验可作为风疹病毒鉴定、诊断的重要方法。  相似文献   

潘桂秋  苏石汉 《中国校医》2019,33(5):346-348
目的 对广西苍梧县某初中发生的1起风疹暴发疫情进行调查分析。 方法 采用描述流行病学方法对某初中风疹暴发疫情的病例个案资料和流行特征进行分析。 结果 2018年4月27日—5月20日,共发生风疹病例51例,均为学生,罹患率为4.08%。实验室检测20名学生的咽拭子和血液标本,其中18份咽拭子风疹病毒核酸阳性,18份风疹IgM抗体阳性。发病学生中仅2名学生接种过麻腮风疫苗,其余学生含风疹成分疫苗接种史空白。 结论 落实学校传染病管理工作,尽早开展含风疹成分疫苗的应急接种,是预防控制风疹暴发的重要措施。  相似文献   

This study evaluates the evidence for elimination of rubella and congenital rubella syndrome (CRS) in Australia, drawing on three national serosurveys conducted between 1996 and 2007 and supported by statutory notification and vaccine coverage data. Anti-rubella IgG seropositivity was defined as ≥ 10 IU/ml by EIA. Between 1998 and 2007, rubella notifications fell >100-fold, to an average of 2 cases per million and there were five confirmed cases of CRS, two of which were locally acquired in 2003. Weighted overall seropositivity remained constant among 1-49 year-olds (89.6% in 1999; 88.1% in 2007). Between 2002 and 2009, 95% of children received at least one dose of the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine. All three serosurveys provided estimates for R less than 0.5, well below the epidemic threshold of 1. All available data are supportive of Australia being considered for elimination status. Further reductions in incidence of CRS will require continued attention to vaccine coverage in overseas-born women, as well as the maintenance of current high coverage level of two-dose MMR vaccination.  相似文献   

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